Transcripts For CSPAN2 Peter Bergen Trump And His Generals 20240713

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Also like to think of it as house of independent thought and thinkers. We are here today to talk to one of the abpeter bergen a long time expert here at new america and Top Executive now helping to design the organization itself. It is not an exaggeration to say sheesh that peter has done more in the last year than most of possibly a lifetime as a researcher, reporter filmmaker and bestselling author. The book we are going to talk about today and decorated it almost as much of the Christmas Tree is trump and his generals i think this book is a great example or of what new america is. As far as a place where we not only think it is also this book is scary fearless. We will give you a chance to ask questions. At the end we will give you a little time to get books signed if youre so inclined. Peter has a hard cap is off to other places. We will be ending promptly. With that, peter, im going to start by asking you a nonconventional question for up book awas is a little bit about your methodology. He said in the beginning you interviewed 100 people and i would say, im a former Government Official i spent most of my career in the department of defense. Most recently as an assistant secretary of defense. Looking from the other side aware that everyone you interview has their own agenda. Or someone elses agenda as the case may be sometimes. What im curious about is if he could walk us through a little bit how you write a book like this, particularly as the situation you are writing about is unfolding in real time. Thank you for reading the book and hosting this event. I want to acknowledge david a countless hours helping to research this book and fact checked it. Its book number six so im making fewer mistakes. In my first book i had the tendency, i must know everything. Its impossible to know everything and you will never finish the book if you try to know everything. Im better at stopping at a certain point. I talked to other people who work in the Trump Administration or dealt with the Trump Administration by some people i spoke with on multiple occasions. Some people were helpful, just to give you an idea what its like to be an author. Sometimes you can two days preparing for an interview talking to somebody and going out to meet them and hang out with them and it might end up one sentence in the book. You dont really know what the book is going in. This again a book about isis and the fight against isis and overtime a friend of mine, former editor of mine said what you write saabout the trump tea. The National Security team. I said, thats a great idea. I found an amazing editor scott morris a penguin who really helped me think through some of the big issues. Everybody has their own agenda. There is a theme in american journalism at its objectivity, i think its essentially a false standard because objectivity we bring our own prejudice and thoughts to our own situation. But fairness is different issue than objectivity. When i was writing this book was very conscious of the fact that half the country voted for President Trump. One of my closest friends who works in a senior position for President Trump many people i know voted for President Trump. They are not all the basket are deplorables by any stretch. It was on my shoulder when i was writing about this as much as anything else. Somebody who worked in a senior position for President Trump tthe abread the book and said it was a fair piece of work and he said yes. Im happy about that. That may actually affect t sale because people either hate trump or love trump, they dont want trump is a complicated figure with problems. People are immediately canceling the amazon order as i speak when they say, im trying to be fair to a confidentialone themes in the book, interrupt me whenever because i could go on. [laughter] my former boss here said to me about, thats why you read this whole process and then you have to interpret it to you have to interpret performance and what were you actually trying to say is actually an interesting question because youve written a lot and so into it but one of the biggest pieces of the book is a similarity between President Trump and president obama. Obviously there are big differences on Climate Change, differences on china, differences on Iran Nuclear Deal but if you look at how they actually approach ab stylistic differences, but when you look both of them are actually candidates that came outside the mainstream of the party, we havent had a conventional Election Party election where a machine candidate wins since 1992, only george w. Bush was machine candidate. Barack obama and President Trump come from outside the ab its so fascinating, i could a atrump is in exactly the same position president obama was in in the end of his tenure in 2008, almost exact same number of troops in afghanistan we got 13,000 there today. We will take 4000 out that gives us utdown to around 8000 or so. Thats exactly the number that trump inherited from obama going to exactly the same process which is both president s wanted to get out but when they do the math they always come back only thing thats worse than staying in afghanistan is leaving and have iraq 2011 situation where you pull out and isis or other groups come in through the back. But they basically relied on the use of special operations forces, used for special forces, cyber warfare. They havent made it major conventional army into iraq. Josh was the senior director for counterterrorism. Joshua was held over by the trump team and this is actually a very honorable part of american National Security decisionmaking which is holding over, particularly when it comes to counterterrorism, mike blogger was held over by obama even though george w. Bush appointed him to the National Counterterrorism ab now the Cane Institute and work with us closely here. He was held over by the trump team form obama and before that, bush. You see in the counterterrorism sphere theres kind of a lot of, you come out of this tradition. True continuity. There is a kind of consensus about what we should be doing on counterterrorism. Except that of course obama was a departure from some of that continuity but you are saying that trump is continuous with that departure. I think you are right but i would copycaveat that. The prisons were close to 2006 were Supreme Court rulings allowed prisoners a after the second inaugural address, the second inaugural address was the height of the difference in that it paled off. By the end of the second bush term when obama ramps up dramatically. Actually trump and then we checked this abthe chalk team is actually dial back the program in pakistan for levels that are very large. They ramped it up in places like somalia. In fact, thats one thing i wanted to mention to you i noticed throughout the book that there are places where, you are a journalist and certainly it shows you are a reporter and thats the kind a writing you do but you are also a researcher and there are several times throughout the book fact that you do research on terrorism domestic terrorism on a drawing program showed and its really where this text smolders a little bit where you take issues inherently with some of the things that have been said and done in this administration. Thats true in the travel ban is an example of that. abactually conducting terrorist attacks. The travel ban country and this is the first time foreign nationals carry out of the terrorist attacks especially United States since 9 11 which was conducted by saudi nationals. The travel ban was our research i think america shows this was a solution in search of a problem it doesnt really exist. The people are turning out these attacks in United States are american citizens. They are radicalizing here. The travel ban was, it made no sense. It was, i get into it in some detail, in fact, the Intelligence Community was under considerable pressure from the Trump White House to come up with the intelligence that showed the travel ban countries where real problem. Of course that wasnt the case. L if you recall one of the first countries on the list was iraq. They knew that iraq was leading the charge against isis. abhe wanted iraq to remain on the list. President trump wanted iraq to remain on the list. Mcmaster showed sessions of portrait of a guy called ab mcmaster fought in battle 2005, had gone on to become a Major General of the iraqi army and now and families in the United States now he wouldnt be able to come back to the United States. He is the guy leading the charge against isis. The whole thing was crazy. Mattis from tellers and women to argue the case that iraq should be taken off the list. There the oneand they won th one. That leads me to thats a good example of what you call in the book and access of adults. You also talk about. You coin a term and you show that between 2017 and 2019 one and 2017 when the access of adults which would be the former generals which is of course the title the book, mattis, flynn, at first. Although i wouldnt call him part of the axis. John kelly of course and donald dunford and then also Rex Tillerson even though he was not a general officer, former ceo comiccon him as part of the axis. When they were there, you list a number of successes and diminishing returns once they all leave. If you look at 2017 i think the record of National Security trump policy successes are much better than it was right now. In 2017 isis was largely defeated. Trump actually to his credit sped off operations against isis changed some of the authorities to do operations as opposed to micromanage from the west wing. And also the number of troops in syria, 500 under obama, three helicopters. You might have three helicopters in the war zone. It adds up to having no coverage at all. Trump put 2000 soldiers and their mostly special operations, special forces. A lot of air support on the coast in may 2017, the Obama Administration have debated this for so long that by the time they came to conclusion they were pretty much out of office. They knew that the army guards would take the turks but you cant take a city like morocco with relatively small number of american Ground Forces you had to have an actual ground army. Trump got that right, he also got right the red line on the use of syrian weapons in 2014 with proportionate response. China i think, you know a lot about china. That i think when historians write the history of the Trump Presidency they will say got that right. Even if the tactics on trade had been questionable but identifying them as a competitor which is a Defense Strategy that mattis saw. The chinese want to turn the South China Sea into a chinese lake. In an effort to reverse that the Top Administration had a lot more freedom in the navigation exercises than obama. They take a much more skeptical line with the chinese, which i think is a consensus of these. Thats the right approach. And then finally, i think trump gave a wellreceived speech in riyadh in may 2017. If you close your eyes, it was a speech given minus the iran bashing. Im trying to think what else in 2017 he got right, we are now in 2019. All those people have been a it has benefited any of them. I wanted to ask you, in that sense, you get some successes while they are there, theyve all left the porch and diminishing returns are clear, hes not succeeding now. One of the questions i had is actually from a review that elliot cohen wrote, kind of an odd review. abhe compared reading the book to going to the dentist, which is not really like having the surgery without novocain. [laughter] [multiple speakers] in talking about the Trump Administration, this is actually a very pleasant read. Anyway, he led the never trumper movement. He posed a good question. He said, these were formidable people general mattis, certain retailers and has no abthey had already had very successful careers and successful post careers so why did they do this. Why did they all come back . Hi Rex Tillerson i believe a and they all knew trump could not hide who he was. None of them knew him personally. These were coming from an entirely different abRex Tillerson is a very religious guy and basically his wife said god is speaking to us and god has a plan. God works in mysterious ways. On the military side. Hr mcmaster threestar general in uniform. He was in the process of retiring. He was in the process of retiring. He chose. But i think duty is a very important factor. I agree. Mattis thought it was his duty to do this. One of the interesting news nuggets in the book was that mattis was third choice of secretary of defense. The first choice was stanley a received a call from trump tower for somebody saying would like you to come in to talk about being secretary of defense. Bear in mind his closest friend at that time was mike flynn who was already National Security advisor and already making decisions. They bury people together and celebrated birthdays together. His staff comments to a reporter about president obama. There is also a poke in the eye a little bit. a to be fair, a statement of, we are going to do things different. ababthe person certainly had qualities but is also a statement about we are going to do things differently. But it didnt work out. ab said i been looking at the transition and i dont think im the right guy. Theyre not used to hearing people say i wouldnt you be considered for the secretary of defense. The guy on the other end of the phone said, are you sure . And mcchrystal says im sure, basically he probably thought that trump was ignorant and dishonest. And he since came out and said that publicly. So he turned down the job and then jack keene who i portray as shadow National Security advisor is asked by trump if he would do the job and his wife just had suffered from parkinsons for a decade and and a half and he said he can do it. Then they turned to jim mattis who was at a food Bank November 18 in Washington State and got Vice President pence called him and says abhe says im volunteering at the food bank can i call you back. [laughter] kind of a good response. But then it goes out to ab they have a meeting with trump and have two substantial, one of which was really fester and grow over time. The First Agreement is telling trump on the campaign trail to torture terrorists and kill their families and mattis said, you can get more information they referred to it at the time like these are really fundamentalists g hottie terrorists, theyre not sitting down for beer. I think trump was ababout that. Mattis said nato you said publicly is putting on the most successful alliance in history if we didnt have data we have to create it. That disagreement would ultimately lead to the Resignation Letter in part. About that, you can see a marked up the book a lot. A number of those markers are places where you wrote that mattis ignored in order for mattis slow rolled or mattis refused, thats not normal. To be fair, having spent a lot of my career in the pentagon, the pentagon is very good at snowballing and thhaving a lot antibodies, not all for bad reasons. As a lot of people like me, i was career but i came back as political, who have great ideas ribut sometimes those ideas nee to be slow rolled. Its not all for bad reasons but that level of ignored, refused, slow rolled, is not common. I think one of your other reviewers who wrote a fabulous review, derek chalets, and want Washington Post commit asked the question is how do you feel about that . And as a precedent. We might all feel like this precedent is a little scary its okay but the access of adult slowed him down. What about the next president . If its someone we feel more comfortable if we get the same. I think thats a great question. If Elizabeth Warren instructs somebody abthe book is ultimately about Civil Military relations which sounds really important. Its obviously theres kind of a paradox into nd iall this which is the gener have to give their best military advice to the commanderinchief. The commanderinchief at the end of the day is commanderinchief and he or she could do whatever she or he wants. It President Trump said to everybody in the pentagon you have to address big bird today they have to do it. The affected they would find all kinds of regulations, feather size, that it would take a little while. Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should do something we look at these special operations guys and i think that a lot of military veterans and southern illustrate are comfortable with trump doing that as commanderinchief but it raises some very interesting questions. Of course hr mcmaster broke the abbecame a bestseller on amazon the day he was appointed as phd street hes on chapel hill North Carolina the whole point of the book is that the generals didnt get Lyndon Johnson military advice that he wouldve needed to bring him to war but you could also make the argument Lyndon Johnson also didnt want to hear the military advice. He wanted the pressure mcampai which was more about body cameras it was about winning the war. And of course the war was it won. This difficulty in the relationship. One response to that, jim mattis response was to slow role thanks. When he was asked to do a wargame on south korea or north korea in the military options there at camp david in 2017 Vice President back pentz and mcmaster would oversee it they said you cant have a wargame without war plan. I think jim mattis may have misunderstood the president. Certainly his rhetoric is hes rhetorically very abhes a bloviating bully. To summarize it that way. The president . Yes. [laughter]. That doesnt really transfer. I think our enemies and allies have began to discount some of this. I was talking to european double matt yesterday who said we need to respond to every tweet we dont even Pay Attention to that. So they are gingerly starting their own enrichment. The North Koreans are talking with a Christmas Present to President Trump which i am sure is not a box of chocolates. They do like to do things about christmas if you look back. ab one of the other things that kinda related to that oabout mattis slow rolling things and the fact that the pentagon is very good at managing what it does want to do or even as it builds things, there is very deep wells of how the institution is actually built. You talk a lot in this book about the institutions of government and i started marking those too, deep state, places where the bureaucracy, including people that he appointed, just didnt do things. The example is pompeo and cia, pompeo was regarded abi will use the four letter explanation of how he valued their. He wasnt particularly liked as a person but they like the fact that he didnt subscribe to the russian abhe didnt promote some Conspiracy Theory that ukraine had been involved in this russia ruining the election. They like the fact that he kind of was a conventional cia director in a sense. The organization abthe organization was concerned about the clearances being given to people that shouldnt really have them. We be more careful about the sources and the methods they put on paper that were shared with white house and our allies were more reluctant to share intelligence with us on a though they have no idea what the relationship is between putin and trump is they assume worstcase. So im quoting people at the agency with intelligence sharing. One thing that really struck me like a lawyer like josh guilt could help with this is in britain we have an unwritten constitution United States we have a written constitution but im thinking about the book and writing the book i realize we have an unwritten constitution of the United States were not really aware of. That unwritten constitution says the president wont attack his own Law Enforcement agencies or his own Intelligence Community. The president wont call the media the enemy of the people. Theres a certain set of norms which we just have grown to expect. It is trump a norm breaker that will be the defining feature of the way forward . I dont look back on, you call recall the events not far from you on capitol hill where people almost be each other to death on capitol hill. On the floors of congress or, its not like were in some particularly polarizing limit compared to the rest of American History where we have a civil war the conflicts of the 70s. I do think we are in some bronze age of bad behavior because i think it comes and goes in waves. An cold war in the sense united republicans and democrats across democratic Common Objective book in particular when it came to Foreign Security and ab911 president bush had a 90 Approval Rating the highest of any president in American History. The iraq war had a blowup ab [multiple speakers] the iraq war blew up this consensus. The elites failed the people with a war of choice which turned out to be very expensive and bloody treasure and with the selfdealing that exists in both parties that allowed the financial crisis to emerge. Trucks seem to supply answers to both of these questions basically saying we will end these wars and work for the common man. As he succeeded in either of those . Thats not really for this discussion but the point is, the democrats are going to win against trump they have to produce somebody who has ideas about both issues. It seems like some plausible answers to some of these questions. Just a comment, i would agree with you that one thing i thought certainly in the Bush Administration was i dont think i appreciated even though i abfor some time at this point i dont think i appreciated how much of our government was customary and not statutory. People choose not to do things with no enforcement of norms and the way we run our government that it doesnt happen. Like the genevas convention enforcement. Its one of those examples. Transport. Is in the end, the tired senior general an official of the pentagon and state department to keep hundreds of american soldiers in syria and so on, you said the tired generals will outside of the system that have direct information. We talked a lot of weight about they were able to have direct influence on trump. The character of the book, look in the project manhattan and news served in vietnam. In fourstar general. Once or twice becoming the c secretary of defense. Told directly, drop in television. D to payof the scenes theoo basically evacuating american attention. Families and servicemembers families, and now this will interact tension it will cause great tension able office in th white house. Will begin to go to war in the stock market will crash. They didnt happen. Someone like you had such influence. Jackie, black to the surgeon 2007. Its a fascinating story about how outside of advisors can really make a difference. Within the National Security council about what to do in iraq. People favor the surgery and story. And you had to some degree, and into the oval office and basically told t trump, put them in charge. Serve with a strategy. The a lot of this influence. That i think was one of the reasons behind search and david in charge and around. He was able to go into the oval office and say next year is december 18th would trump was in and out of syria. It surprised everybody in the cabinet. Nor even ourwn allies. It basically knows that trump is he breathing dive boat guy. He spoke this worthierr of. And expire printed. National Security Council in april. And also some suggested things. [laughter]. So use all of the map. In syria and so on. Entire around with controllers. And the king said, giving him new information, beginning in the civil arguments here. And so that was the basis. The thing about trump and the consistency, december 18th, allow men as you mentioned, few months later, they learn to say. I think this consistent inconsistency might be helpful in some aspects. That is less helpful in your conducting a of the mind sees printed one thing to do in the book is i think is true is that trump is been very lucky. Be back toe npr. Every president since has some major Foreign Policy crisis. The rise of the nazis for the return of the iron curtain. New york and this is known and quite 911, Global Financial crisis, two premises ball up. In over 200 people in 17 american citizens. Trump doesnt have the spine crisis. The interesting question is, when he reacts. Based on his past behavior, i would say what we know about him, is he totally actor predictor. Kind of sub what abusive military power, but is another major conflict part crisis. Tells that. I think it consistent inconsistency, has brought helpful to our allies. They going to be its been want to know where we are. It was fun to know that your listing and then the members. And it is they cant count on that. About advice from a publici publicist. [laughter]. The right thing is in washington, and among trump, and is incense, gp. In. Lisa integrate agreement the country should president to make up. By 2022. And so,y from his invoice to actually get the hundred Million Dollars which are presented to her. Germans, dont know us. That but trump understands this for whatever but allies is looking at the consistent inconsistencies of his. In 1987 would the o japanese eny ready on our studies. Need to be on our federal debt. And at time is 200 billion. Its kind of an obsession of his. The delis are friends. And their enemies in some ways need to be embraced. This of course would ultimately is that they didnt use it all. If you look at hr and speech and security conference, the senator asked bump up the question about indebted 12, the military offices will involved in sabotaging was president ial election in 2016. He said Something Like you have to have despicable truth. They can be wrong. The library california, a few months before ins resigned, a city cant trust good. Then you have a kind of view of the world. The book with this amazing meeting where the bedding of opened in 1943. So the most consistent your Conference Room in the world. So they have this discussion. So fdr and marshall. The book with this meeting is the most important meeting in the presidency in many ways. Trump doesnt know much about what we are doing the world obviously. And why is he posting around the world and where are trade agreements and posturing. Where are the aircraft carriers. The idea was to basically give leanna what the world looks like did into madness and represented about the trade agreements. Athey were basically presenting an effort to persuade trump would International Order of the United States and marshall work in our favor. Since world war ii, both republicans and democrats have agreed that made sense. It was back mature and the trumps chief strategist was basically show trump how to show how committed work. This international based water it went against us. The socalled globalists, trump basically was a bunch of words that he cant use on cspan. And they were showing, theyre getting screwed by our allies deficit really mean something. And why do we continue having wars. There in the afghan war it was hesitting there, is widely regarded as being in the spirit back to the white house the jerry fisher. And also the chief of staff. By that, the United States was unhooked will work comparison but would the war was be around generals. Extrinsic make that the israel hiking down marker about with his presidency is going to be about. The willie back to the white house. In all of these lights printed. Trumpmp actually for people National Security council about what is he like in these meetings. Basically he asked the set of specific questions. Why are we doing this. Cancel yesterday what about the American People. Why are we here. Where your 16 or 17 years later. As about central questions. These are not unusual questions. I think of course we live in a part of the small them sometimes think the consensus amongst the republicans and democrats and the National Security about balance. So the fact that he is asking, let the answered isnt always that our allies are being soft. Would they didnt say look but if you think about is, as regardingte defense. For instance, we find it have an interesting. , you can a nudge in the policy that kinda goes down where their more special operations and special forces. There very limited casualties in the amount of monies of the much. Nobody wants to buy live insurance pretty right live insurance and put this in the concepts of the afghan war. By that month United States is like the cilantro 2011. We placed the mc in afghanistan in 1989 because we defeated saugus and they zeroed out eight. Civil war intel bond came to the mic is that the United States it doesnt mean that war is over. Quite the reverse. It could be worse. With United States is sort of insight empire. Very uncomfortable with the like that. For the reason is nobody was these organs these languages. In their here in six months than they leave. In the Attention Span is limited. The cycles them up so is conflict. In the end policy, we try a lot of different players here. But think that in plain since approach because of the democratic president for the republican president of the future will consent onto which is the problems and advising abscesses that involve the United States. Will the things i think is fascinating us how will the isis was conducted. You think about 17 american soldier sign on a five year span. This is it too many little of those imports died. But what i am staying is this is one of the most successful both iraq and syria, to be conducted. Sometimes we can forget that we do successfully. Iraqi counterterrorism, it is a going back to of course that we help create. Less. And on, before we go to the audience, i think within a community that has have a very strong governmentbacked consensus. A lot of things have been trout. But also count against you in that afghanistan work 24 is Getting Better which is now but they become more of a public ruling. Center. But not have a tendency to very strong mainstream. Assertively think of people in my community recognize the salad. In particular the time now, we need to have disruptive National Security strategy. Firstly think this post is something this longterm goals. The lady is conducting himself with our allies pretty justice, the birds will native. We do need allies for our bigger interest in the world. Is he great observation. Will fighting with the allies, is happening more. We, allies of problematic but not hugging allies dont help. We look at our own subject to the sand on it and vote, donald trump enforcement. Hundreds of frigid german soldiers who died in afghanistan. Fighting the war, article five. Regional. It was attacked on in its infancy for service, this operation. So,. In the audience a chance to ask questions. And you know this is happening. Its astounding. There are a couple of things he said that that i thought will really interesting. His own general, is said was an outlier bar harbor. , so i asked for the period of this conversation what is the next chapter. What had, yet again the first. Please identify yourself printed. I wanted to followup quickly and something you said unless question president in italy the war is never pretty aboutp the embers. They we have troops in germany and chip in, and in korea. Become an expresident declared war over and stay out of the jewels full of. It was a case in korea, 25000 troops in brea. Let more twice many premium. In order to leave you have to have a Peace Agreement with the greens. As we know, we have an army. So for those teams delete woman have to be a real agreement. The worse over. You talk about the volunteer of course. Limit for me. Clearly the war, what is the question i guess printed and you declared the war over in red printed. Afghanistan and iraq, and the americans. Just a celebrated. Thats fine would we are in that sense. Not an active combat. Except counterterrorism side. You can stay and say the war is over in chip in, and germany. And that is why i think you can you need to make a distinction between what is and germany to in the store. And a lot of americans think that armand is that. If you could identify yourself sir. They just on the radio that seemed nice but im really night. Im going to cut you the work. [inaudible conversation] dc resistance to subsequent five million. It is getting harder to bring someone in. Me, is the administration allows the chamber for the process every single time. Sending secretary esther is he harder time than his predecessor. Recruit. Okay. Is he perfectly fine night. With respond to it or the soil, hometown over time. Thats where many of administration falls down. But i think in this administration, which is to math. Forced out or have to reside in his charged and what im sure people just willie do you get through that. There are still lots of jobs. Is what i would say for my former colleagues in both parties, very very hard time and people continue to leave. On asked jonathan on taxpayer and what in the United States, basically, this incredible research on the history of the National Security council and mr. Trump leadership style. Pros and cons. And what men could learn from that. Looking forward into the next 20 years in the future protesters would you say. News leadership style is the top. Hard to encapsulate. He ran the white house like hes really real estate. By the way is his prerogative to around it however he wants to. But he slowed basement. And family members. These women show right. And think the group of generals and others everybody in 2017, as for president. Actually debated with him and they kept the long Nuclear Deal Alive for 18 months. In the real trick, we renegotiated with the english and french and germans. In either word six forward the deals will keep us there working out weapons production. At least leadership style stand reverted back to when he was in those best. We saw women show. With people just say yes. That doesnt really matter until the next time. But it is never if we hit in a crisis. They start getting this advice that he should be getting. That said, as we discussed many, the reluctance he is dead actually. Hes capable of changing his mind. Give you an example. The american got killed in manhattan, vehicle attack will going. There is over a year ago. Media said he change his mind within 24 hours about that. Because c hes never going to be trying. In the operation of my lemon, would american in 32003, is capable of changing his mind by 2the fact. He said he cant try them on american soil printed. Thats true. We should settle the people there. He said that for a while. Announce, but the prevent question. The set up for questions. [laughter]. The specific question. His use of tweets to communicate it unfiltered tweet. Good observation. Clearly, might have the White House Press secretary would President Trump is tweeting everyday pretty and is tweeting, is it too much more direct forum of communication and this is what the president thanks. Its hard to a nudge in that the next president would adopt so this kind of Communication Strategies so on that front hes okay. Americans also if you look up on. A lot of americans in the majority, think that there during is it too much of the world is something trump is unreflective for all americans are. Is the deep say, the republicans democrats National Security establishment that takes it as an article of faith and actually for the reasons we set up all these National Security office. At the end of the day the United States is the architect of this. Way to answered your question. [inaudible conversation] based on what you have on god let me stop at this observation. Recollecting because your nice president. Johnson, from screenings and doing his thing, streaming orders at people in the white house. Hello have that the awful office with the intern,. Age of his daughter. The american president president carter and george hw bush. By all accounts. But not necessarily nice internally in the way they did things. It just on the size and excessive. Electing somebody is operate service leaderships to say, our mutual true. Military. Thats what you portray printed simulcast pretty military but for the president , i disagree electing a nice president. An effective president is what you want. Would people look at pompeii, three to that the fact of the measure is these outward evens not mexican and the retail, that will be seen. It will be seen as effective. If the chinese get the intellectual silly. And in a fair manner. That will be seen as oppressive. I think it is is it too early to tell in all the sense. Cant really answered your question. My way or the huawei. You see that a sneak way of governing. My way or the huawei. Is that okay on deck. This matter that we have checks and balances. Effective needs to happen. You are describing Lyndon Johnson so that justice back to what personal characteristics do you want in a leader. I dont think nice is one of them. And they can gentlemen. The one in the military President Trump is this for base conduct. What separates the general from trump news and theres a scene the Software Company staying, afghanistan was the death of one single american soldier releases that the president will kelly, new skill in afghanistan in 2010. This trump reacting by the chief of staff. Never been the white house, do be here or some combination of both. I dont know. His lack of empathy, ultimately the American People going in for sunday who acting in the interest is appropriate. I think the trump got lucky that went out having a major crisis. He has it had a major for some carrots. So i think the jury said about. Lets see how this goes to the chinese. I think that Climate Change he has asked terribly. He disagrees with the Climate Change in scientific companies. And good to be infrastructure. Protect lower manhattan. Palm beach, most affected by Climate Change. United states inhibit so that. That is a dereliction. My view. So anyway, i dont have a good answered to your good question. Was effective. At the time for one more. Id vote. I was a reporter in afghanistan during the tenure pretty persistent her. A little bit of a hypothetical. Wondering he had said yes, if use was not for his sort of casual straight talking demeanor. He wouldve have more success managing truck or even just strategically do you think he was taken a different approach. I think short answered is no. Do you have longer answered printed. Usually more interesting word and managed. He doesnt like to be managed. Disgracing the, he says look, homicide rising night, didnt read any of his books, comes in the morning, let the coffee, results, is the paper. Its not like he said all, 20 does look like the pressure really does like to be lectured to or managed. He believes, he said, you know he did it by instinct. He compares himself compares himself to people who goes by instinct. John kelly had his approach, they all had their approaches. In one of the work in the selected is just a sort of say yes. Mike feuer right. I wouldnt really want to be married to him. [laughter]

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