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Cigarettes wouldnt exist and now im in congress realizing how we were targeted to smoke the cigarettes and might hurt them with some voters but, i mean, its going to save so many lives, so many lives. Thats all i have for today. Thanks so much to everyone for watching a long and thanks for being here. Thank you. [applause]■k hello. Im here to with the hs secretary. We have a lot to be■ getting. Congress is still wrestling with the healthcare budget and the f. The Supreme Court is hearing arguments on two major abortion cases. We are, of course, coming up on a pivotal election. We have a different vision for healthcare looks like. The secretary is in the middle of all of these fire storms. We are excited to have him weighin on drug prices and ivf and still fighting over obamacare and what a second term healthcare agenda looks like for the Biden Administration. Thank you so much for joining us. Very much. So to focus on the news. You are headed to capitol hill to argue for budgets that lays out what a Biden Administration would try to accomplish in a second term. Looking through the documents the biggest goals are expansion and doubling down on programs that have, you know, all ready begun and drug price negotiations. Making obamacare cover more ■rpeople. How do you balance sending off the lawsuits and also wanting to build on it. Id say, the good news is that while we have to fend off a lot of losses we can still chew the gum. If its on drug price negotiations. 10 of the companies that we are negotiating on have filed lawsuits against us to stop us from negotiating and submitted their counter offers. They are negotiating. Well continue to try to double down on those things that work. Because we have major impact of having 35 per month insulinor that need insulin to survive. The president would like to double town. Watching the show washington the drugs every year. If we save100 billion negotiater pricesower. V costs and more americans. Thats what you were doing. What else would a second tere selection. They would want them to know. The item would remain in office. President biden has taken the marketplace coverage with the Affordable Care act from 12 million. Each year, hes broken the record in the num americans. Its at the greatest pieces have come in the black and brown communities they are■ the most uninsured. We did Something Different and go where they were and wait for them to come to us when they found out it was a great deal. They believe with the president s budget and commitment that what he would do is double down and make it■s continually affordable for folks to stay on. Today in america there were more people who have access to a doctor hospital. More than 300 million today have their own Health Insurance coverage. We never hit that number before. Under this president we did. We have 25 million americans that dont have insurance coverage. The president has work to do to make sure everyone has the piece of mind from having healthiest insurance of their own. Whats toe come this year and potentially in a second term. The white house will announce a force thats focused on lowering costs. Cost of care and not just drugs. , what ihat task force and their mandate . The president is pushing very hard for us to try to make things competitive as possible. What hes asking us to do is figure out ways, through cost of medicine and healthcare. Well do everything we can topic make sure insurance affordable e price of drugs so more companies in the pharmaceutical market. We will do everything we can to put innovative medicines out there as quickly as we can. Well continue to make t effort to push the industries to become more competitive. At the end of the day, that helps lower the price. Will the task force focus on what the executive branch can do. Its been rough on capitol hill. Maybe you miss it and maybe you know, well do what we can with the authorities we currently have. Certainly, we are working with congress to expand those authorities to go beyond. Negotiating for 50 drugs and lower the price of 50 drugs instead of 10 or 15 on anna an annual basis that would be big. We saw during covid19 how important people could move around that were afraid to. How important it was to have access to their provider by internet or phone. Wed like to extend some of telehealth flexibility. We need Congress Health because the statute is rigid in how we can access that care. We will need congress care. As we heard earlier today, you know, the president is, you know, going out and trying to campaign on these accomplishments including the drug price negotiations. A lot of voters dont know about it or it was a result of the president signing this bill into law. That makes sense. As the lower prices from the negotiations are still years away. People going to the pharmacy arent feeling the benefit yet. How can that message and, you know, the administration convey whats all ready been done, whats coming to those who might get not build aware of that. What you side could have affe act when it first began its implementation. Enfact, you could have said the same about medicare in the is in the 19 60s. Keep their hands off their medicare to make sure they keep it. So, i think today, when we talk about social security, medicare, medicaid today you have to add marketplace. Count on the marketplace for their healthcare coverage to make sure they cant be denied care and keep their child under 26 continuing on their Health Insurance coverage. Make sure they have access to free Preventative Care the women can get Reproductive Health Services Without a copay. All of that is part of the aca. I wouldnt be surprised if you have millions of americans saying keep your hands off our marketplace coverage. Its ber resting you bring up the Affordable Care act as an example. Democrats took a hit politically because the implementation was a lot slower. People heard this and not felt the benefits yet. How do you make sure that happens. Again, you build towards it. I remember my colleagues that didnt return after voting for the Affordable Care act. They did the right thing. They lost their seat, they have to comfort of seeing how millions of americans have coverage. Today, the Affordable Care act v if i can finish this answer and let alice how to handle that. The Affordable Care act has twothirds of American Public support. Once they see what they get they like what it is. Today, think of your own Health Department insurance policy. Today, in america. If you go on the marketplace website to look for insurance policies, four out of five of you, who go on, will find a Health Insurance policy with the protections i mentioned for ten dollars or less in premium payments. For ten dollars or less, thats your premium, you get all of otections. When you exercise the right to that care you get to go to quality providers, so, it shouldnt surprise no one, for less than the prize of a cinema ticket at a theater today, you get a mont worth of Health Insurance coverage. Not talking about the popcorn and refreshmans. O many are signing on. On another subject big in the news. Traveled to alabama about people with ivf services were suspended. We are struging with that. You released a new fact sheet. We appreciate that. The data shows that usage of ivf has gone up a lot and its widely used according to the fact sheet in states with the language to what the Alabama Court sided in its ruling, so, i guess, what were you hoping in putting up the fact sheet people understand. At first, its important for all of us to recognize. This is the thing to do. That could mean, you want to wait awhile or menu are deaspirate to finally have a child. Either way, you try to plan your family. Why should a politician or judge get in the way how you plan your family. Well support every effort so a woman that needs healthcare services, when it comes to decisions abouter family shes able to exercise those rights. In many parts of o the country my daughters have fewer rights than their how to exercise their reproductive rights. Ivf is no different. Critical roe v. Wade was. It wasnt just about abortion. Roe, at the end of the day it was a statement about access to care and every american should have their right to accesshealt. Right to access protected. Unfortunately, when we stripped roe from the constitutional protections we open the door to what we saw in alabama. An embryo is equated to a child, all of a sudden, the ivf facility says if we drop a tray with an embryo we are subject to the loss of tmbryo and life of a child, they had no chose. They had to close. When i went to alabama. We had seven women, i had no idea how open they would be about their situation. You want to hear compelling stories they are in the middle of treatment and told, we cant continue this service. Its traumatic, its emotionaln. Its taking the toll on you. We see what happens when they have to right to access the care you need. Its unfortunately and shouldnt surprise anyone. I doubt alabama is the last place this will popup. I dont blame them. For men that dont these periods, count your lucky stars. I mean, you said, you dont expect alabama to be theo down. Is there anything the administration could do. Now you recognize how important roe was and to have the constitution protect the privacy rights of america. In this case, americans and their children. How can we undue the loss of a constitutional right, not easily. Congress is to cotfy the protections in roe. We do everything atl. We make sure all the way to the Supreme Court, we protect a womans right to acsessions and medication abortion. Well do everything we can to protect the right of contraception. Well do everything we can to make sure that a woman we experience some form of trama. If a physician says, inorder for me to save your life or stabilize care. I need to do age abortion, under federal law, we will protect that woms to care. We will continue to do everything to protect a womans right to privacy and providers right to privacy. Whether its title 10 or supporting those seeking ivf services to make sure no one loses access to the care so, another big topic. We have [inaudible]sd [inaudible] can i ask you something quickly. We still have call centers in the country, not many. Its easd Call Center Work outside of the u. S. Because you contract with workers that are paid less. There are still americans that do Call Center Work. We have a largecause we have a r for medicare and the Affordable Care act. Its the largest, the largest call centers within the federal government. Millions of people call us trying to get information about medicare or Affordable Care act. They would like to get paid a decent wage. I dont disagree with this them. Most of them are women and women of color. You can make more money flipping than Call Center Work. I apologize, this wasnt the forum to make that case. I absolutely supportive of the effort to get paid a dignified wage to do the work we expect any american to do. It shouldnt be because you are a woman or person of color you dont get a decent wage. [ applause ] so, on the very important issue of addiction and Mental Health, this is something that continues to plague the country. Getting worst by some. The surgent general saysshould o social media platforms. We will do everything we can to address social media. We see it a lot. Our substance usage. When you have believe the most likely cause of death for kids 101, something is happening. Go back to when you were 10. Can you contemplate . For a chi want to end my life, thats when you say gosh, nine out of 10 tell us when they are asked about a crisis. 988 is the suicide crisis hotline. It avoids people from knowing the number when they make the fork in the road its like 911 for emergencies. 988 for Mental Health challenges. We hope more people willcall. 8. 5million americans that got hem as a result of calling. Its terrible they felt so burdened they felt they needed to call someone and help them with the crisis. ■g we will do as much as we can. The president is behind this and expand efforts. Thats one of hisgenda everyone can get behind and show bipartisan support for that. We will provides technical advice. Be i takeoff the suit, id give you a lot more. Im not a member of congress any more. Im nowa1 ill try one other. So, you know, cities that are really dealing with an addiction crisis and feeling overwhelmed consider some, pretty tough policies. You know, associated with conservatives. Thinking specifically of San Francisco moving to drug test and welfare recipients from a healthspective, good or bad idea . So, what id say, knowing San Francisco well, is that we should be willing to consider anything that helps us tackle the drug addiction crisis we face. So many people areng today and family are coming to us saying i didnt know my child was using drugs. Its because, so many people are dying. Not because they overdosed on the drug they thought they were taking but the drug was with fentanyl. Drugs we never heard of when we grew up. Now dying accidently. No one that o. D. S attends to its the recreational usage of a drug and they dont think it will kill them. Its ltle t8x there are communities trying to get a grip on this. This is beion the san i know because i severed as the attorney general in california or secretary. We have work to do. We need to give those professionals a lot of help. I dont mean the Mental Health service i dont mean the social workers. I mean, our women and men in uniform that will be the First Responders sometimes they are 9 in crisis mode and acting in ways normal folks wont act they are challenged sometimes the outcomes are not the grip on th. Ill always say. We are unfortunately out of time. Id like to thank the secretary for joining us. Id like to thank you for watching on the live stream. Eve future. U

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