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Coverage of election 2020. This is the debate between the candidates for minnesotas seventh district congressional seat. My guests tonight are democrat peterson and republican, Michelle Fischbach. Based on the coin flip, peterson will go first. Thank you. Good evening everybody. And i want to thank the aarp for sponsoring this debate and the voters and people in the seventh district for giving me the opportunity to serve them in and congress over these number of years. Ive been there long enough so i was able to move up to the head of the Agricultural Committee and ive been chair man twice and probably the only person thats ever done that. Weve been able to do some good work. Weve kept the Committee Bipartisan which was important to me. We got the usmc a trade agreement done that people were concerned about. We made that happen and got a good democratic vote so i look forward to going back to congress and continuing the bipartisan work that ive done over the number of years. Michelle fischbach, one minute opening statement. Thank you very much to matt and aarp for putting this together tonight. Im Michelle Fischbach. I served in the Minnesota Senate and first female president of the senate and worked as Lieutenant Governor for a short time. I live with my husband and our two children and five grandchildren. Ive enjoyed campaigning across the district and getting the opportunity to talk to people. Although covid slowed us down i stayed on the phone and reached out that way so very happy to do that and i think people were happy to get the phone calls because they were at home, i want to make sure we look to the future in the seventh district and that we make sure that we are making this a place people can live, work and raise their families and make sure we move things forward and work on the economy. And i appreciate the opportunity to be here tonight and i look forward to the discussion. Host topic number one of course schools are starting to open with hybrid learning and things like that and many people are getting back to work the issue has become political. I want each of you to talk about first the u. S. Response to the crisis, specifically President Trump and the response within minnesota. It is an issue that affected us all and i would say i talk a little bit about the shut down and how it affected our campaigning, but i do think that in minnesota in particular yes we try to put a onesizefitsall policy on the entire state and it didnt work for minnesota and we have really done some damage in the aggie ae industry and in the businesses and we need to make sure we are getting the businesses back open or make sure we are moving forward on that because things are depending on that and the economy is depending on that to make sure we are opening those back up. Businesses particularly in rural minnesota understand what it will take to keep their patrons and their customers safe and they are able to follow the cdc guidelines. But let them get back to work and get people back to work and i think on a national level, the president has made sure that we shut down travel as soon he could and make sure we are moving forward on a vaccine. So i appreciate what hes done on the covid relief and we need to make sure we move things forward and opened the businesses back up. Response . When you cant keep president of the United States safe in an environment where they are testing all the time and doing that sort of thing, you know this virus hasnt gone away and that is a serious problem. The people that work for the president , doctor redfield, doctor fauci say the most important thing is to wear a mask, socially distant, wash your hands, and dont get involved in big crowds. Unfortunately we keep sending mixed messages from the federal government, and i think its a battle. We have more faces and more deaths per capita than just about any country in the world, so we need a federal response that is more clear and sends a signal to pull this is what we need to do to stay safe. In the state i think i talked to the governor a number of times and i think it was a mistake to have onesizefitsall for the whole state. I think in this part of the world alongside north dakota and south dakota we could have had different regulations but the governor decided he wanted one regulation for the whole state and frankly i think it was a mistake. Okay, Michelle Fischbach, you can respond. We will move onto the next issue. Lets stick with that and the stimulus package. Right now talks are stalled about a second stimulus package. We may not have anything until after the election. What are both of you, your views on a second stimulus bill and the proposals that are out there. Mr. Peterson you will start on this one. We passed a bill in the house in may that i thought was overdone. I thought it was too much money, but the speaker accepted our agriculture stuff that we worked on in the committee, and because of that i kind of held my nose and supported it because i knew it wasnt going anyplace. Now theyve come up with another bill they dropped the price tag down to 2. 2 trillion and they cut back on some of the stuff. But i just think we have to focus on what the really important things are and not just be giving money out to people because we have to pay this money back some time. So in agriculture we have money for depot chelating hogs and turkeys and we are packing the plans and helping ethanol. I think the bill should focus on what is the crisis and where we can actually help. The last bill i voted against because i just dont think that it fit the mark on what we needed to do. At the end of the day i would have to be in agreement i think it is going to be less money than what we were talking about and it should be. The heros one and he rose to act, yes, i believe congressman peters said he voted yes and it was about 3 trillion worth and much of it was not focused on covid relief and there may have been some great stuff in there but if its not going anywhere via the agricultural provisions can be wonderful but its not going anywhere and heroes one and he rose to, those bills are at a dead end. Nancy pelosi and the leadership, democratic leadership pushed it forward and it was out of negotiating or even talking to the president without talking to the senate and these are dead ends. They are not going anywhere and are not trying to make sure the American People get covid relief, which i support, but they are putting together liberal wish lis wishlist bills, 3 trillion now, they include things like planned parenthood money and money for illegal immigrants. What they need to be doing is actually getting to work focusing on the covid relief that the people need and talking to the president and the senate and moving it forward. Collin peterson, response. The senate hasnt come up with anything realistic either. The president has been back and forth. Right now theres talks going on trying to come up with a solution everybody can support. But i would just have to say when you are working on these big bills and you get what you want in the bill its pretty hard to say okay you gave me what i want, now im going to vote for Everything Else against Everything Else. I voted for it to keep this process going so at the end of the day the people that really need this help, farmers, turkey farmers, packing plants, ethanol plants are going to be in the final package and i think they will be because this last time i had a long discussion with the speaker and said i thought this was a mistake what they were doing that they shouldnt have put it on the floor because it wasnt going anyplace. It was partisan and the wrong thing to be doing at this point in time. I think what we need to be doing is stepping up and if the senate hasnt come up with anything, then the democratic leadership in the house needs to be moving forward and talking to the senate and trying to get these things done. The provisions are still going nowhere because those two bills are not moving so what you need to do is make sure in the opening you talked about being bipartisan. Maybe what we need to do is move forward and be bipartisan on the senate bill and talk about the process. Do you have a response. Every republican on the committee supported what i did. I dont know how i can be more bipartisan than that. I had a very tough discussion with the speaker that she doesnt like and i told her what i thought and thats how it works. Michelle knows that. She was in the legislature. On these bills you cant have everything exactly the way you want it. So we have been bipartisan and at the end of the day i think we will be successful. Michelle fischbach, i will give you the last word on the topic. A. Theres nothing happening on. Those two bills, the most recent isnt moving forward and right now we do not have any covid relief in the Agricultural Sector or for the American People. We will get to agriculture very quickly but the next topic is the Supreme Court vacancy brought on by Ruth Bader Ginsburgs passing. Youve introduced a constitutional amendment that would say nine justices can serve on the court. Theres been talk that if elected, there could be a Court Packing so this is a twopronged debate. First off, talk about why you propose this amendment even though Michelle Fischbach will go first and then also do you both feel the nomination should be delayed until after the election or go forward now. First of all, i do appreciate the legislation not to pack the court or the resolution not to pack the court because that isnt something i support or want to see. But i absolutely support the president moving forward with the nomination and the senate moving forth with the confirmation. Its the constitutional duty to make sure that they do that and move forward and make sure the vacancy is filled, and i think its an important part of their duty and they should do it. I appreciate Amy Coney Barrett and think she would make an excellent Supreme Court justice. Mr. Peterson. Well, we were working on this bill before the Supreme Court issue came up. So we worked on this bill, had it ready to go and introduced it. This talk of packing the court or we have enough problems in the country and divisions in the country to not be doing that. We introduced this constitutional amendment and hope we can get support for it. Nine justices have served for a couple of years and theres really no issue to change that. In terms of this nomination, i know there are people that are upset, but the president wants to move it. Its his prerogative. The senate apparently has the vote. Its their prerogative. And thats the way the constitution set this up and the way things work. A followup on this. What is the difference then between this situation and the garland situation from years ago which is what we hear on the democratic side. Michelle fischbach. I will say every situation is different when there is a Supreme Court vacancy and i believe it is a constitutional duty for the president to go ahead, move ahead and its their prerogative and they should handle it both of the president and senate should go ahead and handle it. I think theres a fair amount of hypocrisy going on because we have people that took one position, republicans in 16 and now they have a completely different position. Having said that, again, the president has the prerogative to do this. Apparently they have the votes. We will see. In the house we dont have a vote. Anything else . And each of you comment on how the trade war with china impacted farmers both nationally and in the seventh district, Collin Peterson, you start this one. It hasnt been positive. Creating about 25 where we were when we got into this in agriculture. The secretary said yesterday at a meeting he was at that they are not going to get the phase one targets that theyve set out there. And its been a problem because these prices come back a little bit its not been because of the trade situation. My biggest problem with whats happening, china is a bad actor and i voted not to let them in the wto and not to let them in the most favored nation status and that was the right vote because we knew at the time they were going to do what they did. So if we had done the right thing back then we wouldnt be in this predicament. And i dont disagree maybe we need to do something to try to rein them in, but i think that these terrorists have been a huge mistake. They have not worked. They hurt not only farmers but manufacturers and a lot of other folks in my district and they have not solved the problem. Michelle fischbach, your response. Prior to the shutdowns and the pandemic, President Trump was making headway and we do know they are bad actors. They are not trustworthy that they have been ripping off the farmers and the industry for years. So President Trump took that step forward and started to deal with those things making sure we were going to be getting at least a fair deal and decent deal. And people understood that. People understand particularly now after the outbreak and all the things that have been going on, people understand china isnt a good actor but i think the president has been making headway and making sure we move forward with those negotiations and in addition to that, the ones hurting the farmers are retaliatory and that is where they are coming from. And i do understand the congressman is going to talk about the tariffs and blame them on the president. But do understand hes trying to do what he thinks is right so we get a decent deal from china and we do need to continue to expand our trade partners whether it be australia, vietnam, continue to move forward and expand our trade partners across the world. Im not blaming this on the president. The question is who they will retaliate against. People need to understand that it is in the farmers that will hurt by these are people that benefited from the trade going on because when the people over there, when we lost the jobs and manufacturing in ohio and other places, the people in the country went in and took their jobs that used to be in the United States, they used to get paid for or 5,000 a month, but the people moved and used to be farmers so then what happened is we sold farm goods to make up for the loss of what happened. So, we had benefited. Its hard to put any kind of a spin on this that its somehow one or another a win for agriculture. I think if we continue through, the negotiations will continue and the attempt to make the chinese create a fair trade deal will continue. I think President Trump understands what its doing congressman peterson, would you manage the policy or try to move up the ranks of the Committee Chairmanships and things like this how would you approach for the seventh district . I did serve in the Minnesota Senate and i served an area. Its weekly to make sure we are hearing whats going on in the field and. We have a farm bill coming up in 2023 and we need to start that conversation early and learn what is important to the farmers and what they think is working and what they think they need, not just someone from washington, d. C. Telling them what they need but understanding whats going on with them and i will continue to make sure that that conversation continues after i am elected. Agriculture is this district and here in the valley the sugar industry is a huge part through the whole situation. I become the head of the committee and that is a big deal in terms of getting things done. It doesnt start until i get into the room and the secretary calls me all the time to talk about what hes doing as people call me and run things by me they ask my advice, i give them my advice and that is something that doesnt have been wit happe rank and file member. The first ten years i was ignored basically but i kept learning and working up the ranks and got into the positionn i could do something. What ive done in congress is respected all across the country by all of agriculture both sides of the aisle and if theres anybody that wont say i do a good job and i know what im talking about. Michelle fischbach. Let me follow this up on the ethanol policy in the district and how that plays off. I thought that it was the congressmans turn. [inaudible] certainly ive always been a supporter of ethanol and in my time in the Minnesota Senate did make sure we were supporters and did what we could to help them in the Minnesota Senate. But i understand the small refinery exemptions have been a problem but the tenth circuit most recently found on the biofuel side so i think that is going to be taken care of and i will do everything i can to make sure those small refinery exemptions are not abused but i will say the Green New Deal in the proposals and regulation coming out of the democratic side do more to her to the ethanol industry than anything. That would eliminate a lot of the fossil fuel and there wouldnt be anything to blend with is the new deal is passed. So i want to make sure that the federal government doesnt do anything to hurt the ethanol industry that i will do everything i can to make sure that those exemptions are dealt with. The Green New Deal i oppose as well and its dead as a doornail and it isnt going anyplace. So thats the debate we do not need to have. The ethanol situation, i was there and the speaker helped us get this done and what it says is we should have 15 billion of ethanol blended into the gasoline in this country. Thats what it says. We have 12. 5 billion gallons. One of the reasons we are in jeopardy is because of that. We had a collapse in oil prices. People quit driving because of covid. That is a separate thing but you put that together with these exemptions and what we are doing, youve put this industry in jeopardy. I was there in the room when we had to take this amendment that allowed them to have these waivers and we objected to it at the time and they said this is only going to be small refineries, this is only going to be used under emergencies and that is what it was until 2016. It hasnt been there until President Trump has taken office and its her to significantly. Before you can sell e15. There is not any kind of solution and its a way for a politician to be off the hook. Is need to follow the law and if we had ethanol the industry would be fine. Host the next farm bill witnesses stand if you are elected. Peterson will start in the next Congress Working on it as we always do. We will go around the country and how debates and from what i did back in 2008 with the farm bill and what i will do it again if chairman is have this bill developed at the subcommittee level. That all members of the committee on both sides of the aisle the way to train them to understand the issues and thats we have been doing the last two years helping people understand these issues and we will get into in 2023. It will be tough because farmers have gotten so much ad hoc many from this administration, we dont have that in the ag committee we dont have that money to spend. It will be a difficult thing to do a bill with 50 or 60 billion but we have no money but we will figure out some way. Fischbach we need to start early and talking with farmers to understand like you said earlier what they need and what they want would like to see to make sure were looking forward to will help us in the next 30 years and how we can bring in the farmers to actually have opportunities for them to come into farming and moving the hag Industry Forward to make sure we are talking to people about that and looking outside the box making sure were open to new ideas within the firm and moving forward to make sure we have strong world communities. Peterson starting in the farm bill in 2008 i created an organic local food subcommittee. People that i was crazy at the time but organic cocacola agriculture has a niche. So weve done that with the farmer and Rancher Program which has been a huge success and we added that on in 14 and 18 we already done things to move in a different direction on the Committee Without permitting agriculture because at the heart thats what feeds the world and once the economy. Once the economy so we will continue to push this forward in the future. Fischbach the 2023 comes faster than you think we need to make sure we are working to get the input that we should have. Host a question from our cosponsor aarp Social Security is the off Budget Program receive years rely on for more than 50 percent of their incom income, if elected how do you ensure that current and future Social Security benefits are not cut as part of deficit reduction . Fischbach it is very important way protect Social Security recipients to receive benefits now. But as we look to the future , we certainly can make sure we have tax policies that encourage savings for retirement, educating the Younger Generation that they save for retirement any changes to Social Security should be bipartisan and grandfathered and phasedin some people have time to prepare but absolutely i do believe in protecting the current recipients is not something were just giving them. The work for that it was taken out of their checks and we need to protect that. Their potential problems on the horizon with Social Security and medicare. You can talk to different people and get different dates but there is a concern but i would not support any cuts or increasing of any age and also make sure the medicare system is solvent. So in the case of medicare one. 6 percent tax on medicare applies to all ages so that one. 6 percent. Because of that is probably a little bit better funded and better for the future the original at the cost get carried away and that people are covered with preexisting conditions covered and then with Social Security when you get the cap quit paying Social Security tax there is some talk taking it off completely come i think that is too much but there are ways to extend that top cap and we should look at that. Fischbach i will add since the congressman brought it up to make sure medicare is there for people its very important to the elderly and people rely on it to make sure that remains although i do not support is the medicare public option and most recently nancy pelosi and senator smith have come out to support that both reimbursement rates that will coincide with the public option plan would be harmful to rural hospitals. That is something i will not support. Peterson i did vote against the public option when it came up in the house. The bigger threat to our hospitals is not the public option what they are trying to do is critical access hospital funding in 2003 that thomas came to me asking me to work with him on his bill i said if you tell me that i will be with Medicare Advantage of the democrats opposed it we went to work you put 30 billion into a bill for rural hospitals reimbursement set at 101 percent of the cost the same rule hospitals in my district they would be here today if we had not done that thats one of the things the most part of my career. That is the Biggest Issue but the administration and others in congress are trying to cut the 101 percent down and 90 percent and that is the biggest threat to the rule hospitals that we have. Host but also about the medicare age . Fischbach quickly only to address absolutely support critical access hospitals those need to stay there. One of the things that has been difficult for rural hospitals and has really hurt them was the governor shut down ending any elective procedures by hospitals. They did not receive reimbursement it cannot do any procedures or reimbursement that is made it very difficult for them so that also puts them at risk with the covid shutdown. Looking at medicare to make sure that you stay solvent that we need to provide whatever kinds of changes again they need to be bipartisan just like Social Security. Peterson we have a system that works for now they are under attack by certain people to come back funding and that is the biggest problem facing us. I think the governor went overboard. I agree with that we dont have any control over that and i told him what i thought he listened and didnt do much about it. But the biggest threat is cutting these reimbursements they are not making a huge profit the way it is a the last thing they need is from what they are getting. Host even though the death of george floyd did not occur in the seventh district those power protest including the defined Police Forces may want to ask your response to the protest Racial Disparity in social justice and how each of you feel about Police Funding or defending the police whatever quarters that means. I am proud to be endorsed by the manys mom Minneapolis Police Officers Association and i got the endorsement because i support the police. We absolutely need the polic police, and without that we have big problems. I have no problem with protest but they are peaceful and organized then that is fine but what went on in minneapolis is not a Peaceful Protesters opposed to the looting and rioting and other things that happened on their and how that got out of hand i know but the people that represent that area obviously they were asleep at the switch and i feel sorry for the police having to try to do with that. I am not for defending the police i believe in supporting the police there are instances where you have some bad actors that may be need to be called out they are in a significant minority so i am one that does not appreciate Similar Party calling for defending the police i think its a huge mistake and i told them that. Fischbach i think the writers because in so many instances were not peaceful protest but riots absolutely positively need to be dealt with and the needs to be stopped because they are looting and rioting and hurting Small Businesses and that is against the law and we need to enforce law and order and absolutely support the police im proud to be endorsed by the police because of the senate i worked very closely and i appreciated their efforts and decent people who were there to protect and serve. If you want to help Law Enforcement to make it better than we need to increase funding to make sure they have the equipment and the training they need and paid a decent wage i worked with the Police Officers and Law Enforcement officers of the Minnesota Senate to move that forward. Host what about racial discussions is the systematic racism . Does it vary from case to case quick. It varies depending on part of the country you are in your town or city. Those problems. Question because some of what is going on some of this behavior is not acceptable as i say it is a very small minority but it has caused a lot of problems. Somehow we have to get to the bottom of that and the Police Departments that can get to the bottom of that in a way that is fair to everybody. Everybody has to have their due process im just disappointed in the leadership in the area they have these problems because i think if this is going on in my district i will be there myself to do whatever i could to make sure it was stopped. Fischbach if there is racism in a Police Department i think increasing the education and training and wages in the help we are giving those departments word solely to be shown it to do with a properly but the riots are problem right now because that is their response to what they consider to be racism and rioting is not the way to address this issue. The epa mentioned earlier can each of you respond to recent report suggesting that President Trump told the epa to reject the small refinery objection and how it impacted the seventh distric district. Of sargasso not completely familiar with the report you are talking about i didnt see that so they are claiming . To talk to a person to be sincere debate as well. Fischbach okay talking about the smaller . We talked about those earlier i know what President Trump did or did not know but i did not support the abuse of the small refinery exemptions. Peterson its hard to know because this is all happening because we have republican senators that are in trouble because of the president did with these favors. Johnny ernst is a primary example and iowa is a huge political issue and process it will do this but not until after the election wasnt clear to what he will do they do something to put it back to what it was supposed to be in the first place and that is very limited circumstances and a valid reason and small. Small refinery use. They gave exemptions to exxon mobil. That is not a small refinery. That is what we have been complaining about. I do what the president quits and gives the laborers and have epa do this way they should be we have to see because it will not happen before the election. Fischbach. Host but the epa reaches the followup and how that has happened so how do approach that if elected . Fischbach the racial both departments is getting out of hand and we certainly need to read that in and to take specific legislation but to make sure those departments are not overreaching with overregulation and doing what they are not supposed to be doing and thats with the tenth circuit did find. Peterson ive been trying to renew these agencies along with john kasich and rob portman going back to when they were in the house for a long time. And its a tough job to leave them in the way the law is written and they actually have the ability to legislate. They have set themselves up in the situation is hard to get out and they are clearly out of light on some of the cpa like the fish and Wildlife Service they are out of control they are out there setting up dreams on peoples farms and to be washed out because on the land they have a huge problem i have had meetings two times in the district and got nothing out of it so far these agencies are out of control their taking permanent easements and buying land. I agree with that 30 years is pretty long for any type of an easement but it has been a tough job to read them in. Americans pay the highest Prescription Drug prices in the world so how do you fight to cut prescription prices for all americans and of course the seventh district was and also approach National Healthcare policy to eliminate the Affordable Care act . Peterson as well Affordable Care act is not what will i ever for but once it became law to cover preexisting conditions which is a huge problem in this country that is one thing that it did there a lot of other things i had a problem with so many attempts to me. Since then i have not supported that because nobody has come up with a credible plan to address preexisting conditions and the other problems people are having getting affordable healthcare. I see an alternative at this point and until i can be sure to improve the existing system. I do not support obama care and as far as preexisting conditions of course i support coverage for preexisting conditions in my work in the Minnesota Senate, minnesota had a program that was working to cover the high risk pool but obama care eliminated that and made us get rid of it to use the model so we had the one that was working and serving people and then i was eliminated. I think there are things certainly obama care they claimed it would cut Health Insurance cost and it did not do it so that obviously needs to be repealed and we need to start over but in the meantime there are things we can do to make sure the Association Health plans that allow people to come together where there Small Business or the selfemployed to increase the use of Health Savings accounts make sure there is transparency and cost for healthcare and the procedures they will have an just to make sure that the individuals on the private market pay pretax dollars just like those who get theirs through an employer. There are things we can do to improve what we have although i did not support continuing on obama care i think we should eliminate that. Peterson the Affordable Care act is not perfect but the administration by republicans in congress have not come up with an alternative at this point. Mambo to get rid of it unless there is an alternative that i can understand and that i think will work and that has not happened. So we deal with what we deal with. In terms of the cost of the system, you mentioned earlier about drugs and thats a problem because the drug costs are out of control. They are unaffordable for a lot of people and then to allow people to get the border they are cheaper in mexico and canada thats the biggest thing we can do. Fischbach also issues across the border we dont know they are getting and if they are properly looked at the fda who handles those things but i will say President Trump has done several things to bring down those cost that eliminates the rebates and to allow for the importation for some drugs from canada and then to address the issue like any discounts that are negotiated the pharmacy benefits should be passed on to have seen Prescription Drug prices with a lot of increase over a decade as we continue to work on that issue back to covid. There is no vaccine schools are kind of open and kind of not and businesses were severely hit. Until there is a vaccine keeper peeping safe, Michelle Fischbach with your thoughts on this . Fischbach just to mention the vaccine several companies are working on the vaccine we need to make sure we move that forward it will go through the trials before widespread use. I support a mandatory vaccination thats up to the individual. But we need to do is make sure we are not doing the onesizefitsall and allowing businesses to open back up with what they feel is comfortable with they are with while following the cdc guidelines with the social distance to make sure people are comfortable that we need to tailor the two areas of the country or the state. leftparenthesis we have a vaccine that is the best solution now seems like it will be a problem so thats the best solution in the long term. So we have to wear a mask and socially distance and wash our hands thats what the doctors have told us and the one the federal government has not been clear so the cdc put out the guidelines. So i just to see how we get these things back in line unless we pay attention. The airplane. When you get to the destinatio destination, dont get up let people ahead of you get their stuff and move down the aisle but you get to the gate and everybody gets up and everybody is in the aisle. People are not listening and part of that is we have not set that. Host have the mixed messages . What is your response . They had been pretty consistent and there has been changes i will not say they havent as we move about covid and the spread so there have been changes in the recommendations but one of the policies that accounted for many minnesota deaths was the policy in minnesota to send covert patience to Nursing Homes so we are not protecting the like we showed we never said anything like that that focused on to make sure vulnerable population was protected instead of sending them in limited account for the majority of deaths in minnesota. But i do think as the people understand the cdc guidelines they should follow them. Peterson i think i said it. Host the left issue as you talk to voters where the single one or two top issues for single district voters . Peterson is actually going to get another check held willoughby and when will it come . Because we have the farmers off on those ad hoc deals now were back into it. But people are very concerned about covid and the fact we are not getting this under control. I hear that from people. They just cannot figure out why the United States of america the most powerful country in the world the most resources of any country in the world, why didnt we have a test run away . What we do the things we should have done . How are we in the middle of this and respond to the situation so covid has taken the situation. Also with the limits of what congress can do the way congress is operating its a big problem as well. Fischbach Michelle Fischbach what your most important issues . Fischbach we reduced federal a. [laughter] team for there were a lot of people there. [laughter] fischbach it was fun. But i am making sure we have the economy going again and moving things forward. We need to look at the whole picture, the need for housing and workforce and broadband and those things that can make the district a great place to live and better place to live and move into the future where people can live, work and raise their families and thats what im hearing when i talk to people is making sure we can maintain our way of life and stay here in rural minnesota and live our life. This is the most important election of our life and it will determine which way our country goes. I want to go to washington, d. C. And fight for the seventh district and fight for our way of life and i ask for your vote and thank you so much for listening and for all the others putting it together. Thank you, and michelle for being here tonight my official title is representative Collin Peterson and i take that very seriously. This is the only job where you cannot be appointed. You have to be elected and a lot of people dont understand that. I take this seriously and approach my job as a representative of the district. I go to dc, take our concerns to dc and work with whoevers their. So i have to work with nancy pelosi. I dont agree with her on most things but shes the speaker and if you dont work with her you wont get anything done. I worked with john boehner, gingrich. Thats what you have to do as a representative of the district. Ive always done that, i work with people on the other side of the aisle. I think weve had good success in terms of what weve been able to do, whether it is disaster programs or the farm bill. I look forward to doing that in the next congress and appreciate your support. Thank you for being here and thank you for tuning in to the production of election 2020. Election voting is underway. A discussion about preparing for the next pandemic with members of an independent task force. They talk about the Global Response to covid19, the role of the World Health Organization and Global Health disparities. From the council on Foreign Relations, this is one hour. Welcome to todays council on Foreign Relations report launch of the independent task force preparing for the next pandemic. Perforce we will be talking about the one we are currently experiencing. Im the host of Weekend Edition sunday. We have more than i think 760 registered for this virtual meeting. We will do our best to get to as many questions as we can. But a little bit about this event. Began in 1995 analyzing issues of critical importance to this Foreign Policy in a nonpartisan

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