Racism. The answer is to acknowledge when Racial Disparities and inequities occur and the answer is to Work Together to address these longstanding injustices going forward. I yield that my time. I come to the floor today with the remarks that i had prepared while home in wyoming last week. First i need to comment on the tragedy that is facing our nation today. Anyone who has seen the video of george floyd murdered, murdered madame president has to be heartbroken. The peaceful protests that followed, peaceful at first, about police abuse against any american are important and are necessary. These people protests about George Floyds death have been hijacked by violent criminals. Anyone who sees the video of the ones in disruption and looting and writing and arson , we know that those who are involved no respect for the people that theyre harming. They dishonor the memory of your floyd they dishonor of cause for which demonstrators and professors first took to the streets. Those who would desecrate a memorial, the world war ii Veterans Memorial and the church every president is worship since going back to james madison, madame president. Those are people who are set on undermining our nation. Madame president , my goal today is to come to the floor to talk about rebuilding our nation, rebuilding our nation as we recover from coronavirus. Last week at Memorial Day Services in wyoming i reflected on americas heroes and the sacrifices that so many have made for the rest of us. I talked with people of wyoming and traveled the state im reminded how selfreliant, how resourceful , how independent and resilient we are as americans. The worst of coronavirus does now seem to be behind us. People want to get back to work. The economy forcefully shut down by thegovernment is now s showing signs of life. Businesses are starting to reopen you as we say in the west, itstime to get back in the saddle. Were going to fully reopen our communitiesand were going to do it smartly , safely and soon. Every governor needs to speed not impede the process so people can return to work. Just as important, our children need to get back to school. Its critical madame president read parents know howimportant it is for our kids to be back in the classroom. The lockdowns have been hard on people. Our kids miss their teachers. They miss their friends, they missed theirnormal activities. Every child learns differently. Many children are having trouble learning all and mothers are having difficulty learning on the screen. Some kids are basically teaching themselves. What happens if and risk child misses an entire year of school . What about the impact on l . Ichild welfare . Madame president published an oped entitled coronavirus Collateral Damage area in it i noted that the persons are very concerned with the shutdowns a significant number of child abuse cases are going undetected and unreported. Thankfully, schools are figuring out safe ways to reopen. The same Health Education labor and Pensions Committee is holding a hearing thisweek on back to college glately. Next week about a hearing held going back to school safely. Most of the k12 schools and colleges to reopen this fall. We searched that young people are better able to deal with the virusand are less likely to suffer symptoms of the disease. Nevertheless, the California State University system has decided all of its campuses closed for the fall semester read every one of them had a say they will not openany of them again until after new years. Californias University System is the countrys Largest Service about half 1 Million Students but they have campuses all throughout the state ofcalifornia , and they are taking a one size all approach to treating every campus as if they are all identical. In my view that decision is misguided. Today nearly 2 3 of us colleges plan to reopen this fall. Thats according to the chronicle of Higher Education who are researching the university and talking with them, finding out what is going on from school to school. Universities across the country are rolling out responsible reopen plans aimed at protecting students as well as area back home the university of wyoming in laramie is announcing a bold real agenda plan. The university has asked governor for 79 million in federalcoronavirus relief funds. To help support the effort. Some of the Safety Measures being discussed include single dorm rooms, smaller classes, enhancing cleaning and required staff and student coronavirus testing every several weeks. The recent statement the university of wyoming president stressed the importance of an oncampus educational experience. Oncampus educational experience. The president has pledged to in bring both the university of wyoming has pledged to bring our things back together safely and protect the health of our community to the highest extent possible. Lastly to University President s in indianapolisand discussing their decisions to reopen this fall. Writing in the washington post, purdue University President and former indiana governor Mitch Daniels said that failing to reopen would be an unacceptable breach fof duty. An unacceptable breach of duty. He said purdue based its decision on current Scientific Data showing covid19 while very dangerous for the old and sick poses as he said a near zero risk to ryoung people. To see if the community is safe purdue is taking steps including making its campuses less dense red purdue will require one third of the staff who work remotely read a former governor said personal responsibility is key. He goes on to say upon arrival, each boilermaker will receive a kit including facemasks, thermometer for daily temperature taking as well as the project purdue pledge. President Mitch Daniels said 45,000 young people, the biggest student population weve ever had are telling you want to be herethis fall. A week after californias decision to stay close for the fall on the rest of the year, the university of notre dame madeheadlines by announcing it will reopen this fall. Writing in the New York Times last week notre dame president reverend john jenkins , educating young people, the future leaders of our society is worth risking a good deal. Notre dame is august 10, two weeks early than they had planned. And a the back and forth on fighting irishwill forgo their fault break and end the semester before the accident. Other Safety Measures being considered include masks, social distancing, aggressive testing, temperature checks, contacttracing and remote options for risk students and staff. Jenkins noted the school oodecision is guided by science but also courage and common sense. The schools have sought the best possible medical advice. There following federal Public Health guidelines. They are committed to protecting the most vulnerable. This is all new territory. There is no manual. Every Community Faces a unique set of challenges. Every school must chart its own course. Ristill, we can all agree that during this difficult and challenging time americas must stand with their students and not just for the wellbeing of the students. But for others as well. Colleges are critical for the Economic Health of entire communities. Hence the name college towns. Universities are major employers, often the best local sources of stable jobs. Many University Jobs are also online as this fall. L. The college shutdowns have also shut down main street. From a Small Businesses losing graduation weekend alone was a crushing blow. Momandpop businesses can they sustain another loss semester mark taking away peoples Educational Opportunities and social supports, livelihoods is a real negative impact. Heres the bottom line. Weve learned that the we can protect people from the virus and we can get back to normal life. For the good of the whole society is critically important that we reopen. Its time for america to get back in the saddle again. Thank you madame president and they yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. The senate about the gavel in. The focus will be executive nominations including ryan miller to be the special Inspector General or pandemic recovery. A position created by the care zach. The vote is set for 4 30 p. M. Eastern. Now live to the second floor on cspan2

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