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Became an intellectual battering ram for conservatism. He knows the left better than they know themselves and thats why hes their most hated apostate. The author of many bestselling books including radical son, left illusions, destructive generation, unholy alliance, to name a few. As well as the black book of the american left, nine volume collection of conservative essays over the past few decades. Hes also written three recent titles from hugh maddox books about the donald trump era. Big agenda, President Trumps plan to save america, dark agenda, the war to destroy Christian America and the afford mentioned to blitz. His new book david recaps the relentless resistance and political obstruction in the left wing lies the trumpet has faced as democrat leaders and their media enablers have obsessed over sabotaging his presidency. David shows how those attacks have backfired galvanizing the trump space and turning moderate voters toward the conservative hand. David is confident that trump is going to steamroll his opposition in november using the same winning playbook hes used before. Rush limbaugh has enthusiastically recommended the book as has President Trump himself but enough from me, let me turn it over to David Horowitz himself to explain why he thinks donald trump will smash the left and win in november. David, if you dont mind me kicking off with the question, could you tell us why you titled the book blitz . It was chris ayou titled the book. Publishers have a say on that. Have the say. In a way, i think its important because i think people are kind of discouraged a little bit at this point in time because the mindless, racist, antiamerican leftist at the moment abi will explain, if i dont, somebody remind me, there will be a huge backlash that will carry trump home. It slightly misleading because this is a book which is a guide to the civil war that we are in. It starts with the creation of the resistance, five days by the democrats, five days after the election there was a meeting at the oriental mandarin in washington which is very posh hotel. A wonderful hotels, the Mandarin Oriental as i think they are called. This was paid for by george a had about 400 people and pelosi was there and Elizabeth Warren and Keith Ellison and the usual suspects. The occupied wall street communist and antipop people and so forth. This is just five days after the election they dedicated themselves to sabotaging the Trump Presidency. Thats what they were sworn to do is to obstruct the presidency. This is a moment passed relatively unnoticed in my mind sets the stage for everything followed not only in the 3. 5 years that i cover in the book but during the coronavirus and also in the recent black lives matter based rights. You can understand it all through this lens. America is a country thats based on compromise. The founders what they feared most in you read the federalist papers he could see it very clearly what Political Parties or factions what they feared was the country the democracy and a tendency to break into factions and one faction would become dominant and destroy democracy. Thats whats happening now. The formation of which the boycott abthe 70 democrats a massive demonstration led by proterrorists of course most of the people are unsuspecting mac womens march and they think theyre doing something for women but its theme was not my president this happened i think the day after inauguration. Of course it feature that a bunch of horrible speeches but most infamous was by madonna in which she said i think seriously about blowing up the white house. This manifested itself in trumps First Initiative which was trying to close americas borders to six countries that included iran, yemen, sudan, these countries are all failed states, either terrorist states like iran which the Iranian Regime of course the blown up thousands of americans. Either terrorist states or states that technically called failed states like libya. They assassinated the dictator of libya. It was immediately taken over by terrorists. The idea was, this was a temporary ban and the idea was to bar, i dont know what the term is, migrants or immigrants from countries that couldnt vet them. Those governments cannot be trusted to verify whether these criminals were. A simple prudential safety measure for american. The resistance was already in full force they have demonstrations in airports. They got friendly judges to file injunctions against the trump temporary measure. They lied and when i say they, the Democrat Party and its Leadership Lied saying this was an antimuslim ban there are 57 muslim countries, remember, obama made them famous error that the entire media of course overlooked saying they were 57 states he was thinking of muslim states, not the United States. But there are 57 muslim countries and only six band and seven at one point taken from the Obama Administration who administered the same ban was the opposition. The greatest crime ever committed by american citizens against their own government the leaders of this crime and the leaders of the Democrat Party. Orbit trail, whatever you want, its a dagger into americas heart. As i say, the entire constitutional arrangement was designed to force the factions in American Society that communities and conflict compromise with each other. Thats why we have an Electoral College. Because democrats want to destroy. Thats why we have, it forces the parties to compete in areas where they dont have majority. What they found was tierney of the majority which crush the minorities. Which is exactly the agenda of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party was also, john dingell, his widow who pretends to be a reasonable moderate but an actual political hack john dingell, i forget if he was there from 50 to 60 years. Called for the abolition of the United States senate the founders didnt create a democracy. When i first came into the right was amused by conservatives who say we are not a democracy or republic but thats actually the case. When franklin was famously asked what they created he said some lady said, republic, no matter if you can keep it. It was deliberate that two senators from wyoming, who of course wasnt wyoming in those days. Why we have no two senators from wyoming which has a population of 500,002 senators from california which is a population of 35 to 40 million. It was designed to frustrate the minorities because the founders understood human beings are not all that rational. The creation of america is a kind of miracle they distrusted the people. They were swept up by crazy passion. Lets not forget hitler was elected. Very important. They get swept up in passions such as, weve seen the last couple weeks in this country, which has destroyed large sections of her major metropolitan areas. With that is willing to frustrate those passions. For the Democrat Party declared war on the Trump Administration for it actually was in office. Was committing fundamental act of treason. The only other time this has happened was in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln was elected and we had a civil war. We cant have a civil war now like that because the federal government is way too powerful. So the war was a political war of control over the executive and over the three branches of government. How far the democrats take this . I just run to this very briefly but the overtook obama had appointed as heads of the intelligence agencies several political allies intelligence agencies were recruited by the Obama Administration to overthrow the Trump Presidency by framing trump is a traitor himself. Classic case of projection. And they carried this charade on for three years, at least three years. Trying by any means necessary, i think one of my chapters in my book blitz is called impeachment might any means necessary. When i wrote the book i knew this. It was already enough evidence to know this but we have absolute proof now because rick burnell who was appointed the acting director of National Intelligence by trump, he classified the documents. We know that all of these treasonous acts, pelosi, schiff, comey, brennan, they all knew that there was no collusion between trump and russia. There is no evidence whatsoever. And erics wall well, some of these are such wretched characters, the ranking number two guy the democrats on the intelligence committee. Still maintaining that trump is a russian agent. Even though theres no evidence. Think about that mentality. Revolutionize america and turn it into a socialist gulag. But the whole democratic leadership knows that its lying. Its not the call trump a liar when he exaggerates. Call him a liar when he disagrees with them. Lying is a pretty precise you have to know what youre saying is false and do it anyway. And the entire impeachment process is driven by democrat lies, and thats selfconscious want to circumvent the procedure of our democracy that have been in place for whatever it is, 240 odd years. This is the most to me the most frightening thing about what is happening and what is in my book. The book starts out right before it discusses this resistance. It asks the question of why was trump called a white supremacist. He is a major public figure. Everybody knew donald trump. For 30 years. Whoever thought of him as a white supremacist except some dill meanted bigot racist him like al sharpton. Nobody. He was a Wedding Guest at the clintons wedding. He funded liberal causes. He was totally part of the what you caw the liberal establishment. Except being a businessman, and being a the one thing but trump that really defines him is his love for this country and hes a patriot. And that made all the difference. The clintons are not patriots. Nancy pelosi is not a pratt. Adam schiff is not a patriot. Me book asks how come this public figure should all of a sudden, because hes running against a democrat, once he decided to do that, suddenly become a white supremacist, white nationalist, and the answer is the Democratic Party has a very dirty secret they have to keep off the radar, some they are able to do it with the cooperation of the republicans because the republicans are terrified of them for a reason i wont mention in a second. The dirty secret is that the democrats control every inner city of any size in america. 100 . And have for 50 to 100 years. Every injustice in the inner city, every killing field, detroit, chicago, st. Louis, baltimore, every scene of an sect poverty, of abject poverty, children growing up without fathers, rampant crime, democrats are responsible for that. Where the i mention this. Theyre afraid of being called racist. Thats white trump was called a racist, but as trump went out there if you remember, during the campaign he made a speech in michigan and he addressed the black community and said, what do you have to lose by voting for me . The democrats dont care they dont give a fig about you as human beings. Only care about you as votes. You have rotten schools. You have no jobs. 58 unemployment, right . You have abject poverty and doesnt change year in and year out and all run by democrats and caused by democrats. So, trump was a mortal threat to the democrats from the outset and thats why they tarred and fighterred and made him the most vilified, attacked, slandered, liabled, libeled, reviled figure in the world. I dont know of any historical figure that you really know thats not the case. There is no other. Thats partly because of our modern media which we reaches so many people. So theres never been anybody more hated, despised, irrationally, than donald trump. Let me just show how this this is all in my book. My book, of course, i do have little statement in the previous falls about the coronavirus but i had to finish the book. I cant. Right before the virus hit in a big way. But if you look at the virus, its the same thing. Here we have an enemy, an invisible enemy, virus. The trump this commander in chief, everybody says we have to come together and unify as a nation. Trump is out there doing what is in the president s power to do, getting ventilators, getting masks, that obama forgot to stockpile or didnt care enough to stockpile. Getting the equipment to democratic governors like cuomo and governors suing him like gavin newsom. Wretched people but they said a few nice things about trump because he was representing all america. What did the Democratic Party do . It has spent the entire time trying to blame trump for every death that occurred. And this is another gigantic lie. Why . Another hoax like the russia hoax. Why . Because trump doesnt have any control over the Healthcare Services in the states. Theyre controlled by the governors of the states. We have a federal system that does that. So, its only a governor like cuomo who can order Nursing Homes to accept Covid Patients and kill 600 grandmothers and grandfathers. Thats how cynical im trying to avoid to keep a civil speech here but how cynical these are, that theyre not only killing people but blame it on trump. The same thing is true with this the misdirection i guess you call it we have had in our streets. First of all, every Police Department, leave aside the injustice of the attacks on the police, leave that aside, every Police Department in these all these cities is 100 controlled by democrats. In minneapolis, the police sees a black democrat all the Police Unions that protect bad apples are democrat unions that tear the head of the city council is a democrat. There are 13 City Council Members in minneapolis, 12 democrats and a green party member. The attorney general of the state is a racist, keith ellis union, a democrat. There isnt any republicans around. Thats true of eave city in flames. Im impressed and also shocked at the low quality of these people, but every mayor is a democrat and a female and a black it seems, and 95 of the Police Chiefs are black. So what the race issue . Four cops have been indicted for charged with murder george phillips. Two of the cops, one is africanamerican and one is asian. How is that a racial issue . We den even know what is in the head of whats his name derick chauvin. We dont know what his motivation was because it hasnt been to trial. We have gigantic lynch mop, the same lynch mob after trump. Same people, same deringment. After the Police Departments and after the what everybody with any influence or power is a democrat. Why are the cities burning . Because the democrats want it to burn. Why do they want it to burn . For the same reason that cuomo is happy to have a coronavirus all over his state. So they can blame it on trump. Why do they want to shut down the economy . So they can blame on trump. This is an evil party. I thought about that a lot. This is evil. And it is treasonous and seditious. One thing i describe in any book, the democrats cant win a National Election. They lose 20 of the black vote. Thats why they do these things. For. The its life and death. I describe a confrontation that trump had with Elijah Cummings, the head of the oversight committee, and it took place in april of last year, when the big issue the democrats the democrats were so focused on getting rid of trump so focused on power is what it is to the exclusion of all their own values, their own values, at least the ones they think they have would be to help minorities in the inner cities, when their actions are to crush minorities in the inner city. In the same way they there was a point before trump before they declared war on trump that secure borders was a democratic policy. They funded the wall until trump trump made it his campaign slowing slogan. The they are in the corner and have to oppose something as necessary as a border war. But we had a billion people thanks to obama also but thanks to the democrats, obama was encouraging illegal immigration because the democrats want the votes. As straightforward as that. So, obama and the democrats created an untenable situation where if you if an illegal immigrant i prefer the term illegal alien put his or her foot inside an american border that was it. They were in america. Complete destruction of our border policies. We dont have borders because of that. So, of course, faced with a Million People trying to get in, i. C. E. Had put people behind chainlink fences which were called cages, by the racists in the Democratic Party like Kamala Harris and cory booker and all of them for that matter. So, Elijah Cummings was raking trumps head of homeland security, acting head, humiliating him. The guy didnt get the first sentence out of his testimony for Elijah Cummings was accusing him of bag racist and not treating brown people because theyre people of color, as human beings. And trump get outraged and laid into elijah expulsion he said, your district is a hell hole. Your district is ten times worse than niksch 100 times worse than anything taking place at the border, and everything that was taking place at the border was a result of Obama Policies anyway. Your city is rat infested, its does have got the highest crime rates in the country, the worst schools even though they have 50 more funding than the average Public School system. Theyre the worst scores. And of course the entire Democrat Party came down on trump as a racist. And god bless him. Trump called Elijah Cummings a racist for defending the situation, chillings what he was. Turning his own people. When he died Elijah Cummings was worth a million four, thats nothing compared to maxine water and Elizabeth Warren but the way but worth a billion dollars. Where did he get senate he got that out of his government role. 15 billion in one year, the previous year, when into baltimore from the federal government. Whose pockets did got into . Year in and year out the democrats theyre paid accomplices and i include the whole black caucus in this. Theyre paid accomplices. Not because theyre black but because their black democrats. I forget the name of the black republican they wouldnt let in some years ago. The whole thats the function of the black caught, black caution to make. Thes bilgeaires. Maxine water lives in hancock park, the enabled of the old hollywood moguls. Shes worth millions while her constituents live in horrifying poverty. When trump said that about the inner city, he said about baltimore, its unfit for humans, rat infested, Chris Matthews immediately jumped on that, rat infested . Thats eh itler baltimore is the ninth macerate infested area in the country. Chicago is number one. The Trump Campaign turned occupy a videotape of Elijah Cummings bemoping the fact he represented a rat infested district. So the hypocrisy is awful the charts and basically people are afraid of pointing this out, republicans in particular, because the guns get turn on them. Trump went to Baltimore Sun the headline that said, better many rats than one, meaning trump is the rat. And the Washington Post accused trump of calling the inhabitants of baltimore, the victims, inhuman, and no human being would want to live there that was an insult the poor people of baltimore who elijah expulsion the Washington Post have screwed. So, when you look at the battlefield that way you dont have the money of trump, you dont have the public presence of trump, youre easy to pick off, like they picked off steve king. He said some stupid thing, but they just picked him off and killed him base cliff. Basically. Anyway, this is kind of the focus of my book. They tried to if you read the psychological warfare manuals, what you do to the enemy, commander in chief, is you attack him morally, and the first thing you attack is his credibility. Call him a liar. This what the democrats are operating out of the psychological warfare manuals as well, a duly elected president by 63 million americans is an enemy of the people. The Democrat Party uses just trying to sort out this is what i wanted to say. They call trump a liar for exaggerating crowd sizes, for disagreeing with them. Every time a democrat, every time nancy pelosi or Chuck Schumer or the Washington Post, the New York Times, and for those its every day they do it. Say that trumps antiimmigrant. Thats a disgusting lie. There are Million Immigrants who come here legally under trump, and then they say hes an a racist. Antiimmigrant racist. Thats another monsterrous lie because theres a Million Immigrants who come to this country legally every year, and theyre all different colors. Trump is not a racist. Nancy pelosi is a racist. She has contempt for inner city blacks that she can walk all over them with her party and do it quite shes been doing it for 30 or 40 years. She notes what she is doing. How the Democrats Use race as a weapon. Well, we have one of my chop temperatures in book chapters in my become called the terror caucus in the house, i think thats the title. Certainly the terror caucus. And the house of representatives is a terror caucus, consists of illan omar, rashida tlaib. Alexandria ocasiocortez, iana presley and several others. They happen to be all people of color, to use the ideological terminology. So theyre protected. Talk but black skin police, black kin privilege, you can commit crime like felonies like ill lan omar has done, got into the country ill locally by marrying her brother which he has done and raise money for terrorist group like hamas as omar and ocasiocortez and tlaib have all done. Express your reveal your belief that 9 11 was a just punishment on the evil americans for their sins, and be appointed to the Foreign Affairs committee when you have the top highest security clearance. The Democrat Party is a National Security menace on so many fronts but this is one of them, and its because people are cowed as they are during these race riot. These are not peaceful crowds. You burn down a chump across fro the white house. Force the National Guard to reestablish it and Everybody Knows that the crowd that pelosi and all these lying democrats call peaceful, if it werent nor National Guard there they would have jumped the white house fence and burned the white house. I mean, such its the old do you believe the democrats or believe your lying eyes. Peopling see what is going on. But the democrats are so insulated because they have this corrupt media with odd the racists like don lemon. Its open season on white people. Ive get so much in my book i want to stick to my script here. Oh, okay. Ill be done with this. I think i dont really know how long i talked but the targets are not individuals. The Democratic Party is a racist party. Judge outside by your skin color, gender, sexual orientation, collectivist mentality. Individual dont matter. So Chuck Schumer got on the steps of the supreme court, which is supposed to be a nonpolitical institution, its the third a branch of government where you shouldnt be holding protests in the first place. Go there with the whole Judiciary Committee when Brett Kavanaugh nominated. Vowed to get him off the supreme come. He is white, the position the targets are not really individuals like Brett Kavanaugh or ive been called every name in the book as well. The target is america. And how do we know that . I have 0 whole chapter called the america the ugly which the democrats view of america, and the New York Times disgraceful, disgusting, project called the 1619 project, which was cooked up by a racist staff member, named Nicole Hannah jones who has 600,000 genius grant and i think she won a pulitzer, historical illiterate and the project is to deny that 1776 is americas birth certificate and 1787 actually its founding. Lets take 1776. And say that, no, 1619 is the founding. And the racist al sharpton, the spiritual leader of the black lives matter movement, gave that wretched, despick by racist eulogy. He said White America on the necks of black america or black people, for 401 years, guess back to 1619 and the idea is that 20 african slaves were imported into the colony of virginia then. Actually they werent slaves. I get this information from nell painter, very famous princeton black princeton historian, leftist herself. This warrant slaves and in fact slavery was illegal in virginia and virginia was not america. It was an english colony. America was 168 years waiting to happen. When 1776 rolled around, for the first anytime 3,000 years where slavery existed in every country, at some time or another, and never denounced as an immoral institution, not by moses, not by jesus, certainly not by mohammad, protestant christians in the expend jefferson and koch founders in america declared it immoral and said all men are created equal and have a god given right to liberty and that includes black slaves and the northern colonies began freeing blacks immediately within 20 years or so all the slaves in north there were free states and the slave trade what outlawed and they didnt eliminate slavery in the whole country for an obvious reason. The south was its economy was based on slavery and was very powerful. We almost lost the civil war when it actually happened. If it happened in 1787 or 1800 we most certainly would have lost it because the south would have lined up with they would have allied themselves with the british, who had every reason to crush the colonies the british burned the white house in 1812 and yet Americans Still believe enough americans believed in freedom and liberty and eequality that we did engage a civil war and sacrificed 350,000 mainly white lies to free the slaves so the truth ive been called a racist for saying this but its factses the truth is black slaves were enslaved by black africans in africa and freed by White Americans. And every black in america owes a debt of gratitude to dom mass jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and all those White Americans who gave their lives and their labor and whatever else they gave to free the slaves. Thats the reality. Thats when that is trashed, as its trashed by the whole Democratic Party, tim kaine the other day was saying that america created slavery. And that it was her for 200 years. From 17 lets go 1776 to 1863, i believe its 87 years. Every time you hear 400 years of slavery or 240 years, thats a dagger aimed at america. That has nothing to do with the reality of what happened. So i consider this because this is our intellectual elites, this is the atlantic monthly, this is the New York Times, which has a the new york sometimes sponsored the 1619 project to tar america as a slave systemic slave system. Systemic racism by the way, i institutional racism were outlaud by the 14th amendment and by the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And if there was any institutional racism, which there is not there would be lawsuits and all the liberal courts in the country for sure. There nor such lawsuits because there is no institutional or systemic racism. Its just a libel against the country by the Democrat Party and the left. I had a chat id like people to know about which is since i do the impeachments and how baseless they are i have a chapter of whan trump actually achieved. Everybody who readded it will be incredibly impressed health havent gotten into the the trade issues and the economy. Im just talking culturally, wonderful president. The best president that black people have had in this country since lincoln. Might be a pretty good place to stop. We have a lot of questions lining up, a lot of participants and i want to encourage any of you listening and viewing to submit questions, but ill try to get to as many of them as i can here. A lot of good questions so lets get started. Steve nix has a question. The left seems to be going all out to bring communist revolution in before the election. Will a true landslide even stop that . Yes. Look, first of all i said over and over i have a one or two insights for people who have never been on the left and dont understand it or are bewildered by it as one should be hopefully. One is that the left knows when to stop. So already created huge problems. Saw seattle the sin insurrection in set. The idiots took it over. Cooperate have done it without the stupid mayor. That it stupid. This woman is a criminal mayor of seattle to let this happen and i hope she well, of course shes probably got imcommunity cant be sued for destructive decisions but i was saying to myself, i hope portland does the same thing because if enough what the lift is doing is exposing itself. Theres been more leftist violence well, i shouldnt say more because occupy wall street was very violent. I dont think americans fully appreciate how vial the left was during occupy wall street. 24 7 on their television screen. They can see these people do not care about other human beings, will kill you if you disagree with them, if they could gettary with it. They killed 15 policemen. Its so terrible what hey have the done. I think theyre exposing themselves and i think these i have the same kind of faith in the American People that the founders had. Americans are not stupid. If you have a twitter feed, you can see a lot of videos done by black americans, done by White Americans, which show that people have their eyes open. They know whats going on. They know who these thugs are. They know this is not about racism. If black lives matter cared one fig but black lives theyd be shutting down the mills which were deliberately placed in he inner studies bit margaret sanger, a nasty a communist but a nazi eugenicist who believed that blacks were inferior and we should eliminate their babies. And black america can consider that if it werent for this goods genocide genocide the black population would be 30 of the American Population by now. Its sad but its the democrats are a sick joke is what they are, calling abortion as if its pulling a tooth. If they really cared about planned parenthood they would set up adoption agencies too but they make my off killing babies and they would probably make money off adoption. Not the same kind of money. Were talking about more than half a Million Dollars a year. So, i am confident the person people know theyre not racist. Were not a racist country. Americans arent racist. Every probably every white child in america has a black their icons are some black sports hero or turn on the television and look at the ads, all integrated. Black men, white women, white couples, black children. Its totally asian, time. Should be more inclusive, on mexican. They dont care about minorities either. Wasnt off my nephews is an l. A. Sheriff, and he his mother was hispanic, and he has hispanic friends on the force, and these demonstrators, probable my white demonstrators are screaming at them, racist, wetbacks. Thats how oh, gosh. I have a question here the have to laugh but its so tragic. You have to laugh, otherwise you go insane little but a black doesnt want to abolish the police. Trust me. When they go to vote and nobody is looking, americans who are afraid to speak up now will vote the right way. I have a related question here, someone asked not only how do we stop the left but how can we reverse the damage theyve already down. It will take 100 years. First of all theyve taken i wrote five books about the lefts rape of the universities. Theyve taken over all of the colleges. Really liberal arts colleges but invaded medical schools. I have a friend who is a doctor, they called in all the doctors and singled out the white doctors and told them they were racist from birth. How racist is that . From black diversity instructor got paid 20,000phone are hour lecture. So institutions have been polluted by the leftists. I tried to get i wrote a whole book about the socalled philanthropic community, the Tax Exempt Foundation like sorrows foundation, shadow Political Parties and they have 13 times the assets thatcrest conservative foundations have and theyre not political generally. Even the political ones will give most of their money to Real Charities like hospitals. I remember accosting senator grassley when he was the head of the committee and i said you have to do something about the ford foundation. Who is funding black lives matter . Ford, morgan, rockefeller. And he just looked like he wanted to flee. Ive had that experience before with republicans. A couple of questioners are asking along the loins of making the lines of making the news media accountable for their lies and for rewriting history. The New York Times the Editorial Board is racist. The executive is a racist. In my book i forget where i got this from might have been published in slate, an Editorial Committee meeting when the first impeachment failed, and editor dall when it was exposed as a hoax, they i forget didnt say it was a hoax but the certainly built on newsroom around the russia story and now we have egg on our face so were going to built the newsroom now around american racism. This guy is a racist. Nobody associated with the 1619 project is anything by an antiamerican racist. Sarah jordan on korean on the times Editorial Board, talked about canceling white people. The only racism that is allowed in this country and its epidemic is antiwhite racism. When you say that, youre going to be called a racist. Probably should just leave it to me to say that. Actually we need more people to stand up. When enough people stand up this will all go away. Universities are gone. I wish trump is not going to have the room to do this but i wish that a republican government would just defund every Public University in the country as long as they have racist policies, and affirmative action is racism. Thats all it is. Black skinned privilege. A couple of questioners are asking about the revelations now that are coming out the forth coming book by john bolton and wondering whether the bolton book will have an effect on the elect. Heres the other there are several reasons why trump will win in my view. One is, americans arent stupid. Two, is they know theyre not racist. Three is what they want from their government this is all america, black america, by 20 margin is security. They want police, they want a strong military. Everything democrats are against. And with the the fourth reason is the fourth reason is the democrats have shot their wad. Theyve called trump every upon. The most exaggerated lies about trump but wildly exaggerated lies, like he killed 100,000 coronavirus patients. So, they have people who have drunk the koolaid, no question. But a lot of antitrump rhetoric is not going to sway theres always a few but not going to be decisive. I wish books were decisive. My become is already a best seller thanks no bart to the endorse. By the president and his son. Books dont change elections. Another question asked let me just say for the activists out there, this book is incredible ammunition for you. This is a guide to the civil war were in and how to fight it. Another questioner is asking, were getting low on time here, this may be the last or next to the last question. One questioner asked what the torontos may try the democrats may try to do with Electoral College results. Theyve already colorado is one of the seditious states. They passed a law to circumvent the Electoral College, and restore what they are provide for the first time one man one vote, one woman one vote. What they say is the party that wins the National Election will get 100 of the electoral vote College Votes in the state. So there guess one person one vote right out the window. In other words if the democrats were to win the National Vote by one percent, then they get 100 of colorado electoral votes. Its terrible. They dont have to make sense because they have nobody to hold. The to account except hold them account except some of people on fox news, and at news max. Im going to try to slip in one more question here. Its question my of my open. In the appendix to book you list the nine biggest taken years to america from antitrump and the top ten lies the democrats have told us. Can you pick one of each. I have to look and see what i wrote. This is how predictable the crisis were in is. Number six in the nine dangers is the democrat its the nine dangers to america from the antitrump left. Number six, support for criminals and contempt for the law. That just sum up the last month in our country . And thats the danger. Number one was the resistance. Thats sedition. And the biggest lies, well, the first lie is that republicans are racist. No, its democrats who are racists. Republicans believe in individual accountability. They believe in judging you according to your character. Democrats they told us. Theyve got a the Vice President has to be be black or female. How unamerican is that . That may be democrats care about minorities. Lie number two. No. Democrats care about minority votes. Big difference. Let the people run the worse off they are the more crime ridden, the more miserable, the easier they for seduce. Promise them the world. They dont have the resources to come back at you. Thank you, david. Sadly thats all the time we have for todays Freedom Center webinar. Thank you everybody for join us and please check us out another front page maag. Com and youll find a link to order the book and the betts political commentary anywhere. They are. Thank you for the title. This, by the way, there was some skeptics in our publishing that were annoyed that the dreams would say blitz. Thats nazi, blitzkrieg, but its a football term and means aggressively rushing the faster. Which is what trump did to Elijah Cummings. Good point. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, david. Im mark tapson, see you on the next Freedom Center webinar. Youre watching booktv on cspan2 with top nonfiction

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