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National security threats to the United States to provide a Clear Pathway to improve strategic confidence joining the conversation is the director of the National Archives Public Programs on tuesday at 3 00 p. M. David winkler who is the smithsonian air and space museum in Charles Lindbergh fellow will discuss his recent book and at the world war ii memorial. And inpril 2020 the United States embarked on the 2020 census a tenure national count is mandated inhe United States constitution also counng people going back three millennia the census forms collected throughout the century are more than just numbers for those at the National Archives the firs encounter is through census records to seek family connections and past. Traces the remarkable history and then to show Housing Institution of housing on counting people how Society Changes and how it changes those as and an economist phd from the university of austin most recently worked the data group of the world bank and co editor of the allis for Sustainable Development goals thank you for joining us today. Thank you for the introduction it is wonderful to continue the series at the National Archives because this is the second home of the United States census. The first is the Census Bureau itself to actually plan and run the census so to come up to date with where we are in 2020 and they just stopped around two weeks ago. Now they will be checking and processing the data. In december they will release the results that will determine each states recommend representation in congress that is the critical constitutional reason for the census. After that they will progressively release more detailed results over the next few years for state and local governments for businesses for planning and researchers after that initial initial activity has died down they will not be destroyed instead once the Census Bureau is finished with the records they will taken to the National Archives there they will way protected under the rule they cannot be destroyed for 72 years. But the 2020 census will begin the second life as a historical report for kenny people lived in the United States in the year 2020. If today is any guide by genealogist or by your children and grandchildren for greatgrandchildren and for that reason i will tell you about my book how the census has shaped nations in the ancient world to the modern age we can find evidence in the earliest recorded history and even earlier and so my book is at history from the earliest counts up through 2020 but today i want to give you an examplef the important one the importance of the census each one with the written docents emselves. I dont want to give away everything but these are the dates that are recorded in the documentsou see the evolution the way it is used but not necessarily a Straight Line so lets talk about the first census the oldest and the only one and i think it shows heres a photo from the seventies with the description in marble and big chunk of stone is missing. The model in question is located in the roman temple. This was 2000 years ago when the temple w built this is the capital of the province and conquer by the first woman number but what we have highlighted in the undamaged part of the model want to see the model of the english word census because we take her word from that and then to see the context of this scription the full description has suffered significant damage or the century with a 19 centur transcription but the document has become known the deeds of the divine. It is the autobiographical victory it with the president ial memorial washington dc or the Lincoln Memorial or the fdr memorial. Gustus wrote these words with instructions and theill to be inscribed on pillars outside of his mausoleum is not exactly how pridential memorials have come about and seems egotistical and we can be thankful forhat and copies were also made throughout the empire and in addition it is in both latin and greek. And then they could piece together the entire text the focus i want to look at today that with the achievements thats what makes up for the deficit. So here is the english translation. Is my colague after 41 years in thi frustration 53000 roman citizens were injured in the role. And with that sacrifice offering the completion of the consensus that it was a ceremonial quality and t sacrifice that the worldame to refer to the census itself. Those other senses that he performed goes or 4 million up at 5 million that is propaganda you can be sure the growing population and with the vitality of which itules d that is the attitude but it is stl quite common today the other reaso i find this interesting is it comes up in the bible and e new teament. So Caesar Augustus issued a decree a conseus should be taken of the entire roman worldor joseph to judea to bethlehem to the town of david. Even nonchristian christians mary reached bethlehem ang the animals in the manger jesus of nazareth now we know as jesus christ. Known as part of the nativity inhe church of bethlehem. This is the most famous census of all time iprobably did not happen the way we describe it but i want t mention because that it inspired another consensus with those significant british isles. That was the doomsday inquest. That was the doomsday book. A compilation of the people and places of early dawn in england with 300,000 so the doomsday books that is kept in the National Archives so how did the survey come to be . And 1056 weymouth normandy invaded and conquered england and known today as william the conqueror. Following the conquest and then to control england. Twenty years after the conquest the former city and the west of england that which is the most important historical and found himself with the land house occupied that had become the doomsday census but we really dont know the reasons surely not enough of the reason but one theory it was for the test collection another theory to cement and writing the land reorganization to displace the anglosaxons over the previous 30 years. But the feeling that i liked most perhaps sitting in a church on Christmas Eve of that year and the priest with that Caesar Augustus time. And he sees himself in his o right perhaps was inspired. And that was considered a consensus at all. And with that second we focus an in addition 2000 chuh is 6000 mills and in fact and it is shameful to tell is a the expansive nature and in the late 19th century which at that time and with industry in the same way. And then to have that doomsday. But anyy so then i highlight that passage but a man while for certain on that land and in particular marriage and afterwards held the land and without those successes. Would he not be honest are the woman that he loved . With that verse tapestry which is in the medieval suey. No good came to themn this fashion because although it was usef for the king to plan for taxation and the feudal land cos but this was the time and then that didnt change until the 18th century. So at the benning of the change the question i hate try to answer them and how or ere they occurred and then to first mention and with that mythological pple the first mode census and now india sladek national ahives and then in the paragraph of text and then with rows and columns so what prompted the careful consensus of iceland this is iceland. This is me in 2017 ayou can probably tell it is not as one hospitable environment. First it has dozens of volcanoes 18 have arepted destroying villages d farms. I thought it was just e big volcano like hawaii but iceland is far north so the reykjavik is as far north into the arctic circle. And then to be punuated by outright disasr. Thats exact the situation we find ourselvesn out of sheer desperation to go to penhagen across the ocean but now frederick the fourth so i have read was not about to let these people half hour away they were for with the scale of the problem and icelanders by birth travel back to iceland to conduct the sciences. With the winter of 17 oh two it became known in icelandic history is the census winter. Actually first became interested in the topic the first modern census. And with that Icelandic Center census is better in every way. Those are citizens and keying frederick that no person should be let down one farm seems to have been missed out if the u. S. Census manager in the goodyear beneficial to the centrist bureau that was a good year for the census so now with that level of accuracy. And the other reasons i find that to be compelling it was the benefit of the people even with the task of prescription and nothing from the i. C. E. Land. There wasnt much to us to extract. And then it has the consensus of today or in the william the conqueror survey. That is the way each persons details were recorded by name with the occupation in the age at all but 357 people. Let me give you an example. And with those concepts with the inhabitants the first name that i have highlighted is of a 62 yearold man the other names are his wife there made in his brothernlaw this is from 17 oh three not until 1850 that all white people in the United States lied this way including former slaves and the americans are up into the main count of the 20th century. Early european colonies around the sa time or even earlier because that 1666 census these were common traditions with the icelandic effort isolate and had no is slave peoe women to count everyone in the territory. Perhaps that is a single defining role so there was locked but im willing to give th this. Unfortunately for iceland this ultimately wt nowhe. That is so much by the death of the second wife. And with a full census of the United States and the contributions it would make. The constution of the United States dropped in 1987 and this is just from the first page. And just how intral it is and where that is introduced in the tax. We will read some of this and also to acknowledge the problem. Representatives indirt tax should be apportioned within the union according to the respective numbers including the indians notaxed three fifths of all other persons. Three fifths of all other personnto proportion meant each person would only count as three fifths as much. The reason for this like people could never in any case so then to disempower slaveholders relative to a situation everybody is equal and in the slave people with that Great Congress nonetheless these words stay on the gd idea thats represented here to a new major population. Its where slavery was written into the constitution into the great fabric of the nation. The basic idea of representativeovernment with the census taking and then to be representative and those were tiny populations and where they convert on equal terms those of far larr districts and those living in the colony they had not at all. Lookg at how the 14th amendment changed it because we have the three fifths compromise to the uimate demise some of those amendment readings they shall be a portion of the federal states according to those numbers counting the whole number of persons including indians not taxed. The whole number of persons from each state the whole number of adults thehole number of persons everybody with a complex histo it was eliminated othe 19 sixties and that has counted ever since everyone listed in every Congress Since apportionedn that basis. That is the first innovation it gave immense political wast in this double and sword is the reason the census is politically contentious as it has been the last few years precisely because it determines who has power in america. The second innovation the constitution continues renumeration shall be made within three yearsnd with every subsequent term shall by law direct it word as a constitutional demand take us consensus every ten years it was an announcedeeting was taking when every three years but embedd in the constitution into the future and that worked in that happens on schedule every ten years. That was adopted for all countries. So just as the constitution had promised it went ahead to august of 1790 the count was organized by us marshals who appointed 650 assistanceut as you might expect it wasnt completely without cause. This is one of them this is in philadelphia showing the general format of the all the schedules the head of household and then five numbers and into account of the different types of People Living in the household. And every ite man of 16 and with that schedule itself white men are debated into two age categories white women are not they are just want together but not by age or sex. But whereranklin had lived he was a hero and part of democracy but little sadly franklin died april 1790 but thenhat was in august however sally is included in the census probly because she lived there. But because of another mysterious thing about the century this is highlighted and head of the household. And then mystery about this is we know how man people were in that family. But it seems like ere were two women missing from the count ande couldnt come up with any obvious reason why they would be absent so my best guess is that you are franklins grandchildren and is not a coincidence that many others like them to be aggregated into the results that you see here going back into the census numbers that was probably accurate overall. And then passing around copies amended in red ink. So the important thing that was accepted the true population of the United States and in 1792 congress for the first time we apportioned itself and good thing that it did. Before the convention so for example in north and South Carolina each had the same number of seats, five and that which reflected the new number doubled the representation to ten but this was a clear demonstration of Representative Government that that could work it established a tradition that continues to this day that is based on the sears consensus. And then to find out what happened next i recommend another book so the message of my book and the greater story of census taking in general all around the world and the theory of this institution reflects the evolving relationship between people and the government and then to describe the reason for the census in this way to direct the federal funds spent on schools hospitals are public works they use census data and they use it to build new homes and to revitalize. And then for Public Safety and emergency preparedness. , text almost 2000 years ago and he wrote through those areas manufacturing elements and salaries or constricting troops for the army. But one fourth of it goes on to ask to those population seekers the answer i give in 1982 just before the census and wrote the significance lies in this and this the whole community and each one of us gave. That to me is what is so fascinating about it. Thank you White Supremacy is a spectrum not just white violence against people of color and they will tell anyone who asks their families were not entitled they not experience the benefits of whiteness coming from modes beginnings to have a ecarious foothold in economic life. And in many ys they are telling theruth. An immigrant family who comes to ellis island in the turnofthecentury in 18 hundreds with American Society when they arrive with that up to tear cast it was slavery and jim crow. And then to rise lets also part of the Family History to acknowledge. And how the corporations are bad for

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