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Basically a country where 30 or 40 or 5060 percent of people are in the middle. And what government to get something done. And we aint doing it. David and doesnt mean that we wont. We have come from very hard and baffling times. Very pessimistic to times. David inappropriate behavior times as far as leadership. Bullying come through the mall. Im very we do come through them. These difficult times. These dark dark sky times. When you come through, were better for having done it read people talk about that was a simpler time back then. No it wasnt. There was a simpler time. Things have never been so bad are so dark. So for voting. Yes they have. And if you dont understand that, he dont understand the reality of our story. Like to point out the influenza epidemic with my parents and your parents probably went through pretty 1918 and 1919. 500,000 americans died of the disease. A disease that they they didnt know where it came from, didnt know if it would ever go away at all how to cure it. If that were to happen today, given the size of our population proportion to our population, 1,500,000 people would die. In less than one year. Now it imagine if there were in the nightly news overnight. Would all be even more terrified. Could be next in our family to die. Injustice and depression in the civil war, horrible times. But we came through them. Because we have the faith that we would and could. And because we understood that the much consequence, have accomplished alone. Has to be a joint effort. Thats what they have come back to and understand. Host the tolerance and insistence of truth in the good hearted and some the american people. Theyre theyre still playing them. Then you added, 2004 speech the you answered that 90 percent of american share those values. How does that square with what we did election last november. David this is not an answer. This is part of the answer. Lets not forget in the popular vote, Hillary Clinton one by almost 3m votes read so innocent though it was a landslide. And donald trump really one by very narrow margin. We have several major problems obviously. One is that that poison a big money involved here. The idea that members of congress dialing for dollars everyday. Half the time. The fact that where have become a nation of spectators. We sit around and watch things all of the time. Watch television, let somebody else do the performing to entertain us. Not to doing things as much as we should. And were not making anything on her own. Not getting out there having to solve these problems. The statue of everybody of course. Where eventually generous. Immensely ontopic. We care sincerely and with fervor about education still. And we should be infinitely proud whats been achieved in the last 200 years in the way of the greatest universities the world. The same problems. Yes the cost has gotten out of hand. But there is no institutions in Higher Learning anyone or comparable to our own. Omar has been in all of history. This is an immensely admiral an important accomplishment. Just as innocent and memorable that we are making advances in medicines such as no one ever imagined. I think that future historians will say looking back, the politics and the military and political upheavals all over the world. All very important. But look what was happening in medicine. Look what has happened just in our lifetime. We were looking at diseases the john kennedy in the new exhibit is about to open, the diseases the kennedy, rose kennedy, John Kennedys mother. When little file card that he had has as a child, and my wife and i each had two brothers who had infantile paralysis. Just even exist anymore. Scarlet fever. All of that spring to mention the dna or successful transplant organs. Spoiled. We have pin given so much that we are ungrateful and we should be making are teachers heroes. We should be celebrating them. [applause]. We should have major awards and statues, the Great Teachers that shaped the lives of so many people. I feel that our teachers are doing the most important work of any of us pretty and we all are to get behind them to make sure they understand we are all for them. [applause]. Host being married to an educator, i would second that. Before leave the subject of her current residence. We think john kennedy would think of trump steps pretty. David [laughter]. We all know. He would be embarrassed. He would be appalled. You wouldnt believe it. Weve never had anything like this happen. Never as anyone remotely so inappropriate the responsibilities of the presidency and the job. [applause]. And virtually everyday he makes sure that we know this ignores that we thoughts. [laughter]. Is if we have put someone in the pilot seat was never flown a plane. Kent doesnt think its important to know how to fly the plane. Just a little surprised about how much more complicated it is that he realized. [laughter]. Of the fact that this guy with healthcare, it was so complicated. I was in College History major. One of the things that a boy struck me would be through which history has seen through the different prisms produce social historians, economic historians political and demographic historians. Natural resources historians pretty goes on and on. But whatever prism you are looking through, you see history can see history differently. What kind of historian are you. David i am not a historian. I am not free to have no advanced degrees in history. Never studied history the way i would firework and academic. Im a writer. Who took up writing about people, real people and events that really happened. My job is to tell that accurately accurately as possible with the basic conviction that histories human. It is about people. But the Human Potential and limitations. It is about good people and bad people. Is about the home x. And its about stories the really happened. A big influence on me as a writer of history, was barbara, said that it no teaching history effectively writing about history. Tell stories. It is what i am trying to do. Im also trying to bring down to front and center stage, people live in the background more than they deserve to have been. John evans. Like the builders of the Brooklyn Bridge of the people who made it success at panama happen. And it women. Abigail adams. Now catherine wright, the sister of the two Wright Brothers. I dont think it wouldve succeeded and theyve never got an adequate credit for that. I hope that my book does that. Exist to the point where she has recognized pretty because not only have been important. But interesting. An admirable is human being. Host im also surprised as people who have been seen this heroes they do not care as well as the historian eyes is a renaissance and etc. I think john kennedy is very now read. David pending very well. Liberally in a point where we stand really pass judgments. Truman said have to wait 50 years for the dust to settle. 750 years. He will begin, its not just went before him, but he was followed him. As he compared to that. Learn the consequences of decisions he made didnt make. We need to look much more at the importance of the decisions that the presence didnt make is important is decisions that they did. Eisenhower made not go into vietnam for example. Decision the john adams made his president not to go to work with france which the whole country was trying to do. It would been catastrophic catastrophic if we had done so. This is all a big part of it. Kennedy, the problem will be set off so soon. We very rarely take the president serious as the others is only served one term. Theres a president who didnt even served one term. Content, look what a foot print, when markey left our sense of who we are. Host is someone who had written volumes about johnson. In their terrific books until great stories. It is interesting that you really have to look at the kennedy presidency seems to me in the presidency that falls because johnson might not have been inclined to be so ideology full with his predecessors, really took his predecessors to heart. And became an. Its amazing how that really many respects johnson may have been able to do things the kennedy could not have done. David it be hard by two been more different from each other. Im sure when you say you interviewed 11 president s pretty. Host nine. David [laughter]. I interviewed i think seven or six or Something Like that. And gotten to know those. What strikes me is how different they are from one another. Really different. Jimmy carter compared to say George Hw Bush bill clinton. Some of them in my view, deserve more focus and attention. The way that my instinct is, gerald ford deserves more attention than hes received. He deserves first rate biography. Because any think of all that happened in the very time that he was precedents, and when you think of what he coped with. Could kill them twice. His wife suffering from alcoholism. I was here on the profiles on the encouraged panel, the year you gerald ford profiles in courage or because of his pardoning nixon. And when he did that, you know it would probably cost him reelection prideaux most certainly. And he did it anyway. He did the right thing. Saved us all kinds of grief pretentious behavior. People all roles. The big difference today is start taking a look at gerald ford. I discovered it this, the volume of material that you have to deal with. As a researcher, as a biographer, is overwhelming and otherwise youre just sort of skimming through all this material. What is in this collection here. Could keep one doing research for full lifetime and get through all of it. But thats none of important that we all this wonderful material witnesses is staggering mountain to try to climb. Every book of the kind that i write and it biography and history is a joint effort. Two group project. Mia anderson copy editors page also have librarians and specialists that you want to interview. So when you see those acknowledgments in the back of biography mystery of those people are just there to be sort of tipping your hat. Those people all contributed enormously to result of the as it is. In a make it one more point charlie. The problem or not teaching history slows we should do. Not requiring history this course is requiring in college. A person colleges required of history. Thats wrong. I believe in required courses because for one thing, i think it is important. Yet americans have that stage of life are to understand some things are required. [laughter]. Surprise surprise. But the satisfaction from the ratification comes from working good people such as our in this library having help not just with think no their ideas. Suggestions with matthew might take. To make new discoveries. They are invaluable, he should never be in a new underestimated. Yes we have right now, some of thes finest writers ever, writing marvelous history and biography. Reaching a very large audience. People like robert carol and many others. We have superb documentary films being made. And broadcast by pbs and other networks. All that is important. Lofgren i think its because so many people today reach the age of 35 or 45 and 50 years old, they realize who dont know much the history of the other no. Im going to read that book im going to watch that documentary tonight. Host talking about history using revised pretty interesting things going on today. Your proud son of yellow. And im proud son of princeton. And because of the backgrounds, kristin has gone through agonies try to figure out exactly how to depict Woodrow Posen whose name is so closely associated with college. Now there are statutes. Develops to civil war leaders that are coming down. To the consternation of many who live in the south. When you think that finding revision history notes are those things proper. David start renaming everything. Because someone did something is no longer acceptable as being virtuous. Like owning slaves. Theres no end to how much you will have to rename including couple of our country. Have to take Washington Monument and so forth. I would much rather see a start to race statutes or rename monuments to those who didnt own slaves. And it did so contrary to the moment. Most importantly john adams. The only founding father president never owned a slave. In principle. This next president never undersigned, was son john quincy. There no great building same for either of them. The race statutes for either of them. I think taking the statue stands out is the right thing to do. Because most all of the statutes as you progress, but during the jim crow era. Numerous done at the time of the civil war. They were done in the early part of the 20th century. Network really saying that we who believe, and inequality of racial citizenship are professing we stand on this trip i would not have rename kaplan college. I certainly wouldnt take wilsons name off of buildings at princeton if it were my decision. I dont want us to start renaming our cities and towns. Im more interested in giving more attention to people we have ignored. Getting too worked up about too much attention to the wrong people. Host youve mentioned and you talked about the importance of history. And yet we are in a situation in this country where things are changing so fast. In this location of the job market for instance is incredible. There are those same 20 years, have the jobs maybe even more, the people will occupy what have not been invented yet. I was on the board of my college for eight years. The graduating seniors would stand up and we would sitting upon the stage looking at them and when i went in the port from first graduation i had was 2007. There were a handful of graduates and computer technology. When at the barn 2015 come the number was huge. Number of engineers, stand up is growing exponentially. Okay said the day said that if youre a student in college for me should study one of three things. Artificial intelligence, energy or the biosciences can talk about social sciences or humanities apartments of those things what are the given how fast things are changing. Few or do you think the kid should be more word as a graduate about what is changing and how change and how to adapt. How to prepare themselves for job market that is so uncertain. David an i may be stuck in my ways. So out of rhythm with the realities of modern hightech society, and i confess to it. Today is a computer. I dont know how to work the computer. Right on a manual typewriter. [laughter]. [applause]. Host which kind of a phone you have. [laughter]. You talk into a pop tart. David are you ready. Where the heck is it. [laughter]. Way ahead of all of you. There it is. [laughter]. And they tell me about all of the things they can do. And thats wonderful. Ill all i want is a telephone. I think the decline of the emphasis on the humanities the very serious mistake. I really do. Lets suppose that you come out of university with a degree in chemistry have a degree in hightech communications or whatever. None might get you very good job right away. That might be due to very important and constructive career. But if you come out of college knowing how to use the english language, you are going to be a rare bird of great value. Naturally. Almost half of the law schools in our country today, now require their incoming freshmen in the College Graduates to take a course in basic writing because they dont know how to write a presentable letter or report or analysis that sort of thing. They dont know how to express themselves in our language. This is not only handicapped, it is a risky trend. Any kind of reasonably Civilized Society incapable of using the english language in expressing yourself in words, and also have no sense of the pants of her country. The nation. His sweet really held back to serious drawbacks to your qualifications, leadership in all fields. It must be encouraged minor students in our universities and colleges. Theres a lot of us working hard to bring back humanities. And with good reason. Think of the jobs that are open and people can use english language, who know how to write. Who know how to think in the english language. Words are what we think with. Our vocabulary is declining. Very specific proof of all of this. Our children today, their vocabularies less when our generation is. Words are what we think with. Thinking by the way is important. [laughter]. One of my favorite of all discoveries in the diaries of john adams, they kept marvelous diaries. By the way no one would keep a diary anymore. It is true predict he can subpoenaed and used against you in court. But an entry january 15th or whatever, would take at home thinking. [laughter]. [laughter]. Could you imagine if somebody washington today were so right that for her diary is an honest record of what they did that day. Thinking. Host i would add one addendum to what you said. Perhaps reflects the profession for much income. Theres no question that the ability to write is something of a lost art for students. A very good friend of mine is actually president at princeton. I had dinner with recently and she was about to read five oral argument presentations for phd candidates. And i said how good were the theses and she said well, two of them were legibly written. Three of them were not very good. The addendum i would add is also the ability to present your argument verbally. David oh yes absolutely. Host to be able to present and defend your argument poorly. Warren buffett said recently that he could predict anybody was a good speaker and who could logically present an argument do it verbally to a crowd, and urge people to learn to speak publicly. He said you make 50 percent more in lifetime than you will if you cant do that. Search for me. [laughter]. Lord knows what i couldve done. But its important. Both of those things. I think what you are saying, so important because of that dislocation of the job market. You dont know what you going to be doing 20 years from now. And so in basic grounding, and moral thought and in the humanities and social sciences and history, because the critical thing is to be adaptive. You can adapt yourself to a changing environment in the workplace. Sue and i would like to read something if i may from one of John Kennedys speeches. I think cannot be more valid or relevant to todays situation. I think this is a man slid into the job still. But not new to what the proper objective of education and learning and Civilized Society should be. I look forward to in america which reporteds achievement in the arts as we reward achievement in business or state grant. Look forward to in america which commands respect throughout the world not only for its strength, before civilization. This country cannot afford to be material of rich and spiritually poor. Artistic Great Unifying and humanizing experience. Life of the arts, far from being an eruption, distraction and the like of the nation. Its very close to the center of the nations purpose. It is a test of equality, tested equality, domination civilization. I am certain that after the dust of the centuries has passed over our cities, we need to well remain a member but not for victories of defeat in battle or on politics are contributions to the human spirit. [applause]. Yes. Host yes. David . Host so that, may invite any of you who have questions. U. S. You to keep them brief. I would say that to the audiences. Demings speech. Winemaking your way to the microphone, just a quick russians. Most interesting person you have a meds and once you have researched. David one was the most, just died last few months. Tom should have been a name for everybody no tom changed history in a very few human beings avenue. Yes is largely unknown except the medical profession. Tom startled the physician who successfully made the first double transplant organ transplant, success. He change that whole realm. One man. Who kept on. For the theme of this book, salina at the beginning. From George Washington. It couldnt be more true and certainly, true of tom. He was interested in everything. Washington said, perseverance and spiritist and wonders in all ages. You gotta keep at it. You dont give up. If you get knocked down, you dont lie there and whimpered wine. You continue on. And i think that is something we all need to be reminded up. And are reminded of the examples such in the story of her own country. Host the most interesting person you have researched. David i think right now manning Vanessa Cutler. Boy talk about in my commencement speech that i gave at Ohio University. He was a preacher massachusetts. In a church there. He was also doctor, also a lawyer and practiced all three of these professions having introduced degrees in all three. And as a man who convinced the Continental Congress in the summer of 1787 before we had a constitution to create what was known as the northwest ordinance. That was the territory ceded to us by britain at the end of the revolutionary war. Mary and the size of all of our 13 colonies. And no roads, no bridges, no towns, nothing. But wilderness. In molds and native americans and rattlesnakes in paris you name it. They specified, passed by congress, it would be total religious freedom in this area which would be made into states, five states. They rubio ohio, indiana, illinois, michigan, and wisconsin. The total freedom of religion. It would be Government Support for education from grade school all of the way through college. Hence the beginning of the first six universities. And there would be no slavery. The mansion, sandy kobe of the constitution pretty either before national government, with the president of the United States eliminated slavery, frivolous half geographically of our country. A phenomenal accomplishment in this one man. He virtually pulled it off. And he was a classic polymath. Benjamin franklin. He was a brilliant but this pretty is an astronomer. His most interesting man. [laughter]. He qualifies high. It. Host i know of this for of the five states way for Hillary Clinton. [laughter]. Yes or over here. Guest massachusetts or rhode island, im worried about four years from now, it is a seem to be a leader in the Democratic Party. We have the name seth who looks pretty damn good. But its customary coming singlet an expert in freedom when we filling was with the next leader of the Democratic Party would be. David s i can tell you i personally before. Absolutely joe biden. If back is a man of character. Hes also had experience. Both personal and professional. Grace been down and gotten back up and away the justice admirable and extreme. Somebody will come forth. And somebody is very strong character and admirable attitude. And someone to come forth in the Republican Party if this present occupant doesnt last much longer. Host is very interesting, and glad, this first time that had chance to be white house reporter. And the decency of the guy to do that, but he did with nixon. His persistence would be good to gibber the house. He said today he is the presidency. He was the right man for the moment. It is amazing the genius of the american system, how it sends to bring this people to the top. David he was a grownup. [laughter]. And a gentleman. Host i dont know that suppercaseletter. But i think i do. Over here. Guest books based largely newspapers and documents and letters and those are some sources. So few people write letters today. Newspapers seem to be in decline. What sources future writers were used. See what i think the have a lot of trouble prematurely. The have no letters or diaries to go by. They wrote you know what we are like. Only right by computer might not last. Theres a very good chance enough a lot of it will cost. This is exactly heartfelt crystal expression of the kind of letters and diaries have. As too bad. If any of you, by any chance are interested in and mortality. [laughter]. Start keeping a diary. When about anything you want every day. And keep on doing it until you reach the point we think the curtain may about ready to come down. Then commit to Massachusetts Historical Society they will be quoted forever. There will be the only diary in existence. [laughter]. Host mentioned in the book, that your reading diary of Elisabeth Reed pennsylvania, the 18th century. David are not. So the guy. Guest book is about speeches that you have given. I was wondering if you would comment upon the ability of president kennedy in his capacity as a person who gave speeches. In a very brief presidency. And this seems he gave many memorable speeches of. I think more so than any other politician who was around the Television Age growing can actually see and hear and listen to the speeches. Im just wondering if you would comment upon that ability. David if he had done nothing but give the speeches that he gave, he would be of value in enforcing their history. It was extraordinary. I let speeches stand the test of time and away the dissent the usual case worried except from abraham lincoln. Of course Franklin Roosevelt to pretty low no one is used words such power and effectiveness at the moment. As kennedy did. When i gave the address in dallas. When kennedy was killed. I devoted of most everything i said two excerpts from what kennedys own words were. Because not only than he is, since nature of this man. s personality and talents as a leader. But the gift he had to use the language. He was in his way the master literary figure. A great reader and he understood the use of the language. The power of words. Host is a lost art totally. But make the case book barack obama speaks in a convention and then, a speech on religion that was so important in diffusing that issue in obamas speech on race in philadelphia was one of the great speeches and a president has said. David is a very powerful speaker. Anything there. Of considerable importance. I think he has been an inspiration to many of people in a way the president ought to be. Host [applause]. Guest thank you very much. It is a pleasure means both of you. Firstly on to say thank you for all the information on john and abigail john quincy. I was a park ranger for a summer for the Adams Historical site. Everything you say and more about those people, he made the president s. Also some of the redactor. But anna the comment on the belief that integration be required. Im a professor of social studies methods to teach both in service and future teachers. There are Elementary School teachers. He said that is the families and the lack of learning about history and culture and learning to live with others and appreciate differences in suckling on the house. What about in the Elementary School. I got around to lots of Elementary Schools. Hundreds and until there is no time for social studies. We only have half an hour a week. Went to do math science and reading. I point this out at the National Conference and i couldnt can answer some wondering what yours is pretty. David my feelings, very strong feelings as a way to get young people involved in history. Best time to get them is in grade school. Because they want to know. It but the president s and heroes accomplishment and so forth. And they love stories. Their wonderful books that can be used at the gradeschool level. And in my own case, i was swept away in Grade School Student by a book called benami. But a mouse that lived in Ben Franklins hats. [laughter]. Absolutely marvelous book. I cant, then grow up as one of the very large family and the famous old church in philadelphia treated and then bend the nails. [laughter]. s name is amos mills. I cant ever, going to the church wonder if any of this with the families descendents in the church. Sitting in the salisbury. [laughter]. One of our granddaughters was in a class in grade school and the children, eating first lady are present, it that you want to be paid enough to put on a show for all of you mothers and fathers in your point introduce yourself as the president soandso. And talk about yourself rid my granddaughter caroline was harry truman. [laughter]. In the conference was Franklin Roosevelt read the night of the gathering the parents, these Little People came out there and gave a wonderful account of who they were what they did and why they should be known about. All of us just amazed. One of the surf that not one of those children will ever forget which president they were. It will be with them for the rest of their lives. That is the kind that will work wonders in many ways. We need to bring i called lamb technique to teaching history more than we have. This is true all the way through. High school college. Get them involved in a project where they have to do the work. They have to dig in and get their hands dirty. The research. They shouldnt just hand them everything. And say heres what need to know. Heres why this is important. So to be in the test pretty no. Get them pumped by getting involved in a detective case aspect of it. That works like else. Mr. Reed. Guest you mentioned the importance of universities. The worldclass universities that we have great assets of the country. The two elements of universities today the firstly find dismaying. One is the emphasis on political culture. Pc. Mainly administrators seeming to fall into the track of protecting their students from controversial opinions. Inviting bubble rooms. For example, one of you could comment on that in the second situation, the defendant dismaying the other day to watch cspan it was sure to africanamerican professors theres also to feminist professors, both in wellknown user universities were talking about the relevance of the constitution. Since they were not blacks and women are not part of the decisionmaking at the time, was wondering if you could comment on that as well. David very easy question wouldnt you say. [laughter]. Is appalling. Its very disturbing. Very unsettling. I personally this may be too simplified of our response. Indicate that i really dont understand the actual workings of modernday president of the universities life and decision. But i think when that happens, lack of leadership on the part of whoevers running that university. Not just the present, but the faculty. The politically correct mode is awful. It is unrealistic. This have anything to do that understanding reality. Men were not that kind of a country. We are still able to express our opinions of the soap without fear of being attacked or degraded or made to feel a fool. Host soon speakers are counseled because of student uprisings, and places, 100 students work out of the notre dame graduation speech given by the vice president. When speeches are canceled by the california berkeley because students do not agree with the opinions of those about speak. I presume you would oppose that. So to other people who are trying to be provocative in the way they hold the speeches pretty. David over the president of the university remember of the faculty with Something Like this happened. I would speak out in favor of a different attitude. And hope that the majority of the students and members of the faculty in the alumni would be persuaded in the sense that i was seeking was the right one. Im surprised at how few University President s take any position politically. I dont understand it. Is it because they were afraid that damage their ability to raise money. I dont know. But in the old days, it was note was. They spoke out and they voice their opinions. Host how by the second part of the question. And the fact that perhaps there are people in this country because they did not represent them did not feel they were fully rep. In the earlier days. Its not important. David there are 17 amendments of the constitution that has done a lot to straighten out the level of the playing field. Guest 200 i may. One of the things we need to do is teach the constitution. [applause]. I dont know how many of you have seen the test of the new americans coming in the history of the country. Probably two thirds of the country to pass the test. But they had to pass it. And they do. And some of the most biggest readers enthusiasts for american historys that i have met over the years, our immigrants. Who cant understand how few people among us how many among us know almost nothing about the history of our country. It doesnt have to stay that way. Guest i know when youre researching your book, see where the people working lived. Once the relevance in your mind of todays and what we soon preserve them pretty soon im sorry, the importance of, you actually mentioned in the book, the menu are doing, and history of an individual. Did you know and see, first of all you reap what they read. And you go a look at the houses and where they grew up in with their surroundings were. Why is and 40 how important should be considered that as people who might be interested in a particular historic figure. David i think its essential. Let us remember that very distinctive traits that are common among animals. One is that we are embedded in childhood, by written environment by our terrain pretty book on the is out there. All the rest. We grow up in some section or other. We dont realize but we think that it comes from that environment. So if you dont understand somebody is going to that environment and seek only the people for example, many of the common popular traits and characteristics and where he plays of harry truman, hugo out to the independence missouri spent time there, you realize that the way a lot of people are pretty and see expressions use that language as he is. I stressed very strongly finally get to read but the roads, projected brief but they read. And what were the books of the guiding literary experience the youth of their childhood. I remember reading a wonderful line with john adams letters to abigail it in which he said, men not succeed in this struggle. We may not prove fruit proves successful but we can deserve it. I read that i thought well, nobody thinks like that. We can deserve it even if we dont win. And, i mean, some months later many under George Washington wrote and there is the same sentence. The same observation. Host is a plagiarist print. David no washington. [laughter]. Nineteenth century, then in use . Action according something pretty need to know it. They know it. This was the line by joseph adams from play in all Credit Ratings for most popular literary accomplishments of the 18th century. This happens again and again. Their shaped my what they read. And by what we agreed. This characteristic of the time in which they were living. Always felt i had to go market seen smoke or whatever. And i can walk the walk. If you like them entering into the lives of these people are just as real and just as alive as we are. No longer ramps. Guest a long long time ago gerald ford was my congressman. As soon as i sit here and the kind words that you have to say about him. Because lots of people really do not appreciate the kinds of things that he did for this country. So thank you for those comments. Ill be looking forward to the book that is coming out about gerald ford and she said could be written. [laughter]. Host is a wonderful historian who was president of the ford library. Well think hes written a biography. Guest this is the defendant note amazingly profound evening for me, hearing you talk. One of the issues ive had many years, is that kids are not taught civics anymore. I took civics in the eighth grade read been a political junkie all my life. I want to talk to people about things like the constitution, a study law in history and government major. Im appalled by the total lack of knowledge. The disinterest in the constitution. The kids are taught basic civics and grade school, the chances that they will carry that interest and concern responsibility on entered also is pretty slim. Cyanobacteria thought that i would love to know what can we do to bring it back. David make it required. Truly. Absolutely. [applause]. Be required. One of the things about the military academies as they all require it. In many ways, the graduates are coming away with an advantage of students in regular universities do not necessarily that habit. When i was in college, we had to take a science course two. The work that was out, pretty commonly understood, the easiest science course must geography. Excuse me, geology. So i immediately signed up for geology. Host is called rocks for jocks. [laughter]. David yes. The professor was professor clint. Richard fled. [laughter]. Of course teams and is rocky flats. And rocky flats was very tall superman severe looking man. And very impressive. And ill never forget. In many others went through the same course would never forget it. But for the state we walked out onto the stage. And heres what he said. Imagine the Empire State Building. Now imagine a bible lying flat on top of the Empire State Building. Now imagine time lying flat on the bible. In the Empire State Building represents the history of the earth. The bible represents the history of life on earth not in the nine represents the history of human life on earth. This is an important question. I covered a lot of local government in my time and City Councils and School Boards. The interest in what School Boards are doing it varies. Depending on controversy that they are very accessible to lobby by the public if you go to School Board Member you should require civics and enough people do it, civics will be required. [applause] is somebody like jfk would take office today how would he approach those Foreign Policy change on dash challenges we are facing now . Knowledgeably. [laughter] [applause] he was a natural born diplomat that he understands upon the sea is essential in life and between nations. I went back after i heard the inaugural speech last november and reread jfk inaugural speech the wellknown quotes are much remembered but one is to those people in the hudson village of mass misery we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves for whatever period is required not because we seek their votes but because it is right. Contrast that to last november every decision on trade, taxes, immigration, foren affairs is made to benefit American Workers and american families. Thats a real contrast. Hello. I one of the youngsters in the crowd. [applause] and you have given me a lot of homework. [laughter] my question is the fact you have 19 grandchildren . What is one message you constantly telling them as they are growing up and what is that message or that theme what is the key that is so important nowadays and in the future . I have considerable irish blood in my background and i dont just give them one. Im not capable of just one. [laughter] but one of my favorite quotes its framed on the mantelpiece in our house and they all see it and know it was from Jonathan Swift who said may live all the days of your life. Live every day. Live all the days of your life. Thats what matters. Getting the most out of life while you are alive. And that energy feeds on expending energy and Theodore Roosevelt once said black hair rarely sits behind a writer whose pace is fast enough you dont mope or feel sorry for yourself. Selfpity is an ugly human inclination but get up and do things and accomplish something make the world a little one the world a little better help other people. Be kind. Have empathy and put yourself in the other persons place and try not to be boring. [laughter] its not fair. Thats unkind to your friends or family. [laughter] good evening. I am a history teacher here in cambridge massachusetts number one what are you currently reading right now for enjoyment . When im working on a book i dont read anything but all that i need to read to be confident enough to write that books are right now im reading all about the Northwest Territory and biographies and autobiographies of the whole cast of characters. Ive always wanted to write a book about people youve never heard of. I would love to have the capacity in the story itself to get you into the tent and not rely on, whats the word . Celebrities. I was greatly influenced as a student in college by Thorton Wilder and his novels and play. If they could write a book about real people in a real town and have sufficient material to get inside their lives in nature . And drawing on letters and diaries and so forth. I found that in a collection in marietta ohio which was the first settlement in the Northwest Territory people who all came out from here they were veterans of the revolutionary war and adequately compensated with what was then called script and it was worthless so they word compensate for that terrible oversight some of these people were veterans of the revolution who had been through eight years of difficulty and then they go out to start a whole new community in the middle of the wilderness and unable to get into their lives in a way you couldnt do for a group of people today because we wont leave that type of a record. Every imaginable thing that could go wrong went wrong but they would not give up. And, this is important we tend to misjudge people because they are members of this group or that group or this religion or that religion of those we misjudged this idea they were black and stuffy and boring and had no fun. Not true. They wore colorful close they would sing and dance with parties and many admirable objectives and one was educatio education. It was essential in part of their faith and to see how they took that idea of education out to the unoccupied wilderness to create these towns and civilizations exactly what they try to achieve back here is exciting. I want to know more about it ever undertaken a subject i didnt know about if i knew all about it i wouldnt want to write the book because thats the Adventure Learning all about it and im learning what it was like to be a pioneer in that day and age. With that we will wrap things up i asked david to do one more thing before i send you on your way but i really do appreciate you spending an hour and a half being attentive as you have been somebody that used to do two hours of Live Television every morning i can tell you thats an exercise of bladder control. [laughter] so is being here for an hour and a half and as attentive as you have been. I read the book i wanted to find something appropriate for the evening a good way to wrap it up. I think all of us profoundly remember the. After 9 11. It was a very special time in this country that there was wonderful unity that i wish were still around in our society. We are in a position now we cannot talk to each other and that is dismaying and the speech just after 9 11 and david said this. It is said everything is change but everything has not changed. This is plain truth. We are still the strongest, most productive, wealthiest, most creative, most ingenious, most generous nation in the world with the greatest freedoms of any nation of the world of any nation at all time. [applause] thank you. [inaudible conversations] looking at the programs conclude with his account of the pioneers who settled the Northwest Territory becoming a future state of illinois indiana, ohio, michigan, and wisconsin he spoke about the book at the ohio statehouse in 2019. [applause] i will give david a moment. Thank you all for coming. Thank you for your patience. What a beautiful day. I am the executive director of the Library Association and on behalf of of our board of trustees and first lady, we welcome you to this wonderful day, this gorgeous day of what will be a truly memorable hour with one of greatest authors and historians David Mccullough. [applause] for those of you who may not be familiar founded in 1929 by ohio firstnd lady. Ms. Cooper an avid reader who. There should be a collection of books of ohio writers of ohio books from that idea the library was born in today the book awards and book festivals to connect readers and writers to promote our state as one of the truly great literary centers of the United States. 2019 marks the 90th anniversary and can you think of anyone who is more perfect to add luster to your 90th celebration and then David Mccullough. [applause] three years ago in this very room he attended the awards for the Wright Brothers. How many ofyear you have read tt book . He told us at that time he was working on a new book he was excited about we asked him to come back and share it with us and we are grateful he has brought his lovely wife rosalie, and his son. Welcome. Also a special thank you to our sponsors Area Corporation and Capital Square foundation which i am pleased to say is bringing doris colonel lawrence on Doris Kearns Goodwin here. And also to cspan you can see his recording this event live for book tv. And finally a very special thanks to the first lady whos been a great supporter of ours to a tradition going back to our founder mrs. Cooper. Thank you while i say thank you to first ladies hope taft and all those have been very involved and i might add that hope and francis brought their husbands. Thank you for coming. [applause] bringing people together of all parties some of you say was such unity may be we should put mccullough 2020. [laughter] we just began putting together the event and she told me she and the governor were huge mccullough fans and said let us know if we can help we are so grateful that you have with mike introduce david there was an enthusiastic yes im delighted to introduce someone who served her stay in many capacities and since january the 70th governor of ohio. [applause] thank you very much good morning everyone. We are delighted to join to celebrate the 90th anniversary. If you have not been to their book festival, it will come up again next year. Dont miss it if you love ohio writers and want to meet them, its a great opportunity. Friend was there this year unfortunately my schedule is not correct and i was somewhere else but i guarantee it will be there next year. Was our pleasure y to welcome David Mccullough, his wife on wife rosalie and son bill and the Research Assistant of the state of ohio. This pittsburgh native while researching his magnificent book on the Wright Brothers walked to the perry in Greene County where they perfected flying and spent a great deal of time one of the bicycle and print shops and in the Wright Brothers archives at Wright State University this pittsburgh native also spent many a day at Marietta College and nights at the Lafayette Hotel on the banks of the river. He did that working on his new book which you are all holding i think everybody has got one, the pioneers he said it best himself a grip on the ohio river in pittsburgh where ther story begins so its in my bloodstream to. A twotime Pulitzer Prize winner to National Book awards and recipient of the president ial medal of freedom. For over 50 years he has informed us and inspired us and introduced us to fascinating characters to bring new insight in introspective for understanding of historical figures we thought we already knew and he told us more about. We are delighted to have him today it has been said you could have the character of David Mccullough writing history as effortlessly as if he was telling a good after dinner antidote once referencing his apparently unquenchable enthusiasm for research that makes his book so compelling and although he writes with a skill he never resorts to the license to event never draws a conclusion not backed by hard facts. His books are always filled with fascinating subject matter Fascinating Research and detailed pros. And one of my favorite quotations one of the truth about history that needs to be made clear to a student is that nothing ever had to happen the way it happened. Probably by the and ted to think a politician. [laughter] it doesnt always have to happen that way. My friend loves his pros but is fallen in love with his voice and loves to listen to him read the Wright Brothers book and i must tell you, i worry a little bit and became a little jealous when she started to listen to your rendition of the Wright Brothers w book for the third time. [laughter] i love your voice also but i was a little concerned. [laughter] we are thrilled once again his immense talent to tell a truly ohio story taking the stories of the five earliest settlers to bring them to life these remarkable americans risked their lives by leaving the comfort of new england to be a part of the settling of our state. I must admit that my favorite mccullough book is about harry truman. He writes a stirring account of the come from behind campaign in 1948 and our lesson for Anyone Running for office you can be your own person and do itit your way and despite what the experts say you cant win. Please help me will come back to ohio again David Mccullough. [applause] thank you governor and all of you. Never in my life has such a warmhearted uplifting appreciated welcome as we have had since wee arrived in ohio several days ago. To began are talk with the pioneers down in marietta and columbus. The generosity, the good spirits the honesty and the decency. Is so prevalent and apparent that i hope you dont ever take itr for granted thank you. Dont get too big for your britches. And the dedication to community and family which are so important are major objectives in this wonderful society and civilization or whatever you call it. That our predecessors that we still believe then are so espoused to come across the subject by chance. And to talk about the role of luck in history the role of luck in life. Good luck or bad luck. And to give the commencement speech at Ohio University in 2004. I excepted and i realize i know nothing about Ohio University so i began to do a little homework and i was told or read the oldest building on campus is called cutler hall. Who was cutler . I soon found out and once i found out i became entranced with the mans career. The fact he went to yale where i had graduated and lives in massachusetts and the fact the first job after graduating from college on Marthas Vineyard island and the fact my wifes family and the fact that his son ephraim was born in Marthas Vineyard and the fact in order to getet to ohio you have to go to pittsburgh. [laughter] and the first copy and then to be published in cincinnati but then i dont know if it was by samuel eldreth or who but the National Publisher that was a. S. Barnes was my wife rosalies greatgrandfather so there is a connection we cant deny or take for granted. The big change the big revelation that here was something that after i finish the Wright Brothers to get down to marietta there is a collection of archival material and my assistant is the greatest researcher in America Today saw this breathtaking collection that we had open king tuts tomb and it was thrilling. So let me just try to describe not that there is so much of it literally there are thousands of letters in memoirs journals and maps and data off all kinds and magnificent Oil Paintings but the quality of it all. And the quality of the thinking and then to express what we were brokenhearted about. How they were suffering and all the work they had to do. And the epidemic disease and a natural fiasco. Storms and earthquakes all of it happening one after another. Compared to that we are all a bunch of softies. Truly. [laughter] i could go on for hours of the lessons of history and why it is so beneficial and important so two of the most important lessons to be passed on to children and grandchildren the first is empathy to put yourself in the other persons place and imagine what life might have been like then its the same for people of their own time to understand why other people feel as they do. Empathy. And second gratitude and all that other people do for our benefit and have done long ago and we should never take that for granted and one of the things that we do take for granted is a Public School system and that all men are created equal. And those National Life began here. Here in ohio why . Because of one man efrom cutler. The northwest ordinance, 1787 states very clearly there will be publicli education. There will be complete freedomof of religion. Attitude toward the native americans that is fundamentally respectful and decent. Sld and and, there will be no slavery. Remember there were slaves in every original 13 colonies. So all men are created equal yes 150 slaves in the slave quarters. No. It will not be that way in ohio they determinedua. And that was due primarily if not entirely to Vanessa Cutler who wrote the basic tenets of the northwest ordinance and to his son ephraim. That Vanessa Cutler was a doctor of law and medicine and divinity all three at once and practiced all three. Probably almost certainly the leading american botanist of his day, astronomer, languages and then in the good life and then with those i have come to knowo. And then to have too much going on back home in massachusetts which is just north of boston and his church is still there and superb condition to come to ohio is still there. And his son came out here with his wife and four children. To be young and hopeful. And the rocky ground in an england coming down the ohio river to have the children died ofer disease. On the banks of the river. They arrive here mrs. Cutler stepped off and turned her ankle badly and suffering from disease himself when he arrived here. They knew no one so they had to began as everybody had to do it with hard work. Night and day every day and all the children worked right away. Now even keller didnt have the education his father had very important to keep in mind. I was asked in an interview just the other day of all the scenes in my book which do i wish i couldve been there to watched . I knew right away. There was aa big movement that came after the election of thomasth jefferson the jeffersonians will call it they didnt have a party name it. If they decided they would get rid of this rule to introduce slavery into ohio. To people in the legislature were leading the charge to stop that from keeping it into turning into a slave state rufus putnam was a and a leader on an effective leader. And he is absolutely devoted to stopping this change and he could hardly get out of bed. There is even some question if you would even survive. The day of the vote rufus putnam came into the boarding house room nearby and was old enough to be his father. You must get well and was according to your own measure according to one account putnam and another man carried them on the stretcher no reliable evidence he wrote on the i went to the convention to move to strike out the obnoxious matter as i was able. It was an act of fortitude and the result to never be forgotte forgotten. And the past by a majority of one vote only. Because he got up from his suffering and voted it was stopped and there would be no slavery. Not just in ohio but all of the Northwest Territory which included indiana, illinois, indiana, illinois, michigan and wisconsin. Imagine if the slaves were admitted and what wouldve happened. There would have been no underground railroad or Harriet Beecher stowe. Or Uncle Toms Cabin are the most influential novel written by any american. And the whole picture would have been different one man there is no statue of him. And to be totally forgotten so imagine the excitement we felt to hear all these letters. And that alone as well over 1000 pieces. And joe barker a wonderful carpenter who became the first architect. Rc very gifted and their own writings and intentionally. To have a sense of humor. And then they like to drink of course alcohol, whiskey was the only thing they had. Giving birth to a child or suffering they couldnt just give you a pain killer. We forget how important whiskey was as currency. They didnt have money to use. And and that we are so actively involved in this world that nobody ever lived in the past. There was no past. There is no past it was their present and they knew no better than we do how it would turn out. They didnt know they would succeed but they did not give up. Please keep in mind they did not come here to make a lot of money or become famous, or own a lot of fancy possessions. But to create a good society based on the background. And then to create a good society for children, family and they did not come here to stay here and work and raise families and i hear. And with that wonderful concentration of material and just beyond its part of the cemetery and rufus putnam said we have to preserve this. And then developers to tear it all down with a Community Graveyard and communities cemetery is the first example that i know of so they have history on their mind. And is ideal of education. It was not easy by efrom cutler. And to be in the legislature for ale long time and communicating at that time constantly am back home in marietta. Her name was sally. She was the second wife. The first wife died. Might the cost of their children to come here. He tended to overwork. Except on sunday. And then reading the bible one morning and contemplating do you know what day this is . It sunday. No its not a mistake in the was a traditional ritual and otherwise very often he didnt succeed we attempted to do. To pour out the anguish and frustration and irritation to his wife sally. Just returned from attending a meeting all the slumber and the adjoining room and the boarding house. The difficulty of making thickheaded mortals is sometimes vexing on the issue of Public Schools is necessary to make that possible. But this evening i had to contend theres nowhere to be found in with the demure looks beyond wary and like bloodsuckers to suck the public. See how things have changed . [laughter] and was fed up and truly tired of it. But by no means and the devotion to the cause of learning was no less than ever in effecting a change in taxation. And then he succeeded. Think of that. And then created Ohio University. The First University west of the allegheny mountains. I cannot arrest me the importance of that success of that crusade of his and it all goes back to his father who believe the establishment of the university was of utmost importance it was first object and that is the principal thing and with that wisdom i happen to feel very strongly are professors there was nobody doing work more in the long run. I think we can forget that underestimate the importance and then more respect and sense of appreciation im proud to say i have a son who is a High School Teacher im very glad who runs the preschool in new england. And im very indebted. And certain teachers in school and in college uplifted the sense of possibilities in life when we needed encouragement and i believe strongly in required forces. And then include writing should been required. Because it is essential to the best kind of education but i also think its important for young people to be reminded in life some things are required. [laughter] [applause] now i have to return to the Wright Brothers for a moment because i knew how they were raised and educated with those who first established education the Wright Brothers as im sure you know were raised in a home you give it four of them in this room easily no indoor plumbing or indoor water system, no telephone, they had very little at all but also a house full of books by their father as a minister with mark twain and shakespeare they were good books and brought them up to read books that if you dont quite understand shakespeare all the more reason to read. He told them learn to use the english language correctly and effectively both on paper and on your feet no matter what location you intend to pursue those will carry you farther if any of these young men went to college that stress was without any question of lasting importance i remember the first time i started to read wilbur writes letters , the great connection at the library of congress, what a vocabulary. Doing my work on my book about americans in paris that preceded the Wright Brothers into which were in france at the turn of the century continuing into the 20th century. And lo and behold i ran into wilbur i thought what the hell is he doing in paris . [laughter] he supposed to be in a bicycle shop inn ohio. Then i read he was writing about was system on letters back to his sister and a father overseeing the great paintings at the louvre. To study the interiors of the great gothic cathedrals and i thought this isnt the way most of us think of Wilbur Wright and then i found out about catherine, his sister one of the most remarkable americans ive ever come to know. And she was one of the first women to go there. And her letters to them as well as the fathers letters were extraordinary. Anything they ever said or wrote that Wilbur Wright no bird ever sword in a calm. What does that mean cracks if you take it literally that you cannot take off into the air into the wind but in a way he says he will never amount to much if you dont have to face any adversity if everything is easy for you. And that is exactly the lessons to be experiencing again and again of the community at marietta of these principle characters. Suffering. David brooks has a new book out which i find very interesting and he talks about the good that comes out of suffering. And thats the story. And the high purpose involved wilbur and Orville Wrights father said its work of for the purpose never worry about how they will make money and wasnt on their mind much at all. But again the old values, tell the truth. Dont lie. Dont cheat, dont get too big for your britches. Be loyal to your friends here country and family and try to make yourself useful but is cutler established a school the whole third floor on top of the parsonage to create a private school not a minister of the church but also the schoolmaster. The theme was to be useful. And all of that is so fundamentally true and so obvious that we tend to forget it. Now in a way i guess if i had to confess, i am a shortterm pessimist with a longrange optimist. I think history shows that. And history is essential because it reminds us so vividly not only what can happen that is disastrous or cruel or unkind or costly for what super accomplishments could be made what should be taught and written about not just as politics in the military yes its important and yes it is very important its not even half ofof it. That music in science and medicine i firmly believe and 50 years looking back they will say the most important thing that wasim happening that we dont even and talk about what you think what has been accomplished just in our lifetime rosalie and i each had a brother sadly afflicted by polio the discovery of dna is a major change to make us feel very good about our time. And proud of the fact how much happened in this country because of education. So we should all not just appreciatete those becoming contact with that how much of the responsibility and obligation we have to make it better and open to everybody and make it possibleve for everybody and when i see a college like marietta i have to tip my hat to that wonderful Little College what they are doing their and their fact thend the helief of liberal arts and humanities and emphasis on the humanities is admirable in the extreme. You have 137 colleges and universities. Imagine suburban major universities and marietta is certainly one ofof them. Thats something for all of you to be proud of im proud to be a part of the ohio story. And i wrote my first love stletter in ohio i was a counselor at camp. On lake erie. The girl i wrote her a letter and we have been married for 65 years. [applause] and we both feel we are off to a good start. [laughter] [applause] she is my editor in chief. My secretary of the treasury. The chair of my ethics committee. [laughter] and my polar star. Please stand up. [applause] the speech that i gave at Ohio University 2004 was 15 years ago. That is one i put a lot of time and thought into i want to close my remarks this morning with the same remarks that i close that speech with. I still think they are valid 15 years ago and this is advice to the graduating class. It was there on that beautiful campus, i will never forget it with rosie and my son before driving appear to columbus to see how beautiful it is and to be reminded of that turning point in my life. Went bad news rides high and despair were loudmouth and corruption is center stage with some keep crying the country is going to the dogs , remember it has always been going to the dogs. [laughter] its always been going to the dogs in the eyes of some and 90 percent or more of the people are good people. Generous hearted, law abidin abiding, good citizens who get to work on time. Do a good job. Love their country, pay their taxes and care about their neighbors and their childrens education and believe rightly as you do and i do in the ideals upon which our way of life is founded. Thank you. [applause]

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