Card image cap

At 5 p. M. And 9 p. M. Eastern catch washington today for fastpaced report of the stories of the day. Listen to cspan any time t tell your Smart Speaker play cspan radio. Uffrage moment. So youve been with thinking about images during 19th century period, and specifically today were going to think about the way that images really constructed gender roles particularly in the 19th century and the ways that activists used images to shape, alter, change gender roles during this time period too. So actually to s to start off with is to think about the ways as part of our culture today and what we see in this 2017 womens march, the closest grasses and one pennsylvania avenue and an emphasis on this celebrated womens rights leader and talk aboutow how not only in the 19th century but also today. Another. In 1913 in washington d. C. Pointing to this image and how it connects current political social Movement Culture is an image that was popular in june of 2020 related to black lives matter movement. In oakland california, thisnd became a viral sensation and an interesting similarity between these women riding horses inn urban areas as symbols of political causes gives a sense of how similarities over so famous, images that resonate today and breonna became a spokesperson, not only selling promoting a particular idea but also a particular product. Another recent image you might remember was this black lives matter and you might know suffragists were the first to protest outside the whiteou houe in 1917. This is such an important place for political protest so 100 years later it remains that way today and if youve been to washington d. C. Outside the white house protesting something and its because of the famous images of these has gone to the white house that is so important to our politicalt. Movement. Another image over the past couple of years arere images of women leading political figures. They are the suffragists in particular so as we saw in 1913, they are parades and processions and they do it for two reasons. One was there for two to suggest. Connotations they might have for us. The other reason is because of black and white photographs. People merging in these backgrounds, they knew they would show up better than white and look photographs and the new when they were printed in b newspapers they would show up and better so the 21st century you see women in white in the photograph here, they do stand out and that is one reason why they chose white to begin with so there are a lot of imageries they created into the 20th century as part of the more political culture. Im going to go back further to start us off and set us up to what is taking place during the 19th century. This is a political cartoon in 1775 in the london artist did he probably read about this happening in North Carolina in a local newspaper and hed never been this was the scene he imagined after he read about this boycott. They are signing a petition that they arent going to purchase and you can look at the scene and a lot of the images if you do a quick search you can zoom in more closely than you can but this is not the texture, theres one holding this large unflattering feature, another holding a punch bowl which we know is not filled with fruit punch, its filled with alcohol. Theres a group pulling out canisters in the background and the way are exploring the child. These women the idea is they are ignoring their duties as caregivers. The other detail i want you to Pay Attention to is the woman with the gavel and eager to find herself. Te and it is challenging the gender hierarchy suggesting if women participate in politics, it will turn the gender roles back that they are expanding and will make masculine they are abandoning families and ignoring their children. They emphasize this position as y,having a racial hierarchy, taa the flavor that is the economic driver in the 18th century so to mock them and not take them seriously and expressing anxiety whether this rebellion might not just challenge the British Government and British Empire as they know it but it might be part of the gender hierarchy so the similarities of the conversation over time as you know by the 1840s there on a much broader scale and the Property Rights and the leaders of the church and the 18th Century National womans commission in massachusetts and its the 1851 and after that so they are very aware. The images are changing little, 75 years. The 21st century it would have been remarkable in 1851 and has her hand condescending and hunched over this older woman. Both of them are ignoring the child crying in the front of the room. His manners is normal, and mama. In the background we have two women also wearing bloomers, one says no more basement and kitchen and i think she is representing a servant of workingclass women and the other one has a sign protesting slavery. We have seen the same world as the previous one suggesting womens gayrights and wind power, their domestic duties and they become more womanly and its going to lead to other changes including challenging the hierarchy likely see as well as racial hierarchies system of slavery in all our wrapped up in this print. Athis is the moment when therea lot of prints and incredibly broad scale. There ever more popular so i want to show you this, we have a woman smoking a cigar, women wearing mens clothing, women wearing bloomers and i should note these bloomers court skirts are very short and many have them down to the ankle. Off to the right side shes pulling up her bloomer pants showing off her ankle again. Also in the image we have women their backs to us they are suggesting these women are so reliant on each other interested romantically in other women as well. I want to connect this to the imagery youve been talking about in your other conversations because by the time we get to the mid 19th century, the association between women trust with weakness the kind of person you dont take seriously politically or otherwise becomes part of the mean related to this capture after the civil war because hes caught wearing Womens Clothing and it becomes incredibly popular image to reproduce in a variety of ways so here are some versions were you do quick search, you can find many examples of this. It really only works if you think of men and Womens Clothing c as a signifier that u are weaker, worse mocking, is lockable so the signifier that theres no other powerful person when we see him in Womens Clothing like this so this is even womens rights imagery when you see them wearing bloomers suggesting they are more powerful, this is the way they are signifiers of the power and gender roles during this time period. This is around the same time. Of the last couple of images, 1869 just after the civil war and in the immediate aftermath, people are considering what to do next. 1859 the 15th amendment is about to be ratified and this prohibits discrimination and effectively in franchises them so people are wondering, should womenn get to vote, too . This image suggests that what will happen they vote in the looks similar to what weve been seeing. We see more traditional clothing but wearing frivolous versions of the closing. Their hair is larger than the head, they got those interests to emphasize that they have this fashion practical enough popular and they can sharp tongue, theyve explicitly said a lot about what they think of the time and refers to what people say even about the 21st century. Then other detail i want to say is the man carrying a baby which is a very popular repeated over and over again and you see a woman telling him she needs to care for the baby the man is appalled that she has to take care of this. These other images, this is a century, they remain consistent over time and through the end in 1920 and a lot of these are part of thesese imageries of the 20th century. You can see suffragists worked very hard challenge these ideas so one thing you until about these images is they are not c coordinated, these publishers and editors are not in a group together deciding to coordinate, it is simply a more disorganized loose affiliation where every publisher knows the majority of the readers of Voting Rights to they publish images in the illustrated newspaper and most of them will support them so one change we i have is this becomes so popular and is very little control over mainstream news publications. But they can control as they can take these and sell them to at least their supporters or a broader public group through a studio so it is the first to do this very effectively in a coordinated way and this is one of the many photographs, a lot of the photographs were very similar to this was a thoughtfully posed corporate. This is a shadow to support the substance and you all know during this time. This is a very common term and she is telling this as substance which is not only herself professionals a performer and lives off the performer but also substantial reform so she puts money into herself but also the causes she works towards so antislavery womans rights activist is a very popular lecture famous and besides to prove a couple of things about herself. One is she wants too portray herself as a respectful, respectable refined, motherly feminine figure so we can see the details are part of that image and arrangement of flowers and thele tablecloth as well as womanly activities, she is also emphasizing a shes a respectabe woman and not only frivolous, standstill and emphasized the working woman especially with her head up. P. In contrast we have Susan B Anthony and his concerned with this motherly and they look more aggressive. They have a little more to prove. Its not only challenging to anti womans rights we are looking at but also challenging stereotypes that were so popular at the time as well. We see this success, the ways to challenge these ideas about womens rights leaders and they do their own quarter in 1870 and they can say they are more interested in showing more about the passion and a shawl and the color and you can see more. And they are leaders of the movement and they are going to push forward together. This doesnt change it too much but chosen one significant way and that is the previous illustrationea to emphasize generic women want their individual portraits become more familiar, the cartoon, you can see basically a copy of this portrait, it is very similar to the other cartoons we were lookingar at, Susan B Anthony wearing masculine looking clothing, boots even have bars on in the background we have womens political rally and some are not yet having political rally skip. Have a woman who is a Police Officer to men holding a baby grocery shopping. They are updated and you can tell it is Susan B Anthony and the artist washo so intent emphasizing, particularly taking anthony down and the artist replicated the issue had and if you look mostly, you can see the focus, this is the reason and they replicate the four demographic. And images we are still familiar with, there are many versions of these and many institutions so enthey decide to create the firt major visual context to the history of woman suffrage and it was first in 1881 and became explains our 1000 pages each published from 1822. These are two from the first volume edited by anthony and matilda engage and its a very particular story is a Woman Suffrage Movement and wanted to emphasize that women were leaders so they created these portraits to make sure they resemble what you are looking at. They decided they wanted to emphasize the didnt want to purchase any purchase in this movement but they were important political w leaders and played a significant role in the publication of their newspaper but this emphasizes female leadership. They only include portraits of white women so even though he worked with her regularly and they didnt lose any portraits of them. They also decided to minimize the importance and the own organization and another one called the suffrage organization so they skewed this version and affects the interpretation and we often think of them as being the leaders of the movement and it was dramatically larger, successful newspaper and it was this written narrative. This is to remind you this is still the most popular images in american visualn culture from 1899 suggesting women in politics would be interested in reading newspapers and paying attention to things which is what the man in the background is doing. The late 19th century and early 20th century, they decided to change tactics so they have promoted portraits of their leaders in the 19th century and they decided they needed a more effective visual campaign and respond directly for political cartoons and Political Rights so this is why imagery like this is a dominant imagery produced by suffragists. This emphasizes white women neew the votes in order to be but her mothers. What i want toiz emphasize heres a lot of women with professional artists have opportunities. This was in the boston transfer, two good folks are better than one and wanted to pick that phrase, this is an emphasis on many suffragists think of as a good boater so this white mother with her children and three children around her and an ideal home, a tea kettle on the stove and this is the kind of good boater envisioned self people we cant have one parent at home with their children, people who dont have much money for people of color were in a movie and perhaps some of these people are not included in this representation why women need to vote and it is a component, another professional female artist of the time, you might remember the design as she designed this doll. She said give a boat, we needed. It is part of protecting their food and health among the homes and schools and etc. And these are the reasons why they argue women need to vote. Theres also a response to this hapolitical cartoon that women o are in suffragists are also fashionable and effeminate so the before and after image in 1911 showing what it used to look like, her skirt is too short and there is a long jacket and shifting to this fashionable type with extravagant hat very similar to this representation of the ideal type from this era. You can imagine while they are trying to be included so womens suffrage imagery created by white organizations by white women focus on promoting votes for white women in particular and it emphasizes the plan to vote for women of color. She was born a slave but became one of thehe first women in the United States, first black woman in the United States with a masters degree. Also elected to be the first president of the National Association colors woman found in 1896. This wasas different from other organizations. They supported the boat and wanted to vote for women and they are thinking moreif broadly about gender and race based issues so protecting black men who are losing it by the 1890s brought antisegregation and how to educate their children better. Theres so much more Broad Movement and you can see many images emphasizes they are extraordinarily respectable and was interested in fashion and you cant. See often has extravagant parts of herself in the women in washington d. C. At the time and you can see similarities betweensh her and n image between one of her images and idealized socalled new weaker women from 1904. In hairstyle drafts from the ideals we were a moment ago. I want to mention this image because of all the images have shown you, this is unusual. Can find many others like this but this is the only one i found the emphasizes the vote in order to protect theirth families so s from the 1910, votes for women in the south and unfortunately colored women did not have funds or resources for people power to create the same propaganda these organizations did and what is advocated for the portion of organization to be spent on this but the naacp created this process so this is one of the few Voting Rights propaganda that emphasizes this political power. This woman is holding about and shes beating down segregation in order to protect the women so this is emphasizing not only, for similar reasons, to protect the families. This happened to a photograph and images weve been working with previously and it corresponds to the different shifts within the movement, in 1907 but by 1910, they like this one, 1913 the beginning of the conversation and this is the same. But this is a different world different from the women so this image emphasizes that women are taking it and they are conscious of the advantage of the fact that they are becoming more popular infused publications and taking advantage of the next day would be Woodrow Wilson in operation so in washington d. C. There are adu lot of photojournalists in d. C. So they take advantage of that and they have this idealized representation and the next image i will show you as a sense of why, working so hard on her public image and prepare for this racist. Type your. This is 1913 and it is making fun of the women participating in the 1913 parade and they are organizing and did not want to have them together. Originally they were open to it and protested against the greasy the white woman was appalled there with her and we can see this doing two things,gs its making fun of the suffragists who dont want to participate but also a stereotype create this as well. They areav fashion, not current and you can see its doing both and we can understand why and ultimately the 1913 parade marching in that parade and she was able to get this. College students were far more integrated than what this suggests but remember marching in the parade as well, more susceptible to violence and more even to follow archers. Ma churchill participated in washington d. C. And the very first in the white house, they started putting these together in january 1970 which as you might know is the same year end month the United States enters world war i, theres a lot of controversy for the they should be doing this and they are arrested and went on hunger strikes and forcefed in all of them garnered negative publicity not to mention the fact that the president drove by them every day to see them from his windows and many other politicians having to deal with the consequences yet one of the powerful images that made a compelling case was his idea that women were participating in this effort and patriotic citizens and motherly caregivers and you can see the direct continuation we were looking at a moment ago, the greatest mother in the world is a mother who is a citizen willing to extend her caregiving expertise as a nurse in this particular case and it is an image building out the rhetoric, the image of the suffrage, a campaign from earlier that we discussed so in comparison to thehe protesters, theres a lot more suffragists who decided to enlist with nurses and become farmers and work in factories to support the war effort and ultimately their existence became the reason why political officials including Woodrow Wilson himself used these women as examples for why they support women Voting Rights. This is the participate in demonstrating report for the nation and acknowledge the importance of these pictures at the white house but this was the combination of these popular images that are virtual and theyve been on peoples minds in this more moderate and conservative representation and conservative politicians it is argument in case for why they make this decision. Ultimately many of them did not gain the right to vote and it is reflected. And it is based on gender and is basically means anything put into place, anything that prohibits dont have Citizenship Rights and Asian American women drunk until the 40s so this amendment most effectively franchises women and we can see a lot of the propaganda is afflicted and you can see separate organizations are for white women as well. Sign up using the qr code on the screen receive a weekly schedule of upcoming programs like lectures and history from the presidency and more. 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