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Across the united states, every autumn, americans mark to a harvest of the land. And because of the lands barley harvest of happiness both symbolized the great state fairs to which they plot. Oh, the oh, this is big. Good. Well oh, me and you. You know, theyre really deep here. Im satterfield, and im speaking to you from dallas and the state of texas. Autumn is the time when millions of americans visit their state fair. And id like to take you with me. My visit to the state fair of texas. Of course, its natural for texans to like things big. So you would expect that this would be the largest fair in the united states, and indeed it is. But im here because it also is different in many ways from all other fairs in america. Youll see what i mean as we go along here on the grounds of the state fair in texas. Texas is the heart of americas southwest. The wide open spaces, the home of great cities like dallas of cowboys and cattle and farms, and of oil wells and factories and the fair of texas is the giant window of the southwest. Its a busy show. Window two, four, six days every october, texans and their neighbors from around the world visit the nearly 200 acre fairgrounds to see and partake of what texans call the biggest boon education and entertainment. Its a lively happy crowd which comes here drawn by the displays from farm and factory, from home and abroad. You see. But were standing here much too long. Its time we walked around to, see everything at much closer quarters. And i have an idea that families see them right over there. Mr. And mrs. John tubbs with ten year old daughter mary frances and eight year old son johnny. Mr. Tubbs, a dairy, is taking a day off to the traditional visit to the fair with the family. Theyve all looked forward to this for weeks, especially johnny, who is big enough now to know what he wants to see. Everyone, in fact, has about what they should see. Johnny, a mind of his own and shows it. And thats why i bother, is called the head of the family. Everybody. This may not be the accepted. Way to start a day at the state, but boys will stray and must somehow be found. Eventually. Johnny tafts mother, johnny tufts, and his love of roaming. And so she searches but slowly. Meanwhile, making best of this minor emergency, her path takes her into. The womens building past telephones that give all the answers. Homemade fashions play a leading role in the womens building where they are judged in competition for prizes. After all, mrs. Tubbs, like most women, prefers fashion to being a detective. No, johnny here, but some lovely homes, hats. And the latest in sewing machines techniques. American state fairs began as agricultural fairs in the 19 century, when most americans farmers. Farming still a vital occupation. And the exhibit of new Farm Machinery draws like bees to honey. And also like bees drawn to honey. Boys to monkeys and vice versa. And boys are to mid ways to. Tractors are important to the work. Dairy farmer john tubbs tubbs. Searching for a son, of course, but perhaps he understands johnny tufts too, or remembers when he liked to go. Oh, hes looking all right. Theres so much to see at the state fair that even johnny, sister mary cant possibly cover at all. But shes going to visit texas hall of state because she texas history. And might be there. Thanks, mary frances. Hes a texan, too. Sisters just dont understand their brothers sometimes. Texas is some 800 miles long and 800 miles wide. Well suited to the automobile. John talks passes through the antique auto where old time cars on display. But the real attraction him is the annual southwestern exposition, where the cars american and forum on display. Few can resist the shiny and bright colors. Neither cowboys nor folks nor farmers farmers. And for those who like to dream, there is the car of the future. There are many kinds of dreams to be realized at the fair. Even the most determined searcher need some rest. And were better off for mrs. Tubbs. Then, amid the comforting aromas of the east contest. But although johnnie often samples her, hes not one of the judges here today today. At the agricultural building, thousands of farmers are exhibiting the finest specimens of livestock and produce. Farmer john tufts. As interested as everyone in the livestock on display here at the pan American Exposition and, the junior livestock show. These exciting moments when farm boys and girls who belong to rural youth organizations compete for the special awards for, which theyve worked all year. Its a time of sampling and testing and tasting, judging everything from cauliflower to cattle known. Just among friends. John thinks hes spotted a winner winner. He is right. A prize, dear. A prize judge. Well. I. On the fairgrounds, the Dallas Museum of fine arts, a Regional Museum with a National Reputation for all the family. Mary frances doesnt expect to find her runaway brother here, but she does find dickinsons portrait of a man which she loves. Well, another stop for mother. And just in time to the full scale fashion show to to. Mr. Tufts. Meanwhile, has walked through the International Trade fair and bazaar in which 19 Foreign Countries are displaying their export goods it occupies over of the huge general exhibits, presenting a Great Variety of the best each country has to offer offer. This International Bazaar at the texas state fair shows the strong trade link between the outside world, the heart of america. Like mother daughter mary frances has found her own fashion show. The dress review, the texas forest clubs, an organization, farm youth, everything being modeled has been created by models. And. A state fair. Thousands of people, dozens of lost children brought to a Central Point to await their parents. Its getting late. And now mr. And mrs. Tufts are really about johnny. And. The son has returned. To the state fair night is a tapestry of life. For. The long day is ending. For others, the climax of the day is about begin in a colorful, exciting horse show with many entries from other countries. And. Along the midway. The amusements sing a siren song to those who listen. But those at the horse show too engrossed to think of anything else. So. Boys will be boys. But this is too much. For. A guy. One last bullseye bullseye. And so it is on a harvest evening amid the blessings of land and life at an american state fair

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