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Frustrated. We had hoped that there would be a bill, and its dead in the senate they put together little pieces here and there and everywhere. Its pretty clear they dont have 51 votes in the city among the republicans for our proposal. And its frustrating because they have dithered for three months. Its pretty clear they dont have 51 votes in the senate among republicans for a proposal and frustrating because they dithered for three months. Now its these various that hurts lots of people. Unemployment, rental, state and local and theyre still trying to get their act together which is very frustrating because of the needs of people. We also have to read the bills carefully and thats what we told them to do overnight. They managed to have enough money for 2 billion for the fbi headquarters that benefits trump hotel and they say they have no money for food assistance. What the heck is going on so got to read the bill very carefully. We hope they can get their act together. We very much want to get something done for the needs of the people and the needs of the country but sometimes its hard to negotiate when youre negotiating with a ghost because one person says one thing and another says a third. The problems in the Republican Senate are legion. Close to ending, the day metlife approved stamps but they had money for an fbi bill and said they could diminish competition for the president s hotel and in any event i dont even think Mitch Mcconnell knew that was in the bill but in any event who knows his right. In any event they have something in there like a tax credit for expensive dinners and lunches but no money for food stamps or nutrition assistance initiatives. Heres the thing. Right now were at the time when children are food insecure inour country. People are hungry who never thought they would go to a food bank. People are on the verge of eviction as they cant pay the rent. Theyve lost their jobs through no fault of their own and again, families cant pay the rent and they are resenting the fact that people are getting 600 which was helping tokeep them out of poverty and make ends meet. With all of that happening, people in our country, these are the American People. They just waited 10 weeks, almost 2 and half months. They put it all on pause as if hunger could be paused and rent could be pause and needing money in their pockets so that people could make ends meet would be paused but it wasnt. Now they come back piecemeal. Pause and piecemeal. Thepiecemeal isnt where this has to be. It really is pathetic. It isnt serious whateverit is. However we will continue to see as we go forward but the fact is this is wrong. We have to do whats rightfor the American People. You know the stock market is being bolstered by big dollars making sure that the market doesnt go down and maybe thats a good idea why cant we spend trillions of dollars to bolster the middle class in our country . All we did we had this bill, we had that bill. We think we have to support our heroes, healthcare workers, teachers transit, sanitation supply, people who meet the needs of the American People. They risk their lives to save other lives and yet they may lose their jobs and when they lose their jobs they go on unemployment so what are we saving im not helping state and local government . Secondly we want to open our economy, open our schools. Testing, testing, testing. Tracing tracking, treating. Separation and it takes money and it takes equipment which we dont have and they have not made a commitment to reedit denial, delay, distortion. Thats their game up until now we have to still and we have to put again on our heroes, open our economy by tracing. Testing, tracing, treating and put money in the pockets of the American People. We have other priorities that we want to see in the bill but if theyre not even getting to the fundamentals of food and rent and economic survival, theyre not really ready to have a serious negotiation. However we will continue and read what they put forth but im going to read all that tonight and have my staff read some of it to. The staff of the committees have jurisdiction to make a judgment about it but it doesnt address what we just talked about. It addresses other things but it doesnt address this are there any things in the bill that might be acceptable mark i dont know, we havent seen it. Theres a couple things left out. Rental assistance, the clip expired thursday. Not only do they have no rental assistance for people who need help but they didnt even put it evidently a moratorium. So hundreds of thousands of people could be kicked out of their houses next week because they didnt want a moratorium on Unemployment Insurance their proposal is fraught with all kinds of problems. First you dont tell someone whos lost his or her job through no fault of theirown that youre getting a 30 percent pay cut. That is just not fair and not right. There are so many people unemployed, they need the help. This program which we extend until january 31 aeuros bill has done more to remove millions of people from poverty or prevent millionsof people from going into poverty than any other. We are always looking for antipoverty programs andthis does it. They want to cut that. Third its been done more to bolster the economy than anything else. The one bright spot inthis economy since the depths of april and may is Consumer Spending is actually up. One of the reasons is the generous pandemic Unemployment Insurance the fourth reason maybe theworst of all. You call up state governments and unemployment offices and they say they cant implement their plans for weeks or months. Are you going to leave people without money for weeks and months . Are they going to pay the rent or the mortgage . My office called up about 10 or 11 states and not one of them could implement the program immediately. Most said months. Old unemployment has problems. They dont have enough money to open up the schools safely. You need a lot of money to open up the School Safely because the schools have huge expenses. I have one district, 4000 students, 500 teachers and staff. And it cost them about 350,000 for masks for a year because they have to have a new mask every year. They have to change their bus routes. You cant have the kids on the busesnext to each other. Double the bus routes over time for drivers, more gasoline. Lots of school want to change their gymnasiums and cafeterias into classrooms and it costsmoney and their proposal is totally inadequate in these areas. In fact we think theres a punitive provision in there that says you only get money if you open up your School Almost as if whether its safe or not. So theres loads of problems in their proposals plus all the things they left out which nancy mentioned some of them. Suffice to say that we hope that we would be able to reach an agreement. We clearly do not have shared values. Having said that we just want to see if we can find some Common Ground to go forward but were not at that place yet. I have nine grandchildren as you may have heard me say again and again. How long does it take me to Start Talking about my grandchildren. He has one, noah and he talks about him all the time almost 2 years old but mine are older and they are from grade school to college and one of them is in publicschool in san francisco. And thats the disparity if you want to go remote learning, do kids have the equipmentto do so and the rest . It takes money to do that. I have another soninlaw in another state who is a Public School teacher. Children with disabilities and the rest and that takes another special kind of money to get it done if they want to open up the schools they have to do it safely if they want to open schools they have to do it fairly to so it reaches all the children. All this takes money. They dont like to spend money except to give tax cuts to their rich friends, 83 percent of their taxes go to the top one percent , have i said that lately . Almost every day but nothing, remember this area nothing brings more money to the treasury than investing in education. And now at this time and it is a health issue as well as a distinguished leader has indicated itsabout space. Its about personnel. Its about sanitation. Its about ventilation and its about so many things so you need money to do it. I dont know if they have the one votes much less 60 votes to do any of that in the senate. But i do know that we havent heard anything yet that is even close to what meets the needs ofthe American People. They are a trickledown group. Money up here, trickledown area if it does trickledown, that would be good if it doesnt so be it. Were a bubble of crowd. Lets invest and understand this that we are a consumer economy and putting money into the pockets of the American People so that they can spend and inject demand into the economy, create jobs. Thats what makes an economy strong not just bolstering the stock market. One other, two other things quickly. The republican mantra is let the private sector do it. This is a moment when everyone knows the private sector cant do it and they have to overcome some of their resistance to letting the government do it as its only the government that can help us with the greatest Health Crisis in 100 years and the greatest economic but i want to repeat. Were going to keep talking, were going to roll up our sleeves. We want to get things done but they have to come always to solve the real problems of this country. Reaction to the 1 trillion Senate Republican Coronavirus Response plan continued on the senate floor this morning with Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell calling on democrats to startnegotiating with them. Yesterday Senate Republicans put forward the heels act. Our framework for another round of historic relief for american workers

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