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And her brother said she cared for everyone but herself. She lived taking care of people. And she loved it. She started having breathing difficulties last week and was hospitalized at one of our better hospitals in the city of chicago and succumbed yesterday to the coronavirus and its complications. She had had a history of respiratory illness, but she was taking care of herself and staying home, as she was told to do. Her family remembers the last time she left the house was two weeks ago to attend the funeral of a friend. She did entertain visitors at her home from time to time. Her two sisters have asked for tests themselves because they were in contact with her, and im sorry to report they have been unable to obtain those tests, at least as of late last night. I have spoken to the governor of illinois almost every day, and we are having through the state laboratories about 350 tests each day, this state of almost 13 million people. In addition to the state lab tests are the private labs and hospital tests account for a number of comparable but not much larger than 350. There just arent enough tests, madam president. Im sure our plight is not unusual. Weve heard a lot about the tests on the horizon coming soon. The sooner the better. And until we get into more complete testing, its going to be difficult for us to measure the extent of the infection and the impact. Its almost impossible to target areas of our state that need more attention than others because of a lack of testing. We had a nursing home over the weekend where there was a patient who tested positive for the coronavirus, and the department of Public Health in the state of illinois went to that nursing home in willowbrook , and as a consequence of the first test, tested all of the residents and staff and found 22 testing positive for the coronavirus infection. Naturally, that raised our numbers dramatically. We now have 160 known cases in our state in 15 different counties, but its an indication where there is a signal of infection that testing is absolutely essential so we can identify all of those who may test positive. Patricia freesons brother richard was asked what he thought about the news that she was the first fatality in our state. He said it was heart breaking. But then he said i tell everybody take this very seriously, as we should. I think across the United States, were coming to realize that this is an exceptional Public Health crisis and challenge, the likes of which we have never seen. Sometime later this morning or early this afternoon, we will consider the package that was passed by the house of representatives in the Early Morning hours of saturday. Its a package which was designed to provide some help, some Financial Assistance to workers and families across the United States who are coping with either the illness or losing their jobs or being laid off because of the state of the economy. We feel on the democratic side and i believe that feeling will be shared on the republican side that one of the first things we need to do is to assure those employees who may not feel well that its best to stay home, and theres a way to do that without sacrificing the basics in life, your home, your food, and what your family counts on. We put together this package with the white house on a bipartisan basis that provides family leave and medical leave. It also provides an extension of Unemployment Benefits that are necessary for many workers across this country. In passing this bill this morning or this afternoon is an important step forward to let the people across america know were doing what we can here in american that we are doing what we can in the senate and the house to be responsive. Sinema, came this morning announced that the next bill, the coronavirus three if you wish. It is a much larger undertaking and it will embark on trying to get the economy on his feet enough to sustain what we are facing. With layoffs and business closures. It is a daunting task. The amount of money involved is anywhere from 7 billion to imtroleum. For these estimates from time to time. And that is a massive amounts of money by any measure. But the measured against the economy of the United States, may not be adequate to the challenge. Some have suggested Cash Payments to individual americans. I have no aversion to that idea. They hope it is substantial. I hope it is a one time that is not followed up by many of us, or in the democratic side are working on a program that we think will say families, were not just going to send you one check and wishing the best. We will stand by you during this very difficult and challenging time. Ive spent the last several days on the telephone with Business Leaders across the state. It started with calling one of my favorite restaurants that had an online f message is talked about closing downte for busines and not quite sure of their future printed it is troubling to hear a person, family members for their lives into a restaurant and now facing closure and wondering they will ever open again. Some of us are buying Gift Certificates and our favorite restaurants to help them get through this andnd other employs during this period of time. My wife is doing this is sprinkled in london and chicago and will probably do it more and i encourage others who want to make sure that restaurant is there to weather the storm and extend a helping hand if we can. Some of these restaurants are teaming up with charitable organizations to produce the meals that are needed for School Children ands families. Its a little different assignment but these restaurants are the best in their profession. And its great to see them cooperating and working together. I might also add that thesede democrats have proposal which senator schumer has filledut ou. And undoubtably. President trump again when he comes to the floor this morning. So we have, at this moment, at least two paths towards the third bill to try to help the economy. Sinema, suggested that he will do his exclusively among republicans and that may be necy starting point but i urge him, and all of the leaders to come together on a bipartisan basis as quickly as possible. The first two measures that we have passed, the initial 838 billion supplemental appropriations for the healthcare side of the equation was essential and done quickly on a bipartisan basis. The second major which i hope you passed today in the senate was also dealt with white House Speaker pelosi and the republicans in its democrats have worked together. What i wouldve drawn up but i am sure, the republicans feel the same but it is a compromise and one that we had to move forward on and the third measure we are considering should be nothing less printed and on to beat bipartisan from the start. Senator schumer yesterday suggested that the four leaders of the House Senate Democrats and republicans meet with the white house and sit down at the table now and get started putting together this measure rather than to sidelines and each work individually and separately and the sooner that we come together the better. One of the provisions that senator schumer and i would add my voice and that we would be sensitive to the reality of the Healthcare Facilities across america and what theyre likely to face in the weeks to come. Hospitals and front line responders are telling us they are worried that they lack the equipment and resources to what we needed and some experts predict that as many as 1. 9 million, 1. 9 million intensive u care unit emissions from this outbreak, will take place over the next several months. Swapping existing facilities. In only 100,000 icu beds across the entire United States. A cop and 81. 9 million, we know jwill just overwhelm the syste. Theres also major dirt of the necessary masks respirators ventilators, counts, goggles, all of the things that are essential to protecting of care workers and save the lives of those who are facing this illness. What a frustration knit innocent in my state, the state of illinois. I still the reports from virtually every level in the socalled National Stockpile has not opened up its doors for my state when it comes to basic needs. I mentioned earlier about Nursing Homes 22 and positive infections in my state. The person, the head of the department of Public Health alerted me to this, told me that she was when they were going to in a very short period of time use of the protective equipment and mask and gloves for example that they had available. I do not know where to turn to for more. Lets get this together. I believe there is a National Stockpile. Open for the states that need it immediately. That our state is one of those. These ventilators and breathing devices, the president and press conference a couple of days ago said that the governors should do their best and we can do better than that. The largest stockpile of this equipment is in the possession of federal government and we should turn to it quickly to help those in need. Im very concerned as well and out; 749 oh they would like to make comments as well. I will close also by saying that i think as we undertake the next piece of legislation, the 800 or 900 billion or trillion dollar bill, and i hope the First Priority is make sure that we help our hospitals. I measure with the senator langford, the republican of oklahoma that will compensate hospitals in rural areas in downstate areas in illinois. Im sure they will be the first to be involved and i have the thousand structures in the rural states will come together and join the senator langford and i that we have to try to find a way to make sure that they are adequately funded to get through this crisis. I would also add that we also need medical professionals in the long term. And hope that we will dedicate ourselves to improving the National Health Service Corps as one way of doing that and focusing that in the rural areas and finally senator alexander, senator murray, and senator blunt to take International Academy of sciences, the survey of our dependence on m foreign made medicines andal medical supplies and medical equipment. So that we can establish not only during this challenge crisis but for future challenges and prices with we have adequate Domestic Production capacity were necessary stockpiles to protect us. We found for example that some 20 major drugs were manufactured exclusively in china. And china went through the early stages of this coronavirus. There was fear that we would be cut off from sources. Some events the National Finance to give us a survey as quickly as possible. I will close by saying that is interesting as i follow the emails to my friends and family in here for my colleagues that is we are separated the social distance which we are trying to respect, across the United States as we are separated it is interesting how much we are doing together. Our families, emails and phone calls have been more numerous than ever. As we think about one another more and reach out as we hear there is a need within our family. Theres more conversation and candor and i can ever recall. Interfamily conversations. Perhaps adversity is crating community. Perhaps his situation is concerned that we have, is leading toou more empathy. For going to get through this. America always does. There will be some painful moments and very difficult once but we will do this job in washington. We will find a solution to the challenges we face and help our nation through this crisis and come out strong on the other side. I yield the

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