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Had to assess the situation . Oh, no, it was the republican leader who said those things. Meanwhile, democrats in the house, supported by democrats in the senate, have passed a strong, comprehensive bill. We have just been waiting and waiting for our republican friends to get their act together so they might come close, even near coming to the moment that we need it. So after taking a pause on covid relief for four months, finally, finally, finally Senate Republicans are realizing the damage that their delay has done to our economy and the nations health. Yesterday, leader mcconnell announced by the end of the week, the senate would vote on a new slimmeddown version of an alreadyskinny republican bill. We know what happened here. The leader did nothing for months, but the American People are demanding action. Republican governors, local officials, hospitals, small businesses, everyone is demanding action. Restaurants. Performance stages in places are demanding action, not just of democrats, but of both sides of the aisle. So the leader had to do something. At first, he tried to cobble together a legislative response, but it failed spectacularly. Leader mcconnell was unable to bring it even forward for a vote. Thats happened a couple of weeks ago. So now, because he cant get the votes, because by his own admission, 20 of his own members want no money voted in this crisis. How Many Americans think there should be no money at the height of the greatest economic crisis we have had since the depression, the height of the greatest Health Crisis we have had since the spanish pandemic flu . How Many Americans think the federal government should do nothing . But a large chunk of the Republican Caucus evidently seems to, by the Republican Leaders own admission. So he couldnt even get this trilliondollar bill passed. It was pathetic. So now republicans are going to cut their original inadequate, 1 trillion bill in half in a desperate attempt to find the lowest common denominator among republicans. As the pain, the economic pain for millions of americans advance, Senate Republicans are actually moving backward. Of course, up until now, the issue in our negotiations with the white house where leader mcconnell have been absent has been about the size and scope of the next relief bill. Democrats passed a 3 trillion bill through the house over two months ago. Why . Thats the need of america during this great crisis. We didnt come up with just any numbers. We studied it carefully. We talked to school administrators. What do you need . We talked to hospital administrators. What do you need . We talked to restaurants. We talked to performance places. What do you need . We came up with a carefully thoughtout bill that met the need. Our republican friends didnt meet the need. They came out with what they called a skinny bill at 1 trillion. We all know why. The rightwing ideology that has so gripped so much of the Republican Party doesnt want to spend any money. We at least in an offer to compromise offered to meet our republican friends in the middle. They balked. No, no, no, they didnt want to compromise. Their way or no way. And now, instead of improving their offer, Senate Republicans have made it even stingier and even less appropriate to the looming crises that we have. Im not sure what kind of negotiating strategy that is, but it sure isnt a serious strategy and it sure wont be successful. Thats why i called it cynical yesterday. Covid19 has changed nearly every aspect of american life. The needs in our country are so great. The pain felt by average americans is severe. And yet the new republican proposal doesnt include Food Assistance for people who cant feed their kids, rental assistance for people who will be kicked out of their homes, aid to state and local governments desperate not to lay off, bus drivers, sanitation workers and firefighters. In their new bill republicans wont even let the states use existing funds to cover lost revenues. It leaves out hazard pay, it leaves out broadband so desperately need in rural areas, it leaves out funding for safe elections and help for the census. It shortchanges our Health Care System and education system. As school years begin across the country, the new emaciated republican bill basically makes funding for schools contingent upon reopening. So if youre a school struggling with the cost of operating remotely, if youre a school that would like to reopen safely but need help instituting new standards and protections, the g. O. P. Bill says tough luck. Donald trump comes up with the idea that all schools must open and our republican colleagues come up with a proposal that says to the millions of kids who will go to school remotely or in hybrid situations, were going to make it much heard for you to harder for you to get help. That is to say nothing about the fact that the new republican covid bill is laden with poison pills designed to make its passage possible. Some would say if they want to come to a compromise why would they put poison pills in the bill that they know are nonstarters to get a bipartisan compromise . Is it because they really dont want a bill but a political issue, one that will ultimately backfire on them, i believe . Well, but theyve done it. There is broad corporate immunity that my colleague in illinois has so focused on, an immunity protection that would protect corporations that would put people in harms way. And to get liability from hardright seashes who didnt want to spend money, they added a Program Proposed by secretary devos. Republicans call their new bill targeted but by almost every measure it misses the mark. It is impossible to look at the new g. O. P. Proposal as a serious effort to passing a law. It is impossible to look at this g. O. P. Proposal and not wonder do our republican friends see the damage in america . Are they still intent on playing these same games . Are they still trying to fool the American People by calling a harshly partisan proposal bipartisan as the leader just did . If republicans were serious about achieving a result they would have joined negotiations with Speaker Pelosi and me and the white house. If leader mcconnell was so eager to get something done, why wasnt he at the table for weeks . Republicans could have encouraged the white house to improve their offer to meet us in the middle, toe break the to break the logjam. Where are the republican senators . I havent heard a voice. Speak out to say we should meet in the middle. They are all so afraid of what donald trump might say, i suppose. Leader mcconnell, instead, crafted a partisan bill, no input from democrats, even leaner and meaner than the previous republican proposal. And will rush it to the floor two days after releasing it. This is one of the most cynical moves by any leader ive ever seen. This isnt about making law or working in good faith with the other party. Leader mcconnell isnt searching for bipartisan progress. He seems to be looking for political cover. It wont pass on thursday and well be right back where we are today, needing our republican colleagues to understand the gravity of the situation in our country and work with us in a bill that actually makes some sense and deals with the flag tiewd magnitude of this awful crisis. Now a final matter. The new republican bill is silent on a whole host of crucial issues, including a number of the items that affects small businesses. Over the state work period, i visited several independent music and theater venues that have struggled during the covid19 pandemic. Live venues were some of the first to close and theyll be the last to open up. Many of them are already on the brink of collapse. Theres the rent, the utilities, an entire year without revenues. Live music, people are close together so they couldnt continue during covid and they have to pay thele until they have to wait until the very end. But they are so important to so many communities, urban, suburban, and rural. And, unfortunately, according to one survey, 90 of independent venues will have to close permanently without federal funding. What an incredible shame that would be. These are indy music venues, jazz clubs, orchestra halls, comedy clubs, even broadway which is made up of thousands of small theaters. These independent venues provide 75 of all artists income and drive Economic Activity within our communities at restaurants, hotels, stores, and other establishments. But what we risk if these venues close permanently isnt purely economic, although it is so important. I was in albany and syracuse yesterday. It is estimated that the arts are one of the top five employers in both of those cities. We cant afford to let this happen. Economically we will lose thousands and thousands of jobs. Cities will lose cities downtown will lose their vitality. And the risks, if these venues close permanent, is not just economic. They are the very fabric of our society, which has been stretched to the breaking point by this crisis. Once this is all over, we will need these venues and the passionate, inspiring artistic work that they help make possible as we come together again and try to make sense of this incredible difficult moment in our history. So we is have a bipartisan bill, the save our stages act, that would create a new 10 billion program to provide federal grants to live venue operators so when goodwilling they can open safely, these venues can open up bigger and better than ever. Those grants would go six months giving the venues enough time to recuperate and god willing there is a new vaccines, they will be able, able to open again. One of the most difficult parts of this pandemic is the effect on societys art and culture, these are the things we live for, sports, comedy, music. And when the pandemic is behind us, we will want to celebrate at these venues. I hope that we can come together in future to pass the save our stages act and save this essential part of american culture. I yield the floor. Mr. Durbin madam president. The presiding officer the democratic whip is recognized. Mr. Durbin madam president , i want toc thank my colleague from new york to thank my colleague from new york. Many of the things he said on the floor affected illinois in the five or six weeks since i have been home. People i have spoken to who have genuinely suffered because of the coronavirus pandemic and the state of the american economy. There was a moment here on the floor of the Senate Earlier this year when the gravity of the situation brought us together. It was march 26, almost six months ago, when we voted 960, to pass the cares act, a 3 trillion effort to try to keep americas economy alive, breathing during this pandemic and the impact its had on all of our lives, 3 trillion, money for the unemployed, substantial sums for those who were about to see their lives transformed overnight, laid off and fired from jobs they may never return, they try to keep their families with auto payments, rent payments, automobile loans, credit responsibilities they face and just putting food on the table. It was a wrenching, disquieting situation for so many of those families that we said we should give them 600 a week in federal assistance to get through this period. What we did not only helped those families, but it helped the economy. The money those families received was spent almost instantaneous, thats understandable. They are struggling to survive. But we knew that this program that we enacted on march 26, had a termination date of july 3. We hoped 31. We hoped by then the pandemic would be behind us, our economy would be recovering, we wouldnt need any further relief. We are were wrong. Terribly wrong. We still face this coronavirus in a way that we never expected six months ago. Its still a challenge, ar terrible challenge that has a terrible chal teng that has claimed over 180,000 american lives to date. I can speak about our response as a nation to this pandemic and talk about the lack of leadership from the very top in washington when it came to dealing with this public Health Crisis, but suffice it to say for a moment, the two numbers tell the story. The United States has 4 of the worlds population, sadly we have 20 of covid19 deaths in the world. The United States has not responded as expected, innocent people have died, the situation was chaotic in the white house. The leadership that needed wasnt there. Where are we today . Here we are in the first week, second week of september, where are we now as we reflect on the situation . Many of us believe we still face a grievous, serious challenge and need to respond accordingly, but others see it differently. Senator mcconnell, the leader on the republican side, is going to offer a proposal tomorrow. Its a fraction a fraction of what was offered on march 26 to deal with this crisis. Many people obviously on the republican side feel that america is headed in the right direction, and therefore we dont need to make a substantial investment in people and businesses and the Health Resources of this country. For those who come to the floor and argue that americas headed in the right direction, threefourths of the American People disagree with them. You see a survey taken just two weeks ago, 75 of the American People said americas headed in the wrong direction. So when the republicans come up with a modest, almost immodest proposal that they are going to bring to the floor tomorrow, they disagree with threefourths of the American People. Many of them believe we dont have to make a massive investment in helping families fighting unemployment, helping businesses survive. They must believe that the worst is behind us. Well it turns out two out of three of the American People disagree with them. Thats right. Two out of three in that recent survey in america said the worst is still ahead. Wrong direction 75 , the worst is still ahead by twothirds, and what is the response on the republican side . First it was silence. You see, its been almost four months now since the house of representatives, under democratic leadership with Speaker Pelosi, passed the heroes act, a 3 trillion investment to make sure that we stood by the families that were unemployed to make sure that that we put money into the hands of businesses that needed to survive, to make certain that we had adequate testing across the United States, give money to schools so that they could weather this crisis as they readjust to the challenges they face, to put money in the hands of hospitals and providers that are that are in some cases just hanging by a thread because the state of the economy and this medical challenge. Thats what Speaker Pelosi did almost four months ago. In the meantime, in that fourmonth period, the republican leader of the senate has done nothing. Nothing. Didnt bring a bill to the floor, didnt pass a bill and call for a conference committee. In fact, during this entire period of time, the republican leader in the senate has refused to personally attend the negotiations between the white house and congressional leaders. Both he and House Republican leader mccarthy have boycotted any negotiation sessions, any persuasion they want to bring to the issue, they bring to the floor of the senate in speeches, not behind closed doors where compromises are reached and where in fact we were successful last march in passing the cares act. So now we face a challenge as a nation. Which party will stand up for america to weather this crisis and come out strong . The democrats have a proposal. Weve had it for four months. Republicans tomorrow will offer a skinny, some say emaciated version of that proposal. They want to take the assistance to unemployed americans, 800,000 of them in my home state, millions across the nation, and cut it in half. Does senator mcconnell get a news flash that i missed that mortgage payments will be cut in half as of tomorrow . Rental payments will be cut in half as of tomorrow . The car payment will be cut in half . The cost of food will be cut in half . Not at all. We know these families will face the same obligations, and under the republican proposal receive a fraction of what they were given and have received between march and the end of july. Thats unfair to these families. I know whats happening in food banks across illinois, and im sure its the same case in kentucky, perhaps in georgia, perhaps in new york. People are flooding these food banks asking for help. Some are embarrassed by the situation. They shouldnt be, but they are. Many people who used to volunteer at these same food banks are now standing in line looking at their shoes, hoping to take enough food home to make it through a week. Thats the reality, but its not the reality that is reflected in the Senate Action this week. What we have from senator mcconnell is a small effort at a time when America Needs a substantial effort to deal with not only the situation facing our economy, but also the coronavirus. And i am troubled too because i represent a state thats so diverse, the great city of chicago, but all the way downstate, my roots, small town america, rural america. Many of the hospitals and Health Care Providers in those areas are literally struggling to survive. They are looking to washington for a helping hand. Do you know what it means to smalltown america to lose a hospital . Its devastating not only from the viewpoint of health care and emergency care, which is unavailable on a timely basis in many places, but also because its hard to keep a business or attract a business if you dont have Quality Health care nearby. Many of those hospitals are struggling to keep the lights on and survive, and they wont make it unless we step up. So what is included in the republican proposal when it comes to these Health Care Providers to increasing medicaid assistance to them, for example . Virtually nothing. I cant understand this. Ive got to believe that the Republican Leadership representing states with small towns and rural populations are hearing exactly what im hearing in downstate illinois, and yet when it comes to a proposal on the floor, theyre doing nothing. Nothing. Let me just add in closing here, if we dont take testing seriously in america, we cannot be serious about reopening the economy, reopening schools from colleges to kindergartens. Thats the reality, to be able to test in an effective, costeffective way people who are positive for this virus so that they are notified and stopped from circulating among those who were at that point healthy. But the testing investment by this bill on the republican side doesnt meet the challenge at all. They cant call for opening the economy on the one hand and ignore the responsibility for testing on another. So where do we go from here . Well, tomorrow is a symbolic partisan vote on the republican side when it should be much more. And after it is finished and we know the outcome perhaps then the republican leader in the senate will be willing to sit down and negotiate. Will he be willing to occupy that empty chair in that negotiating room with the white house and Democratic Congressional leaders . Will he be willing to sit down and actually work on a compromise comparable to the cares act that passed here in march of earlier this year . Thats what it takes. Not a speech on the floor, not a press release, not a symbolic vote, but something much more significant. The willingness to sit down and acknowledge the obvious. America is heading in the wrong direction, and we should be heading in the right direction. Many people worry that the worst is yet to come. We want them to be more hopeful and optimistic because we care. And if both parties do the unemp businesses, to make sure that our Health Care Providers have the resources that they need, then we can start to address this coronavirus, this pandemic with the leadership that has been so lacking in the months hat we langevin and others

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