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Truly informed, every public fries. Get informed straight from the source on cspan unfiltered, unbiased, word for word. From the Nations Capital to wherever you are. Because the opinion that matters most is your own. This is what democracy looks like there cspan, powered by cable. I am delighted to move us to our second panel, olmsted junior, the Conservation Movement in state and National Parks and we are lucky to have lauren meier, history and Landscape Architect serving as both moderator and kickoff speaker for this event. Lorren has a longstanding relationship with the olmsteds, having edited the master list of Design Projects which i just mentioned as well as parts of the papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, a mere 12 volumes, thousands and thousands of pages. Of the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic site as well. And with that, welcome, lauren. Thank you, deedee. And if i can figure out the technology here, im going to pull up the next. My. I might need i made the someone. I mightht need someone. There it is. Doubleclick in the middle. Different than mine. Welcome everyone to session to. Im going to kick off this panel covering a wide over of the National Park service. Followed by scholar and historian who willo do a deeper dive into the work of junior and ending with sam who will talk about the important historic and current work in california. We are going to do this Panel Speaker after speaker to create the most time possible for questions from all of you. During homestead 200, we celebrate the bicentennial so ill begin with three areas in which 19th century area homestead contributed to the development of the National Park service. Some of these you have heard before. First we heard about advocacy for reservations. Feeling it was an important responsibility of government to create for the people and of natural scenery. There to other areas where its enclosed the National Park service as a scale office of the practice of landscapech architecture, the firm developed a site based design process the integrated the architecture and preservation into a single project the transformed into a park. The approach was conserving large scenic areas and design public access. This is in the development of our planet to the creation of the plan as well as detailed studies for individual park facilities. Third, collaboration with architect fox and hh richardson resulted enhanced with architecture preachers inspired by the natural setting. The connection between the firms design and rustic architecture of the service has been well documented for many including linda, harrison and you can carve of the park service designed new heights giving the National Park a distinctive architecture feel and character. Junior was one of the founding members of American Society and its first president. The committee on National Park and National Force and in 1960 devoted to his discussion at the National Park. They called for an organized systematic approach to creating National Parks, but from the medical of preserving natural scenery and using the artist of architecture to successfully design new parks. Homestead wrote about the importance between National Park and national forests. There were already approximately 1400 National Parks and 28 National Monuments but the administration was fractured ase we heard amongst the department of interior and agriculture. Following the meeting, worked collaboratively with legislatures and park advocates to doctor legislation to create National Park service. The contribution and the legislation that created it has been known t today is his statement of purpose. The firm was involved in the National Park in any way including external and internal advocacy and working outside of the National Park service to advocate for new ones. Before the passage and they increase their efforts to expand water supply and valley in the northwest part of the park and was called upon by many to help with this proposed in 1910 to 13, he wrote members of congress and rational leaders including this. The most elegant was a lengthy editorial in the transcript noting potential damage, lack of definitive need for the project would create regarding private interest in public land. The role in the Committee Led to consultation with National Park Service Officials regarding potential of the everglades. Promoting the idea at a time when florida was undergoing a surgeon population and rare wildlife and legislation to investigate has in 1929, simultaneously engaged in the National Park association who felt National Park based solely onro propound scenery. An ecosystem habitat including the everglades unique tropical ecosystem. A trip by automobiles and cruiser, small boat on foot and by blimp and airplane photos were examined hundreds of miles of the e everglades. Strong support in a critical impact on the passage of legislation related to the currentt condition with recommendations for future action. The design and planning with the focus on theth section of the additive hallway part of what was then called hawaii National Park established in 1916. In the Natural Resources and advocated for the preservation of native species and their use in the project. The essential quality of the park and the plan. Rt the first and largest project undertaken in his role as National Park Service Collaborative in a position he held 1941 to 1950 is a Colorado River based recreational surveyl this came at a time in the National Park service needed a representative to work cooperatively with other federal agencies around the complex issues of dam construction, recreation and scenic preservation the i area. This was clearly so committed to the importance of National Park in a great outside energy to t help facilitate. This resulted in a list of recreation sites and working continually through 1942 and 43 covering a vast geographic area. In the inclusion of the park of the National Monument. In 1926, stephen asked for assistance and evaluating the area in grand Canyon Village at the south room. Daniel had taken over the design of the park service remain concerned about expansion of the hotel operated by concessionaire. The role was to assist if and how it could expand without detrimental effect in the facility. The arrival sequence for visitors and preserving the irreplaceable area. He recommended internal situation and keeping new development away and creating conditions that would facilitate recovery of the landscape throughg vegetation. The grand canyon is one of a few parks where junior was involved in land issues related to Indigenous People when this chart as the federal government for boundary adjustments to provide more suitable raising claimed. D. He provided input because he was asked to solely based on the preservation of the hearing but not for this proposal. The firm has the longest relationship with yosemite. He was as early as the 1920s related to conflict and overcrowding and 1928 the first chair of expert advisors. He holds the until 1953 and the committee was to provide guidance and abroad plan to ensure scenic preservation of the National Park service to accommodate increasing indicated the opportunity to address outside criticism selecting a communitysu and junior served is whom he was working with the part system and a geologist said the committeeer several locatios and winter recreation activity to public sanitation to a proposed from the valley floor up to glacier. In lieu of costs and for construction National Park service in the form of letters and reports, times it requires involving specific design for which junior term to the firm in the case of area. Proposed development of a new village was a major activity in the late 1930s particularly with respect to what public uses were and the vehicular circulation and how it would occur. The board advised on minimized dental scarring of the rock cliff to diminish this value often involving this firm. Works on rhode island and began with bar island in 1908 but the work on the motor road imprint on the National Park. 1926, daniel and thomas visited the road work junior was doing at the privacy which led to the motor road. They contacted the office in 1929 regarding opportunity and over the next six years the brothers completed approximately 130 design plans focused primarily on order rose andou rockefeller hope this would sensure protection of the natul beauty of the island where the brothers serve as a neutral party to mediate differences of opinion with the parks superintendent. Youre seeing a theme here. In 1937, the National Park Service Director wrote regarding design of memorial of the newly established Mountain National c park. This is the National Park service and rockefeller was designed and the cap site was selected in and a new design was built in tout provide views of e gap. Construction of memorial began in 1939 and built a storm and fdr and 1940. National park service insulted the firm regarding bureau of public roads plan to increase and appointed as architect to review. Ith the design one of the last projects was a development of a policy on values and National Park by public concern. The public landscape of the National Capital and 1901 appointed to mcmillan, the commercial Park Commission and the National Capital commission, a firm the project the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial and roosevelt island. The cushion between 1910 18 the firm avoided Design Projects under their jurisdiction but did often have recommendations regarding the landscape of the mall and memorial should be treated. It was later designed between 1934 and five during the fdr administration. They asked to serve as a consultant to the Jefferson Memorial and they hired the architect for the memorial and howard completed a majority of the work to have workmanship in the government construction investigation. The senior considered the appropriate treatment and undertaking the d. C. Street and they undertook the efforts to plan, preparing the landscape and olmstead junior and edward clark largely responsible using an overlay method showed a sketch of existing conditions to reveal landscape treatment. Several Historic Sites with the involvement became part of the National Park system that a later date including 1913 design for Washington Square inph Philadelphia Incorporated into independent National Park in 1991. 1914, the mayor of baltimore asked to assist with the design in the vicinity of the monument that included road design but junior evaluated proposals for the treatment of George Washington in 1928 in the National Memorial association in advance of the 1932 bicentennial funded in part by rockefeller junior. Objection to this reconstruction of the whitefield house light on vathe preservation for authenticity and historical record. The home and office became a unit of the National Park service in 1979 and 808 you heard from jake newman, brooklyn and firms advocated for National Park directly and indirectly through National Organizations of which many were accessed as well asct designed. New contributed the most to the entire portfolio and was by no means the only individual the firm established National Appreciation of the importance in sunni preservation and prior understanding of the diversity ofof ecosystem and landscape pis that would make suitable. The importance of preserving this using appropriate methods, the critical need for National Parks was easy distance and populations in the role of Site Specific to Sustainable Design to address safe and appropriate access to National Parks. I think you will hear some overlap in what for me you will see these issues through a variety of lenses so with that, id like to turn it over hello. I am delighted to be here today. To celebrate. Oops, i got to do my thing how are you doing . And i want to thank you for this celebration as well as seniors all year and this particular one. The young girl was early on subsidized to nature and exposure to landscapes and grownup years. From an early age the follows commission in these efforts proved an eager pupil and the duration of the significant amount of time reflecting and building through those consideration. As sharpened as they were by the awareness of the expansion of rapidly, forming the late 19th and early 20th century. A similar chartrt for its servie deep in the mountains and his association as far as experts and the 1894 n95 apprenticeship building estate in north carolina. Experience provided a natural segue into the founding rapidly unfolding field as well as establishing landscape education in america. We lived this transformation everyday with aesthetic orienting and abilities. He to his approach is the embrace of continuously balancing necessity of the saco bernie in 1893, that was the first as youve heard. San francisco. To debate reaching congress in , Rick Olmstead had a Wilderness Place forcefully against the playing of the valley. D it always consideredid himself open to arguments or combining utility and wilderness and was firm in his opinion deviations must be accomplished without harmful experience. A distinctive charm would be injured by the alteration. The last century he wrote on the transcript thatho has shown an enormous increase in appreciation of and resort as a means of recreation and the strain of civilization and the amount is rapidly shrinking in this rash serving time of transition to abandon an essentially defending him once the art as a sample of prosperity. As well is altering that has set this president. That battle is ultimately lost but incentivizing advocates for establishments for National Park. A member of the commission, the shoot over sophistication. Repeated attempts to pass a bill thought establish and create and protect wilderness areas according to safekeeping of National Monument in the acts of 1906. 1911 wrote a lever to propose bureau. Some unmistakable terms of primary purpose for which parks and monuments are set aside. Ultimately it was who provided insights and the words. This would promote and regulate reservations. The historic target and the enjoyment of this manner. Dependent upon the compromise of raising, stemming in plans for force preferably in remote areas. Without intrusion. B by the time the bills passage, the firm was involved with the development. For the western United States. The family consisting of his wife and daughter charlotte moved to the area. Before the move rick spent months of july and august 1921 touring National Parks with members of the National Park service including you somebody. It is being put into practice. From sequoia National Park and the pecking trip. Two years later this association their use of an experienced outsider in this detached reveal and deepest healing about the natural world. The matter how impressive or beautiful, the one thing in which i believe to be the lowest quality of these reservations and no one is free without trespasser inclusion to go in uphill and downhill in any direction they areay today and a way of Property Rights and other restrictions which are built from chaos. Rest the mind and struggles in the web and the freedom to understand and he verified his position on the deeply important fundamentally different functions of National Parks and the American Society in this talk he reiterated his condition. National forest he said slippery and the use for recreation to be secured and does not interfere with force management. Set apart to preserve the opportunity for here enjoyment and recreation should be obtained from the remarkable scenery. Despite the distinction being filled must be made, this involvement neverer ceased. Every man and can carry life giving more construction matters in those frederick homestead. This advice was sought by their efforts to preserve along the northern coast. Eight years after this was found in18 is always resulting in for 29 years 1943 along with former chief United States to make a farreaching survey and report the conservation master plan the following year in the garden club focused on breakfast to honor americans of one more to it and manage the only in this after this is more miles from the coast. Subsequent fundraising effortso is enough to preserve 5000 acres in what is now redwood state park. The survey, but other states as well. Significant as long years of campaigning for you, it could be argued the most consequentialks impact in the state Parks Committee morphed into California State Parks commission. The group consisting of businessmen, conservationists and officials who gather to discuss the predicament of unregulated growth across the state beginning in 1925. In light citizens and officials concern for the monuments of the state as well as unique natural features proceeded in getting 6 million bondnd past to pass a statewide permit and plan for their acquisition. In january of 1907, the immediatelyad prior this effort and one until december 1928 and completed this enterprise. The mentoring this was and is astonishing especially given the fact that 15000 complete the entire project. This was a normal rate and for the staff, he divided it into 12 districts and elected and appointed throughout the state to act as advisors and close to 200 advisors, and in women if the time without charge. The public hearing and state and federal officials was a massive spread across the state. He declared despite the fact that time and funds needed more. And would have been desirable. And 1928 in preparing links in this position and it differed dramatically in quality. We drove all over california. One thing it did take away any fear i might have had about mountain driving after driving over theth roads, anything ive come acrossee later being a piee of cake. Its illustrated without recommendations. Mountains and hill country many immensely popular beaches, deserts and iconic image at the northern end of the search. Allocating 6 million or plans and part acquisition. The state allowed the plan that followed the plan even through the Great Depression and purchased 80 in the outstanding parks they enjoy. And it was suggested as early as 1911 and reflected in deeprooted commitment and maintained until 1956, i could be wrong. And the intensification that is increasingly popular. You can imagine awards were heaped throughout his life and came on the 83rd birthday memorial growth in america so many years before. His friends wereho honored in hs name and it was his idea to create one. Earlier writing to a friend and describing the memorial growth flows of the sherry site is present one of the mostfu impressive beautiful examples and its the most clear water ive ever seen, completely selfcontained. July 4, 1963 friends and family only and it was nicely pleased. Surely the closest association in this conservation would not have been a more perfect manner in which to honor his work. [applause] how are you all doing . How good . Night. The next presentation. Perfect. My name is sam, president and ceo of save the Redwoods League and follow on themes today connection betweenhe homestead, redwoods. Ford is progressing thank you all so much. This is a critical voice in the landscape. I am pleased to be here in celebration of the legacy and im going to share how that legacy is rooted in the redwood forest. Help launch this movement in this country position does collectively need a new era at a time when natural space in an unprecedented will and we asked ourselves what would olmstead do today but as we all know senior and junior visionaries, fundamental to American Society reflecting purely american sense of place. Schools, churches and museums in a critical element to the infrastructure healthy vibrant Community Empowerment and beauty of nature took center stage was critical to our health and wellbeing. The core was to make this part of our lives. They believe that was the american way beautiful landscapes were not just for this class but rather set aside almost. Theyve lived in and around landscapes my whole life. Spent any weeks every year my practice plan conservation for many years and was behind all of those landscapes. In the ready access to nature that defines the golden state in this vision. The early phases ofiz the Organization Development organization with the family and today and what we see in this celebration of the bicentennial, we believe it represents an organization hearing that legacy forward the conservation activity will earlier and commissioned by the redwoods as we were a core component of the commission in 1928 to develop a plan of the state parks system. The plan recommended 125 parks throughout the state and it is remarkable to think about the fact that almost all of them were within a matter of a few years, that is remarkable. Imagine proposing a plan for 125 parks and having it happen. Mindboggling. It is that plan, the residents of the east bay in the Great Depression to create more parks and open space that was the largest history. In the founding of america and spoke at the dedication of the burden club of america and it was the first elected to overcrowding as one of the founding Board Members of the Regional Park district and to this day park became the park where i go almost every weekend so the primary message is that we could use it today. In the Community Building power of parks now more than ever and if weve learned anything, we need to have the healing power of nature in our lives have learned from the nature and when they were alone in the corner is almost more than 15 years since California State Parks. This is personal an entire system in a matter of decades. Today California State Parks is the one 100th of 1 of the overall budget. We are about due for another olmstead era. As you think about how he inspired the transformation of the nations relationship with nature in public spaces and think about that transformation in the context of child an opportunity we face, i keep asking myself what would he do today . Climate change in the pandemic and equitable parks and public lands, what would he do today . And ill start with what i know best. Olmstead juniors philosophy is the mission of saving ever since joined in 1926 and served again and sought to most visitors in restorative Natural Landscapes in the most fundamental developingng plans through inspiration from the road were developed. It is so and resilience and community will. Life decisions are made inside perspective and life finds its bounds even as clean air and breathe out and in like lungs of the world so what drew him to the movement . And told me some fun facts. No redwood trees and 380 fetal and still growing. They are massive giants of the house 100 feet and they are mind boggling old. And they were already torn the ropes first. The fossilth records itself is dating back millions of years the air of in the use to circumnavigate after multiple stages and survive is only a narrow band for 60 miles long going north and south in california and scattered only on the western of nevada. The 1840s when millions of euros of stability turned on a dime. The population of settlers andre into 48 and indigenous communities landscape there were thousands of years but the soakers were a community of of thousand people. 1849, and by 1870 the city grew ten timeses larger, 265,000 peoe who lived in the bay area in san francisco, there was an old city built almost entirely of redwood. Things to 1878, the federal government was in the redwood forest again telling the forest wasus because of the war mentiod earlier. For 2. 50 an acre in the valley and acre was hundreds of times that and within a few years and the First Time Ever the redwood forest was privately owned and began to disappear. Seventyfive years later almost half of the redwood forest and third of the ancient sequoia trees have been cut down. The 1970s, only about 5 remain standing primarily in parks by olmstead and protected by the partners. Here you see the dark green as the former redwood in the red represents what remains. The mighty redwood forest lands 2 million acres of oldgrowth down to 120,000 acres and 1849 when the harvesting began, the concept didnt exist manifest destiny was still called andse fussing of hotel and resource to be as we several timeses today n 1864 inspired by olmstead senior and giant sequoia president lincoln the first step of Land Conservation and the middle of the civil war lincoln set aside sequoia in the somebody valley is publicly predicted land and wild nature was protected. The development of the Land Conservation in america in the redwoods and Olmstead Family were there at the start. The late 20th century and founded to protect the redwood forest environmentalists didnt exist. Had to make up the rules as we went creating the tools the Conversation Community has been putting to use ever since your there was not even a structured Public Agency with whom to partner in the longterm stewardship of the special places we were working to protect beer again back to the story 1927 figure after Frederick Law Olmsted junior joined the council, the lead initiator and led the legislative effort to create the california state park system come out and managing the redwood forests that the leak at a Partnership Working to acquire. And in 1928 the league lost what at the time was the biggest Andy Campaign in california history, to promote the parks law berkeley, california, state park bond act was the states first ever parks bond and one of the first of its kind in the nation. It passed in every county and by a margin of three to one, for the new program to launch the acquisition of california state park system. That figuratively recruited Frederick Law Olmsted, jr. To create a master plan, a vision for the parks that would become california state park system. His plant and make it when he identified 125 potential sites, which are today cool to what is often said to be the finest state park system in the world. And given his love of redwoods design i California State Parks plan around a spite of redwood forest park stretching up and down the california coast. So the league got to work rejecting these forests, acre by acre. Humbled redwood state bar, prairie park, don north, Jedediah Smith, these are all parks that were identified in the plant as critical opportunities to protect the last of the ancient forest. Today though state parks alone, hothose identified by olmsted in his plan contain more than 40 of the worlds remaining old redwood forest or they are the heart and soul of a network of redwood parks that welcome more than 31 million visitorsy every year. Now a century after save theem Redwoods League began bleeding and focus on protecting the redwood forests. That initial objective or goal in the beginning was to protect what were deemed called representative stands of the ancient redwood forests before they were all lost your ad today with the devastation and clearcutting of the forest that surrounds representative stands, indeed they are just about. That are like museum exhibits of what the forest used to be. We know now thats not enough. A grove grow is not a for. We need healthy resilient forests to sustain the planet. And to further develop a more expensive conservation vision, in recent years we have learned oldgrowth redwood forest sequester more carbon per acre than any other forest on the planet by a longshot. The secondplace finish isnt even anywhere close. Again, more carbon per acre than any other forest on the planet. One of the parts in olmsteds plan jutted at the jedediah jedh redwood state bar up north by the oregon border contains more aboveground biomass per acre than anywhere in the world. More surface area than anywhere in the world. More apathetic life, plants that grow on other plants that anywhere else in the world for our researchers found a mature dog for tree growing out of the canopy of a 2000 year old Coast Redwood tree. More carbon sequestered per acre than anywhere in the world. There is one tree in that part that puts on a metric ton of wood every year in the single tree. That are historically have e belief that old forests were static, not so. The bigger and older a Coast Redwood tree, the more wood inputs on in a year. At the hand of within a single year in just one tree. And at a time when we are struggling to mitigate the proliferation of carbon in the atmosphere in order to save the planet, its worth paying attention to that little piece of data. I would wager that olmsted would suggest we incorporate that information into our investment choices, that in a type of Climate Change we need to expand our park vision to a landscape scale vision, protecting and restoring the sea of young redwoods that surround the items of oldgrowth in the healing forest to be the oldgrowth of the future. So thats what were doing for example, after acquiring del norte and Jed Smith Redwood state parks in the 1930s, again based on olmsteds plan, and 2002, 70 years later save the redwoods believed acquired the 23,000 millcreek watershed, i see a former clearcuts entangled with old logging road that links together those spectacular islands of oldgrowth. We added this young recovery redwood forest to Redwood National and state parks that are currently actively managing it. Removing miles and miles of abandoned logging roads, fending overly dense stands to encourage the dominant trees, hiring tribal crews to help restore riparian areas to bring back the salmon. In olmsted delete in natures hand guiding the aesthetic of parks, a lightht touch Landscape Architecture Scenic Vistas of uncritical data. Today we know these landscapes have suffered, that now because of the devastating impact of timber harvest, active stewardship is critical in helping to heal these natural places. So with what weve learned about climate, about carbon sequestration, about dog diversity in the redwood forest, olmsted would no doubt have expanded his vision for why we need to seek his critical forest biodiversity spread i also think urgent we evolve our understanding of who we are saving it. For all of our debt to the early founders of thehe Conservation Movement, we know now that many of our Community Works were excluded from the process. The roots of savegu the Redwoods Leaguean are tangled with the leadership of the Eugenics Movement of the early 1900s, at the exclusion of marginalized communities from early conservation. Entered and california ans ofpaes the west while land was g distributed for industry and agriculture in parkland, tribes were being forcibly removed from thees places that were fundamenl to their identities, their cultures and their histories. And california tribes are systematically eradicated through e systematically eradicated through governmentsponsored genocide in the years preceding and following californiaia statehood. Today Indigenous People continue to restore their relationship with their Ancestral Lands and their stewardship traditions. The league is pursuing opportunities together with many partners to support california tribes in restoring their connections with theiren ancestl lands through seeking opportunities for comanagement, for tribal acquisition, culturally significant conservation lands, for traditional stewardship and cultural access, and most fundamentally in an alignment with the olmsted vision. Knowing that our parks really are overrun and often inaccessible to many, we are accelerating that pace and scale of our conservation work and creating new parts that connect all of us. To the beauty and power of nature. In recent years the league has protected some of the most important related redwood answer clear forests left with theov ultimate goal of providing more and better redwood parks for all inpeople desperate sequoia between 19 we acquired and protected all decree, 530 acres of ancient sequoia forest, a crucial missing piece of the sequoia National Monument, and a landscape of indescribable beauty with alpinet meadows and wildflowers and hundreds of ancient giant sequoia including more than 2000 years old peer in 2018 we acquired andnd protected the Red Hill Grove the second largest unprotected giant Sequoia Grove after alder creek which was the largest. Most recently protected in that same year and a Coast Redwood range we protect what is now called the Henry Richardson redwood reserve in Sonoma County at 730 acres. It was the largestte unprotected oldgrowth Coast Redwood grove h left in the Coast Redwood range. Most recently we protected the 3100acre loss Coast Redwood property, including five miles of the pacific coast. Coast it is the largest privately owned california shoreline and the Coast Redwood range with extraordinary redwood forest. It is the missing link at the southern end of 60 miles of thee famed lost coast of california. That is collaboratively and jointly owned and managed by the bureau of Land Management and the the kings range, California State Parks, the intertribal Wilderness Council owning counsg culturally significant tribal lands in the landscape, and now save the Redwoods League looking to add this five miles plus two mud properties we already own, seven miles into the protective fabric of critical recreational, cultural and conservation value. But we know that it isnt just about buying the land especially with so much of the land where working to protect has no suffered from years of extraction and intensese management. We have to expand on the olmsted vision of protecting land and parks to include activehe management for restoration in recent years save the redwoods a leak in partnership with the National Park service California State Parks, all three of uste with olmsted in our dna have launched the most ambitious restoration project ever considered in the redwood forest, called redwood to rising. In the northern most parts of the redwood range where the trees grow taller than anywhere else in the world we are actively storing former clearcuts that surround the oldgrowth girls that olmsted identified 95 years ago. Accelerating the healing of the young redwood forest on its path to be oldgrowth of the future. This isf another example of tht opportunity for restoration this is the former mill site where the oldgrowth this collection of parts Redwood National and state parks used to be billed, harvested up on hillside and became you that 45acre block of pavement to be built into boards. We bought the property1313 in 2. We are currently working to remove all of the pavement. We are again working with the construction crew at this critical junction of Redwood Creek and Prairie Creek in the court of iraq ancestral territory. They are restoring the landscape, reintroducing the meander of the stream and the winter jennifer salmon rearing and that is a place where theres going to be a new gateway into Redwood National state part together with the village site and cultural access for ceremony and traditional use. In addition to protecting and restoring allstate would likely have lots to say about how todays parks should curate the unprecedented volume of the visiting public. For example, downstream from that restoration work up in millcreek in the heart of Jedediah Smith redwood state part visitor 7100 off trail to find a legendary growth of massive trees publicized on social media. Visitors eager for the inspiration of nature were trampling on the understory and clambering over roots and what it been hidden from view four years, till just a few years ago. After years of testate on betrayal signs failed to protect the forest floor, we installed a raised walkway that allows for that access without impacting the firms and mosses and huckleberry or the roots of these most massive trees in the world. And here in this primeval wilderness where more aboveground, biorad, more aboveground biomass than anywhere else in the world, the interpretive signage was designed by the descendents of the original stewards of this land, the story at this place, its floor end product of its history and culture in the boards is told in the language of their culturally district today visitors come from around the world to visit this extraordinary example of the power of nature identified for conservation by olmsted nearly 100 years ago, at the visitors are not welcomed and guided by the voice and language of the Indigenous People of this place. Save the redwoods leak has j created an redwood park system in partnership with Frederick Law Olmsted, jr. Both for the sake of the forest and because parks make our lives better, our Community Stronger and your families healthier. Today california is home to 40 Million People with a level of cultural and Ethnic Diversity that was never considered when the parts were created. Olmsted at his fellow counselors at save the redwoods leak through the 30th 40 believe deeply that parks particularly on redwood parks were fundamental to healthy committees, and today we productively are dancing that fundamental belief in its fullest implementation for we are bringing the voices and communities that were excluded in past eras to the table to lead in the conservation of our parks in special places, to ensure that redwood parks few inclusive and welcoming to all of us. In conclusion, the more i thought about the legacy of olmsted and the relevance of his core philosophy to the challenges we face today, the more i am convinced we need toanother olmsted era. We need to inspire another unprecedented level of investment in naturebased solutions to Climate Change through landscape scale conservation and active restoration and management peer we need you we inspire our partners and community to elevate the importance of parks and public spaces in both public and philanthropic investments. And to keep pace with a the growing population by protecting more parkland and reimagining our parks to inspire a new generation of visitors. By broadening the community of partners in the process the feelings of forests and Natural Lands that will help in turn to heal our communities. In so doing we have anbu opportunity to restore the routes that link us together and build back the natural resilience of our landscapes, our world has changed so much and so fast, and as we climbed out of these intense years of health crisis, economic crisis and political crisis and climate at wildfire crisis, and we wrestle with the world we hope to create in its place, we would be wise to remember how Frederick Law Olmsted clues are the power of these forced to inspire above nature and healthier lives peer he understood how the peace and beauty of this forest can provide respite and resilience from the stresses of modern life, and we are deeply proud of how olmsted set in motion our conservation vision when 100 years ago and today we take that philosophy that centers the power of resilience of nature and its connection to all of us as we look to accelerate the pace and scale of the work that he helped us start. Thank you very much. [applause] i know that we have another session coming up, but im told we can take two questions, so anybody. Quick. Yes. Im curious about frederick law junior. Was there any sort of animosity between father and son or jealousy, because so much of what the send it is credited to the father, that kind of thing . Absolutely not. They were extremely close allies, very much. That was the reason why stephen hill, the grandson of [inaudible] sorry, is your microphone on . Yes. Its on spirit okay. Thats one reason why stephen hill who was the grandson of Frederick Law Olmsted, jr. Offered a grant to write something about him, because he really wanted those two entities to be caught apart and evaluated separately. So that olmsted junior got credit for a lot of the things he did peered spur i will just add to that that i think one of the challenges that all of us who deal with olmsted, the olmsted legacy in some way struggle with is the fact that there were, in fact, three olmsteds, right . And a number of other individuals, particularly in that later firm who contributed significantly to the work of the olmsted firm i think that is a misconception that happened whe we have the name olmsted and most people connect it with olmsted senior but, in fact, the biggest legacy happened, the largest of a project happened after the death of olmsted senior. Anyone else . Well great. Well, i want to thank my fellow panelists so much, and to any architects of the puppercaseletter or we look forward to the next session. [applause] weekends on cspan2 are an intellectual feast. Every saturday in American History tv documents americas stories, and on sundays booktv brings you the latest in nonfiction books and authors. Funding for cspan2 comes from these Television Companies and more including comcast. Are you thinking this is just a Community Center . Contest is partnering with Community Centers so students from lowincome families can get the tools they need to be ready for anhing. 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