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If youre interested in being recognized, raise your hand function. And if you have any technical issues, put them in the notes in the chat box. Im honored to be the chair this committee. And i recognize all those who are with us. And vice chair is here. In the vice chair from border policies. Also the vice chair, and vice chair for community policing. And vice chair for emergency management. Thank you all for being here. In the business of this committee is a core function of this role. The safety release communities. As although, as mayor, as the center of probably one of the Biggest Challenges we have faced not only is mayors, and communities but also as global communities. This year has been incredible roller coaster, the challenges and also opportunities. This many will take on the responses of the covid19. And since the date, our communities have changed. The aftermath of the murder of george floyd on may 25th. And the countries undergoing important conversations about the role of policing. Where permitted the u. S. Conference of mayors, and this committee and the working committee of the Police Reform for justice. I look forward to a robust discussion. And into a meaningful way to announce. Our communities must be able to have the responsibility and duty to represent their voices now more than ever. Look forward to our countries and this time. In the global, is paradox and i think our voices is mayors are critically important at this moment. Probably more so than ever. We are responsible and responding to the needs of our constituents. We are the ones, there is at this point i would like to turn it over to my son. [inaudible]. On behalf of the mayor myself, want to thank you for a few minutes to just a high rate this group. I think this is zoom meetings with we have had with our team and our committees. We want to thank you for your leadership. Specifically thank you into her members of mayors that omission in just a moment. We know about your community. Chicago is a brilliant light across the nation. I know that you must have the demands of your time. The way you have committed yourself. In your resources to this conference, certainly admirable. I want to make sure that i do everything i can to support you now. And also the so thank you for your leadership. So many great and familiar faces on this call. That were continuing to see each others faces, share ideas, it is an important part of making this organization thrive and continue to be something people value moving forward. We are very blessed to have incredible leadership. I will never tire of recognizing and thanking tom for his leadership personally and the teen that he has assembled at this particular time. We get to think someone like laura who is a quiet but steady, trusted voice in washington on all matters related to the policing and social justice that i have had so many questions to her for other mayors and i appreciate you laura and your attentiveness to mayors and the passion you have on this topic in so many others. We are blessed to have you as part of our team so thank you. Thank you mehr. About three weeks ago with the chance and every other Committee Meeting ive spoken, ive talked about the meeting of this group today and directed folks to attend i can see the participant numbers is about 120 right now which is about five times more than the other committees so maybe folks are turning in because of the work this committees doing and the presentation and report that will come out of this committee and just a few moments. Been bragging about the importance of your work to everybody. That work is really critical. So starting to say about three and half weeks ago, as i was sitting with tom cochran and trying to understand how he could support mayors and specifically support them during these times of social unrest when it was coming apart at the seams. Mayors do what we always do. We come together, find tangible solutions and lead. Walt washington and governors and so many other talking heads were pointing fingers. We put a group together, thank you, ive no idea how you found time in the last month with all the other things going on to vote, and to the product you will present today prove it the six principles you put forward in all of you will see shortly or maybe have seen recently, they are thoughtful, they are profound, they are contemporary and they are actionable. This is real things, a real roadmap that every community can apply in their community. So to jane, john, lori thank you for going above and beyond your traditional role in giving up some time and talent to produce something really the country is looking for. There is a lot of media about the working group in just a few moments. Finally, let me send my personal thanks to all of you. We appreciated with mentioned in just about every intro this is not necessarily the race we all signed up for. But is the race we are in. I would not choose to be with any other group of people than any other group of people thank you for your incredible support. For the emails the tax the calls theres a time i was talking with 20 mayors a day every other day, that relationship is something that is tangible sincerely we thank you for your support, thank you for your leadership when dick thank you for the resolution she will consider, june 30, next tuesday the executive committee will meet to consider the what they need with the nominating committee and then july 1, mark your calendars because greg and i arty have it will be giving to speed suspension speeches. One is repping up my year end then a sneak peek of what he hopes to really know will be in it may zinc year of leadership with greg. That will be noon at eastern time on wednesday july 1. Hopefully we will see you all there. Thank you mehr light fit for your leadership, thank you all for your friendship. Thank you mehr for being with us today for your service and leadership. Its a very interesting year as definitely now any of us anticipated. I personally want to say thank you for your friendship and support literally from the first day i was sworn in you or they are and i very much appreciate all of the awesome support youve given me. And given me this committee to work on some of the most important issues. We are fortunate to have also our incoming president art great mayor and i would advise you to enjoy this group as well. So thank you mehr, again my thanks to Brian Barnett at a great job him of this past year with tremendous dexterity and flexibility brian youre an amazing president thank you very much for all your good work and i also want to recognize chuck ramsey on this. Hes been a great counselor to so many of us in a managed somehow to fit us all in we appreciate stepping up each and every time i just want to thank the Committee Hears i go into my year end next year i will be focusing on a couple of Different Things that are topical to this moment among simard dismantling systemic racism, eliminating poverty and Police Reform. Im really looking forward to results here today and plan on integrating that obviously into the good work at the conferences next year. So mayor lightfoot, and others thank you for the time and attention you put into this. So thank you. Are working on report form and social justice. We called with a recommendation for reform and advance the to address Police Reform and accountability measures. The ongoing challenge of Racial Discrimination in our communities. The group will consist of myself chair entrench a castor cincinnati as well as. [inaudible] from baltimore. That is commissioner Michael Harrison and chief Jerry Williams. Also we would not have been able to support the work we have the support of time without support of many people including chuck ramsey, we know him obviously as this model with what a police chief is all about and youre in the Chicago Police department and that chief in washington d. C. , and philadelphia they cochairs on the toy First Century policing for thank you chuck also have an introduction with executive director of policing and for so many Police Apartment across the country and of course tom cochran the ceo and executive director mayor barnett asked us as a working group what we saw immediately on the executive committee was the mayors needed to stand up and be a part of this important narrative around the country we have worked diligently to create a roadmap to implement transparent and actionable reform which we could hold ourselves to as the mayor we are all on the front lines of their community on this issue there is a wealth of experience for what reform should look like what were facing in our community with the possible solutions should be. Were working through the meeting couple weeks ago we have the statements and principles of what we have before you, these principles are rooted in the goal of the practices that protect the sanctity of human life and upholds the law. I also want to acknowledge is been a champion and i really appreciate her contributions. I also want to as well recognize her colleagues at riverdale. They raised up their hands and said me how can we help and they had important support and guidance with the working group very much before you. Over the coming months we have a full set of recommendations that can be implemented nationwide and we can reassure our community theres a concrete path for the future. I now want to invite Police Performance of Racial Justice about their communities and what they believe are the critical priorities that we need to address. Well start with the mayor and ill have you call mayor of tampa. Thank you lori. Thank you very much president barnett to participate in this group. Before i make a few brief comments, i want to point out that mayor lightfoot has done the lions share of this work and this really is a brilliant work. And something we can all put into action in our communities. I thank you very much i think everyone else as well from the Law Enforcement side having been in Law Enforcement for 31 years, the beginning of the statement here are the principles we look at in Law Enforcement space for modern culture that was back in the 1800s if you read through those they apply today. So a lot of the answers ive been there for some time but difficulty in implementing those on a can tenuous basis. So first and foremost the redefining of local Police Safety is critically important. We are going to have to do that on a national level. In the trump legitimacy has no power in their community unless there is trust on the basis of the residents they serve. Do quality, due process, accountability, those are all critically important. I think we have to go back to the sanctity of life and then looking at who we are serving in Public Safety. And that is our community. Very proud of this set of principles i believe it is a guide for each and every mayor in each and every police chief in the united states. I thank you mayor lightfoot, and all and Law Enforcement adult went to embarrassed chuck but again very proud to have been a small part of this great i am looking forward to moving into the implementation of this. Not only in my community but nationwide to thank you all. Thank you thank you mehr first i want to reiterate what was just said it has been an honor and privilege to be involved ive been incredibly impressed by you, mayor lightfoot and your ability and right up what can be known as a new compact doesnt replace or repeal the principles becomes all too apparent specifically we will and are getting into real issues, use of force changes chokehold, moving vehicles, theres Real Transparency and accountability oversight, body worn cameras that have real teeth. And three moving the Paradigm Community policing and reducing crime its important we emphasize police are about preventing crime and disorder. The first principle in a way that maintains legitimacy with the community but is effective and reduces crime. In cincinnati we ratified 50 but we also reduced part one by 50 since we implemented our reforms on these basic three principles. The statement as written up by lori and adopted by her committee, i think it very eloquently states all of these ideas i come from cincinnati with an even better explanation of what we are trying to accomplish. So thank you mayor. And now i would like to return to our chief, i believe firmly that one of the most important relationships any mayor has with the chief of police. Public safety is one of the core responsibilities as a host of partners with the police chief. Ms. Been an honor with a wealth of experience and thrilling for community and country to call upon first the commissioner of baltimore. Good afternoon and thank you mayor lightfoot thank you all for your real leadership. Certainly honored to be working with this group to give some insight not just here in baltimore, certainly the most expansive Consent Decree and offer some insight of what is working and what we are compelled to do now is the country is demanding more from its an honor to be able to help with this initiative so that the country and world will see what are the Guiding Principles were what policing to go. This group has been charged to put that together its honored be a part of it. So thank you commissioner. Now we will call the chief from south carolina. Thank you mayor, president barnett thank you. Its an honor to be part of this distinguished Group Commissioner harrison said it best in a very first meeting when he said change the cultures watch whats difficult. We go back to the forefront, only created a broad focus on the six principles reestablishe reestablished, restated and i think it will help the culture for Law Enforcement with legitimacy. Many departments are already forward leaning, very innovative and have embraced 21t century which we all agree is one of most defining documents in our careers thus far. I hope we contribute even greater to that momentum alread already. I think this document is an opportunity for us to raise this theres 18000 Police Departments across this country, create true actionable items that each city can reach out and champion. I also thank mayor lightfoot for pointing out that relationship between the police chief and the mayor i think is absolutely critical. Not only strong Public Safety in the community, but how we create that culture and explain that culture i look forward to at the future has for us. Goes along with the mayors and the police report. Thank you. And. [inaudible] mayor and everyone thank you so much for the opportunity. It has been an honor and an opportunity so where there is adversity there is always opportunity for a positive change. What i see among this group is a willingness to take some weekend and nights to work through the process of really getting the world to buy into the fact we are serious about this. Were not serious in words or series and facts and actions. Were looking forward to what the next six months will bring, thank you very much mayor. So thank you and thank you chief. Ill be remiss of course if i did not call upon chuck, to offer a few words. You have a unique perspective on things across the country. So thank you very much mayor these are trying times for us. Also time of tremendous opportunity. In a ive been involved in policing for five decades. It seen a lot of change. This is the first time ive seen what looks like the entire country almost to take a serious look at the role of police. Sometimes you find the answer by looking back. Earlier it was mentioned i believe it was mayor castor had mentioned to robert peel some 90 odd years ago when he had the London Metropolitan police. Those principles formed the foundation for Building Police service in that city. I think these guiding principle principles, we can appeal that their val table be updated to make them relevant to todays challenges. But going back to basics, remembering what policing is all about. I think it is the way you start by building, the people around the country no matter the city have trust and have faith. I think in a lot of ways in policing weve lost our way we focus on reducing crime and disorder in the communities that is a good thing. But policing is far more than that. Weve also taken on a lot of responsibilities maybe we were not the right fit to lead on. We need to define that role i think with these Guiding Principles who believes of them very, very special policing son at the local level the majority of policing anyway youre not going to find a solution of the federal level it is the mayors, it is the governors, its those people who really understand the community that will need to get this done. I am honored to be a part of it to work with the police chief ive come to know and have a great deal of respect for. As well as the mayors ive come to know ive had the honor to work with all of you so thank you very much. I look forward to whats ahead. No over the discussion to any of the other mayors we have the raise your hand function. So or just raise your hand. You can do that as well. [inaudible] thank you mayor thank you chief ive a question in new jersey maybe some of the other states there is a move to have released disciplinary records going back 20 to 25 years. I am not so sure disciplinary records for wearing your cap are not being in full uniform is essential to this public discourse. I dont believe racial sensitivity or Even Stronger violence or Police Officers that the department should be Public Record and want to hear your thoughts on a blanket release for anyone as are suspended for five days or more. Chief ramsey . So was that to me im sorry. Anybody can answer it theres a couple of chiefs on the phone. I just want to get another states perspective any would choose to answer. I said chief because it saying mayor on this call. [inaudible] this is an arizona perspective. I am probably telling more that im supposed to. But if you look at Jerry Williams record 25 years and 35 years Police Officers you will see a suspension on my record. Does that mean i cant be a police chief . Obviously it doesnt mean that. We are thoughtfully what we releasing cognizant of the fact that people can change and can learn and grow. To your point, i do believe if it was something racially motivated use of force thats out of policy, we might want to consider that. Here in arizona with understanding i think its important for us to talk about contacts with chiefs about the country talked about with talk to suspension termination back to our department. Patterson or howard out your muted. I am in mount vernon new york right outside 100,000 residents were undergoing some of the greatest sweeping in the past ten days we are retooling our department to respond and would really like to know we are creating a deputy commissioners position around Racial Equity and reform. If there is anyone on this call in any community that has any models that is being used, i would love to have that information shared. This person will be dealing with prevention intervention Mental Health and Homeless Services and of course equity and some retraining. We are committed to making major changes and would love if anyones doing anything similar to share it. So this is mayor pattison baltimore. He was also my deputy chief of compliance when i moved to baltimore. Both of those bureaus are basically set up the same to handle all compliance and equit equity. All of the things you mention plus the auditing capacity within the Auditing Organization that should bring about accountability. Pretty easy to do but we can get that to you too. So thank you very much. Any other questions or comments . Some of the things weve talked about in anybodys been involved in Law Enforcement say this is an issue nationwide Police Officers are judged as a group every officer in the nation is applying for that. So something that i advocate for immediate out from this turmoil every time something this occurs less of some type of National Standard holds all Law Enforcement officers accountable to at least a certain standard. Just a quick example with restraint we discontinued that over three decades ago in our department and to find out it is still a packet that is taught and used across the nation is something i was completely unaware of. So im a huge advocate for some national things. Thats all. Any other questions or comments . Craig . So yes. We have for a number of years been following under the standards i believe back in 2009 we initiated that. The cultist to a high level and so a lot about what we are doing today we have certification standards reviewed every three years with an extra staff person that can provide the oversight to make sure were within the powers we exceed we do have some places it could be reviewed. And i think they are appropriate from two years ago had the opportunity and meeting with chief ramsey talk but the 21st Century Policing in one of our meetings in d. C. We continue to implement that. I think there are some things going on that are exceptional. Hopefully those on the table. Thank you. I can tell you on their is that both because of necessity information thats out there we did not start with a blank peace of paper with a tip prior work with the conference and those contributed to. I think you will recognize this is about starting something brandnew in looking at the practice across the country. Looking at feedback across the country but we can have a set of standards to the particular uniqueness of the community we do think that is important. Do set the standard for mayors and police chief across the country this document was also very lengthy about the working people and i want to commend the work. I did certainly add my thoughts and voice to it. This was a Significant Group app effort. I want to put this before consideration. Im going to ask of the singular questions or comments others who would like to weigh in otherwise will move to other committee business. Welcome back to the end of the resolutions and then we will consider resolution. Any other thoughts or comments . So i will take your silence as consent. Before removing to consideration of resolution this is why theres a few comments with some of that. Alright thank you madam chair. Welcome everyone. I think many of you and i have been sitting all week long so try to keep this as short as possible. Basically well try to make this a smoother process as possible we ask you keep your selves on mute and silly ready to go over some comments. And most importantly, when the mayor will call for voting, when she calls for gaze and nasal respond with a simple visible raise hand for a gay and which calls for nate do the same. Will you can continue to do those on the mobile app keep your hands up and down for visibility. Neither technical issues send me a chat and we will get you settled up. Thank you. The consideration of resolution we cover a wide range of areas with sensibilities Restorative Justice and youth we need to specifically in immigrants. As more community after consideration and i would mention is one specific passive deadline earlier today view us resolution. Theres any new resolutions they plan to offer . If you do please email them. [inaudible] i member only members of the committee can vote they can participate in the discussion. You have to specifically raise your hand if you want to speak and to vote for. We want to make sure. [inaudible] all of the resolutions were posted on the website two weeks ago and had their availability at that time they have something to be considered by the committee i hope each of you have had an opportunity to review them and you found them in your inboxes. The adoption of resolution five of closing the inequity gap with the share of the Childrens Health and Community Service is there any discussion . Right hearing none it is on approval of resolution all those in favor please raise your hand. And let us know when you have accounts. Okay. Those opposed please raise your hand. Resolution 16 implementing phone calls. [inaudible] is there any discussion on this . Let me just add on this one resolution calls for people incarcerated implement a clear protocol the health and wellbeing those of places of intention with covid19 would effectively with others and requires the have safe methods when covid is present urges taking precautions and with the second wave of covid19. The question before the committee is signified by raising your hand. Any opposed please raise your hand. The resolution passes. Thank you. The adoption of resolution number 16 by urging the Trump Administration to waive costs impacting federal aid. This resolution talks about fema assistance is required to accept the copay. [inaudible] is there any discussion of this resolution . Hearing none of approval of resolution 16 those in favor please raise your hand. So okay. And those opposed please raise your hand. None oppose the resolution passes. Select thank you the next question on the adoption of a resolution as extremism against the minority community. This resolution is urging u. S. Cities and around the world to come together working with this committee against division. [inaudible] the quality and safety among other items are there in the debate on resolution 17 . Art hearing none that is the approval of resolution 17 all of those in favor signify by raising your hand. Okay. Any opposed please raise your hand . So none opposed. Thank you mayor. The next question is the adoption of resolution 18 in support of federal release inclusive of immigrants. [inaudible] citizenship status. Is there discussion or debate on this resolution . Right hearing none the question is an approval of resolution 18 please signify by raising your hand. Okay. So any opposed please raise your hand at this time. None opposed, the resolution passes. Thank you. The question now is the adoption of resolution 19 in support of the dignity for your immigrants act that hr 241. This bill urges dhs to maintain standards nationwide to improve conditions in affording them the dignity that they deserve from the administration to restore the process providing that our resources necessary at the facilities. [inaudible] the question before the committee im sorry is there any discussion or debate on resolution number 19 . Hearing none the question is on the approval of resolution 19, all those in favor of resolution 19 signify the raising your right hand . Okay. Any opposed please raise your hand at this time. None oppose the resolution passes. Thank you. Next resolution is number 20. Immigrant refugee communities. [inaudible] is the dreamers and document. [inaudible] limited and short of prosperity this cities they call home is there any discussion or debate . Alright hearing none that now has approval of the resolution of all those in favor of the resolution please signify by raising your hand. Okay. All of those opposed please signify this time by raising your hand. One oppose, the resolution passes. Look like an Internet Connection issue. I voted to approve. Sorry. None opposed. It still passes. So you were either incredibly good at Holding Still your screen was frozen. So thank you mayor. Alright the next question summing up to resolution 21. This resolution has gone to talk about increased participation in. [inaudible] the electoral system urges the partners to provide safe voting options. Are there any questions or debate on resolution number 21 . Hearing none theres approval of 21. All those in favor signify by raising your hands. Okay. All those opposed signify by raising your hand now. None oppose, the resolution passes. So alright think next question is on the adoption of resolution 22 is voting by mail. Resolution 22 strongly encourages opportunity vote by mail are there any other hearing none the is an approval and all this in favor signify by raising your hand. Okay. So any opposed please signify by raising your hand. I think mayor taylor is frozen again. [laughter] but the resolution passes. So alright. Thank you. The next question before us is the adoption of resolution 23 vanier and jim benning manufactured sales of all 3d printers. [inaudible] this resolution urges a critical federal safety issue making on lawful for any persons who transfer for transport deliver any. [inaudible] license manufacture license collector upon other items. Is there any discussion or debate on resolution 23 . Hearing none from the committee theres approval of resolution 23 all of those in favor signify now by raising your hand. Okay. All of those opposed please signify by raising your hand. So okay the resolution passes. The nexgen unchecked next question is resolution 24 in support of the youth which we share with the children ours there any discussion of this resolution which in courage is those working on juvenile justice issues to prioritize. [inaudible] the guidance on salahs philosophy encourages further reform at the local state and federal. Any questions on this resolutio resolution . Art hearing none, for the Committee Approval number 24 all those in approval please signify by raising your hand. Okay. Any opposed please signify now by raising your hand. None oppose the resolution passes. Alright. The next question is the adoption of resolution 25. Supports nongovernmental entities as an option for employment background checks is a question of debris. Madam chair if i may, as the proposer of this amendment i dont think theres much debate about it. It passed unanimously by the africanamerican association. I didnt want to take a moment to say thank you to you i would not be in solidarity with anyone else to reinvent our communities and reimagine the way we keep them safer. Thank you im proud of my chief as well. Im supportive of the resolution. Thank you mayor benjamin. Anyone else wishes to be heard . Hearing none the question before the committee has approval of resolution 25 signify by raising your hand. Okay. All of those opposed signify by raising your hand at this time. The resolution passes. So alright glasses consideration of the resolution, the next item of business is consideration of a new resolution on Racial Justice. The principles established by the working people according to the rules a two thirds vote when loud new resolution. I like the consideration of this resolution. [inaudible] i will move it. Is there second . So second. All of those in favor of allowing this resolution to be considered please raise your hand at this time. Okay. Any opposed and considering of this new resolution at this time . None opposed. At this time is there any question or debate is the resolution . So hearing none there in support of the resolution about Racial Justice. All those in favor please signify by raising your hand at this time. Okay. All of those opposed please signify by raising your hand at this time. None are opposed. So thank you. Are there any other new resolutions . Let me check my email just in case. No, i dont think so. Alright this then concludes consideration of all the resolutions before the committee. Is there any new business anyone wants to bring up at this time . Alright hearing none i like to thank you all for your participation and contributions to this meeting. Thank you for having my meeting goes smooth my gratitude to all of you particularly the working group and i hope you will continue will be back in front of this value with more details of recommendations. Thank you again for the staff ron davis and all of the others on this team made this opportunity really meaningful im excited about the work of the committee. And congratulations to everybod everybody. Thank you all. What you think we can do about that . With Police Reform, protests and the coronavirus continuing to affect the country, watch our live unfiltered coverage of the governments response with briefings from the white house. From congress, governors and mayors across the country updating the situation. And from the campaign 2020 trail. Join the conversation every day on our live call in program, washington journal. If you missed any of the live coverage watch anytime on demand at cspan. Org or listen on the go with the free cspan radio app. So what i meant by what is not working, and this is not anyones fault or any institutions fault, is what we are dealing with right now is Community Spread in the context of a substantial proportion of the people getting infected do not know they are infected. They are not symptomatic, they are asymptomatic individuals. The classic paradigm of identification and Contact Tracing to contain that is very difficult to make that work under those circumstances. You superimpose upon that, the fact that even with identification, isolation and Contact Tracing, the dots are not connected if you get on the phone and talk to people who are in some of these communities you find that a lot of it is done by phone. And when its done by phone maybe half of the people dont even want to talk because i think its a government representative. If you live in a community thats mostly brown or black you are in a different situation that may be savvy neat of them dont want to talk with you you can identify a contact but you do not isolate them because you dont have the facility to isolate them. That is whats not working. So what we are going to do and you will be hearing about this, flooding the area of a community to get a feel for whats out there, particularly among the asymptomatic. In other words at the paradigm shift. We are dealing with young people, people who are asymptomatic, and people who are getting infected in a community setting, not an outbreak setting and you know who to identify, isolate and contact trace. Thats what i meant. Vice president pence, along with dr. Anthony fauci and other members of the White House Coronavirus task force held a briefing on the rise in cases across several states. Watch tonight at eight eastern on cspan. Sunday at 2 00 p. M. Eastern on book tv former National Security advisor for president trump, john bolton and his book the room port happened on his time of the Trump Administration then sunday at 3 30 p. M. Eastern faith and Freedom Coalition ralph reed for god and country the christian case for trump. And then on sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on after words author and robin hood ceo, westmore on his book five days about the baltimore uprising hollowing the death of freddie gray. He is interviewed by heather mcgee. Watch book tv at 2 00 p. M. , 3 30 p. M. And 9 00 p. M. Eastern cspan2 so American History tv on cspan three exploring the people and events that tell the american story every weekend. Coming up this weekend, 60 years ago for africanamerican students protested segregation at a woolworth lunch counter in greensboro North Carolina which began the lunch counter citizens of the Civil Rights Movement on sunday at 9 00 a. M. Eastern light on American History tv will discuss with the university of massachusetts tracy parker, with Department Stores the black freedom movement. The nonreal america to films on the Civil Rights Movement february 1 the story of the greens world war an American Revolution of 63. And then at 7 00 p. M. Eastern

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