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Negotiations, theres been a lot of progress made in the subjects that are within the jurisdiction of the finance committee that i chair. And these a result of these negotiations have led to decisions that will be in this legislation, we hope to vote on tomorrow, that would make sure that checks went from the federal government to individuals, all individuals, of 1200 or individuals, 2400 for married couples, and 500 for each child. And that would go to people who need it, people with no income, up to people with 75,000 a year in, or a couple of 150,000 income with a phaseout to make sure that no very wealthy people or even higher income, middle income class people benefit from it. So we are trying to help those who need the most help. And there wasnt disagreement from the other side that we ought to mail checks out to people. This would give americans in any case what you need to provide for the famine and to weather the storm. This isnt the first time weve done this. We did it in 2008 when we had, started the great recession. We also provided for liquidity for Small Business and larger businesses. By delaying some taxes being paid so that perhaps these people that what you are thinking should they layor off their workforce or keep their workforce in place, the productive so that they could do that. We also made a very big effort from both the republican and democratic side to very much enhance unemployment, an additional 600 per week to people that are unemployed, plus a lot of people that dont qualify for unemployment now, to qualify for Unemployment Insurance for over at least the next three months. With an understanding if this thing doesnt turn around the next three months, getting people back to work, getting e economy up and running, with all the stuff were talking about, were probably going to have to do more. But right now the unemployment rolls are going up by the hundreds of thousands each day. And we have a boat tonight that can give these people some assurances and somehow thats not a s catastrophic situation that we should respond to. I dont know what people on other on the other side of the aisle are thinking about, particularly for the unemployed and particularly for those that dont have checks. Checks. What are we going to do for them . This package that came out of the finance committee will not solve all the problems, but as the leader said there are four or five other taskforces that are doing things to make sure that Small Business can get loans that they can qualify for if they will keep their people employed. I dontst understand this boat t all, particularly considering the good working relationship i had with democrats working with me on these things as well. I yield the floor. Trento much about everyone with an update about the status of negotiations mr. President , on the third stage of coronavirus legislation

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