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[inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] if i could invite everyone to take your seats. We are right on time, so it is a great pleasure to invite my dear friend Ellie Cohanim and her fellow panelists for our second panel, enriching the u. S. Is really alliance by combating antisemitism. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. So wonderful to be here with you. And before we start i really want to just take a moment and thank the Heritage Foundation for dr. Kevin roberts and for victoria coates, who for a while has been thinking about holding this important conversation about the u. S. Israel relationship. And we were talking this weekend and she said she believes its Divine Providence because who knew how important this conversation would be at this moment in time . So again so grateful to victoria coates, to the Heritage Foundation for having us today. I want to start with introducing my esteemed panel here who im so honored to be monitoring this conversation. On the right is representative chip roy who is a devoted husband and father of two currently serving his third term in congress, representing texs 21st congressional district. So its an honor to have you with us, rapper roy. Next with ken marcus was found and chairman of the louis d. Brandeis center for human rights under law. Also a distinguished senior fellow at the center for liberty and life George Mason University law school. And formerly, im going get this right, sorry, theres just a title sirica formally use assistant secretary of education for civil rights among other tremendous accomplishments. And last with dr. Charles asher small ascher small founder president of the institute for the study of global antisemitism and policy and director of the most visited Fellowship Training Program for critical contemporary antisemitism studies at cambridge. Also a prolific author and writer. Wonderful to have you with us, gentlemen. Im going to start by just running a little bit where we are today. I think for jews all around the world right now we are in a state of shock and horror pic on october seventh, while jews in israel celebrated the holiday, hamas infiltrated the jewish communities in southern israel, massacre 1500 people, committed atrocities not seen since the holocaust. Israel says 80 of the 1500 murdered that dave were tortured first. Hamas kidnapped young women, toddlers, babies, elderly, and he seems to have unleashed the forces of hate across the world that day. Congressman roy, i want to ask you, would you think the american response should be at this unprecedented moment . Dcfs semitism as an element of what took place on october 7 . And also could you, i know this is what, if you could comment on the call for ceasefire and the notions of proportional war. Well, first of all its great to behavior thanks to victoria. Thanks our leadership on this issue. Kevin roberts got Heritage Foundation generally. Such an extraordinary, extraordinarily important issue. And its no accident that of i dont know the exact number, 16. X million jews around the world, that 80, whatever percent of those english live in the United States or israel. Equal numbers roughly between israel and the United States. And the rest scattered around the globe. With a few in europe and then scattered around. That is because of our strong connection and relationship with israel. Importantly, it is a connection of faith, i connection of people, a connection to politically, in terms of pressure vessel security and its unmistakable. And its remained unmistakable. So youre asking what the response should be and the response should be overwhelming force to send not just a message but to win. People want to monday morning quarterback and secondguess. I saw some musicales and you talk about what would we been doing on 24 hour news looking at every bomb dropped in germany or every bomb dropped in japan, or anywhere that weve ever fought . Wars are costly. Wars are messy. Wars kill people. Thats lost on no one in terms of humanity. But there is a cost to allowing terrorists, leadership of your country. Theres a cost to it. And thats what were seeing in gaza. And israel cannot back off and america cannot backoff in its support of israel. Period. [applause] you asked about this ceasefire. Ive heard the administration talked about the need for ceasefire to get 100 million plus whatever of eight antiamerican eight. Now again, there are human beings who are in the crossfire. Lets remember call , letsh the human beings who were the targets, predominantly jewish israeli citizens, some americs who were the targets of the terrorists barbaric actions of hamas. Thats where this started. And it is up to israel and the United States supporting israel to finish it. And we have to remain vigilant in that endeavor. There is to our history there is of course the proper place for dealing with the military need, the red cross and dealing with the clear interest of humanitarian relief. But under no circumstances can we allow that to be a bruise for getting gas and getting fuel and getting supplies to our enemies. Thats what weve got to make sure were standing vigilant against and not blink in the face of pressure when we need to do what we need to do to ensure that israel can win this, which is of course is a a win for america. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Ken im going to come to you now. Not only did we see these horrific crimes, atrocities committed against the jewish people, but before israel had even responded we saw students across College Campuses come out and out in protest and rally in support of hamas. Tell us a little bit about your assessment whats going on in our College Campuses. Theres something called the marcus doctrine that is attributed to you, if you chose also what mark is a doctrine is and how it ties into what were seeing today. Thank you and thank you to the Heritage Foundation. I have been fighting Campus Antisemitism for some 20 years. It gets worse and worse but never anything like the last couple of weeks. It has been surging over the last couple of years but it really has, it is been something unlike anything we saw before. Think about whats happening now. What we just saw and as ally described was mass torture, murder, rape of civilians, burning people alive, decapitation. The Immediate Response from College Campuses in many places was to support the terrorists. In one case a professor talk about being exhilarated. In many cases student groups arguing that we should join the resistance, meaning the genocidal attack on jewish people. This goes beyond the hostile environments that weve seen over recent years. What we are experiencing now is a mass coming down. Once we see it, we cant unsee see it. For University President s and the public, we now have to face the fact that on our College Campuses something monstrous is developing. We have very substantial movements of prohamas, proterrorists, progenocidal groups at some of the most important universities in the United States. Right now their University President s arguing about whether they should or should not issue a statement. Those president who either dont issue a statement or want a both sides statement are utterly incapable of understanding the moral issues. But even those who do issue a a statement and even a statement with moral clarity, its just a statement. If you are the president of the university today, you are now aware that for all the millions you put into dei, you have created the opposite of dei. For all that your admissions that admission to denigrate the student body that reflects the as you pretend to all, youve come to a student is in favor of murder. For all that you say that your curriculum should do more than just provide information or critical thinking, you have curricula that is training proterrorist people. Its beyond statements. We are at a time that if you are at a University President and you have not thought about cleaning house, you shouldnt be there. Its not about do you issue a statement . It is about to you realize youre running an institution that is fundamentally and totally wrongheaded in its approach, and that is in this country in the wrong direction. Even a good statement isnt enough. You asked about what i call the 2006 policy and what other people call the market policy or marcus doctrine enters perhaps an obvious reason what i call it Something Different than the others. Thats the notion that title vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibit certain forms of race, color, dissemination of Public Schools and colleges and universities but that doesnt mention religion. Nevertheless, protects jews and certain of the groups that have ethnic backgrounds as well as religious ones based on the notion that a group which is ethnic or ancestral characteristics shouldnt lose the protections that they would have if they did not have a shared common faith. The Biden Administration to its credit has just expanded the use of the marcus doctrine to include that only the Education Department through Civil Rights Agency i headed and the department of justice also ate other agencies. So there are now ten cabinet level agencies. I am pleased with this pick this is something thats taken some 20 years to establish a once we have this notion that theyre going to deal with antisemitism, are they going to do with antisemitism . Because a site are not great. Assigned route are not great. Okay so now they know they have to do something. Lets see them do it. Bravo to that. We would all like to see them do it. Charles, im going to come to you, but go back to hamas if i may. Could you brake out for us a little bit about the ideology that is inspiring this war on jews and on israel . We hear a lot about this is about land and despite the fact that israel unilaterally withdrew from gaza back in 2005. So first of all im honored to be here so thank you for inviting me. I want to first start by saying Professor Research center that i had, always taught that antisemitism begins with the jews but it never ends with jews. This is not a parochial problem for the jewish people or for the state of israel. This is a problem for all good and decent people around the world and i think especially in this country. So once this form of antisemitism or hatred is unleashed it knows no boundaries. It attacks starts with the jews but doesnt end with the jews. It affects everything that is good and decent in our society including institutions and our values. What we are to witness in this country, in this country, in 2023 is unadulterated antisemitism. The fact that students at our best universities and professors at our best universities are turning out our leaders cut universities of the most Important Institution in our society, this is where young people go to learn how to become citizens, that are journalists, are industry leaders, our professors, are learning that killing innocent people is a form of decolonization and resistance. This is not just on the campus led by students for justice in palestine, which is an offshoot of the Muslim Student association which is a Muslim Brotherhood organization, those are the shock troops on hundreds of campuses in this country. But this is happening in the classroom and not just in middle east studies but in philosophy, in theology, in the social sciences and humanities. And now spreading into the schools that are professional schools. This ideology in our universities comes about after decades, decades of billions upon billions of dollars being pumped into our finest institution. This is a research were doing. Billions of dollars. Some of it coming illegally and some of it coming illegally. Oxford university where i studied, joseph started islamic studies. Joseph was head of the motion brotherhood who preached that the true believers need to complete the work of hitler. This is the gentleman that became the first director of islamic studies at Oxford University to , the head of te Muslim Brotherhood. But the infiltration of this ideology at our finest universities come with the president s of university come within City Government offices knowingly taking money from people who preach the killing of jews the destruction of israel. But they forget to look deeper that this ideology is also close to democracy and weakening democratic country and including the United States of america. So very briefly hamas has an ideology that comes out of the Muslim Brotherhood. The brotherhood started about 100 years ago as a reaction to british colonialism and is the root of political islam. Hamas, hezbollah, fiorini revolutionary regime, daesh, isis, they all come from this route. They fuse the very narrow understanding of islam. Im not speaking about islam, speaking about muslims. The vast majority of muslims are good and decent people around the world but political islam uses european antisemitism, genocidal hatred of the jew with this narrow form of islam, and they fuse of this and they are influenced by the nazi party and european fascism and antisemitism, and they want to read the region of all foreigners. They call for not only the destruction of the state of israel, they call for the murder of jewish people around the world. This is in their charter. This is not the extreme wing of hamas or the militant wing of hamas. This is in their constitution and it comes under the brotherhood. Your main revolutionary regime, qatar qatar is a paymaster of hamas. Qatar is one of the most important military basis of our country in their country. Why is this country not demanding from qatar the extradition of people who ordered the massacre of innocent people . When the washington stand up and make demands from our allies who are harboring people who committed this . Qatar celebrated, celebrated october 7 with iran and hamas. So we have very important domestic questions and international questions, and the rot is in our country. The rot is intermediate and in our best academic institutions. Thank you for that. Congressman roy, you have worked to counter that rot. You have introduced legislation that United Nations release under canada and transparency act. If you tell us about that and what inspired you to bring that legislation forward. And who else you would like to see held accountable as we do face this type, this overwhelming tide of jew hatred. Well look, a longstanding history of effectively supporting palestinians and antiisraeli policies, and that funding going through u. N. Needs to stop. I mean going to the party here, if i had to say what they, i introduce legislation and happy to press for it. Weve introduced other bills to defund the United Nations Human Rights Council which is an absurd entity on its face. But yet we keep doing it. You can walk out of this room with one thing from elyse muppets patient is why in hell do we find the very things destroy our country and undermining our freedom at her own National Security . But we find it all day long everyday. If you want to know what is at the center of this fight over the speaker of the house, yes, we need a speaker ask yes, i hope we get it done this week, but not at the expense of changing this town. This town has got to change. We have for my tie like i am 51 years old, my entire life weve been funding the very things we campaigned against. We campaigned against them but we find them. We find the United Nations. We found under it. We fund the Human Rights Council. We find all of these entities direct funding to the palestinians which goes directly to hamas. We have been doing that. Why on earth would we do that . And thats at the center of our debate right now about what were doing in this town and whether not we should continue doing the same thing weve been doing. And expect a different result. I would say that this is all directly connected by the way to the funding of higher education. Everything ken, just talked about respect what great honor universities is 100 correct but to go back to my point. You are funding it. With your tax dollars an hour borrowed dollars you are funding it. Hundreds on hundreds of billions of dollars over the years going to be socalled elite institutions of higher ed cowboys and the might of her kids to hate america, to hate western values and principles, to frankly run into not actually learn skills to be meaningful participants in society but rather sit around on twitter and social media in your parents basement harassing americans are actually adding value. You are funding that. Dad ask yourselves why. Its a fundamental question that i went to the university of virginia and you know, jeffersonian tradition blob law, you know . But its an embarrassment of an institution. Im going to say it right now. The university of virginia is an embarrassment of an institution. Students for justice in palestine release a statement at uva in support of the palestinian liberation calling the brutal attack on initial quote, a step towards a free palestine. A professor at uva offered extra credit for student who attended a discussion about how to quote stand in solidarity with palestinians resisting occupation. And hes a professor at a taxpayerfunded university in virginia founded by Thomas Jefferson dating extra credit from professor to the students. I could go on and on about some of the step at uva distribute an article on social media that they focus on the crisis in israel and gaza particularly entering the University Personnel are not in immediate danger. Thats it. They did issue a statement of moral clarity. Compare that though to something closer to leadership from ben sasse at the university of florida. In which he said quote, i will not tiptoe around the simple fact what hamas did is evil and there is no defense for terrorism. This shouldnt be hard. Sadly, too many people in the elite academia have been so weakened by the moral confusion and when they see videos of rape women, here of of the head head of a garment of a grandmother murdered in rome the for each first reaction of some is to provide context quoteunquote and blame the raped women, beheaded baby or the murdered grandmother. Another grotesque cases they support the terrorist are the thinking is he just wrong. Its sickening, dehumanizing. It is beneath people called educate our next generation of americans. They could go further to be clear. But thats the kind of thing we need to see from leaders at universities. Thats what we need to see from universities around the country and we should be demanding at, particularly from taxpayerfunded university but also donors to all this massive endowments at places like harvard where youve got kids trolling around university up and down stairs acting like they are somehow better than the rest of us telling us now to live our lives. But i need to give a shout out to do Governor Desantis in florida for taking this had on. For absolute returning the education establishment of floating upside down. And every republican governor every governor but i would be partisan, every republican government in the mission should be ashamed you are not doing the same thing. Taxes should be doing that in texas. [applause] every single state. Enough enough. Thank you. I couldnt agree with you more. And ken, congressman roy just mention students for justice in palestine. I know that the Louis Brandeis center was leading an effort recently on an sgp Campus Program they had on december, sorry, october 12 the national day of resistance. Kenny tells a little bit about what hpened there and, and you know, how do we turn this tide of whats going on on the campuses . Ill give you a few samples of whats happening on the campus and white is respectfully i agree that the present ben sasse statement was one of the best, maybe the best. Its a little low for an usher was good enough for the university of florida but it certainly has been enough for the universities that are saying much worse. We are seeing campuses, theres a handful were a gun reports of physical attacks and in the wake for the cold resistant. Thats what resistance is come when with use the term resistance to using the hamas term. Theyre calling for people to join in a Worldwide Movement that has reached its culmination so far in a Program Involving torture, rape and murder. So theyre calling for people around the world to join in the atrocities that have always happen. In the wake of that of course we are seeing physical attacks on jewish students. Of course we are seeing vandalism of jewish institutions. Of course we seeing students being followed, being taunted, harassed and very sorts of ways. This is happening all over the place and it is often supported by faculty members, and seldom are University Administrators really doing very much if anything. Keep this in mind, if you are thinking about the campus and the same way after october seven that you did before october 7, you are not thinking about it right. Because prior to that, yes, we were seeing environments may toxic by antisemitic and antiamerican ideology. Yes, we were sitting jewish students who were being harassed, marginalized and excluded to the extent that zionism was an integral part of their identity. But what were seeing now is university funded and in some cases taxpayer funded efforts to advance in a conscious and intentional manner the program and Communications Agenda of the state department designated terrorist organization. To be clear what im describing is potentially a felony. So if you are University President who is not sure whether he should or shouldnt make a statement, let me say that on many campuses, its too late anyhow. Statement are okay in response to statements. People are simply saying all stinks you can say things that are true. If people are saying things are immoral, you can give them moral examples. If people are committing assault and vandalism, you cant just make a statement. If you are universities, facilities and resources are being used in a way that intentionally advances the agenda of a terrorist organization, if you are not sure whether you are committing a felony, forget about the statement. You need to take much greater actions even than the best of the University President s are making. We need a very strong messages from University President s from attorneys general, from governors that this cant continue. Its not a question of political disagreement. Its that if just a question of bigotry or harassment anymore. Now its also a question of whether our Public Institutions are being used that only to undermine American Foreign policy, the potentially to advance terrorism in a way that is federally criminal here. Its really just unbelievable, and as we talked it through, its just kind of hard i think for all of us to process where were at right now. And part of where we are at, charles, i want to bring this one to you, is not only the prohamas rallies that we saw in the College Campuses but also prohamas rallies in cities all around the world. If you could help us understand what do we make of that . What do we make of these houses of people point out in the streets not only in europe but right here in new york, right in washington, d. C. As well but also new york and brooklyn. Yesterday we saw, and also i want to just contrast that with the fact that not that long ago we were talking about a potential peace between israel, the kingdom of saudi arabia, something that Prime Minister netanyahu at the United Nations described that only as a piece between countries, nationstates, but really a bringing together of islam and judaism. So how do we understand whats happening right now . So i think its complex. Just also touch on this what happened on campus, in a way they are the sharp troops are endemic faculty and student feel uncomfortable. Texas a m, your home state, we discovered 1. 5 billion went to texas and him. Texas a m. I would be happy to share for report with you. Which of the iceberg, it is pervasive across the state and country. The Muslim Brotherhood it so much traction with 35 years ago the columbia diversity professor early scholar and propaganda. You proclaim 1982 he was last jewish intellectual was all the jewish professors were warriors in the suburbs of america and inheritor of the school of thought in the last jewish intellectual. They dismiss the disconnect from reality. Creating in this ivy league letter critical of American Power and western in the west have to take a step back from work order and administration and it has become weaker and in a weird sense there is this alliance because is rather islamics and the resume and Muslim Brotherhood they believe in colonization and reducing the power of the west so the radical postmodernist and intellectual home islamic has a similar agenda. Forty years of missed education combined with convergence of political islam and countries that are weakening, they have been able to push this alliance with intellectual and the west and islamist and arab and muslim countries and directly alliance during group and reported on the streets of london and the bbc and it swept into north america and canada and a maestro on the weekend and a group of friends will homes were jewish is a form is a call to isis and the revolutionary regime activate the in europe and got and read and the west and as the congressman said our democratic values, the American Values and the anti democrat anti jewish antichristian who. I heard you say right now, american use right now are frightened beyond words our institutions have daily security briefings and found out the president of a synagogue in detroit that of her home, everyone thinks it is he. Meanwhile Rashida Tlaib and ilhan omar deadlines about israel. What would you like to see from all members of congress and what you think governments responsibly as to the jewish minority population flex. That is a question, the amount of things to talk about but in short, you need very clear, unmistakable solidarity, with israel and the Jewish Population and it needs to be unequivocal. There needs to be zero tolerance, not just universities but around university with respect of the violence we see and its unfortunate in the murder and more democrats, this is discrimination up semitism we will see the facts out but that is what we are seeing and i want to we have to and leaving maintain briefings expressed you but the you, i was working as a mob minneapolis minnesota, the idea that we allow mom to rule in this country we need leadership to be clear are leadership for the administration will this resolution. Signal . We are to stand with israel thought of judeochristian values around the world itself meant to back with robert energy, then we are going to lose all of civilization put the right answer it will be clear and to stand on moral footing of our leave and own values not being apologetic. Are being told. I wonder if you could speak about the Biden Administration during combat, do you think they should be doing for . What initiative would you recommend . Me lletter the administration issued a National Strategy and should get a pot for this issue but as of substantive work, i would say the last ministrations, i would say there have been offense the Biden Administration, i hope no one since october 7 because while there are some good things, it wasnt sufficiently for october 7 and it is insufficient for now. The Biden Administration has continuously promised to issue a formal registration that would implement executive order on combating antisemitism and continually throughout this administration delayed doing so. The current deadline by the biden notably little about it i have not mentioned in many months and they are not even going to do it at minimum they should do what they promise. The Education Department office for civil rights issue some material but when it comes to the anti zionist form spoken in the white house they should be able to that now the campuses in which there is so much all have google and you substantial off of various which the government is obligated progressive. The department shouldnt be going to get there should be nationwide at 200 campuses for their problems they are the pavers i am not an advocate of hate crimes. I do not like government into people making determination why crime was committed. I voted against this and a lot of amount well. Very clear we funding the growth this year and spend time with to stop people running the lab i am telling you, its also mindboggling all unimproved everyone will not be here. We talked about moral clarity judeochristian principles and i hear things about the race to where when they pay someone come in and help them like there is a guilt factor and i dont understand how it motivated them and all of a sudden we feel filthy fortune tell people it was somebody elses fault while pointing fingers at somebody else instead of so been, they play, they found this think it comes from a good place particularly in women, i dont know if you seen fire facilitator, whose the woman who wrote the book on robin dangelo. They hire a type like her to come in and the get a group of friends and this woman starts picking them apart, you are a racist and this is what you do and we come out feeling small market we can moral 30 and im wondering if you have any suggestions, a policy that will fix that. My answer is along the short answer churches and synagogues have to stop sucking. Theyre not promoting 30 there sitting around wishywashy, they give something nice 20 classes, its crazy. If you dont have the ability to spend time doing stuff, youre not going to. My greatgreatgrandfather was a texas ranger and Central Texas area in the 70s. Had to get water, food and freight wasnt sitting around wondering will i get my free my therapy session . Im sorry, he borrow money from universities and pay people not working wonder why they are running around doing. Until we stop doing that, going to keep getting more. My name is erica, i am happy to be here today. I am a conservative. Survived to tell the tale. Yeah. I tend to agree with this how can we do this . When we have individuals at dhs betting rescue is unable to fire her because she is on leave and we have individuals who want advocate for boots on the ground to pregaza and u. S. A id with individuals like that in our government with ukraine. When they wonder talk line, it was coming out, i dont think anyone would want to see boots on the ground yet that risk so people see that and wonder how we support israel without escalating russian conflict and theres not a lot there to support this one is for you but i do have an extension. On this question there is a lot but in First Quarter the most important, we have to separate those issues, and have a debate about ukraine and about National Security interest but separate those. It is not an amount to be 114 billing all the people out there saying we have to make sure refugees come to the United States, hold your horses. I do not trust the administration for people to come in as refugees, i dont. Other respect to ambassador haley, i disagree and that is the stuff that comes from drinking a little wine. The practice, we need actual policy stand on the back of american sovereignty unapologetically in reno comes in we have a strong for and we stand alongside israel, getting it to ukraine. It was 8460 doing, we need a debate on the floor of a hostile work center. He why National Security is important anybody in the house you will pay for it, you take a lot of the inflation reduction act. We will maybe take out of the question. I am windy singleton. In the complex against corporate wokeism, i am curious what you think companies should be saying about this, is it different than im coming out and talking about other issues . What Corporate America could look like. To begin, those in the corporate world and Human Resources can look to the society good source of advice on that. Things they should begin corporations have months to recognize africanamerican women and other workers but dont have the poor jewish person. Jewish american instrument and let them recognize that. Some of them have employee resource groups, africanamerican, hispanic and other identity groups refused to create that notion religion only, provide opportunities for jewish employees for others. They should monitor their programs to see whether they make it worse because sometimes that is the case and it should make them better to the extent that had forms of determination and make sure some of the antisemitism we see in the leftwing to the extent invasion or others about hamas as well to the extent other workers they should consider is really American Employees will to this accommodation for others. The islamic perspective here the revolutionary regime and brotherhood declared war against the jewish people and destroy jewish people United States of america and other western prophecies dedicated to of other countries. We got in terms of operations from a corporation responsibly. Youre doing this with businesses and entities, we have kicked the can down the road i dont know if you can go down any notion america spoke to everything said what i tried to be clear about his tube in my you generally need to be about what we are doing and not allow it to continue funding with no strategy so thats why i want for consideration of how we deal with israel and ukraine. A strategy with ukraine but during money is not a strategy in our National Security interest in by i want it separated visiting of the use of military force. I dont want to remove the ability to go back, i just want to operate under a 20yearold black, thats insane. We need a clear vision of what we want to accomplish. The corporate stuff my only skill is the corporation need to get out of politics business. Lets be very clear like i dont need to hear all of your politics and everything corporations are too big and powerful in this country, we have been having government funding and support corporate entities, im a believer need to build up Small Businesses so corporations dont have as much power and im glad target and bud light have gone their careers kicked over the last three bucks. I do believe our time is running out. We have time for one last question. I am a Jewish College student and me and my friends have personally experienced antisemitism pacifically of the organization you mentioned. In my University George washington university, personally harassing jewish students myself included, how can we ensure jewish students illfated College Campuses expressing jewish identity and belief . Happy to talk to you about it now or after about it, i think you might have heard the introduction will be teaching at George Washington University Teaching there. To the brothers and sisters arrest local center afterwards, there are a lot of resources. We talk to students everyday about that. Of course there are others so will will there is a report about the letter should not be universities across the country, they are directly facilitated the work who want to not only destroy israel but jewish people so organizations operating on campus, can you imagine if there was another Organization Going for the murder of another group of students on campus by their religion, race or gender it wouldnt be tolerated. I think university of president Law Enforcement needs to understand. I will close with this, you are not alone. Remember that. Helpful here in d. C. , let us know and i taking solace and how much i have seen jewish students around universities let their voice be heard and the face of whats happening so god bless you. Be with you. We are all here and we are here for this continuum and drop bless you for being here today. We need to now, i just want to say it seems like we are at a real crossroads for our country and we all have decisions to make right now. I want to express gratitude to the Heritage Foundation, Kevin Roberts for hosting this important conversation to my panelist, its wonderful to hear from each of you, thank you so much,. It is a pleasure, two things. First of all, we welcome you to the Heritage Foundation, this is a timely topic especially now and secondly, a pleasure to introduce our speaker and hearing comments, served as president of the World Jewish Congress in 2007 and International Philanthropists in our collector and Public Service he demonstrated the commitment to judaism to a wide range of other endeavors around the world. As president , meet regularly with heads of state, Prime Ministers and government representatives and causes of concern, jews and jewish communities internationally. The importance of supporting israel especially in times when the state is under attack. Encourages and aids vibrant jewish communities around the world. As you know will the most powerful on to will you. [applause] is a great honor to be here Heritage Foundation which is directly connected to my hero. I first met governor reagan the mid 1960s and my parents living room. I was inspired by america, optimism. Governor reagan became president in 1980. This administration and the defense department, it was Ronald Reagan who set off a chain of events that changed my life completely. Let me explain. In 1986, president reagan. 2 u. S. Ambassador, the same time of the controversy, secretarygeneral of the un, just left the United Nations but instead of going away quietly, went home and ran for president. He didnt do anything they didnt do. They elected him as ambassador of the decision. Because of its multi half i was no longer the american impossible. I was referred to as a Jewish American ambassador. The first in my life i came up against antisemitism it changed me. Contacting the jewish people. This topic said long ago the future of the u. S. Alliance was 75. Over the last two weeks the alliance has never been more important. Also the growing threat right here in the United States and around the world, a threat that no one can no longer ignore. That is today first, i want to make one thing clear. How much terrorists go through the fence separating from israel. They could take hostages back gaza. The captivate, decapitated jewish babies. The greatest jewish life since the holocaust. The hatred of jews, they were proud of it. We see this here in full color so you have expected the entire world to condemn it instead not just the middle east but london, new york, los angeles, and almost every College Campus we watch demonstrations not sympathy but israeli, men, women and children were butchered and said people are waving and supporting hamas. Israel will bring an oppressor and sat with burger terrorists 134 student groups armored say we hold the Israeli Regime entirely responsible for all violent, something has gone very wrong in our education system. Not long ago the age of israel and academics refined to a few socialists and the middle east. It was spread everywhere in every College President and administrator afraid to stand up and condemn it. How do we get there what can we do to turn this around . The radical change was slow, steady few people noticed it was even happening. In 1960 my generation of anti war began Teaching College classes around the country and cut off different points of view in the pipeline and people who share their opinions, if you work on a phd and hold conservative views, there was no job for you. These radical ideas put down secondary schools. Selfdescribed socialist and howard and peoples history told us it was america. This was not a serious scholarship. It was my High School Teachers who were taught by radical professors it came down to this. All opinions are equally valid. Some opinions are dead wrong so the next generation was learning this marxist history and high school. The book sold over 2 million copies, a negative impact on this generation. Remember the name cofounder of the underground, public buildings in 1960. The fbi checked his case. They went back to school and became professor of education. A huge impact on the book Elementary Students have read over the past decades. Paint usa as a racist evil country. There many others, schools and campuses around the country, they brought us to this present day. Wonderful colleges, the envy of the world in america who built bridges and say and a half students. Women and children in america was evil over the last 50 years in the core curriculum of western civilization wound. Instead classes in di, diversity, equity and inclusion in every school. Administrator. The dissent of di. Di court addresses it. Branded as colonial and that means they build the country out of nothing and created in the middle east who defended the home and end at this very moment there now be oppressors. Everyone here in this room falls into that category. Human colleges, israel is evil, u. S. Is evil. Washington many of the programs across the line. Great newspapers and always been our democracy but today they have been in too many places and it was evident last weeks you read in the New York Times how much clout israel close hundreds and it was a site on gaza and it was changed to at least five killed and they were not hit by israel, they were hit by hamas. And it wasnt 500. But most of the world was because of the headline. Last weeks headline in the countries. To leave and omar based on this lie, its no different than they claim jews to use the blood. One iota in the middle east. The worst is the cdc. They cant even call terrorist. Do you know the same lies and truly hate our country and something all of you remember throughout history whatever begins with the dos never ends with jews. One is all over, 60 million human beings were dead and two continents destroyed. Look around you. The practice, we are living through another. This one radical left. The new leftwing has been on gender, politics, race, history and especially core values that make the United States for the world. We must not let it destroy us. Donations of americans to achieve millions and leave families to come leaving grandparents hungry and a jew all of you and ancestors as well. Freedom of expression for all to let them just disappear. I will let not let this be destroyed. Fighting back, urge Congress Jewish communities from all over the world and the Prime Minister and make them aware we are watching everything going on in the country for one simple reason, so jewish citizens can practice their faith for dignity and safety. Thirty jewish schools in europe and jewish communities almost destroyed. These schools restarted jewish life for all americans who care about our values and our childrens futures. All of this in the national business. Millions of dollars over the years because we believe in everything. Palestines right and focus on palestinians. Instead, the biggest antisemitic anti israeli rally ever held. One of the main speakers, pink floyd. The same used a large inflatable piece is contrary. I pointed out that this conference would tarnish and she refused to cancel it. Remember the reason all opinions are equally valid, i have to wonder if it will allow, they should know, why is it acceptable . Because we are the oppressors and it might be the worst possible time and congressman on two weeks later 1500 jews were slaughtered because they were slaughtered because they were jews and i spent the past 40 years of my life all over the world and never in my wildest imagination thought i would have to buy it at my university. My family alma mater. John was not jewish, just a humble man. Every single university, every cable channel understand theres consequences to your actions. We can no longer be silent. None of us can sit back. Albert einstein said it well. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch by without doing anything. The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil but by those who watch them without doing anything. This is the time to stand up and say the insanity is over. We all have to stand up to islam because a deadly court and terror, a war that not go away after 9 11. We have to fight for our alma mater. Our childrens schools, everywhere. We had to get up and get involved, create a new syllabus to deprogram young people brainwashed and university to believe america is evil, that israel is evil. I am well aware we have been fighting this fight for over 50 years. We have to be honest, we are losing. We have to fight hard. The good news, we are not. The radical left is not have more people behind us, they are just louder. We live in washington, new york, california. We might think we are a minority but we forget theres a great Big Wonderful country out there with hardworking people, honest people who are generous and good. But they dont like to get shoved around and they certainly dont like to be told what to think especially for this. Ronald reagan said, shining city over there. It never went away and its still worth fighting for. As any other great nation than ever before, lets fight this together for our children and grandchildren, the battle we cant lose. Its also about america. We all have to work very hard to make sure countries flourish for many years to come. Together, i know we do this. May god bless United States and god bless all of you. Thank you. [applause] [applause] ive never been more proud of my dear friend ambassador ronald louder. I say about Heritage Committee we are ready and able to get into fight and continue the fight with all of our friends to protect this critical relationship 25 years and beyond so thank you for attending and thank you to our friends online joined in. Anyone would like to join us in this conversation because this is the opening gambit and what we tend to have a major heritage going forward. Mike

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