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Reasonable people . Most of you all. You all are the wrong people. [ laughter ] how many of you are familiar with George Bernard shaw, the pl british playwright . I had breakfast with him this morning and hes what he told me to tell you. For every man there comes a time in his life when he is figure tiffly tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do great and mighty work unique to him. No, thats churchhill. The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. Therefore, all progress is dependent upon the unreasonable man. Michael jordan was unreasonable enough to think that he could play in the nba even though he got cut from his high school team. Jesus cries was unreasonable enough to think from him being lifted up all men could be forgiven for their sins. Barack obama was unreasonable enough to think he could do a good job for black folks but he failed. [ laughter ] donald trump and steve bannon are two of the most unreasonable people in the world. Steve bannon is un reasonable enough to think that the black vote, the black business community, the latino asian business has value. This guy is busy as heck all the over world but he made a km commitment to come to address us. Not to give a speech but to open a dialogue. When he talks to you today and then were going to open up the floor to some q a questions, not sermons, thats my job, and he wants a relationship with this room here. And if youre not willing to build a relationship with steve bannon and the movement that hes creating and hes asked me and each of you to be involved in, then you should leave now. But if you want to make America Great again, if you want to create more opportunities for minority entrepreneurs, then this is the train you need to ride. And the train is leaving the station. Get your ticket. Because steve bannon is the conductor. Lets bring up my buddy steve bannon. Come on, give him some love. Give him some love. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you very much for having me today. Thank you. [ applause ] im here today to talk and open a discussion that some of you have been at my other discussions with black and hispan hispanic entrepreneurs. The central part of economic nationalism depends upon you. It depends upon us empowering the black and hispanic entrepreneurship to one thing. This movement that i am very fortunate to be part of is going to have as a central thesis of it programs that stop the destruction of the black and hispanic working class and also empowers the black and hispanic entrepreneurs to start to build businesses around American Capital. Now, i want to talk a few minutes today and i want to go from the very general down to the specific. I think we have to have an adults conversation about the situation what our country is. Over the last couple of weeks, there was a very important speech given in china at the 19th party congress. This was before President Trump arrived for his visit. That was by president xi. He outlined in three and a half hours, i think its a 68 page speech, the basic Economic Program of china and its strategic position in the world. What they basically said is that this economic war that theyve been at with the United States of america is essentially over. And they won. Over the last 30 years by the way, the effect and impact in your life is directly related to the geo political and geoeconomic situation between the United States and china. Over the last couple of weeks, president xis speech, ill get to that. In addition, brown university, which is no right wing, no breitbart. Its not a right wing news site or conservative news site. Brown is a quite liberal university. The Watson Center i think its called did an analysis. The global war on terror in 17 years has cost us 5. 6 trillion. Okay . 7,000 dead. 52,000 casualties. I think the present value for the wounded alone is almost 1 trillion. I want you to think about what your country would be if we had 5. 6 trillion that was invested in baltimore, in st. Louis, in South Central l. A. And detroit. 5. 6 trillion over the last 17 years. Think of the people in your community, people in your family that have served in these wars. By the way, a war that in afghanistan we just had this annual, you know, the budget process. 70 billion allocated for overseas operations. 50 billion allocated to afghanistan. Now, with the troop increase and lets say we paid with the troop increase, that was 5 billion. What would baltimore be like if for one year we took 45 billion and invested in baltimore . What would st. Louis be like if for just one year, we went withdraw, we took 45 of the 50 billion and invested in st. Louis or took 45i youd havea renaissance of these cities, correct . I think the out of pocket cash a felo alone has been 850 billion n. 17 years are we ever closer to victory today than then . 850 billion. President xi laid out this program. Weve got to remember the elites in this country, both republican and democrat, wall street and in technology supported this. They said china as it got wealthier has become more democratic and more free market. Its not. China is a authoratative dictator ship. But the mercantile part. We have this fetish for free trade. Its this concept that came out of europe in the think tanks and the political system. Its a radical idea. You know, im accused all of time of being a protectionist and being an economic nationalist. I am. You know why . Were trying to protect american industry. And the reason is they protect their industries. [ applause ] you cannot understand the situation youre in and the lack of capital that you have until you understand the international situation. Were a tributary state to china. We have a 500 billion trade deficit annual well with china. And by the way, you know we ship them to keep it at 500 billion. Its cattle and hogs and wheat and copper and tin and oil and gas. Oh, and bowing jets and apple products. Excuse me. We dont do that anymore. Because with limited market access, our companies are forced to make everything over there. The jobs are over there. The forced Technology Transfers, not stealing our technology which they do all the time. The forced Technology Transfers, the demands of our High Tech Companies to give them their technology in order to enter china is 3 3. 5 trililion over t last ten years. They play by a set of rules and they demand those rules are enforced. And the United States, total free trade. They say weve got jobs created. Jobs at mcdonalds and taco bell and service jobs are not manufacturing jobs. Think what our cities, think when baltimore was great and detroit was great and st. Louis was great. It was manufacturing jobs that made it great. Because in a manufacturing job, you can support a family. And the community has other money with other Service Industries around it. You cannot support an advanced economy on service jobs. The elites are going to tell you that, right . Because they dont care. And its both republican and democrat. Its both Silicon Valley, wall street, hollywood and the Imperial Capital of washington, d. C. They do not care about you. And thats not me saying that. Thats not me. The facts are incon tro vertible. Look at the financial kras cris 2008. My numbers may be wrong. May not totally be accurate. I am the executive chairman of breitbart, so it may not totally be accurate. Kidding. I think isnt two thirds Minority Network was wiped out . The Community Banks were completely eviscerated. Every form of access to capital. And every reform that was put in made it harder to get access to capital. The Minority Community cause the biggest financial crisis in the history of the country . Absolutely not. By the way, what happened on the financial crisis . My old firm goldman sachs, the day after when hank paulson went and saw president bush i think two days later became a Bank Holding Company with the stroke of a pen and two lines. You bankers know about this. They borrow free from the feds. They make how many tens of billions of dollars of year. Did anybody in this room get a bailout . Was the sba recap talized because of that . Did private eck qui absolutel. The solution to the financial crisis. What was the solution . Not just the bailout. It was thely kwliquidity infusi. If you own really or stocks, its been the greatest run youve ever had. You know who predicted that . A guy named donald trump. Wasnt it like 2011 trump says if you own real estate now youre going to go on a great run. He saw what was happening . If youre a worker with a high school education, in real dollars, do you know you havent had a raise since 1972. All the elites say why are these people so angry, why is bannon so angry . If youre not angry, you dont have a brain, right . This system is rigged. And its rigged because if youre out of the room, youout the deal. Right . How did wall street get bailed out . By the way, president obama had three commissions, and im not faulting president obama this. He had three separate commissions. They all came back with who should be held liable, who should be held accountable. The justice department, i dont think theres one guy at a bank, i dont think theres been one share of stock, not one penny of bonus, there hasnt been one guy in jail. How did that happen . Ill tell you how it happened. Because they dont think you have any power. The guys that have power got bailed out. Think about it for a second. Just do the math i just talked about. Youve had the rise of china particularly since the late 1990s early 2000s when democrat and republicans, the clintons and the bushes told us if you give them most favored nation treatment, if you let them into wto, if you let gentlemen get into the require rules based post War International order that the United States underwrites, everything would be fine. Well, guess what . Thats not a small mistake. Thats a massive mistake. They had no intention of doing that. They have their own set of rules. Where they have an absolute closed economy while the United States has a totally open economy. Where they have forced technology transfer. You just do the math. 3. 5 trillion in forced Technology Transfers coupled with 5. 6 trillion for fighting the war on terror. By the way, thats our entire defense budget. What would this country look like if 10 trillion was invested in this country . What would it look like if you had a piece of that . What if black and hispanic entrepreneurs had that to invest . This would be a totally different country. Right . So how did it happen . Heres how it happened. The elites in this country have made it out like bandits. I realize President Trump says you have 401ks. Hes correct. The stock rise has been unprecedented and its been fantastic. But thats not the point. The point is that the elites are quite comfortable and this is both regardless of political party. To me Political Parties dont matter anymore. Everything you see on cable tv, our good friends at ms nbc and cnn and fox, everything you see in the foreground is pro wrestling. It doesnt matter. Its just noise. Its just noise. The real action is what takes place behind the curtain. Why are seven of the nine richest counts in this country around washington, d. C. . Why for the First Time Since the development of the silicon shift that washington, d. C. Has a higher per capita income than Silicon Valley . And Silicon Valley is the greatest create or of wealth in mankinds history. Its because its not the 4 trillion that youve got. Its all the off balance sheet. Cash that got to play with too. Remember, we have 20 trillion. Thats just tiny. The contingent liabilities depending on what your assumptions are anywhere from 60 trillion to 200 trillion. The Global Stock Markets the other day, i think it was on friday, they reached the total aggregate amount reached i think it was 100 trillion. Am i correct i saw that number . How much has gone to the middle class in this country . How much has gone to the working class in this country . Heres the scam and heres what remember, economic nationalism does not care about your color, your race, your ethnici ethnicity. It doesnt care about your religion. It doesnt care about your sexual preference. Thats all irrelevant. You know what it cares about . Only one thing. Youre a citizen of the United States of america. [ applause ] illegal immigration in the trade deals are two sides of the same coin. Its to suppress the wages of workers. Right . The terrible trade deals are to have unfair Competition Among our workers. Right . Thats what it is. The whole thing is because its made cheaper over there. You dont need to tell the people in ohio. They know where the jobs went. The jobs went to asia. This wasnt the second law of thermo zoo thermodynamics. That is human agency made that decision. It was going to happen and it went. J. D. Vance wrote this book called hillbilly eulogies about the upper working class. He pointed out the study that was done at m. I. Ticht and harv that talked about the Opioid Crisis. Theres a direct correlation between the factories that left, the jobs that left, the workers left behind and the opioid addiction crisis. You folks know that. You go out in these communities in the upper midwest. Were losing a civilization. Were losing a Civic Society that has been built over many generations. Thats on our watch. Thats why trump won. When i came to the campaign, i think it was mid august, 16 points down, double digits in the battleground states. All these numbers were horrific. We had a talk it didnt matter. The underlying numbers thought the country was on the wrong track. But the most important number, 75 of the American People thought america was in decline. And heres the fundamental difference. The elites are comfortable with that. They are comfortable by managing our decline. Because theyre going to make just as much money on the way down as they made on the way up. Okay . And they have control. And heres the bet trump made. The working men and women in this country are not comfortable with that. Theyre not comfortable with a declining america. Theyre not prepared to concede to china that its going to be a p power in 30 years. Because life in this country will be radically different. Hes not about to do that. Hes not prepared to do that. The campaign was run on three simple principles. Were going to stop mass illegal immigration. Heres the reason. You cant save the black and hispanic and White Working Class while you have unlimited legal illegal immigration. Im a capitalist. I believe in i went to Harvard Business school and worked at goldman sachs. Im a real capitalist. I believe in supply and demand. What the chamber of commerce and the guys on wall street want, they want more labor and competition with our citizens. I get it. Higher operating margin help higher stock price. Okay . Its destroying Civic Society because its destroying the education system. Its destroying the health care system. But they dont have to pay for it. The workers in this country pay for it. The bad trade deals are there. The stopping illegal immigration is the same thing. Hv1 visas. The stem program, weve turned the Elementary Schools over to stem. Seasons, technology, engineering and math. You know this. Your kids cant learn art or history. Every day is getting ready for the test. Science, technology, engineering and math. You know why . Thats the jobs of the future. Theres one big problem with that. Where are they in the engineering schools . I went to a state engineering cool. I went to virginia tech. You go to tech today, what is it . I dont want to get the wrong number. Twothirds are asian students. Black and hispanic kids cant get in there. Its not the asian students fault, but theyre paying full freight. A state kid black or hispanic is paying 15,000. Thats what arbitrage that the universities want. Its a total scam. Our kids are no dumber. Theyre just as smart. They need the opportunity. If you dont get in the engineering schools, you cant go to Silicon Valley. Silicon valley says weve got to have the visas because we need these einsteins, we need these geniuses. I think the average pay of the visa is 102,000. Its a scam. What they want is lower labor cost. They want American Kids to have to compete on a global basis with the world. By the way, American Kids can compete. But for a job in the United States of america, underwritten by america, American Capital and american rule of law and American Protection have been that job should go to a kid from america. [ applause ] and i realize your operating margin is not going to be as high, but theres other things in return on equity. Im a capitalist. The ones who bult thilt this co, they understood we were building a Civic Society. The reason we won world war ii it was those people those people that built an industrial hower house. That was built over decades by american labor. And we forgot that. This citys forgotten that. Wall streets forgotten that. Its the American Worker and the american entrepreneur thats gotten stiffed. If you look at President Trumps program, just economic nationalism, you wont hear it this from the Mainstream Media. You wont read it in the wall street journal because theyre globalists. What i said in the frooregrounds all about pro wrestling. The big fight in this city is one fight between the globalists that run it and the nationalists that want to take it back. [ applause ] its not ethnonationalism. You hear that from the Mainstream Media and the cranks on the right, on the far right that are trying to draft off and get free media time. This is about American Workers regardless of your race, regardless of your ethnicity, regardless of yo American Workers have to have some rights. And those rights dont have to compete unfairly with the world. Thats the revolution were talking about. Thats where the wall street journal and Financial Times of london. I just got back from london. Theyre afraid of this. They took me to china. Theyre afraid to death of this. Because they realize when the american working man and american entrepreneurs take over, jiits going to be a different deal. Look at the program he set up already. Lets talk about some math. I think its 3. 3 growth in the latest quarter. The new york fed projects 3. 9 growth. Hes got lowest overall lowest employment of 17 years. I realize those numbers are not perfect and were not talking about all great jobs. But at least the first thing is get people back to work. Get Labor Force Participation up. The key stats to look at are wages. Along at wages in agriculture and construction. Particularly the lowest level are starting to increase. Why . Youre starting to restrict illegal alien labor from competing against American Workers. Why has this happen sed . Business confidence is at a 20 year high. Investments up 10 . Overseas investments, economic nationalism is telling germany and china and japan that tariffs are coming and new trade deals are coming and quotas are coming and thats why theyre investing here. Theyre not going to do us any favors. By the way, the second part of that. Number one was to stop, you know, mass illegal immigration. Number two is bring jobs back. Number three was get us out of these pointless foreign wars that have sucked the life blood out of us. [ applause ] on the 5. 6 trillion. On the jobs, youre not going to wave a magic wand and those jobs will come back. Its going to take tough trade negotiations and tough enforcement. President trump has 301 which is to enforce u. S. Trade laws so that china cannot demand our technology for access to the market. I think it may be the single most important thing hes done and i think hes done tremendous things. But if you look at his plan, and this is before the tax cut. 3. 3 to 3. 9 before the tax cut. Now is the tax cut perfect . No. Okay. Its just not. Paul ryan had this theory of border adjustable taxes and export credits and really flipping Corporate Finance on its head over the last 50 years and really make take the advantage away from leverage, give it to equity, 100 write off capital investment. In period zero. That plan went nowhere. I was a big pro poponent of tha plan. But it would take many years for people to understand it. This plan is not so much tax reform. I think its pretty significant if not massive tax cut and it is weighted to the corporations. Its the last of the big reagan concept tax cuts. And the theory is that that is going to be an acsell rant to an economy thats already starting to see the grown sprouts of economic nationalism and it will add to that. Increased profitability will lead to more investment and that will lead to more jobs. I realize its not perfect. I dont think its fundamental tax reform. I think thats coming in the future. I think President Trump at least in the senate and house are trying to get something done. And i believe it sets us up to really look at fundamental tax reform going forward. One of the things im most pleased about and the Job Creators Network and job entrepreneurs like yourself to fight hard so that the pass through, so that the taxes for the entrepreneurs start to look at what it is for the global corporations. And i think its not perfect. Its certainly not perfect. Its much better than it was. If we can get this passed, i think it will be much better in the future. Let me get specific about what i think has to happen. Im asking you and trying to enlist you guys to help me. I dont have all the answers. Directionally i can see where this has got to go. I see where the American People want it to go. I think a number of things have to happen. Number one the first is access to capital. We have to get real, real about recap tallizing the Community Banks. We need the same type of bailout that wall street got to the Community Banks. [ applause ] and ive told him i think the last discussion i had with black and hispanic entrepreneurs, i think theres seven charters of going through Community Banks, im committed to work with any group that wants to start up a Community Bank that will lend into minority communities. Im prepared to work and hopefully bring, you know, access to capital to do that. Community banks to me are central to this. Also we have to start to incentivize private ecquity, if were going to keep carried interest, somehow we have to get, and this is a process weve got to work through, to incentivize venture capital, private equity and the hedge funds to invest in minority businesses. By the way, also, all the regulation that came up after the financial crisis, as bad as it was for the big banks, it killed the small entrepreneurs. It literally killed the Community Banks because the paperwork alone i think what President Trump has done deconstruction of the administrative state. What that is is to try to get to a more entrepreneurial environment for people just like yourself. So i think thats absolutely central. I also think the new market tax credit, the thing thats in the senate, look, its 5 billion. Its a rounding error. Did i just say were spending in afghanistan this year your tax money has gone up 50 billion. Were up there begging for 5 billion for the new market tax credit . Which makes total sense . Have we lost a sense of our priorities . By the way, youve got to understand something. The reason the Financial Times and the wall street journal mate me and the reason im over in scotland, theyre all spitting on the floor when im talking, heres the scam. Its this fetish for this thing they have the International Rules based post war liberal order. And that is a series of commercial relationships, trade deals, capital markets, and security agreements. And what it is from western europe where we basically underrig underwrite their security to the gulf where we underwrite their security to the indian ocean where we underwrite their security and all the countries where we underwrite their security to korea and japan and the northwest pacific which we underwrite their security. Every trade deal were upside down on. And i hear the wall street journal and the Financial Times of london saying bannon doesnt know what hes talking about. Tell that to the folks in ohio and pennsylvania and wisconsin and michigan, the jobs that went overseas. [ applause ] you want to solve the Opioid Crisis . Weve got to take on the drug ive got a solution. Lets bring those jobs back to america and well solve it. [ applause ] you want to solve the inner city problem in this country . I got a real solution. Put capital to work. Bring manufacturing jobs back. Those cities will go through a renaissance. Its not the people thats the problem. Its the system thats the problem. We underwrite i was there and some guy who stood up, mr. Bannon, nice guy, heres the problem, in nato were your allies and we do this but we have regional responsibilities. You have global responsibility. Thats the problem. The eu is the size of the United States of america. It has about 350 million people. Its economy is like 15 trillion. Their mindset is they got their deal and theyll put as minimum as possible. They can field three combat divisions to pro tem them from the russians they need another nine. I was a naval officer on a destroyer. Twothirds of my crew, of the guys in my division, black and hispanic. My daughter is a west point grad and an army officer. [ applause ] she served in iraq with the 1 101st airborne. She had 15 noncommissioned officers that reported to her. Two twothirds of them black and hispanic. That security around the world is your money and your kids. And heres the question. And theyre up there with john mccain and all the democrats and giving the shining city on the hill. Its all fine. But lets have a partner discussion and talk about facts. Heres the facts. You underwrite it and your kids put their lives on the line to make sure it stays safe. And youve got to beg the rest of these countries to throw a little in for the effort. The time for begging is over. What donald trump has laid out, hey, no more big tpp deals, were going to have a bilateral deal with japan that works. A trade deal with korea that works. All the geniuses on morning joe saying he shouldnt mention the story in the korean situation. Whats the better time to bring it up . Were 50 billion a year upside down on a deal thats supposed the best deal ever. None of it works. Heres why. Silicon valley and wall street is making as much shipping those jobs over tlchl there. The managed decline of our country works for the elites. Who it doesnt work for is the working men and women in our country. Its as obvious as the nose on your face and the solution is obvious. Working men and women and entrepreneurs need somebody on their side of the football thats prepared to fight and not back down. Thats what donald trump came along with. Is donald trump perfect . No, hes not perfect. Hes the first guy to admit hes know before. Hes a very imperfect instrument. And its not just the clintons. The other 16 guys he beat, he went after the establishment. Thats why hes so hated. [ applause ] hes the first to admit hes a very imperfect instrument. But hes a Blunt Force Instrument that has started to shatter this and at least have a conversation where we can have this. The other parts of this has got to be the infrastructure and what i call infrastructure for success. This 1 trillion infrastructure plan that were going to need your input on is to come. That will be the big fight in 18. If youre not in the room for that one, youre not going to be in the deal for that. Could be an infrastructure bill that transforms this country. And its going to be hotly contested. Part of this Foundation Im setting up is to make sure that we have the best thinking from black and hispanic entrepreneurs. To make sure your voice is going to be heard because if its not heard, youre going to be dialed out. The other parts of the structure for success. Infrastructure for success is important. One thing that i think my grandfather, smartest guy i ever met went to third grade. My dad is a my school graduate. Were not even sure my mom graduated from high school. We think she did. It doesnt matter. They could get a trade. They could learn a trade. We lack tradesmen today. Its the technical schools. And to understand you dont need a College Education to have a great career and a rewarding career in a job that you can actually support a family so your wife doesnt have to work two other jobs to support the family. [ applause ] and the last is this continue ya continuation of deconstruction. The reason im a populist, the decisions have to be pushed down more to the level of people. Look at globalization. This globalization was all made by the geniuses in london and new york and shanghai. Right . How did that work out for the working men and women . The reason is that the elites took care of themselves. Now, everybody says bannon, why do you worry about the globalization, youre not thinking about advances in technology. We have to start to correct the problems with globalization. We have to be like the chinese. The chinese it works for the chinese. You know why . Theyre nationalists. They think about china first. Right . And devil tiake the hind most. You want to come to china, you play by their rules. You dont play by your rules. Thats what weve got to start doing. You come to the United States, youre going to play by rules that work for sncitizens of thi country. Its going to work for workers in this country and companies. But its got to work for the workers in this country. What weve had is decade after decade, and lets talk about technology before i wrap up. In your lifetime were going to have the convergence of the silicon ship, the convergence of robotics, the convergence of Artificial Intelligence and biotechnology. The decision that mankind is going to have to make in the next 10, 15, 20 years are going to be some of those important, fundamental decisions that man has ever made. Its not me saying this. This is elon musk and all of geniuses in Silicon Valley. You hear it every day. If you read the journals and you see whats coming, you see the developments coming. I have one question for you. Yo those decisions to the elite they believe that the best days are ahead. As soon as theyre in the room. And im committed to you and this foundation and Everything Else i do, theres nothing else more important in american life. Now everybody benefits from those things except black people. What republicans should do is to focus more on the demand side get nothing, and they talk about minorities a lot, which everybody is a minority, except a straight white nonveteran male. We need to do something about black people getting business, so that we dont have to beg for things, and we can take care of our own people. So you just signed up for a task force for me, okay . Seriously. Ill be honest. I dont know enough about the issues, but im going to say one thing. I come my parents home is in the north side of richmond. When the white flight took to the suburbs, we decide behind. And its predominantly black, working class, middle class neighborhood. But you can go around my neighborhood and you never see a starbucks. You never see a blockbuster. You never see any of the national franchises, right . Its quite evidence that they have made some sort of demographic or Economic Analysis and they dont go there. And thats wrong. I do disagree with you on one thing. I think theres enough entrepreneurial spirit, enough savvy and enough just grit and determination that if we take care of two things number one is making sure in these s. T. E. M. Programs we start to get young black and hispanic kids into engineering schools, and in jobs in Silicon Valley, so that expertise in that Technology Expertise is built up, coupled with access to capital, and were maniacal about that. If we get capital and get the expertise, i think the customers will come. By the way one of the things were trying to do is set up task forces to also help talk to the president and other people up here on capitol hill and the administration of exactly whats needed. So thanks for the yes, maam. Thank you so much, mr. Bannon. My name is george pharrell, with a group called black pack. We also do the blacks for trump. So youve seen our famous guy behind trump. We endorse donald trump almost before any other black group called black pack. And what i want to do is thank you for your strategy, for your movement, and for having the bravery to come out here and maybe not bravery, but the passion to come out here and address that. And youre right. We do need access to capital. We need to have more black companies go public, like reggie the museum in baltimore. But the question is hes on a roll. I kind of like this. The question is, donald trump has not hired enough blacks in positions that we need him to be in. Thats one of the weaknesses that we have. Can you open that door to get him to put more blacks, hispanics, into that into those positions . Because for people who put our names on the line like me and raynark, it kicks back at us so we can say, hey, weve made a difference with the president. Okay. Its inexcusable. There is no excuse for it. Its just inexcusable. You cant defend it. Because its inexcusable. And heres why. It didnt take any courage for me to come up here today. You know why . If we dont help the situation with black and hispanic entrepreneurs, that will be the vanguard, were not going to turn this country around. Were not going to do it. You understand the responsibility you have on your shoulders, right . Its not going to happen. Were going to have two things in this country. Were going to have either a prosperous, free, america, that takes its place with America First, where its in the Vital National security interest. Were not saying come home. Were not isolationists. We want to be engaged in the world on americas terms. Right . Where its in the Vital National security interest of the United States. It will be in the Vital National security interest of our allies. Not protect i cant tells. Youre seeing that in the gulf right now. So thats why i came today. You guys are you men and women are absolutely vital. As you have seen on the campaign. Right . Yes. He got by the way, the first thing i did when i got to the campaign was say, lets go to mexico and see the president. And lets go to flint, michigan. Shes not going to go to flint, michigan. Lets go to flint, michigan. These are the problems that have to be solved. If we dont solve these problems, if we dont have access to Technology Jobs by black and hispanic kids, if we dont stop the unfair competition against hispanic and black workingclass men and women, if we dont get capital to black and hispanic entrepreneurs. If we dont do those three things, were not going to sort this country out. And trust me, you see what the cultural marxist on the left where they have us going. Youre going to have a revolution in 15 to 20 years. Right . Theres no doubt about that. We either get this sorted now, and we get it sorted with you folks, or were not going to get it sorted. And by the way, its totally inexcusable. And i hope and i think that theres action taking place to solve that. But as he will tell you, a big part of what im trying to do in this foundation is make sure you guys have a voice so we can hammer that every day. Thanks. Ive got time for two more questions. Final questions right here. Steve, you mentioned the Development Funds that have been coming online. Ryan is part of the team thats putting together those Development Funds around seven cities across the u. S. So definitely be following up with you on that. Yeah. I just wanted to bring that up and just say thats what we were im working on that, as well. Oh, sorry. Thank you. I was actually on the trump campaign, as well. So thank you for all youve done, and helped out. Okay, thanks. By the way, so this the Development Bank situation, i want to talk to you about that. Anything i can do and people tell you, im a tireless worker, right . Sometimes i get a little heated. But, by the way, if you didnt get heated you guys see it. I mean, if it didnt drive a rational man crazy, then youre not rational. Yes, sir. Okay, weve got time for one more question. Im really the reason is ive got to get on a plane for alabama for judge moore. I have a question for you by the way, thats what go ahead, sir. Yeah. I fully support your american identity, because im from harvard. Kennedy school. What im my research i find. Im from china. I researched china and the u. S. The question is, we fund like in harvard, 990 liberal people that vote for hillary, you know. The students lost their identity for the next generation. Thats a key problem for americans. So i just wonder, do you have any plan to help our next generation people, and the safeguard our identity and keep America First . This is a question about our education system, where its going to teach patriotism and things like that. That is a problem we have to sort out. Were going to have to fight for that. Yes. But heres the way i think we get it going. Right. We showed those American Kids that were prepared to fight for their jobs. That were prepared to fight for their future. Yet were not going to let unlimited competition from around the world take their birth right. Yes. Remember, it was think about think about all the folks that came before you. Think about two, three, four generations before you. All the hard work and grit and determination that it took to get here. Right . Remember, in burkes theorem, we owe as much to the past as we owe to the future. We can go on some highfalutin thing of american patriotism. Lets show these kids something fundamental. Lets show were prepared to fight for their jobs. Lets show were not going to let the world come and destroy their economic future. Okay . Lets run it economically like china runs it. Right . Lets just do lets just become a i know protectionism its called the p word, right . Not supposed to use it. All i want to do is make sure that manufacturing jobs not service jobs. Manufacturing jobs come back to this country. Theres no magic wand that were going to wave. And its going to be okay. Steve, one last question. Okay, yes, sir. Mr. Bannon, im a former 33year Economic Development professional. And i was a skeptic until i heard your comments this afternoon. So thank you for that. Thank you for coming. I have put together a strategy that would help black and hispanic entrepreneurs actually be able to use capital they already have and invest it in their business to leverage other capital and to grow their companies. How can people like me work with you . Okay. Wel well, heres for everybody in the audience. Were going to set up task force people who know me will tell you. Im not a guy who will have a task force just to have a paper. Were in this to get action. One thing i pride myself on is i get results. Right . And so i want to work with you. Thats why i came today. I wanted to meet you guys, and were going to work together. I want to say one thing before i go about judge moore about alabama. You know, im a street fighter. And im proud to be a street fighter. This country needs somebody to fight for it. And people in this country, workers in this country, need somebody to fight for them. I fought for trump. And i fought for judge moore. And i dont know what the outcome is going to be. But ill tell you one thing. We backed off the republican establishment that was prepared to toss his seat to the democracy. And you know why . Because they would remember play their games up here in washington, d. C. , than let the people of alabama have a decision, okay . Whatever the outcome is, whatever jones or moore. At least now weve got a little bit sorted that the republicans are backing a republican candidate. And the democrats are going to back a democratic candidate. This thing of the establishment putting the knife in, everybody that wants to fight for a nationalist agenda is wrong and its got to end. And so what im committing to you today is just one thing. Im prepared to put my shoulder to the wheel for you guys. And people will tell you, if youre in a fox hole, bannon is not a bad guy to have with you. Thank you. [ applause ] okay. Give him another round of applause. And well take you live now to the house rules committee. Theyre meeting this afternoon to take up a shortterm Government Spending measure. Well also look at other legislative proposals. The current government funding bill expires friday, meaning that without action by congress, the government would shut down come saturday. Texas congressman, pete sessions, is in the chair. We can see him. And this is

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