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Level and this plan would also corrected the bizarre choice facing American Workers whom the system was actually paying more to stay home then to resume working. But that was not good enough for the democratic leader and he objected. Another rebellion senator then asked unanimous consent to extend federal support exactly as it has been for one more we week, one more week. The jobless americans do not have to bear the cost of democrats leisurely negotiating pays. Once again the democratic leader objected. Finally, republicans forced a floor vote to demonstrate whether the senators were even willing to debate the issue and where the senators would consider extending the benefitsx and every single democrat present voted no. The weeks since then have been what we have seen is plenty of talk i and plenty of stalling fm the Democratic Leaders who insisted on handling this themselves but no Significant Movement toward progress. They have still kept their ranking members and more reasonable voices locked up. Speaker and thel democratic leader continue to obstruct the Committee Level discussions that deliver the cares act are no longer in style. Only they are allowed to speak, only they, among democrats, are allowed to have an opinion. Day after day they have stonewalled the president s team and day by day they tried to invent new euphemisms to create the illusion of progress. Yesterdays contribution from the speaker was this there is now a light at the end of the tunnel but how long that tunnel is remains to be seen. Well, there are struggling americans who can tell Speaker Pelosi exactly how long the tunnel has been. T that will continue to be endless unless the democrats let us eeprovide more relief to the country. Their second week of inaction have brought the country to a second clip and coronavirus aid. Last week it was the extra federal benefits for laidoff workers and this week it is the enormous popular Paycheck Protection Program that is kept millions more americans off the unemployment rolls in the first place. The ppp was written and designed in march by chairman rubio and sherman [inaudible] as main street america was hurtling toward a close. Their innovative policies havess saved Small Businesses at a massive scale. Hundreds of billions of dollars have gone out in emergency loans for more than 600,000 Small Businesses. I hear constantly from kentucky whose local businesses and whose jobs would not have survived the last several months without this program. From distilleries to medical device suppliers to the mystic violence advocates, to ppp, Community Institutions help and help to weather the storm keep more kentuckians on the payroll. This Emergency Program has not been perfect but it has been a huge, huge success. It is remains a success because back in april we finally got democrats to let us provide another wave of funding after a pointless delay and pointless brinkmanship. You may detect a pattern here. But now many of these businesses are reaching the ends of the robe and there ppp money is dwindling but since the virus remains with us even where shutdown orders have been lifted commerce is not rolled all the way back. One survey found one in four workers who were hired by and kept getting paid because of ppp have now been warned that they might be let go again. You can bet that number will increase. Here is how one Business Owner explained the looming danger to reporters but if there is not another round of stimulus we will start cutting past the fat to the bone. Our people are hard, hard to replace. Congress should be strengthened in the ppp but instead democrats have put it in jeopardy and this saturday august 8ci is the official deadline for anyone who has not yet gotten a loan to apply. The door closes the day after tomorrow. Many firms that did receive the assistance are getting nearer to the bottomhe of the well. This is why Senate Republicans blueprints for another major package would put 190 billion into a second draw of the ppp for the businesses that most need help. The House Democrats 3 trilliondollar, 3 trilliondollar wishlist, totally left that out. They ignored the ppp and wheat want to re up o that. This is just one of the many ways our serious proposal with the absurd bar left wishlist have found problems with. While they focus on unrelated liberal demands like tax cuts for rich people in blue states we are focused onoc serving solutions for the problems instead of getting serious the Democratic Leaders have chosen instead to misrepresent and even lie about what is at stake. Democratic leaders repeated missed statements about the Legal Protections that Senate Republicans in the white house want for schools, doctors, nurses, charities and employers. They have earned three pinocchios from the Washington Post and mostly false rating from another fact checker. Let me say that again, mr. President. The Democratic Leaders repeated misstatementsep about the Legal Protections that Senate Republicans and the white house want for schools, doctors, nurses, charities and employers have earned him three, three pinocchios from the Washington Post in a mostly false rating and he does not even seem to realize he o [inaudible] so this is where we are mr. President. Another week that the speaker of house and the democrat leader have hold out for ideological projects with no relationship whateverer to the covid crisis d now as a result struggling americans are facing another clip. With another important form of relief on his last ledge a second straight week applicable theater from our democratic colleagues with no results. Except more pain for families, more uncertainty for workers and more evidence suggested perhaps Democratic Leaders were never serious about getting something accomplished in the first place. All across america small Business Owners are hurting and hoping the democrats get reasonable and allow another major package to move forward. Unemployed americans see these endless talks to finally bear fruit. So do School Principals and working parents and Senior Citizens and nurses and doctors and University President s and students of all ages. That is why i will not be a journey in the senate for our august recess today as has been previously scheduled. I have told rob again senators they will have 24 hour notice

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