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Nice to get started. This morning we will consider the president s budget request for the u. S. Forest service for fy 2021. Chief christiansen, its good to be able to welcome you back to the committee, thank you for being here. We say around here that the president s budget request is just that, it is a request. It does start the annual budget process. It gives us here in congress the opportunity to learn about the administrations priorities and how it would carry them out. But ultimately, it is up to us to determine what programs to fund and what levels. Although this years budget request is far from perfect, i agree that the priority must be on Wildland Fire Management and improving the health of our forests. Im encouraged that the administration is proposing to invest significantly in hazardous fuel reduction and other active Forest Management activities. We know such investments pay dividends in reducing the risk of severe wildfire. Hopefully we will see this important work planned and carried out without any disruptions thanks to our work on the consolidated appropriations act of 2018, which provided new Budget Authority to fight wildfires. The fire fix will be available for the first time in fy 2020 and this budget request would make use of it for fy 2021. The 2019 fire season was relatively mild in the lower 48, with a few notable exceptions. But in alaska, last summer is going to be going down in the history books. We had over 600 fires that burned over 2. 5 million acres. We had the nations costliest fire of the year, the swan lake fire on the kenai peninsula. Thousands of firefighters from across alaska, 46 states, canada, and even puerto rico fought fires in alaska last summer. Hazardous fuel reduction projects and fuel breaks provided effective help with firefighters as they beat back the fires and prevented them from spreading into communities. But it was a tough, tough summer for us. As more and more of our forests die off due to beetle infestations across alaska and elsewhere, this work becomes more urgent. We know that we need more of it. And chief, you certainly know that fires have no boundaries there, and what we can do to Work Together is important. I appreciate the Forest Service acknowledging its cooperative work with the state of alaska on the beetle infestation in its budget justification, but i am dismayed that this request proposes to cut the overall program, the Forest Health management on cooperative lands, and other state and private forestry programs. Even with the fire fix in place, wildfire will continue to consume a large percentage of the budget, so im pleased the Forest Service wants to invest in building capacity to more effectively use technology in Wildland Fire Management. That will help ensure we are smart as we fight the fires, always keeping firefighter safety at the forefront. I think we owe appreciation to senator gardner and senator cantwell for their work on the Wildfire Technology provisions in the dingell act, which was signed just about a year ago. Another area where i think we all know we need to do more is with recreation. Recreation is the single greatest use of our National Forests, but this request does not accurately reflect that in my view. In alaska, i routinely hear about the demand for new recreation uses and corresponding difficulties in getting permits for them. I was just in southeast this past week, and again heard that repeated. Last year we held a hearing on recreation and heard about the need for permitting reform. Im still hopeful we can Work Together to make some meaningful progress here in congress. Similar to recreation, i remain concerned that Agency Initiatives to create a positive workforce are not adequately articulated in this request. Time and again, i have urged Forest Service leadership to cultivate a Work Environment that is free of harassment and retaliation. Im also concerned by the increasing rate of suicide among wildland firefighters. These issues are a priority here on this committee, i think they are a priority for all of us, i look forward to hearing how the Forest Service intends to address them. In wrapping up, i think i would be remiss if i didnt mention the Forest Services work on roadless. The agencys statespecific rulemaking for the tongass has always been about reasonable access for every local stakeholder in the 32 islanded communities in southeast alaska. Not just timber, barely timber, if were actually being honest here, but also transportation, tourism, mining, and even renewable energy. So my thanks to you, chief, as well as secretary perdue and all who are working on this rule. I know it is not easy and i think that sometimes your good work is frequently mischaracterized. So i appreciate, again, all that youre doing with that. Let me turn to my colleague, senator manchin, for his comments. Thank you, chairman murkowski and want to thank you for computing the hearing today on the forest of the budget request for fiscal year 2021. Id also like to welcome chief christiansen to our committee and her staff for being here, and i had a nice conversation with you yesterday at a look forward to coming back and will make sure you see some special areas. I saw from being beautiful, like most of West Virginias forest is truly a working for us. It provides fish and caper sportsmen, timber for our mills, recreational opportunities for the hikers, jobs in our communities and serves as watershed for four back states. Forest Service Lines across the country are managed sustainable for multiple uses including supporting local economies, providing timber and conserving special areas for future generations to enjoy. All this can all be accomplished if the Forest Service has the funding it needs. Rural communities all across the country support and demand our National Forest and we owe it to our constituents to deliver responsible budget. Some of the budget this a session has proposed would do just that but much of it doesnt. Doesnt. For example, im glad to see the steps are proposed to take with regards to firefighting. They would significantly reduce risk spending and on the other hand, do not support the proposal to zero out funding for the land and Water Conservation fund. I appreciate the special exhibit you include in your budget trying ending year 2019 elsa wf was used to acquire 19,550 acres of specific transfer access for hunting, fishing and shooting in National Forest. Just last to the public lands package was signed into law. Securing from authorization. I followed up a reducing by parts of the which many of my colleagues have signed onto and 52 cosponsors, to be exact which would require permit and full funding for lwcf and 90 million. And remains to this day when my top priorities. I was also proud to join many of my college on the committee to cosponsor the restore our parks act. This would provide over 6 billion to the National Park service is to address its deferred maintenance backlog. The Fourth Service pack load as you know is over 5 billion. Similar in size to the National Park service. I wanted to the president budgets request includes a nearly identical proposal except that it would direct 10 of the funding to the Fourth Service to address its deferred maintenance backlog. While im glad to see the administration is thinking about the problem, im very disappointed to see at the same time the budget proposes a a reduction in annual maintenance funding. Thats something we cant have happen. Reductions in maintenance funding are what caused the maintenance backlog and it will just grow worse. Inadequate funding needs be built into the budget we need to find yourselves in an over situation. Last thing i want to consummate the cheat on her ambitious goal for timber harvesting. I know the Forest Service will conduct these harvests in a Sustainable Way as required by our environment allows and i am pleased you are partnering with states to help get this work done. As a former governor i can tell you the partnerships you are forming with states make your agency stronger and able to do more than you can do by yourself. With that i look for to hearing about your priorities and discussing investments that we need to make in our National Forests, and what to thank you, madam chairman, look forward to hearing from chief christiansen. Thank you, senator manchin. Cheap, teddy back before the committee. We welcome your presentation here this morning. If you would like to proceed, then will have an opportunity for some questions, but thank you. Thank you, madam chairman, Ranking Member manchin, and members of the committee for inviting me back to testify on the president s 20 21 budget for the Forest Service. Today i will share details on hard choices that were made in our budget request and focus on three key areas. Our progress to employ tools, authorities and funding to confront threats to forests, and support communities. The work in front of us and the challenges that we must overcome and are steadfast efforts and progress to champion a strong workforce and healthy workplace. We thank the congress for approving the 2020 budget here with putting funds, new authorities and tools to good use. Trendlines point upward as we treat more forests, acres, reduce hazard fuels, support rural economies. We are on track to meet our timber target, and so far we are outpacing last years work to reduce hazardous fuels. Our shared stewardship approach is gaining momentum, in spirit and new agreements. We are working across to do work at the right scale in the right places. We have signed 12 agreements with states, and one with the western governors association. 26 agreements are in progress. Weve executed 245 Good Neighbor agreements in 38 states, and doubled number volume. We aim to build on our progress in 2021. The president 7. 38 billion budget emphasizes our critical work. It focuses work to reduce wildland fire risk, improve forest conditions, increased access, and contribute to local economies. And it advances are shared stewardship approach, but it does reflect tough choices and tradeoffs. In addition, we are seeking solutions and innovations to overcome obstacles that slow our work. We are nearing completion of the reforms that will ease process burdens and reduce costs. This spring we will finish new rules that streamline decision processes, the environmental responsibility, and get more work done. Efforts to modernize budget processes increase efficiencies in firefighting, integrate science, and improve internal systems, put us into position to better deliver our mission. We also appreciate your help in addressing challenges of the cottonwood ruling. It has delayed work on the ground and an ending analysis and redundant consultation. We are also seeking ways to maintain a reliable infrastructure, and essential for groundwork and public access. With over 370 miles of road and 159,000 excuse me, thats 370,000 miles of road and 159,000 miles of trails, the Forest Service manages the largest Transportation System of all the federal Land Management agencies. These roads, trails and bridges to get the largest part of our 5. 2 billion maintenance backlog. We need function roads and bridges to treat forests, fight fires, and reduce fire risk. Rural americans need function roads and bridges for their daily use, for Outdoor Activities and emergency response. Lastly, our Missions Success depends on a highly skilled, motivated workforce. We will continue our work to end Sexual Harassment and retaliation. We are making progress, and more resolute than ever in our commitment to provide a safe, harassment free, respectful workplace. Weve taken actions. We are improving. But we must go further to permanently change our culture to one that is based on dignity, equality, and respect for all. Our strong workforce is key to our aim to create a Gold Standard for Public Service and mission delivery. It ensures we make good on investments of this congress, and provide the services and sound stewardship this nation deserves. Thank you. Id be happy to answer questions. Thank you, chief. Appreciate your quick review here. Well have an opportunity to build in with more questions. I want to start off with a couple of alaska specific issues. You have mentioned that come to my colleague, senator manchin, also acknowledged that the administration is proposing its highest National Timber target in decades here. But that goal as you probably know just really doesnt extend to us in alaska. Were at the lowest point that we have seen in our States History since weve been logging they are. Certainly among the lowest in the nation here. Only 5. 6 million board feet were sold in alaska in 2019. This would be. 14 of this years goal. Again, recognizing that this coming from our nations largest National Forest. So again, i just came from southeast. I was down in ketchikan, in juneau, and sitka obviously discussion about the roadless, but really a broader concern about whether or not were going to be able to get any reliable volume out at the tongass, even what we are seeing. What steps can you share with me is the Fourth Service taking to reverse this trend on the timber in alaska . Thank you, senator. I hear you loud and clear. I too have concerns and i deck pretty deep into the uniqueness and alaska myself. Took the time to come up the summer and speedy we appreciate it. What i can assure you is that we do remain committed to a reliable and continuous supply of timber for southeast alaska. Its a part of economy and way of life. We really do get that. And im pushing our folks to really work innovatively on how we can address the multiple challenges, quite frankly, in doing business in this island communities. There are it often has a more logistical challenges. It is more expensive and we need to really be smart and we need to be coordinated. In addition, theres significant market variability. I think you know that right now the market is very soft. The 30 million board foot sale that was a Good Neighbor sale for the state of alaska is on hold right now because of market conditions. Its compounded by some retaliatory tariffs in china. And you know, there is a significant amount of controversy and lawsuits in alaska. And its not that we dont have those challenges other places, senator. So we really looked hard on how we as the Forest Service, this too would of come as you, the largest National Forest, we can be a convening capacity to bring multiple interests together to look at the watershed fisheries, recreation values in addition to the timber values, find the Common Ground, and have enough available cleared environmentally cleared product that we can be responsive to the different market changes. As you know, we took a large landscape approach, the first with the prince of wales large landscape project, brought a lot of collaborative capacity, a lot of Common Ground by many interests were brought together. Unfortunately, its been enjoined and so thats the biggest reason why we couldnt offer the amount of timber we intended to do. Were looking at the situation there, and were trying to adjust accordingly, and were committed to continue to work on this to be flexible and meet the needs of alaska. That chief, i have not interrupted. I have allowed you to try to give me as fulsome a response as you can, but you need to know that i view this as wholly unsatisfactory. Instead of moving forward, instead of actually seeing some results translate on the ground, we are going backwards, which i didnt think possible. I dont believe it is because you dont support the work or the opportunity that remains in the tongass. But what is happening is exactly what those who would seek to shut the tongass down, it is happening that the industry is unable to hold on. You will be visited by a group of alaskans this week who will not only share with you their concern about, again, this downward trend that has gone so low that we could not have even imagined that it would be this bad. But theyve also been hit with a double whammy that you referenced with regard to the chinese tariffs. That came out of left field. But i think you have a situation here where, through policies, through litigation, you have managed to eliminate an industry and an opportunity for people who live in the nations largest National Forest. And so in deference to my colleagues here, and their opportunity to ask questions, i will conclude my statement, but know that the response that you have provided that your committed, committed on paper is one thing, and ive got all the materials and the statistics, but its not translating on the ground. Its not translating indies communities, and that is not an acceptable solution. Let me turn to senator manchin. Thank you, madam chairman. Chief christiansen, december of last year myself and the chairman and members of this committee worked diligently to enact a twoyear extension on the secure rural schools program. Over to a 90,000 West Virginians really depend on that and he sent me letters were excited. But even though we did, provided the funding, the money hasnt been dispersed. What should i tell them . When will they get this money and why has it taken so long to get out the door . Senator manchin, we appreciate your leadership on secure rural schools. It does make a difference across the country in many of these Rural Counties with public lands. We are working top priority speed is it usually out in february. The money goes out in february. It will be out for the end of march, i can guarantee you that and asked my folks to step it up, top priority, to get it out. Whats load it up . Isnt anything we can do to prevent this . We have a twoyear extension, o does repeat itself next year. You know, in the finance part of the federal government, another expert. Well get back to. Im happy to work with you. You have to have some of the works it owned the im sure that is connected with would be on this . If it gives the person who should contact on behalf of all of us, who rely on this we be happy to work with you. We would be happy to work with you. So we shouldnt basically oua constituent speckled for any of you all that have this type of funding that it would be a month late, 30 days late probably . Or less. Or less, okay. I can think of speaking about royalty. The Budget Proposal includes 5 million increase for you communication sites program. It says the funding would be used for providing Broadband Access to rural communities, specifically in areas with as little or no capability. There is not the sticky that ill be more effective than my state of West Virginia that has world areas that have no connectivity whatsoever. I guess i would ask, with a little bit of money you have come how youre going to select the areas which are going to disperse this . Yeah, i really appreciate your question and your leadership on rule broadband. As you know this is a highpriority for secretary perdue and all of usda. Just to clarify what this, on the numbers, looks like a bump up, and it is because its a request for the fees that are paid from these communications to establish to get permits on these communication sites, for the agency to retain them so we can provide better service, better response times for those communication sites. So you dont select new site at all . We dont select sites. Thats the private sector comes to us and asks to establish a site. The only thing i would make you aware of is the maps are usually wrong. We have proven to fcc that the sec maps are wrong with these providers of telling you theyre covering and are not covering. So please if you will work with us on that and we will give you absolutely. Were urging fcc the 20 e 20 billion going out the door this year. Strictly probably their exdaddy because of the elections and this can be a lot of World Community will develop yet because the maps have not been updated. Were going to get screwed again. Yeah, again, its a top priority and we be glad to work with you on that. My final question is going to be this. According to the Budget Proposal, the Forest Service preparing to publish a revision of regulations for Locatable Minerals in october. The current regulations apply to hard rock Mining Operations which you know have not been changed since 1872 and very little has been done. What that mean with that being said there is no royalties being paid to the American Public whatsoever for the resources they own. Are you all suggesting and working towards making those changes that we should be making here in Congress Supporting the changes they need to be made not only for the royalties but also for how it is mind and for the environment and how it is protected . Same as we do in coal and other obstructions. But for some reason hard rock is been left off the table. Its been protected. Yeah, theres a rich history on the mining laws its reach for the companies that do it. Its not right for the taxpayers. Wrong wording. We be happy to work with you on that, send it if really appreciate your question. Id like to know from your office and your department basically how many active permits we have come how many perspective permits are in the queue if you would. We have hundreds but we will for sure give you if they identify, you basically submit them. They submit it to you, to give them the permit and then we get nothing in return. Id like to know its complicated that, you know, the subsurface estate, most of it, is blm and we manage the surface. Its split but it depends on where we were at in the u. S. You are all very much involved with that. Yes. Thank you. Senator mcsally. Thank you chairwoman murkowski. Chief christiansen, could is you again. Thanks for your continued work in this position as well as your service to the state of arizona. As this date Forest Service. When we spoke at this hearing last year, you committed to working with me to update region 343 guidelines to make sure phase two of arizonas initiative is a success. Shortly after the hearing i introduced a bill takes a leading Forest Restoration act which lay that very concisely the top asks from the stakeholders to make the project more efficient and economical. The Ecological Restoration Institute at Northern Arizona university has been a leader in developing effective forster policy and conveying stakeholders to ensure policies get implemented. The recently Progress Report on modernizing implementation for it acts as both a report card on how well the Forest Service has done end up winning the reforms letup in my bill and the guy to a still need to be done to issue be required reading for anyone involved in four phi out to make sure you have a copy and also chairwoman id ask unanimous consent this be added to the record. It will be included. Thank you. Thank you. Ill be following up with questions for the record detailed updates on the status of implement the stakeholder request including branding requirements for low value timber, truck wayans, increasing weight limits and extended deck drying times all of which are from a with. I want to turn to focus on one of those critical components of making four phi work both in terms of economic and improvement of the Forest Health and is a biomass removal. When it comes to large horse projects like for fry, decree the biomass removal the disposing of large piles a small branch of left over ashes when the Biggest Challenges . Yes, it is. And i appreciate the face to rsp has a biomass removal mandate and it but the steps requirements on other projects of scared weight industry to the huge cost involved. E. G. Share what are come what you think options are for moving would biomass besides burning committee metric tons of piles in arizonas forests . You intend to overcome previous challenges in a different way . Just want to get your thoughts on that. Thats a great opener for the aggressive work we and others are doing to find markets for that biomass. Its not economical as you well know to remove it, to burn all and put smoke in the air and were working on both fronts, our first products labs, innovations work on the market by solution to biomass. In the meantime for fry has been a leader in teaching us this difficulty we have in how much of viable timber versus how much biomass and how we bring the right proposal for word of what the requirements are. The marketbased solution is a challenge because unmarketable trees can be supplies, can be used to generate electricity but just not lucrative as far as being cost efficient compared to other modes. How do you address any of those marketbased issues when it comes to even using it for Electricity Generation . Electricity generation as you know it doesnt, it just doesnt attract in many cases the dollar return when you have significant whole holocausts but were looking far beyond just Electricity Generation. Horrified would, its a way to basically a replacement for call. Nanotechnology, we can build car frames and put in concrete to lighten the load. Theres multiple of options that were getting near to some we have the technology to how we skip it up to be market placed is the next bridge we are working on. The face to rfp has been delayed multiple times. Now that its out for review the duty, the contractor dates have been delayed also multiple times. Some of the delays are largely due to listing the stakeholders and approving rfp which is commendable but it is important we adhere to an aggressive timeline. Can you share on the record when you expect the contract to be awarded . Youre exactly right. I was personally involved in the decision to extend it based on really informative feedback like potential bidders. The proposals are due in may. Its our top priority. Its to evaluate in the summer months and we will award in early fall, and its a priority scale on the time at. Thank you. Im over time. Senator heinrich. Thank you, madam chair. Chief, according to a recent usgs report about the economics of Forest Restoration across the west, for each Million Dollars that we invest in landscape skill Forest Restoration programs, communities actually see more than 2. 2 million in economic output. Not only do these projects bring jobs and livelihoods to world economies but the protect our Drinking Water and the increased the risk of wildfire that only on those lands but in the adjacent communities. Yet in this budget request you have zeroed out the collaborative forest landscape restoration program. Zero. For a little context, this program has treated roughly 55,000 acres in recent years on the santa fe National Forest alone. Oftentimes several times more from two to four times more acres that are Timber Program touches. Budgets are a statement of priorities and values. And what i want to know is why this administration doesnt value this critical restoration to a more . Senator, i really appreciate how you frame the question because youre absolutely right, the multiple benefits of Forest Restoration, whats created in communities, the nations forest provides over 60 of the Drinking Water for the u. S. It really is found. With that said, as i sit in my Opening Statement, its some difficult choices and tradeoffs were made in this budget submission, and we are committed to the collaborative spirit of shared stewardship, investing and probably work to get outcomes that are important for the particular states and communities in these forest communities. And id be happy to work with you, as you all move forward. All right. I just dont see of zero as a tradeoff. I would point out that businesses in the state of new mexico are now funding more of this kind of landscape scale restoration than the entire federal government proposal in your budget. That says something about priorities and values. In addition, i was dismayed to see the budget request yet again touched the land and Water Conservation fund to nearly nothing. 14 million in total, zero for the Forest Service. It actually takes 8 million and existing projects away from the blm. And i cant tell you how popular that program is with the entirety practically of my constituency. Its the one place when where t sportsmen, conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts all on the same page because its the most Effective Program for creating access and protecting habitat. And i dont understand why access and habitat are not priorities in this budget. Yes, i do hear you, senator. This administration, again, took some really prioritized focus, and acquiring new lands was not the priority because when you do take care of the lands, the roads and the systems that we have. And that was the choices and tradeoffs that we made. Oftentimes what that means is that the public lands that the public cannot access, and weve heard a lot of rhetoric out of this administration about access. Lwcf is the tool to move that from rhetoric to reality on the ground here im down to a minute here somewhat to get one last question in, and this relates to what senator manchin raised around the maintenance backlog. So we have a number of cant grant in new mexico that even closed for years one was damaged in a 2012 fire, and still hasnt reopened. I dont think that is unique to my state. With the current funding structure, how long would it take the Forest Service to work through its maintenance backlog and get some of those campgrounds reopened . You know, for our roads and trails, and i can get back to you specifically on the campground part, but for our roads and trails, we would need 445 million per year for the next ten years in addition to whats appropriated to clear the backlog. And whats the number this year in your budget . The number this i can get its around let me get that for you. Its 453 million. Thank you. Senator gardner. Thank you, madam chair. Thank you, director christiansen for being a today and service today. You may have addressed this already in previous questions. I apologize for repeating the question if those already asked about ten musca we asked about the aerial firefighting use study. The eucharist it would be coming soon. I i do before the visit would be coming soon. The year before that we sent it would be coming soon. Its a coming soon . The year before that it was coming soon. Yes, senator, that is deserved, that question is. And i guarantee you it is coming soon. I understand whats taking so long . Yeah here to know, id be glad to come in and give you a really detailed briefing, but let me give you the high points. We completely didnt know what we didnt know on the complexity of this kind of study. This was going on while we were going to the next generation of air tankers. Of course we had to put the Remote Sensing devices on these air tankers. The questions, the performance measures, the data standards, the speedy let me just cut to when you say coming soon, does that mean next year i get to ask you again . No, this spring i guarantee you. Before june . Yes, sir. And keep your last several years, the forest of assisting a fourdoor 40 turnover is my understanding in staffing and 40 of the nonfarm workforce has been neither converted to fire workforce or left the service altogether. I want to talk about whats happening in my own state in Summit County colorado a population of 30,000 people. They have now, they wrote a letter to me last year, they passed a tax increase on themselves in the county over wendling dollars per year toward a the right of wildFire Prevention and mitigation strategies including paying for it six, the people of the county are taxing themselves to pay for six seasonal Forest Service staff to conduct Fire Prevention work on the Dillon Ranger district of the white river National Forest, the basis for us in our country. One fulltime year around usfs wars service employee, a Forest Service contractor conducted fire mitigation timber cuts, overtime for Fire Prevention patrols in for service went by Summit County Sheriff Office and fire mitigation projects on open space adjacent to for service lynn. Now we have the budget cap adjustment and place, is the Forest Service went to dress the situations like the one i described in Summit County and throughout the state of colorado . Yeah, we really appreciate that kind of shared services collaboration, what the community is doing to really step in and help fill those gaps. Its really significant. In regards to what we call the firefighting that stabilize our budgets were continually typical or into fire but it really is the process of Budget Development and appropriations process to increase the funding for those services. So we are really looking for to working with you on the. Will you be filling the gaps in the nonpar staffing that i talked about in both Law Enforcement and Fire Prevention . It will fill the gaps to the extent that we get appropriations to do so. This will allow for dont have to have local counties doing tax increases to do the job of the four service . Yes, senator. Obviously remain concerned with the number of air tankers under contract with guaranteed ability to support efforts around the country. I know theres a private study being released which examined wildfire data between 2015 and 2019 showing when a Large Air Tanker is deployed against a fire in the first four to six hours, fires last an average of less than one day but for far too many fires in this country thats not been the case. Oftentimes lasting 20 more days plus or significantly beyond that. Billions of dollars are being shouldered by taxpayers, businesses and the community as a result it will have a study so without that study how are you just like the number of air tankers you come up with for exclusive use contracts and can you provide this commute with the data in forming the decision and are you confident that during a bad for you the sufficient air tanker capacity available to the Forest Service . Yes, i am confident, and yes, we be glad to give more detailed information on how to really analyze those decisions. I can guarantee you we have, we will have the most caretakers we had in over ten years. This fire season. Air tankers. We can put those on as we see the fire danger increasing so its not that we call them up and we have to wait two days. We call them up as we seek higher rate, more expensive . At a higher rate but only when we use them versus we have to pay them for guaranteed amount of time. Its a bit of an art and a science, i will say, no, we find the right balance to be responsive but make sure we have the right resources in aerial firefighting in the uptick, but we are responsive with our budget and our spending. Thank thank you, and i some additional questions for the record. Thank you, chair. Senator wyden. Chief, great to have you. We start with the wildfire Disaster Funding at, what you think most people believe is the biggest change in firefighting policy in decades. And in effect, for those who didnt follow it, it basically said were going to fight the big fires from the Disaster Fund and then were going to liberate all that money to focus on prevention. We wrote it, all of us were involved in it, we wrote it industry. So my first question is, what can you tell us, because this is the first year of implementing this transformative law, how is it going in terms of being able to liberate money to get at this backlog that senator manchin and senator heinrich and anybody else is asking about . The backlog in my state about is 2. 5 million acres of hazardous fuel. So my first question is, how is it going in terms of the first year when we really ought to have new money liberated because we finally said were not going to have this is our policy to keep rating the prevention might to keep fighting big fires. How are we doing in terms of getting that money out of the Disaster Fund to go after the backlog . Thank you, senator. We do continue to appreciate very much [inaudible] it is a fire funding thank you. Fire funding fix is profound. I do have to clarify something. So it stabilize the Forest Service constrained budget. We didnt have two the ten year average that we have to fund first with fire, that has been stabilized as you know to the 2015, ten year average. So we dont have that continued erosion. That isnt very helpful. The second part of the fire funding fix was because we have the Disaster Relief account now for the big fires, the chances of having to borrow midseason are, you know, reduced, practically wont happen. But the idea that we have got additional monies, thats what this conversation is about. That is the appropriations act. What we are doing in the Forest Service is to say, were going to prioritize, were going to be a good investment, and the funds that is a budget process, this appropriation process gives us, we are going to put to good use and youre going to seek i very much for the new money and thats one why my colleagues questions were good. I also believe that if you are no longer rating prevention, you can use retention money to hit these targets and id like to ask you to provide us monthtomonth treatment targets for reducing hazardous fuels, at least in my state, but i think my colleagues are going to ask as well. Can you do that, give us monthtomonth treatment targets for reducing hazardous fuels. Was yes, senator. I might ask if we could do it quarterly because there therea little bit at play. We set quarterly targets is how we do it, but if you need month we will do it by month. Great. I think because this is, in the fire season, if we could say the first couple of months we need monthly targets and after that we would accordingly. Is that agreeable to you . Yes. And i would like to point out that this budget does propose a 65 million increase in hazardous fuels. I saw that, okay. Second, senator manchin and ive been very interested in finding some fresh approaches to deal with prescribed fire, and as we always do we talked with the chair because it always try to work on these issues together. But as you know theres a lot of interest in prescribed fire, streamlining the real tory hurdles, developing prescribed by the workforce. How are we doing on that . We are making well, we are making far more progress on getting more prescribed fire done on the ground, particularly in the west we need to break through those cultural and social barriers. In the Pacific Northwest in particular, we increased our prescribed fire activity. As you know in many, many of our landscapes across this country, fire is the number one treatment tool, and weve got to keep increasing. Let me do this because im almost out of time. If you could give me a written and on the fire plan. Senator manchin and i want to Work Together with all of our colleagues on both sides. You bet. Last question, you might want to give this to be invited because im over time. Ivery interested as you and i talked about looking at new technologies in terms of firefighting, particularly one that here a lot about is the ability to fly helicopters at night or in low visibility. If you can give us a short answer i could probably get another 15 seconds out of my friend, the chair, but if you will also give me a response in writing on these technologies. I will. The short answer is weve had night Flight Operations in Southern California for the last handful of years. We learned a lot. It is an investment, but we had some known, very known capabilities in the right place to use knifelike operation. Thank you, madam chair. Thank you, madam chair. Chief, didnt have the here and thanks for testifying on the Forest Service budget. It was also really good to be discussing these issues at the Forestry Forum we had two weeks ago and our meeting yesterday with you and your team, and thanks of being here today. I was encouraged to find the Forest Service budget prioritized wildfire suppression shared stewardship principles, increasing efficiencies, and set a very quantifiable target of timber output target of 4 billion board feet. However, if thats the good news, heres one of my major concerns. I believe its unacceptable that the administration continues to eliminate funding for the land and Water Conservation fund known as lwcf. Lwcf is a critical tool in montana to protect and enhance our public and recreational access to our public lands. In fact, i along with 52 other senators have cosponsored Bipartisan Legislation to make the lwcf funding permanent, and will continue pushing for full mandatory funding for lwcf and working cross the aisle with my colleagues on getting are important bill across the finish line unfortunately there are not to make things that unite congress anymore. As we saw earlier last year, public lands to do and i think this is the only piece of legislation that will. 62 of montanans stated that wildfires threatening homes and property are a serious problem. We see the effect of that, breathing the smoke in the summertime. This could should come as no surprise answers 1. 6 1. 6 million acres in the wildlandurban interface there are at high risk of wildfire. I do appreciate a budget prioritized the public safety. By requesting robust funding for wildfire suppression and importantly vegetation management. However, it is litigation, litigation from Fringe Groups that continue to delay time sensitive wildfire Risk Reduction projects. Theres one lawsuit currently jeopardizing over 130 projects in montana alone. This particular case is one of many copycat lawsuits that follow the ninth circuits cottonwood decision. This Court Decision established a new procedural requirement that amounts to a mere paperwork exercise with no benefit. Even the Obama Administration agreed that this case, and i quote, at the potential to cripple Forest Management. Thats right out of the Obama Administration. We were working this when he was president , and they were spot on. The impact of this case has died and hundreds of projects, damaging the health of our forests and threatening jobs. In fact, just last month in townsend montana broadwater county, 70 montanans were laid off when our we were forced to close and siding chronic water supply. The irony as you stand at that mill youre looking thousands of acres of forested land and a public lands, National Forest and we can go into some common sense setting that would reduce wildfire and keep these folks employed. This will surely have a Ripple Effect in the committee. These are not prospers immunities. These are important, good paying jobs and families are devastated. My question to you is can you find in packs of cottonwood . Do you believe theres a conservation benefit to this new requirement . The consequences are severe, i will say that up front. We are committed to do our environmental, our endangered species act Due Diligence consultation. But this cottonwood decision is duplicative in that it requires us any time theres any new information on a forest Land Management plan, thats the general plan every layout for every 15 to 20 years, and it requires us to consult on any new information. When we are going to consult on any project, we are going to directly on the ground, so its duplicative. It takes numerous resources away from getting work done on the ground, but worse, it prevents the work getting done. The resiliency and the forest to protect communities and the weight of life a public lands in montana. So how does litigation in fact, wildfire reduction project and overall the visitors experience to our National Forests . Will, it just prevents us from getting the critical treatments on the ground because we are tied up in litigation. We are enjoined here we cant move forward, and recreationists have to live with smoke. Communities have to live with smoke. The Economic Prosperity of the communities are compromised, as you just talked about. Its a significant rippling impact and its not just in montana anymore. Its a nabokov footprint of the ninth circuit. Im out of time. My last point is and i will wrap up is my wife and and i are avd backpackers like a lot of montanans. Were leaving d. C. And get to spend time in the high country in montana. We literally have to watch the five reports make sure we get in some of the errors in southwest montana to make sure theyre open. Thats the impact of access to public lands. Thanks for your testimony. Thank you. Thank you, senator daines. Yes, it is senator hirono. Yeah. Thank you. Chief come as you know while security is of great importance tell why in the Pacific Region and, of course, i predicted are forced and environment from Invasive Species we are also reducing the likelihood that these pests make the way to the mainland. Unfortunately, our current bio control facilities that are utilized by both the state of Forest Service are outdated and we are in need of a new state of the art Biosecurity Research facility jointly owned and managed by the state and federal partners, including the Forest Service. That would allow our researchers to test different bio control methods are combating some of the worlds worst tests. Tests. The statist a la could a thousand for planning and scoping the possibility of facility of a facility but support is currently needed. Id like your commitment to work with me and my staff in exploring the possibility of a new bio control Research Facility in hawaii. Because we are the Invasive Species capital of the country. Gateway, hows about . Date eight way, thats fine. We appreciate your leadership on this, and hawaiis stance on this and id be happy to work with you to see what we can do. Thank you. I 20 thank you for the cooperation that is got into helping combat a pathogen that is been devastating the native trees. You mentioned that our forests account for over a vast maturity of the nations drink of water, and thats the case with our forest because theyre part of watersheds. Money from the state and private forestry i can is been critical to helping our folks on the grid in hawaii address rog, and im disappointed to see that the president budget makes severe cuts to a program that is so important to hawaii and i work my colleagues and coaxed to see that the program is funded more adequately. Along those lines i appreciate your support for forest pathologist at the institute of Pacific Islands for street, what hawaii is in desperate need of the position becoming permanent so they can support our state biosecurity plan and help address existing an emergency, emerging pests and pathogen such as r. O. D. Support would be funds from university of hawaii and the state of hawaii. Id like to commitment to work with me and my staff to see about establishing a permanent jointly funded forest pathologist in hawaii. We would be happy to work with you on that. We have some great scientists out there, bio controls and other things, and theres a great multiagency effort and we are committed to remain a part of that. Good. It is not clear what this proposal specifically means for the future of the institute of Pacific Islands, forestry or ipif in hawaii. So will you have experts on your staff brief my staff on any impacts of this proposed closure on the Pacific Islands as well as the future that the Forest Service envisions for ipif . Absolutely. Ive been out to ipif and ive personally seen how integrated they are and well be happy to work with your staff. Thank you. You noted that you are making progress and the issue of preventing Sexual Harassment, and retaliation in the Forest Service. And there were a number of recommendations made in the ig report because this is an ongoing problem for the Forest Service and you did say while youre improving, that it makes time to improve the culture. I was curious to know, seeing the list of the report where in january 5th, 2020, the agency, your agency closed about 88 of the 2,215 cases of harassment reported since august 27th, i realize that you are focusing on your hiring methods, the kind of questions that you ask of potential hires, youre really focusing on the need to report these instances, of the training, and of course, the investigation of this kind of misconduct, but im curious to know, like who is doing the harassing and who are the victims of the harassment . I take it theyre all employees . So is it your male employees harassing the female employees . Is that the usual circumstance . We can get to more specific demographics. Theres you know, harassment is knows know boundaries. I would say the preponderance is between gender about you its not only we have specific demographics on what kinds of lines of work and studying and looking at the trend lines. Its a bigger conversation than now, but id be glad to get back to you with more information. Yes, so i am interested in how who is actually, you know, doing the harassing and what youre doing in terms of diversifying your Employee Base and all of those kinds of id really love to come visit with you. Thank you. Thank you, madam. Thank you, madam chair. Chief christensen great to see you. Thank you so much. No one can argue that nationally and internationally the fire seasons are with us from australia to alaska, so obviously, a lot going on. One of the things im pleased to see, theres 15 million in the budget and implementing the bug Technology Act that senator garner and myself pushed through, everything from gps locaters to fire information. We did a great demonstration of this in spokane, that i loved because we were at a fire station and literally, we were in the garage in the fire station and they lit a can outside, but you couldnt see it because the fire was going, but you couldnt see it, but the heat detection sensor that we had in aerial sense, could expect it, showed it on our monitor, oh, my gosh, theres a hot spot, weve got to get right on it. Were such a Firm Believer in this technology. What can we do now to speed up the deployment of this technology, cbo estimated like, like you could do the whole wildfire management Technology Act for just 8 million. So we feel like a lot can go forward this fire season. So what can we get done without money . Yeah, the money is really appreciated and it you know, to whatever levels congress does choose to fund, we stand ready to be able to implement. Now, you know, funding it is is the highest priority on being able to have the resources, but we have to make sure we invest in the right way. So we are moving out now, regardless of whether these funds come forward or not on doing some pilot tests around these resource trackers. The technology is changing, you know, weekly and so were working interagency and three we have three different scopes of questions in these three major pilots across the country with an Incident Command Team to 100 of the fire personnel in another region across agencies and there are different test types so we would go ready and we know the best investment and the best operating procedures and were going to use existing funds to move that forward. Well, i appreciate that and so, i would think that then when you look at the maps for the, you know, what we get in a few months here and further into the early summer, youll look at that and make Technology Use projections based on where you think hot spots are, or the biggest threats or well, and the resource trackers, thats more where the where we are considering what kind of fire activity we think well have in those areas, but its capability, its the readiness of the multiple agencies are affected. So were deploying that now because its a little bit more of a test that we need to get stood up now. What about the gps trackers for firefighters . That seems very easy to deploy and well, thats what im talking about, the tracker, the resource tracker, the gps trackers. Okay, so thats just that resource . Okay. Yes, yes, and then where we we have been working on thats very low cost, right . I wouldnt call it low cost, with the amount of infrastructure that you have to put in place and the training and the capacity and maybe and, you know, if were talking inner agency, were talking 15,000 fire personnel and we put it on our what i call our militia that do do fires. Theres another 10,000, its not low cost. Right, but obviously were looking for people when theyre deployed and not when we have enough other problems, right . Yes. Were just looking for the deployed individuals. Absolutely. And tracking them. , but in a high fire season, interagency we could have 26, 27,000 folks deployed. All at the same time. In peak parts of the season, oh, yes, thats getting up there and breaking the record, depending the fire activity, anywhere from 5,000 to 20,000 in the height of a fire season, but its close to 30,000. I would hope, obviously, weve lost northwest people in some significant fires over the last, you know, two decades and you bet. And we definitely would also like to see the weather forecaster, you know, smoke forecasters, you know, on the ground in those situations because we think thats critical as well. Senator if i could quickly interrupt on the wildfire monitorization piece, our researchers are ready to deploy an app that will, you know, every firefighter has a smart phone that would give realtime escape routes and safety zones on their app as they move about. So there are all kind of other capacities that are with this that were growing. Well look forward to obviously being large and vocal advocates for the budget. You bet. And doing everything we can to help you get these things deployed. We think the challenges just grows every fire season so we normally want you to have every tool and glad that youre going to embrace the modernization with or without this 15 and clearly the resources. Thank you, madam chairments thank you, senator cantwell for what youve been doing on that technology front. We appreciate it. Senator cortez masto. Thank you for your team and staff and the good work that you do. I want to echo the comments made by the chairwoman along with my colleagues and senator cantwell. From nevada, the forest or the rangeland, a big issue for us as well. What i want to talk to you about is local cooperative fire agreements. Ive had conversations at wildfire summit in my state and talking with local folks and agreements between the state forest and our state and local governments is to aid in mutual assistance and local and regional wildfires. With the intensity of the fires we see, no longer fire seasons, literally in nevada, a fire every month now that were seeing, unfortunately, that happening. But i guess my question to you is, im understanding theres some limitations now with respect to that. Can you talk and discuss the limitations youre experiencing with these cooperative fire detection agreements and what longterm solutions should we be considering to improve the relationships . And let me give you an example, i know, i think the Forest Service staff wrote in april 2019, an issue summary noting limits current law provides these agreements and the potential need to reassess how these are implemented. And maybe i am catching you off guard. If you cant respond to that, would love a followup, if theres something we need to do to address the local agreements . Yes, i can address it generally. I want to make sure that part of limitations youre referring to. So, that will wed be happy to follow up on that, the particular because there could be a couple of ways this these limitations are. Let me just say that even the u. S. , thats coveted around this globe that we have the worlds best wildfire response, we cannot do it unless we have capacity at the local, the state and the federal level. So, with my background, 30 years in state government, that you know, tended to those local arrangements, im steadfast and that is how we have built this system. So all parts need to function. The limitations, i believe, are in how we deploy the resource local resources way outside of their jurisdiction. Correct, thats correct. Okay. Thats the part of the limitation. And you know, how we help each other within the their jurisdictions or close to their jurisdictions is solid. But that theres interpretations about the federal government being the banker to, you know, send people all over is what we are getting audits about and so wed be glad to, you know, do some more briefing about that, understanding and would love to have your help on how we look at how we keep a continuous firefighting effort across this nation. Thank youment and so what well do is look forward to a followup with you or maybe your staff to talk more about it. Yes. Thank you, i appreciate that. In nevada we have our Air National Guard is one of the, i guess, lack of a better ward. Mass. Modular airborne fighting systems thats happening and proud of that and thank you for the partnership, ive toured it, ive seen not only what they bring to the wildfire suppression not just in nevada, but in the region, right. And so i guess what i am hearing, i have concerns about this. So i would love for you to address this. One, can you comment on the impact that the National Guards current c130 aircraft has had on firefighting efforts . And im hearing theres a potential, as you know, our Air National Guard is looking to my great to c130j. Theyre looking forward to that, but were hearing that funding for it may go toward the border wall and not the newer aircraft and technology that will help with aerial firefighting throughout the region. Can you address that what youre hearing and the concerns we are hearing from our Air National Guard in northern nevada . Yes, thank you, senator. I can say that the mofa capability, the mobile air frames are important, we call it the surge capacity. The private sector, weve maxed that out. And need the capabilities. Mafs have time and time again been the critical resource and we love the partnership. I cannot speak to the dod funding i can say the hs. The 130hs are capable. The 130js are a more sturdy platform and give us in fire response. Thank you, i appreciate that. Look forward to following up with your staff as well. You bet. Thank you. Chief, i mentioned in my Opening Statement that, well, i appreciate the good efforts that the Forest Service is doing, as youre working through this roadless rule and application in alaska, i mentioned the effects of lifting it, i believe, have been misconstrued and so id ask you to speak specifically to what you believe the effect of lifting the roadless rule actually projected will actually be projected to have on the Timber Program. And ill put it into context. We recognize that the deis projects that a full exemption would add approximately 185,000 acres to the timber base for future timber production. There are some who, again, are opposed to any level of timber harvest and theyre saying that will what will be open and available and yet, Forest Service projections are just that 18,000 of those acres would be harvested over the next 100 years. So im trying to put it into context as i have been with folks in the southeast this past week, i was reminding them that with the designations that are already in place, you have a full 80 of the tonges that will never ever ever ever be available for harvest. Can you speak to what, what the effect actually will be on the tonges Timber Program . I can speak to that, yes, of course. And lets just put into context that the tonges is far more than timber. Its a multiple use forest, it provides many, many services. Tourism, access for renewable energy. Energy systems. Projects. Thats the context and timber is a piece of it. So thats one slice of the analysis and what the roadless Draft Environmental Impact statement looks at is what is where it is available. It doesnt project what would happen in a harvest. We are still bound by the forest plan. And then the forest plan guide the amount of harvest and of course, each particular activity needs to be analyzed and the amount of harvest access, its access, reasonable access to all of the stakeholders. Of course, yes. Yeah. So the roadless rule itself does not dictate timber harvest, it dictates availability only and theres forest Land Management plan and then specific project proposals that would come after that. And i think this is part of the confusion. For timber, this is really about the flexibility that make economic sales rather than increase harvest, is that correct . Yeah. You want to have the flexibility so you can have the sales. We spoke earlier, you recognized that the prince of wales project and the fact that a great deal of time and commitment had been made for that to accommodate that collaborative process, and then it gets stalled out because of litigation so effectively we put a lot of eggs in that basket and now were seeing the situation that we have on the ground, which again is the lowest timber harvested since we have been harvesting timber at just 5. 6 million board feet. So i think its important to put in the context of the whole what were really talking about with the proposal to lift the roadless rule. And i also mentioned and you raised as well the impact of the china timber tariffs. Retaliatory tariffs on spruce as high as 25 last year. We are the only National Forest, tonges is the only National Forest allowed to export whole logs and where were sitting and where our market is, asia is pretty critical to us. The irony here is that those who were told by Forest Service and others that you need to move away from old growth, you need to move to that second harvest, that that young growth, that market that they went out to build has happened to be a chinese market. So they did everything that they were encouraged to do, go find new markets, move to a different move away from old growth and yet, now theyre in a situation where they are being left without a market at all. Is the Forest Service looking into possibility reexamining the stumpage rates to offset some of the effects of these chinese trafariffs . Yes, and very well aware of this dilemma, senator. And were looking at everything within our law, our authorities of how we can do adjustments to accommodate these stumpage rates. Were continuously looking at this. This is a real challenge for us and again, its not something that we perhaps could have anticipated, but again, its just the height of irony that those who those who felt that they were being pushed out of one area did, as was proposed, and now theyre sitting here perhaps in a more desperate situation than anybody else. Last question for you, and again, i think this just reflects on so many of the issues that we have is were dealing with the Forest Service. They say, okay, move away from move away from old growth. We moved away from old growth to young growth. The market gets shut down in china. They say focus on tourism, focus on that aspect of our forest, which were all about. Weve got extraordinary opportunities, but the complaints that were hearing from recreation groups who have to wait months, sometimes years to obtain a permit from the Forest Service in order to really enjoy them is again, yet part of the tipping frustration. When i was up in the state last week, a constituent informed my staff that hes been waiting three years, three years for a permit to guide tourists on a hike to a scenic spot on admiral t island there in the tonges, a mere 20 steps from a stateowned beach. So the frustration here, you say you cant harvest, we dont harvest. Look to tourism opportunities, but we are waiting years for permits. Now, i know that in the past weve been able to blame some of the lack of staffing to move these permits through because of what was going on with fire and were beyond that now, but i am still told that we have not recovered in the state in terms of the budget cuts that had moved forward some years back. There was there was agreement that alaska took a heavier hit than most other areas and we included language in the appropriations bill to try to rectify and adjust some of that. But we still continue to have challenges and beingable to meet the staffing needs, met with earl stewart when i was up there and were looking to perhaps utilizing the local hire a little bit better, but it is a challenge for us and as Forest Service has struggled to meet this challenge, alaska has been on the short end of the stick when it comes to processes that work for not only the local people, but those who are coming up from outside who want to avail themselves to tourists and recreational opportunities within the tonges. Senator, i do hear your concern and i know its not enough, but we are making progress. Weve reduced the backlog of expired permits and those waiting for a new permit. Weve set a priority. We are doing the hiring, and local hire thanks to the fix you did a few years back and that really makes it viable and resourceful for us. Were doing centers of excellence around growing the capacity and special use permits. Were stream lining our processes. Theres several things were doing, ill leave it there because americans want to use these forests and we need to give them access and thats a and its a i mean, through some kind of these are easily outfitter and guides, we have over 8,000 outfitter and guides and its important that we be responsive to give them access, so we are prioritizing the permits. Weve made progress. Were doing additional hires. Were convening, theres some places where theres some conflict between big game hunting and the cruise industry. Weve convened some local capacity to work out who is where, what. Were investing in uni, wildlife observatory and mendon hall and some of the critical infrastructure. We do try to stick with our commitment enjoining the National Forests is part of our duty of delivering our mission and we will stay on it and im sorry to hear theres a threeyear backlog and id love to personally look at what that situation is. Maybe what i can suggest is that you and i have an opportunity for a more detailed some of these issues that presented themselves as sticking points. Id be happy to. With that, senator cortez masto, do you have any followup . I do just to address this issue because i agree as we have the largest National Forest in the lower 48, very proud of it. And i notice theres a 18 decrease in the forest and range Land Research account and it proposes to eliminate Research Efforts related to wildlife, fish and recreation, so how does that impact that decrease, how does it impact what the chairwoman was just talking about, the Outdoor Recreation that we want to promote, it into support in our forest land . Yeah, thank you for that question. It would the reduction in the research, Recreation Research would impact our ability to do the capacity studies, the interface, the social trends, and the biophysical capacity that the landscape had for the right kind of use on the right kind of land. We would not have those Resources Available to manage forward. Okay, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being here this morning, i know that folks will probably have followon questions and appreciate your responses and look forward to our meeting as well. Look forward to it as well. With that, committee stands adjourned. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] sunday, book tv features conversations on u. S. President s and race. Plus, america as a super power. Starting at noon eastern, on in depth, a live conversation with author and White House Correspondent april ryan. Ive studied for this on Morgan State University just down the road. Studied for this, this is my vocation, not knowing that i would be under fire for asking questions. I have asked questions of each president , the same question except for one, of each president over the last 21 is years, im asking questions now has me fearing for my life. Her latest book is under fire, her other books include at mamas knee and the president in black and white, joining us with your tweets, texts and facebook messages. And latest book, americas expiration date, cal thomas looks at the rise and fall and americas role as a super power. We are not each others enemies, as lincoln said, if we dont make this great experiment called democracy or Constitutional Republic work for succeeding generations, as i argue in my book, were going to expire. There is no guarantee. Things are looking great, but when things are looking great, its time to shore up the foundations. Watch authors april ryan and cal thomas sunday on book tv, on cspan2. The South Carolina primary is saturday. Join us to hear the candidates reactions to the results. Live coverage saturday evening on cspan, on demand at cspahn. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. The senate is about to gavel in. Theyll continue work today on the nomination of travis grieves for the court and they will take a vote at 1 45 eastern. Now, live coverage here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Barry black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. God of might and mercy, thank you for providing our lawmakers with opportunities for

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