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Tell your Smart Speaker, play cspan radio, and listen to washing digital daily at 7 a. M. Eastern, important congressional hearings and other Public Affairs defense throughout the day and weekdays at 5 p. M. And n today for fastpaced report on the stories of the day. Listen to cspan anytime. Just tell your Smart Speaker play cspan radio. Cspan, powered by cable. Good evening. My name is Jane Campbell and as president and ceo of the United States Capitol Historical Society, i have the honor of serving as the master of ceremonies for this event. I want to acknowledge that several of my Board Members are here. I have to be especially nice to think them. They are my bosses. Don carlson, my board chair. Sean perry giles, who else is here from the board . Wave your hand. Thank you very much for all that you do to keep the society going. The Capitol Historical Society was founded in 1962, chartered by congress to encourage in the most comprehensive and enlightened matter and understanding by the American People of the significance of the capital as the tangible symbol of the representative form of government. And we celebrate the capital every day. Before we get started with todays program, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the passing of my immediate predecessor former congressman sarasin who served as the third president of the society from 2000 through 2018. His tenure was characterized by strength in the, face the challenges, growth in ways that we will serve the American People. So join me for a moment of silence. Thank you for our full tribute to ron can be viewed on our website, and i t hope you te a moment toas do it there he was really a very special person. Among the greatest arcs of American History is the continual effort to expand who was included in we the people. And early days of the republic only land only white man could participate in a great experiment. But they wrote a document that stands to this day, the ratification of the 15th amendment, expanded the franchise to africanamerican men. It still took a little work to make that real. And 19th amendment brought women into the picture. And until the first woman, Frances Willard of illinois, joined the collection at National Statuary hall, the capital sculptures depicted only men, and capital art was mainly man or allegorical women. With the exception of pocahontas. The statue of freedom which stands atop the building is perhaps thes. Most famous. In each of our speakers will take on a replicate of the statue of freedom made from marble from the capital, as our thank you. Serving in public officee is extremely challenging, and rewarding. And so i want to tell you that were going to start with our senator whos here today, and were going to let senator lummis talk because shes got to run to vote, and then when shes finished im going to introduce the house members and uncle introduced the whole crew of the admin theyre going to pass the mic went to another. Deal . Okay. Senator lummis operates her familys cattle ranches and the Sweet Grass Development and b county with her brother and sister picked shes a threetime graduate of the university of wyoming in animal science, biology, and law picture was first elected to the traded house in 2008 and quickly earned a reputation as a no nonsense conservative and a principal policymaker picked shes a Founding Member of the house of Freedom Caucus and the dedicated champion of wyomings mineral and energy resources. As the chair of the western caucus she made it our business to explain eastern lawmakers just how invasive the federal government is in the lives and business of westerners. She led the bipartisan effort to pass the National Forest system trail stewardship in 2018 which now maintains over 157,000 miles of trails within our National Forest. Her distinguished career inti Public Service as a member of the wyoming legislature, state treasurer and a member of the house rings are today to represent wyoming in the United States senate. E. Senator lummis. [applause] jane, thank you so much, i thank you for taking the reins of this Great Organization and for preserving the history of this great nation and this great capital we are very grateful to all ofd. You who are involved. Thanks so im excited to go first because wyoming was the first government in the world to continuously grant or recognize, better said, womens right to vote. [applause] when wyoming was still a territory, its Territorial Legislature recognized womens right to vote and memorialized it into law in 1869, a full 50 years before the 19th amendment to the United States constitution. So a woman named louisa swain was a very first woman to vote in a government continues a recognizing womensam right to vote for she voted in laramie, wyoming, on september 6 of 1870. Now, she was followed by a very distinguished group of women who not only o were leaders in early wyoming government, but also some who were involved in the national movementre to recognize womens rightht to vote. One of those women, esther morris, is recognized in a statue in this great building. Out other statue by the way is of chief washington, and eastern shoshone indian man who was beloved in wyoming, a great leader and a Great American himself so im so proud to be here and represent both Indian Community and the women of wyoming as we acknowledge the women who are recognized by statute in this building. So louisa swain was first, and thenen about 15 minutes after se voted, there was a second woman who voted in cheyenne. It was kind of a race to the ballot because they knew that they were going to be recognized, or memorialized, forever. So louisa swain was an orphan who grew up in the east. She was, she found some relatives that help raise her. Met a nice man, married and moved to laramie, wyoming. She was a quaker and in laramie, the women decided that because they kind of knew this woman was going to be an important person in history, they wanted to pick someone who was very upstanding in the community and would represent women well for the rest of history. So they chose louisa swain energetic bucket of lard on the way to the Grocery Store and she stoppedd to vote in memorializd that s vote. So we named a Federal Building after her in cheyenne, wyoming, my home town. We did this just last fall and its the first Federal Building in the whole region thats named after a woman. So we are finally getting around to recognizing our own history, something that is true about easterners is really arere much better about recognizing your roles in history. Our history is so recent that we forget that it that is. The people that it met in my life are historical figures into own right but they were old when i met them. Sitting bull and you know, you think about chief sitting bull and his grandson and i were very dear friends. The west is unique, you know, and im so proud to be from a state that recognizes women and indians, and that are not terribly diverse population is part of that before his own more about Esther Hobart morris. She took a chance, moved to south past city and a covered wagon in 1869. She got involved immediately in the fray for womens suffrage and she made history in 1870 when she was appointed justice of the pieced for south past city to a pond report with the county clerk telegraphed wyoming, the youngest in one of the richest territories in the United States gave equal rights to women in action as well as words so theres a lovely statue of her in this great capitol building. And she then went on to be the Vice President of the National American womens suffrage association. Er so she fought for every womans right to vote for the rest of her time here so we had the first man, excuse me, the first women delegates to the democratic and Republican National convention. We have the f first women governors, the first woman statewide elected official, and this early history, this diabetes history of recognizing women here and did you know once the 19th amendment past, we started taking it for granted. And we werent as defective in recognizing and getting women to step up and lead, but we are catching back up. And thanks to people like Esther Hobart morris we have that opportunity. You know, im going to introduce your next speaker, if thats okay, because i had to go off and vote. But i served [inaudible] yeah, we are doing debbie, right . [inaudible] laurel. The next speaker. It is, its going to be hard because i just met laurel. Okay. No problem [inaudible] i am going to Say Something nice about debbie. [laughter] okay. And so Debbie Wasserman schultz was a member of the u. S. House when they came to the u. S. House. My very first congressional delegation trip was led by Debbie Wasserman schultz, and we went to israel. We we went to egypt. We went to turkey, and i learned so much from Debbie Wasserman schultz about the middle east, about israel specifically, and its a trip i will never forget, and it was the quintessential american delegation. We had jewish people, christian people. We had mormons. We have baptists. We had a lutheran spirit we had democrats. We had republicans, and it was a mishmash but everyone came together as americans on this trip, and it was part of it was just because of the sheer strength of this woman who led that trip, debbie. Yeah, and these women im very proud that i got to serve with. So thanks for carrying on in the u. S. House, and it was a pleasure to serve with you and it still is. Thank you. [applause] thank you, senator burr and what do you will be able to say all these nice things about congresswoman laurel lee. [laughter] because i will tell you that congresswoman laurel lee has unique connection to statuary hall. I met her when she was secretary of state in florida, and she had a role in bringing mary macleod within two statuary hall. Avenue that shes gotto a placeo go, so im just going to give one sentence about her. She identifies herself, this is a first term in congress but she comes with a strong background and has been recognized for her role in understanding election policies and security, and is a national expert. Congresswoman laurel lee, come join us. [applause] thank you so much but it is truly an honor to get to be here tonight and to celebrate the great women at statuary hall. It is truly a privilege for me to get to mention one of floridas statues in stature help whos the great dr. Mary macleod within. While i was florida sexist at the privilege of being involved in the statue itself, the creation, to getting at here and some of the celebration in honor of her tremendous legacy. She was an influential educator, civil rights a civil rights leader and an activist she champion africanamerican womens rightsa suffrage rights, and education. She truly is an example of the very best of what we have to offer as floridians and a source of such tremendous pride for all of us who come here to see the great leaders of our country and of our state that i also want to say what a privilege it is to be with the senior members of my delegation. It is so truehi that while we my not all vote the same way or hold the same policy views, there are more important things that unite us and a connection that we had to celebrate the great women ofr our state and celebrate each other is one such a thing, thing, and it is a privilege to be always to get to be with you and us to to see the memby delegation who had been such a leaders in our state and attend such important things for our communities over f the years. So i thank you for including me in the celebration tonight, and look forward to working with you all as we go forward. [applause] welcome to congress. And then were going to have two fabulous women from florida. You know, if youre following the program, remember that humans plan, god laughs. Thats especially true in congress. So heres what i was going to say here that i was going to tell you that our leadoff hitter tonight was going to be congresswoman Debbie Wasserman schultz, who is a trailblazer for sure. G at 26 became the youngest woman elected to the florida house. And in 2004 she was the first jewish woman ever elected to represent florida in congress. She is tenacious. She iss hardworking. She is a passionate advocate and a tireless fighter for progressive values, for the safety and security of families and children, and she proudly shares her balance of work and family in her public life. For nearly two years she quietly faced her own personal battle withnc breast cancer. After seven surgeries and waiting for reelection, she decided the way she would share her story was by introducing a bill to maketh sure that the cdc educated young women that they could, in fact, get cancer and that Early Detection made a difference here and then she thought but maybe that wasnt enough pier and so she decided she would start the congressional womens softball game and be the captain. And so that every year people would be reminded about the story, and so we are going to start with Debbie Wasserman schultz and thenr shes going to turn it over to her colleague, who is congresswoman lois frankel. Lois frankel, i first met, you will not remember this, when she and i were both legislators. I was at, from ohio she was from florida,re and, and then we were mayors together. So congresswoman lois frankel describes herself as a working mom and now working grandmother, which i just got to be that, to. Isnt that cool . And so it will be a real joy for colin Debbie Wasserman schultz to introduce lois frankel who is now the cochair of the democratic womens carcass. Thank you. [applause] so its really, thank you so much jane. Is really special to be introduced by Jane Campbell, someone who when i was a young legislator who i really attempted to emulate, i found when youre an elected official particularly a state legislator in my former state legislator college notice, so look around the country for other members who think like you you in te legislation there introducing, edging was always one ofof those that i found myself always introducing the similar or even the same piece of legislation in my state legislature as she did in ohio. And so its just great to be able to see that youve landed here and are taking care of the legacy of the United States capital. So we appreciate so much. And thank you [applause] thank you to the Capitol Historical Society for hosting us nevervi really even conceding this, not surprising because jane is the ceo. I am thrilled to join my fellow women colleagues and former colleagues. Goodco to see congress from i bustos who i think will rejoin the two in a little while, and also fantastic shortstop on the congressional womens softball game for many, many years and were going to miss you this year. H the. Being with the Capitol Historical Society and focusing on natural and National Statuary hall during womens History Month really brings me back to the time that i the years many years i chaired or was the Ranking Member of the legislative Branch Appropriations subcommittee. So i was only in my second term. I was learning the many of the legislative branch, but i immediately knew that the historical societys mission aligned with why i wanted to do, as the chair of the legislative branch proposed bill. So we had just we had just inherited that project was delayed in hundreds of millions of dollars, hon when times but it was to fido to kick the can down the road. The story of a, we too often neglect womens voices but we can repair injustice ensuring authority of women and girls other. He ready heard from my friend, both in the nation and possibly modern world and the first native american okay. These women of the brightest and boldest our nation has to offer. Number 11, the most recent addition from the great state of florida. Yes, you can apply. Incredible. A pioneering african advocate in Public Service and most know her for what is the university of so much more in the nation and also africanAmerican Woman to officially join the united nationse charter. Under 70 here at the capital, thats under 5 in the capital llso usually you need to have moved the mountain and other factors fromm florida and air conditioning. Certainly in florida worthy of being honored in the halls of capital or serve at the highest levels of government and thats standard for most of the men. For women either move the mountain prevented world war and send it all backwards. Before youre even considered for the same. I got the privilege of introducing my colleagues and a dearestt friend, someone of literally known every minute of my life hopefully when we need to celebrate, we will have moved back toward reflecting women in our great nation, as you already heard as a long list of successes, we served sidebyside in the leadership of the statehouse together, the champion of women and children and their quality of life as the equity and necessity make sure there is equal opportunity for all, strong and credible voice fantastic i, she talks about her grandson so please join in representing congress,. And so hard to follow her. I should tell a story, first of all, its great to see you. We shared age lot of stories to the thank you for this stoical site, thank you for everybody who is here, a shout out to one of my best these. You talk about women sticking together, i knew debbie when she was a collegead graduate, she looks like she was 12, what were you, 19 . I was just starting my career with thehe legislature so goingo say i am responsible for debbies career. [laughter]t okay, i was starting my career in the legislature and i have a lott of passion and drive i was looking for an assistant and a gentleman comes to my office and has a job and i looked at her and said i dont think you know anything. I cant fire you. This young lady went and got a job in fort lauderdale, a colleague of mine, a state representative, she follows him in to the senate and into the congress what did i say . I am responsible for her great career because i didnt hire her. [laughter] anyway, w i would have hired you even the she is a terrific lady, a terrific leader in congress. A proud member of the most diverse caucus in congress and 94, almost half the democrats that mark i am honored to be here to celebrate as we wrap up womens historyli month. Women are making history everyday. As a member of congress, it is amazing to walk around, we have the unique opportunity to work, important buildings in our country, a place for all over the world has gathered. It is a testament will should be a testament of the important work we do. The unique collection of unique statutes for historical figures. Innovators and activists andto educators you want to the halls and notice what is missing and you say where are the women . You would be right to ask that. Only 11 are women. Thats wrong, isnt it . How you really tell the story of the nation without women . Good news is, making some progress but ill give a report on the. Senator klobuchar in the senate, to new statutes of the Supreme Court justices and oconnor, you heard about my home state, its really good in florida. [laughter] okay. You cant take me anywhere. [laughter] were going to have this great new statute, remarkable educator joins the ranks of the civil rights leaders and Frances Willard, still busy i think but shes here. The very firstwo congresswoman, theres goodd news because therell be more papers soon, i think forng more coming our way and this will show 3 million is a more accurate pictorial, will not recognize our country in the world having these women the collection will allow thousands of young girls here everyday with classmates see the woman who broke down barriers the women who inspire usw and let s know dreams can come true so thank you all and now i turn this over to a great lady from nevada. This is a lot of fun. That mark. Thank you for your leadership and putting a spotlight. I first came to austin had the original the ladies restroom was hidden by a mans that you. Now we have in our own. 1884 to 1891 and activists over 200 miles. She was great for her people and there were 300 pieces. She met with leonard haze in 1980 and 1983 the first book we believe ever written and native American Children and spoken english and native language. He is married at least five, we dont need to go into those details. [laughter] a defender of human rights, educator and a native woman. Her dress is adorned by friends and it is flowing and depicts that movement, it is really beautiful. It is an honor to see her, have children and if you see her, you can be her in a native American Woman here at the capital so thank you very much. [applause] congresswoman, we really appreciate your. I have some nice things to say about you but compare all of it. I noticed this year in the hilly is here. Congresswoman because for 34 years history and politics of nevada in the United States of america so to put this in context, our favorite historian who is michelle cohen, michelle is superior the architecture and it is her job to make sure we all understand what it is and the new York City School so doctor michelle always, tell us how this comes together. [applause] i really enjoyed listening to everybody, i dont know that it will be quite as is and i will try and let hackers like. See some of the statutes so thankca you for historical sociy inviting to participate in todays event. Please to highlight women in some of the artists represented. Okay. Its here and now is not. Were going to see these steps, hundreds of leaderships. We are all familiar with the statue of freedom. In the 19th century, women were primarily symbols. This statute of freedom in this film in 1863 she is both icon and inspiration and these depictions, she is an allegory. This is not a specific person. With the promise of women and social and political arenas, i think my numbers are correct, 153 voting members, there is a growing number of paintings that honor individual would throughout American History. A little background about the election, it was inaugurated in 1864 formf it before the end of the civil war in final lislation es established, it was substituted but it wasnt until 15 Frances Willard so 11 of 100 statutes celebrate women and some other statistics, it was really about sculptures but they were over 10 . In the year 2000 Congress Passed legislation to permit statutes and i speaks to the need of thinking about heroes we wano represent us so today there are replacements there are qui a few in the pipeline and and so arkansas for the civil rights activists in nebraska and the state senator and suffragist and the civil rights leader. The first that was unveiled, new can see that on the left and to complete ts group of 100 which we got in 2005 and five centuries of American History from revolutionary war figures and some of the early statutes are associated western states. Currently four of these are also by women artists. Frances willard in 1905 and in 1985 this was unveiled 2022. So this is going to be a quick visual introduction to who the people were and what the statutes look like we have Frances Willard, this is another important fact that sculptures the so the parameters dont have this creative expression in that regard to see a more traditional approach so this is the first one, the artist is interesting, a student of augustus, some of you aresh familiar, a leading american in the 19th century and the other interesting fact is it is really behind sponsoring it so this is looking at the history and understand what groups are interested in having sculptures of particular individuals. It was womens club made the difference. Several decades past as an educator and one of the first in the country. Here we have a statement from colorado, oneer for science, horsewoman two profession ship woman elected to the sizes and first woman to have a department of the Rockefeller Institute for medical research. Ea joy you can see her ptrait there, a contemporaryor renderig that is moreom impressionistic than some that you will see, you can feel the surface of the statute. Here we have a year ler from oming the first woman of peace i think inni the entire countrys well as an active devoted suffragist said here is 2 years after the, a lot of time between these commissions. They kind ofos common clumps tht washington chose the architect and mother joseph to represent one of their representatives and jeanette rankings, and the first woman elected to the house of representatives from montana and what youre seeing is not 2003, it was made when the state wanted to use it to represent them, the original is in north dakota andhat is in 1914 and a lot of discussion about this because the law that indicates a single figure and his mother with ad, child, it promoted internal discussion as to whether or not it should be permitted. As we learned, this was unveiled in 2005. Alabamaf replaced with helen keller in 2009. The disability rights advoce and lecturer. Amelia ehrhardt was found, the aviation pioneer author activist and first female to fly solo across the event and then mary mcleod created by the first artist and collection. Give us a closer look at one of these pieces interesting to look like most artists, want to immerse themselves and she tried to learn what she could and she studied her writing and photograph and her home at dayton beach but she also wanted voice and listened intently to numerous recordings and she said the voice influenced andit suggested qualities of directness so you can see its broken down as if she i speaking directly to the child. Is is the information of president roosevelt, Elinor Roosevelt gave it to her and this refers to those growing and she stopped many colors and reflections on diversity and individuality and interracial troth and she saw her and that was a very symbolic thing and hopefully you will see this mature, this really needs to have like a tripod structure so these are the essential service but its a distillation of text from a piece of this writing as my last will and testament and she rode as a reflection for the end of her life and i leave you with love, hope, faith, a thirst for education, racial dignity, courage and peace. Quickly to give a better understanding about the collection, we had talked about the fact that cultures had been commissioned and i want to show you this monument and susan b anony presented in 1921 for theatnal womans party to mark the ratification in the 19th the minute and an interesting history was encrypted and brought back in some of you may be familiar with that and then have the abolitionist womans rights advocate and 2019 lets see. Too far. Rosa parksassedioio legislation e civil rights activist ros parks unveiled in 2013 and is the only statute in that whole not commissioned but to come to the building you dont distinguished by what was commissioned by congress or by statend i want to introduce you to a new cap Capital Visitor Center to disseminate thehole collection and you can count this on your smartll phone old o are the people . Youanut this on your living room floor. Thank you can click on various icons or various parts to reveal a lot ofth meeting and contextualize and learn more about the subject i recorded an article and it is a wonderful way to understand share that with people and i think a lot of people enjoy this approach. When the u. S. Capitol of the range of achievements in the uned states and represent scientists, peers, authors, politiciansndivil rights activists unlike the men,se women obtain this in their respective field. How would say thank you. [applause] now you know why. Thank you so much for those words and that inspiration, it is a gift to the capital. We are going to hear from senator amy klobuchar. Couldnt be read this right that has been with us for many occasions and made it possible for us to move forward first woman to represent her home state United States senate and here she is. Lets hear from senator klobuchar and then instructions on tour. Hello to everyone attending the u. S. Capitol historical society, the women of the whole program. Thank you for your tremendous leadership is president and ceo. Id like to recognize the great Women Leaders involved in the. Former congressman and curator to the architect of the capitol. Thank you all for coming together to the right womens History Month and fully women in our nations capital. We know women in every chapter nations history, soldiers and suffragist, engineers and educators, women made america. In our republic. Fortunate enough to spend time in our capital cant help but notice something, or the any of the artwork of the more than 200 sanctions in the capital, only 60 represented only 11 within the National Election feature women. As a statue on 19th century professor of the university of minnesota is one of the first women to work asd a professor. The civil rights activist became the first ever in american to be honored in the whole with the state Commission Statue from the state of florida. Those numbers make me think of a time a few years ago i told him in the history of the senate, only 2000 men and only about 50 women. He said to me, they would shut it down but we are not shedding anything down. We are focused on opening things up. As Ranking Member, im working toward making sure our country is reflected in these homes across the aisle, collins and sinema to have Bipartisan Legislation former Supreme Court capital crime. Both of these women were trailblazers long before the Supreme Court, Opening Doors for women so many so its fitting the lives and legacies honoring them in the heart of our. Up until two years ago, there was a single room named after a woman soto former senator growth went from honor of barbara, the longestserving woman senator, the first woman elected to both houses of congress. One was a democrat and the other a republican. It is decorated with portraits of the trailblazing woman in this institution the first woman and first black woman elected as well as so many other women who broke down barriers and tammy duckworth, kamala harris, you name it. It is the cafeteria and they are standing in front of the capital. As the work and on the capital i see little girls living with their families and their school by showing them the role of women in the country, sending a Crystal Clear message that women have a place in our future. Capital historical society, it is a team effort. Now we get to do a really funny thing is coaxing the statute and the way it, forget to go this. Our leader is back and will want to. We would be honored to have you. If you have to do something else, we will understand we are so grateful for you and all of you, thankan you for believing n history alive. Be well. [applause] technical. Weekends on cspan2 art and intellectual peace. 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