Transcripts For CSPAN2 Rep. John Lewis Funeral Service 20240712

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Now the entire Funeral Service for representative john lewis in atlanta georgia. Friends and family pay tribute to the civil rights leader as well as former president george w. Bush, bill clinton and barack obama. The president remembered the pre life and legacy of representative john lewis and shared personal stories. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] good morning and welcome to the historic Ebenezer Baptist church. We are americas freedom church. My name is doctor Patrice Turner and as i serve as the director of worship of the arts here today. We thank god for the life of representative John Robert Lewis and so, at 11 00 a. M. We shall join with churches and institutions all over the land and ring the bell for his life 80 times to represent his 80 years here on earth. Let us remain silent and remember his contributions and legacy to our people at this time. [bells silence]. [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] [ringing of bells] amen. We thank god for that moment. And now the pastor and the family will enter the sanctuary. Shall we stand. I am the resurrection and the light, says the lord. Yet shall he live again. And also those that believe in me shall never die for i know that my reading her readmer lives and shall stand with me. And though to my skin worms destroy this body coming jus, yn my well i see my god, and see for myself. Behold i show you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall be changed. In a moment in the twinkling of an eye. For the dead must be raised and corruptible, we shall all be changed. But this mortal must put on immortality. This corruptible must put on in corruption and wheincorruption s corruptible shall have put on corruption and when this mortal shall have put on the immortality then will be brought to pass the saying that is written, death is swallowed up in victory. Where is your stain. Where is your victory. Thanks be unto god. Who gives us the victory. Thanks be unto god who gave John Roberts Lewis the victory through jesus christ, our lord and liberator. Let all the children of god say amen. Youre in a baptist church. Say it louder, amen. You may be seated. God bless you, my sisters and brothers. You sit in the sanctuary and those who join us on the Church Live Stream or by television, god bless you and welcome to Ebenezer Baptist church, spiritual home of Martin Luther king jr. , spiritual home of John Roberts Lewis, americas freedom church. We have come to say farewell to our friend in these difficult days that have even made grieving more challenging at a time we would find comfort and embracing one another, love compels us to socially distance from one another, but make no mistake, we are together in principle, even if not in proximity. We may not all be in the same room, but we are on the same page, and we are in touch with the same spirit. We love John Roberts Lewis. [applause] [applause] john lewis. We praise god for john lewis, and as we gather in this house we are reminded that as a teenager he actually wrestled with a call to ministry. A farm boy, he used to preach to the chickens. I guess you have to start somewhere. Then at 16 he preached his trial sermon in a Little Country church but as his life took shape instead of preaching sermons, he became one. He became a living, walking sermon about truth telling and justice making. He loved america until america learned how to love him back. We celebrate john lewis. [applause] at the time there was so much going on in our world, the news cycle has passed at a dizzying pace. It is as if time stood still while the nation takes its time to remember him. It caused us to slow down and linger for a little while with so much swirling around us. We are here because in a moment when there are some in high office who are much better at division who cannot lead us so they seek to divide us. And the moment when there is so much political cynicism and narcissism that masquerades as patriotism, here lies a true American Patriot that risked his life for the hope and promise of democracy. [applause] we celebrate john lewis. Never bitter and the bridge in selma key stared down bigotry and tierney and upon. How did he do that . The great grandson of slaves it transcended the human station and called upon the human loss of the loss of love with some amazing but vastly creative spirituality it undertook the redemption of the religion and ancestors met a man named jesus in alabama and georgia and mississippi and john lewis received up and took it with him across that bridge in selma and every other bridge. We come to celebrate john lewis. [applause] president johnson decided the Voting Rights bill into law when he edged a meeting had already been sanctioned by god, the blood of the martyrs, chaney and goodman and africanamerican murdered in mississippi. We celebrate john lewis. He was wounded for americas transgression. Together, we will get through this together. We will restore democracy to g get. Thank god for John Roberts Lewis. Say amen and let the angels rejoice. Good morning. I will be coming from the 23rd number of psalms. The lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in Green Pastures and and d if they decide to steal waters. He restored my soul and lead me in the path of righteousness for his namesake. I walk the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me, thy rod and staff comfort me. Prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, thou anoint my head with oil, my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy follow me all of th the days of my lifi will dwell in the house of the lord forever. Thank you. Good morning. I will be reading the first chronicles 13 chapter. If i could speak loca all the languages of earth and angels didnt love others like them maybe a clanging cymbal. If i had the gift of prophecy and if i understood all of gods secret plans and processed all knowledge and have such faith i could move mountains but didnt love others, i would be nothing. If i gave everything i had to the poor and sacrificed my body i could post about it, but if i didnt love others, i would have gained nothing. Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It doesnt demand its own ways. It is not irritable and keeps no record of being wrong. It doesnt rejoice about in justice but whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith. It is always hopeful and endures through every circumstance. Prophecy into speaking in and on own language and an annoying glitches with special knowledge will become useless. Love will last forever. Now our knowledge is partial and income they didnt even gift of prophecy reveals only part of the picture. Picture. Picture. Thats when the tide of perfection comes, these things will become useless. When i was a child, i spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when i grew up i put away childish. Now we see things imperfectly like reflections in a mirror. But then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that i know now is partial and incomplete. But then i will know everything completely just as god knows me completely. Three things will last forever. Faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. Thank you. [applause] good morning. We know death is the great equalizer and we recognize each persons experience with it is different and so i want to extend condolences to you, john miles, the siblings of john lewis and the entire family on behalf of the entire team and family king family and she would have been with us today but rest assured she is viewing on television as we speak. Let us pray. Great and mighty god, whose creator of us all and sustainer of all thing, we invoke you on this morning. We welcome you, holy spirit, into this place. We look to you for wisdom and strength and comfort as we celebrate the homecoming of your son and servant, congressman john robert louis. Lewis. Granted them a piece of god that passes all understanding. Surround them with your love. In the words of your servant Martin Luther king jr. Who reminded us death isnt a peer code that ends this great sentence of life, but its punctuated to a higher significant. Help us to grasp the truth and sees the magnitude of this moment. Not as the death of the great soul, but a divine message that says to each and every one of us on this earth, be still and know that i am god. Hear me and he got my message in this hour of love even for an enemy is the only way to transform this world into a true brother and sisterhood. We thank you for the life and legacy of congressman john lewis who showed up that Excellent Way of life. We thank you for honoring us with his presence and allowing our lives to intersect with his life. Be with his family. Be with those who struggle with him and no that he continues to live on in and through every one of them and every one of us. We praise you, god, for this nonviolent warrior who tried for peace with the presence of justice as we honor the life of congressman john lewis, who shed blood on that Edmund Pettis bridge that we might have the right to vote. Grant that we never again take that right for granted and that we exercise but no matter what and that we never again tamper with that right. Overtaking in this hour that they might restore Voting Rights, protections and our nation. As we honor the life of this nonviolent warrior who embodies the very spirit of christ and showed us that we have the spiritual power to resist injustice and evil and hatred and vitriol with the force of love and truth. We are eternally grateful that he lived among us and demonstrated on that bridge that physical force is no match for the soul force. To follow his example, to fight injustice without bitterness and hostility, but with a righteous indignation. As eli is to ask for a double portion, of elation is anointing as he transitioned, let us have a portion of what john lewiss life was about in this hour so that we may continue to get. Anoint us with a double portion in this generation to get into trouble until there is radical reform and policing in our nation. Anoint us a double portion to get into good trouble until Voter Suppression is long over a part of our body politic. Anoint us with a double portion to get into good trouble until there is an equitable distribution of wealth in this nation, until everyone has a livable wage and Affordable Housing and good health care. Anoint us, god, what a double portion to get into good trouble until all is treated with dignity. Grant us, o father, a double portion to get into good trouble until the schools and present pipelines are nonexistent in every child gets an equitable education. Grant us, dear god, a double portion to get into good trouble until White Supremacy around the world is uprooted and dismantled and all of our policies and fda practices and behavior no longer reflects White Supremacy. Grant us a double portion, god, to get into good trouble until this nation shortly becomes a compassionate nation, because as daddy reminded us, ultimately, a great nation is a compassionate nation. Grant us, god, a double portion anointing to get into good trouble until black bodies are no longer a threat in this world and black lives have equitable representation of power and influence in every arena. Grant us finally, father god, a double portion to get into good trouble, to love becomes the way we live, the way we leave it, the way we legislate come into until justice rolls down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream, thank you god for this great man who lived among us who now joins the great cloud of Freedom Fighters. Florida, we thank you for his life and legacy. We will continue to get into good trouble as long as you grant us the breath to do so. It is in the majestic mighty name of jesus christ i do pray and all of the people of god said together, amen. You may build great cathedrals large or small you may see skyscrapers grande and tall you may conquer all the failures of your past but only what you do for christ will last you may seek earthly power wealth and fame and the world might be impressed by your great name so the glory of this life will soon be passed but only what you do for chri christ will last remember only what you do for christ bill last remember only what you do for christ will last only what you do for him will be counted only what you do for christ will last only what you do for christ will last only what you do for christ will last only what you do, what you do for christ will be counted what you, what you do for christ is gone to last what you do, what you do for christ will last only what you do for christ will last [applause] amen. Amen. This is john lewis favorite poem. I think whatever god may be for my uncomfortable soul. In that circumstance have not winced nor cried aloud under the bludgeoning of chance. My head is bloody but i am bound. Beyond this place of tears looms the war of the shade and yet many through the gears find me unafraid. It matters not how strait the gate, not how charged with punishment, i am the master of my fate, i am the captor of my soul. John lewis was my hero and my friend. Lets honor him by giving him good trouble. [applause] only the unconquerable spirit and magnanimous soul of john lewis can summon all of us together in this place at this time. Only john lewis could compel three living american president s to come to this house of god. [applause] we are grateful the honorable george w. Bush practicing the Voting Rights act the honorable William Jefferson clinton. [applause] and in just a little while we will hear from the honorable barack obama. [applause] the program will proceed president bush, president clinton, speaker of the house nancy pelosi [applause] and another living saint among us, teacher and activist, the reverend james lawson. [applause] good morning. Distinguished guests, john miles, lewis family and, laura and i thank you for inviting us to be here today. Johns story began on a tiny farm in troy, alabama, a place so small she said you could barely find it on the map. I did a little research. Every morning he would rise before the sun to tend to the flock of chickens. He loved those chickens. Already called to be a minister that took care of others, he fed them and tended to their every need, even their spiritual ones. For john baptized them, married them and preached to them. [laughter] when his parents claimed one for family supper, john refused to heed one of his flock. Going hungry was his first act of nonviolent protest. [laughter] he also noted in the later years of his first congregation of chicken listen to him more closely than some of his colleagues in congress. [laughter] john also said th that chickens were just a little more productive. At least they produced eggs, he said. From troy, the savings to the freedom rides to the march on washington, from freedom summer, john lewis always looked outward, not inward. He always thought about others. He always believed in preaching the gospel in word and in deed, insisting hate and fear had to be answered with love and hope. John lewis believed in the lord. He believed in humanity, and he believed in america. He had been called an american saint, a believer willing to give up everything. Even life itself to bear witness to the truth that grew him all his life. Though we could build a world of peace and justice, harmony and dignity and love. And the first crucial step on the journey was a recognition that all people are born in the image of god and kerry a spark of the divine within them. Laura and i were privileged to see that up close. We work with them to bring the National Museum of African American history to the washington mall. She was instrumental in the unsolved act that i signed to seek resolution of the cases where they had been too long denied joining him in selma alabama and the march across the evidence for this bridge. When we got to watch president barack obama find john asked one of his heroes. [applause] there is a story and scriptures that meant a lot to him in the hebrew bible looking for a profit who shall i send and who shall go for us. Isaiah answered here am i. , send me. John lewis heard that call a long time ago in segregated alabama and took up the work through all these days. His lesson for us is we must keep ourselves open to hearing the call of, the call of service, and the call of the sacrifice for others. John and i had howard is the immense of course. But in the America John Lewis fought for and the america i believe in the differences of opinion are inevitable evidence of democracy in action. [applause] sharing that however flawed it is a good and noble one. We live in a better country today because of john lewis and his abiding faith in the power of god. In the power of democracy and the power of love to lift us all to a higher ground. John lewis lives forever in his Fathers House and he will live forever in the hearts of americans who act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with their god. May the flights of angels see john lewis to his breast and may god bless the country that he loves. [applause] [applause] thank you very much. First i thank the family and staff for the chance to say a few words about a man i loved for a long time. Im grateful to say it in ebenezer, a holy place sanctified of those that have worshiped here. I think my friend, reverend bernice king who stood by my side and gave a fascinating sermon in one of the most challenging periods of my life. I think president an thank presh and obama, speaker pelosi, thank you and representative clyburn. Who i really think four with the stroke of a hand in bein endingn intrafamily fight within our party, proving that peace is needed by everyone. You have faced more than a fair share of challenges these last few months if you face they facm with candor and dignity and honor, and i thank you for your leadership. [applause] i must say for a fellow that got as far speaking to chickens, he got in a finely organized, orchestrated and deeply deserve to send off this last week. His home going has been something. [applause] i think its important that all of us that left him remember he was, after all, a human being. A man like all other humans, born with strength that he made the most of when many dont. He worked hard to beat down when many cant, but still a person. It made him more interesting, and it made him in my mind even greater. 20 years ago, we celebrated the 35th anniversary of the selma march and worked together along with coretta and many others from the movement. We are grateful for andy young and reverend jackson and many others who survived. But on that day, i got into replay for me a story he told me when we first met back in the 97 1970s. I was in aspiring politician and had no where to go and he was already a legend. I said what is the closest you ever came to getting killed doing this and he said while, once they were at a demonstration and i got knocked down on the ground and people were getting beat up pretty bad and all of a sudden i looked up and there was a man holding a long handed piece of pipe and he lifted it and was clearly going to bring it right down to my school skull. The crowd pushed him away and a couple seconds later i couldnt believe i was still alive. I think it is important to remember that. First, because he was a quick thinker and second, because he was here on a mission that was bigger than personal ambition. Things like that sometimes just happen but usually they dont. Few things happened when we first met this made him who he was. First, the famous story of his cousins and siblings holding his antennaunts hand as the wind threatened to blow the house off. Going to the place the house was rising in all of them trying to wave down. I think that he learned something about the power of working together. Something that was more powerful than any instruction. Second, nearly 20 years later, when he was 23 the youngest speaker to march on washington. When he gave a great speech urging people to take to the streets across the south, to seize a chance and listened to people that he knew. As the saying goes we have to be careful how we say this because we are trying to get convert, not for adversaries. Three years later he lost the leadership to Stokely Carmichael because he said he does a pretty good job for a guy that young. It must have been painful to lose but he showed as a young man theres something you cannot do to hang on to a position because if you do, you wont be who you are anymore. There were two or three the movement went a little too far towards stokely. We are here today because he had the kind of character he showed when he lost in election. [applause] then there was bloody sunday. He figured he might get arrested and this is important, for all the things we believe about john lewis, he had a good mind and tried to think how can i make the best of every single moment. So, hes getting ready to march from selma to montgomery and across the bridge what do we remember he made quite a strange figure. He had a trenchcoat and a backpack. Young people think thats probably not a big deal but there were not that many backpacks back then and you never saw anybody with a trenchcoat walking halfway dressed up with a backpack but he put an apple, orange, toothbrush, toothpaste in the backpack because he figured he would get arrested and two books one by Richard Hofstadter on americas political tradition to see his mind and upon, the autobiography of Thomas Martin a Roman Catholic monk who was the son of itinerant artists making an astonishing personal transformation. A guy planning on going to prison i think he figured if thomas could find his way and keep his face and believe in the future, john lewis could, too. [applause] so we honor our friend for living his faith. The scripture says the evidence it seems john lewis was a walking reviewed the people who fought we are not there yet. Weve been walking a long time. Isnt it time and he kept moving. He hoped for and imagined and moved for his beloved community. He took a beating on more than one day and he lost that backpack on bloody sunday. Nobody really knows what happened to it. Maybe someday somebody will be stricken with conscience and bring it back but what if presented never disappeared from his spirit. We honor the memory today because a child h as a child heo walk with the wind, to march with others to save a tiny house because as a young man he challenged others to join with love and dignity to hold americas house down and opened the doors to all its people. We honor him because in selma on the third attempt, john and his comrades showed that sometimes you have to walk into the wind. As he crossed the bridge and marched into montgomery, but no matter what, john always kept walking to reach the beloved community. He got into a lot of good trouble along the way, but lets not forget he had the uncanny ability to heal troubled waters. When he could have been angry and determined to cancel his adversaries, he tried to get convert instead. He thought the open hand was better than a clenched fist. He lived by the faith and promises st. Paul let us not grow weary in doing good for we will. He never lost heart. He fought the good fight, kept the faith, but we got the last letter today on the pages of the New York Times keeps moving. Its so fitting on the day of his service he leaves us our marching orders. Keep moving. 20 years ago when i came here after the selma march to a dinner honoring john, you had a big afro and it was really pretty and your daddy was giving you grief about it and i said lets not get old too soon. If i had hair like that i would have it down to my shoulders. [laughter] but on that night, i was almost out of time and people were asking me if you could do one more thing, what would you have done that you couldnt handle that kind of stuff. Someone asked me that night, because i had many friends in atlanta, and i said if i could do just one thing, if god came to me tonight and se said your e is up, got to go home, and im not a genie i am not giving three wishes, one thing what would it be . I said i would in infect every american with whatever it was john lewis got as a four year old kifouryearold kid and took through a lifetime to keep moving, and keep moving in the right direction and keep bringing other people to move and to do it without hatred in his heart. Brave always keeping his eye on the prize and always believing none of us will be free until all of us were. I just loved him. Bill clinton i always will. I am so grateful for him to. Has gone up yonder. And left us with marching orders. I suggest since he is close enough to god to keep an eye on the sparrow, we suit up and we march on. [applause]. [silence]. Good day. Or less euro morning or good afternoon. Whatever it is. It is known to be here with each and every one of you. Thank you for enabling in all of us to be here at the baptist church. To honor and celebrate the life of john lewis. The three president s of the United States. [applause]. President clinton, president bush and soon president obama here with us. On behalf of my colleagues and speaker of the house, i am pleased to bring greetings to each and every one of you. Im said to bring condolences to the family. To john, miles, the entire lewis family. Thank you for sharing john lewis with us. Im pleased to be here with so many members. We wouldve had more except coronavirus prevented us to bring more. But i hope we will all stand. Members of the house of representatives. [applause]. Senators harris and booker. [applause]. Among them, we served with john lewis for over 30 years. For over 30 years. [applause]. In our group we have new members and we have members of our freshman class. John convinced each one of us that we were his best friend in congress. And we come with a flag flown over the capitol. The night that john passed. When this flag flew there. We said goodbye. We waved goodbye to john. Our friend, our mentor. Our colleague reed this beautiful man the wheel had the privilege of serving with in the congress of the United States. Well bring our condolences to our family and to Michael Collinson who met so very much to him. Thank you to you service to john lewis. [applause]. [applause]. The many things we are grateful to the family for and to the South Entrance step four and recommend them for. Lets acknowledge the stabenow they have had to keep up with john even as he passed on to montgomery to washington and now to atlanta to be at rest. When john lewis served with us, he wanted us to see the Civil Rights Movement through his eyes. He told us so many stories. He taught us so much. And he took us to selma. For two decades mr. President. He took us to sum up. He referenced five years of many times including the 50th anniversary. The present bush was. As well as president obama. He wanted us to see how important it was to understand the spirit of nonviolence. I hesitate to speak about nonviolence of the president of the master himself. Well be hearing from him shortly. We Work Together just recently when he and john spoke at church. He thought the world really about nonviolence. But i just want to say this. Theres of more than transcript means two things. It means nonviolence and it means insistence on the truth. And that is what john lewis was all about. Nonviolent lay insisting on the truth. He insisted on the truth. National in selma, washington dc. At the lincoln memorial. Insisted on the truth wherever he went. Any insisted on the truth and the congress of the United States rated every time he stood up to speak, we know that it was going to take us to a higher place about understanding, our responsibilities are and are opportunities were and he insisted no matter how shall we say defendant someone point to be, that he would insist on the trip. What he said, he said in my life i have done all i can to demonstrate that the way of peace, the way of love, and nonviolence is a more Excellent Way. Now it is your turn he says in this article that the president referenced. Two lets freedom bring. He always talked about truth marching on. They always look for a more perfect union. Although the fourth of july weekend i had the privilege of visiting with john. I brought him this flag can that aware. One just like it or invited so on that fourth of july weekend was to because its engraved with something that says one country, one destiny. Now wasnt that what don lewis was all about. One country, one destiny. I mentioned it because this was so embroidered into lighting of Abraham Lincoln spoke that he alone the 19 left us. I get the all of the time but also that night. John lewis and Abraham Lincoln had so much in common. Get to know him first and foremost in front of the lincoln memorial. When he made the beautiful speech. In the rotunda, of the capital under the dome of the capitol, on a platform. It was made in 1865. To hold the gasket of Abraham Lincoln. [applause]. Abraham lincoln, john lewis. So they had lots of connections rated by the way, incidentally, they were both wonderful and spiritual but both very good politicians. If you another know thats ridiculous toy but more perfect union. As always about young people. That article in the New York Times today, the message that would be delivered at this time is. Ellipsis. It is about people. He said, together you can redeem the world. Together. One nation, one destiny. He said in the article, and to the highest calling of your heart. And stand up for what you truly believe in. Was that just like john. We were very proud to have his voice in the rotunda speaking about all they cared about deleted in such a beautiful way. Starting in troy. I started my remarks talking with the flag. The weight over the capital. To say goodbye to john as he began his passage. But i want you to know in addition how repaired he is in the congress, so revered it was a bit mr. Mr. Pissed. I he had kind of a spark about it all. My colleague can tell you that when he hooked up having this to get the Republican Leadership to put the bill on the floor. When he did that, and all of the members followed him fully covered with people. But for a moment, perhaps the police might say it was disruptive pretty good trouble. It was clear to them that if they were to arrest john lewis for doing that, theyre going have to arrest the entire cost democratic caucus. [applause]. But when he spoke, when he led, people followed. We love him very much. As his official family, who mourn and greatly, he shared so much for his district and his family. The sadness, and the joy he had and john miles. And as i said, we waved goodbye to this person, our leader, our friend. Humorous, he loved to dance. He loved Vegas Lofgren sometimes wealthy wa to dance. He said they asked me to sing solo one time. Solo so that nobody can hear me. Anyway, getting back to that slidflagwaving goodbye to this. But last night, he was at the capital. It was not raining. Thousands of people were showing up to pay the respect. A little bit after 8 00 oclock, there was a double rainbow. A double rainbow. It had not rained. But there was a double rainbow over the casket. And for us, we waved goodbye when he started to leave us. He was telling us i am home in heaven. We always knew he worked in the side of the angels. And now he is with them. [applause]. [applause]. Pastor, sisters and brothers. Members of this lewis family that so wonderfully nurtured john with love and help encourage and faith. And sisters and brothers, a polish catholic poet says the tone at least in part for me, has john lewis has journeyed from the eternity of this extraordinary human race into the eternity and none of us know very much about. When he wrote this poem called mean. When i die, i was the lining of the world. The other side, beyond the mountain since it. The true meaning ready to be decoded. Whenever ended up will end up. Wasnt income, principal, will become comprehended. If there is no lining to the world, if the thrash on a ranch is not a sign but just thrash on a ranch. It night and day makes no sense following each other and on this are there is nothing but the earth. Even if that is so there will remain a word. Wakened by the one to have parents, tireless messenger who runs and runs through revolving galaxies and calls on princess and screams. And i submit the john and that after eternity will be heard by us again and again rated running through the galaxies. Still proclaiming affiliate the people of the u. S. Say in one day live up to the full meaning of week hold these truths. The vote to the full meaning, we have the people of the usa. In order to perfect a more perfect union. John lewis practiced, and the politics that we call bipartisan. John lewis practiced the politics that we the people, need more desperately than ever. Before the politics of the declaration of independence. Politics of the preamble to the constitution of the United States trade have read so many of these civil rights books of the last 50 or 60 years about the period between 1953 in 1973. And most of the books are wrong about john lewis. Most of the books are wrong but have john got engaged in the National Campaign in 1959 and 60. It slipped into every state of the union. Largely manned by students because we recruited students. The put up on the map, the non violence struggle begun in montgomery, alabama. It was not an accident. But as martin king junior called it, christian love has power that we have never tapped and if he is a, we can transform not only our lives but we will transform the earth in which we live. As i moved to nashville tennessee dropping out of graduate school, and there were people like andrew white and janetta hayes and helen roberts. And john lewis. Diane nash. Ct vivian. Marion barry, angela butler. How all of us gathered in a 1959 in 19601961 in 1962. In the same city at the same time. Campus providential. We did not plan it. We were all led there. And when kelly, in the Christian Leadership Council met in the fall of 1958, and we determined that if there is to be a second Major Campaign that will demonstrate the efficacy of this, the soul force. Of love truth. That we will have to do it in nashville. So eggplant is a strategist and organizer. Strategic program. To create the campaign. We decided with great fear and anticipation. We would desegregate international. No group of black people or the people anywhere in the United States in the 20th century, the segregated system ever thought about desegregating down south. caret on the signs and renovating the waiting rooms. Taking the moral signs off of drinking fountains. But it was black women who made that decision for us in nashville read i was scared to death when we made that decision. I knew nothing about how we were going to do this. I had never done it before. But we planned this strategy. John lewis did not stumble in that campaign. Kelly smith, his teacher and abc, invited john to join the workshops in the fall of 1959. As we prepared ourselves to face violence. And within the map, the issue that the racism and the segregation of the nation had to end. So the 60th anniversary that campaign, which became the second Major Campaign. Of the Nonviolent Movement of america. Those are not my words. John lewis told what we did between 1953 in 1973. The Nonviolent Movement of america. Not the crm. I think we need to get the story straight. Because words are powerful. History much hundred must be written in such a fashion that a list of truly the spirit of the john lewises of the world. [applause]. Plus i have chosen to say a few words about it read kelly smith invited john lewis. I met a student who told me about a student from chicago. They wanted to give something about this viciousness signs. I said invite diane nash to the workshop in september. Because we are going to do something about the signs. I push this hard party and john lewis had no choice in the matter. And you should understand that. Its all of the stories refer to john becoming a preacher. Preaching to the chickens and becoming ordained as a baptist minister. Something else was happening to john. In those early years. John saw the malignancy of racism, in troy, alabama. They formed in him, a sensibility that he had to do something about it. He did not know what that was. But he was convinced that he was called indeed to do whatever he could do, get in good trouble. The horror. The somebody folks lived in this country. And in that part of the 20th century. John was not alone. Argentine had the same experience as a boy. I had the same experience and experience at age four. In ohio. In matthew, the faster the name you dont know in South Carolina had the same experience. Ct vivian had the same experience. Many of us had no choice to do we charge you primarily because in an early age we recognize the long under which we were forced to live. And we sort of god that by gods grace, we would do whatever god called us to do in order to put on the table on the nations agenda. This must and read luck lives matter. [applause]. So between 1953 in 1973, we had Major Campaigns. Thereafter years. Thousands of demonstrations across the nation that supported it. We had folk in the congress, folks in the white house. Folks scattered across the United States who are beginning to formulate with the solutions are for change. The media makes a mistake when he seen in only relationship to the voting right of 65. However important that is. You knows intent must than in the 60s, when the johnson, the congressman of the United States fast the most advanced legislation on behalf of we the people of the United States that was ever passed read headstart. Billions of dollars are housing. We would not in the struggle that we are today of president reagan and not get that billions of dollars for housing for local churches and nonprofits to build Affordable Housing in their own communities. Finance and sustain loans by federal government. We passed medicare. The past antipoverty programs. Civil rights bill 64, 65, Voting Rights bill. A whole array, john lewis. Must be understood as one of the leaders of the greatest advancements of congress and the white house on behalf of we the people of the usa. [applause]. We do not need bipartisan if we are going to celebrate the life john lewis. We need the constitution to come alive. [applause]. We hold these truths to be selfevident. We need the congress and the president s to work. On behalf of every boy and every girl said that every baby born will have access to the tree of life. That is the only way to honor John Robert Lewis. No other way. Let all of us today, all of the people of the usa determine that we will not be quiet as long as any child dies in the first year of life in the United States. We will not be clients. As long as the largest Poverty Group in our nation are women, and children. We will not be quiet as long as our nation continues to be the most violent culture in the history of humankind. [applause]. We will not be quiet as long as our economy, by plantation capitalism but continues to cause domination rather than access in liberty and equality for all. [applause]. The forces are spirituals what with us. There are strong in ireland because of her history. We have not created them. John lewis did not create them. We inherited them. Can see the spiritual forces pretty five named them, racism sexism, violence, plantation capitals him. Those poison still dominate far too many of us. In many different ways. Trump life was a singular journey from birth through the campaigns in the south and through congress. To get us to see that these forces of wickedness must be resisted. Do not in our own hearts drink any of that. Instead, drink truth of the lifeforce if we would honor and celebrate joan lewis life. Let us then recommit our souls, our minds the mouthparts. Nobody. In our strength. The continuing journey to dismantle their own in our midst. He will allow his face in the new earth in the new heaven to emerge. In a close with this poem. Its kind of a sign and a symbol of what john lewis represents and what we too can represent in our continuing journey area i dream a world where no human, no other human will scorn. Where love will bless the earth and piece this path toward. I dream of rain where all will know sweet freedoms way. We agreed no longer saps the soul. The world i dream were black and white and yellow blue green and red and brown, whatever your race will you be will share the bounties of the earth. And every woman and man and boy and girl is free. Our wretchedness things his head and enjoy, like the pearl, tends the need of all humankind. Such a world i dream. Celebrate life, dream and labor. For atlantic only los angeles in the United States and the world. That is to celebrate the spirit in the hearts of mind and the soul of john lewis. Ende walk with him through the galaxies. Seeking equality, liberty, justice and the beloved community. For all. Thank you. [applause]. [silence]. [silence]. Three living president s with us today. We have heard from yet another. To the friends and family of congressman john lewis did roslyn joins me in sending our condolences to all gathered today to mourn the loss of one of our nations great leaders. Throughout his remarkable life, john has been a blessing to countless people. We are proud to be among those the lives he has touched. While this achievement are enjoyed by all americans read we georgians know him as our neighbor, friend, and rep. His enormous contributions will continue to be an inspiration. For generations to come. Please note that you are in our hearts and our prayers during this difficult time. We hope your warm memories and the love and prayers of your family and friends will be of comfort to you. In the days ahead. Sincerely, jimmy carter. [applause]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [applause]. [silence]. I want to first call attention to the excellent job the media has done to inform us of john lewis. Hasnt media been tremendous and keeping us informed. [applause]. And never seen such coverage but john deserved it i want to talk a moment about john before he became famous. I met john, and miles night came are on the same day that she came to work at the university of atlanta university. And i came to work for Martin Luther king jr. An assignment john. I saw him all of the time. If we are all involved in the same equities and justice in america. It will get a chance to see him all of the time. And i admired him. And all of his tenacity. And lillian was single. And so i decided that lillian needed a good man. Not just the bombs who are approaching her. She was highly intellectual, welltraveled. Well educated. It i wanted her to have somebody who really would appreciate her skills and her talent. So i looked around and i decided that i liked john. Lillian did not like john particularly. He though she thought, i mean, e predict and i said he is busy. He is fighting the evils of the world. And she said yes but. Ellipsis and i said girl lesson. This boy is going places. Lets see what you can do to get this thing moving. So i decided what i did as a friend. This what you do for friends. You have to help them out. So john had to go to the hospital for an examination. Edison lillian, this would be a good moment for us to be of Florence Nightingale predict so we went to the Grocery Store and bought little bunch of flowers. It took them to the hospital. And i said he would be impressed because she was a little slow too. I said will lets go to the hospital. It would impress him and he will notice you more. Youre bringing him flowers while he is in the hospital. But we got into the hospital and there was a young woman already there. As she was straightening out his fellow and adjusting his comforter and then bully instead of shoot. And ive already asked john, do you have a young woman who you are especially interested in. And he said, will not really. And i said thats not the answer looking for. On a more definitive answer. And he said well not really. Ninetyseven on new years eve, lillian was single as i said. Did having plans. So as soon having a dinner party and the two of them, maybe it will give them a chance. So lillian thought it was going to have a big party. John thought i was having a big party. When i got to my house, theres only room for three of us. [laughter]. Now were discussing the wells of the world. Hoping they will elope closer and closer. I knew he would have a commitment. Everybody has a data new years eve the somebody somewhere. Here then things started happening. And still not fast enough for me. But i was patient. And finally, lillian said i do like him. I said okay, im ready now. Got dressed right way to have a wedding. I asked john not too long ago, did we ever ask you. Would you take us. I never thought i got an opportunity. [laughter]. [applause]. And so now, it looks like things are going to be okay. I did all the planning because litmus is operating and i did all the planning rated so we had a wedding. And now things are doing okay and she said but dont like the idea that girl, looks like she has some designs on john. I said dont run away from competition. We can handle competition. Well get rid of that girl so fast she wont know what happened to her. [laughter]. [applause]. And we did. And they got married. [applause]. I want you to know they were very happy. But when she found out, she is welltraveled, well educated and she absolutely didnt like politics. But when john expressed an interest, million that in their and became his strongest supporter. She did everything. To make his successes were for him and dead. And then john miles came along. It was the cutest little boy. And then she said, the immediate are the being his godmother. And i said on the sites, but what is a godmother do. When i supposed to do. And she said if something happened to me and john, we want you to take care of him. I said to about athenian. [laughter]. Because hes cute. Ive to defeat him what, everyday and they said yes. And then spank him when he acts up. Well, i dont know but john miles, we santa. That is john miles now. [applause]. Take a good look at john miles. And 4 feet 11 and almost 90 years old. And there he is. And i was supposed to spank him when he doesnt do right. [laughter]. That when i walk up to him and give him a spanking. Ive been to get permission from him. Can i speak you because its pretty big now. But i love john miles then and i love john miles now. And i will take care of you and spank you whether you like it or not. [applause]. Selena john stayed married. I put together. And it lasted 42 years. Its not a bad record is it. And lillian give him every support a wife could ever give a husband. In the give love to john miles in the process. John was an unusual individual investor. We all loved him all of the time. His sincerity was apparent. He worked hard. I dont need to tell you anything about john. All of you knew him. A few no is commitment and the love he had for everybody. I want us to look at the john we thought we knew. John convinced us of the real man. With the will last on, is that trouble. So every time we would go out monday, my mother said, have a good time but dont get into no trouble. Well we do know nothing else except trouble is not good. John said, the good trouble is when your mother says do not get into trouble. To right the wrongs of our society. And he did a pretty decent job of that. [applause]. And during this week, john was on television all day every day. And i love doing people and i had an opportunity, i was invited to speak to a group of kids. They said to them, and watching television, i want you to know that thats not a registered program that you are watching. That is a story of a man who lived life theyre talking about. John made a decision the kind of life he was going to live. And i said to this young people that you have a responsibility to make your life have the meaning you want it to be. You need to decide to be the bank robber for the bank owner. It is your choice. The man you see on television decided is his life going to have a quality to it. It is much as you can as long as you can as often as you can. Because thats what john lewis did. We want forget john. But i would want to tell you, posted here and listen to these phrases. Dont forget what you read in the newspapers, how wonderful he was. Do something about it, about the man asked us to be in ourselves. And that is the kind to everybody. Love everybody. Speak up and speak out. I dont need to tell you that because you know he said. But what you can do. And what i want to advise you. To really give meaning to the john we love, vote. Thank you. [applause]. [silence]. [silence]. To john miles, obama, speaker pelosi, matta mayor, romans 818 tells us i consider the sufferings of the present time, must not be worthy of the glory that shall be revealed to us. When i met john lewis of our 40 years ago, our lives intersected because in 1960, he came to my hometown in north carolina. We were at a small black college as Shark University where my father who was president of the in a way cp the nightly demonstrations. Like meeting historical figure Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin who wrote the declaration of independence, but yet, here was someone that made america look up to those words. Along with doctor king and reverend abernathy and andrew young and Joseph Lowery and vivienne and others we lost on the same day as john lewis. John had an incorruptible integrity and ideological purity, which was like a halo. Somehow this extended to everyone who was in his orbit, myself included. But the reason the nation has paused from pandemic and protest and politics to bid him farewell today. Every News Organization has hailed john as a civil rights hero, but he was a womens rights hero, bergers hero, immigrants rights hero. John wasnt on the right side of history, history was on the right side of john lewis. [applause] in his spare time, he introduced legislation to create the africanamerican History Museum and fought for 15 years until he tried against insurmountable odds. One of his proudest moments was standing at the dedication of the fundamental structure four years ago. And for those that wonder perhaps if time had passed with his body ravaged with cancer so frail and fragile he yielded and what he knew would be his last public appearance he summoned the strength to walk to the middle of the block lives plaza in washington, d. C. To express solidarity and support for the young protesters that have begun to change america has joined with this data as a young man. They say the victors write history and so i declare today the history of the 20th century as it is written john lewis will stand beside gondhi, king, mandela as one of the transformational figur Freedom Fighters of alltime. [applause] while the nation mourns a great leader eyewitness the loyal friend that allowed me the extraordinary privilege to walk along the side of the living saint in st. Lewis. In the last days of his life when we both knew death was imminent, i desperately wanted to tell john how much he meant to me and the country that in a solid him and he pulled me closer and whispered everyone has to vote in november. Its the most important election ever. [applause] with every fiber of my body i would tell people if you want to humble this hero. Firsfirst corinthians tells us n faith, love and hope remains the greatest of these is love. John lewis was love. Goodnight, sweet prince and me the angels carry you to your rest. [applause] good afternoon. My name is ji Jamila Thompson and i would like to thank john miles and the entire family for the honor and privilege of sharing a congressman and mrs. Lewis who was his partner in life and Public Service with generations of the staff for the last 33 years in the celebration of his life and legacy. The congressman would want me to tell you as i look at you today you look good, fresh, clean, beautiful. Thank you for your honor to serve. We would also like to express our sincere and great appreciation to the speaker of the house of representatives, the majority leader, the majority whip, the clerks of the house of representatives, the office of employee assistance, the Congressional Black Caucus and all o of your amazing staff for your patience and guidance during this very difficult time. People always ask us what was it like to work for congressman lewis, what was he like up close and in real life and its too difficult to explain. The answer was always the same. Just as you would imagine but better and no date was set for the same. What we know about the congressman is true. He was a gentle man and shortly after people and a peaceful soul. When he came into the office every single day you would greet every staffer, in turn have a good morning sir or good morning maam. They would request every successful speech and markup with a thank you. As staff we felt it was our duty to maintain a space where the congressman could be completely and wholly himself. In college we often say that there is the freshman 15. In our office there was the john lewis 20 because he was bringing lunch and dessert because of something calling out to them in the Grocery Store and they would want everyone to come together to sit down and share meals. We were a Little Family enclave a lot of drama, a lot of fun and so much love. She broke down barriers and welcomed our parents and spouses and children, our grandchildren, or nieces and nephews, godchildren in the circles equally in all of his greatness. Sometimes the world got a little glimpse during these impromptu gatherings and certain videos may go viral. We were like a well oiled machine when it came to policy and casework. Although we would like that in public, he enjoyed stirring things up in the office. You might call him a little bit of an instigator. He would get us in trouble with michael with questions and stir things up. And with time, he knew not to take the bait. And they would save you are not going to give me today and he would laugh. I think that is what im going to miss the most and not the one that you see on television that the one where he would be sitting back and he would throw back his head and just laugh from his heart. So many workers are taught to be invisible doctor king and rosa parks changed the course of his life. He spent every waking moment paying it forward. He could be absolutely exhausted but still take one more picture and spend one more moment. But trusting that it would always look out as he told everyone he could outlaw the entire staff said the duty was to keep up. The congressman needed a little bit of quiet and we would try to create that space. To slow down to appreciate and absorb the moment to be our true and authentic selves he found staff that were unique and i think represented a little bit of his personality or what he needed to complement its. And from the believers in divine intervention he didnt hire based on a resume but your energy and passion into potential. We were a group of physicians, photographers, dancers, entertainments, artists, historians. He got all into our business. And was there in spirit for the big moments. He always took a call and let us drop everything and a family emergency and generations have fond memories hanging out in his office as his parents worked nearby. He let us be ourselves especially when it came to civic participation. He let us organize, protest, testified and always vote testing is but his staff were willing to serve and help us cast the ballot during this pandemic and to serve. The congressman would walk the halls or sit in the committee or in the office and he loved the beauty of the house of representatives. He loved the closeness to the people and the complicated reflection of the status of our nation. Every visitor to our office received a full dose of hospitality. They offer of some coke, some peanuts, and sometimes on our beloved balcony with a view of the u. S. Capitol. He was so proud to represent all of its cities and all o in all s counties and all of its people. To make them feel heard and respected and represented, regardless of why they fell on the political spectrum. The constituents were our compass and congressman lewis worked around the clock to find solutions to the challenges. When it came to Public Service and public policy, his name didnt need to be on the headlines were on the front lines it was the action and results not every problem needs a bill and we can always find compromise without optimizing his values and principles. He expected the staff to fight in a nonviolent manner for the people. Constituents were concerned about the rights of soviets took action when facing inequality and Health Services advanced technical changes to reduce the cost and increase services to lifesaving care especially for the issues that affected communities of color by Kidney Disease and copd. When workers faced pension issues, he found ways to give them security. When families were suffocated by immigration policies, he worked around the clock to reunite them. When people couldnt get their Social Security checks, he thought topeka fox sometimes for years to make that happen. When taxpayers and workers struggled with a outdated bureaucracy, he worked to modernize the entire agency. Find he heard from frustrated veterans, he fought for their respect to earn benefits and care. When he saw abusive relationships cant he developed strategies to stop the cycle before it began. When some try to eliminate the institute of peace, he found a way to build a coalition to keep the perspective of peace still alive. When he was worried about the state of the globe for generations, he introduced the Environmental Justice act. When looking at the right for the march communities around the world he worked to diversify the state of the diplomacy and insert empathy and stagger to the global policies. And when people complained about the movable lines to vote, he cowrote the empowerment act. The list is too long to recognize his legislative and policy successes and impacts that he had on people around the world. So i ask you as the sit in this historical space and as we drive through Metro Atlanta and see the greatness of his legacy, Historic Preservation and civic education, i ask that you hold that in your heart and soul and spirit. He felt that we needed to know and study our history to make sure that we never repeat it. He was both human and divine. It is so difficult to explain the magnitude, the genius and the gentle grace of this plan. I would ask at this moment for the staff to take a stand, please, so you can see and know a sample of who we are. [applause] a few years ago we had a reunion and we devised we have a lot of fellows but the congressman hold us close. I dont think there are many offices where you have the opportunity to hold your bosses and and tell every person that you love them. He created this space, this family. As a staff, we are heartbroken. We are lost. But they know thathey know thatk continues. The site remains. And we cannot and must not give to the sea of despair. So, if asked how you may honor the congressman, i will echo the words here before. You can make sure that the message lives on and the actions every person can do regardless of their age or their station in life. Be kind, be mindful, recognize the dignity and the words of every human being. Be the best version of your self. Be informed. Stay engaged, even though the work is hard. And if you are of age and eligible, for the love of god, please vote. Thank you. [applause] good afternoon, everyone. My name is Sheila Obrien and i am the sixth niece of congressman john lewis. Each distinguished guest, number of clergy, family and friends, we would like to say thank you from the depths of our hearts to support the words of encouragement. The owner, the respect, the come artery will never be forgotten. We would also like to take this opportunity to give a heartfelt thanks to the chief of staff who has now become first come each staff member that has worked tirelessly and for congressman lewis and especially during this time words are not enough to express how grateful we are for all that youve done. Im here today to pay tribute to a man that was larger than life. To the world he is known as the congressman john lewis, but for his siblings and hes affectionately known as robert and to his many nieces and nephews committees known as uncle robert. So if you would permit me to just call him uncle robert right now, i would be grateful. And Willie Mae Lewis we called love. The husband to one, the father to ones fun, our cousin john miles. Too many to name. We dont have time. Whwhile we knew how important he and her work was, when we were there we saw uncle robert and demand that enjoyed spending time with his family, reminiscing of days gone by, catching up on Family Dynamics and sharing laughter and love. Remote bravery and sheer humanitarianism. As we all know before he was chosen to congress, yes i see chosen but few are chosen. And for those that wouldnt fight, he along with many other civil rights icons became a change agent that the world so desperately needed. As a member of congress, he was known as the conscience of congress. For over 30 years he stood in solidarity with the fifth Congressional District of georgia. Hed been recognized from a revered and held the highest esteem for the work that he has done to build a better community. He broke barriers. He tore down the walls and defied stereotypes and refused to be moved from his stand on in justice, liberty and freedom. He made the time for every one and was always picture ready. He didnt miss an opportunity for a photo op or take a few moments to talk to his constituents or to those that revered him. His love is contagious and could be felt anything when his presence. Be insulted at this magnitude he truly made an impact not just on america on the world. So today we celebrate the life of congressman john lewis, our uncle robert, the men who labored, the men who talk to the men who walked, talked, knelt down, sad, held hands with both blackandwhite, lifted his voice, and his knee and was willing to give up his life for a righteous cause. Lets continue the celebration of life by taking up the baton that he has now laid down and endeavor to get into trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble. Lets not give up, lets not give in and lets never give out. Lets keep the faith, keep our eye on the prize. Uncle robert, me or legacy live on and never die. We believe that youve heard the words from our heavenly father. Well done, very good and faithful servant. And i say to all of us, the weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. Guess what, its morning time. [applause] congressman john lewis attended the inauguration of an american president. Although he had seen many president s, he made a beeline to this president and asked him to sign his program. He signed program in this way, because if you, john, it is my honor to welcome back to the pulpit the 44th president of the United States of america, barack obama. But before he comes, Jennifer Holliday will come up once again. Take my hand, precious lord. Precious lord, take my hand lead me on, let me stand i am tired, i am weak, i am more through the storm through the night lead me on to the light take my hand, precious lord lead me home when my way groweth jury or precious lord linger near when my life is almost gone hear my cry, hear my call hold my hand lest i fall take my hand, precious lord and lead me on a when the darkness appears and the night draws near and the day has passed and gone the at the river i stand precious lord, please take my hand take my hand, precious lord and lead me home lord, we need you right now we need you right now we dont know whats going to happen tomorrow take my hand, hold my hand, lord we dont know which way to go we need you, lord, yes we do take my hand, precious lord lord, we need you right now [applause] james wrote consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, they because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. It finishes its work so that you may be mature and complete. It is a great honor to be back at the Ebenezer Baptist church to pay my respects to perhaps his finest disciple, an americans faith was tested again and again to produce a man of pure joy and fun for a couple perseverance. John robert lewis. To those whove spoken, president s bush and clinton, madam speaker, family, staff. I. , like so Many Americans believe great debt to john lewis and his vision of freedom. This country is a constant work in progress. We are born with instructions to form a more perfect union. Explicit in those words is the idea that we are in perfect, will give a speech generation purpose is to carry it further than you might have thought possible. John lewis, the first of the freedom riders headed the student nonviolent coordinating committee, the youngest speaker of the march on washington, leader of the march from selma montgomery, member of congress representing the people in this state and district for 33 years, mentor to young people, including me at the time, until his final day on this earth, he not only embraced the responsibility, but he made it his lifes work. Which isnt boy from troy. John was born into modest means. That means he was poor. [laughter] in the heart of the jim crow south, the appearance who picked somebody elses coffin, apparently he didnt take to farm work. On the days he was supposed to help his brothers and sisters with their labor, he would hide under the porch and make a break for the school bus when it showed up. His mother nurtured that curiosity in this shy serious child. Once you learn something, she told her son, once you get something inside your head, no one can take it away from you. As a boy he listened through the door after bedtime. One sunday as a teenager he heard doctor king speech on the radio. As a College Student in tennessee he signed up for the workshops on the nonviolent civil disobedience. John lewis was getting something inside his head. An idea he couldnt shake and took hold of the civil disobedience with the means to change the law but also hearts and mind and change nations and change the world. So he helped organize the campaign in 1960. He and other young men and women sat at a segregated lunch counter while the rest were refusing a milkshake poured on their head with cigarettes extinguished on their back or a food theme of their lives. Refuse to collect that dignity and sense of purpose. And after a few months the campaign achieved the First Successful desegregation of public facilities and major cities in the south. John got a taste of jail for the first, second, third several times. Buhe also got a taste of victory and it consumed him and he took it deeper into the south after they ruled that segregation was unconstitutional, john and Bernard Lafayette bought two tickets, climbed aboard and refused to move. This was months before the First Official freedom ride. He was doing a test. Few knew what they were up to and at every stop through the night apparently the angry driver stormed out of the station and they had no idea what he might come back with more from he might come back with a. Nobody was there to protect them. There were no camera crews to record. Sometimes when we read about this and the kind of take it for granted, or at least we act as if it was inevitable. Imagine the courage of two people, younger than my oldest daughter on their own to challenge and entire infrastructure. His example could challenge the centuries of convention and generations and countless dignity suffered by africanamericans. John the baptist preparing the way like the Old Testament prophets speaking truth to king. John lewis didnt hesitate and kept going. He got his mug shot taken again and again. Spoke to a quarter Million People at the march when he was just 23. Helped organize the freedom summer in mississippi when he was just 24. At the ripe age of 25, john was asked to lead the march from montgomery. He was warned governor wallace ordered violence, but others led them across the bridge anyway and weve all seen the films and footage and photographs president clinton mentioned the trenchcoat, the knapsack, appleton east, toothbrush. Apparently jails were not big on such creature comfort. You look at those pictures he said small in stature. Look at every bit as mother raised and yet, hes full of purpose. God put perseverance in an. And we know what happened to the marchers on the day. Their bones were cracked. He thought he was going to die surrounded by Young Americans begging and pleading. Victims in their own country, statesponsored violence. And the thing is i imagined initially the troopers thought they won the battle. You can imagine the conversations they had. They figured they would turn the protesters back over the bridge, but they kept and preserved the system and denied the basic humanity of their fellows citizens except this time there were some cameras. This time the world is all what happened and were witness to black americans who were asking for nothing more than to be treated like other americans, who were not asking for special treatment, just equal treatment promised to them a century before. And almost another century before the. And when john woke up and checked himself out of the hospital, he would make sure the world Soul Movement that was in the words of scripture, hard pressed on every side. Perplexed, but not in despair. [applause] persecuted, but not abandoned, not destroyed. He returned bandages around his head and said more marchers will come now and the people came and reached montgomery and reached the white house. Lyndon johnson, the son of the south said we shall overcome, and the Voting Rights act was signed into law. The life of john lewis was in so many ways the exception that vindicated the face in the founding. That most american of ideas that any of us ordinary people could somehow point out the imperfections of this nation and come together and challenge the status quo and decide its in our power to remake this country that we love until it more closely aligns with our highest ideas. What a radical idea, was a revolutionary notion, a young kid from troy. You stand up to the powers and say this isnt right, this isnt true, this isnt just. We can do better. On the battlefield of justice, americans like john and two other patrons that they lost this year liberated all of us, but Many Americans that were taken for granted. America was built by people like this. America was built by john lewis. [applause] heat as much as anyone in our history brought this country a little bit closer to two hours of ideas. Someday when we do finish the long Journey Towards freedom, when we go for a more perfect union, whether its years from now or decades or even if it takes another two centuries, john lewis will be a founding father of that better america. [applause] and yet as exceptional as john was come he never believe that what he did was more than any citizen of this country could do. I mentioned in the statement the day john passed, think about just how humble and gentle he was. Despite this remarkable career, he treated everyone with kindness and respect, because it was an inmate to him that anyone could do what he did if we were willing to persevere. He believed that in all of us there exists the capacity for great coverage. In all of us there is the longing to do what is right, that in all of us there is a willingness to love all people and extend their godgiven rights to dignity and respect. So many of us lose that sense. It is tossed out of us. We start feeling as if we cant afford to extend kindness or decency to other people, that we are better off, we are above other people and looking down on them and as so often that is encouraged in our culture. Barack obama as an old man, he didnt put up any fight. It was hard for the United States capital. But the testing of his faith produces perseverance. He no that the march was not over. The race was not just one prayed that we had not yet reached that final destination where we are judged by the concept of our character. He knew from his own what, it was frazzled. That we have to be vigilant against the darker currents in this country. Their whirlpools, violence and hatred and despair. We can always rise against it. Today, we witness with our own eyes, lease officers kneeling in the next of black americans. George wallace may be gone. We can witness our federal government sending agents to use tear gas against peaceful demonstrators. [applause]. We make no longer have to guess the number of jellybeans in the jar in order to cast a ballot. But even as we sit here, those in power were doing the darndest to discourage people from voting and by closing polling locations and targeting minorities. Attacking our Voting Rights with surgical precision. In undermining the Postal Service in the want of election. They need to be dependent on male in balance. And people could get sick. I know this is the celebration of johns life. Theres some of my say we should not dwell on such things. That is what i am talking about. John devoted his time on this earth fighting the very attacks on democracy and what is best in america that we are seeing circulate right now. He knew that every single one of us has a godgiven power. And that the fate of this democracy depends on how we as it. As democracy is the animatic. Has to be nurtured. Has to be attended to. We have to work at it. It is hard. Depends on with we summon measure just measure of johns moral courage. Question was likely, what is wrong. He said that his associate breath and his body, he would do everything he could to preserve this democracy. As long as we have breath in our bodies, we have to continue this cause. If we want our children to grow up in a democracy, not just with elections but a true democracy. A rep. Democracy. Big tolerant vibrant inclusive americans. We are going to have to be more like john. We dont have to do all the things that he did because he did them for us but we have to do something. The lord instructed paul, do not be afraid. Gone speaking. Do not be silent. For i am with you. No one will attack you to harm you for i have many in the city who are my people. Everybody together. Come out and vote. Without all those people in the city but they cant do nothing. Like john, weve got to keep getting that good is trouble. He knew the vibe violent protests was patriotic. We dont have to choose between protest and politics. It is not an either or situation. We have to engage in protests with affected boats. We also have to translate that session. In the causes and laws. Institutional. This might john run for congress four years ago. We have good fighting the harder like john. The most powerful so that we have which is the right to vote. The Voting Rights act is one of the crowning achievements mark democracy. Thats why john cross that bridge why he spilled his blood. By the way the results of the democratic and republican efforts. President bush spoke here earlier, and his father. They did this renewal when they were in office. [applause]. President clinton did not have to because it was the law when he arrived. So instead, he made a law that made it easier for people to register to vote. [applause]. But once the Supreme Court weekend, the Voting Rights act, some state legislators unleash the laws. Specifically to make voting harder. Especially by the way state legislators, when theres a lot of minority turnout. That is not necessarily mystery or an accident. It was an attack on what john fought for and our democratic freedoms. And we should treated at such. If politicians want to honor john, and i am so grateful for the legacy of all of the congressional leaders who are here. There is a better way than a statement calling him a hero. Revitalize the law that he was willing to die for. [applause]. [applause]. And by the way, naming it john lewis Voting Rights act, is a fine tribute. Lets john would know what is to stop there. Just trying to get back to where we already were parted once we pass the john lewis Voting Rights act, we should keep marching. Make it even better. [applause]. By making sure every american is automatically registered to vote including former inmates who parted their second chance. [applause]. By adding polling places and expanding early voting. In making election day national holiday. So if you or somebody was working in a factory, or single mom is getting another job and does not get the time off. You can still cast your ballot. By guaranteeing that every american citizen is equal representation in our government voting american citizens who live in washington dc. In puerto rico. There are americans. [applause]. All voters could have the power to choose their politicians. Not the other way around. And if all this takes of eliminating the filibuster, another jim crowe relic. In order to procure the godgiven rights of every american, and that is what we should do. [applause]. Even if we do all of this. Even if every bogus Voter Suppression laws was stopped off of the books today. Too many of us choose not to exercise the franchise. And to many of our citizens believe their vote will not make a difference. On the buy into the cynicism that by the way is the central strategy of Voter Suppression. To make you discouraged. To stop believing in your own power. Also going have to remember what john said. If you dont, do things to change things. They will remain the same. You have to give it all you have. And as long as young people are protesting in the streets, hoping real change takes hold. Im hopeful that we cannot casually abandon them at the ballot box. Not when few elections have been its urgent so many levels. We can treat voting if we have some time. Went to treated as the most important action we can take. On behalf of democracy. Like john, we have to give it all we have. I was proud that john lewis was a friend of mine. I met him when i was in law school. He came speak. I wouldve been a said, mr. Lewis, you are one of my heroes read what inspired me more than anything in man was what to see what you in law school, like moses, Like National others did read and got that kind of shocks, thank you very much rea. An exam is on him, ive been elected into the United States senate. Phenytoin john, i am here because of you. And an inauguration 2008 and 2009, is one of the first people i greeted and hugged on that stand. And i told him, this is your day to. It was a good and kind and gentle man. And he believed in us. Even when we dont believe in ourselves. That is fitting that the last timjohn and i shared a farm wasn zoom. Every sure that either he or i did not set up the simple because neither one of us knew how to work it. As our virtual town hall, gathering of young act of us who have been helping to lead the summers demonstration in the wake of George Floyds death. After words i spoke to him privately. And he could not have been prouder. Just a this new generation of activists standing up for freedom and equality. In a generation that was intense on voting and protecting the right to vote. In some cases new generation running for political office. I told him, all of those young people john, every race and every religion and every background and gender and sexual orientation. John, those are your children. They learn from your example. Even if they didnt always know it. They understood through him when american cynicism and hunt citizenship required even if it only had about his courage through the history books. By the thousands, faceless and anonymous young people, black and white and taken a whole nation back to those great wells of democracy which were dug deep by the Founding Fathers in the formulation of the constitution and the declaration of independence. Doctor king said that in the 1960s. I came true again this summer. We see it outside of her windows and in big cities and rural towns. The men and women young and old. Street americans, lgbt americans, blacks, and oolong for equal treatment and whites who can no longer accept freedom for themselves while witnessing the subrogation of their fellow americans. [applause]. We see it, everybody doing the hard work of overcoming complacency. Of overcoming our own fears and prejudices. Our own hatred. You see it and and people trying to be better, truer version of ourselves. That is lets john lewis teaches us. That is where real courage comes from. If not from turning on each other. But by turning towards one one another. By soaring hatred and division. By spreading love and truth. None by avoiding our responsibilities. To create a better america and the world. By embracing those responsibilities with joy and perseverance. And discovering that her beloved community we do not walk alone. What a gift john lewis was. We are all so lucky. Twohanded walk with us for a while. And show us the way. God bless you all. [applause]. God bless america. God bless his gentle soul. Thank you very much. [applause]. [music playing]. Thank you so much we are honored to be here. I would like to thank brother Michael Collins for about a week before congressman past. He called phoebe and sister stacy. We had an opportunity saying to him. And one of the songs, we sing songs differently. But the one song i would like for everyone if you would, just join in. We shall overcome. [music playing]. That was the song that led in the hearts of those marchers. My brother bebe wrote the songs in the memory. He treated us all like family. And i hope you enjoy it. [music playing]. Born in troy, alabama. [music playing]. In the heat of the day. She knew there was much more. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. [music playing]. Let us pray. And when he shall die, take him. He shall make the face of heaven so find that all the world will grow in love read and pay no worship. Gracious and loving god, we command into your safety the soul of your son, John Robert Lewis. Using the affidavit of his deeds yes. He stayed in trouble. Good trouble. Necessary trouble. He fought the good fight. He finished his course. He kept the faith. The crown of righteousness. But not only to him. But to all those who love god appearing. Now out of the great cloud of witnesses. But god through the great tribulation. They washed their robes in the blood of the lamb. The angels rejoiced. Because he has been vindicated by history. In his deeds etched into eternity. In his soul received into your glory. In the name of the god who loves us. At recess into loving. Through jesus christ our lord we pray rated and men. [silence]. We pray that today was memorable worship experience for all of you. And now the family will be graded. Then we will follow the instructions as they carry out our rep. Lewis. Please stand. The family may remain seated, thank you. [silence] [silence] [silence] at this time, as we prepare to depart, we ask that the members of congress, the extended family and special invited guests join with us as we enjoy the viral video of our honorable John Robert Lewis dancing to his Favorite Song by Pharell Williams dancing to this song, happy. This is a time to dance with him and come along if you feel like a [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds] [background sounds]

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