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Prime minister smit. Mister speaker we condemn the attack on the Coalition Forces but instead we pursue urgent deescalation also with our friends in australia as they tackle the bushfires and for those that have been killed in the Ukrainian Air crash. We had meetings with ministerial colleagues andas others. The disease is terminal with one third of the people died within one year more than half with two years of diagnosis. What they should be worrying about our their finances. The campaign under the association which faces my constituency to bring the important issue that i will come the special rules for terminal illness. Can i ask the Prime Minister to join me to join this review quick. Mister speaker to pay tribute to my friend for the work he is doing for this disease which is a terrible illness. We are doing everything we can to ensure the welfare system works for sufferers of that illness. Thats why we are looking at how to help people nearing the end of their life with the most severe conditions includinghe this. And the state is only two happy. Leader of the opposition jeremy corbin. I would like to start to pay tribute to the formerhe t member who sadly died on christmas eve. He spent over 20 years here in the house. He made enormous contributions to the house. Our thoughts are with his family and friends and he is deeply more on this side of the house with a great motivation that he made. I also joined the Prime Minister to send support to australia with over 20 people in the loss of human life and hundreds of animals and those that have been destroyed. This is what global warmingngds does to all of us and we have to take this very seriously with the threat of Climate Change. I joined the Prime Minister with thoughts going to friends and family of those whoho died in the ukrainian plane that crashed. Mister speaker following last nights attack on the United States bases in iraq can the Prime Minister confirm he opposes any further retaliation or escalation in a situation that is a real risk of going into fullscale war . Mister speaker of course i can confirm that and since the crisis began to bring together our european allies in that response. And that e3 declaration that was issued from germany and the United Kingdom in which we drew particular attention to the re the region for a very long time. That was a collective european view. But and with that commentary. [laughter] following the support of the United States over the assassination of general solo money Qassem Soleimani are they convinced they are not at risk quick. Of course i can inform confirm as far as we can tell the casualties no personnel aiwere injured in the attacks we are doing everything we can to protect uk interest in the region operating in the state of readiness to protect shipping in the gulf. And we relocated all nonessential personnel and we will do everything we can to prevent an escalation. The government has said there sympathetic to the assassination of Qassem Soleimani what information do we have was not and ill legal act by the United States . Clearly mister speaker the strict issue for of legality is not for the uk to determine. They are the most reasonable people to accept the United States has a right to protect its bases and personnel. And i would remind that the individuald concerned Qassem Soleimani has been a problem for many years arming the houthis with a tax arming has a lot to attack it is sent civilians and sustaining the assad regime and supplying ied to terrorist who maimed the british troops. Batman has the blood of british troops on his hands. If we stand by International Law as the government does and want to sthen surely killing somebody in a foreign territory is an illegal act and should be condemned as such. That should be the solution to the problem. Has a permanent member can the tmber of the Un Security Council can they say what representation will be made that the iranian officials that want to bring about a resolution to this dangerous situation will be allowed to attend . What will he personally make to make sure the one operates is the way to operate . You are probably well aware of the United States has a duty to allow people to visit the human and that is the position of the uk support. The Iraqi Parliament called for foreign troops to leave their country. Er confirm that the bridge government will respect any decision made by Sovereign Parliament in iraq that may make such a request in the future and will respect and will respect the sovereignty of iraq at the United Nations . Mister speaker, the house could imagine i have spoken extensively to our friends around the world including our friends in baghdad, many people in iraq have come to depend on the support of Kurdish Forces and there is a significant nato mission in iraq at the moment helping in the fight against isis and it is my wish, to do everything we can to support the security and integrity of the iraqi people. The government respecting the sovereignty of iraq and its government and the Prime Minister did not answer the question. And the risk of a dangerous conflict, and uk troops and nationals at risk of leaving the Iran Nuclear Deal in danger of being dead in the water. The government response not looking to put the interest of the Country First but more interested in prioritizing the Prime Ministers relationship with donald trump over the security of the region in this country. Isnt it true, mister speaker, that this Prime Minister is unable to stand up to donald trump, to a trade deal with the United States and that prioritizes Everything Else . I was kind of waiting for little green men to come out at the end of that and the trade deal and this is absolute fiction. And to bring together a European Response in bridging, working with the iranians and iraqis to dial this down but there should be no doubt and the leader of the opposition, Iranian Press tv and we are determined to guarantee everything we can with safety and security of the people of iraq, he would disband nato and continue to stick up for the people across the middle east who suffered at the hands of soleimani and the Iranian Revolutionary guard who is terrorism he promoted and i am very surprised at the end of these exchanges he is yet to condemn these. In the last ten years in volumes of reports, independent reviews calling for end to inappropriate inpatient care people with learning disabilities or challenging behavior, there were 7 such reports. As we start a new decade will my right honorable friend say how many people feel trapped and instructed parliament to act on those recommendations, these very Vulnerable People can get the care they need . The passionate campaign she wages, the current number is 2190 which is unacceptable but is moving down, the secretary told me the numbers coming down. We have a pledge to reduce it by 50 . Im sure we will meet very shortly. Can i welcome you and all members of staff, with remarks for the Prime Minister and the Ukrainian Airline crash, we want to see a reason of democracy and peace and we support all measures to make sure diplomatic efforts get us to a better place. Prime minister, who should determine the future of scotland . The Prime Minister or the people who live in scotland . The answer is clear, the people of scotland who voted decisively only five years ago tuesday members of the most successful Political Partnership in history by a decisive majority in a once in a generation choice. Mister speaker, this is about democracy. In 2016 the people of scotland voted to remain in the European Union yet they are being dragged out against their will by this Prime Minister. In 2019 the people of scotland elected a majority of mps, the election and the Prime Minister who lost more than half his seats in scotland. Today the Scottish Parliament will decline consent for deliberating later. Why is this conservative government dismissing the will of the people of scotland, ignoring their voice and disregarding our parliament . The real question is why does the s p keep going on about breaking up the most Successful Union in history . To distract from their abundant failures in government. In spite of getting extra 9,000,000,000 pounds a year from the uk exchequer which they would lose if they broke away, they are mismanaging their healthcare and you are seeing them fall behind. Concentrate on what you are doing and stop going on about breaking up the union. Does the Prime Minister agree at the heart of our one nation government is manifest commitment, Strong Society needs strong families. After last weeks 165,000,000 pound boost to extend the triple Families Program will the private or outline how the government will additionally fulfill our manifesto pledge to champion family help and i quote from our manifesto, serve vulnerable families with the integrated support they need to claire for our children. I paid tribute to my honorable friend, thanks to her we put family homes in the manifesto. Being no doubt we are working now with local authorities to champion. It appears so much has been going to Northern Rail will Prime Minister strip them of that and also, the power and money to the regions so that local people have the power and never suffer the appalling catalog of delays, overcrowding, cancellations and disruptions that have gone on far too long . I share your outrage and understand what she is saying and we are developing contingency plans for a replacement for Northern Rail and she raises the point we are looking at the whole way the franchising system operates on a very valuable report on that. Paul holmes. My right honorable friend, an advocate of localism, what advice can you give my constituents concerned about the councils unwanted housing which would lead to even more overdevelopment, the vital infrastructure that is needed. What he says about the cavalier behavior of councils in any seat. We will make so many more homes, we will supply the infrastructure necessary. The Prime Minister is among the vision, what is his vision for the relationship between wales and england and the events of Scottish Independence . Our relationship with the whole United Kingdom will go through strength to strength. There is a track record of reaching environmental legislation and build a massive incinerator in the test valley, local residents looking for this government because of concerns, seeking reassurance from my right honorable friend the regulations on a mission to incineration will be further in the past and greener than accomplished. I see her point with great concern. As we moved to a net 0 economy by 2050 with groundbreaking conservative government it is vital to tackle that emission for the office of Environmental Protection and i will chair a new committee to drive forward action on Climate Change across the whole of government. Happy new year to you and your staff and everyone in the house. The Prime Minister knows the get brexit on slogan was vacuous and it is not even the end of the beginning with no deal firmly back on the table. Will be acknowledge any job loss and any impact on british industry are the result of his brexit policy, firmly at his door . Contrary to the predictions of the gloom, unemployment is at a record low, we put 800,000 jobs since the referendum and we will indeed get brexit done by january 30 first. Social justice, chances for opportunities, education is the key and that is why the pledge for additional funding is so well, especially the historically underfunded areas. Equally important are discipline and standards. Will prime industry ensure there is continued focus especially when it comes to vital interest and numerous skills. I paid tribute to my honorable friend. Since then it is synthetic which is done a huge amount, the only country in the g7 with disadvantaged pupils actually improved in reading since 2009. We need to do more. Margaret thatcher the union of the United Kingdom. Thank you, mister speaker. Thank you, mister speaker. Margaret thatcher, accepted that the union of the United Kingdom could only be maintained by to send. And the s p government does not have a mandate to organize an independence referendum so tell me what mechanism is available to the scottish people to give their consent for maintaining, exercising that. I can only repeat my point that the scottish people in 2015, it is a referendum and it took place and as members opposite, all concerned, devon morris. Mister speaker, you were a northern the news that more money spent in the north of england. I want to reiterate the eden project. And back in north whorom again. I heard from my right honorable friend, the chancellor. The house would know the region the eden project has become different. More than two years 4000 other low income workers across the uk who have waited 20 years for money that is rightfully theirs. There was a breakthrough to pay millions of pounds, any penny possible from those low income workers given the trust was set up as a nontasked employee ownership, does the Prime Minister think it is fear to run roughshod and meet with me to discuss this. I make the general point that we have done a huge amount to raise the burden of taxation and lifting by the biggest ever increase but my right honorable friend will discuss the particular matter he raised. In the period 20182019 overseas Companies Investing in Northern Ireland created nearly 1500 new jobs. With my right honorable friend agree with me if it were up and running again, that number would be considerably different and no stone left unturned, efforts by the Northern Ireland party to seek agreement to be properly functioning again. The uk is the third highest recipient of Foreign Investment but Northern Ireland could get more as it currently does if people took their responsibilities to get up and running again. The Scottish Affairs and Health Committee with reports under the drug crisis. Both reported through on International Evidence and recommended a change in the law for addicts to consume substances in secure facilities under medical supervision. It is a controversial area. I dont expect the Prime Minister to make policy. Will he consider on a pilot basis the establishment of Overdose Prevention centers to gather evidence as to whether this could prevent deaths in this country as it has in other countries . You raised an important issue, the question, consumption rooms without encouraging consumption and that is the challenge we face, it will be held in scotland and we will announce a day short. The other efforts. My local nhs consulting in hospital, and the proposed closure and impacts on local residents particularly those on rural communities. Are you willing to work with my secretary, and it was difficult on that side. I congratulate my honorable friend and to welcome her and all colleagues to Prime Ministers question time. I have heard just now straight down the line, and much of the rest of the country, hospital waiting times have been under constant pressure with the latest figures showing a quarter of attendance are waiting to be seen. The government made commitments to invest. The Prime Minister agreed to delegation, and the walk in sensor the raising issue with me. Does my right honorable friend share my concerns about lack of Educational Achievement about so many workingclass boys across the country, will he make a top priority to ensure all schoolchildren throughout the country are given opportunities to maximize their talents . Not only are we investing, and National Skills fund for candidates, the only help they can get. Can you detail what steps in working with germany and france to restore the Iran Nuclear Deal since he was appointed Prime Minister . He knows about the review, the best way of preventing a Nuclear Proliferation in iran and encouraging iran not to develop a Nuclear Weapon and we think after the crisis abated, it was avoided, put substance again. In recent months the performance of west midland rails from my constituents or constituents across the region has been absolutely woeful. Will he agree about westminsters mayor, with an inspection, and keep that franchise taken away. With the performances across the rail network, looking at the whole issue and the bell is tolling if i hear my honorable friend correctly. With the hammer, and demand it, nothing compared with a mandate to won by my colleagues here when 45 popular vote and 8 of the seats, i remind you is unassailable. To deliver on that mandate, the Scottish Government has another one ready, 2. 2, those discussions again. I have given this answer a couple times. The people of scotland had a chance to decide and decided emphatically they were remaining in the uk and i think i think that decision, that decision should be respected. Can i welcome the commitment to invest across the country, this is particularly welcome one of the poorest parts of the uk. Can the Prime Minister confirm we will continue to be at the heart of his governments plans to invest in the regions of the country . I can confirm that. My honorable friend and i discussed and receive all of that through shared prosperity and we will do extraordinary things to improve and the nhs as well. We will be there. The final question comes up. In 2005, my constituent stephen gallons, did a bad thing for which he is serving a life sentence, but on the 20 ninth of november was the third man on london bridge, he wrestled the knife willing knife wielding murderous terrorist to the ground so Police Marksman could shoot him dead. Stephen is rightly serving life in prison. Will the Prime Minister congratulate and pay tribute to stephen for his bravery that day which no doubt saved lives . I thank the honorable gentlemen, i have admiration for the bravery of stephen galan and others who went to the assistance of members of the public on that day and thought a very determined terrorist. It is not formmission. This is two hours. Good afternoon. Please come and take your seats. We are ready to begin. We are ready to begin o

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