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You know, sometimes you wonder what care these civil rights guys own, you know, and i am so blessed to be part of them, blessed to know them really. As i discovered him, his background and all, it just gave me a tremendous appreciation for the man and the work that he was doing. He continued to labor in the vineyard intel is death. So yes, you could say i just felt that it was his destiny. He was destined to become the kind of human being that he was, which was so warm and unassuming. He never stepped out there to try to get in front of the line. He was always working to plan and implement the plan. C. T. Vivian had a limit to his message. And his rhythm was really liked music had a rhythm. And as he continued to make his points, he always went indepth. That was the intellectual part of it. You could always grow from his sayings, okay, not just repetition of, say essence but he had a tone to it. And i would describe his preaching as an echo from heaven. While he was so enthralled in books and that sort of thing, she had about easily 3000 books or more, you know, and so yes, i do remember the writings and that sort of thing. And his wife, octavia, she was very much involved, you know, like a librarian almost because he had a very enormous collection of books. I was so close to ct other was to Martin Luther king, and i dont know that i will ever be lonely for the memories and the presence of my brothers like c. T. Vivian, will always be with me. He was always a pastor. He was always the preacher, and a good one. And his motivation was always spiritual. He didnt want attention. He didnt want money. He only wanted to do gods will and bring out the best in these United States of america, and its people, regardless of the race, creed, color or national origin. He was always very physical fitness oriented. I say my knees are bad, and his knees held up all the way for 96 years. Because he used to go over to morris brown and run up the steps of the stadium and walked out and then run up again to stay in shape. He and jimmy carter are the only people i know that remain the same weight they were in college right on into the last days of their lives. He never gained a pound, and he never lost his physical fitness. And he never lost his mental fitness, even in these last days when i come a week or so ago when i talked to him. His voice was weak but his thoughts were clear. When i think of given the foundation, i like to think about life, about [inaudible] but one of the other things i think about dr. King, if you wanted to know something about a man [inaudible] so much love. And i could hear him every day saying ive got to go see the wife, when his wife was sick. He was going everyday, i dont care what he was, he had to go to see the wife. He took care of his wife and he loved her. He treasured her. Thats the way its supposed to be. Look around and see one of our men, brother who respect and love the wife and treasure the wife the way he did, but just incredible and i just admired him so much. Hes the epitome of a gentleman. And, of course, we all know hes a quiet warrior. Most humble person you could ever possibly meet. If all young men could be a c. T. Vivian, just think where this world would be today. [applause] definitely worth applause, mighty man. Were going to take a look at the next video. It is from Vice President joe biden. I think his remarks will speak for themselves. We thank Vice President biden for that beautiful, beautiful series of remarks on behalf of of doctor c. T. Vivian. They are heartfelt at the part i held onto most was well done my good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of the lord. There is no doubt in any of our minds that it was a life well lived, a fight well one, and a road welltraveled. With that we will conclude with the final video from oprah winfrey. I remember back in the 90s doing a series of racial seminars with reverend vivian on the oprah show. What an impact he made on that audience. Mostly white women at the time, gently yet passionately confronting them on their entrances and the denial of racial inequality. We spent several days filming what would later be edited for airing, and it was a privilege to witness his wisdom, teachig in action. In his presence we were always learning more about our country, about ourselves and what it means to stand for what is right. Right. He was a giant for justice. Maya angelous says in her poem, when great trees fall, that when great souls die, after the period, peace blooms slowly and always irregularly. Space is filled with a kind of soothing electric vibration. Our senses restored never to be the same. Whisper to us. They existed. They existed. We can be and be better for they existed. Reverend c. T. Vivian, we are better because he existed. This week on q a we look back to our conversation with representative john lewis from 2012. Back in 1961 after you left washington, d. C. Like people of white people couldnt be seated together on a bus. Could use the same waiting room, couldnt be seated together at a lunch counter in a restaurant, couldnt use the same restroom facilities. We were testing a decision of the United States supreme court, trying to make it real. Join us sunday at 8 p. M. Eastern on q a as we look back to our conversation with representative john lewis. During the summer months reached out to your elected officials with cspans congressional directory. It contains all the Contact Information you need to stay in touch with members of congress, federal agencies and state governors. Order your copy online today at cspanstore. Org. Coming up, nancy pelosi will speak about extending coronavirus Unemployment Benefits which are set to expire. Later, jill biden at the wife of democratic president ial candidate joe biden will take part in a discussion of the pandemic. She is joined by Texas Democrats Eddie Bernice johnson and marc veasey. That will be live at 2 45 p. M. Eastern here on cspan2. Host dan coats is a Research Fellow with the American Enterprise institute and joins us now to talk about latest report looking at topics regarding parenting. Dan cox, good morning and welcome to washington journal. Guest thanks ravi. Us i know theres a lot of topics. What we are

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