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Outstanding studies on access to what we are going to talk about today. Please, if you have questions no onto the link for this. And you can ask questions and we will talk as a group for about 20 25 minutes and then we will go to your questions. Is a component on the link where you can ask questions. So please do that. I am the chair and director of the Trans National press project. So lets get into first, the Current Situation with information and disinformation and then were going to get into a little bit of history critically playing off of thomases recent book active measures and then will of the future hiring so will start with the present and move too fast and then get into the future. Thomas, when we start with you. As we look at her as you look at russian and chinese in the u. S. Activities today, how would you characterize what is going on around covid19. Thomas is a tough question. Because what we see certainly, is politicians and top officials from china and frankly also from the United States sometimes. Trying to spin the covid19 and holland question or come up with theories of the origin of the virus. But i hesitate to call that disinformation are active measures. To use an old term of art. Because not looking it appears, and a system for systematic professional of intelligence spirit receipts here. Were looking at spontaneous spinning sometimes lying in order to solve or salvage the reputation and personal for the readers. Theres a difference between intelligence and bureaucracies and running a covid19 operations. In Disinformation Campaigns. And 2016, spontaneous lying. Host so briefly, how would you just be clear, but how would you define active measures and disinformation for example and how to distinguish it from just political leaders lying. Thomas s limited book i talk about the questions up front. And what im looking at in the book, extensively is active measures at the output, is a term that the soviet intelligence agencies came up with in the 60s. They discovered the talking but disinformation is not helpful because it focuses the mind too much of the distinction between false and correct. Her between forgeries truth. But active measures, when they tap into fears and existing fractions. Then amplify something that is already existing. So usually some element of forgery. Often times, limited to the identity of the source of information. So a Front Organization. Like kgb or cia message. But in some cases, and some of the most important cases, there is no forgery. So some active measures on wrongful or misinformation so to speak, in his fun information in a destructive way. Finally these are questions are usually targeted towards an end pretty amusing memos, there is an objective pretty just like rainy operation intelligence operation. They want to achieve with the operation. Host heather, even watching rico closely whats going on in europe. And some of the lies that have been spun coming out of the capital in europe. And you talk a little bit about russian and chinese in the u. S. And how the europeans are doing it. Heather thanks much. It is going to be with you. Yes, the good news here is that really the European Union has been increasingly vigilant about influence and disinformation in the creation and the european service, Strategic Office of communication. Its been in tune to this operations. So they are identifying the problem. I think in some ways, it demonstrates particular for europe on chinese on do introduction of chinese disinformation which has been a real challenge politically to europe. In the controversy in april where initial draft of the report that was highlighting specifically chinese disinformation with eventually water down a little bit because of disinformation from the chinese government. And again, youre encountering the political litigation if you will of highlighting this information and educating disinformation. But i say that europe is much more attuned into it. Then others, germany, leave in a bad in some ways, the historical backward looking of attempts of russian disinformation going back to 2015. How russia attacking into whether females or democratic emails. We saw it in 2017 president ial election. There much more attention and alert. But as thomas was saying, the challenges the disinformation is being used as exploiting the weaknesses that are cleaners and societies are presenting. Thats what they are amplify and further different objectives for sure. But they are able to exploit this. So i would give them a report for your, progress. In recognizing and trying to do with the can. But the politics of this get very difficult. In the chinese in particular right now making this very politically difficult for europe. Host sorted something examples hundred that you are saying examples of the surrounding covid19 that your sing in europe. Whether its ordinance of covid19 or other aspects. What about the predominant types of misinformation are disinformation our lives rather kinds of activities. Heather let me talk about russia and then chinese. Missing a very similar pattern in the u. S. The use of fear and confusion, and plays on both, and again grades i would argue is the greatest hits of the classic russian going back into the 80s. Operation denver. In suggesting through a very successful Disinformation Campaign virus was because by biological laboratory. The cia. Missing that come through. The origins of perhaps not coming from wuhan, but from the u. S. Biological agents in fact there is a center in georgia, and it is to help discover these types of vaccines. Lets with the virus came from. Came from the republic of georgia. In using the anti vaccine groups. Two concern amplifying their concerns and entering their chat rooms and things like that to create confusion so we are seeing the u. S. Origins, the standing of our right extremists conspiracy theorists. To create the confusion and lack of trust and government. Since really started the russian disinformation buckets. Theyre slightly different. This is really a focus on trying to prevents criticism of the origins of the virus coming from wuhan certainly. Near sing a much more aggressive chinese posture particularly diplomatically that is if the government speaks any criticism of the chinese initial response to the virus, there focusing the efforts and of course in the humanitarian supplies, wanting to get credit for that. But with the medical supplies cannot criticize the causes concern. The russians have often use this in the u. S. Purchases russian medical supplies and of course the u. S. Just that the russians yes medical supplies. But the liberty of a russian Field Hospital to italy, has some speculations and concerned that some of the employees that hospital may have been an intelligence specialist. So theres lots of distrust on both sides. Even when theres a humanitarian gesture that should be positive. It has a double edged sword. Host the medium the countries are using today, most people are going to be aware of information or misinformation put out on social media. Also other things like hacking into computers. When the primary tools you see along these lines. Thomas hundred i can quickly look back to heathers response and add a twist that i think we can see coming up. So operation denver, kgb, codenamed for the operation. Infections, is a term they use. Spreading the method aids was a viable logical weapon. And in southeast asia, the goal here was to distract from the soviet unions use of chemicals. The biological weapons. The operation is fascinating on a number of levels. No one of them is that picked up the conspiracy theories that aids is an american creation pretty government creation. They did not come up with it themselves. Depicted up from american conspiracy theorist in the lgbt killed called gay communities. What is making the rounds already. That leads to two fascinating observations. Sometimes the most effective conspiracies, and often the case better the second one is imagine you are the officer writing that memo to your partners in germany or bulgaria, asking them to help you spread this myth. One is, you just telling them to do it. They will not understand what is disinformation and what is correct information. Because the blood above. So you see internally is essentially a form of disinformation that large bureaucracies when they engage in these things over years, will lose the ability to clearly see what is false information and what is correct. Even worse than that, because they are amplifying something that is already existing, it will often fall from temptation to exaggerate that effect. It is impossible to say where the original Conspiracy Theory in this and weathers begins. So the effect itself of the disinformation and exaggeration creates something else. The need for bureaucracy is to believe in what they are doing here is very impactful. Although it may not be. And i would just provoke you interviewers here, by observing that we run the risk in the United States and we discussed that in 2016, to basically deliver state the facts of what happened for the Intelligence Agency involved. Thomas you mean overstate the effects of the russian operation. Thomas historically the temptation was that the perpetrators exaggerated internally bureaucratic reasons. Usually the victims of disinformation operations and that is the case in many operations that played out in germany for example. Usually the victim didnt play it along and exaggerated the effects. If we see this rather extraordinary situation of the conversation about the russian interference. It is the top item for a very long time for years. Since the election has been the top information. We run the risk of doing their work for them ultimately. Host i work in denver. Ill go back to heather in the 2016 election pretty owner he would get a chance to provide your perspective on that including russian tensions. In thompsons issue of overstating the significance of it. Heather thank you staff. I think for me, its really important to take a quick step back is this russian operation. Its called new Generation Work is something meet new about that techniques. But it is warfare. These are ongoing campaigns pretty people tend to overfocus on the election. Because of course election is an opportunity to sow seeds of distrust. But these are ongoing campaigns. The seeds of which have been planted and, years before. And that they are fooled. Sometimes different tools are used in situations sometimes a dont need to be used. So the strategy of influence to break these internal coherence of the democratic system. So its faith and trust between the governed and the government and the institutions. Why is that important. That is what makes in the United States, makes them exceptional exceptional parties constitution and how it works. Youre the moral of the equivalent of russia. Without that, distinction is deeply divided government and people you could be much more accommodative to russian interest producer theres a real purpose to this pretty election obviously is an important moment for that. These are on going efforts to divide society. And sometimes, and i have always felt that if we handle this with confidence, with her allies and partners, we can overcome this. Because it simply the weaknesses that we are offering is what the russians are amplifying. If we feel they will have a lot less to amplify. But when it comes down to is making sure that we are feeling the divisions within our society. That we then can turn the projection of a positive agenda and confidence the russians for the most is our democracy and networking. And so again to return back to the positive spirit. We can give them too much credit prevented focus on human division. The problem is nothing for me on the u. S. Context is obviously quite a bit of Division Within europe itself, is that exactly as thomas said, is very to right now protect where we stop and with the russians begin. They are legitimizing our own elections today. Our elected leaders, could be rigged. And you dont need to have somebody help you anymore because you already are legitimizing you and democracy. Dont need that for an actor. And you cripple the judicial the Law Enforcement and legitimize them pretty party, youve done so much damage that russians can certainly have a high that pride in the art. Theyre using far right extremism groups to do that today. We are already working quite well that path. So its very hard and some help to and i believe that the market is actually done, is in our own society. Seth i would like to come back to briefly, operation denver. They have argued that there are interesting parallels, with what we have seen coming out of jurong beijing, moscow, avon washington about these 20. Some have argued that is manufactured in the u. S. Laboratories pretty in the u. S. Is in the same china. That was essentially manufactured in chinese laboratories. Probe so from your perspective, how is a similar or different from other campaigns we have seen historically. Heatherthomas a pandemic, in ty mid 80s. The best raw material that you can wish for disinformation active measures why because people are genuine normally scared, a lot of uncertainty and political divisions would open up a question of how to react to the pandemic. That is all you need to run an operation. And to exploit. In this case, i would just want to, when i wrote my book and the book is very vicious. Throughout the entire cold war up to 2016. And as we transition into the 1990s, and when the essentially close, no longer and almost no documentation from 1990. Other than Digital Forensics for example. You can see the fog arise. How becomes much harder to really come to high confidence conclusion about objectives and successes and so on. Something is important to be clear today, there were evasive courses for statements that we dont have visibility as to why they do it to their own russian and we dont have visibility into the semi covert operations and covert operations. Seth thank you. , think it would be humble for folks listening, also in a broader perspective of how this is been done historically. Could you talk about some cold war cases. Your book you you walk through a number of them. Racial engineering, world peace, and what are the similarities and differences to do gay. Thomas so lets talk about the 1959 in 1960 antisemitic campaign the kgb put on in west germany. In effect on the world. They nearly reopened the synagogue than just been reopened in september of 59 and then on christmas and 59, the on the entrance of the synagogue, and of course in germany and its just Media Coverage. Within a sort short amount of time, we saw around 900 incidents within the space of just a few weeks in germany. And like in france in the uk but also the United States. In 15 different cities including new york and manhattan. And on long island. The Media Coverage of the case intent germany was seen as regressing into the dark times. In the operation and we have very good evidence of this today, was an active measure. Complication of the product of the kgb to exploit the trauma the germany was trying to get out of. And when i talk about this operation today, and german myself. There will be german to say wait a minute, youre saying that we need the germany needed russians help our kgb help to commit antisemitic acts in the 1950s. Im kidding. And of course thats exactly the point of active measure. It takes something that is existing and then amplify it. So this campaign is the perfect example, kgb, very quickly and obviously in a great speculation when i say this, i am confident that kgb was quickly not in a position anymore to distinguish the fake antisemitism from the real acts that it provoked. We know this because even in east berlin, there were enticing me if incidents that creep across the wall. It is completely against their own interests. But its fascinating. This is like active measures are called active measures because they are active and actively shape reality. So i think that is one of the most extraordinary examples that we seek. As want to highlight one point that i think often gets lost. And that is, around the time, in the early 60s to the late 60s, throughout the 60s. We see the deescalation in the west, and is pulling out of the Political Warfare. That sally called internally Political Warfare. Forgeries, and no more aggressive frontal organizations in berlin for example. There was a thing in the 50s. And with the solution in the soviet book. So thats a really important observation. We have no more and to put it bluntly, you cannot be you cant excel at democracy. Seth good point and heather that leaves me to a broader question for you is did we look towards the future this comes out of one of the questions that one of our viewers has asked. Do we see evidence of closed cooperations to fight disinformation. And clearly, is been underlying issues there which are also substantial disagreements between many European Countries the u. S. But broader issue and we look at hungary for example. So how do you see the u. S. , collaboration both positive developments above positive and huge developments and challenges. It. Heather they should be cooperating the most closely. And many ways, the russian disinformation, i think in some ways its caused by so surprise, i think we had the density to thinking that russians could be so audacious in bringing some of the tactics and techniques to the u. S. And i agree with you, what surprises us sometimes creates an overreaction. This is exactly what we need to be together, Intelligence Services working together but really political leaders ensuring that there is a strong sense of transparency and trust. And trust of institutions and leaders and transparency into what government is doing. And as thomas said, most of this disinformation is falling into those threads. And there already, a huge area of collaboration. I think there are good governments. Really the highest level. There is not that level that we should be thinking about. The future, and this is what is in the example of hungary, is quite perfect and that is where ongoing Disinformation Campaigns are i would say influence activities which pull government for leaders towards their benefactors. Or it may take additional efforts and activities if a member has already been compromised, they are not going to allow that policy to move forward which breaks again the internal coherence of the European Union when theres looking for their own national interests. It makes it extremely difficult, and when we start following you see others moving. Theyre moving in similar directions and the precedence is set. That is my other fear that hunger in some ways was just an early adopter of potentially transit other members, smaller ones in particular may gravitate toward. It is an in normas challenge. One of the questions from one of the viewers gets back to a question i asked earlier, we did not end up getting tootle me re ask it. What are the tools that government used in the mediums they used. Youve pointed out in the past not just social media, also include Cyber Operations hacking, leaking that information so how do you see options available to states . Is a toolset it is a very large box with a lot of different tools in it. Making files is historically one of the most effective tools because as soon as you have information that someone is trying to hide correspondence or topsecret information, that is high news value. Will be often see historically, we see that even play out in ukraine in 2014 many instances of leaks that contain forgeries. Not just forgeries about where the content comes from but the actual content forgery. We should expect that in the futures, dont think links are clean and pure material that can be recorded and used for news coverage, they are likely to contain. You cant just past unchecked fact check one thing in the rest of its correct yet the fact check every single detail. As a tool in the active tools beyond leaking and forging, is of course Front Organizations. We sometimes Front Organizations existing for a very long time, more than a decade evolving, sometimes out in the semi open, sometimes there are rumors going around and thats the case for some american Front Organizations in berlin that could be linked to cia. That does not stop the Front Organization. The Front Organization could be publishing houses, magazine, activist groups. Thomas would you include that World Peace Organization question work. Yes World Peace Council is one of the betterknown ones. But i have several i discuss in the book with a lot of archival evidence. There is one particularly impressive one run by the cia in the 1950s that one is fascinating because we have a full set of project file so we can talk about it with a lot of detail. We can tell the story how the cia controlled it, evolved it and lost control ultimately. Just briefly wanted to mention not just Front Organizations but the culture of anonymity that the internet unleashed in the early 2000s. The analysis movement was really a dream come true for active measures for distant. [inaudible] you could accurately link information behind the virtual of an anonymous activist group is almost a mix of a Front Organization and a new form of internet culture. We see that weird conversions of internet culture and practice measures after 2013. Good, i am rolling through some of the questions now, this one im going to direct to you which is how significant is this information during this covid19 in terms of political gain including the reelection . This is relatively u. S. As well as other countries. I would say not just information but performance, government performance is probably the biggest game changer quite frankly in terms of political gains. The disinformation dynamic for me this comes back to sort of trust and credibility. And you see a wide range of political responses to how they are dealing with again trust, transparency, credibility whether science is involved in this political figures have used the science to shape their views and their statements and the information they are sharing others have not some have hidden behind it some of gotten out front of it. I think quite frankly the disinformation certainly is an element of it. I would say politically that this is where i would put it into the scapegoating area era. Forcing a some political leaders because theyve been challenged by the response its time to scapegoat this gets into the ecosystem quite frankly of the extremist conspiracy laden voices so the attacks youre seeing the personalities of bill gates even with george soros theres antisemitic coming through that blaming the other for a lack of a response. That to me is a growing sense of disinformation i think citizens will have to weigh when it comes time to hold the election. One other comment, to thomases notes, and i think in the future we are going to see as this is going to become especially in the russian case less russian more organic to the voices tray this is where i think the evolution of tactic disinformation in 2016 we could see the russians they are paying in rubles. Now we are seeing more specific campaigns, the infiltration of private chat rooms, things like that theyre now becoming much more organic to the voice of their own society which i think certainly enhances the effort because they know the issues that will exacerbate the tension. Its going to get harder to come back as we go particularly in the u. S. And others were First Amendment is so important the lines are so blurred from that which is amplified by russia and viewed by rush on both sides but which is organically either an American Organization or European Organization that leads in these theories. Just a followup for you, this comes from one of the question someone asked, can you talk very briefly to the degree we understand it, what organizations in russia like the g argue for example, are involved . What are the tactics that they are using . How do we educate people in the u. S. Along those lines . That comes from one of our viewers. Ten for multilayered questions. Again this is where in some ways the Mueller Report and other investigations from the 2016 election, we have a sense of knowing cyber units within the g argue that are responsible for some of the hacking, the forgery of documents, the Internet Research agencies and other amplifiers of messages. I think we know where they are coming from. But it comes back to the education of the citizens. And having greater literacy efforts, particularly when it comes to the testing paid me send the information youre getting it for a friend youre not sure right how do you fact check it where sources of information . That needs to be happening quite frankly the gradeschool level children need to be taught this, adults need to be kept abreast when he Public Service announcements that help people be able to discern disinformation, notes, recognize it. Be able to combat it. These the types of efforts and educated population, knowing that tactics and tools gets back to exploiting the weaknesses. Weve been a divided polarized society gives so much opportunity to amplify and accentuate those divisions. Healing the decisions making more alert foreign actors trying to exacerbate will go a long way. Just a more bipartisan, Community Unified effort, i think be extremely helpful. Listen to people you respect. Not necessarily the top level of government spray so like the two of you for example. Community leaders to be tracked listen to them. Gonna jump and require care as well . You know, going to provoke a few viewers here. I think a lot of americans today think the Russian Election interference of 2016 resulted in donald trump becoming president. Essentially the russians installed donald trump to their sophisticate or helped installed on the truck to their sophisticated interference. The evidence that we have does not back up that conclusion but in fact, we dont of the facts of what had an impact on donald trump winning the election. A lot of people in the u. S. Especially on the democrat side have an emotional issue with the president probably many republicans have as well. With default too quickly into dismissing views that sound to them like extreme disinformation. Probably foreign influence. Certainly back in 2016 and actually 17000 huge tenancy. Course that is a risk in itself but i would go as far as saying our perception of a russian interference is creating more of a problem than the russian interference itself. Why . Because if the democracy starts blaming domestic problems on foreign interference, then it is beginning to do what weakening or what countries like russia and turkey are doing, blaming domestic ills on foreign interference, something with democracy so we need to resist that temptation. One question with a followup, thomas w, how did both the soviet union and the u. S. Respond . You talk about actions they took during the cold war including the aids campaign from the kgb, cia efforts. How did they also respond to this Information Campaign coming from the other side . What are questions you take for today . That is a difficult question because the response changes over time its also different in the soviet union over time. In the 60s i think the soviet response was escalation pretty think we see a dynamic of u. S. Political warfare provoking more soviet disinformation. But that the namic last for a short amount time the 60s. What you see later, in the early 80s the u. S. Government, cia especially went onto the state department and the fbi as well Start Publishing information to congress, often to the congressional record and hearing that expose the ongoing soviet active measures in great detail. Some of the material is extraordinary research material. That i think made a difference it educates the public, journalists expected to be tricked in the 1980s and before that sometime there were successfully tricked often time they had disinformation. I think exposure of operations and a cautious sober factor is a response. What is the challenge . Are you confident you are seeing that in the u. S. For example . I am actually quite confident. I see some positive and some problematic trends the positive trends are a lot of people are expecting this information today. So i think it is still possible to leak information and have it covered in the bigticket way. But it is a little harder than it used to be. 2016, the russians in 2016 i was watching it in real time. It was very bad. They made so many mistakes. And still were relatively successful from the leaking side. That is different today. Obviously wikileaks is no longer can easily exploit. And a lot of people are expecting it today. But Operational Security is getting better. Look at it from the point of view of icr or g argue. They are up against towering expectations and get social Media Companies that are much better prepared against public and press corps in the United States is much better prepared so in a way, u. S. In spite of its polarization, probably harder than in 2016. Thank you. Interesting as we move into president ial election season. You have the last question heather, the big part of the question from one of the viewers is how could democracies stick to Democratic Values of free and open while at the same time dealing with this information from authoritarian countries. An anecdote amid a pick up another question, that sort of the big question on democracy with Democratic Values. The anecdote is china has supported covid19 with positive reinforcement by sending medical supplies to europe. How can the u. S. And allies have the burst of influence from the positive reinforcements. The question is what democrats should and should not be doing. That is a great question. In some ways it goes back to basics. Scaling back to the essentials of transparencies with member mints and institutions built rebuilding trust between citizens of both of those have been waiting for a great deal of time. We now have to have the urgency of rebuilding those. Because foreign actors state and nonstate are using them. Trust me it is a lot cheaper to disassemble a democracy than fight a conventional conflict. This is a cheaper variation of that. We have to go back to the basics and you need informed citizenry. Citizens need to be informed and they need to take personal responsibility for their own security, their information security. Their cyber security. This is how we protect our democracy how we protect National Security. Everybody has a part to play, everyone has to see a role in not sharing disinformation to make sure they have trusted, factual information to make informed decisions whether they are elective leaders or other. In Civic Education it could not be more apparent but were struggling to get back to that simplicity. On china, in some ways the provision of humanitarian assistance during a crisis of this magnitude should normally be accepted. China certainly was sending this, strictly to European Countries who are the most devastated, spain, italy, france, elsewhere. They had two issues. The supplies themselves are faulty, some of the masks and things were just not up to standards. They were not that able to be used. When governments were criticizing the quality of that medical assistance its been chinese diplomacy became incredibly aggressive. Any criticism of the communist party and the leadership and their gifts, was really dealt with and create its own backlash. So in some ways the positive lewd of sending medical assistance, humanitarian aid has ended up backfiring and has strong concern and heightened awareness that even the provision of humanitarian supplies came with some Strings Attached menu could not criticize the chinese government. It has not been well received necessarily. For those who were in need and some of the equipment was importance at that moment. So take to this will be a much more dynamic era with chinese diplomacy both in europe of course but the fact the u. S. Is not working more closely with the allies and try to prevent that is unfortunately creating opportunities for chinese disinformation to be more successful than it should be. Thank you heather. With that said thomas to it away and her two yes please the temptation here for the United States Intelligence Community at some point will be to give in and try to take the gloves off. Now what is it mean to take the gloves off here . Occasionally when i speak with people and National Security and the establishment of Different Countries they think the active measure should be countered with that. That would be fight fire with fire. Theyll be very problematic. Incentive is to understand and a sober analysis what would happen and how this virus, how this pandemic started how china is using as leverage in europe to put governments under pressure et cetera. Sale fact driven reporting and assessment. Course the incentive structure in the white house appears to be slightly different, much more focused on sober. The risk here is at some point over time, we are seeing signs of this happening that the Intelligence Community will become more politicized. And put under pressure to take the gloves off. That would be highly problematic because in a very ideological environment like communist Intelligence Services in the 1960s, when you train the muscle that is producing forgeries, disinformation at that scale over time you will lose credibility internally. You will become less able to respond on the factbased democratic way. So lets be careful here. And very briefly what everybody can do is are you following people on twitter other social media . That occasionally things you completely disagree with . If you isolate yourself in a self reinforcing bubble of opinions, you tend to only confirm your own views me go online. Then you are making yourself more susceptible for disinformation to find people to disagree with. Great this are good instructions for everybody listening and their daily habits of what they watch on television that they read in the paper, who they follow on twitter, make sure were being collectively in society as objective as possible. Thank you very much professor of strategic studies john hopkins university. The fantastic book out, active measures the secret history of disinformation and Political Warfare. Header conley Senior Vice President for europe, eurasia the arctic director of the Europe Program csi and the author of the kremlin playbook and playbook to among other great publications. Thank you both for your participation, and a real serious look at objective one disinformation, Political Warfare and other comparable terms. Thanks everyone. And well see you online. Tonight special edition of book tv with a focus on politics. Beginning at 8 00 p. M. Eastern author larry dimon discusses his book ill wins on the impact of covid19 on democracy around the world. Then alina dos no justice in the shadows. Later author and former National Security advisor to president trump, h. R. Mcmaster talks about the political impact of covid19. Watch book tv, tonight and over the weekend on cspan2. Friday night starting at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan watch class of 2020 commencement speeches by dr. Deborah birx in new york hurt Ohio Governor mike dewine with this Alma Mater Miami University in oxford, ohio, said nancy in northampton massachusetts, democratic prejudicial candidate joe biden delivering remarks to Columbia Law School graduates. And secretary of defense mark esper to the Naval Academy in annapolis. Watch class of 2020 commencement speeches friday at eight eastern on cspan and online cspan. Org or listen on the free cspan app. Cspan will have live coverage of the spacex crew dragon launch on saturday 11 00 a. M. Eastern. The launch is scheduled for 3 22 p. M. Spacex crew dragon will be the first manned space to launch from u. S. Soil from the final shuttle launch in 2011. The spacecraft was originally scheduled to launch wednesday afternoon from Floridas Kennedy Space Center with two nasa astronauts aboard. But the launch was rescheduled to saturday due to weather. Watch live coverage on cspan. 2020 Campaign Coverage continues now a South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham has a Virtual Event held by president trumps reelection campaign. Datagram discusses his work on the Judiciary Committee hosted by laura trump the president s daughterinlaw is 35 minutes. Good evening everybody welcomed the Team Trump Online i am laura trump Senior Advisor to president trumps reelection campaign. Tonight senator Lindsey Graham, chairman of the senate Judiciary Committee is with us and we are so excited for it senator graham thank you for being with this. Thank you you do an awesome job this is the child for trip. Thank you so much. In

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