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This but i want you to make sure we understand we have the votes once the impeachment trial has begun to pass a resolution and essentially very similar to the 100 nothing trial of quentin to be best described as phase one to include the arguments of the prosecution and arguments from the defense and then a period of written questions because remember senators that are not allowed to speak during the trial so those questions submitted through the chief justice. At that point during the clinton trial, the issue of the appropriateness to call witnesses was addressed. Obviously that is the most contentious part of the proceedings and that will be addressed at that time and not before the trial begins. It is the rule of impeachment in the senate and it continues to be my hope the speaker will send them over. The house argued this is an emergency that they needed to act quickly. In such a danger to the country that they needed to rush this through. Then they sat on the papers for three weeks prickly hope this will end this week. There is considerable discomfort among democrats some are expressing that to some of you over the continued delay to send it over. There was some discussion in the last few days related to the iraq episode we are experiencing now about the appropriateness of targets. Want to associate myself with the secretary of defense and secretary of state to the appropriateness of cultural sites to be targeted. That is not appropriate. As many of you have written to be open about it to make a decision clearly under the circumstances and under these circumstances to make the right decision however that should not lead to any access observations that kansas that has not elected a democratic senator since 1932 will do it in 192020. We are all looking forward tomorrow about the situation in the middle east and iraq over iran and i think it is fair to say irrespective of what people think of geopolitics and the decisions that Qassem Soleimani should be eliminated. Make no mistake about it he was responsible for killing hundreds of americans and terrorizing that region of the world for many years. So with added ministrations process was but with respect to impeachment as the leader pointed out the senate is ready to do its job. We are waiting for the house and the articles and said this is all about the politics of their base. You are seeing Speaker Pelosi and what Chuck Schumer do right now to play to their base and political games if it was such a sense of urgency they wouldve sent it over by now. But when they do the republicans are prepared to take it up in the clinton impeachment is a fair process to have their day in court and for senators to ask questions and any additional information. I look forward to moving forward with that process to put aside the politics and proceed with the process in a way that i think treats the president in a fair way and allow something he didnt get from the house of representatives. And to have no role of leverage of impeachment in the senate that is all political and the 51 votes necessary to move forward using the clinton model for impeachment. The public is clearly with us over the past weekend pole 53 percent of say what Speaker Pelosi is doing is a political stunt. Fiftysix to have those constitutional boundaries 58 percent say send the articles in 77 percent except the clinton rules. And was 77 percent. With this senate and this house we need to do a get on these things. To do it and get out of the way. Economic numbers have not been this good but the bottom wage earners of 25 percent the biggest increase of pay but top 25 percent of wage earners and that the economy began to equalize a little bit for to pay the all the wages that they need to work in this economy where people have more vacancies than those looking for jobs. Unemployment is the lowest it has been in 50 years. All the other Economic Indicators from the stock market to Consumer Confidence to holiday spending. People need to be feeling good about the economy their spending habits and investing habit seem to indicate that the times they are focused on so many other things you are at the Kitchen Table two or three years ago to understand your economy is in a much better place. Happy new year everybody excited to see the transition so while i was back home and look at congress with that fresh start we have a lot of work to do for our constituents for the American People. We have had no Delay Program happy to report of things that matter to iowans and americans are already happening here in the senate. This morning our dear senator from iowa passed out of his committee the usmca. This means a lot to folks back home and all across the united states. And were acting on it immediately. We are excited about that. We are excited we now have a phase one china deal that we can be signing next week everybody is so unfocused on impeachment that folks back home are telling me they are fed up. They want us to work on things that really matter to them. This is what were doing in the senate. I know the tide will turn. We dont know it depends on Speaker Pelosi but we are excited about the new year. 2020 will bring good things. Thank you. Good afternoon and happy new year there is an argument going on right now that is understandable but all the accomplishments that this senate has achieved to sustain the longest period of economic expansion we have a lot of faithful constitutionalists on the federal bench with an agreement on usmca a full repeal of the medical device tax and given our troops the largest pay increase in a decade and we are not done yet this is why so many other americans want us to have substantive work on the nearterm things we are dealing with. So to deal with lowering healthcare cost and housing is more affordable for rankandfile americans we actually pass the usmca agreement we came to terms on a made a great first step in the Senate Finance committee and i passed my vote for that. We want the American People to be safe and secure. They are committed to get the work of the American People done. Thank you so much. The other day complaining about not having prior notice on the strike. That my reaction was that you did the right thing and as Joe Lieberman pointed out on the wall street journal where is the applause. Where is the applause on the other side clicks this guy was the worst of the worst. Into the reaction all the rest of us half had when obama carried out an act very similar. You are suggesting here. [inaudible] they refuse to treat the President Trump the way we treated president clinton. What was good enough for president clinton with the impeachment trial should be good enough for President Trump. And to get started exactly the same way whats good for president clinton is good for President Trump. And with dad organizing resolution . It may not be word for word will be glad to show it to you. If you dont have enough evidence year. But what about at the political level . But youre asking me to comment and i have address that on the floor over the weeks and i have nothing to add to it. You thank you will be considering witnesses at some point. With the way it works at the risk of being redundant 51 senators determine what we do. Once you get past phase one about the whole issue and by the way not necessarily as of the prosecution is not like a typical trial because every juror would be disqualified. All of us to be disqualified if this was a regular judicial proceeding. But who is called as witnesses it would be from the defense. [inaudible conversations] good afternoon everybody. I am proud to be joined by my colleagues

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