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Charlotte it is an honor to get to talk to you about your new book today. Thank you for doing this interview. I really enjoyed reading it a kind of felt like part memoir part selfhelp. Obviously Vice President mike pence. And i wanted to ask you a little bit about your decision to write the book. In the process. You went through this. The reference to parts of your diary. Entries that you did along the way on the campaign. I was wondering if you could talk us through a little bit of the process of writing it. Thank you so much for having me. It is so great. I originally kind of said in the book i always knew i was gonna write this book i knew i wanted to write about my family about my dad specifically and i think that this book originated a long time ago when i was a little kid. I wrote in middle school a book of things you have taught me about the things my dad have taught me and i have just written on every page a little sentence of what he taught me along the way. And he still has that a little booklet in his desk. That kind of was the originating book behind this book. I reference it in the press a little bit also. Talking about the different lessons that he taught me. And how those wind it up in that book. And how they have kind of added and changed over the years. Originally i thought i was going to write more about the campaign trail. I ended up being a lot more about our family and just about growing up in a political family in kind of learning lessons from that. In the forward eared father writes your father writes as a little girl. Charlotte was the classic middle child. A lot of people can relate to being a middle child. Can you describe a little bit about what he means by that and how you fit into that finance family dynamic. I have always been very quintessentially in the middle. Ive always kind of when we are in the middle of the family especially when you are so close in age which all my siblings and i are within three years. We really play off of each others. And was very driven. And very successful. They encourage me to find my own voice. It sounds almost audacious for a young person to safe they want to be a writer. How did your father instill that confidence in you to actually just do it. Youre putting yourself out there especially with this a book in the way that you have not before. How does he help you be okay with any criticism that he might get. How had both of your parents helped you in that department. One of the things i talk about in the book about my dad encouraging me. Especially when kids come to him. This happened a couple times. They are always a little bit anxious about saying and he always says speak your dreams thats the first step. Over the years in growing up. My parents saw me as a storyteller. They always encouraged encourage me to not only speak my dreams but kind of her speaking them to me. They did encourage me to head friends and community that also encouraged me in my dreams also. Regardless of criticism i think watching them just follow their dreams and have peace about where they feel led or called it stephanie helped me to be able to know how i would navigate the criticism. We lived in arlington and it was unusual. How important was that. That doesnt happen that much. There is a lot of pressure on them. I imagine that decision shaped your whole life. Weve a funny story in the book about going to up bring your pet to congress day. Can you describe the kind of feeling growing up as a congressman daughter. When my dad was elected to congress. They should move us to dc. Just because otherwise they knew that my dad would not really cs that much. They are kind of in dc during the week. I think it was a really good decision for our family because i knew i knew i was always invited to travel with my dad and go to things with him. But he was also at home for home for dinner almost every night. We were very much a part of his life. Obviously i have my dad there and raising me and teaching me it was definitely impactful also. We were in an environment that was very different from the community that i would have wouldve grown up in indiana. A lot of my friends were and still are very liberal. I think being around people that dont necessarily agree with your family or your politics was a really good thing for me because it helped me to have a more diverse point of view may be. You have just graduated from college. It is incredible timing. Can you talk about your first reaction to hearing the news and then also your father is very different from donald trump. He is out outwardly said that. He does balance amount and some new ways. I talked about in the book. When my dad first told me that they were potentially going to be on the list to be considered and thats where it started. I hadnt really been following the news that much. My brother and sister are much better about that. They can to follow it pretty closely. I remember my parents mention that. I dont know why but i have never thought of it. The president may be wanted someone less care manic charismatic. I think they do Work Together really well. You write that everything that has occurred since the morning. I was struck by that because how has it been a test. How has it tested you and your family because a lot of people look at this. There are downsides obviously. In the criticism that you face. It definitely has been somewhat of a dream at the convention one of our staffers said to me what are you thinking right now . I think im in a wake up soon how it happened so quickly when youre in the family its within like a week or so. You just find out and then youre at the convention. At least it was for us. It was very upside down all of the sudden. I think we were tested as a family definitely we were very close beforehand and always they always play off of one another. We definitely communicate very well. My brother and sisters all talk to them. And ill talk to my parents all the time. I think i right in the book that our circle would be tested like never before and our family we refer to ourselves as a circle that once youre kind of in a circle you are never out and so i talk about that in regards to my sisterinlaw. They got married right after the election. When she was kind of in our family. With the six of us going through it together. And we were we were tested i think being physically apart during that time. I was on the campaign trail with my parents. And just keeping that communication was really important. Weve always had great communication. When youre seeing things on tv. I think you can kind of get into your mind a little bit. You have to keep the open dialogue even a sometimes it can lead to disagreements in debates. And then you have to talk and work things out. You talk about the spirited and healthy debates that you have. Can you pinpoint a time where you head at least at least with your parents. Where you think you have changed your dads mind. On an issue. Thats a good question. I know the times that weve changed the other persons mind. A really good really good about having debates and having open conversation. I think it can almost be as important if not more important i think a lot of times especially in this day and age its common i think to just be friends with people that agree with you. And some level you do need that. I think its really important to head friends and family that you dont agree with on everything. Cousin is not just about the intense politics. And demonizing other people. Ive seen other people on a human level. At the end of the day your relationship with his people is the most important thing. We had have lots of conversations and continue to. I will call my dad about anything to this day. Just having the other perspective. You mentioned in the book. When your father one his race for governor in indiana. You heard from his many friends who texted you. And then you say a few short years later you did hear from some of them. Its painful and i imagine it would be. During the election. It was so highend. A lot of peoples emotions were really high. A lot of people have things come up with friendships there were people in my life at that time i think it was hard to reconcile that personal relationship with the politics of the times i think at the same time you really find out who your good friends are. I was really blessed by that. I mentioned some of those his friends in the book. They were just there for me through the whole time. And there for me in ways that maybe arent as obvious talking to someone on the phone and then talking to some one other than the election. Life goes on for everybody. I think maintaining those friendships was really important. I think it goes to there is a good job of showing the surreal nature of being in that kind of the spotlight. Spot light. And you talk about that. Has been doing giving anyone giving you advice. I dont know if ive given as much advice. That was helpful to me. I have, since the election i had worked with Meghan Mccain and megan mccain and talk to her. And she has been someone i really admire. And she is really made her own path. Been in the prominent net facility. I have gotten advice from people. That is helpful. For the other book. They joked that i was in the political kids club. A very small club. Its not very many people understand that. Do you remember what advice she gave you in particular. Was it to ignore criticism. It wasnt specific advice as much as being available and i know i can kind of reach out to her since. Shes been in the public eye for so long. I have to ask do you know if your sister because yourself. We have deftly been encouraged to make our own decision about things. Its not necessarily affirmed. When i was on the election for 2016. I did vote for him. And i voted with them. I remember reporters asking me just joking to see if i had voted for him. I didnt have to. I think that is the cool thing about our family. You write that for me the hardest day on the campaign trail was october 20, 2016. The personal loss in your family and how that affected you that was the home stretch of the campaign. And you are dealing with you can talk about it. That was a long day anyway we were doing like four for states that day. Definitely at the end of their life. They started to make it through the election. He passed away peacefully in his sleep. That was really hard over time, im not especially emotional i was so upset about that on the campaign trail. I was crying. Matt actually gave us a condolence card. There were a little sympathy cards for us. That became that kind of thing. When i went back home to indiana he want to be there anymore. It was kind of a way i realize later on. It was me realizing that home was changing. No matter what even if we lost the election my dad would not be governor obviously he was up for reelection that year. Its kind of crazy that in a couple months it was in a change. I think a lot of people in the early 20s that is a really tough time. But then to have the added layer. We have the access Hollywood Tape come out. How did that affect your family and the stress of that. Were you traveling with your parents at the time i think when youre on the road and youre in public life. Things happen. And they come up. And you just head to adjust. And im really i really remember that day that well. What was the hardest day of the campaign. Things were changing all the time. I day on the campaign trail was like two months of another life. We just kind of adjusted. And we were along for the ride. It was an interesting part to our side of the ticket. We kind of have a staff. We have experienced the role on the campaign trail was daughter was also assistance personal trainer and all of the stuff because i was trying to make sure that my parents were staying healthy also. I was babysitting my parents. It was kind of true. I was making sure that they were eating and not staying up too late. And when youre traveling. That much travel. I didnt have to do as much as my dad did to get up and speak for an hour. That just takes a lot of mental preparation. You should take a nap on the plane ride. You hit on many of the major things. Including when they get off of the runway. I was moved by what you said about your dad getting up and checking on the press. They have parents also. Was that really terrifying that night . It was weird. Thinking back we were kind of coming in fast on the runway and it was pretty bad weather. And that added to it. As we were coming to a stop we werent stopping. I remember sitting next to one of my dads staffers. The pilots then veered off. It is supposed to break to stop a plane. When you see pictures of the tarmac all like messed up. Its kind of swiss to do that. When we came in interested in stock. My dad checked on it. And then got up and just went to the back of the plane. I think afterwards the press cannot talked about it. He did not even think twice about it. Im checking on everyone. If you are out on the campaign trail or something i would want someone in authority to make sure that everyone is okay. Especially because they are in the back and they didnt necessarily know what was going on back there. Unit really consider doing anything else. Are you interested in politics to the point of wanted to be a political reporter. Have you decided which avenue you wanted to take. I was interested in journalism in high school. In broadcast news and things like that. I think i mean. In different forms storytelling. Definitely. Im not sure. But i think maybe he saw a little bit of me then. I had been interested in that for a while. You talk about hamilton and the decision to go see the show and what happened at the show your heart broke a little bit that night. I thought it was really interesting. Can you talk about what you thought when the cast came out afterwards what did you mean by your heart breaking a little bit. It was her idea to go see the show. Did you feel guilty about it. What was running through your head when you went to see it. That was an interesting night. It was one of those after the election. We were in new york city during the transition. I just remember being in some of the offices with my dad and him very last minute we should go see a show tonight. That was a tradition for he and i growing up being in dc and being close to me. We will would take a bus for the day. It was kind of a special father daughter thing that we did. We always loved runway shows in place. I did not think i would ever able to. Its so good. You have to see it. There were a couple of options. I think we should definitely try to see hamilton. We got tickets. I dont think i was expecting them. When we came in the lights were on for security reasons doesnt happen for us. The whole audience size people were getting to their feet and clapping and a lot of people were building. It was just like this crazy sounds of people. That was a learning process. And probably the start of along the longer learning process to be on the receiving end of that kind of reaction. And that kind of conversation. I do talk about how it is kind of a broke my heart a little bit it was the first time that i had been on the receiving end of that. I think stories are such an important way for us to head conversations with one another. Our situations my dad and i have no problem with the cast talking insane at all. I think you should be in public life. I think my dad is. Very willing to hear about it. As someone who has always loved stories and plays. It was interesting to be on the receiving end. I say to the arts. A kind of healed my heart. You can really bring people together and be really powerful. Would it had been different if they wouldve come up to you privately and talk to you. It would have have the same effect i think there was a level of just feeling embarrassed at that moment. I dont know. I think it when it really say how they should have done it. I know from what i heard after they found that we were coming very last minute and so it was right after the election emotions were still really high. I think everybody will react in the way that is right for them. And i think its fine. Someone asked me this week about this. I dont think at all. We drove home that night. We talked about the play and the music like we always did. I think its part of what its like to be an life. My dad was open to hearing people out. Its different when youre on the receiving end of it but it was an interesting reaction for sure. You talk about your mom been a being a pivotal part of your family. Its clearly very close. Can you talk about what you think her lease and most favorite parts are a being second lady. I think the least favorite is the the lack of privacy. That just comes with being in public life. And i think thats comes in a lot of different ways getting used to the secret service has used to something on me. They have protection when they were governor and governor and first lady. They got to be a little bit more comfortable with it. But just wash watching her adjust to that. I think most favorite is definitely been able to make a positive impact and really highlight organizations and people and charities she always says its not her but the possession that shes in. She has been good about recognizing that. And teaching me that. She wont always be second lady. Its not that im karen pence and she can use that. I think she has use that really well to highlight people and organizations in bringing awareness to issues and to just help people have those conversations and feel heard. She does that a lot with our therapy organizations and military spouses. She starting to do more the opioid epidemic. I think thats a really cool way that she has been able to just encourage people to use a position to help other people. Im proud to say im one of the true women. There was a backlash of course. In the book you later think your dad for only having dinner with your mom. Can you understand what do you think of the backlash is not only your dad but something that has been going on for a while. You understand the criticism of it and you see why people may be critical of that of only eating with your wife. Im not entirely clear on it. What is your sense of how that was taken as a big headline. I think a lot of people maybe thought as he doesnt like talk to women or to work with women which is not true. Its more something my parents kind of decided for their own marriage they would never tell people how they should do their marriage there pretty intentional about that. For them they felt like it was important. Just to not dying alone with some of the opposite just because if there was not another person there. Thats a good question. Im not sure honestly. It was more focused my dad had more of a focus on it. I do understand why it was taken the wrong way. At the end of the day i knew my dad was get to put my mom first. I think that thats a way that the argument protect our marriage and that meant a lot to me as a kid and a daughter. I was really struck in the book when you talk about after the inauguration and secretary clinton is there can you talk a bit it must have been so real to you. You go out and introduce yourself. You have this interaction with her. At the end of it you say you couldve totally understood if she was not as nice to you as she ended up being. I think it mustve been pretty emotional as a moment. I was with my sister and i remember there was a luncheon and statutory hall after the inauguration and a lot of former president s and first ladies are there. I saw secretary clinton i have seen her in person a couple of times. I was pie like a no. Nervous about it. We went up. She was just unbelievably kind and gracious. I write in the book that i really noticed that she took an interest in me which i think is something that seemed intentional. She obviously has a daughter. She knows what its like to be in the public life in the spotlight. I remember her telling me she a granddaughter named charlotte. She asked me what i was doing in school she was just really kind and i came away from that experience just very moved that she was it rude. She wanted to know about me. It just meant a lot as a kid in a political family. Youre used to not being in the spotlight necessarily and she just really took an interest in me. I dont think this happens as much with your dads beaches but certainly with present trap what do you think of that. Do you think they are going away too far when they say things like that about her. It doesnt seem to be the way that your father and the team operates. It seems like a very different outsiders perspective from the team. When you see that does that bother you at all. Kind of the chanting that gets a little nasty . I think people are going to react how theyre going to especially at rallies and stuff like that. I havent been to rallies like that ever in regards to being just mac with my dad is the politician. We have never seen that before. I think it goes back to i think having personal relationship with people is so important and seen people as human. I would also apply that to secretary clinton. I definitely didnt know her personally and i dont know her personally but i think when you meet people a lot of your preconceived notions and biases to go away. I also talk about that in regards to myself in the book. People ask me all the time when people meet you they mean to you or are they weird about your dad is. I think people for the most part have really given me the benefit of the doubt and a lot of times when they find out who my dad is depending on what their political beliefs are it doesnt really matter. If there republican and they really like my dad they realize for the most part theres more to everybody that we see in the media. You also talk about being on stage. When they were handing over the reins to the it struck me as sweet but also a bit ominous. What did she say. She gave us a hug and after my dad was sworn in and we said hello to everybody. And she said to my sister and me, hold tight to each other it you are all you have now. That was just so honest and important when you talk about giving advice to the next family or giving advice to people that is such good advice. And i think what she was saying is what i had written about a little bit in the book about the circle. In maintaining that connection in the and open communication in that dialogue. How i read her words dont let this position or the stress or pressure or anything going on affect those relationships. Cling to each other at the end of it thats the people that will be there. There is something foreboding about it to me. The outside world is not going to be with you anymore. I know a Barbara Barbara bush have told Hillary Clinton that she wished that chelsea had a sibling or a Family Member that could move into the white house. Do you feel like because youre in the second family that there is just a level of that. Were you able to see your friends. Obviously now youre out of this bubble. That was it really l learning curve for you this first few months after you moved into the observatory. I think its definitely an adjustment you are in the bible a little bit. You can have to figure that out a little bit. I think for the most part for what Michelle Obama have said to me. I think it was because i have experience in public life at a lower level and i do think you are definitely at a lower level. Its so nice. Its very nice to go for a run. I think that her words to me were just very true and i think after the campaign trail as well i definitely understood what she was talking about. Maybe if it had been different. Which set with such high intense emotions. I might have been a little bit like whats can happen. I think you have a good idea of what she meant. How much interaction do you have with ivonne could trump how trump how often do you see them. Is there a lot of interaction between the first and second family. They had been very kind to us. I think on the campaign trail especially since it second family ticket was separate from canada and trump was doing. The siblings would be where we were. We actually got to spend a lot of time with them. We got to know them pretty well. They really operate a lot like we do. You can tell that they all take each others others advice very seriously. And so that was very cool to see just how supportive they are of one another. I definitely remain close with ivonne, and trump family. She did the interview on abc. I did not see that. She talks about the reason why she took on that campaign. She feels like she is one of the most bullied people in the world. There is negative things about every prominent person. Did you feel some sympathy for her. You see that there is a lot of anger out there that is directed towards her. Do you think that is true. Or have you given any thought. I have not given it a lot of thought. But its definitely valid to feel that way especially when you are in the public eye and i think our family was in politics for so long. To be thrown into a very quickly im sure is different. I remember my dad getting negative press when i was in elementary school. And not liking that. It. I still dont like that. I still understand a little bit. I talk about in the book also. My dad always said whenever we see protesters in events thats what freedom feels like. He says that about a lot of things. When we were in the in as governor. There was a lot of the yard signs. He would say thats what freedom looks like. That was ingrained into my mind. If you were in public life and you take criticism as can can a part of it. That is a good thing it means that people in the press feel comfortable and safe speaking out. Absent true for every country in the world. When i was talking the former first lady as they were said they were saying how it was a lot harder for them to rush off the criticism. I think it is harder for the spouses to deal with this kind of criticism. She handles it really well. I talk about in the book with some heroes i say in the book. You are the one that is behind the scenes. It kind of cheers on the person in the spotlight. It has a lot of different layers to it. Its very multifaceted. You talk and i know we dont have much time. Can you read this passage in the bucket book when youre at the Republican National convention. Its her sisterinlaws birthday. Its a really sweet story and a little window into what its like. Where your mom is loading those in. The day before the Republican National convention was sarahs birthday. She and michael would be in attendance for events. We paid for our mini Party Supplies and then went out to the secret Service Vehicles to realize we have a problem. As they are armored and have a different skeleton than regular cars. We stuffed them into the trunk. They stood around us. The entire ride back to the hotel. I noticed the streets were mostly empty. It was extremely difficult for anyone to enter during the convention. Despite this eeriness i felt that i couldnt help but smile for myself. One of the balloons loudly played happy birthday. The ridiculousness of our situation began to set in. Here we were, just a normal family in our eyes heading to surprise are almost sisterinlaw with a Birthday Celebration yet we were in car similar to tanks. Through a city that have been all but closed down due to the presence of other important people. Is really human. I thought it was really sweet. Is there ever a part of you that just thinks i wish my parents werent in parallel texts. Just to orchestrate a simple birthday party. Have you ever thought that growing up. Why cant we just had a more normal life. I write in the book towards one of the earlier chapters i would not had minded growing up in one house. They built a house in indiana. We put our hand handprints in the cement. Very much thought where we would live forever. In southern indianapolis. Obviously that god had different plans for our life. The amazing opportunities that they had been. And i think that my parents had shown me how to take it all in stride. Just to be really grateful for all of the challenges. And how they just have shown me how to follow your calling and your dreams. Sometimes it wont be easy but thats can do the fun of it at the end of the day. Youve have a really interesting post observatory. Can you talk a little bit about your decision. After of living in the observatory for a little while. I have studied digital seminar. In creative writing in school. That was a great experience. It definitely shows you the ins and outs of the in the that was a very important year for me. And away from my family across the country. A very liberal part of the country. That helps you grow also. Being around people that dont necessarily agree with your families politics. It was just on my heart for a couple years after college to possibly go back to school to study the allergy i didnt know why. I knew it was an interest of mine. And over the years i just kept thinking about it. I applied to a couple of programs last year. I got into harvard Divinity School. I was really thrilled and excited about that. It is such a diverse place. There are some different religions represented. I really thought is away. To help me write with a more informed voice. Do people recognize you there at all . I think maybe if people know in the Divinity School then they would know who i am. I feel like youd had to do some googling to figure out what i look like. I dont feel that. Have your parents come to visit you . My mom helped me move in and i think my parents are gonna come soon this year at some point. She was great to help me with that. It was a pleasure talking to you. It is a really interesting book. The memoir biography with a little selfhelp thrown in there. I really enjoyed it. Here is a look at some books being published this week. John meacham looks at the life of the late civil rights leader. In his latest book his truth is marching on. In abuse in power carter page a foreman former policy advisor. They recount how he was questioned by the fbi in the justice department. And in her book superman is not coming Aaron Brockovich argues that america is facing a water crisis. Also being published this week and we shouldve seen it coming the wall street journal gerald site examines how the conservative movement has changed from the Reagan Administration today. They provide a glance into the research of ants entails from the ant world. The journalists and author. It provides a history of the korean war. And cnn chief media correspondent weighs in on the relationship between President Trump and fox news. Find these titles this coming week wherever books are sold and watch for many of the authors in the near future on book tv. The former chicago mayor recently discussed his new book. It argues that innovation is taking place in cities across the country. Here is a portion of the program. The senator is moving out of washington out of brussels to local. Part of it is just function. All of the weaknesses that you see. Matchup against all of the strengths you see local. Intimate immediate and impactful. Now we had been here before. What is interesting about this moment is not only are things returning locally but then local governments now are taking up more of that real estates. Is that real it real estate or slack. The local governments are leading the charge on climate change. Local governments are leading the charge on immigration. Thank you so much. My name is andrea, and i work on the Marketing Team at the strand. Were very happy to have everyone here tonight, but before weau

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