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Good to be with you. Thank you for setting up the alliance for work in denmark and nato. The pandemic secretary, feels like authoritarians having a brief part, what they would love to impose ranging from surveillance to more traditional military tactics, the world paying a high price for this and i took that as a reference to china, and we have a situation where many countries believe china has been handling this pandemic better than the us. What is the outlook there and where do you think this is . Clearly china made a huge mistake from the perspective of the United States by keeping information away from people and arresting those in china coming forward with the truth. This is the real paradox, you need to have some rules where the virus has taken over. Clearly there are rules about social distancing, Wearing Masks which means there is a role for government in terms of creating rules and making sure they are carried out. It doesnt disintegrate into total control and advantage for authoritarian governments and the chinese have taken advantage of that. Theres been a deterrence of the virus in china and we are seeing various lockups and aspects that are a danger, a discussion like the one we are having today, what is the role of Central Government in trying to help develop those rules when the virus is spreading and have a government that recognizes the scientific basis of it and figure out how to allow local parts of the country to follow out the rules and give the people a chance to exist within a democratic society, we shouldnt underestimate the difficulties of this. Let me throw in a question on hong kong, very clear china is using the pandemic as a cover to push through changes and limitations attempting that. What do you think the world needs to do . One has to notice. I was in hong kong for the turnover. There are parts of the law that allow the council to have a set of laws to move towards a different kind of system, they are using it as an excuse, no question about it. What i find interesting is there certain countries that have been able to control the virus and taiwan is one of them and one of the things i hesitate to say this. And Women Leaders were able to control the virus better. And norway, my question is how democracies control, what other various rules and tactics, how is that carried out . It is more consulting with people, seeing people as part of the solution, not the problem in certain characteristics women have in the way they govern but clearly understanding of the science of issue, but people are partners in trying to solve it, this is an important part, not pitting one group of people against another. There are aspects to it. Democracies can control the virus and i think we need to focus on that while clearly those who have authoritarian tendencies are using it to push even further and create a really authoritarian government and it is because we are trying to control the virus and the people. The results of the democratic perception index, something that struck me as fewer and fewer people believe their own countrys democratic even those who live in democracies, is maybe that is a polarization of politics, anyone who answered that, what is your take on that situation and the global trend, is it something we need to be worried about democracies themselves to disintegrate moving to the hybrid regimes we see in hungary and so on . Im worried about that. I wrote a book called fascism a warning before the virus issue, to figure out what was going on. Fascism is not an ideology. It is a method for taking power. I looked at the history of fascism which begins with mussolini. I am disrespected thanks to the role they play in the first world war, there were divisions already in society. A very good speaker and outsider, and this is what is interesting, he and heather came to power constitutionally, in the case of italy, King Emmanuel turned it over, the best quote in that book was mussolini which is if you pluck a chicken one feather at a time nobody notices. We saw that a lot in a variety of places around the world, i was talking about europe a minute ago, an example of this, had been seeking power in hungary. Hungary had had problems as a result of world war i that they had been betrayed. I remember to do a survey in the early 90s, every country in europe do you believe a piece of your country is in a neighboring country . 80 on gary and think so. And so then on the basis of keeping refugees out and to some extent dealing with the virus, declaring a National Emergency and working off of that. What happens if you have a leader intend on being in power . They can use a crisis in some way to justify it but to understand that kind of a leader thinks he is above the law, thinks the media, the press, is an enemy of the people and then the other thing is to align himself with one group, pitted against another who become scapegoats. That is the procedure that takes place. We have seen it in hungary in the philippines and venezuela and to some extent in poland. As nationalism rises in a number of countries it also becomes a tool to say we are better than you are and undermines trying to deal with Something Like a virus which knows no borders. People in the audience joined us, we were chatting a little bit about social media, the points you were making remind me of a lot of discussions that happened very quickly and that scale out of the public eye and out of the way of accountability because of social media. In a sense you can do everything with social media, any reflection about what we might need to do to make sure those platforms are not doing harm in the way it now seems they may be . Let me say when social media became obvious i remember i am chairman of the board of an organization, National Democratic institute which is part of the endowment for democracy that was started by president reagan who thought democracies were not good about explaining themselves so it has been interesting to study how democracies took hold after the end of the cold war and generally towards democratization. I always thought, everybody is ready for democracy. Initially, we thought the rise of social media was democratizing in many different ways because people have access to information and ways of participating but it turns out it is a doubleedged sword. The question, theres an awful lot of work that needs to be done in terms of how those platforms are used, how not to get into the process, in a democracy you dont want censorship but how do you keep material that is wrong or inducing to violence out of it . These are the big issues democracy has to deal with in a way that is not authoritarian, but i think you would agree it is a complex issue and is in many ways, thinking of the last couple days more complicated by the virus. All of a sudden we have to figure out ways to track people and how is that done . It is a pandoras box of major proportions and it is a truly essential problem that needs to be discussed between the people in the government and journalists and academics, experts and i think it is one of the not so hidden issues that will make the next phase of International Systems much much more complicated than before, much more than anything before the virus. We need to think a new about structures and peoples participation in the role of information. You are raised a leadership point earlier on. If i could return to the theme agenda, suggesting the pandemic was hitting women harder than men. Might not be true in the death rate but certainly reveals a reminder the structural inequalities women are facing around the world get amplified to the economy or the domestic situation. What is your advice to those looking to do more to address those inequalities around the world see as we dont have a Us Administration . What is essential is to recognize part of the problem, we have not talked enough about who is affected by what and an issue that is strong obviously at the moment and for a long time in the United States, how it has affected our black population and stimulated a discussion about systemic racism so that is one of the issues that has also affected women in a number of different ways because many of them are the caregivers, they are the ones that have to continue to give care to their family and when there are not enough jobs, one thing we do know is women are laid off, even when they are not laid off dont get paid the same amount as men. The other part that is out there, this is the culmination of all the problems that are there, particularly difficult is there are refugees and immigrants many of whom are women who then end up in refugee camps, they get infected by what goes on there and one thing leads to another and the whole issue of how the pandemic has operated in refugee populations many of whom are women. The other part that happens is violence against women and that is more likely to come up when there are excruciating problems, there are various instincts that come out and violence against women is one of them, a large proportion of the victims of the pandemic which affects their life and livelihood. Youve lived through many turning points from world war ii, to 968, 1989, do you feel it now is a turning point, talk to us a little bit about that, how can we make it the turning point we will be proud of . When one looks at this issue and how it has affected not just three countries but everybody in the world, very few countries have not been affected, dont know what their statistics are. It makes us realize we need to sort out institutional structures internationally and domestically, what the role of technology is in this. I do think it is a turning point, a crisis is an opportunity. I said even before all this, i wrote my fascism book before this, need to recognize the International System wasnt working, people and institutions in the 70s need a little refurbishing. A lot of the institutions we worked with internationally and domestically was created out of world war ii. At the end of the cold war, i had an interesting time working with rasmussen, secretarygeneral of nato, but i do think one can see this as a major turning point and needs to be seen as an opportunity to rethink how we deal with Global Pandemic that requires International Cooperation and how it affects our government, starting from what you said earlier you need a government, how to deal with the pandemic and how to make sure the government doesnt overstep its bounds and the chicken ultimately ends up being bald. Almost time to introduce the university of denver partnership. You just made me think of a final question. It wouldve been impossible and ive been ambassador so before i became secretary of state, so i understood the importance of the relationships. We were dealing with some very serious issues where there was ethnic cleansing taking place and we wanted to undertake whatever we had to do with partners multilaterally. In many different ways, i teach at georgetown and i teach a course which talks about the national security, and what you need our partners and you need especially, at the end of the 20th century you needed partners. I was a first secretary of state of the 21st century. We were constantly building bridges to the 21st century and it has turned out to be even more complicated having started with the terrorist threat and looking towards climate change, and now this pandemic. There is no question you need International Organizations to Work Together and to complement and work and recognize the National Governments and how they fit into an International System. One other aspect is to realize there are other stakeholders which is the private sector. Whether it is corporations, ngos, universities, individuals, you need everybody working on what are very, very complicated new problems, and recognizing democracy is the only answer. Sector all but, thank you sums for the conversation. Its time for me to leave now. You will stay on the live but i will say goodbye to a going watch and and welcome dean fritz meyer from the university of denver. Thank you. I will announce a Strategic Partnership between the alliance of democracies from that Joseph Global School School of International Studies at the university of denmark. Let me welcome the dean to our virtual stage. Welcome, fritz. I went to university in late february, yes, back when we could actually travel the world. Sharing the states senator romney discussing the state of democracy. At the same time i had good talks with the dean and other faculty members on cooperation with my foundation. That is what we are announcing today, and it brings a special significance to have secretary albright with us, since the Korbel School bares her family name through her father, joseph, and you, madam secretary, represent such strong american and european stories. As strong transatlantic link doesnt exist, that is also in the same spirit which will guide our corporation. What do you want to achieve . Together we want to firmly establish the annual copenhagen democracy summit, and also make joint event in denmark for leaders care about the health of democracy and liberal international order. In the summit we have included students from the Korbel School at Denver University and hope you have all been listening diligently, even though we started early in your time zone. And with these objectives in mind im happy to begin this partnership, and would turn to the dean for his thoughts and in conclusion to secretary albright. First you, fritz. Thank you so much, and let me first say what an honor and pleasure it is to be with you and secretary albright and all of you at the summit. We are just truly delighted to the announcing the partnership with the alliance of democracies today. As you noted, we started this conversation which seemed ages ago but is only this year in denver, so much as changed. We are very, very pleased and happy or stood seven able to attend the summit, early mi before them, and i let some of the work of our great faculty. I hope many of you in the audience got the session yesterday on ensuring womens rights during the pandemic that was moderated by professor marie barry at the Korbel School, from the beginning really come democracy and the Transatlantic Alliance has been core concerns of the school. Given our history its in our dna, the lifes journey of Joseph Korbel, the founding dean of the Korbel School and madeleines father. The lifes journey of Joseph Korbel from prague, to denver, colorado, made him acutely aware that democracy is ultimately a necessary condition for dressing all other issues. And that the United States has an enduring role and responsibility to promote it, and that is, those convictions live on at the Korbel School. There are of course many worrisome trends in the world, mainly discussed at the summit and, of course, frankly in the United States as well. But this is also to my eye anyway also a hopeful moment. In the protest happen in the United States and around the world, there is an awakening a string of democracy, particularly among the younger generation. Theres a great optimism in protest. It demands or depends on the belief that we can actually make a difference. I would be remiss if i didnt note that today in the United States is juneteenth, the anniversary of the signing of the emancipation proclamation that freed u. S. Slaves. Its a day that is long been celebrated in africanamerican communities, but now i hope and believe a day that would become a fixture on the american civic calendar, a day to remember and celebrate to be sure but also for us to resolve, to continue our long, slow Journey Towards true freedom and equality. This is a particularly auspicious moment for us to launch our partnership. We will be combining the strengths of the alliance in university of denver, collaborating on research, engaging students in this work, sponsoring events, and hopefully soon hosting all of you at some point in denver. Theres a lot of work ahead, a lot of challenges, but we really look forward to working with you and the alliance of democracies in this critical work. So thank you, anders. Thank you, fritz. Now it is you, madeline. Well, thank you thank you v. I am really sorry were not in copenhagen which was the original plan to spend some time together. You and i met ten years ago when we were doing a review of the nato alliance, and so i called you secretarygeneral. But i do think that this is truly a Perfect Alliance between your institution of university of denver, and in some a different ways because there is the question, i cant consider myself the epitome of the euro atlantic relationship. Its the most important one that is out there, but also democracy. There are so methinks my father used to say, and one was when we came to the United States, that americans dont recognize the fertility of democracy and we always have to keep working on it and that there was Nothing Better than to be a professor in a free country. He loved being at the university of denver and to be in colorado and to spend time with the young people and talk about diplomatic history and the importance of democracy and people participating in it. This is one of the truly great agreements that have been made, the linkage, because you and ive seen each other quite a lot in between. We testified together in front of congress on the problems, on authoritarianism. I know your dedication to democracy and your interests in having this particular relationship. I think it is great to have this relationship between the Korbel School and you, and fritz is a perfect person to pull it all together. I look forward to occasionally being invited and having a chance to really link these two great organizations together and understand that democracy is under threat and it has to be developed by understanding what the 21st century has brought and understand the importance of relationships. I think you both for doing this, and i think it is a great time and a very difficult moment to look forward and understand that there are structures that can make us functional and democratic in the 21st century century. Thank you very much for those kind words. You will definitely be invited, madeline. And i would like to thank you, secretary albright, dear madeline, or your time today and for blessing our new corporation with the Korbel School and dean meyer, fritz, i look for to working with you and with the school. Thank you. Thank you so much. This concludes this session. Now we will turn to our session on business and tech responsibility for democracy. The moderator is the editor in chief of the danish magazine monday morn, and in this connection even more importantly, chairwoman of the daily Management Society which comprises secretaries from

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