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You can also watch all our past author event online at booktv. Org. You have been watching booktv, television for serious readers. Every sunday on cspan2 hear from nonfiction authors discussing their books and watch your favorite authors online any time booktv. Org. You can also find us on fa, youtube and x at booktv. The Republican National committee selected new leaders who were handpicked by former President Trump. The New York Times writes this is a move expected to tighten the nominees hold on the parties machinery ahead of the general election. The committee unanimously elected Michael Watley as its chair. He led the North Carolina Republican Party and was the rnc general counsel. Lara trump was elected cochair. We will hear from the next at the rnc Spring Meeting in houston. First, outgoing chair Ronna Mcdaniel urges fellow republicans to unite, vote early and approve messaging on abortion. There are no limit was an usher committed to ratify my pleasure to welcome one new state chairman and congratulate on his election, from the state of michigan. Welcome as a new member. Other Republican National committee. I also want to congratulate the many new National Committee members have been elected throughout the states and territories in the caucuses and primaries. Today American Samoa becomes the 25th the 25th state or territory to cast votes in the republican primary process. Thank you all for all of your hard work to send our candidate back to the white house. And with that please also jointly in thinking President Trump was working for our party and our country. We recognize him today for the overwhelm success is already cheap earning the support of over 90 of republican delegates and acknowledged that he is not only are presumptive nominee but will be the next president of the United States. With that note, with that note im going to ask you to join me in recognizing President Trump as our nominee in the next president of the united , all those in favor signify saying i. Im not going to ask for the nose. It is now my pleasure to invite cochairmen drew mckissick for the purpose of giving his report. I should sit down now. Already applauded. Good morning fellow republicans. How are you . Are you proud to be republicans today . Come on. Fantastic. Thank you all so much for everything that you all do for our party, state level, national, local level, all the hours of timel and resources yu put in, everything that you do because you know just as i do that this matters. This makes the difference this is important. I think we would all agree that we live in the most blessed country on the face of the earth. Would you all agree . Weve got this wonderful thing in this country called selfgovernment, and gives us the opportunity to get involved and make change. But the first part of the phrase is most important part of that phrase, self, self govern. Thats a workout. Thats what our party is about. Thats why we show up, when we get involved because we care, because as a member of this body, friend of ours Morton Blackwell said personnel is policy. Personnel matters. And if policy is important, that needs the personnel on board. If the personnel aboard that means the election is important. That means what we do here is important and our Party Matters. Elocal level, state local, national, despite everything that would conspire to make a party less relevant from Campaign Finance laws come some cases election laws, you name it. But its a matter snake makes a difference. We do it right it would Work Together and we do it right. It makes it even bigger difference. This is not as you all know a spectator sport. There are no participation trophies in politics. We got a culture after this basically getting and what used to the fact that just get involved, no. No participation trophies. It is a test this is because we were opposed by people who believe things are dyed beckley opposed to things will be. We sit down and we dont get default empty dont get more people think like we do involve, thats our job. Thats our job. Bring those people into show them why this Party Matters and process matters and that they can make a difference. When we show that they can make a difference when we open our eyes to that then we can win. We can win places that many places we havent one before. Self driven last election cycle we won in four four distrie havent one in what had 50 years. Why . We got people engaged. We showed themm in matters. We showed them what our party believes that we get the message across and we can win. The thing we always have to remember with the blue states red states et cetera nothing is permanent in politics. Nothing is permanent. There are no permanent breadsticks. There are no permanent blue states, counties, cities you name it. All the is is the next election. We are just one election away in red state from having problems. Youre one election wait in a blue state from being able to celebrate. But theres only the next election thats in front of you. What we doing to open the eyes of those folks who think like we do come were sitting next interest in next was working to get them fault so we can be successful . Because as you all know you dont, you dont win, you cant govern. Cant govern if you dont win. Whether not crt should be in the schools and dei and you went and the list of the alphabet you know stupid things we deal with today. They dont get the phone calls. We have to win. Losers dont make policy. I hate losing. I told you all your goat i hate losing more than a hit watching the lifetime channel. Like that much. I hate losing. Our job is to win. Would you all agree with that . Our job is to win. And winning is about preparation. What are we doing to prepare ourselves to win . We got this fundamentals we talk about all the time. Our message, how we get a message across help people understand that are meshes for 12 them, that it matters. The manpower, the organization dont have to put together to actually turn up the votes we need to win. Raising the money to make the first two things possible thats it those of the fund most of our job. Sometimes its easy for us to get distracted with other things that are living thing to do with those fundamentals. Thats our job to ruthlessly focus on those things. But then we have to build a team to make that possible. Thats why were here today, good politics is not building a winning team. Sometimes you need t new peoplen the team. You got to bringing new folks to get the job done. And so it as i assume that chair election makes me an notable to serve as cochair, then i will resign my position as cochair. But i will still be here. Im not going anywhere. I will still be here to work with each and every one of you in any way i can to help you and to make sure that we win up and down the ballot and all across this country, that we win, we keep the house, we win the senate and we went the white house by putting donald j. Trump back in as president of the United States. Can we get excited about that . Thank jan yall so much. God bless you. [applause] thank you, drew. Well, good morning and welcome to houston. I love this city and i hope youve all seen why weve chosen the city to host our 2028 Republican National convention. It is a little bittersweet to be with all of your today as i stepped down as chair after seven years of working with you all to elect republicans up and down the ballot. Actual tenures on the committee. As you all know i have a tendency to get emotional sometimes. I have a bet that i wont so its a big bet some going to really work hard not to. But w i need to start with my thank yous, toou get that out of the way for pursuant to thank all of you. Thank you to this entire committee, the rnc, the, all of you leaders in your state. Thank you for all youve done. Thank you for voting for me four times a record four times. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. You are my family. Now we dont always agree, we know that, right . But we do agree on the station for country and we know were doing the k right thing to prott the american people, so thank you. What to thank the many, many, while not many, many, the men who served as cochair during my tenure bob from ohio, tommy hicks, texas and drew mckissick. Lets thank him again from south carolina. I want to think the rnc staff and you see them around as a lot of them are not here for the past seven years. Young, bright, talented individuals who get so much who come to these and work in the field because of our party and i say they love our country and they get their start in our building and their phenomenal and we couldnt do it without them. Please join me in thanking the rnc staff. [applause] along with all them i want to thank the two met when it as my chief of staff while i was chair, Richard Walters and mike reed. They are phenomenal. Appreciate you both so much. Thank you. And, of course, you wont know the chairman the office, the schedules, the women who traveled with me who work so hard, theyre in the states with you guy couldnt do it without all of them. It they know our family. Shannon fisher was notr here, emma, taylor, and emily just got engaged by the way, emily. [applause] we could not have been successful without a fantastic finance chairs. Who are also volunteers who give so much up and ive been blessed to three amazing finance chairs in the steve, todd, and duke who have been the number one fundraiser and give it to the rnc during my time as chair. Thank you to all of you. I also want to thank President Trump for giving me this historic opportunity after his win in and tapping the be only the second woman in history for the Republican National committee. My mom is your today, and my stepdad. Hi, guys. Thank you fory everything. We got a lot of family watching online and our kids are here but it really want to give a shout out to abigail and nash. You guys saw them when we came in. It which is 11 and 30 my started this job and it would just the cutest, they are the cutest kid still but theyre just in awe of all of you. You were so wonderful. They said you been part of their lives. They lovert you. At the campus study abroad in london. Today is her birthday. International him state is her birthday. Happy birthday, abigail. We love you. Nash is in school turkey could care less what going on here but we love it nash, thank you. At at the packet by husband patrick who is right back there. This is when i get emotional. Patrick is amazing. When President Trump and the team came to me to do this job seven years ago, i said no. I said no. After turning and said honey, we can do anything for two years. Its only seven years later. Hes the most amazing man and has been an going to say as women as moms who work under on rkthe road and do these things, you know your kids when at the baseball gameba youre missing data carrier on air force one with the president. At they notice notice the mom is not there but pat was always there. Pat is an amazing person. I love you honey. Happy 25th anniversary. Patt is going to be seeing a lot more of me now. As this chapter into my life ive had so much time he reflected what weve accomplished in the last seven years and hope you will indulge me as i i go through some of e amazing achievements weve made as a committee. When i won this gavell seven years ago i had a vision that you all ball supported to grow this party. We need to be bringing more people into our party because we know what we stand for is right. So im going to talk about some of the ways we did that first. We grew inn our communications voters can we grew our email list from 3 million to 15 million subscribers. We finally launched an online small dollar fundraising platform to compete with at blue. We were getting trounced by them democrat over and over again for 15 years and idling we did it. And on that platform weve raised 1. 5 billion and brought in 2. 5 million new donors into our party. In the last midterm we had the rnc had 2. 9 million unique contributions which was the most ever contributions given in the history of the rnc. The orchestrated the creation of texting house file. This didnt even exist previously because technology changed. It has become our highest grossing net revenue channel. We launched the Growth Program to help strengthen our state parties. Many people dont know what that is but you do. Ou because your leaders finished a party and we work with each of you to customize how do we help you be successful in your states, and has been a tremendous success. One of my favorite opportunities to share show was to go to open the embassy in jerusalem under thesy leadership of President Trump. Another honor to bring on the Republican Jewish Coalition as a partner in our debate last november, the first time in history either party partnered with a Jewish Organization for a president ial debate. We got into the Election Integrity space for the first time in 40 years because he couldnt we were under Consent Decree and we put in paul poll watchers and it turns undergrads to ensure and transparents elections. Our Communications Team who is great they run the white house least favorite x twitter account. Ask account and is called rnc research. Joe biden hates it. They cant stand. Then the one to find all the pictures of him on the beach in delaware and all the things he does and even Holding Accountable and it is why he is one of the least popular president s facing reelection ins history. But something i am most proud of the love you know is near and dear tog my heart is our investment in engaging minority voters and bringing them into our party. For too long our party has ignored and ceded these notes to the Democrat Party and we have said no more. We stopped just dropping in a week or day before the election and with open sustained invested to a new centers communities and ity has changed our party. In 2022 we went up 17 points with asian voters, tenpoint with hispanic voters and four points with black voters. Our policies work and we take it to these communities they vote with us and theyre becoming republican. The rnc play such a vital role in our ecosystem. For those of you who dont know, a lot of people do tv but we are the nuts and bolts, the infrastructure. We are there their turn uf cycle after cycle we are the committee that influence depends on to turn out republicans across the country. In 2022 we won the popular vote by 4 million votes and we wouldve won the w Electoral College had it been a cycle because of this organizations turnout operation which yes did include ballot harvesting in states like nevada and california. I like to say we build the road and all the cars drive on it. You need a good road and at great cars to get to your destination. The road we make up, the research we put together activates volunteers to knock doors, make phone calls me everything republican to cast the vote for our candidates. At the endou of the day we are t the one striving on the road. The candidates and the campaigns decide where they go and that every candidate in 2022 made it to the destination. I want to talk about this only because its pivotal as we head into 2024 to understand what candidates should have done in 2022 to win. First, we cannot put her head in the sand and ignore abortion and the doxxed decision. Many of our candidates chose to ignore this issue and not talk about it. The rnc was a leading patient urging candidates to talk about this issue head on. Go figure. Im a suburban mom. I might have some opinions on this issue. I authored a memo in the summer of 2022 highlighting how we win on this issue and voters are faced with the decision between a republican that supports exceptions and reasonable limitations when a baby feels pain, and a democrat who support even when a baby feels pain. Many candidates and specifically the consultants scoffed at this advice and it is paying the price on election day. In 2022 candidates matter. Candidates always matter but the candidates who won were able to articulate a message on abortion and also attract and when swing and independent voters. We are going after replicate that it will going to win in 2024. Our winning candidates realized we cant win by just speaking to an echo chamber of republicans. We dont win if we only talk to each other. We have to go out and engage independent and swing voters and sell them on our vision for this country. Additionally, over the last seven years we have elected the most republican women to congress in history. And thats only the second woman ever to chair the rnc and our entire 168 year history, that is a feat im incredibly proud of. We also in 2018 bucked the odds and picked up senate seats in 2020 we picked up 15 house seats. In 2021 and a purple state that joe biden had just one we invested millions in elected Glenn Youngkin in the great state of virginia. And my most proud moment is in 2022 when we won back the house and we finally fired nancy pelosi. And we accomplished all this while going through a rush a hoax investigation comes mac impeachments, a onceinalifetime global pandemic, and a Dobbs Decision the flip the script on the 2022 election. They say campaigns are like a marathon but i view 2024 more like a relay race. The work that i do want in our headquarters and in the fuel that put me in a position to hand the baton off to a new chair with a lead. The state of our party is strong. Strong. Over the last year the rnc has been building the road for our eventual nominee donald j. Trump. We have made Election Integrity its very own Division Within the rnc for the first time in history, and today we are engaged in 78 lawsuits in 23 states. This is critical to protecting our elections and we spent a lot of money on it and i think its right thing for the rnc to be doing. I just did a podcast with the head of our elected Integrity Division with movement over a few of these many losses. Just to give an example in arizona, they put forward an election procedure manual to undermine Election Integrity, and yes to allow noncitizens to vote. That is why we suit. Finally, we launched the bank your vote initiative. Youve all heard me talk about this a lot. Please indulge me when i i tak about one final time. We need voters to bank their vote and vote early. We cannot continue letting democrats run up the score in critical states and we just wait to vote on election day. You all know i am a huge football fan, right . We on the michigan won the national championship, go blue. You cannot win a Football Game, you cannot win a Football Game if you only start scoring in the fourth quarter. We all know this. If republican succeed in getting republicans to vote early and ballot harvesting were legal, donald trump will win in november. It really is that simple. We launched websites for all 56 states and territories in 16 different languages to inform voters where to go, how to vote, how do you get your ballot, how did you request an absentee ballot, how do you track your ballot, where is your polling location . This website is critical. I hope you go there but we cant make bank your vote successful alone. Its going to take everything one of you, its going to take candidates up and down the ballot supporting this and is going to take our nominee or two with the artsy to educate the voters on why the need to bank their votek early. Weve also had Election Integrity and politicaly state directors in 15 battlegroundir states including important house and Senate States like arizona, new york and montana. Our Political Team is invested in opening my Nordic Energy centers in states like North Carolina, texas, california and new york. Our teams and field of our rick contacted 3. 5 million voters across the country. We just posted our best fundraising of the cycle in january when we raised 12 million and followed it up with february raising nearly 11 million. Our january and february reporting would be thee best two months of fund raising the rnc has never had when we did not occupy the white house. Im going to repeat that again. Our january and february fundraising are going to be the best two months of fund raising the rnc has ever had. When we didnt have the white house ever and we didnt have a nominee yet. So why do we feel good about the busy were in imino joe biden is floundering in a post we know hes incredibly unpopular and we feel good with our right now. I want to say we are not done. We got a lot of work to do and this same day this same point in 2020 we still hadnt even had a pandemic it. That hadnt even happen and think about that change thehe trajectory of that election. We know the democrats are going to have a ton of money. They are going have a ton of money. They are going to bring everything into this. They are going at the media allies and social media platforms. But i think the thing i worry about the most is something we can control, which is our internal cohesion. We want to make sure that we are united as we head into this next election. Seven years ago i talk a lot about unity. I talked about all the time. You guys hear me. We cannot win if we are divided. We can only went through addition. We cant win through subtraction. Which is why i have worked to expand our tent but we do have issues in her party. There are people who are more intent attacking other republicans whether it be financially or clicks or other things thanin the attack joe bin for the democrats, and that has to stop it we have to stop attacking other republicans. And if we spend her time attacking each other we guarantee the democrats are going to win. Im going to share a story i have shared many times, many of you have heard about my mom. I shared it at the Reagan Library last year. When she ran for senate in 1994, it was a tough race. It literally divided my family, literally. My grandfather governor George Romney endorsed my moms opponent. Think about m that. I loved mya, grandpa. He left nextdoor to me. I stillt love him but he endorsd her opponent in that race. My autocommit and my dad came in. They campaigned for my mom. Mitt was running for senate in massachusetts. And it was tough. The toughest thing ive ever dealt with politically. To have your family literally divided. My mom ended up losing that race 5248. And the day after i removed bring home and its hard. I was young and i watched this happened to my mom and he called and said please, please come to the unity breakfast. We have to win the senate seat over going need you to come in and bring your supporters and show that unity. And i bet you cant guess what my advice was to her but i said dont go. Dont go mom. Please dont go. They were so awful to you. How can you support this guy could look what theyve done to our family. And she went, she went to the unity breakfast. She faked that smile which we all had to do time to time in our lives. She held his baby up in the air, the apologist babe you here and she said i play dont do everything i i possibly can to help you when this senate race. I cannot imagine how hard that must have been for her but she put our party and our country above her personal pain. And republicans want that seat for the first time in two decades. I should just weaken because when i talk about uniting im not just talking about it. Ive walked the walk. See my family walk the walk. We have to unite. Just as my mom did 30 years ago i will do Everything Possible to reelect President Trump in november. And i ask that all of you out there who work so hard during this primary season or supported and know the candidate that you come in and join me in supporting our president as well. Our future president. We need you. We need you. Now, im stepping aside today because i have long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the rnc first. Winning the white house back is just too important for me to do otherwise. President trump deserves to have the tv once in place at the rnc. When i made the decision to step aside there was no one else. I supported to be the next chair more than michael t whatley. Michael and and i have haday close relationship as he ran North Carolina. He ran to be my culture last year. I pointed him asoi general l and he will be phenomenal on i know it issue President Trump cares deeply about which is Election Integrity. I am rooting so hard for michael and laura success and offer all the help and guidance i can to help ensure that you do succeed in your roles, thank you for stepping up. I leave you all with just one final equipment dont think its going to shock you. Join me in putting our country first. We know people can we talk to the every day. I hear every day that they are hurting. They are struggling. They cant afford groceries. They cant afford rent. They are seeing crime rise in the streets. Theyre saying that no come across our border. They are afraid about our open border. Joe biden is a disaster for the american people, not just him but all the democrats. So im going to ask you to join me in uniting for the next eight months and committing everything you have to make sure that we keep the house, we win the senate and we take back the white house and send President Trump there. Thank you so much. God bless youod and god bless te United States of america. [applause] thank you. Thank you. And with that i will now hand the gavel to our cochairman drew mckissick. Thank you so much. Thank you, maam. If you would all please rise again and give our madam chairman another round of applause and take her for her service as we accept her resignation. [applause] all right. Now that weve accepted the resignation pursuant to rule number four maxey of the rnc rules, vacancies in the office of chairman shall be filled by the Republican National committee in the same in which the chairman wasa elected in te first place. Rs rnc officers or elections rather are covered by rule number 5b 5b which reads in part all officers except the vice chairman shall be nominated fromfr the floor ad shall have at least a majority vote of the Republican National Committee Members in each of three states and noted confidence placed in the nomination. Only one handed provided message or documentation of support from alisa two members and three states for the office of chairman. A candidate nominating and second speeches be allotted five minutes total. Parliamentarian ke crews will keep time. Omitting speech will be made from themi podium. Second speeches were made from the microphone on the floor. Only the members recognize the nominating and second handed this would beea allowed to spea. Following close nomination voice but will be conducted. After the election elected officer with the opportunity to address the body. These are the procedures were followed in the past for officer elections and without objection these are procedures that we will follow again today. Hearingl no objection, well proceed to the election of chairman of the Republican National committee. Michael watley is early candidate for chairman shuster misread the required support for the nomination. The chair recognizes jim dicke committee met from ojai for the purposes of nominating mr. Watley. From ohio. Burke what a wonderful day what a great opportunity you have amongst the 168 for service for greator country. Its a special pleasure for me this morning to rise to offer the nomination of Michael Watley. We all know michael. We know what a Wonderful Service hes been to this committee and to the party into the nation. Hes a lifelong republican whos worked for decades to support republican candidates atad every level in the United States in our party. He served with distinction as chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, general counsel of the rnc where hes done absolutely stellars work. And as our chairman michael will bring a focus and a dedication to the rnc and he will work relentlessly to reflect donald j. Trump as our 47th president of the united united stae senate, expand our majority in the house of representatives, and help us in our individual states win elections up and down the ballot. Mr. Cochair, it is my honor to place the name of Michael Watley nomination. [applause] will thank you, jen. National committeewoman from texas and job our state chairman for what im the purpose of seconding animation. Casey. Thank youtl cochair. For all of you who know michael you know he has three priorities to lead us to victory inic november. That is get out theve vote, protect t the ballot and raise e money. In northch carolina we all know michael has built one of the most successful election day operations in the country, and this year, last year we asked michael a lotot of questions because we wanted to do what he did in North Carolina and kentucky. And as we all know he returns every phone call. He was so helpful to us and detect some off the work that he helped us layed the groundwork r help us get the decision in a court of appeals that a set precedent for future elections in kentucky. Joe was infallible to a trap as a resource. As general counsel, michael has been just a machine with fundraising and im confident as your treasurer that every dollar michael races raises is go towards winning in november. Its my honor to enthusiastically second the nomination our next chairman Michael Watley. Thank you. [applause] is thank you, casey. Chairman bost. As a newer member to the 168 i think all think all of us understand how daunting task and can be to join such a prestigious crowd. It can also be very challenging and i for one being in this position for less than a year so far, one of the very first people who approached me and Oklahoma City lusher was Michael Watley. He did know who i wasnt quite frankly if henk had probably wouldnt have started the conversation. The reason i say this because i like to ask question. If i do know im asking somebody a question. Hes never been without an answer or ifsw he didnt have an answer hes asked others. He saw his got back to me. Hes always been open. So there are a lot of new chairs in your and i encourage each and everyone of you to stand by new chairman whatley asked the question you need to help you along the way. One of the things he said he was going to stand up for was Election Integrity entity we can all get around that. Along with President Trump we will do everything we can to make sure we stand up for Election Integrity. Egits no doubt that the reason why Michael Watley is doing that it because he quit one of the largestel Election Integrity campaigns in North Carolina. Hes done an amazing job there. Also to those of us in the wilson know its a very purple amount of work thatery purple is actually put together has been nothing short of remarkable. Remarkable. Hes actually taken the state and flipped northcom and supreme court. Hes actually had a super majority in the state in the house and in the senate. He also was elected to republican senators and would deliver fourli the republicans o expand the majority in the house. He knows what it takes to win. Hes not going to give up. He is going to continue to work as hard as he has. And i, too, along with casey in many off you stand and would loe to put my name in there to second Michael Whatley for chairman of the rnc. [applause] thank you, chairman powers. 70 Michael Whatley for chairman Republican National committee has been moved and seconded. Since her know of the kansas who qualify rule five the5 nominations are now closed. We will now move to a vote. The questions on election of Michael Whatley is chairman of the Republican National committee. All those in favor say aye. Those opposed . The ayes have it. Congratulations, mr. Chairman. [applause] the gavel is yours, my friend. Thank you, please show me in thanking cochairmen mckissick for his service to our party as we accept hisar resignation. [applause] i want to open this morning with several note of gratitude. First, i want to thank the members of the rnc for entrusting me with this position at this critical time. I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement that i have received over the past couple of weeks as i talked to the members of the committee. Knowing that have the opportunity to work with and for all of you is both humbling and exciting. I want to thank Ronna Mcdaniel for her great vision as archer for the past seven years. From the moment i stepped onto this committee in 2019 shes been a friend and mentor, and im grateful for her leadership and service to the Republican Party and our candidates across dithe country. [applause] i would also like to thank my family, suzanne, michael, george, and mary kate. Although they could noty be with us your today, school still calls, they have been amazingly supportive and they could not even contemplate this journey without having been beside me. Finally, i would like to thank President Trumpst or his trust d support. There is no one who has been more focused on fighting for the american people, and im grateful for the o opportunity o work with him to win and help revitalize our great nation. [applause] as we meet here in houston today, we are already in the midst of one of if not the most important election cycles that this country has ever. Seen. Four years ago russia was in check. China was in check. Iran was in check. Inflation was in check. Energy and housing prices were low. Our southern border was secure and the world was a much safer place. Look where we are today. Russia is in ukraine. I ran through its proxies is in israel, and china is licking his lips thinking about taiwan. Inflation is out of control. Housing and Energy Prices are through the roof, and 8. 5 million Illegal Immigrants have come across our southern border. We dont know who they are. We dont know where they are and we dont know what they are doing. Let me just say this. Peace through strength is much amore than just a Great Campaign slogan from ronald reagan. It is a recognition that the world is a much more dangerous place when america is weak. Our country and indeed the entire world cannot take four more years of joe biden and democratic control. [applause] in less than eight months we are goingg to determine the fate of not only the United States but of the entire world. In this body, the rnc, is going to be the vanguard of a movement that will work tirelessly every single day to elect our nominee, donald j. Trump, as the 47th president of the United States, flip the senate, expand our majority in the house of representatives. [applause] now, the next time that the rnc will be gathering will be at our National Convention in milwaukee. Im extremely excited to work with our committee on arrangements led by chairwoman and hathaway and vice chair david bossie along with our Milwaukee Host Committee chaired by reince priebusic to host a worldclass event which will formally nominatee president ev trump and showcase the best of the Republican Party in the entire world. We have all seen time and again that the race for the white house will come down to a small handful of states, as will control of the senate. And control of the house of representatives will come down to af small handful. The races in the states and dishes will be won or lost by the narrowest of margins. In order for republicans to win we must focus on two primary missions, getting out the vote at protecting the ballot. Which means that the Republican National committee will be focused like a laser on getting out the vote of protecting the ballot. [applause] mike pence statistic and all politics, if you have a fiveminute conversation with an undecided voter, that voter is 6 more likely to vote, and vote for your candidate. Every year more and more voters are voting early or by mail. We must make sure that we are talking to those voters before they cast their ballots. We have millions of low propensity voters who will vote for republicans if we can turn them out. In order to win we must identify target and communicate with those voters. To do that we will build our efforts to register new republican voters. We will build our data program to target the voters we need to be reaching out to. We will recruit and train tens of thousands of volunteers to knockin on doors and make phone callss in order to have those critical fiveminute conversations and get those voters to the polls. Everyone in this room and every voter across the country knows that we must protect the sanctity of their vote. As your general counsel i have worked closely with chairwoman mcdaniel to build our Election Integrity program from scratch. We have hired attorneys across the country. Weve already filed more than 75 lawsuits in 23 states and a working closely with state legislators and election regulators to ensure that state laws, rules and regulations will ensure fair, accurate, secure, and transparent elections. We have also hired in place Election Integrity directors in battleground states who are already recruiting and training tens of t thousands of voluntees to serve as poll judges, workers and observers who will act as realtime monitors whenever votes are being cast and counted. And we will do more. If our voters dont have confidence that our elections are safe and secure, nothing else matters. We work relentlessly in every state to ensure that it is easy to vote and hard to cheat. Over the next eight months the rnc will work hand in glove with President Trump to campaign President Trumps campaign to deliver on these corepa mission. Every dollar a that we have is that directed towards winning this november, that dollar wil not bepe spent. If the proposal our request comes to us that is not focused on winning in november, it will not considered. From now until november 5, we have an incredible amount ofou work to do in order to deliver the votes toth return donald trp to the white house, flip the senate and expand a majority in the house of representatives. I know that this committee is ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work. [applause] i am so proud to have this opportunity to serve as the chair of your Republican National committee. Im grateful for your trust and your support, and im truly excited for the opportunity to work with each and every one of you to win big this november. Thankhi you. [applause] now, pursuant to the requirements of rule number five, and election for the office of cochairman is now in order. Without objection we will follow the same procedures for this election as witches use of the chairman election. Lara trump is the only candidate for cochairman was demonstrated the required support for her nomination. The chair recognizes beth bloch National Committeewoman from West Virginia for the purpose of nominating ms. Trump for the office of rnc cochair. Two, chairman whatley. Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed members of the Republican National committee and special guests. In West Virginia country roads take us his home. Today, the roads have led us to houston where we begin the journey home to the white house. Together and united. Today, im incredibly proud to nominate without hesitation and exceptionally kind, smart, and capable individual for the position of Republican National committee cochair, lara trump. Born in wilmington, North Carolina, she was raised by parents who instill in her the importance of family and fostered a deep appreciation of the values held close by many americans. Faith, freedom and optimism in being able to achieve the american dream. In 2014 lara varied a young businessman, eric. And in 2017 she began her most Important Role as a mother to son luke and daughter carolina. Presently and for many years, republicans and conservatives have been in the battle for our nation. While many people shy away from the fight, lara has consistently been at the forefront exhibiting the needed 42 campaigning the conservative message so often ignored by democrat politician and the biased media, disconnected from hardworking americans that they wholesale. Lara trump keenly represents the spirit and unwavering commitment that defined the America First conservative movement. As a devoted wife, loving mother, and proud american patriot, lara has command the core value of our party and she is not afraid to express them. Her dedication to our good work is not just commendable. It is a convincing example of leadership already in action. In in a world where qualificats e are often measured by titles d years of experience, we are reminded of a powerful truth. God does not call the qualified. He qualifies the called. Lara trump is the embodiment of this truth. Her journey is a testament to the fact that passion, integrity and a deep seated love for ones country can indeed pave the way for transformative leadership. As wee saw in President Trump in 2016. I would not let anybody define the Republican National committee as an embattleded par. We arere an empowered party. Our unity, our resolve and our dedication to the principles of conservatism is our greatest strength. In the face of challenge, and a mix of trials but to stand together unwavering in our commitment to the ideals that make America Great. In nominating lara trump to Republican National Committee Culture im nominate a leader who is ready to stand at the forefront of this battle. Fellow republicans, the time i s now. Let us come together let us stand together. Let this be united in our purpose and steadfast in our resolve to support lara trump for Republican National committee cochair. Together, we will forge ahead, championing the America First the gin and securing a brighter more prosperous future for our party and for our country. Together we will make America Great again. May god continue to bless our country, our leaders, our members and president donald j. Trump. Thanksi you. [applause] thank you, beth. The chair will now recognize glenn mccall, National Committeeman for south carolina, and david bossie National Committeeman for maryland for the purpose of seconding the nomination. Thank you, mr. Chairman and members of the committee. I am honored to nominate lara trump to be the next cochair of the Republican National committee. Lara trump began her career as a television producer. She was a contributor on fox news and hosts for own show, the right view. She is an excellent businesswoman and entrepreneur, using her talents on the campaign trail. Her work for charity has raised millions of dollars for those whose voices cant be heard. She agreed to this role with passion and experience that are hard to find. Thank you. Im proud to second the nomination of a leader, a fighter, and a patriot, lara trump. Be the next cochairman of the Republican National committee. With her fatherinlaw and down the golden escalator in trump tower back in 2015 she rolled up her sleeves enjoined the fight, and thats when i first met her. From day one she was on the campaign trail supporting the greatest president our country has ever had, donald trump. Lara is passionate about winning vote in politics and in charitable causes. Like her and her incredible husband eric important work for st. Judes childrens hospital, something ive been fortunate enough to see personally. President trump has called lara is most valuable asset. And that we did the opportunity to have her many talents at the rnc working for us. She has laid out her optimistic vision for this organization to raise money and make sure we spend it, to get out the vote and secure our elections. We have a long road ahead not just for the future of our party but for the future of our country. And lara is the right person for the job. Lara, there is only one goal d it should be the goal for everyone in this room, defeating the worst president in american history, joe biden. She knows that we need to save our country, keep the house, when the senate, and reelect donald trump. So im pleased to nominate our next cochair of the rnc, lara trump. Thank you, glenn. If you, david. The nomination of lara trump for cochairman of the Republican National committee has been moved and seconded here since there are no other nominations lethat qualify under rule 5b, nominations are now closed. We will now move to a vote. The question is one the election of lara trump as cochairman of the Republican National committee. All those in favor signify by sayingmm aye. All those opposed please say no. The ayes have it and lara trump is elected as cochairman of the Republican National committee. [applause] madden cochair, congratulations. I would like to invite you to the podium to make a few remarks. Well, this has been an exciting day here in houston, ladies and gentlemen. Wow. I just had to say look, i was going to prepare a speech. I had a bunch of things written down andng i said i want to come and want to speak from my heart. Ive had an opportunity to call them out in person meet with so many of you. I know what you guys do all across this country. I know the commitment youve yo. I know how important this role is and it is truly an honor to be here to work alongside all of you over the next 241 241 d, thats right, were keeping track. Because we know what the goal is at the end. We have one goal. The goal on november 5 is to win. And as my fatherinlaw says, big league. Where going to win on november 5, right . I do want to say thank you to, first of all, ronna andrew for passing along the baton as rhonda mentioned earlier to me, to michael, were going to work our hardest over the next eight months. I can promise you that. Its an honor as well to work with someone else from north to london. Did you all do this on purpose . We got the northcom and contingent. Everybody else its okay. I have known michael for so long and he is a fighter. Hes a worker. Hes a doer and thats exactly what youre going to see out of the Republican National committee with us at the helm. We are going to doing and working in winning. My husband eric was here, he had to go catch a flight. So he was here with me and what you say thank you to him. Since the day that my fatherinlaw came down the golden escalator, everyone remembers that famousat day, ths is never just been about each of us as individuals. It is about us as a family and its been about our country. And with eric by my side i have done the things that he never imagined possible. Believe me, tinges ago had you asked me if i wouldve have been part of a president ial campaign i wouldve said youre crazy. And yet i worked for three years as a a Senior Advisor to the trp campaign, an incredible opportunity. I got to see this country from sea to shining sea, meet incredible people in flight expenses that i will never forget. But eric encouragement every day and i know that with his support this role is going to be incredibly successful, and her country as a result will be incredibly successful. And then doing it not for me. Im doing it for the future generations, for my kids, luke in carolina, they are four and six and a thinker but in this room understands the battle, right . Ft one goal which is winning. How do we do that . We have to have election intraintegrity like weve never seen before in this country. We have to play the game differently. We have to encourage people to do things like early voting as soon as they go vote, they take people from that day on all the way up to election day and vote. We have to raise a lot of money. I have great news, i brought this up here today. Already i have a check for the Republican National committee for 100,000 that has been donated as of today, as of these nominations going through. Yeah, were starting today, folks. [applause] i wont take up too much time because lets face it, weve got to get to work and get to work quickly. I want to say once again, thank you for entrusting me in this position. I promise to work hard and do everything within my power. We need to make sure that nothing is left to question on november 5th, that we arent playing catchup. That we have the votes, and that everyone feels when they went to vote that day, their vote counted and thats what were going to do. So i look forward over the next 241 days to working alongside each and every one of you. I also want to say thank you, very quickly. I would be remiss if i didnt think president donald j. Trump, right . [applause] because i tell you, he called me about this position and i never if he would have asked me two months ago, would you ever considered doing this . I would have said i dont really know, it wasnt something i thought about, but never realized we would be in this space in our country right now. If this is where my best use is and this is where were going to have to fight the most, this is where i want to be. I want to be in this fight alongside all of you. Im proud to do it, im excited to be here, im ready to get to work, 241 days to victory, ladies and gentlemen, lets make America Great again, lets expand our lead in the house and take back the senate and lets put donald j. Trump back in that white house. Thank you, guys. Thank you, its an honor. [applause]. [inaudible conversations] that concludes our Committee Business today. I would like to thank all of you for everything you are doing for our party and our country and i would like to recognize richard porter, the National Committeeman from illinois, for the purposes of a motion. Mr. Chairman, congratulations to you and to lara. Its going to be a great team and were excited to be with you. As the cochair just said, its time to go to work. So id like to make a motion to adjourn this meeting. We have this motion, is there a second . The motion has been moved and seconded. All those who favor adjournment, signify by saying aye. Opposed no. The ayes have it. This meeting it adjourned. Friday night, watch the campaign trail a weekly roundup of cspan coverage, a one stop shop. What candidates are saying to voters and a firsthand account, updated poll numbers, fund raising data and campaign acts. Watch cspans 2024 campaign trail friday night at 7 00 eastern on cspan. Org or download as a podcast at cspan now. Our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcast. 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