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Your front row seat to washington anytime, anywhere. The share of the syrian Senate Foreign Relations Committee spoke from the floor in support of israel in a bipartisan resolution condemning the hamas attack spread he said he will be leading his colleagues to make sure israel gets everything it needs to defend itself and its people he also talked about the president s nominee for u. S. Ambassador to israel who has a confirmation hearing later this week. I come to the floor today to express my shock and horror at what hamas has done and its terrorist attack on israel. It is difficult to comprehend the evil we witnessed last week. Before saturday, october 7, 2023 over 1000 innocent jewish people going about their lives in southern israel. There were young people at a music festival. Grandparents outside of their homes. Children celebrating birthdays. Mothers with little babies in their arms. Hamas massacred them all. We have not seen this kind of atrocity since the early days of the isis. Tragically we must not only mourn the death that hamas left behind we must try to rescue the hostages. Some of them are american citizens. That hamas dragged back to gaza. The Jewish Community around the world and all israel this was the most horrific week and generations. Some of the toughest in israels entireen history. So, i want to make one point crystal clear. The United States a chance stands shoulder to shoulder with the state of israel. Seventyfive years ago harry truman was a first world leader to officially recognize israel. Only 11 minutes after its creation. He did that because the United States and israel share common values. For over seven decades the relationship between our two nations has only gotten stronger and deeper. So, despite the pain many of us feel from these barbaric attacks and we will continue to feel, now is a time for us to show our total support forra israel. Not just in words but by our deeds. This is exactly what we are doing. From the bottom of my heart i want to thank the United States embassy team in israel and our embassies across the region for their tirelessff efforts. Even as they themselves have taken over from rocket fire, american diplomats of strap stepped up to work handinhand with israel to serve over half a million americans that are there. In fact across the biden biteadministration public servas have been working around the clock to help israel make sure it has everything it needs to defend its people. President biden has had several calls with Prime Minister netanyahu offering americas full support. He has also ordered uss ford Carrier Strike a group to the mediterranean. Awarding hezbollah in the region and ironically see her loud and clear. Do not enjoy this conflict. Dont even think about it. The United States are allies and partners will not tolerate such action. Our secretaries of state and defense are working nonstop to coordinate securityl assistance to israel in plain loads of u. S. Defense items have already hlanded. They have both been in the region working with our partners to shore up support for israel. Congress also has to make sure we do everything we can to help come together to help israel. Bipartisan congressional support has always been the bedrock of the u. S. israel relationship. In the days since this attack ive been talking with my colleagues from the senate and the house. I have had several conversations with republican Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee senator risch. I have let the mistress you know our committee is prepared to work quietly and quickly in a bipartisan manner to support israel. That is why earlier today i introduced along with senator risch more than 91 cosponsors a bbipartisan resolution that ses a clear message that america stands with israel. Always has, always will. And over the course of the next days and weeks and months ill be leading to my colleagues to make sure israel gets everything it needs to defend itself and its people. That means replenishing air defenses so that they have what they need to repel the rocket attacks. That meansle authorizing supplemental money for israels defense as it navigates the aftermath of this attack. In his chair the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that means getting president s nominee from vassar to israel Jack Jacob Lew confirmed then in his post as soon ase. Possible we need a confirmed ambassador in israel to assist in these efforts. We also need to be pushing back across the Global Community the idea theres some equivalency between israels Security Operations on the terrorist attack. There is no equivalency here. This is about israels right to a designated terrorist organization frank affected citizens women, children have been held hostage. Im concerned about the safety and welfare of the palestinians because hamas does not care one bit about the safety and welfare their lives in their humanity. Their terror attack of israel also killed including heroic ambulance driver who went to help the wounded people at the music festival. That is what decent human beings do. They help in times of need. Hamas has made them pay with their lives. So most palestinians want no part of what then she was doing with must find a way to support safe passage for those residents of gaza who are trying to get out. We also need to make sure innocent people stop there get the food, water, medical needs as they so desperately desire. The best thing we could give her palestinians and gaza is to make sure hamas can never do this again. Finally as we look to the future we must not allow this conflict to derail the normalization process that has been a work since israel and saudi arabia. Thise would be an absolute game changer and trench it knows that. That normal relations as a steppingstone sues peace and prosperity for israel and the entire region including the palestiniana people. A stable and prosperous middle east includes a stable and prosperous states is one of the best ways to undercut irans resistance and have offices goal of destroying israel they do not want palestinian state at peace with israel and accountable to the palestinian people. Madam president we cannot let terrorists win. We cannot let them win and i know that we will not thanks to the resilience of the israeli srpeople. Early on the morning of october 7 and i was really journalist who lives nearli the border of gaza heard mortar rockets flying overhead. He rushed with his wife into a safe room in his home with a 3yearoldd and 1yearold daughters. When he knew jen to pet infiltrated their conricus that were going to dyer called his father his father told him quote you have to be quiet. You have to be locked father retired general in his 60s was going to get in his car and come rescue them. Told his son quote nobody, nobody can stop me. Over the next 10 hours the grandfather fought his way south pretty got to the door of his sons house and from the dead bodies of terrorists outside. He called out to his son to open the safe room door. Inside one of the girls recognized his voice and shouted grandfather is here. Grandfather is here. That is when they knew they were safe. Thats the kind of courage israelis have the kind of braveryer that the seeing is wih this terrible tragedy we must notte rest until our committee r congress and our nation is thati everything we can to support israel in this time of need. So to my colleagues on both side of the aisle and the senate lets Work Together to support israel. To those who committed these atrocities we will hold you accountable for these crimes against humanity no matter how long it takes. Madam president , yield the floor. Tonight on cpan she would discussion about the impact of the inflati reduction act on that u. S. And the worldhen it comes to Energy Investments in climate change. After that 2024 republican president ial hopefuls speaking to voters in the leadership summit held last weekn New Hampshire later discussions Ohio Ballot Initiative that would amend the states constitution regarding abortion at a forum fm organized by the ohio debate commission. The night watch cspan series in partnership with the library of congress. Books that shaped america if each of the common lie but Oliver Wendell holmes junior written in 18812 decades before he would become the Supreme Court justice the book is from a series of lectures he had given on criminal and civil law and other legal issues controversial at the time holmes wrote the life of law has not been logic it has been experience. Jefferson president ceo of the National Constitution center will join us to discuss the book. Watch books that shaped america featuring the common law tonight live at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Peers cspan now our freemobilet cspan. Org. Also be sure to scan the qr code to listen to the companion podcast you learn more about the authors of the books featured. Stands at washington and turtle our life form involving you to discuss latest issues and governments, politics and Public Policy from washington d. C. And across the country. Coming up Tuesday Morning the hills of Michael Schnell talks about the latest on House Speaker ballots previous tomorrows expected vote on the house floor. University of maryland talks about the latest in israel Hamas Conflict in the mentoring crisis in gaza. Well talk about u. S. Aid to ukraine and israel with jim gilmore from republican Virginia Governor u. S. Ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation in europe. Cspans washington journal joint in the conversation live at seven eastern Tuesday Morning

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