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Hello, im californias 27th congressional district. I am chair of the congressional agenspecific. Today, i will be chairing an important Congressional Forum on an alarming rise of anti asian bigotry during the coronavirus pandemic. I want to thank my good friends of the congressional try caucus. The chair of the congressional hispanic and chair of the Congressional Black Caucus karen bass. For hosting this event with me today. I also want to think my fellow colleagues are participating today. As well as our witnesses and Asian American leaders from across the country who are joining us virtually. Since the beginning of this year, Asian Americans all across the nation have been terrified by the rise of anti asian hate crimes related to the coronavirus. In which innocent Asian Americans have been targeted for racism and violence. Starting in january of the insults and misinformation by Asian American restaurants and businesses, more than likely to have something in the should be avoided. But there were yelling and physical tax across against the Asian Americans pretty including of stabbing of a family of three and Asian American family including two children, ages two and six. This was in texas. They wanted to kill Asian Americans because of the coronavirus. This has been a who was trying to direct anger and china from president trump. In response to the Coronavirus Crisis predict he asked his followers to repeatedly use the term, chinese virus and now the flew to refer to coronavirus even though trump expert said the cdc, the World Health Organization have repeatedly warned not to associate the disease with a specific geographic location. Due to the stigma. And that is why all officially is the scientific term, covid19. They note that they associated with china. Has perpetuated falsely the people of china are asian ancestry are most likely to carry and spread the disease. They should be blamed for it. Fact, according to the data compiled by various a crime report there have been over 2400 anti asian hate incidents reported in recent months. However, they estimate the numbers to be even higher due to the underreporting. The fact that many Asian Americans are fearful to come forward. This is only reinforced by surveys conducted by the center for Public Integrity showing that over 30 percent of americans have witnessed someone claiming asian people for the coronavirus. Let us take action immediately. We have taken present trump is followers on every time they use the term chinese virus. And statements written letter to the white house and the department of justice urging them to ensure that Asian Americans are not targeted. Take action through congress as well. We held a press conference, and to denounce the terminology. Because stigma is the enemy of public health. When i became aware, and even my fellow colleagues in congress were not aware of these anti asian utopia, we sent a letter to all of our friends in the senate to avoid spreading unit phobia and only to share their viable information and facts about the covid19. Furthermore, two of our members, came from new york and senator, harris from california. Introduce congressional revolution to condemn anti asian coronavirus bigotry. [inaudible]. In Congress Pretty we also passed a bipartisan act, which would help hate Crime Reporting and provide more sources respond to predict and just last month, on behalf of this toolkit to all my colleagues in congress and included messaging guidance on how to avoid spreading anti asian information. Throughout all of this, im gratified that on multiple occasions, released from the Congressional Black Caucus and congressional native american caucuses, this puts us in solidarity to show and immunities of color must and united in denouncing unit phobia and violence pretty and as a nation, and we must Work Together to root out and to ensure that all americans regardless of the race or ethnicity feel safe in our country. I want to thank all of the witnesses here today for the willingness to share their expertise and their stories. Before we go into the witness testimony, i would like to cohost meant, karen s we joining us later. Right now i would like to turn it over to the hispanic caucus chair, from texas. For his opening remarks. After which we will hear from her five witnesses. After the witness testimony, will recognize members for their questions. And i would like to recognize the chair of the congressional caucus. Judy. Hi everyone prayed and thank you to quebec and judy for her leadership. In convening this forum. The black caucus and native american caucus, and i are here in solidarity to project the rise of anti asian bigotry during the Coronavirus Crisis. This threat as you all those not new. The dark moments in the history of the chinese exclusion act to the incarceration of japanese americans during world war ii. And the middle eastern and south asian communities after 911. Now, during this global pandemic. Its more dangerous to present who has racism and the fear others hopefully. [inaudible]. Unfortunately, we seen as incentives on it and in state of texas. For example, a local restaurant, once and dont need, eat american. In the billboard was to suggest for the person put enough, we know that the impact is to direct anger and fear and hatred of the community. A Grocery Store in texas, as judy mentioned, a man stabbed several members of an Asian American family. Threatening lives of children as young as two years old. As i can because he how the family was chinese. Associated the belief through spreading virus. This president has actively decided this racism by insisting on calling covid19 a chinese virus. Another racist terms. Need to push back hard on that rhetoric in the shortterm. And at the same time, push for structural changes in the longterm despite its kind racism. That start ensuring minority populations have all representation in our democracy. That means we need to complete this says is for an accurate count for example. Im proud to partner with a peck on the subject with chp. It also means the data has been aggravated by race and ethnicity pretty did equities the civil rights issue read in todays america. As we see with the current pandemic, would also recognize the way our nation conducts foreign policy, has been a direct impact of Asian Americans. While the action of the Chinese Government huds serious challenges to the united states, leaders have a responsibility to address these challenges and responsible way. Without any into the unit phobia racism is a spreads to her allies. As they have all too often been buried we can call out actions by the Chinese Government such as the cleansing of the Muslim Leaders and also welcome Chinese Students to study in our proquest universities. We also have to be vigilant with the media and hollywood about the betrayal of Asian Americans. This is an issue that worked on with respect to latinos in publishing new fields and on television. The story told of our communities, should be bold by our communities. Lets be clear people of asian heritage, are american. Im grateful for the work of my colleagues. And looking forward to continuing Strong Partnership going forward. Thank you. Thank you. And i would like to now introduce todays panelists. An executive director Asian Pacific hunting counsel. As a coalition of communitybased organization the sermon represent Asian Pacific islanders in los angeles county. They are one of the leading organizations documenting anti asian hate incidents. And they share some of the findings as well as information on where Asian Americans can go to report incidents. From california, is mindful meditation facilitator and an independent film maker and writer. Earlier this year, she was verbally assaulted for writing metro and los angeles by man who hurled racial insults at her related to the coronavirus. She will share her personal story and why its critical for Asian Americans to speak up. John yang, is the president and executive director of Asian American justice. It is one of the largest asian civilrights organizations in the nation. He will share the work of his his organization is doing to address and i asian bigotry, including encouraging asian markets report hate incidents and hosting virtual by standard intervention training. Zach owen, is the brave young man risk his life earlier this year to save bernies American Family who were racially targeted and hate crime attack sams club in midland, texas. Zach will share his personal story about what happened that day and discuss the importance of the Bystander Intervention. Michael, is a commissioner with the u. S. Commission on civil rights. He will be sharing some of the findings from the commissioners reports on a crimes as well as recommendations with the federal government as taken to prevent and address these crimes against Asian Americans. I want to welcome all of our distinguished panelists. And thank you for participating in todays congressional forms. I like to begin our panel by recognizing our first panelist. Good afternoon. Thank you congresswoman and all and members of the tri caucus for the opportunity to testify before you today. The chinese affirmative action at San Francisco state university, Asian American studies department, and the policy and Planning Council where i work launched on march 19th, 2020, if young eight, the nation leading educator of covid19 related hate incidents against Asian Americans in the pacific islanders. In 19 weeks, we have received almost 2600 selfreported incidents. From across 45 states and the district of columbia. That includes an additional 200 is the past few weeks. Since is form was originally held. Our plan to be held. From analysis of the h data, conducted by researchers on our team, we learned the following. The vast majority of acts that involve hate incidents, not hate crimes pretty 70 percent of the incidents involve verbal harassment 19 percent is equal assault, any person involved civil Rights Violations including refusal service and workplace discrimination. 40 percent of the incidents take place private businesses, 30 percent on public sidewalks, public parks and in public transit. And 10 percent occur online. Women are experiencing incidents of hate at rates over two and half times that of men. And one in 12 individuals experience hate who experience hate our seniors. Additionally, 40 percent of individuals experiencing hate our chineseamericans. Followed by 18 percent who are korean americans. And the rest, being in other parts of segments of the Asian Americans communities. In addition to our reporting centers, the hate is developing resources for Community Members who experience hate advocating local state and federal officials for policies solutions. Among the strategies, we have shared with governor newsom, the attorney general and local relations commissions are strengthening the enforcement of existing civil rights laws. Urging School Districts to declare schools and a safe haven and provide necessary policies and protocols to address these things. And highlighting mechanisms for the provisions of Mental Health services in addressing the impacts of racism ending a phobia of public health. On a thank you again for the opportunity to testify and share our data of our work to stop the api hate. I look forward to providing a data and analysis and continuing to work with quebec on developing policies solutions so that Asian Americans can live free from Racial Discrimination and enjoy the same opportunities rights as other americans. Thank you. Thank you so much. Next we will hear from our next douglas. Members of congress, distinguished guests, thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my story. I was verbally assaulted by a man he was anti asian who used a day asian and xenophobic language. The first my family to be born in the united states. My mother and father immigrated to this country because they wanted to get her given children the opportunity to become anything interactive. As you can, other to get used to the fact that i was always going to be seen as an outsider. And not as an american. I learned to dismiss and translate the micro aggressive questions and comments like, where are you from friday knowing that no one was really interested in hearing. They were really asking her what they really wanted to know was what exotic when going from are you making me feel like an outsider. I would experience racism, anti asian bigotry most of my life. It was not until covid19 and the assistance on leadership and immediate calling it, the china virus that they experience blatant attack is on my face. The night of february 1st, 2020, was when i decided that i had enough feeling like an outsider. My friend and i were heading home from downtown la. It was ordinary fear of the coronavirus. Other than that, we were just to angelenos amongst other angelenos. Men then started to Say Something about Chinese People and it didnt occur to me it is speaking about anyone specific on the train. And then realize that was the only Asian American on board. The men gestured his body miter direction and use derogatory liquids about Chinese People. I dont want to repeat all of the vulgarities that he used that he said that every disease has come from china. I felt alone and i even wondered if i was at fault. Eventually an africanamerican woman locked eyes with me and gave me a smile. It was a friendly face i needed. Not knowing what he was going to do to me next, took my phone out of my purse and press record. If he was way to physically assault me at least i was going to have evidence to show. That night changed my life. I lost my freedom, i no longer feel safe in my neighborhood. I constantly worry about my mother and sister and taking Public Transportation is no longer an option. I feel limited where i can go. At the same time, that moment on the train was empowering. Id move past my fears and publicly shared my story as a way to bring awareness to the fact that racist attacks are happening to asian and Asian American. We have to speak up for ourselves for the sake of our families, our community and the next generation. Thank you. I think you unmute for a second there. But i think you just introduce new. [laughter] very good. Wait a minute, thank you for your most moving testimony. And now we have a distinguished guests, john. Thank you very much congressman. As you heard my name is john yang and the Vice President of americas advancing justice protect vishay the opportunity to talk to all of you about anti asian racism during the Covenant Team pandemic. I appreciate the comments in shadow for the area that all of the areas are concerned about it especially in of the changes by the census bureau. The previous witnesses testified the scope and impact. You have my written testimony. What i thought i would do is focus specifically on one specific clause and one specific action item we could take one specific clause is a lack of curious me talk about the pandemic and widespread. We all know the virus is not transmitted because of ethnicity. You also know that it came to 90 changed agenda states most likely throughout asia. But when elected leaders and people in the media say that the virus comes from china. Or the chinese because the virus, this also causes racism. To be clear, as both are members of congress have said, it is legitimate to question the Chinese Government about its response to covid19, freedom of speech and lack of transparency with respect to covid19. But that is very different than making a blanket statement about the Chinese People, about china or chinese culture. We also look at the effect of realworld politics on racism. I know that all of the members here know the story and how he was murdered at the hate crime in 1982 by two auto workers who were out of work. This hate crime against them which what was going on with china and japan at the time. We cannot let geopolitical tensions between the u. S. And china now follow similar racism. No one specific action i want to draw peoples attention too, intervention is will talk about incidents that take place and have bystanders help all organizations along with Partner Organization offering by center intervention training. Distract, delay, delegate, document. These are commonsense techniques that people can use to really allow them to intervene in a safe way. And these are techniques that danny talked about to give her some selfassurance. And thats it will talk about and directly confronting this. All these different techniques are techniques you would ask people to use. At this time we have over 12000 individuals in the deescalation expert we are not asking people to be hero or superheroes in any sense. We want people to be physically safe. Theyre all these commonsense things that people can do to help the Asian American committee feel a little bit safer. Certainly Leadership Matters right now. We appreciate all of you as leaders taken this by the horn and calling out racism for what it is in finding solutions so thank you for holding this hearing, i will be happy to take questions. Thank you so much john yang. And next select a call upon zack to share his testimony. Hello, members of congress and eckstein guess i am zack i want to thank you for inviting me to it testify today. I am from midland texas and work for sams club. On march 14 i had just got off my break, i was walking to the from the front to the back of the store. And i saw one of my coworkers frantic on the walkie manager saying someone had been stabbed and i said who stabbed to . In the sky comes Walking Around the corner hes got a big jacket concealing a knife he had a crazy look. I knew before she said as i started following him. But my manager is saying to stay back, stay back. He went for the father, he pulled the knife out. And slashed at the father and jump back and said come on and study the little boy from his ear all across his face. I remember seeing the blood in his white meat hanging. I knew back to stab again and thats when i intervened. I grabbed him, we wrestled for a little bit. I took them to the ground and had them in a chokehold until the Border Control agent was able to show up. And they took it over from ther there. I just got out intended to my wounds. As keppra tibet on my hand. I was walking towards the back to wash up, ive been stabbed in my leg but i didnt know it at the time. I thought it was a charlie when i hit the ground. I hit the ground hard and thought thats why i was sore. Found out i had a hole in my pants and was bleeding so i took off my belt, made it a tourniquet, went to the front of the store and waited. This guy attacked the family, we all know because he thought they were chinese. When he said he was the exterminator of the coronavirus. Those are the words that came out. Yeah. Thats all have to say about it. Thank you. Stay. Thank you so much, your story is incredible. I thank you for your courage and for rushing in to save this family. And im sure you prevented further damage being done and save their lives. So really i want to express my appreciation. And then our final witness, commissioner you are now recognized very soon i thank you commissioner, members of congress i in the u. S. Commission of civil rights. First appointed 2005 upon the recommendation of the minority leader then nancy pelosi. My third sixyear term. A personal note i am japanese, chinese and hawaiian descent. My mothers a first generation chineseamerican and my fathers a thirdgeneration japaneseamerican whose internal world war ii brady served our country on with the state department. As an independent factfinding federal agency and civil rights missions to inform the development of National Civil rights policy and enhanced in the federal civil rights laws. As a nation civil rights watchdog we have unique responsibility during these times of crisis to speak out on behalf of communities who are impacted by this crisis. As was noted twice this year already are concerned over the increase in xena phobic and animosity towards asianamericans and perceived Asian American as a result of the covid19 pandemic. Anti asian racism has a legacy. In the recent history of our country beginning in 1800s with the forced segregation with the chinatowns in the massacre and 18 and odd. Exclusion asked, and the internment of japanese americans. But even today at our most recent report on hate crimes, the commission discussed Research Findings that hate crimes are fueled by racial anxiety or social change are perceived as threatening. Now coronavirus. In the current circumstances that are frightened for their health and health of their families. Its all more imperative they are ostracized or exterminated and trent submitted against against her natural origin. Think government has an Important Role in addressing that. We have worked together with you and the recommendations to the federal governments. And at your request, summon to deal with the anti asian sentiment. Some of these recommendations are enforcement, or necessary to secure rights violated during the jurisdiction. Communicate and act on a matter that demonstrates that the federal government will protect all americans regardless of race, color, creed. Federal officials should communicate with the Resources Available for individuals and communities can be targeted, specifically to address hate crimes including work with Asian American organizations or Community Groups that provide assistance in our country. Provide assurance to bullying, aggression are not to be tolerated. Thank you very much for this hearing will look forward your questions. Again thank you very much and thank exactly or leadership encourage. Thank you commissioner mackey. I want to thank all of our witnesses. Especially those for courageously sharing your personal story. Now we will move on to our question and each member of congress will be recognized for five minutes. I will begin my questions and then recognize my each for five minutes. I remember how alarmed i was when i first learned about your story on the new instance solid video you had recorded. What we didnt realize at the time was this would just be the beginning of what had become an alarming pattern of hate incidents targeting Asian Americans. I want to thank you for your courage document enforcement must be far to Asian Americans of verbal and physical assaults during the pandemic. Some people are afraid to spare the start stop may to share their story. Why do you think it is important to speak up and report their story. Search and link to the hate crime but also to speak out. Thank you for that thoughtful question. To be honest with you i also hesitated about sharing. I was always taught to keep your head down. Move forward unless just leave the past in the past. But really, for me was thinking about what it this happened to my mother. What if this happened to people who i felt were more vulnerable than me. How would they feel . How would they deal with that . That stirred me to it want to really bring awareness to the rest of the Asian American community on what was happening. I think having gone through that, it is really important for victims of any hate crimes to step forward. Because it is our way of saying we are americans, we belong here, this is happening to us. And we dont want this anymore. That it is not okay. The other point of this too is thinking about our future. I think about my friends children. And i reflect back on how i grew up. And how terrible it felt for me to it be an outsider. And for me, stepping forward and going beyond my fears is also making sure the next generation of asians and Asian Americans wont have to experience what i experienced. That we should just be seen as people and not segmented as asian or others or Asian Americans. Systemic thank you. You are a true hero zack. I was so moved to hear your story. First of all i want to check with you on your recovery from her injuries, how are you doing there . Im doing okay. Had physical therapy, surgery, ive got 40 grip strength in my hands. Its never going to be the same. I got pain still in my pinky. I dont know what theyve given me their tagamet maybe surgery to fix it. I just cant straighten my middle finger out on the pinky. And that cut the tenant completely out of my pinky because they could not repair i it. Other than that its healing well i guess, not too bad. So i just want to thank you for your incredible courage. Because you saved the lives of this family of three children. And i just cant imagine what had happened had you not come along. So what motivated you to intervene and tested to a kitchen. And now that youve had the time to reflect, how do you feel . What is doing is attacking people every step the baby there was no thought it was just a reaction i wanted to stop him from harming anybody else. Most definitely is out to murder the family. Yeah, thats just who i am. The way i was brought up. Look out for others. I believe we are all americans, we dont look at each others chinese americans, we are americans will need to stay together. There is no room for racism right now. Especially in these harsh times. Yeah. What was the second question . Thank you. That you stressed it so well. Thank you for believing that Everybody Needs to be saved. And its people like you within a sure we are better america. So thank you for that. And now like to call on. [inaudible] visual have a question . To ask a question. Student okay. I just wanted to say to my fellow texans, thank you for your courage. Can you tell me the reaction after the incident here . Great talking to me . Yes what was the reaction for the whole area of texas . I got labeled as a hero. They are pretty nice about it. There was news coverage, bunch of media kept wanting me to it do interviews. But im not big on that. I just did one to get the right story out there, the media was put in all kind of crazy stuff. So i just gave up my testimony to the news media. They just consider me out hero. All the cops thanked me, her trying to recruit me to the midland pd or the military look into those things. That of their options or look into that as well parts if my hand does not disqualify me, estimate to go to a recruiter to talk about. Yeah. Thank you. I asked that question, that there is a Silver Lining one of the silver lines if seen in these as communities will rally around but also the folks who helped intervene. That is been very encouraging to see different americans of different backgrounds protecting each other. Im sorry can repeat the question . In your incident in l. A. For me, i actually posted on social media. And i instantly had strangers from all over the world really reach out to me, letting me know their support of me. For me it was a beautiful momen moment. Just incident that randomly happened to me, with my Small Community i was able to have conversation when people around the world were wanting to know more about the racial issues we have here in america. So was given that opportunity to have conversation. We met of course one of the reasons as chair of the congressional is because we have seen a lot directed at the hispanic in the latino if a lot of young boys and girls of football games, basketball games, be cold wet back and others to see it happen also to communities with the Asian American community very troubling for us. Very disheartening. You all have our support in getting the word out with that i will turn it back to you. Stomach like tube to Mark Mcconnell for questions for five minutes. Connect thank you zack glad my camera was turned off. Because i found myself wincing, at the description of what occurred it was very difficult to listen to you. And its not your fault. But to hear your story about what happened, the brutality and the rage that you intervened on it is an incredible story. Im very moved by it and i want to thank you for stepping forward as a human being as as an american. You protect people, who were not even sworn to do that that was just your job was to look at a retail store. Can you tell me, i dont want to get too personal, but how long have you worked at that sams club . Ive been with sams club for about eight months now, going on nine months. See a relatively new employee. Do you have any going to college what were you doing . No, move down here looking for oil filled work. Its close to where i lived no one to save money and starting to look for oil field work. But thats all kind of gone away by now. How the page your medical bills . Sams club has covered pretty much everything except my Family Doctor or personal issues. Ive been put on antidepressants and anxiety pills because they say i have ptsd. That would make sense to me. So your Mental Health coverage is not covered by sams . What they recommended was therapy over the phone. It took them a while to get that ball rolling. I dont think it be very useful or helpful just to talk over the phone. I thought obi contact without be better if i could see them in person. So sams didnt do the tele medicine and odd. With the cove its been the way you have a gnomes it mental help . Thats been a big issue with this covid is in things. Madame chaired occurred to me stream extends from gun violence incidents. The victims are at a loss have medical coverage of ongoing Mental Health issues at times like this. Zacks was on a peace officer he was a bystander. I think we should do more for bystanders give them training on intervening 30 think we wage or something to the bystanders who, i did get a covid19 test a couple days ago. Pretty sure its not covered. Just to reassure all of you, take that off your mind and strikes me that instance where the Good Samaritan bystander who puts himself or herself on the line gets injured, is physically injured nerves issue of vocational rehabilitation, training, zack your choices makeup you want to be a police officer, you want to go into Armed Services that is something a think is great. That shouldnt be your only choices. I think america on the public, all of us owe a debt of gratitude to you. As you are putting people like you deserve more than just a thank you. I think we need to make sure that we take care of your Mental Health, your medical bills, i also think we need to look at a young person like you, how we make sure you have an opportunity to get to where you want to go. Because i think we want to encourage what youve done in all american citizens. Its a pushback against bigotry, the hyper rhetoric. In moment we can do that is what young citizens like you know that the American People have their back. And we need to do more. Okay thank you so much. The next we recognize congressperson for five minutes. Thank you judy. I want to thank you all and for getting this event, think exactly your courage. Your actions and that something youre going to carry with you the rest of your life. You should be commended for that and we all you a debt of gratitude. In terms of what we are seeing today, the truth is not that different from what happened to Asian Americans in our countrys history. There has been a fear and other events that had a cause here among the American People , is a tendency today and scapegoat minorities. So we have for example the whole yellow wisteria, with the chinese exclusion act, we had japanese americans, the murder of vincent jenn. Now we have people creating hate crime incidents against Asian Americans out of this bizarre view that somehow asians are spreading covid19. So my first question is, as of today how many hate incidents of hate crime have you tracked . And what obstacles are there to people reporting such incidents . Thank you congressman for your question. Thus far we have just under 2600 incidents report made to stop hate. In terms of what we understand with some of those obstacles are that in some cases people dont necessarily know about our reporting center. We are doing the best we can to provide that information. There is that fear and trepidation people have. Try to make clear about our reporting center and i know those advancing justice and other organizations do the same in terms of keeping personal information, identifying information confidential. We dont release any of the information without the explicit permission of individuals. Until we really are encouraging folks, as much as possible report to us. Because it is so critical in developing policy solutions. Working with elected officials such as yourself. And also developing needed resources. Its only will me know and understand the data. We have five to ten researchers on this at all times looking at various trends and patterns. The other point i want to make to our form is available in 11 asian languages. Individual should not feel if they are not English Proficient they cannot fill out the form. So again the key to us is getting the word out to folks making sure they are aware of the resources and also addressing the fear elements. Because as tammy herself had said, that individuals, we are raised to just put our heads down, work hard, not to raise certain issues. So it is as a result of that a number of folks havent necessarily come forward. Go ahead please. Is there a place they can report these incidents . Next stop aap i hate. Org. Thank you. So recently i worked with and led a letter signed by 150 members of congress for justice asking basically the government to do more. My question is to both john and michael, do you believe justice can do to mitigate this issue of hate crimes against Asian Americans . Let me start. First thing in this is just not on a department of justice. I would ask congress to pass. That hate act give a lot more resources to both state and local government for the reporting of hate crimes and hate businesses. Part of the problem with the resources, the organization and other organizations like ours are limited in terms of how much we can have in the community about whats available, about the need to report. But through the no hate act. That would allow the federal government to give grants to state and local governments so they can establish topline locally trained officers, not to say lawenforcement but locally trained people number two on the d. O. J. Side is to be more transparent very hard to engagement theyre actually seeing other than a broad statement. They say they arent making this a priority. We dont understand yet what that means. We dont know what they are actually devoting to this being a priority. Other than their statements, we need to have more transparency. Outgrew that john just said. They have been acting in one of the way they have the with National Emergency like hurricane, these are the kind of thing were d. O. J. Needs to step up to the plate its been pretty, strawn said pretty obtuse and opaque about exactly what it is hate crimes data which is anti biased point out discrimination that does not rise to the level of hate crimes. That is why the hate act is important to get through. Its also just notes that in terms of the federal government, theres one big entity thats really, not paying attention to anything certainly that we have said. Certainly a lot of people have said here and thats executive opposite the president. We cant just keep repeating repeating every press conferenc conference, chinese fluid not expect to have some kind of damaging impact on peoples perception of Asian Americans. Thank you. Thank you. The gentleman yields back. And now i recognize Congress Member for five minutes. Thank you judy. And thank you for holding this important briefing. This wasnt what we know this problem exists. That is why the black caucus, the hispanic caucus are willing to cosponsor it because its not limited to just asians i would like to ask the commissioner a question. We know if its still in the salt its criminal. But were just wondering if the commission has recommended some things that can happen for it i know with black lives matter this provoked the taking down a lot of confederate statues, are there things we can do that could make a difference . Thank you very much for this questions. The commission has taken this to that place already. We have tried to speak our truth in terms of the need to come back with the sediment across the country. And yes, this covid19 affects all communities. But in this particular instance we have asked every federal agency to basically work, activate it civil rights entity. And within it to start publicizing the need to put resources and guidance out there. And so far all we have really seen is hhs, eoc, hide in front of education putting on guidance. In the fact that the guidance is, especially for the Asian Community there are shortcoming shortcomings. And also for the Latino Community as well. For example eoc puts out a translations for its webpage about age determination in the workplace during covid19. At the other users with Google Translate as a way to get that done. There are serious deficiencies in Google Translate. They dont offer any other language and it has been noted before i myriad of language in the American Community that need to be utilized. I think one of the most important things that congress can do is provide oversights, and quite frankly appropriated the Authority Clients learn about this part of it which is the ability to use the appropriation power to require that the agencies make sure theres Language Access to all communities affected by covid19 is extremely deficient but for the federal government even more than others have the kind of resources to put out there so that if you are in public housing, and you are being discriminated against. You are at a workplace and being discriminated against. If you are at a school in your child is being bullied. The ability for parents and childrens to access this in the most comfortable environment in which they can use for it which is frequently their original native language. Its extremely important and were just not doing it right now. I think it needs to be done forthwith. Thank you. John yang, question, what kind of lawsuits, legal remedies are you seeking . I know you are seeking legislation. Are you filing lawsuits to try to move the ball forward . Unfortunately, most of these cases really dont rise to the level of a hate crime. So in terms of trying to file a lawsuit, that would be difficult. Certainly there are times he would look at like nationalist groups and think about whether their civil rights statutes you might be able to use against aye nationalist group. But that requires a lot of time and a lot of resources to do that. But that is certainly something we would look to. I think what the commissioner said is really on point also that we just have to call this out for what this is. One thing that comes to my mind is back in the 2008 election, senator kaine when he was campaigning at a political rally a woman said i cant support obama he might be a muslim and support this country. Senator kaine took away the micro from her and said no maam, no maam, youre wrong. Hes a fine man. Fast forward 12 years later to a political rally in arizona. President trump is presented with the same situation. People yelling, flu. But he does is he smiles and said yeah yeah thats right. That is the difference of leadership that can move the needle here and what we really need. We are trying to change that. We are doing the best we can. This is not a political event. But you know what i mean. Thank you judy. Thank you gentleman yields back. We now like to recognize Congress Member al green for five minutes. And i believe he just join us by phone. Yes i am not here by way of other technology. It will encourage more people to take this test. I thank you madam chair for very much needed. Opportunity i like to focus. [inaudible] represented scott there are a lot of things i like to say. It is a policy. And i think it is fair to say that as a matter of policy that we should have and teach the racist bigots that now occupies the white house. And we are seeing the results of how. [inaudible] its hates its been perpetrated. Ive seen whats happened and our community. At the institute texas. [inaudible] had to close due to actions. We had the confidence of those here, ford spread throughout the community. Ive had people from the Community Call me concerned about the speaker with the language we have had to talk about those. The language in my District International district. Weve had to close that because of numerous have run amok in terms of where the virus is in calling out. [inaudible] there is a lot going on. And we do have to do something. We have to be bold. We have to be bold. With these things that make a long term difference. I have appreciate with the congressman is doing and i support the truth and Transformation Commission shes pushing. Im going to support that. I appreciate what congressman jacksons doing. In my support, i support congress and jackson lee is doing. Im told im not being fair madame chair . Madame chair . Can you hear me . Yes, congress and green youre coming through loud and clear actually. Cement okay thank you. And support congressman jackson lee with her legislation. Theres also legislation for department of lee needed department the highest level of this government with the secretary of reconciliation to reconcile issues related to whole persons who are in protective. I think these other issues that are being raised by my colleagues i think we should support that. Cement that is my opinion. Let me move to the policy person on the panel. , what are your thoughts about taking this to a different level . Having a department of reconciliation . Also the issue of something with healing and transformation and issues that congresswoman jackson. [inaudible] yes thank you so much congressman green. So vic i apologize no worries, no worries. Think of your question. And we could not agree more. I think this is really the moment in time where we need a true reckoning. When you look at not only the data from stop api hates. Also a recent pew study, not only are Asian Americans being verbally assaulted. But also african americans. And the pew study found that 30 of Asian Americans, that is literally 1. 5 million americans have experienced some sort of racial slur or derogatory remar remark. And similarly, 40 of africanamericans. So even a much greater number. And so it is so important right now, given what has happened. And i think what you point to is the fact that we have an opportunity right now to come together as communities of color, we see and understand bigotry. Really, comes from White Supremacy as john mentioned. And so, we havent opportunity moving forward, absolutely support that spirit and support any efforts. I think of all of these communities of color to come together, to talk about what its been happening on a policy level. Whats happening in terms of racist rhetoric. So think of your question. Thank you. And thank you madame chair. You are making a difference. Thank you so much. Thank you so much Congress Number green. Now we recognize Congress Member from california properly. Thank you very much. Couldnt hear me . Can you see me . Cement yes. I was having some technical difficulties getting on. But also i know our charwoman is trying to get on. Psalms 16 thank you on her behalf to say how important it is the tri caucus, Congress Woman judy chu, congress and castro, really come together, stick together because what affects one affects all. I go along with everything congressman granger said in terms of developing a secretary reconciliation calling for a day of reckoning to reparations because this is the moment that we have to put our government and check so that we can move forward in a government with a government that eradicates hate from its dna. A couple of things. Im sorry did not hear the panel. I did hear some dialogue. I wanted to ask first michael, you certainly are missed. Missed on the appropriations for it and of course we both serve on the appropriations bird what you post is very interested in funding strategy for our Appropriations Committee with Language Access. I am wondering because we did Work Together with the tri caucus with congresswoman beth to get Strong Language and Demographic Data based on the economic status and what have you. But of course the cdc still hasnt done it. But having said that. [laughter] i think with the heroes bill as the negotiations move forward, but they have a way of opening up, what you think about the tri caucus trying to advocate . That would only be three or four lines in the heroes bill. Otherwise grace and others and myself can work on an appropriate strategy for next year. Because this hate is growing. What he is saying in the white house is despicable. And is perpetrating in the community now. Just wanted to ask about that. And anyone who wants to respond, im still active. I believe that we are to quiet right now. About this anti asian hates and racism. Id like to some of our local communities partner with the dreamers and with our black movement for black lives. The api community and havent caucus about this issue. We thought they had the states. We know the department of justice, will have all the bills are pending but we know this is going to do. Like travis scott said we have a few more months we have more work to do. But hopefully will be able to get rid of this regime. So we should talk about external mobilization around the anti aging hate bashing or racism or however we want to do it together. I miss working with you two. With regard to whether the heroes actor some of the selection and there, going to say i represented talk commission at this point. So we dont have a position on that but we can. I will say this. We do require, we do believe there are substantial means by which you can exercise oversight to the oversight committees are the appropriations process over for example the department of justice. Federal coordination compliance section. Which approves each of federal agencies internal and external limited English Proficiency access guidelines. They are the central body. And what they are doing or not doing i think is important to find out. Because again as we know from all of our experiences whether its john taney, mens others the Asian Community is not exactly the best at coming forward when things happen to them. Especially when there is a language barrier. Being able to breach that language barrier. To provide that kind of access is going to be really important. It needs to have a federal coordination compliance to be really cute to ensure federal agencies across the board have that kind of access. Is cochair of the Health Task Force i will talk to the congressman and develop with you a strategy on how to do this. But anyway, we will figure out something because i think thats a very good suggestion. John anybody want to respond on that . Cement sure. I think that is wonderful birth and youre absolutely right. We are at a moment right now that weve seen for a while. Close to so encourage by in the movement of black lives with the diversity of people showing up including Asian Americans. Ill be honest asianAmerican Community, we have been antiblack. Weve had our own reckoning had discussions in the moment pretty look at the support that people feel for the dreamers. This is what i said people of all different segments for the coalitions that everyone built behind the dreamers, behind black lives. We are at a different mama or receive this racism with elements of this administration. There is a dormant recognition we see that come to a different light such both racism and the anti migrants that we have see seen. And that is positive. Lets brought us altogether in a way that perhaps we havent had any while. So im going to use this as a mobilizing moment, right . Whether its we divide something specific theyre supposed to be a march on washington sometime in the future. The time i dont know yet. But certainly i am hopeful in the political moment that we are coming together in a different way. Okay thank you very much, thank you for your tremendous leadership. You are steady in the courts costly all the time keeping us organized and focused we are ready to hit it. Thank you for that. Thank you barbara lee, and the gentleman yields back. This actually brings us to the end of the questions were members of congress. That i would like to do one followup question we talked about everything from reporting hate crimes to legislation such as a no hate act. But could you talk more about the Bystander Intervention thats referred to the everyday person who might witness such things, what could they do . What are these five standards of intervention . Think they have exemplified them in a way i could not have. When i talk about this is interesting. We talk statistics and we talk about hamming people we train. We have two living examples of people who have intervened as well as people who have experienced what it means with the hate incident. But the five ds are i will go through them one by one. One is whats called distracted. Which means you distract from the aggressor by doing something. Dropping your keys, asking for directions hey how to get to the next stop . I will deescalate the moment. Not deescalate the aggressor but whats being generated. Number two is delegate. You see somebody that is a victim of a hate incident, you can focus on another bystander. Talk about other people in the subway. Wouldnt it be wonderful some is it hey you go get the transit authority. Do something to bring more help to the situation. Thats what it would need to delegate. Tiny is a great document which means you record the incident whether during the moment by iphone or video sport after the fact so you have that document and documentary evidence. We know too often they say this isnt really happening this is in a real thing. To show that it is a real thing. Number 4b delay. A few are comfortable in the moment asked victim later hey are you okay . Sets and resources to that person. And that this which is enacted in a way that i could only dream of is to be directed to confront the aggressor. Again we are not asking people consume people to be safe. If you feel like you are able to you can either a, directly confront that aggressor and say hey stop that its wrong. Or you can just talk to the victim and say let me help you get out of the situation. Or help them to get to the next stop or whatever. So those are five ds common sense effort again zack and tammy demonstrated those in ways that we talk about that we want people to use. And there are efforts that can help make the situation just a little bit better. I appreciate both of what they have done what they have been through. But we are just trying to do our little bit. Thank you so much. Zack you want to Say Something . I mute. I mute. People being aggressive or racist, what i found is if you didnt have the courage to stand up others will follow. Like when ever that attack, the last guy expected to help a 70yearold man named louis, he was an indian man, gray hair. I didnt know it at the the police report. But he too jumped on his legs and try to hold his legs emily is on the ground at that was really neat. So we stayed together. Just to let people get picked on dont be a bystander. Stay together and you have less chance of taking home death. Sacraments a very good point there. Often times with the experience people dont know what to do. There touche either too timid. One person takes the stand other people will follow. Makes people comfortable something i can do. People on the subway dont necessary blame them i wish they would have. But often theyre not sure what theyre going to do is make the situation worse. Im things like this, we are not the only ones that offer this. What people do here is that this is okay, this works this is going to help. Scenic thank you so much i really appreciate it. First of all let me thank our distinguished panelists for sharing your expertise and your personal experiences. Made for such an important form and we all learned so much. And i would like to thank my cohost, congressional hispanic conference chair Congressional Black Caucus chair for cohosting this as well as all of our congressional agents and Congress Members who participate in todays professional form. Having the opportunity to hear from all of you about this is critical as we work to address anti asian bigotry. Make sure all americans feel safe in this country. Thank you again for joining us. Now this form is adjourned. The president , available in paperback, hardcover and ebook from Public Affairs presents biography of every president inspired by conversations with noted historians. About the leadership skills that make for a successful presidenc presidency. In this president ial election year, as americans decide who should lead our country, this collection as perspective into the lives and events that forged each president s leadership styl style. Learn more about all of our president s and the books featured historians, as it. Org the president. Available in paperback, hardcover and ebook. Wherever books are sold. political consultant harlan hill discuss the rise of nationalist populist movements in the u. S. And abroad. After that Senior Advisor for joe bidens president ial campaign, simona sanders, talks about how americans can use their voices for change in later philosophy professors on the impact of grandstanding and political discourse. Next, msnbc political analyst Zerlina Maxwell on identity politics and how to create a more inclusive Democratic Party. She is interviewed about her book, the end of white politics, ceo and founding president of [inaudible]. This is one hour. Hello, my name is maria teresa and i am so happy to be here with Zerlina Maxwell to discuss your vital book the end of white politics. This book challenges what we have accepted as a status quo for the Democratic Party and i think right now as we are trying to read into the tea leaves of 2020 it could not have come at a better time. This is a critique that could not be more challenged in america right now but we also understand that it is imperative that people in the political world take your book to heart and look at it as an opportunity to change the game come this election. With that, i would love

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