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Idaho the chairman of the Banking Committee for his comments and refreshing all of our committees about the huge amounts of money that we have spent in assistance of state and local election authorities as well as the good work being done by the department of Homeland Security to help them secure their networks against cyber attack and as well as other elements of the United States government including our intelligence Communities National security agencyig and others. This is important work that i agree with him this is not how we actually build bipartisan consensus here by coming in asking for unanimous consent without going through the appropriate procedures and frankly the hard work that it takes to build consensus. Mr. President on another matter today the Senate Judiciary committee advance the nomination of judge Amy Coney Barrett to serve on the supreme court. Throughout her hearing last week judge barrett wowed america and certainly might constituents in texas with her Impressive Knowledge of elantra clear understanding about the limited but Important Role that judges play in our republic are to follow the president to set down by Ruth Bader Ginsburg the socalled ginsburg rule and refrain from answering questions of how she would rule in future commented on contentious political issues and i think she was correct to do so. We c shouldnt embroil judges in the political controversies that we debate here. Judges are not policymakers primarily and they are certainly not accountable to the voters. They have lifetime tenure and thats why their liresponsibilities are limited t important at the same time. Nor by asking her questions back in 2017 about her religious beliefs whether she is an orthodox catholic. Having to listen to statements like loudly within you because shes a woman of faith suggesting she would somehow violate her hope is a judge and composer on these instead of the lawhe in a role on the bench. Judge barrett i think to call of us to school a little bit and reminded us very clearly that its the judges job to impartially apply the law as written and it was the constant tuition itself for the law that congress passes. She not only stated her commitment to this most basic and simple but she also has a record to back it up. During her time on the 7th Circuit Court of appeals judge barrett has cited with our colleagues 95 of the time in more than 600 cases. Its no surprise the American Bar Association which minority leader has called the Gold Standard gave judge baird its highest rating saying shes wellqualified to serve on the supreme court. But we all knew that. As i looked around the room during the first day i noticed all the binders that people like i and my other colleagues had come no books piled with paper, looks, reference books on the desk of republican and democratic members of the committee. My colleagues materials and preparing for this historic hearingar included previous decisions by judge barrett academic writings letters of support detailed Background Information about her career. I noted as judge baird was answering our questions she seemed to ben, doing so without even glancing down at any notes so i asked judge barrett, ive violated the number one rule that you learn as a lawyer not to ask a question you dont know the answer to but i did it anyway because i have a hunch. I asked her to hold up in notepad sitting in front of her to show us what materials she had been using during the hearing and it was a memorable moment she held it up and smiled and it was blank. I think that spoke volumes about her competence and her preparation, her intelligence all things that would commend her confirmation. , judge barrett demonstrated her vast knowledge of the law. She made clear she understood, as i said, the limited role of judges, and she showed compassion and heart as she compassion and heart as she sen. John cornyn pour herself into her work each and every day. It was noted that under ordinary circumstances, no money like this would get overwhelming support. But unfortunately, these are not normal circumstances. Our callings on theo other side may clear from the getgo for them this confirmation processes was not evenbo about the nomine. Or her qualifications. They try to hijack the hearing and to use it for harsh word but its true. Fear mongering. Last weeks hearing was like split screen tv. On one half the republican senators asked the judge about her judicial loss of a prior rulings and the constitutional doctrines. Ag on the other half, our democratic colleagues delivered monologues about obama care. The Better Future case that she may be called upon to participate in. They attempted to convince thewa market peoplesh that if she was confirmed, she would somehow take away their healthcare. That is an insult. An insult to the judge. Somehow presumed that she isha essentially auditioning for the job based on a ruling in a future case. Ecthat would violate every aspet of the judges oath. As judge Amy Coney Barrett noted. She very carefully describe the case pending and found that supreme court. It is not about obama care live large. Is about eight technical doctrine called severability. The statute deemed unconstitutional. And this is what italy ms. , individual mandate because we zeroed out the tendency under the tax cut and jobs act. The question is does the rest of the legislation and obama care, stand. Or does it all have to be struck down. She noted a number of cases decided recently by the Current Supreme Court seemed treat severability with particular care. And indeed is a scholastic in an academic, she and others noted it is not exactly appropriate for the judges to go out and strike down statutes except to the extent they are unconstitutional. She said are not coming for your healthcare. She will serve corporate interest in and destroy the environment somehow of winter liberties. These are nothing but baseless scare tactics. Studs are democratic colleagues. The latest one came this morning. When they actually boycotted the Judiciary Committee vote on judge Amy Coney Barrett. They couldnt even bother to show up and vote against that nominate the claim as a threat to our democracy. You know what. Judge Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed unanimously by the senators present today. Instead, in their chairs, they had large photographs much like we have seen as sports arenas and ballparks. In the wake of the pandemic. Will we have to social distance you cant have a large crowd of the ballparks of people have these cutouts. Thats what it looked like in the Judiciary Committee today. And, as i have said, because of their antics, because of this stunt. Senator granholm unanimous consent. And of course was no o objectio. Because any potential objector and voluntarily had sentenced themselves but the truth of the matter is the judge Amy Coney Barrett speak louder than the ensigns and she hated claims. She graduated at the top of her class from notre dame law school. She held to prestigious clerk including on the supreme court. And shes litigated in the trenches before academia for sheep wrote the cox part of the constitution. Constitutional law about her federal court in statutory interpretation. She has put all that great experience and training to work on the seventh circuit. This is an exceptional judge. She is a clear record applying the law. She will bring additional value to the United States supreme court. The thing on one of the things that i thought was a remarkable is that Amy Coney Barrett is also an incredible role model. Then i think it should be her elevation to the highest court in the land should be an encouragement to young women who aspire to professional success. And as a great role model, how to balance we all try to figure out how to balance which is your professional and your personal life. Which she and her husband do a marvelous job their seven children. Both being pro fulltime professionals. It confirmed, she would be the first mother to serve as a justice and only the fifth woman to serve in the high court. She is young children. She would also be the first justice on the Court Current court, other than yell at harvard. She would bring much needed educational diversity to the bench. Judge Amy Coney Barrett will serve our country well on the high court. And i have full faith in her ability to faithfully and impartially apply the law as written. I want to thank the chairman graham relating affair and respectful hearing. The ranking members senator feinstein painted observation and i thought that was very generous and civil of her. I would note the any of the more radical folks on the left, that they think senator feinstein for her stability. And i think she remains a good role model for all of us. The number disagreements without being rude or uncivil or disagreeable. And i think that senator feinstein is a model for that. I am proud to support Amy Coney Barretts nomination in the Judiciary Committee. I look forward to voting for her next week here in the senate floor. The Senate Begins debate harlan judge Amy Coney Barrett to the supreme court. Earlier today, republicans from the Judiciary Committee voted 12 zero to move the nomination from the committee to the senate floor. The democrats the florida debate will continue with a procedural vote on sunday. Watch live, able to gavel coverage of the u. S. Senate on cspan2. Donovan people run its really well or badly. Apparently badly, they will probably play me that the blaney if i would help people. He in fact us already cost 10 Million People there healthcare that they had from their employers because of his obsession. With less than two weeks before the 2020 election, watch the debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President , joe biden. Tonight from Belmont University in nashville tennessee in life coverage begins at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. It is alive in the cspan radio app, and go to cspan. Org debate. For life or on demand streaming cspans debate coverage. There are 35 seats up for

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