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With cspan campaign 20 20 brought to you as a Public Service by your television provider. We are talking about the latino vote in campaign 2020 with mark lopez, the global pa migration and Democracy Research director at pew research center, thank you for being here. How many latino voters will be eligible to vote in 2020 and compare that with the last president ial cycle. This year we project is going to be 32 million latinos will be at least 18 years of age by the november election. Thats up from 27 and ahalf million in 2016. Its over 4 million since 2016 and thats been the pattern over the last few election cycles. An additional 4 million latinos become eligible to vote mostly by aging and so that speaks to the youth of the electorate but many who are naturalized or immigrants areadults who have a green card and decide to become a us citizen. How are they able to vote if they were not born here . They would need to naturalized to become a us citizen but the two become a us citizen its a long process and the thing about the latino population is you have many people who hold whats called a green card so they are in the us legally and have legal residence or are legal permanent membersof the Us Population. However whats interesting about this is that many particularly from mexico have been in the status for years and havent applied to become a us citizen because it can cost over 700 for example to become a citizen and the price is about to go up thats one of the key ways we see about 1 million latinos between election cycles become eligible to vote through the process of le naturalization. What are some of the most important issues forlatino voters . Traditionally has been education, healthcare and jobs and we continue to see that again. Theres strong support among latinos for raising the minimum wage to 15 per hour and we find many latinos want some sort of Healthcare System provided by the ul federal government and we see for example when it comes to issues like how big the government should be , latinos overwhelmingly support a bigger government providing services. In the case of immigration, pathway to citizenship, support for dreamers, over those programsare goals latinos want to see as part of immigration policy. How mobilized and motivated are latino voters to get out and vote. Its an interesting question because traditionally latinos have voted in rates much lower than you see for what whites or blacks. 47 and a half percent of latino eligible voters turned out to vote, a record turnout there were more latinos eligible to vote in 2012 by comparison whites got two thirds of white eligible voters turned out to vote so its about a 15 to 20 percentage point gap depending on the election. This year remains to be seen what will happen but we have found many latinos on the democratic side are both happy with the candidates who are running, many think its important who wins in november but we have found that interestingly in december when you ask latino democrats do you know when your caucus is going to be, three quarters said they didnt know. Admittedly that was in december before things are getting going and things may be different if we did the survey today and its true of the publicas well but latinos lagged in terms of motivation. 2018 was unique, there was a surge of Voter Participation among latinos but also all ns americans and latino Voter Participation reached president ial levels in 2018 8. We want to hear from latino voters this morning, 202748 8001 i believe is your number. Then we divided the numbers, latino voters, all others. Thats how we will start the conversation so start dialing in. We want to hear what issues, 800 four latino voters, or what issues you are concerned about, how motivated you are to vote and hear from all others aswell, your line 2027488001. Do we know the percentage of democratic latino voters versus Republican Voters . The latino vote as leaned toward the democraticparty in terms of affiliation for quite some time. 65 percent of latino registered voters would say they are either democrats or lean towards Democratic Party if they identify as an independent. 30 percent will say they do the same with regards to Republican Party but those shares have been able in recent years so the hispanic vote and still lean towards democrats and you can see in the president ial elections in 2016, 2012 democratic president ial candidate obama and clinton won substantial shares of the latino vote, upwards of 75 to 80 percent area. What issues the republicans talk about that appeal to latino voters versus what the issues that democrats talk about that appeal to latino voters . You have conversation about issues like abortion and in the latino adult population, about 25 percent will say they are evangelical christian or bornagain christian and thats an important part of the latino electric generally speaking and when democrats talk to latinos there oftentimes talking about issues like education or immigration, immigration with regards to a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and you see democrats talking about jobs and the economy , minimum wage so it depends on the candidate and the location of the conversation but generally speaking thats what we are seeing having. In nevada on the caucuses there, you saw Bernie Sanders when and with latino voters, what were the takeaways for you from the nevada caucuses . It was interesting to see how strong support was for Bernie Sanders among democrats in nevada and that speaks to the presence of latinos in nevada, 19 percent of the eligible voters in the state of nevada whats also interesting is some analysis post nevada suggests turnout while about on par with the last president ial election in 2016 or somewhat higher im sorry ben 2016, it remains below 2008 levels this is like the back state has seen in a population with a hispanic population its a little bit of a mix of interesting to see the support for different candidates but also not sure about where turnout was latinos. Why does worry sanders appeal to latino voters . Partly because of you, hes appeal to young people generally and among latinos a significant part, more so than white or black or under the age of 35, millennials or younger that the key parts receive a growing number of young latinos for example attend college. So around College Affordability are another issue they are facing a growing number of young latinos but also in the issue of immigration, thats another issue that Sanders Campaign has talked about some and in addition to also the issue of healthcare and thats a big part in a big concern for latinos for a number of years becausethey are more likely to have Health Insurance and other americans. In your research that youve done around seven in 10 latino voters say the government is responsible for ensuring all americans have Health Care Coverage so universal healthcare, medicare for all, that message would appeal to them. It resonates with them again because so many dont have Health Insurance, about 15, 17 percent in the most recent statistics do not have Health Insurance, any sort of Health Insurance coverage. Fred first was in maryland, good morning. I think youre mentioning a point on this, i think most legal hispanic americans what rules and laws and they come here to get away from these socialist countries that have dictatorships with no loss and no justice i think for the most parttheyre going to support President Trump. Because at least hes trying to do something and i live in maryland and theres a lot of undocumented immigrants thats cross over illegally. They already broken our federal laws and in the state of maryland they are forcing us residents to supply a birth certificate, Social Security and three other pieces of information to show our or prove where we live. Ive been in the system of Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles for 36 years and i still had to prove who i was and where i live now the democrats in maryland passed a law where they give illegals a waiver so they can get a drivers license and all you need to vote in the state of maryland is a drivers license thats what it all comes down to with these open borders and now i think its going to come to a head this election time. How do you feel about wanting to cross over illegally and bypass all theother ones waiting in line . At the great question and you point to something thats important about the latino vote is that the vote is a diverse electorate area is one that has people from many different parts of latin america and particularly when we take a look at the state of florida you will see that our many latinos there who are either of human origin, venezuelan, colombian, nicaraguan issues around immigration are important questions for them but in a different way and you might see in other parts of the us there are some of the conversation is about Legal Immigration in the case of humans, about policy for yuma and people from cuba imwith regard to the latino the latino is not monolithic, quite diverse viewpoints and one of the ways it diverse is when you take a look at who voted in 2016, President Trump one about 25 to 20 percent of the latino vote on the old one but that was also support was stronger in the state like florida where he won by a slim margin, the latino vote according to the exit polls there is also i ethink an indication of how diverse electorate is not all latinos feel the same about policy issues acrossthe country. Are the implications of Center Sanders comments about fidel castro in the state of florida area. I think it remains to be seen but itsinteresting we have seen at least going to validate , 2012 coming into 2016 we seen the latino vote in florida was starting to turn for Democratic Candidates but instead what we see is in 2016 that trump one at least about more than half of the latino vote in florida which was a reversal of many years we had seen going on with regards to support or republican candidates. I want to remind our viewers, heres what senator sanders said about the room. Back in the 1980s, sanders had positive things to say about the former soviet union and sandinistas in nicaragua. Everybody was convinced. Especially one cuban people didnt rise upand help us for throat fidel castro. Gave in healthcare, totally transform the society. We are opposed to the authoritarian nature of cuba but its been fair to say everything is sad. When fidel castro cames office, he had a massive literacyprogram. Is that a badthing even though fidel castro . A lot of dissidents in prison. And we condemned that. This has been a challenge for some politicians over the years, the way in which they talk about the relationship with cuba and the cuban boat has traditionally been much more republican and youve seen among other groups of hispanics in the country but its interesting , the reaction in florida has not been among human americans but also among nicaraguans, venezuelans and colombians so there has been a reaction to the comments from senator sanders. Whats the reaction in those other countries . That senator sanders may have made comments that are insensitive to the experiences of people from those countries, particularly ar the people who had to leave lo those countries quickly or for various reasons and moved to florida. What percentage of latino population that can vote is made up of those american countries . Central american countries make up a small share so when you look at the entire electorate, 32 million, most, about 55 percent are of mexican origin, 12 percent or so our puerto rican but then you get to the percentage for cubans, it might be 3 and a half to four percent, also are salvadorans 2 and a half percent but that salvadorans share is below their share of the general population is 3 and a half percent. Where talking withlatino voters about the impact of the latino vote. Woodbridge virginia, latino voter, welcome to you. Caller good morning and thank you for bringing this up. Ive been here in the us for 30 years and it cost me a lot to get my green card and citizenship so people, especially republicans who think, who listen to Rush Limbaugh or fox news, they think you are just crossing, getting drivers licenses to go. Its nonsense, its not true. Im talking from my experience, its a lot to become a us citizen then devote, so im unfortunately, of course latinos are going to lean towards democrats but unfortunately this past 10 years, the democrats have promised so many things to latinos and like people whove been living in this country for over 25 years, making them residents to have their legal papers Nothing Happened unfortunately. Republicans on the other hand are fighting against foreigners, they dont want, especially this administration dont want to come, the dreamers who been living most of their lives here who contribute in this country, who are working very hard, they dont want them to make them citizens and unfortunately anytime that the economy is bad for the victims. Ask the latinos, every time the country is doing fine, its still against us. I dont know, we as foreign people come to this country and we work our lives, ive been working here hard by the rules and i just dont like people, i dont know. They have to start digging information. Through google, through the internet or finding the facts. They think that latinos, they work illegally. Theyre abusing the system, of course. In any other society, there are a few rotten people. I understand that but most of them are hardworking. They pay taxes no matter what job they do, they are paying taxes and some of them arenot even collected so really this is a call for everybody , im not against republicans or democrats for anybody but just open your eyes. Really understand the situation that we latinos, we like this country, where working for this country and i think we deserve more than just live a better life. Requested and i think one thing to note is the us public view of immigrants has changed over time since the 1990s. We see a reversal in the share of americans who say that immigrants in the United States because of their hard work and talent. Today about 62 percent, 63 percent of adults will say that, back in the 1990s only 35 percent of us adults this is a reversal in opinions about immigrants that we see the general us public sees the growing diversity of the country as something thats a strength for the country which is in contrast to what you see in unother countries around the world such as in europe or asia where he was about diversity are not the same as here in the us i think its important also note when you talk about immigrants to the us, not all immigrants are latinos latinos make up a significant share of the Us Population and a significant part of the us hispanic immigrant population, 20 Million People are in the country legally, not everybody is an unauthorized or undocumented immigrants. Most are in the us legally and significant share us citizenship. In martinsville new york area. One guys. Ive got a couple of points i want to make. Number one, everyones been discussing about what bernie bhas been talking about as far as fidel castro. And i need to make a point about this. Im not a very supporter but this is kind of stuck in my craw. The leadership before castro was, cuba was led by a man by the name of bautista i believe area and as far as i can remember, because im kind of old, he was a United States puppet. He was in place in cuba to be, to do the work for the United States government and the cuban people rose up and decided to oust him i believe. And install fidel castro. As far as im concerned, thats their business really if thats what they wanted, thats what they got, then so be s. As far as the cuban exiles in florida, maybe they left because they supported bautista now castro when they left and oh well, okay, thats number one. Number two, i dont know how latinos can actually support a man who starts his Election Campaign by saying mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. Right from the outset, right from the getgo. I dont understand because i dont truly believe, he was just thinking about mexicans, i believe it was a blanket statement for all latinos if you, i dont understand how anyone would want to support a man who starts his campaign with that kind of statement. Got it, matthew. As you were talking about earlier the latino vote is diverse in its support for their friends and a significant share of latinos, not majority in his chair and identified with the force the Republican Party but its interesting that when you take a look at trial approval one of the things thats interesting among latinos is now the majority, 70 eplus percent disapprove of tithe way the president is his job we see is a division between democrats and republicans in the view of the president s job performance, the majority of latino performance say his performance has improved among democrats, more than 80 percent disapprove of the way the president this job but it seems that i diversity of this electorate and not all latinos are of mexican origin , nor are all latinos immigrants, let alone the children of immigrant parents so this diversity i think its to the diversity of the demographics and the politics of the group as well. Guest in which states are there concentrations of latino voters in which they are they on the rise . Host the state with the most is california, 7 million hispanics eligible to vote followed by texas and together they make up for five percent of the entire hispanic eligible voter population. Thats important because today is coming up in both primaries on super tuesday there were some states like for example in nevada, 19, almost 80 percent of eligible voters are hispanic in florida about a quarter and among registered voters easy to lehispanic share rising for some time over the course of the last couple of decades and the new mexico you find latinos whiletheres not as many as there are in states like california or florida , new mexico three percent of eligible voters are hispanic that five across the country. According to pewresearch , texas 20th Congressional District is home to 5000 eligible voters. Highest number of any Congressional District in the country. Texas, 16, 34, 23rd district in floridas place this round five with at least 321,000 latino eligible voters. Their call of those all along the usmexico texas border which has high concentrations of latino population in south florida is the place long had a very large hispanic population. We go to franklin, are you today appreciate youtaking my call. I respect senator sanders very much. But i think hes not getting the full informed opinion of what was taking place as far as educational in cuba. And in the early 70s, i said sat alongside a student, and in an electronics lease he ad had escaped from yuma. He was an engineer, his dad was a doctor and his mom was a doctor and he had a sister was an engineer. And his statement was this. At age 14, if you were making good grades in school, you stayed in school. You were not up to what they considered agood grade , you were forced to go into the military. And this poor family, her entire family had a seat from cuba and he was living in costa rica. And so they did have a school. But they were stipulations and it was just like we would think of school in the United States. It was forced on him they were taken from their families. At age 14, either to go into Higher Education or into the military. And so thats something that needs to be put out to where everybody can have a full understanding and i wish that senator sanders would kindly take a look at this and give a complete story on it. There has been multiple ways of migrants come from cuba over the course of the last five decades. But it was the first initial wave in the 1960s came after the revolution in cuba. Also there have been essubsequent ways in the late 60s and early 70s, with a bullet in the 1980s but interestingly there continues to be the 2000, a growing number of migrants from cuba to the United States. Partly because of the us final policy which would open the door to pathway to citizenship for any cuban immigrant who could come to the us and make it to the us. Way to citizenship is different andis for other groups of immigrants. The Obama Administration did shutdown policy, policy is subsequently reimbursed under the Trump Administration interesting there have been a flow of immigrants from cuba over the years, in recent years, many of whom have been coming to the us education but also economicreasons. Jayz in california, a latino owner, morning. Good morning. I enjoyed the show and its very informative. But i wanted to say, you guys recently, one of your colors y said that they dont understand how come of the mexican latino people are supporting this president and it doesnt make sense or a lot of people, especially under that policy with separating families and children in cages and all that but the true difference is that a lot of the latino people are being run up behind people, a casio cortez or Bernie Sanders, its a lot of officiating because for all the other people, like me who have to go to a long process to give a permanent residence and then to a citizen, or those that play by the rules, we are actually winning. Not saying like getting anything in return for having him around, for the fact that he is enforcing security for the border, because you can have a big house but even the richest people put up a fence, they put up a wall to protect themselves. Though a lot of people e who are republicans right now, and latinos is because they are people, entrepreneurs or people whoare doing business. They get tax breaks and such. Guest we found over the last few years latinos have been opposed tothe expansion of the border while the president is proposing. But also we have found about half of latinos say as an immigration policy goal Border Security should be one of those goals. Not horrible, not like a pathway to citizenship but at least half the latinos say that should be a policy goal for Us Immigration policy. You go to vote as any voter does, is it possible that latino voters or one of the studies show that there are illegal latino voters actually getting to vote. Thats interesting because their policies around the country allow undocumented immigrants to vote in local elections so you have to be careful when you talk about this the evidence iois not, theres not a lot of evidence to suggest that unauthorized or not undocumented immigrants are voting in large numbers in us elections it is important to note that in some places tacoma park maryland as anexample , parents of children who are in the local school system, usborn children , they themselves their parents are undocumented voting in local actions, San Francisco recently allowedthis as well. We were talking about states where there are the largest populations of eligible latino voters and we talked about texas , where there is at least seven in 10 eligible voters are latino voters. Surprisingly according to pew latinos represent at least half of all eligible voters ,in 26 Congressional Districts. Most are in california, texas, florida, arizona, new york but also illinois. Illinois has long had a growing origin population, particularly in the chicago area but this has been a population have been growing as the 1950s as there have been connections to mexico and the opportunities for jobs in the chicago area. Kenneth in tampa florida. Good morning, how are you . Im just saying when it comes to the latino vote, its really a matter comes to voting for president , due to the fact that an individual vote does not count because of the Electoral College is whats president. All the other local elections, your boat may count but just like now, its a latino this and that but before barack obama, it was all the black vote, this and that and all of a sudden when the republicans wanted to make sure they can lock in a win, they would sure Willie Horton paid for black men doing this, doing that. Now its a latino, theyre coming to get your jobs, this and that. Is i went into publix the other day they installed a brandnew canisters, i didnt see none of them looking latino. That was taking the job they will, actually the republicans, other democrats, both parties or just corrupt to the core and thats all i got to say, thank you. We take a look at how latinos see both of the parties, we find that the share that say for example that the Democratic Party is more concerned for the latino population than the Republican Party, the share that say among anregistered voters has been declining. There used to be two thirds of registered voters that said that, now its about half that say that. Sharon that say the Republican Party has more e concern for latinos has doubled over 15 years. But the one category thats telling is latinos are saying there is little difference or no difference between the two parties area that share has grown to almost a third today we say theres no difference between the two parties when it comes to concern for the hispanicpopulation. Stephen in El Paso Texas, good morning. Caller good morning. I just wanted to say that we cannot forget because of news cycles happening so quickly what happened on august 3, 2019 in El Paso Texas at the walmart and the fact that that person was enabled by the Current Administration the way people think about latinos in general and the fact that there was a manifesto saying that mexicanamericans or mexicans needed to be eliminated along the southwest border goes we were corrupting and employing america. If thats that is enough to motivate a vote just to vote against, this is about voting against them and what they did people in spanish and getting beaten up in Public Places and all that, that should be a motivator to show people that we are a growing population. We still will be a growing population and we are going to be reckoned with in some sort of election and i hope hits this one. When we did a survey of the latino public we found the majority of latinos you want to see victor dunn laws. Thats something trthat is a pattern we seen over the past 10 years, a desire for stricter gun control laws nationally. However its interesting to note one in five latino adults are also either gun owners themselves or know somebody in their household who has a gun so thats an interesting element of the story but when you also talk about latinos motivating the boat, its interesting 2018 was the year where there was a surge of participation among latinos in states like california and texas because of the close congressional races were going on there but also some concern and reaction to the Trump Administration. Finally i think one thing one of our surveys showed that is interesting is that in 2018 when we asked latinos whether or not they had experience, somebody telling them dont speak spanish in public or call them a name or say go back to your home country, 40 percent of latinos told us that had happened to them in the Previous Year but in contrast to the 38 percent said somebody had encouraged, that encouraging words to them about their situation or about being what know in the us and express the port for latinos in the country. Bob in tennessee, good morning. Im deplorable Trump Supporters but now what i was about to say is we have no problem with waco immigrants coming to our country. And yes, i think we should all tassimilate to have the same party but anyways, yes maam. Host continue. Caller anyway, i wasnt listening but i see they showed you but okay, anyways, most of what i tell my friends and whatever, at least they will work and i always stuck up for mexicans that do come here. I live in a small town. They came here and yes, we were seeing some of our construction jobs kind of go uc to them which, now weve all got to work area its better than coming here and getting on welfare so thats why my point is why would any mexican want to lower themselves, come here and just below or get a job which i agree that they should work and we all should and theres some jobs we could share amongst r one another but how you could vote for a socialist guy, i dont know much about mexico with their kind of socialist country. Host i will have mister lopez respond. Guest interestingly among nethem they are more likely to be in the workforce and you see among the general us public the number of reasons for that are partly because immigrants often times him to the us in order to pursue Economic Opportunities and thats true among unauthorized immigrants, those from mexico and among that pen and a half million, about half are from mexico alone so mexicans who make up the largest part of the unauthorized or undocumented immigrant population in the us but also interestingly, population has been in decline, it sounded almost 2 million since its peak in 2007 so even though the us economy has started to really recover for a while and then doing well for a while, one of the interesting things is that we havent seen an increase in the number of undocumented immigrants inthe us , if anything that number has been declining inthe great recession. Host martina lopez, Research Director for the Pure Research center, thank you for theconversation. The South Carolina primary is saturday join us to hear the candidates reaction to the results, lot coverage saturday evening on cspan, on the man at cspan. Org or listen live on the free radio. A couple of hearings on capitol hill this week to tell you about, tomorrow, defense secretary mark esper and joint chiefs of staff care general . I will take questions about President Trumps 2021 budget request for the pentagon. 10 am eastern on cspan3. Thursday the head of the cec doctor Robert Redfield along with other government officials will testify about the federal response to the coronavirus area what live coverage at 2 pm eastern also on cspan3. Online, cspan or listen with the free radio area. Sunday, but the features conversations on us president s and race. Plus america as a superpower. Starting at noon eastern time on index , a live conversation with author and White House Correspondent in the land. I studied for this morning State University just down the road area study for this, this is my vocation. Not knowing that i would be under fire for asking questions you i have asked questions on each president , the same question except for one. Each president over the past one years. But asking questions now has me caring for my life. Earliest is under fire, her other books include mamas need the presidency in black and white. The conversation with your phone call, please, and facebook messages. 9 pm eastern, in his latest book americas expiration date, syndicated columnist thomas explores the rise and fall of nations historically and americas role as a superpower. Interviewed for the cnn contributor amanda carpenter. We are not the others any as lincoln said. If we dont make this experiment called democracy or Constitutional Republic work or succeeding different generations, as i argue in my book are going to expire. There is no guarantee, things are looking great but when thingsare looking great, its time short of the foundations. What authors obrien and thomas sunday on tv on cspan2. U. S. Senate back in 2 15 after their party lunches. Meanwhile today wrapping up his to india from

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