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Power to kill should be a profession that requires highly trained officers who are accountable to the public. Host hours later that bill was passed in the house. Heres Speaker Pelosi with the final vote. On this vote, they yeas are 236, the nays are 181. The bill is passed. [cheers and applause] without objection to motion to reconsider is laid upon the table. Host Speaker Pelosi late last night at the u. S. House of representatives. It was 236 in favor including all 233 democrats, three republicans joining that democratic sponsored piece of legislation. Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick from pennsylvania, congressman will hurd, republican of texas and congressman fred upton, republican of michigan joining all the House Democrats on that vote last day. President trump in wisconsin touring a shipbuilding factory yesterday. Also participated in town hall posted by sean hannity of fox news. As we await and promised executive order from the president on protecting monuments and statues, President Trump was asked at that town hall what he was doing to give americas back their streets in this country. Here is the president answer. I mean, its a disgrace whats happened to our country. Now, with that being said, republicans have to get tougher and atone them all the time because theyre sitting back there, want to be politically correct its terrible to sayo something bad. No, no, no. I told them, youll see, if anyone attacks, i stop it the other night, stuff a number of times youll see whats happening and we told them every night were going toil get toughr and tougher and at some points is going to be recognition because there has to be. These people are vandals by their agitators, but they are really, they are terrorists in a sense. Host President Trump in that foxnews townhome returning back to the white house late yesterday, very late yesterday, President Trump up and tweeting just before midnight, coronavirus was on is my pick this is the president 11 54 p. M. Eastern last night. Coronavirus deaths way down, the president tweeted her mortality rate is one of the lowest in the world. Our economy is rolling back and will not bey shut down. Embers or flaps will be put out as necessary. President trump last night. Only this week on capitol hill what are the president top adviser on the Coronavirus Task force dr. Fauci testified before members of house energy and Commerce Committee was asked statesow prepared united is for for a second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. This is what he had to say. There are a lot of things that can be. Done. We know what the failings were early on, a lack of enough ppe, a lack of enough of n95, hospital bed issues, vindaloo issues. All that right has been stored up in the Strategic National stockpile int preparation for what we hope never occurs but which very will might occur. So its the preparation also as the admiral mentioned as a go in to the fall we likely will be, likely the capable of doing 4050 million tests per month change we can get a much better grasp of what the situation is of the dynamics of virus in the community. So hopefully we will be much better prepared if, in fact, we do get this second surge and we work months ago. Host dr. Fauci on capitol hill earlier this week. What if you want to watch his testimony, any other top of these on the president Coronavirus Task force, that testament in its entirety you can do so on our website at cspan. Org. According to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus dashboard which we been using often admit this pandemic, the latest numbers on deaths in the United States come more than 124,000 deaths due to coronavirus and somena new numbers yesterday ouo of the cdc when it comes to infections in the United States and its affiliates are in todays washington post. The number of people in the u. S. Who have been infected with coronavirus likely to be ten times as high as the 2. 4 million confirmed cases based on antibody tests according to the head of the centers for Disease Control and prevention on thursday. The director of the cdc Robert Redfield estimates should with reporters in a Conference Call put at a least 24 million americans that a of an infecteo far. Redfield said4 he believes five, a percentage of population has been infected so far. Those are just some of the stories amid a very busy newsweek here on capitol hill and around the country. Were asking you in this first segment of the washington journal today what your top new story of theen week is what youe most interestedy, in. Don is up first out of pennsylvania, a democrat. Good morning. Caller hey, how are you doing . I was wondering, are you going to mention about the ambushed in michigan yesterday about the cops, people sitting around shooting at the cop car . Host don caller what about tampa . Host the president talking about concerns about our streets, the question going to taking back our streets whats happening in pennsylvania in your area, what are you seeing . How concerned are youre about that . Caller are cops are good here. Do you know what i see around pennsylvania . Impeach nancy pelosi signs all over. You know what i mean . Thats what i see. And joeac biden, play what he sd about yesterday. 120 Million People are dead from coronavirus. The guy is a fraud. Host li that is done in pennsylvania. Jim, north dakota, you are next. Caller hey, john. Can you hear me . Host yes. Go ahead. Caller first of all, the nascar thing. Its funny when the left always so things against the wall to see what sticks. And then something turns out to be a fraud, forget about it. Going to the next thing. Thats what makes me angry about the bubblegum wallace, socalled black guy which is in a black dude. Find a noose in his garage. Governor confiding to action, you know and finds that of course know some guys working on the garage opener. A little loop around the garage door to lift the door. They decide for two days [inaudible] you become a star by becoming a victim. [inaudible] talking about george floyd. Black livestock matter. Black lives matter come one guy dies and you burn and the citys. Nobody knew him. For one george floyd you can find probably 100 white people who have been victims of blackandwhite crime. Host what steps do you. 2 for that transit whats that . Host . Caller fbi crime stats, about 20 years ago the Washington Press club did a study on caller of crime. Every year on average black on white. Thats exactly what it is. I often point about the high level of black on mexicans, conflict and we dont talk about this. [inaudible] we had 17 million arrests in 2019. 17 Million People arrested. 1004 were shot and killed by cops. [inaudible] host do you think we did ned any Police Reform in this country . Caller yes our get to that in the second. 1,004,004 killed in 2019, average. 17,000 blacks was killed by other blacks in 2019. Of the 1004, People Killed, about 280 were black. Most killed by cops were white. We had about ten blacks killed by cops were unarmed. The number of white skilled was host again, you are pointing to fbi crime stats on this . Caller yes. [inaudible] ive been to north philly. Tell a white liberal to hang out on the southside of chicago. Before floyd we had nine, 18 black People Killed by other blacks. Blacks do not want to psychological behavior, problem with her father. Host counterpoint. That is jim and north dakota. Daniel is next out of louisiana. Good morning. Independent. Caller good morning. Host go ahead, daniel. Caller my question is, which nobody wants to talk about, is a thing called geoengineering, climate engineering, weather warfare. Host were talking about the top news story of this week has a been a development on that front this week . Caller well, it should be the top news story of the week, thats what im thinking nobody its like the biggest story nobody is talking about. Host all right. Well stick to the news headlines. Has been locked in the papers and a lot weve covered so far this week on the washington journal. Want to give your chance if you havent gotten in earlier this week if theres c a topic that weve been talking up in the news or on capitol hill that you want to talk about, phone lines are open to do it. Karen indianapolis, indiana, republican, good morning are you with us . Caller yes ibm. Host who go ahead, man. Caller we are just set up your we understand the layers of the obama and biden and clinton era, and wee would like to see more come out as far as the doj investigating into the layers of espionage against trump and anyone that did not deal with the democratic set up as far as obamacare. We would like more investigations. We are fed up with the fighting in the streets and taking over our cities, mayors and governors have sworn an oath to protect their citizens. Those oats are being made the side certain constituents own direction i want to take the country. Wewe all agree, Police Reform needs done. Things did we change. It will need more help as far as directing whats wrong to squash crime. But the violence has got to stop. The general public is that up. I worry about vigilante groups coming up in the future due to this, and we will protect america and the constitution. Host that is geared in indiana. You mentioned obamacare, the Affordable Care act come pretty Major Development yesterday on that front in the form of new filing inw the Supreme Court frm the Trump Administration. The Trump Administration late last and urging the Supreme Court to strike down obamacare pushing forward with its attack on the Health Care Laws as millions of newly jobless americans may come to been on its coverage. This is the story from politico. The Justice Department in in aw legal brief arguing obamacare in its entirety became invalid when the previous Republicanled Congress asked the unpopular individual mandate penalty for uninsured people. The filing comes weeks after President Trump confirmed that his administration would continue to press for obamacare is elimination, going to warnings they write from top aides about the risk of voter backlash in november. That filing from the Trump Administration coming in the same week that House Democrats unveiled a new bill to tweak the Affordable Care act. So plenty to discuss and more to watch on that front. That finding on the Supreme Court, and the end of this term. Were still waiting about a dozen cases the head down by the Supreme Court. Expectations that the term likely to stretch into july use the Supreme Court ending its term by the end of june but with so many cases yet to be decided or handed down, then likely the decision stretch into the coming weeks. Jorge is next. Truth or consequences new mexico democrat, good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to speak about word definition i think we need to start that. I was watching trump puppet with a build the navy ships and if you listen to what he says, trump, seems like theres two versions of trump up there. There is what is called targeted marketing. Target americans were you solve something. So in order to solve something you want to target your market. So you can target it two ways with positive messages or with negative messages. You listen to trump and when he goes to his supporters rallies, is a completely different person, when you go to places where he doesnt like the populace come hes very negative, and so you look at the response that he gets and its what he is spreading, either spreading negativity or positivity and jeff to target your market. Now, he went to marionette wisconsin where the make the navy. He states there in his own words that hes got an issue with democrats, that he dislikes you do have to listen to what he says. He says it plain and clear why he is doing. You have to watch where he is going and then what the effects are after he leaves. Now, its to our detriment that we believe him when he says one thing and then that we believe him when he says another thing. We need to open our eyes, we need to listen, be very careful what we do and the choices that we make because when you believe a liar who is using targeted marketing and saying one thing to one group of one thing to another, you know, its not clear. Host from more from the president , he presses the enter town hall if it with sean hannity on fox news. Heres more from the president yesterday on the discussion about coronavirus and concerns about flareups of coronavirus in this country. This is the president. So we have more cases because we do the latest testing if we did to testing we have the cases of the countries they dont test minions come up to almost 30,000,000 tests so when you do 30 million you have kid with the sniffles and they will say its coronavirus, whatever you want to call it. I said the other night they are so many names to this i could name 19 names, like corona 19, but i could name 19 names but the fact is that theres never been a thing like this. Weve done 30 million almost we will be the probably today or tomorrow, 30 million tests and would you to test your cases. What they dont say is there are fewer deaths than there have been. Way, way down, and our mortality rate is among the best countries in the world, meaning that people that die because a lot of these tests, its a case a kid doesnt even appear in some cases its the people who didnt even know they were sick. Maybe they were not but it shows up in a test so they will say 30 million tests, night have a big percentage of that of the country to very few tests it so shows they have very few cases. Sometimes i jokingly say, or sarcastically say, if we didnt do tests, we would look great. You know what, its that the right thing to do. Host President Trump last night at that foxnews townhall. Were asking other washington journal what your top news story of this past week was. Give us a call and let us know what you think or send us a tweet or a a text message like jeffrey did out of georgia saying as a georgian the story of the week is that the General Assembly here has to hate crimes bill. The sad reality is it that the death of Ahmaud Arbery and george floyd to get that law pastor where waiting for the governor to sign it. Rob in new york city, democrat, what you think the top story of the week was . Caller what i wrote down for the top strategy thought in my head for some reason, that people come trump is always bragging he takes a dollar figure salary, but warned buffett i believe has given away 90 of its total total assets, given away 90 of his total assets, and largely to the bill and Melinda Gates foundation here so to take its ridiculous to brag about taking one dollar a year what the seller is, 170542 what a quarter and giving away a couple hundred thousand dollars a year. Its a year. Its nothing. Warren buffett has given away billions come i think hundreds of billions, or 90 billion or anyway, thats not with the coronavirus becoming, getting seemingly now the hospitals are near capacity and many southern states, Many Republican states, and its becoming a crisis. And it occurred to me that our president is not really capable of doing the work as president. I think his brain is not wired for doing the work. His brain is more wired for making up falsehoods and to think he takes the easy way out. I think hes a master at pretending that he can do the work, but he cant do the work. I think its a big stage act. I think it is a big Tv Reality Show when we have tried what do you think the president s task force can do the work . Do you trust dr. Redfield, dr. Fauci, the Vice President s worked on the task force . How do you think the president has handled the coronavirus pandemic when it comes to the people that he is appointed to these positions . Caller you know, i like dr. Fauci but he doesnt speak simply and direct. He doesnt talk simply and directly to the american people. Those like a double sorted meeting to please trump, and so its frightening. You hear people in some of the other stations. I had a republican friend of mine, a dear friend of mine who said to me recently in a phone conversation, and he doesnt do anything on the tv anymore about the coronavirus, and i realize he is glued to fox television. And i said to my friend, you know, i said you would ought to turn on cnn for a half hour or an hour. Its amazing the lopsided mr. If you will allow me one more quick thing. I am an experienced insurance investigator and i worked for close to 40 years in new york city. And i am a liberal propolice democrat, all this talk about liberal democrats being against the police. I am a pro police. I have friends on the force, and in my investigations there are a lot of extra Police Officers that, and oddly, exconvicts who work as bouncers x police who work in bars and clubs that nukes it and ive been a liability investigator for decades to come in and find out after theres an incident and theres quite often the case that some of the liability, some of the fights that ive investigated over the years has been the result of the tempers out of control on the part of the bouncers which make again, there are excops and ex cons that work sidebyside sometimes in the same club which is what i think george floyd im sorry if i got his name im sorry, the fellow that, believe they work in the same club and assure they knew each other and ensure there was some tension there. But i have coached bouncers, again, excops and excons that your job is that necessarily to stand at the front door of the bar and check the ideas of the pretty girls or whatever. Thats not the job the job is not to do the light stuff. The job i can tell you how many people have responded to me and told me ive never been told this before, but what i have told them is that your job begins when the clients, when the customers, when the tensions rise from alcohol or whatever, your job is to come in and calm the people down, not to become and drunk kuster might use the inward and go crazy on the balance and then theres been countless times investigations that ive had again close to 40 years. Host you feel like the training is not fair or it is there when it comes to the escalation tactics . Caller i have told dozens of people when it had the time can sometimes i doing a slip and fall accident and they have the time, sometimes its about a fight and him talking to a bouncer who kept his cool. I get it could be an excop or excon. That is the time when a customer comes up in gets up in your face and starts to get crazy on you, and often it is just verbal stuff that can be deescalated. Host rot in new york city. Rob started by talking about the coronavirus and the President Task force. Heres a little more from that hearing earlier this week come dr. Fauci again on where we are, where he thinks were going to be on the development of vaccine for coronavirus. The hallmark of all defining responses that we have the virus diseases, if you look at the history of viral diseases, it i

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