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Time of great sorrow, anger, and fear for our nation. We face the confluence of a health crisis, an economic depression, and a killing that lay bear the Racial Injustice that still taints our country. The horrific death of george floyd in minneapolis was reprehensible. It was beyond a tragedy. It was a crime. As americans we all need to frankly acknowledge and work to resolve our longstanding, ongoing struggle with racial inequality. The president should help heal the racial divisions in this country. It is at times like this that a president needs to speak to the nation to pledge to right wrongs and to calm inflamed passions. Mr. President , the right to gather to protest injustice is inshrined in our constitution. The desire for reconciliation is in our national character. We must join together to ensure that the legacy of george floyd is a progress, not deepening division and hatred. Let me be clear, mr. President. The vast majority of our Law Enforcement officers are brave men and women devoted to protecting our families, our belongings, and our communities. They deserve our heartfelt gratitude as they willingly risk their lives for ours when danger strikes. In maine, were fortunate to have so many terrific professional Law Enforcement officers devoted to their duty, devoted to doing what is right. It is, however, imperative that we examine and act on the Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement where they occur. I cannot believe, mr. President , that george floyd would have had his neck stepped on and the life squeezed out of him had he been white. There are many other examples as well, sadly. I remember our own senator, tim scott, describing being stopped by a Police Officer when driving many times during one year even though he was oh, he was abiding by all the traffic laws. That is harassment and simply wrong. In confronting these problems, we would do well to heed the words of congressman lewis in response to the violence that overwhelmed peaceful protests in his city of atlanta last weekend. And, of course, we all know that the congressman is a civil rights icon as well as an extraordinary member of congress. He said this. Justice has, indeed, been denied for far too long. Rioting, looting, and burning is not the way. Organize, demonstrate, sit up, stand up, vote, be constructive, not destructive. History has proven time and again that nonviolent peaceful protests is the way to achieve the justice and equality that we all deserve. Those are powerful words, mr. President , from congressman lewis. Those are words that should motivate and guide all of us. Dr. Martin luther king jr. Once said, darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. Mr. President , by continuing to listen to one another and be guided by the words of congressman lewis and dr. Martin luther king and the mayor of atlanta, we can work toward improving social justice and eliminating Racial Disparities in this country. We can drive out the forces of bigotry. Thank you, mr. President. Spacen houston, texas. President. Spacen are you ready for the event . Hello, houston. Expedition 63 crew is ready for the event. This is Mission Control houston. Please call station for a voice to text connect station, this is jc pio. How do you hear me . Jc pio, loud and clear

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