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Congress w eisenhower accepted the inevitable. The lack of enthusiasm compromised the pace and legislation darkened hoovers move. Hoover began reorganizing in january of 1954, often skeptical the former preponderate was pleased from the first Hoover Commission that had been adopted during the true you truman years. Hoover was unaware that a administration was giving serious thours to the Central Intelligence agency. Eisenhower chose not to give more work to a man approaching his 80th birthday. Hoover had worked hard. Concerned about such a highly visible visit hoover consulted the white house before he accepted the invitation. He must have been pleased with the attention as he approached the 80th birthday in august of 1954. He received an invitation to go fishing and camping prior to a trip that took and a big homecoming celebration. It was a man who had seen many spectacular summers. Hoover devoted much of 1965 to eventual recommendations. There was little communication with the president s during those months. It does not mean that the president is not aware. There is some evidence that he saw as a man of wisdom and intelligence. A new year meant new challenges for both men. The president had suffered a heart attack and the nation was wondering about his longterm health. Hoover had an idea. The establishment of an administrative Vice President to help the president as and he first proposed that idea on meet the press in december of 1955. Pa paraphernalia th John F Kennedy invited hoover to testify. Hoover was cautious and sounded out adams at the white house on the administrations support on this idea. The former president came away with a firm belief that he had support and it was reenforced from various white house staffers over the next week. Hoover prepared his testimony thinking that everyone agreed with the merit of the idea adams sent kennedy a letter and rejected hoovers ideas. He then scheduled a meeting with the president to clarify the issue. There is no document that quite explains what they said to one another. Hoover did not allow that matter to distract him from lobbying the president it set the tone. He would do what he could but would not take extraordinary measures. Perhaps he was preoccupied in november of 1956. It had been more than half a century since a ral president had been elected second term. He wanted to end that long drought. Hoover believed it would help secure victory on election day. He also did not advance the commissions recommendation through the congress as part of his reelection campaign. Hoover did not push the matter. In fact he was uncertain if he would have any role in the campaign and he was willing to attend without a personal invitation from the president. Hoover was asked to participate. He did speak in broad terms and his remarks were received by the delegates. Hoover took the same tone on october 29th. He released the text to the major radio networks. Eisenhowers reelection and he was gratified to have played a small part in the campaign. Hoover received an invitation and he planned to attend. Both hoover and eisenhower were caught up in a cold war crisis and hungry. The world was a dangerous place and both men knew well that the president was called onto respond when prudence measured a dictated response. Hoover andizen hour turned their attenti attention. As long as stayed focused. Throughout 1957 hoover wrote with various items and strategies. He went so far as to prepare draft remarks about the reorganization of the executive branch. Hoover was exceedingly respectful and took pains to make it clear that he was merely trying to be helpful. He knew eisenhower was the key. He always followed up with a response. Indigtive of commitment is his mem more random to sherman adams. Although the memo was neutral in clear it was it is evident in the citation that he presented on february 4th. The sigh passion concluded lu your efforts ours will be a stronger country in so adding strength you have added strength to the free world. Interestingly hoover was referred to as a citizen but not as a former president. That most likely suited hoover who wanted to be measured by his Public Service not by his political office. But hoover wanted results. Hoover expected the administration to show enthusiasm to Pressure Congress the establishment of the Citizens Committee for the hoover report lead by francis. There was no disputing what the committee thought were significant results. By that time francis reported that the administration had implemented fully twothirds of the commissions recommendations which would be considered a Great Success except when compared with his achievement during the first when they passed 72 of the chiommission recommendation. The formal work of the Second Commission had ended in 1955. That was just the first stage. Throughout his second term he continued to remind about changes in the forms yet to be accomplished. He was pleased to report progress to hoover when it came. To two president s nonetheless saw the commissions legacy very difficult. After issuing a number of executive orders he was satisfy and he had fulfilled his promise to Carry Forward the commissions recommendations. Hoover was grateful for these efforts but saw that much more could and should be done through legislative action. The former president wanted the white house to lobby capitol hill. For hoover there was always more that could be done. Eisenhower may have been frustrated about the efforts to achieve legislative change. Certainly he was defensive he promised the administration will in the operation of the government apply day by day many of the principals featured in the commissions work. It seemed as if he was bringing close sure and thanking them for their efforts. It was rumored in a conversation with harry truman. Hoover was reported as saying he doesnt listen to me either. This truth he was attentive to his recommendations and the changes matched those implemented. Hoover could be easily diseffected. He seemed to be looking for eviden evidence. With the end shifted to belgium. Eisenhower wanted a special measure of favor. The first was a request that hoover represented the United States at the opening in 1958. Hoover would visit and Police Officer a speech on the 4th of july. He must have known it would be his last trip. A formal state visit was a high honor. The idea had originated with hoover and eisenhower was pleased to abliejed the former president. Eisenhower knew of his deep affection. He knew hoover and that his visit would be a wonderful opportunity to look back over 50 years. It was only fitting that his return and he should on the president s own plane. He was pleased and grateful for that invitation. He was also pleased and honored that the people honored he was also excuse me. He was also pleased that the president honored the belgium people by inviting their king for a state visit. Such events were they were preoccupied with fund h the president ial library opened on may 1st of 1962. The hoover president ial library was dedicated here in west branch. It is the only time in the history of the president ial Library System that two such libraries were dedicated in the same year. It is interesting to note neither attended the opening of the others library. The two men exchanged periodic pleasa pleasantries. Hoover did knowledge but declined the invitation to attend ceremonies. The two men continued to exchange birthday and holiday greetings. Hoover turned his attention to john f. Kennedy. He had followed the young mans life and clear for 20 years. Hoover was a significant friend with the father of the incoming president. Not surprising hoover sent kennedy a note shortly after the election offering his assistance to the new administration. He took hoover up on his offer. When he was planning a new initiative he sent to visit him at the towers. The former president and future president ial nominee spent an offer disdoesing options for an effective program. Hoovers ideas were valued and he continued to release statements in support of the president s policy and send letters seeking to influence legislation. The former president s comments were leaked and when legislation in april the white house asked hoover to appear on a cbs news program discussing the initiative. Hoover declined the offer stating it was well known. The white house wanted to remind the public that he was on board. He called and asked if president kennedy could use the february endorsement in a speech before a nonpartisan trade move. He agreed that it wasling linked the white house agreed. Hoovers physical decline was a result of old anyone. He received communications as well as lyndon b. Johnson. It was clear to all that the chief was slowing down. He declined an invitation in San Francisco that year and he suffered bouts of ill health in august and september. He passed away on october 20th and was buried here on october 29th. The final document in the hoover Partnership Came as a result of a visit to this library in 1965. Almost a year after his death he was a guest of honor of a postage stamp. He offered a few comments to the press. This is what he said as reported in the Iowa City Press citizen. I wish to pay my special tribute to hoover. I am always proud to honor those who have been recognized by their fellow men as great men as great americans, as great humans. His great human qualities are known throughout the world. So long as the english language is spoken, so long as there is a nation we will remember with the greatest gratitude. So what are we to make with the partnerships . The available documents show frustration, collaboration and eventual closure, that hoover had high hopes with the first reason in two decades is without question, that he was disappointed with the pace is also evident in the documents. Perhaps the former president had too high an expectation. Youll never know. What is not in doubt is through his contributions he made a substantive difference in the shape of executive power in washington. For that all of us can knowledge a substantial measure of gratitude to this Founding Member of the former president s club. Thank you very much. [ applause ] so says the final speaker. If you have questions, you give me a podium and you have to pry my fingers from the sides. Questions . [ inaudible question ] can you explain how that came about . What was interesting, kind of doubling back, one of hoovers measures of friendship or points of discussion was the respective clears of their two sons. He was acting secretary of state when he suffered a heart attack. He was acting secretary of state so he played a critical role. I think there was discussion when he retired after the first term. They chose who was another hoover man, by the way who served in the relief years. Theres no question that hoovers oldest son played a critical role. Could you talk about how they death the joe mccarthy . There is not a lot of discussion. It came up between the two discussing that so theres no documen documents. These two men stayed on point. Theres no question that joe was a question of how we deal with it and how to have Congress Deal with it. I think whats most interesting is that eisenhower avoided the issue. And it is clear you have mccarthy attacking the army and other departments. But what i know of the issue eisenhower kept no direct comments by hoover on mccarthy. It may be there you just have to tease it out somewhere in the collections. I invite you all. I would say good topic, get back there and do some research. Was nixon sort of a go between . There are some documents between nixon and hoover. There was a tendency to send a polite knowledgement by hoover. Theres no evident of warmth or collaboration. It is more in fan letters than in terms of colleagues. They didnt see him as an equal or up and coming i think he had more affection for John F Kennedy than he did richard nixon. During the weeks between the Election Results and whether or not there should be a recount hoover was in florida at key lar largo. So this some ways hoover negotiated between kennedy and nixon. Nixon chose not to pursue a recount which he thought would be to the nation specifically in illinois and texas. So in some ways he judged people not just on what they said but whether they were kinderred spirits and what had they accomplished. As much as i was between hoover and truman. It is hard for us to imagine on imagining that any former president s would have real affection. You do occasionally see it. We saw it as far back as thomas jefferson. It does happen. There were more collaborations. In the back. There is some evidence he reached out about the white house but i was wondering if there but any response at any time she reached out in your knowledge. One of the interesting challeng challenges, the fractured relationship and how they reached out was ouls through comments they would make about one another. Even when you have a life changing event for example when the president s mother who lived with them at the white house passed away, president hoover did not send his condolences to the president but to Eleanor Roosevelt it is also true that he responded to Eleanor Roosevelt. He did occasionally use roosevelt as his go between. She became kind of set out on her own kind of campaigns and careers. She wrote a newspaper article called my day. I dont know of any direct personal relationship. I do know there was an effort. I think they saw that the hoover were an up and coming power couple. Roosevelt was president of the American Construction council. It was a Residential Housing trade group. It would be a feather in his cap. There was every reason to try to make friends with the hoover. Deteriorates further during the campaign of 1932. Communication is very spotty. Other than those telegrams i dont have much to offer. Good question. I believe on that note we shall end. Im out of time in just another hour. Thank you. As my mother would say, be sure to thank them all for listening to you. [ applause ]. American history tv is in prime time all week. We have a discussion on puritan views of women in the bay colony. Watch American History tv starting in prime time here on cspan 3. In 1979 cspan was created by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. Theres more American History tv coming up next with ross kennedy from Illinois State university. He talks about Herbert Hoovers relationship with Woodrow Wilson until their falling out in 1920. From the Herbert Hoover president ial library this is 45 minutes. Ross kennedy

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