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Votes as any candidate and becoming only the second republican governor to be reelected in the history of the state. Governor larry hogan discusses his new book launches on the date of the Virtual Event entitled Still Standing surviving cancer, riots a Global Pandemic and politics that divide america. He originally made with a publisher just before the corona virus pandemic hit the united ud states and they then delayed publication for two months could add five chapters about the coroncoronavirus, the economic s and dealings with the white house which he said need for more timely and interesting books. We now invite you to the virtual programming coming to you with governor larry hogan and the Foundation Institute director. Host governor hogan, it is great to have you. Income junction this is going to turn out your best because the fantastic stories in it. Guest it is an honor to be with you today. It could be my best or my worst, but thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. I hope that other people will as well. Guest host when i read it right there in the first couple of chapters, you come from a political family. Your father, larry hogan, and congress in the 70s and ran for the senate and had another major job. You come from a pedigree thats truly important with your background. Guest im very proud of him. He served in congress for three terms back in the 70s and gave up a seat to run. Ive learned a lot about Public Service and integrity from my dad. I spent much of my time in the private sector but had much to do with my early interest in politics and the reason i took an interest in getting involved. Host your dad is famous for his columnist and as you know, one incredible moment of fame, being the first republican member of the house, the first republican i think on the House Judiciary Committee to support the impeachment of president nixon. Guest i was in high school at the time and my dad was on the House Judiciary Committee. He was a strong supporter of president nixon, and i got the chance to meet president. They campaigned together and i think my dad was fond of mixing and victor fond of nixon. He was one of those on the committee making sure the process was fair, pushing back when he thought the democrats were being too partisan. He fought to make sure the president could present his own witnesses and evidence. He was a former fbi agent and lawyer who after seeing the evidence it pained him but he believed the president had committed impeachable offenses and he was the first on the committee to say so. At the time a lot of republicans were awfully mad at him in the white house and congress and voters in the district, but its something hes probably most remembered for her and i am most proud of him because he had the courage to stand up and put aside his own political career and it is hard Party Loyalty and affection to do what he thought was right for the country. Host that is a courageous act. Speaking of your dad, one other point i wanted to make, i know youre in for the senate in 1982 in the reagan presidency, and in doing some research i found we have a lot of scripts here president reagan used to support members running. There is a great script we have president reagan speaking about your dad. He said we dont need rubber stamps in the senate. We need hardworking people and integrity like larry hogan that are willing to contribute their brains and hard work to building the american future you and i believe him so deeply. Host that is the first time ive heard that. I dont renumber that from back then. Thanks for digging that up and sharing that with me. Host i will send you a copy, governor. Now, a lot of people admire Ronald Reagan but you are truly an authentic because youve got some history i would love for you to talk about with respect to the president. Guest my dad first got involved in politics in the 60s when i became interested i was involved as a teenager in college republicans. It was 1976 my dad who was in the house my dad was chairing the campaign for the reelection and had a big part. I was so enamored with reagan in 76 i was at the convention as an alternate delegate. I was running around with my sign and hat. His positive vision for the future and the way that he spoke reached me in a way frankly gerald ford didnt and my dad got angry with me because he is a friend of ford trying to campaign and hes like what are you doing supporting reagan. But i really like him. [laughter] i was a true belief or in 76. Then i got involved in life as a chair and worked in the campaign as a delegate and 80 and 84 and nobody had more of an impact on me, nobodys philosophy was more. I was sort of coming of age right out of college. I served on the inaugural committee. He was the guy that i still look back to all the time and think about this is the kind of leader that i aspire to be. Host this is your first book i believe. Some who finished their first book look back on it as a moment of exhilaration and joy and some find process miserable. Where do you fit in . Guest i enjoyed it. It was a little bit cathartic, i guess. When i first one it was impossible to do. We had the highest percentage. When we pulled up peoples that you should write a book about how you did that. I said you should write about that experience into the night battled this lifethreatening cancer after five months in and they said you have to talk about this and then became the second governor in 242 years to be reelected. You have to write about this, so eventually i got around to it. I turned it in right before this coronavirus crisis. It took a long time as you know to write the book that i enjoyed the process and i hope people will enjoy reading it. I asked the publisher to put it on hold it was supposed to be out two months earlier and they could only delay it until the end of july but they asked me to make it more current some of the things going on today with my leadership of the National Governors association and what was going on with fighting the Global Pandemic and economic crisis they are dealing with, so i think it makes for an interesting book but it was difficult to get all this done and we ha have planned a big tor around the country and now we are doing all of it virtually as they are still dealing with the crisis because it is just impossible to have an inperson events these days but thank you for giving us this opportunity for the first event. Host governor, first, congratulations on winning a tough fight on cancer. I unfortunately have had the same experience, diagnosed with stage three, different kind of cancer, but a magnificent accomplishment to fight back just a few months into your first term as governor. How is it possible for you to have fought that fight and run the state of the same time . Guest god bless you and glad you made it successfully through your battle. It changed me as a person and it made me realize the things that are important. Ive met so many incredible people that went through tougher battles than my own. I got to meet their families and to see what they go through and its something im going to be involved in forever to raise awareness and money for organizations and to try to fight until we find cures for these diseases. Diseases. Thdiseases. But id only been governor for five months. We just one this big huge overwhelming upset victory, the biggest one in the country and i had my first thought is that if session after putting together an entire government in an overwhelmingly democratic monopoly state. We cut taxes for the first time and balanced the budget, got rid of the deficit hole in th the0 days and then battled the riots and 60 days later i was hit with this news. I was on my first trade mission to asia and wasnt feeling that well. Aches and pains and was feeling a little tired. I ended up having doctors come in and tell me that i had advanced aggressive cancer all over my body from my neck to my groin and it ended up being almost an eight team month battle with chemotherapy. Chemotherapy. I was dealing with all of that while being governor in a very tough state with a lot of things going on, but i talk about this experience in my truck. I got to meet so many people and i told ththey told the stories t was like going through that, but my first worry was how do i tell my family, it was fathers day weekend when i got this. This is on a friday. My first thought was ive got to tell my wife and daughters and my dad who was 80 at the time is coming over for fathers day dinner at the Governors Mansion and he took it harder than anybody. It doesnt matter how old you get i was still his little boy he couldnt keep out of trouble and protect that he cried the whole time, but then it came out and i had to announce a typical state of maryland. I tried to be very transparent and share it with them. 6 Million People had just put their trust in me and i had to explain to them i was going to continue to try to work from the hospital to continue to run the state and came out of it, thank god, stronger than ever. Host yeah. And aside from finding the best doctors you can, advice, governor. For people going through a similar experience as you did, if you dig deep, is there one really important piece of advice that you might give . Guest im a big believer in the power of prayer. I los had a lot of people prayig for me. Having a positive attitude is a mental part besides the physical ravages of the disease, trying to stay positive and focus on getting healthy is important and having a support network. But just your family, but people that cared about you. I was lucky to have thousands of people across the state. Not everybody has that. And having an incredible to try to get the best ethical care and attention that you can and listen to your doctors. I was lucky, because in maryland we have an amazing medical facility, and i have great doctors and nurses who were taking care of me. I think people need a support network and theyve got to stay positive and they will get through it. Host yes. Well, lets talk about another terrible illness for a few minutes but you talk about. Some of the final chapters in your book, and obviously thats coronavirus. Out here at the Reagan Library in california, governor, you know we are still in a state facing a tremendous crisis. The number of cases continues to grow and the number of deaths etc. But you all seem to have gotten a good, a better handle on it in maryland, and i know its been one heck of a struggle. How have you been able to do that . Guest i dont want to get too overconfident because we do have a number right now but they are not being complacent and this virus is no means behind us and i believe we have the potential for this to continue to get worse going into the fall. And we are seeing alarming spikes and increases across the country. The virus doesnt recognize the borders and some people are taking different actions, and its affected where they are in the curve and how successful theyve been in flattening the curve. Right now, our metric that they are following are still trending pretty good. A number of cases weve increased testing dramatically. So the cases are going to go up a little bit. If we look at positivity rates and hospitalization, how many people are in hospital beds and death rates all of which are trending down, but weve got to stay vigilant and stay on top of this. You saw some of the states that were relatively in good shape that are out of control now. Weve got to listen to the advice of the Public Health professionals, the epidemiologists and the smart scientists. Weve got to wear masks and social distance and do all these things. We successfully and safely reopened about 90 of the economy and reached the peak above 90 days ago and now we have downward trending numbers, but we watch it every single day and if we have to take actions to stop it, we are going to not hesitate to make those decisions. We had to make some very difficult decisions when we had some difficult times that in the early part of this as did every state in the nation, and i never imagined being in this kind of position or making the kind of decisions we had to. Almost every day we were making decisions that have to be made to keep people safe. Host sure, sure. And this is not an inexpensive feet, is that . Meaning this has all caused havoc in the states Financial System how is it going in maryland . Guest estate Financial Systems are being impacted but it really impacted the economy about what its doing to all those Small Businesses out there. The unemployment and loss of revenue. Because of that, because people are not working and businesses are suffering because people are not spending money because they dont feel safe, the revenues to the states or down and in many states down as much as 25 or 30 . We are not as bad as some other state but we will be impacted and have to make very tough fiscal positions in the state about how do we provide more services to people in need with a lot less revenue, so its going to be tough for governors across america. Host is its still a sticking point, governor, between the white house and the state governors on whether there will be any federal assistance to help manage the impact of the state level . Guest we have differences of opinion sometimes between the governor and white house. I chair the National Governors association and i work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle and i have through this entire pandemic. I think weve had 40, 41 or 42 calls with all the nations governors. Many of them with the president , Vice President and cabinet. The communication both within the administration and governors on their own has been good. The governors have been really good at sharing best practices about whats going on in your state and how long have you dealt with this, how is this working. And the federal government has stepped up with regards to the carers act and funding thats desperately needed to help people that are unemployed and help some of those Small Businesses and help us with certain issues, but they are also a little bit frustrated that sometimes we are not getting all of the assistance and help that we need. I think we could have had a National Testing Strategy Early on in this process that would have been helpful. It was a bit of a 50 states scramble with everybody making things up on their own, and i dont want a monday morning quarterback because we are still in the middle of this and its going to take the federal, state and local government to continue to fight this battle. But the good news is we are all communicating and trying to work through the differences of opinion. Host an you know, governor, the media often times tends to overplay if theres any criticisms or disputes between the governors. Host guest most of it is productive and one sentence will get pulled out thats blown into a headline. It seems its more hostile or negative than its intended to be, but i would say there has been some friction and disagreement, but weve also been appreciative for the help that weve gotten, and when the president is doing a good job, when the governors agree, we certainly recognize that and when we feel they are falling short on the needs the state has, i havent been afraid to stand up and tell them fairly directly. I mean, thats my job as the trimming of the governors. Host yeah, yeah. You mentioned National Testing strategy. If there were one single element of the administrations actions during all this is that the one where you say we should have thought that through better and that would have been talk for the governors of the states . Guest i talk about this in my book in the early stages of this as i was writing about in the march and april time frame. At the early stages, had we gotten more aggressive there were some smart people in the administration that were aware of what was happening and never giving advice to the white house, but i think they were a little slow on developing and saying lets leave that up to the state. I appreciate the states flexibilities, but there were certain things only the federal government had the ability to do, and i think a massive Testing Program early on could have helped us stop the spread of aat an earlier stage before e had, you know, im hundred 40,000 deaths and the states spiraling out of control in a number of states, but i think the messaging we had great meetings with the task force and all these leaders. Sometimes the president s communication was different than what we were hearing from the rest of the administration so i think the messaging was one of the big problems we had. We are talking about reagan was such a communicator and i think the scales fell short on this. Host understood. Fair point. Schools. Out here in california, around the Reagan Library, most of the states he got the unfortunate news just last week from our governor that some of the Public Schools are going to need to offer paid online rather than in person have you made a decision in the state of maryland held the schools will offer that . Im sure theres a lot of parents concerned about that. Guest everyone is concerned. I think everyone would like to see us get our schools back open as quickly as possible. Its important to actually have kids back in the classrooms, but they also need to make sure that we go about it in a way that is safe for the kids and the teachers. We havent made the final decisions yet. The way it works, we have a state board of education to put out a plan, kind of a framework of a plan about a month ago and they are now getting input from each of the jurisdictions to put a draft together. What we will probably see is some flexibility in areas that are impacted and affected differently where some people may be doing more on my morning and some people have some type of hybrid and other schools that are actually able to open up. But we are going to follow the cdc guidance which has been excellent, and listen to the Public Health professionals suggest try to do everything we can to get the kids running again in a safeway and air on the side of getting kids running again and in the classrooms but doing it safely. Host sure, sure. There are several chapters in your book, governor, where you talk about some of the most difficult situations youve had to face with the typical unfortunate circumstance involving freddy gray and the Baltimore Police and i dont need to tell you. We are seeing similar situations like you face in baltimore occurring in cities throughout the United States today. Thats a result of the tragic killing of george floyd. What lessons did you learn in tackling the situation in baltimore . You dont want a monday morning quarterback tha because their ae he would be giving to other governors now facing the situation in their own state . Guest there are a lot of parallels. I finished much of the book on february 1 and put it on hold. I have no idea when i wrote the five chapters about the riots in baltimore held much of a parallel there would be that there is going on now. I had been governo governor juss when the worst violence in 47 years broke out in the largest city of baltimore. And in just the first few hours, this was after the death of the very beginning of the black lives Matter Movement after ferguson, but in the first few hours, violence and destruction broke out. We had 400 businesses burned and looted and destroyed. 127 police and firefighters injured and hospitalized. The citys police force was overwhelmed, and the citizens of baltimore were crying out for someone to come and and try to keep them safe. I ended up, within a matter of hours, calling a state of emergency, sending in more than a thousand Police Officers and 4,000 members of the National Guard to try to bring peace and calm to the citizens of baltimore. We did it in a way that we allow the peaceful protests to take place for a solid week. There were a lot of people expressing legitimate frustrations and we did not want to aggressively move against those protesters to further inflame the situation, but we stopped and did not allow any more violence or destruction after that first night. And we did it very successfully. I think we got praised across the country for about. Not only the people of baltimore appreciated it, which was important, but they felt that things were going to be okay and we lowered the temperature, and i think thats part of the problem today. Theres two things going on. One, cities are not handling the kind of violence and destructi destruction. They are allowing it to take place. Number two, weakness of response and in some cases, we have say in portland where its going on for months of destruction and then the federal response have complaints about being too aggressive in its further inflaming. I actually taught a course of the National Governors association about how to handle a crisis like this. I would quote Ronald Reagan in that i learned from him peace through strength, and i think that in this situation youve got to send enough power to keep people safe, stop the violence and destruction do not go in any heavyhanded tactic thats going to make the situation worse. That is what they did in 2015. And this time as we saw from some peaceful protesting across america. We also saw some bad situations in the major cities in baltimore. We didnt have those problems this time. I was proud of the citizens and the police force and the way thathat is handled this time. I think its a result of what happened in 2015. Host im glad i asked the question. And just a followup. I presume you want to give the same advice to the mayors. To this interest in letting people blow off steam, it causes an enormous problem, does it not, for the mayors themselves, for the governors of the state it seems completely irrational to allow this kind of violence to occur rather than to get right on top of it. Guest i agree and i talk about this in the book. That is exactly what happened in the early hours of the situation in baltimore in 2015 where the mayor of some of the then mayor of baltimore was ordering the police to stand down to not respond, and she actually went on television and said she was going to give these protesters room to destroy and she wasnt going to step in. I couldnt believe id ever seen a response like that and let them continue to destroy the city. I said we were not going to give them room to destroy. We were going to bring in thousands to stop them from destroying the city and that is exactly what happened. Host well done. I thought it was a pretty difficult conversation to be yourself and the mayor. Guest people find an inside view of what it was like to go through that and maybe some of the mayors and governors now take a quick read at least those few chapters they might find it helpful. Host another issue in Chesapeake Bay, how are things going in are we maintaining a kind of attitude thats keeping it clean and vibrant . How is it doing . Guest im glad you asked that. Sometimes people automatically assume you hear republicans are sometimes tainted with this tag that we dont care about the environment and the democrats are automatically supposed to be better for the environment. I know my predecessor in the previous governorship liked to claim he was doing good things for the Chesapeake Bay, but we have actually been able to invest more in protecting the day and preserve open space and more land to keep runoff from going on land. Weve done in a mor it in a more efficient and effective way. The health is now cleaner than its been in recorded history and that is after almost six years of solid effort on our part. I couldnt be prouder of the team that we have in the state of maryland. Weve been working on these clean water issues and Chesapeake Bay is a national treasure, and its so important to the region and really the country. And its a model for how you can go without cleaning up the environment without killing business in the meantime. Host and its part of the heart of the Economic Business activity. If you send me in and going while it is going to be difficult for people to make a living. Guest we have great crabs in the day as well. Host how are they doing this year . Guest really well. Ive tested them and assembled them personally. Host lets talk about another difficult issue for maryland that youve covered in your book thats been a plague in all 50 states and that is the opioid crisis. How difficult has that been and where do you sit in the fight . It is a difficult battle we have been wrestling with for a while. When i was running for governor it wasnt something people were not focused on and i can tell you i was traveling around and our state is pretty diverse and there are rural areas we have a little bit of everything. Everywhere i traveled around the state i would sit down with leaders and say what is the number one problem facing your community and in every instance they would say opioids. I was shocked this wasnt just in the city of baltimore. It was in the rich suburban county in small towns and i was shocked i didnt know at that point but now we are very aware of it. So i focused on this and as soon as i was elected i put my Lieutenant Governor in charge of the task force focused on the opioid addiction. We came up with a number of suggestions in the past a piece of legislation to end the nato attack all of them. Because it is tearing apart families and communities from one end of the country to another. It killing people and costing lives and money and focus and its just ravaging the country. Weve gone after it with everythineverythingweve got ane strides and stopped the growth thats a tough one to get a handle on. Its like this virus. If its one part of it and another pops up. Its a little bit like whack a mole. This sentinel is a very dangerous drug. We got part of it under control and then this came in from china which is more deadly. Host absolutely. Nga is a tribute that you were chosen to be the head of the National Governors association. Tell me how has that job done for you . I bet that its helpful to you as the governor in the state of maryland you get to see a good crosssection of the issues occurring in other states and maybe take best practices or ideas from them. Do you think that its been an advantage for you as a governor . Guest when i first was elected i went to michaels pb Governors School but its really the seminar for new governors. I met some governors from across the country and was impressed right away at the National Governors association about how well people got along. Ive been very involved in this organization for almost six years. I started out in my position last july with the get to pic tk a chair initiative and i started on rebuilding americas infrastructure. We were doing this all around the country and making great progress and its still an important issue we are focused on but then the virus broke out, which made i think the Governors Association more relevant than ever. I mentioned we have 40 some conferences but that hasnt happened in the past 20 to 30 years combined and weve done it in a few months. The cooperation and collaboration between the governors has been a amazing frankly and i couldnt be more proud of all of the governors on both sides of the aisle for the way they stepped up in this crisis and the National Governors association which many people probably didnt know existed and havent paid much attention to and it hasnt been that relevant i think its taken on a whole new relevancy its been a lot of work and its taken a lot of time and effort i think its been worth it. I think we really have learned during this crisis and so it an opportunity during the time when america and the states needed somebody to step up and i was happy to be able to lead the governors during this time. Host governor, what is it about the environment, the dynamic in the National Governors association at least in your experience that its one of the most productive bipartisan groups in america thats getting something done . I wonder if we can borrow or steal from that model. Guest i would like to get the folks in washington and congress to follow that model. I talk about it in my book a little bit, because i think most people in america are frustrated with the divisiveness and frustration where nobody can ever get anything done and nobody gets along and its such a personal battle back and forth. It wasnt always this bad but the governors are different and unique. Governor reagan, a lot of governors have been successful, but the governors are sort of ceos that govern their states every day. They are running a government that they are in the executive branch. Its not in congress you are fighting every day on the committee are getting in the state legislature is trying to defeat this person or that person. The governors im not in competition with my fellow governors. We sit down and say how are you dealing with this problem and its almost as if there are 50 ceos of companies sitting around saying what can we do to do a better job. We have to do the same kind of services and get up everyday to make sure the states are seats e functioning and providing services and for the most part we disagree. We are not in competition out there wearing blue and red jerseys every day. Host this was a way of getting you to start the conversation about the presidency and not necessarily in th these smaller states thatn the time the United States. I know last year perhaps it was your experience youve got to look at the whole nation i think youve traveled to new hampshi hampshire. You thought about maybe there would be a role for you one day. There were a lot of people after i was elected in the worst possible year in the deep blue state when we lost the congress and the many sitting governors i was elected in a landslide. People started saying how do you do that. People started saying that you consider how about this and i know there was a lot of talk about that but i never put together any real effort to move in that direction. I think it is far too early to talk about it. Ive will try to stay focused on that, but i do want to be a part of the future discussion about where we go as a republican party. Ive been active in the party on a entire life and since i got so excited about Ronald Reagan especially. I am concerned about the fact they are not listening to the advice reagan gave. We dont have that positive mission and vision that is growing that bigger tent than i want to at least be part of that discussion. Im more concerned about having a future for the party because being able to win and get things done and the continuation of the party and the twoparty system is critical, but they have two wait for the elections to be able to do that. We will have plenty of time and we will have to see what happens in november. But i think that the party is going to take a hard look after november about what we are going to do and whether we are going to continue in the direction we are heading or whether we are going to perhaps go back and look at some of the lessons of what we have accomplished in maryland but also how Ronald Reagan was able to revive the party after watergate. After next and everybody said it was the death of the party and we came back pretty strong. Host this topic you have taken us through, in my mind as i read your book it is absolutely fascinating. Theres going to be a moment where whether trump is elected or not theres going to be a moment hes not in the party would ask itself some difficult questions. Is it a situation where are you a chump republican or reagan. Youve learned so much. That is a great way to sum it up. Either way, the party has to take a look at where we are heading and what they stand for and how we will continue to build a winning coalition. I think it is critically important and we will have those discussions in just a few months. Host i know im talking completely hypothetically but how would a larry hogan presidency differ from the Trump Presidency . Are there key difference is you can put your finger on an essay i would do this different or this different . Guest look at how weve been able to be successful here in maryland and a lot of that has to do with the fact what ive been focused on is a lot like what i admired about president reagan. He stood up for the things he believed in, but he also was willing to sit down and reach out to the other side. Wthey had that great relationshp with tip oneill. They found that Common Ground where they could reach agreement. I think that is what is missing today. Ive always believed and i try to avoid the extremes of either party and the divisive rhetoric and they hav have to out of necessity in my state 70 state y legislature is liberal democrats but we have had tremendous success and have gotten things done because i dont try to demonize the other side. I listened to where they are and that our ideas forward and i am a big leaguer in the compromise and i think what most people are looking for is Common Sense Bipartisan Solutions and there is a big chunk of america thats frustrated with the whole system right now. I love the fact reagan brought people together across party lines and have a hopeful positive vision and a stick up p for the principles he believed in but was willing to reach out. Something about 80 . Host 80 of a loaf of bread is better than nothing. Guest sometimes just by being so strident i think your most effective. Ive gotten a lot done by working together and trying to find that way we can reach an agreement. Host well said, governor. It has been a pleasure to talk to you today. The book hits the stands next week or is it this week . Guest coming out next week and i hope people will enjoy it. Ive enjoyed writing it and im glad you enjoyed reading it. I cant tell you how much i appreciate you having me. Im sorry we were not able to do it in person. I was excited about being there, but i think this is probably the safer way to do that and hopefully more people will get the chance to watch a. Host know that when weve got a vaccine and this virus behind us, consider it an open invitation for you to come out and speak here at the Reagan Library. And i really hope it happens because while i might have grown up in the delmarva area, the impression has from afar on this repo wiccan governor larry hogan is defined in the media your book, you are so much more different than that. As you said you are a reagan republican and it shines through and i hope people if they want to understand you they will take a read. Guest i appreciate it. Thank you. Host take care of yourself, governor. Guest thank you. During a Virtual Author Program hosted by tom hall seattle, pulitzer prizewinning journalist david broder looked at the idea of the deep state. Here he talks up the strength of the executive branch versus the others in the government. Government. How do you control the cia and fbi and prevent them from carrying out abuses and then prevent the president from doing that, so there was a school of thought and bill barr, the current u. S. Attorney general whose part of this group agreed to all these changes, two members of the staff, dick cheney and Donald Rumsfeld both of them worked in the Ford White House and opposed to this. Antonin scalia wasnt a conservative legal scholar became a Supreme Court justice felt that after watergate, the creation of these oversight committees there was also the creation of inspectors general in terms of spending of the emergency funds. Those were independent apolitical positions created by congress and they were supposed to investigate spending and abuse and corruption it was being weekend too much. There was too much oversight from the committees about what the executive branch is doing. Then he gave a speech recently in the federalist society. He felt there was too much activism, too many liberal judges. He is an opponent from abortion rights as opposite as going too far but in terms of the president s power, he complained about these immigration orders that would be stopped by federal judges there were some on the west coast that stopped things trump was carried out he said we need a strong presidency to protect against pandemics like today and moments of war and he argued that the presidency more than the legislative branch and the Judicial Branch has performed the best in the country is under threat and he favors a strong presidency that cannot be encumbered or slowdown in its actions by these other branches. To the hispanic questions on that. Is there any evidence in your reporting in the world that we have seen this is a little bit like evidence in that we dont have the example but is there any evidence that a strong president has done a better job than the legislatures were the words which are hearing congress . During the times of crisis . He would argue the president needed to detain suspected terrorists in prison in guantanamo. The Bush Administration ran a warrantless wiretapping program, they didnt go to the federal court and ask for the war and. Most americans supported after 9 11, but this is a big debate and if you fastforward to today, you have this belief among other conservatives and then you have donald trump who welcomes the power and says he wants it n. Times we can get into the correct response but hes gone back and forth from im the president to i want states to decide these are central questions about how should our democracy function should all three branches be equally powerful or do we need a strong presidency so we are looking for this moment in american history. Today is august 4, 2020 on may 5 of this year we spoke with janet webster, the author of force booksellers in detroit about how the shutdown has affected her business. Janet webster, give an update five months into the pandemic. Guest we have quite a lot to say. Thank you for having us on cspan. You are so dear to our hearts and i look at you at home a

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