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Safe boston. And we have with us a variety of issues and do a lot of Educational Forums like this to talk but immigration. Tonight we are talking of i want to welcome the people assembled and welcome everybody who may have be watching live on the live stream and the people who are watching on cspan booktv, and i want to let you know that despite the covid regulations in boston, the cradle of lisch and were in lockdown all the time but what were doing is skirting the law and getting together for this wonderful event, and were going to talk about a very important book in our minds, more than 50 of it deals with immigration, legal and i will legal, and i would like everybody to welcome mr. Harlan chill mr. Ryan girdusky. [applause] apparently im going to be doing a marco rubio imitation all night so bear with me. Its very hot here in boston, and lets start, get right to it. Harlan is a political consultant. An adviser to the Trump Reelection Campaign we have seen him on cnn, msnbc, and alsa political consul tan. A writer for the washington examiner, for the american sift conservative and this is their first book and for the first book, let me get another round of applause. [applause] just get right to the book. In prep for their interview i spoke with steve bannon this afternoon, the guru of populism, and he said this is a great and essential primer on how we got here with a global view on the populist movement and a deep dive and if you can believe it, steve bannon said he would read this on the beach. Ann coulter, who wrote on the back, she called its critically important book, devoid of historics and condescension. Jd vance called it intelligent and Michelle Walker says buy this book. And whats a kid from queens and a young man from South Carolina doing writing about global populism, brexit, maga, the yellow vest . Ill just start by saying that i actually started my career in politic as a democrat, and i made the transition to the Republican Party because i found i fundamentally misunderstood what the Democratic Party stood for. Thought it was the working peoples party, party that would fight for Small Business owners. Thought it was a party that would fight to improve the wages and working conditions of worker around the country. Nothing could be further from the truth. In 2016 was a total complete revolt against the corporate interests that tried to drive down wages, whether its through globalizeddation or ilLegal Immigration, and i traveled all over the country, ohio, pennsylvania, in the midwest, and i would see these gutted towns, and i say this doesnt make sense. Michigan is fundamentally wrong, and elites in both parties, democratics and republicans, said for decade as people cried for people to listen, in washington. At least to listen. And theres communities already shattered by opioid and immigration and basically shut up, and learn how to cope. [inaudible] and i reject that wholesale and thats how i came to become a trump republican. On television actually. I am from a very middle class working im from a middle class, blue collar communicate in community in queen and i didnt have a lot of positions in politics. Did tell my parents when i was eight to vote for ross perot. And my when i was in high school i was a big protester against the iraq war. Never made sense to me and still doesnt make sense. Saw the radical transformation of communities because of Mass Immigration and that didnt make sense and that was my only entrance into politics. Start working on campaigns when i was 18 and at 27 a lo lot 0 people who write about this have never been on a campaign trail. So let in the i started write North Washington examiner and bill was my coworker. And i was the only person conservative in the institution who said trump would be the nominee and would win and i held to my guns and i remember it was radio show and one radio show in idaho, i was like why do you heat the country so much and supporting trump . I said seriously . But i wrote an article a year ago in april of 2019, about the rise of National Populism. I hear but study other countries and other movements and i noticed what was happening roped the world and i said this is not just here. And everything youre being told kind of a lie. This is just kind of frozen into one thing. So, i wrote an article and then i said this can be a book, me and harlan i said will you do this project with me . And he said yes, and now we have the book. Mobility, education, corruption, feature prominently in the early chapters. The book is nine chapter, its pretty readable, possible for people to read, this not a become your dont have to good to harvard to understand the book. The main point is theres National Populism occurring on all Six Continents theres human beings on and we break into like a conversation of when was the first real nationalist populist leader elected a non government and that was 1998. That was almost 20 years before donald trump bump the reaction to trump and the reaction to brexit is so how did this happen. They couldnt understand what was going on. And they werent paying attention to the signs and a big put a of philosophy is politics does not exist in a bubble. So for instance, terrorism in the book, the 2001 World Trade Center bombings that happened in new york city and washington, affected the election of den mark and elisted a national populist government in denmark and the it was a muslim ban the first thing they did. Everything we see in our politics is cyclical. One of the biggest governments to work on cracking down on ilLegal Immigration, angola. Both african countries and hey the gdp of the size of our Homeland Security but theyre more effective controlling immigration. Why . Its a matter of political will power. Do you want to do this, not can you do this. So we have the a list of things that movements kind of overlap and they maybe not all nine or ten but a majority of the beliefs overlap globally. One of the biggest takeways from this book that we have talked about so far is the culture and the cultural war we have lost, and it has i almost wish that we had written this book three months from now because the shock wave that has happened the last few months, whether it was the coronavirus or rise of the sweep every metropolitan area in the country thats run by a democrat. Democrat states have a problem and i wish we could have i think theres tectonic shift in the country. What i think democrats are trying to do is theyre trying to leverage the advantage they have in education, trying to leverage the advantage they have in the cultural war, and controlling hollywood and the news media, and they think that this is going to be an inflection point. This their trump moment, the rise on what is hang 0 on the street. One thing in the book is the media is obsessed with the you look at the phrase, there arent enough equal color hundreds of millions of search results. Now, you drill down and look at the media, and you ask yourself, does the media really represent the does hollywood represent, dot the newsrooms really present the native American People . You reverenced earlier neither of us have a College Degree but 92 of reported newsrooms in country have College Degrees. Most americans dont. The media is when you say the media doesnt represent america, the media now all [inaudible] the media is far too white and too liberal and they live in too many different democratic cities and they have a singular narrative, and theres no breaking that narrative. 72 of the [inaudible] that means that these people dont even know a trump voter. They really dont. No wonder they were surprised this happened. They dont know a gun owner. Anytime theres shooting happen and they talk about guns theyve never shot a gun before. [inaudible] the chain saw next to the ak47. The morals the people are living in they dont know go to washington and go even in conservative try to find a church going person who owns a gun and a truck. Its impossible. 7 of the i dont know if thats true. [inaudible] you bring up the media, and theres an awful lot of interplay between government and media. We saw nbc work this week to try to deplatform a major conservative libertarian website, the federalist, and we saw john bolton, who left the Trump Administration who launched this book and launched all kinds of attacks against the president , the difference between the elites and the press and move back and forth very easily between the press and government. I think that heres the thing with the media and ive work in media. Mostpedia people in general are good people. The local beat reporter is making 50,000 a year trying to get by because he loves the news. When you good to major outlooks its not a lot of money for most reporters so how you make a lot of money, you become a brand. Rachel mad dao is a branched Anderson Cooper is a bran. You know what youre being from them. Theres no incentive to do news because theyre selling you their gimmick. Its like nike or oreo cookies, the same thing every time, and it is worth it to become a brand because if you have a brand you can get a book deal and get a television show, a television contract, sit there and give speeches for a lot of money. [inaudible] become a hack like us. So if you have this being a great reporters possible and there are few really good ones. None are coming to mind right now. Jennifer jacob from bloomberg is a fact louse reporter, not biased and i really dont know her politics and he enjoy reading her because i dont know her politic. Theyre fewer than anyone else and the problem with social media makes it all the more visible how openly political they and are. You see punished for saying things. Now youre getting career advances. Here what a guy, ben jacobs tweeted having punched a young conservative in the face at cpac and then moved to another paper and tweeted before the election a tweet from donald trump and we are going to bring justice the way it used to be and they thought it was the klan. And trump said at the ballot box. And he left at the ballot box. And its its not sexy [inaudible] theres nothing wrong with screwing up and sit sending out a tweet and apologizing. You saw the Covington School buie school boys. Tried to 16yearolds over the fact they [inaudible] they went wild. What happened with demon dee monetizing. [inaudible] everybody was willing to fringe and mainstream conservatives, theyre monetizing got the class war, thrown of youtube and facebook and twitter. Theyre crazy. And then it happened to breitbart and making it hard for breitbart to make money on their traffic. Now were seeing a totally monetization from google of the federalist and zero hedge. What is next . The daily caller, the washington examiner, fox news. They started on the fringes and working to the middle. And now you cant even wear a tshirt for a conservative news channel without having your career threatened, without having people then the lives of your family. Its completely unhinged. Theyre going after our pocketbacks whether that means if youre a supporter of conservative media by trying to shame you into the shadows, shame you for supporting that network, or if youre the network, youll make it impossible to earn a living. On top of that the social Media Networks make it impossible for us to get our message out. When we were going to promote the book, we were looking at facebook ads to buy the book. They were rejected with zero explanation. Zero. I think that because theyre d [inaudible] other key words they said we dont [inaudible] we bring out i mentioned this yesterday on tucker carlson, that were having a conversation right now but antirace racist movement. What words are triggering and allowed the truth going on in our country, and we have a statistic in the book is that around 2007 certain words like whiteness, like racist, like white privilege, social justice, all were terminology exploded in the average content in most major news outlets and without even seeing it we were being inundated with conversation that we werent really having and werent reflected in the actual truth of what was going on in our country and i think that is really something elses very stunninges people who took over the University System and Education System with terminology. When i was in college, the trigger for the first time i was like, youre joking, thats not a real thing. This is one loony tune. Never going to become widespread but they now from the college and media and they took over the entire institution and thats what were seeing now come through. We certainly hold that in such Great College town of boston. [inaudible] italy be a sieged, ship after ship of refugees, landing on beaches. Calling in the coast guard, and we have over 7,000 indians a year that are on our water trying to cross mexico. They remind mexicans in Central Americans are immigrants. Illegal, my is immigration is half of the book. Talk about sanctuary cities and neighborhoods that have been plagued by fentanyl, children have been caught up in addiction, and crimes, and it really i think is a lot of people around here certainly know the pain of ilLegal Immigration because of the drug crisis. One thief worth states in the un one of the worst states in the country. Talk about how immigration and crime have bon together. Okay so the book brings up immigration into four sectioned. One ill is ilLegal Immigration and the others are Legal Immigration, talking about crime, the economy, and culture. The three way we break down Legal Immigration. When it comes to the situation in europe and what we dont live in a bubble so when the United States and several of our western allies decided to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi in libya and there was a mastiff wave of ilLegal Immigration into europe. One thing affects the. Other the swift peoples part in switzerland, been in government in 1999, became the lead party in switzerland because we started kosovo refugees caused a backlash. In the out you have a situation when it comes to crime the problem with when it comes to immigration we have very, very, very little data. In a nation like denmark someone is a in the United States we very, very hard to understand. Noncitizens are unpresented in certain crimes like in murder but are overrepresented in many, many crimes like Identity Theft and drug crimes. Just legalize drugs. Being a libertarian and get drugged out. I think the problem is really that when it comes to ilLegal Immigration is that 1986 Ronald Reagan and then was supposed to stop. Supposed to have an answer, and we the institutions fought against it. One Big Government which said, this works in our favor, these people should and will become democrats. It will be good andll have sympathetic stories and crying when thin depored and he republicans this is good for big agriculture and big agriculture fed the monster and in 1996 or 97 barbara jordan, democratic congresswoman, black woman from texas, created a commission how to create prosperity in the black community and said reduce ilLegal Immigration and bill clinton said okay ill do it and the person who stopped it were the republicans. Newt gingrich and paul ryans mentor. Jeff kemp. The people who stopped and had they done that, trump would have probably never been president because he would have reduced immigration to 200,000 a year instate oft 1. 2 million and the mass effect of immigration on our Cultural Landscape and crime would diminish. IlLegal Immigration and crime is especially bad in communities like in los angeles, example, ethnic conflict between gangs. Black and latino gangs. The Los Angeles Times does cover very well but besides that doesnt get any broad and National News and im sure you know so many stories like that go completely unwatched and no one ever hears from them and theyre victims of crime. Watching jimmy shaw who was a young africanamerican man who was up and coming football star, great academic, and he was murdered in the neighborhood where he grew up in his mother was serving our country in iraq and he wag murdered by an illegal alien who get out of jail that day. Multiple arrests for gun charges and was his dad had called his mom to tell him her son was murdered in a middle class black American Family in los angeles county. Did al sharpton come to riecks snow. Did black lives matter come the rakes . No one came there was absolute silence by every other community. Feeling toward the biased is the only country to do it and they cant sit down and break down those narratives. We have Unemployment Rate hovering between 13 and 16 percent. The Trump Administration is doing what they can. We have 18. 2 million, 4. 3 Million Immigrants out of work 916,000 work visas still being issued in the city of boston. We had 58,000 opt students students who have special visas come to school often and they get a tax break if you hire them afterwards they spent all this time putting money into a plan among those tax incentives for businesses to hire immigrants over your son or daughter. Can you talk about ab i want to ask this question abi used to do a lot of work with unions. One of my first i would look to the message and ask myself, why would this Teachers Union paralyze ilLegal Immigration. Why did the Teachers Union care about ilLegal Immigration, why did the Teachers Union care about lgbtq. I would think the union working for workers would be most interested in the wages and their membership. There is this politicization on the left that every Major Institution in washington whether its the media union, the think tanks for members of congress. Its that we need to engage in the transformation of demographics of the United States of america. I think they realized they couldnt win that necessarily along ideological lines and they set out to transform the financial and demographic makeup of the country. I think thats what this largely is. In terms of Legal Immigration we go through this a lot in the book. It comes down to one financial interest that every Big Corporation in the country whether airconditioning manufacturing or the tech company in silicon valley, if they can explore cheaper labor for even high skilled jobs theyre going to invest as much power and money is the return on investment justifies them for that cheap labor. We will talk about the reason why we have Massive Corporation i spoke at the Trump Administration many times the People Administration and the question comes down to theirs a thinking in washington, theres a few congressmen good congressman or if you perform a Trip Administration but a can we walked it. We havent been able to hold up transportation. The Trump Administration we have to remain in mexico which fundamentally ended catch and release. We dedicate 280 miles of construction which is something. We did get the third agreements which reduced ilLegal Immigration. Both of those are fantastic for ilLegal Immigration and interiors deportation. Those things are very good. The one thing we didnt get is Legal Immigration because of financial interest to control a lot of washington and a lot of other things. Theres a definition called post democracy you go when you vote and the people inside the machines do whatever they want regardless. I will think we are there yet. The European Union is opposed to democracy. They dont care at all with their voters say, its remarkable actually when you look at it. I think this is a close we ever gotten i know in part, i know he believes fundamentally to crack i know all the usual suspects are fighting against it tooth and nail leading leaking to the media and chamber of commerce. What we do is basically higher all the people from the same institutions. They just hear the echo over and over again. The biggest thing is culture when it comes to immigration. Thats what affected the most. There was a guy what was the city in california im totally ruining my reference. There was this big thing in california all major hiphop artists came out of. Compton. [laughter] its been a long week. Do you know that compton is almost 80 mexican well . Mac king waters will be the last black person to represent compton. That culture is gone forever. When white yuppies move into the neighborhood, gentrification mixed 500 different headlines. When Mass Immigration alters character of cities and neighborhoods that have long traditional cultures american cultures whether they black or white which is the true traditional american cultures and obviously within that culture, [inaudible] in most of the specifics. Most generalities. We never had that conversation. Were always afraid of being called racists. We talk about culture and breakdown theres a tons of different studies about this. When you invoke mass diversity among people who do not want it and do not accept it, social trust goes down. Not only among those not only do you not trust people who are different than you, you people with the same issue and your willingness to invest in institution goes down. Whos the least trusted group of people in america . Generation z, the most diverse. We sit there and celebrate diversity diversity can be great, not all immigration is bad not all immigrants are bad, certainly control over long periods of time is great. It makes the fabric of our country. But in 1955 we passed the immigration act and it was a highspeed rail. The constant narrative we have in the country in the nation of immigrants in 1920 april 19, 1965 we put a hold on most immigration practices. We assimilated. We went through a world war together and the korean war. Mass media. International highway system. We grew more tolerant of one another. Things happen to make us more of one country its not easy and doesnt have abits really easy to break down, sweden and finland were the same country for 800 years and couldnt make it work. There practically the same people. Creating a tower in babylon saying it will all work because we have america as a nation of ideas is no offense bull crap we took a long time to get here to make ourselves a commonality to be an American People. It doesnt happen by accident. The book breaks down the transformation on a cultural level and why that backlash ab for the economics or the crime issue and the percentage of americans say they feel like they are strangers in their own country. Its something you see country after country after country after country weatherby for brazil, chile, italy, it happens all over the place. Its so easy to destroy i think its really important. I think the book is important because we have so many statistics, you can a theyre all footnoted. If you feel this way or you cant describe it tells you how to make this argument. Im can ask shelby a collective question, while she is gathering the questions, and your questions forward, we are going to ask maureen. [inaudible] he involved a lot of the angel parents and traveled around the country. Its an important issue to many americans. At that time, he had a 10 point immigration plan. A big part of that plan was cutting off the abaliens to come to our country. Took off the benefits, implementing first abirthright citizenship. My question is, do you think President Trump has been influenced by those around him and softening on these issues . Or what is your opinion on that . First of all, im so sorry about your loss. The thing that i think when it comes to President Trump is not only aband being frank because i dont have friends in washington so i dont care. The thing about President Trump is when it came to hiring practices earlier on Stephen Miller obviously Everybody Knows who he is, really aggressively pushed out a lot of immigration laws because in my estimation i believe hes a subject now. He pushed out a lot of people who could have been an ally with him and now he stands as one of the only people in the room. He wanted to make himself indispensable to the president. At the same exact time you have a lot of people who were different voices. Lets say ending the benefit to sanctuary city which im a supported officer but then some people say if you do not you make the new york city abi understand where they are coming from but there is not a uniform, theres not a uniform voice by the administration and there could have been good things have gone differently early on. It was one of many people in the administration who purposely pushed out immigration. Hes done something very well. Before mexico there was over 100,000 a month. At historic lows. That was very crucial i know theres other things he could do that he hasnt done. I know the executive order was written. I dont know why it was ever said not every sign. I couldnt tell you. I think in the right settings President Trump really does believe that americans are being shafted. Americans got the raw side on many issues. I think when youre constantly being told if you do something youre going to crash the economy or you are going to lose reelection. He told us over and over and over, i believe i know for a fact that they are working on executive order and it may be very very good and hopefully it is, i know hes being pressured to do the right thing now. Hopefully for the promises he makes to people like you, when President Trump brand, at the end of the day hes always good to be a billionaire, hes always good to be a rich guy. There can be promises he made. The promises he made were really for people like you and People Like Us and people who really needed to sit there and believe in something because we been so badly lost there are more good people around him now than they were a year ago. If he wins reelection i believe we will see a big transformation within the deep state and within the administration state to bring good people there. I know people who are working on bringing people there are no people getting ready to go and help the administration. If he wins a second term and feeling confident things will be moving in a better direction. I will just say this, i found that this has always been true of President Trump but exasperated by coronavirus, i think that when hes at his best, it comes outside washington. When hes feeling the vibe from the crowd part of it is not being around the greek course of the white house. Part of it is being outside the bubble. Part of it is also reconnecting him to his roots because i think he really does thrive on that. I think that motivates him, it shows him that there is this world beyond phone numbers that he is he saying which are negative. So im really excited that hes breaking out of that. Im going to forecast there will be one major change that results from him getting back out on the campaign trail. And he will start to bleed again. Back in 2016 when President Trump was at his best when he came out in a controversial plan is when he was driving the narrative in the media when he was setting the agenda whether speaking to angel moms or his controversial aban. Whatever it was it was undoubtable that President Trump was leading the national narrative. He created it. He has completely walked that back now. I hope that answers your question. We will go to speed rob. We are going to try to get everyones questions. What you say when someone calls you racist . Next. [laughter] i cant prove anything to you so i dont care. If thats the charge on getting communal, listen to begin with. I dont believe in the antiracist movement. Another part of that movement, im just not a racist. Black americans matter just as much as white americans and their culture is being abits not a race issue if it was a race issue the voters of england wouldnt be getting mad at mass murdering from poland. The angola wouldnt be fighting against condo lease. Its not a racial issue, its a cultural issue. So if they call me a racist i say fine when i can have a really meaningful conversation. Next. Im not in it to win friends and be everyones best friend. I think i take a similar tact, ive never been someone to block or mute friends on social media. Its really disheartening actually. We totally advocated to principles of classical liberalism. We dont engage in debate conversations like this. We shout down, cancel, try to ruin the lives and careers. My favorite hobby is ruining someones life. We have an email saying abi know its either someone who hates me or my brother. Im not going to engage, i will be like whatever. He was almost driven out of office because he took extraordinary measures to combat covid19. Is just the coronavirus, youll be fine. [laughter] the question is, he was accused of aband this question is, how does populism succeed where a gang of nine stresses to make. Especially Supreme Court being so horrible this week. Theres a guy name adrian, im totally botching his last name. He has an idea of having common good constitutionalism. Its a new term for me so im probably botching the understanding of it. But the just is abis not a dumb person at all. Many more degrees then all of ours combined. His basic understanding is we shouldnt do something because its an interpretation of the constitution. We should be pushing because its for the common good of everybody. Dont worry about being an originalist, be worried about being a common good constitutionalist and i think that really might be a trend for the future. Society lost a lot of cases this week that i think are really important. A lot of us dont have faith in them anymore. Getting a replacement for ruth gator biggsaruth gator beans. He describes trumps victory as the most highly leveraged takeover of any organization in the history. What i was hoping would come out of this movement, what would come out in the early days of the top administration, more than just great presidency but hope of a thriving culture abto reflect this movement. It wasnt enough to just take over the carcass of the dying old Republican Party because unfortunately a lot of the people that were part of the problem for trump were still there after. These others institutions that have been around. A. [multiple speakers] lindsey graham. I think the most important people who learn from the trunk presidency is personnel policy. It is very important to understand the person must the undersecretary of some other department really has a lot more power than you would think he does. That is quite some Department Administration are very good. Likepeter navarro, frequent great. And we have dhs, hostile president from beginning to end. Thats why we need to create National Policy think tanks and institutions to combat the. What you tell people your twitter handle so they can follow you. Also what websites and blogs do you recommend for somebody who wants to know more about populists and nationalism. My handle Ryan Girdusky i almost forgot how to spell my own name. Littleknown fact, the quote on the back of the book misspelled my name i was in charge of checking the proofreading. [laughter] [laughter] i have a national populace newsletter its free i do it every abi try to have it out by 7 38 pm its news around the world and different websites and places to find it. I go all over the place and love antiwarm, policy, and trying to think of other places i write better original but i do spend time writing aacan spell my name. I bought the handle for 100 when twitter first came out. It probably thrown away this hundred dollars on never use anything it turned out to be so convenient for my own personal branding. I dont have to put dashes and periods. I read a lot of breitbart. I love ryans newsletters. [inaudible] i was talking about this previously, i was hoping more news organizations would come out of this era of trump and im hoping people in this room people watching on television will take the time to write themselves. We have a whole section about the media and the number one way to become a journalist in washington is if trump had everything predicted to be wrong he. Well you did fail. [laughter] work in the wind this up. In the prologue of the book a [inaudible] he would never let me live it down. He wishes his name was up there. [laughter] most people dont know who he is, he was in charge of the war room in the brexit to date. Hes come to the United States and a commentator on a podcast called to the gore room. Org. It took me a while to write that. Its really important. You dont know how many books you already in your lifetime. With all the practices and books for debate that got me to this point. Reading not quite on their level. [laughter] you think your parents and you think you are sixth grade history teacher. I hope shes alive. I havent spoken to her in a long time. I hated school. When i was in the third grade and told my parents i was ready to drop out. I knew everything then that i needed to know. Im good. She was the one teacher that got me interested in the subject in school. I was the kid who was finding ways to get out of school every chance i had. She made me like history. I wouldnt care about politics i dont think if i didnt have her as a teacher. Thank you. You have a wonderful night with ryan and harlan i want to thank everyone watching on cspan and booktv. What we take it up with a nice round of applause. [applause] youre watching booktv on cspan2 with top nonfiction books and authors every weekend. Booktv, television for serious readers. Hi, im bill vogel and id like to welcome you this afternoon to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute presentation the suit first in a series of presentation on americas unfinished business. Our presentation this afternoon will be with doctors lawrence rosenthal, will be talking about the far right, white supremacist, from the streets to the white house, will be spreading out globally, looking at it historically, probably deal with terms like fascism and populism and nationalism but before we do that, i want to spend just a moment talking

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