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The 2016 election was it a fluke or is this the new conservative Republican Coalition that is the Republican Party. We decided to thousand 16 wasnt a fluke. This is the new Republican Party and i think puthat both establishment parties democratic and republican and larger institutions including my profession, still have a hard time wrestling with understanding who this coalition is, how it formed and that donald trump didnt cause it, he is the result of it. Lets take a deep dive into your reporting and insight can you write the following. The concrete notion of donald Trump Presidency did not formally crystallize until the wee hours of november 9, 2016. In many ways there has been no other sunrise in american politics since the entire nation remains stuck in the moment to surprise notice the countrys politics had realigned. Yes. Absolutely. I think that pretty much sums it up whether you voted for donald trump, didnt work for him, i think most people would recognize thats where we are today. Not much has moved from that moment. I tell people all the time when they say, whats changed whats gonna happen, where we now, do people still like him . I say, its sort of like groundhog day. Nothing much has changed since november 9, 2016 if you woke up that morning found out he won and you voted for him, you are still optimistic. If you didnt vote for him, your hair is still on fire and nothing is going to extinguish it unless he is taken out of office in handcuffs. You are in pennsylvania born and raised in pittsburgh, lets take a look at the keystone state first a breakdown of borders between democrats republicans and third parties the democrats maintain an edge of 4. 1 million registered voters the republicans 3. 2 million and the remainder of thirdparty registered voters 1. 2 million and then the results from 2016 just how close the state was both donald trump and Hillary Clinton campaigning extensively across pennsylvania donald trump winning at 48. 2 percent, Hillary Clinton at 37. 5 percent. As we move into 2020 the state of National Politics in pennsylvania is what today . Lets just take a step backward for a moment. I think what people missed about pennsylvania going into 2016 sorry to always look at pennsylvania as safe it went blue since 1988 is on the board its blue nobody really thinks about. They just think its blue. What they missed was, since 1992 pennsylvania have become. 4 percent more republican than it was when bill clinton was elected. So when clinton was elected he won 28 of our 67 counties. By the time barack obama won ran and won in 2012, he only won 13 of those 67 counties. The democratic support has eroded. I think its important to remember and understand that, where is pennsylvania today . I think it could go either way, it all depends to be close but it all depends on who the democrats pick. If they pick a candidate that supports banning tracking on day one as Elizabeth Warren has talked about thats going to present a problem democrats and western pennsylvania as well as the scranton area. You cannot win democrat you cannot win as democrat in pennsylvania if you dont win those two catty corner areas. Those are important areas. If a democrat doesnt win pennsylvania the do not win the election. The president and hersey pennsylvania this past week he has made more Campaign Stops in pennsylvania than just about any other state in 2020. Absolutely. Theres a reason for that. Do remember the song allentown by billy joel . No matter where you lived in a manufacturing area, that was sort of a symbol of what was happening to all manufacturing areas. He does the same thing with pennsylvania and youngstown ohio. Even though he didnt win youngstown ohio. These regions are symbolic of other great lakes states and other areas where voters sentiment and experiences in economic decline and also economic resurgence very similar. Thats why he chooses rtpennsylvania as sort of this stage to tell his story. Your book takes an even broader Historical Context in terms of our National Politics and to go back to your word realignment you wrote the following along with brad todd route 20 consecutive president ial elections the two parties put forward the same two basic nominees democrats running as reincarnation of Franklin D Roosevelt the publicans running as shades of barry goldwater. But in 2012 that began to change and by 2016 the two sides no longer resembled their modern templates. The parties have completely relied adorning the 2012 election. Barack obama had won with the new Deal Coalition 2008 but he wisely understood that it was time to reshape the alignment of the party he focused on women and minorities and young people with the caveat that he needed just enough White Working Class. Hillary clinton sort of dropped the notion that you needed just enough White Working Class and poor she just assumed that that percentage would carry over from obama to herself. It didnt. She lacked the ability to connect with those voters and she also made the calculated mistake of not going into those areas like ashtabula ohio, like erie pennsylvania, like kenosha wisconsin or Macomb County michigan and tell those communities that she had hather. From the book with few exceptions these places are locales where most americans decisionmakers and opinion thleaders have never been he ma reference to a moment ago ashtabula ohio trump only carried three of the nations medical counties places with more than a million population trump crawled out of that gop mathematical whole and the all but forgotten communities thousands of them. Absolutely. I think that sort of illustrates the divide in this country. Where is the cultural ltdecisionmakers whether news organizations or government or politics or culture or entertainment they live in those highly concentrated super zip codes if you will. It is not only just impacting our politics but its also impacting our culture. Take about this when hoover was making vacuum cleaners 100 years ago he lived within four blocks of his factory. He was connected to not only the people who work for him but he was also connected to the people who purchased this product. We dont have that same connection with our larger institutions. About where the nfl is located, its park avenue new york. Thats a far cry from people here in pittsburgh today that are painted in black and gold to save all year to buy their tips and are very connected and routed to their communities. That part of our problem within our culture but also within our politics. I think in my coffee is a great piece about this that the dnc and the rsv are political headquarters should relocate out of washington dc and go to cleveland and columbus ohio. They would be more connected to the voters that they need to win elections, both parties. Your piece in the new york ee post this headline got a lot of attention as you travel to some of the stress felt communities. Those voters saying, i would work for him again in a heartbeat referring to President Trump. Were you hearing . Yes, again, nothing has ng changed. Heres a really important thing athat i think that people insi washington work and the more highly concentrated wealthier areas need to understand, these votes come of this book for donald trump, first of all, this coalition is going way its gonna be there long after donald trump is gone from office whether he wins or loses in 2020. These voters are very rooted and very connected to their communities, they are unlike their counterparts is more wealthier areas were very transient. They look at donald trump as the only thing that is sort of protecting them for these larger institutions and these entities who they believe do not have their back and believe they do not understand their way of life. We sat down with President Trump in july and one of the questions we posed to him was had he been in touch with his predecessors including barack obama, bill clinton, and george w. Bush. He said no they didnt support him so he didnt feel necessary to reach out to them. That also break some of the president weve seen in the presidency theres been a lot of that in the truck presidency. Are you surprised he ever breaks precedent . Thats part of why he was elected. These voters, nationally nationwide the trump voter voted nine percent of trump voters voted obama, obama trumpeted the great lakes takes a pennsylvania wisconsin ohio michigan and iowa it was 23 percent theres a lot of unhappiness with both parties democrats and republicans coming up to remember that donald trump didnt just rattle the Democratic Party he also rattled the Republican Party they were 17 great candidates standing on the stage with him in 2015 and 2016 and he just annihilated them because he wasnt part of the establishment. And thats what you write in the book from the great revolt, the question of whether trumps unconventional bid nearly picked the lock of a different era of republican politics or whether his new fusion of populism was conservatism s remaking of the american political access entirely. Absolutely. Whether you like it or not and i think we are pretty much split down the half in this country, this is new Republican Party. That also means there is a new Democratic Party because these voters have to shift and go in different places. We are pretty much split down the middle in this country and i think the election in 2020 is going to reflect that. Our guest is salena zito she Staff Reporter and columnist for a number of publications including the Washington Times and the new york post. Her book is the great revolt inside the populist coalition reshaping american politics, lets get to your phone call. Robert is joining us in atlanta. Democrats line, good morning. Good morning. Perhaps, i have read your book and perhaps i misunderstand it s promise but it seems to me that what has occurred is that particularly through the fluke of the Electoral College of vocal minority has taken over on the levers of government. I think its contrary whats going on is contrary to demographic trends so i dont think this is something thats going to last i would like your observations on that because im hoping, frankly, that this is the last gasp of a very conservative 1950s view of the world whose unfortunately latched onto donald trump as standardbearer. Robert, thank you, we will get a response. Inks robert, i love atlanta i dont like its traffic though they been saying the Republican Party is on its last gas since john mccain lost to barack obama. Political parties change all the time to stop theres always sort of a movement and change. To your point about how conservative it is, i would argue that Donald Trumps style is certainly not traditional conservative republican i will say, his policies are but i think you might benefit from reading the book and that this party this new coalition is a does conservative as the coalition that tried to put mitt romney and tried to put john mccain into the presidency. Theres a lot of people with new deal outlooks on government where they dont mind a little bit of government in their lives who are part of this coalition and do influence it. To alan and Thousand Palms California Republican line, good morning. Good morning. The last caller thinks its a minority of people. I would say its a lot more than minority, its the silent majority was quiet so they work vocal to trump. But i think next election could be a landslide for trump. Thank you. Selena asalena zito cut it could be a landslide . Is the Democratic Partys court it was a close election 2016, it could be a close election in 2020. It could be a landslide in 2020. It depends on how far left the Democratic Party chooses to go. I think thats their big challenge and i think they under stand that where they won a 2018 were with candidates for the house that were pretty moderate on healthcare on military and on infrastructure sorted very breadandbutter oldfashioned Democratic Party candidates and they won with a very healthy margin. You would think they would take a lesson from that and run with it but i havent seen evidence of that today it. You can follow her on twitter at salena zito argus is a contributor to cnn and her columns that appear on the Washington Examiner website. Bill is joining us next for pennsylvania, good morning bill, go ahead with your question or comment. Good morning steve. Salena, you like a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately the guy from georgia spell that out for everybody which is that the kratz just dont believe this is real. Why . Because theres staying in their little cocoons like you described. Washington new york west coast trying to get one together in austin. And the reality is that, i voted for obama first term, as a Republican Committee that i voted for obama was i was hopeful i did not like john mccain because i knew he was a rhino and i wanted the republicans to know, if you put a candidate take mccain up going to book for the democrat just to see what i get of course i could not boat avote for obama the second term because of what he did to my health care system. Which is basically destroy it. We know you cant buy descent affordable healthcare anymore but what trump offer, and i saw it early, was that he came out and he was willing to step on the political cotton rails and not get electrocuted. The guy has done some crazy stuff but hes done so much good stuff that i would have to say that he has a seriously good chance of getting reelected and what i would say im going to do is because in pennsylvania i cannot vote in the primary across parties and the primary im going to switch my registration and make sure i vote against joe biden i dont want to see biden he is the only potential to be trump and i think thats a long shot so im going to vote against biden and then of course switch back and vote for truck this year. Hes not a perfect president , i compare him to abe helincoln. If anyone is a student of history they will know that abe lincoln was treated by the establishment the way trump has been treated by the establishment and i think trump will go down in history as one of the best president s weve had. Where is boyertown pennsylvania . Boyertown is between philadelphia and reading. Im not in pencil sake. Im close. But i will say that im right on the edge maryland madison Madeleine Dean is my new representative i got regerrymandered in with a bunch of democrats unfortunately my representative in the house is a democrat who just voted to impeach the president on the judiciary committee. Bill we will get a response to your comments thanks for forming in. Bill is a perfect example of those voters that sort of went hidden in plain sight. People pollsters didnt understand this vote for obama and then vote for trump. Because they seem so polar opposite oractually i look at them assorted the other side of the coin of each other in that of them ran on hope and change. Its just that my profession tends to not understand what makes America Great means. They think its nostalgic or they think its bigoted. Actually, it really evokes this thing within the american electorate that you want to be part of something bigger than themselves. When i report and yofly and i dont really take interstate i only take back roads, u. S. Routes and backgrounds, that helps me understand whats happening in counties and communities in town. Now they are to each county and each town because he could see how things are doing better, you can see how things are declining, that has helped me understand voters like bill who are willing to make change because they were so unhappy with the establishment in both parties. Those counties including lake county michigan lee county iowa, erie county pennsylvania, our guest is salena zito and she chronicles all of it in her book looking at the 2016 election and whether not as a political realignment quick tweet from john in North Carolina who says it could be an Electoral College landslide with the popular vote will always be massive in liberal in failing blue cities. You can send us a tweet at cspan wj. World leaders came out laughing about President Trump. Several World Leaders mocking President Trump. We are laughing at him. My administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country. [laughter] i didnt expect that reaction but thats okay. World leaders mocking and ridiculing him for being completely off balance. Allies are deeply worried about they say hes becoming increasingly isolated something is very wrong. The world sees trump for what he is, insincere, illinformed, corrupt. Dangerously incompetent and incapable of World Leadership and if we give donald trump four more years. [inaudible] salena zito, is the ad effective . No. This is sort of a thing that i really struggle with as i watch the Democratic Candidates do and that the ad is great, its perfect, it appeals to the democratic vote you already have you needed when new voters over. Ive seen very little effort in places like syria and ashtabula and kenosha and burning county of these candidates trying to win these orders back. What the what bidens team did not understand with that and is, and you can see the results of Voter Sentiment in the back of the great revolt theres actually amazing polling in the back of the book voters were tired of multinational deals. They were tired of america always paying the most and holding larger burden in treaties and in any kind of deal that happened overseas. To point out that these leaders and other countries dont like him thats like a bonus point for a trump voter. Thats not something theyre going to be like im so ashamed i now need to vote for joe biden. This is what the appendix looks like in the back of the book a series of questions available to get assessment of the pulse of rustbelt america this is from mike who says salena zito has a good analysis on the political views going on in the populace the rustbelt great lakes has long suffered job was she should include new york state as well in that category i grew up near buffalo new york and lived between lake erie and lake ontario. I guess the difference is new york is not a battleground state unlike pennsylvania and michigan wisconsin, correct . Right. Looking forward to that buffalo steelers game this evening. Bradley, bradley goahead from west virginia. Hi. Thank you. And i called in on the republican line but and i am a registered republican but but i have a lot of problems with the Republican Party. Number one is that i believe that they believe and want america to be a plutocracy. I really do believe that. I watched sean hannity and i listen to him and i think, why in the world would working people support a party that is only for the rich. It started with dragon with his tax cut in 81 and it went with bush with his tax code 01 and with this president its in there now. The Republican Party has changed, nixon was back in the days before nixon and ford were different. I just cant understand, and another thing, his doing away with the Environmental Policies that were put in place to protect the environment, that. Is another thing, thank you very much. Thank you for the fall. In 2016 workingclass voters or bluecollar union voters voted still voted for Hillary Clinton over donald trump people dont realize this. Because they think they all voted for donald trump. She just won a much much narrower portion of them than previous Democratic Candidates. The working classes always sort of had a challenge with both local parties. From supporting union ideals to minimum wage also to the environment. And tax cuts. It depends on where you are located as a workingclass boater as to how you see either party, i think. Last time we talked on cspan radio you are getting ready for your thanksgiving nndinner with your italian scot irish family. My question is, what was the political conversation like a thanksgiving and what is it like over christmas meal with your family . My entire family voted for trump. Which is interesting. There is a variety of different they come from a variety different places whether they have masters degrees are phds order live in the suburbs or live in the city but theres really no big disagreement among my family in fact, hes my family sort of as an early barometer to understand what was going on. I remember when he came down the escalator and i thought, this is not going to happen and my parents one is republican one is a democrat they both liked his message about community and the dignity of work. So they kept me grounded and kept me from dismissing his candidacy along with my brothers and my sisters and my children and grandchildren. Its really interesting. I also think and i talked to a lot of people in the country i did almost 40,000 miles on the road this year back and forth back and forth up and down all across the back roads of the country people outside of twitter are really different. Most people dont have angry political discussions at the dinner table. They have much more important things to talk about then whos on first and whats on second when it comes to politics. This is from a hopper camp this is the best candidate to beat donald trump, pete buttigieg, tom stier, Mike Bloomberg andrew yang joe biden, too much baggage democrats need to drop him like a hot rod. H yet nationally the former vic president remains the front runner stop absolutely. All these laypeople that dropped into the race i think the only candidate that could democratic candidate back to drop into this race and really be a game changer would be sharon broman u. S. Senator from ohio. He has just the right tone and understanding of the bluecollar worker as well as suburban voter to be able to form a coalition nationwide that could challenge the president. I was really excited to cover him 2020 i thought he would really rise up and he dropped out before the first started. Maybe if there is a brokered convention he walks in as the guy who didnt have to run at all and 2019 and 2020 and becomes the nominee. If you look at the polling from Quinnipiac University hypothetical general election matchup between either biden, sanders, Warren Comeau buddha judge or closure with President Trump hovering in the low to mid 40s basically between 42 to 43 percent in the survey which has a margin of error, plus or 2. 5 we go to gary and young would pennsylvania. Good morning. Gary, you are on the air. I consider myself to be a libertarian, ive been a registered democrat for about 15 years, i really dislike both parties but as a thirdgeneration democrat my grandfathers were owned by the Company Store and im presently inside the territories that means im surrounded by White Catholic democrats and what of the progressives say they hold onto their guns and their religion. Its gonna be interesting to w see which way the catholics upcoming and thats about all i have to say. I believe there is changes come into this country. I think you very much. Have a nice day. And no young would pennsylvania very well. 34 percent of selfprofessed trump voters in the great lakes midwest we focus on that in our polling did not tell a Family Member or a friend that they were going to vote for donald trump. So im anxious to see what that number is in 2020. No matter what direction the election goes. a i never had that conversation with them. When he talked about the dignity of work and talk to our communities. I will go back to the quote that i said when i interviewed donald trump in september 2016 when i said voters take him seriously but not literally my profession takes him literally but they didnt take his candidacy altogether seriously. That goes for a lot of things that donald trump said. There is a willingness to suspend some of your normal reactions to a candidate because you are so frustrated with both Political Parties. I think the thing that has really stuck out to me in the aftermath of the selection is that both Political Parties both Establishment Republicans and establishment democrats to me and to voters have shown very little reflection on why they lost to that guy. In everyday life if you lose something, which is a football, you lose to a terrible team, what most coaches and teammates sit down and say, dear god we lost to that, i havent seen a lot of reflection of the establishment of either party o to say oh dear god we lost to that how we lost these voters . Voters have it seen that sort of reflection either and what they see a lot is that they are made fun of by the press for the establishment. Thats not going to win these voters back. Im not saying that means donald trump wins im just saying there is still a lack of trying reto reach out and or reflect why they lost to that guy. Jason miller republican strategist and former trumpet minutesabformer trumpet advisor. He still thinks Hillary Clinton will get in this race. Whats your reaction . I think i left but yet its not impossible. I think anything is possible because you have it yet, doesnt mean it will happen, we are still in a contested primary part but you havent seen a big brown slacks toward one specific candidate. Theres a reason for that. The Democratic Party is trying to figure out what it is right now because its a variety of things. You need a very charismatic candidate to be able to pull all those sections together, to date i havent seen it yet but that doesnt mean its not can happen. From the book he wrote the following political analysts across the spectrum have given trump credit for being a category killer reshaping republican politics in his image. The unique new coalition infused in the rust belt argue he should be viewed as a category builder the first success of a coalition thats not likely to soon separate. Excluded margie in philadelphia democrats align with salena zito her new book is outward now ais out now the great revolt inside the populist coalition reshaping american politics. Good morning. I just wanted to contradict what you are saying about how hillary lost the election in 2016, she had the fbi, the media, and russia all pulling aher against her to bring her down. You had Kevin Mccarthy went on fox news and said when hillary got into the room raised her polls were between 69 and 73. He said look at her poll numbers now. Hillary clinton didnt lose the election, she had 66 million popular votes trump had 62 or 63. Thank you margie, salena zito. I would say based on the voters i talked edto in the states that really sorted twist or had the election to whoever the candidate is, whether North Carolina, florida, michigan, pennsylvania wisconsin or ohio, what i heard from voters that were democrats that either voted for her or sat it out was that she didnt show up and she did it connect with them in a way that they believed would have made a difference. So that has been my observation having reported from there. I remember being in michigan and just feeling like i was all by myself because there is no influx of clinton events happening. Not in the way that you showed as a president ial candidate. Michigan matters and i didnt see that from the Hillary Campaign and i Heard Campaign volunteers frustration about not having the attention they believed was needed to win state and they turned out to be right. You also take aim at the 2018 midterm elections a lot of representatives to whether that is a bellwether to what we will see in 2020 and some also looking at what happened in Great Britain this past week in the landslide victory by Boris Johnson and the conservatives, in the book he read the following, the relatively diminished role of policy issues overall in the 2018 campaign was notable. Where the issue portfolio had historically been broad but in the most closely fought state races for example florida and georgia republicans prevailed narrowly running on the tribalism of National Politics rather than specific agendas for their projected state administrations. I think we will see that in 2020. Something could change but thats the trajectory we are on right now. Its about culture and tribalism. If i were trump i would run the economy and nothing else but i dont nobody runs on that. I suspect he runs on culture. I suspect he runs against up against them and i suspect that the democrats even if they want to run on policy are going to be forced to run on the same thing. Marion indiana is next. Chris, our life for democrats gthank you for waiting, good morning. Good morning. I think you are right on the democrats dropped the ball maybe the election 2016. How much do you think the russians really had to be involved here . Were only talking about 3 million or 4 million votes as far as the popular vote. Is it possible that the russian involvement may have 3 million or 4 million votes were talking 130 million votes is not really that far toff. Chris, thank you, to even larger point the difference of what 77,000 vote in wisconsin michigan and anpennsylvania whi obviously tips the scales in the Electoral College for the president. I think it was like 70,000 under vote in michigan. Where voters showed up to vote for u. S. Senate or house for local elections but they didnt vote for president. It was like, i dont like either one of enthem. When i talked to voters who made the dramatic choice of either going for boarding from obama twice to voting for trump or being a republican not liking trumps comportment and being a jet bush die or marker reveal guy and finding themselves eventually voting for trump they are insulted when you say russia had something to do with their votes. People are very independent about how they get to their thdecision we will go to janet and batavia illinois independent line, good morning. What is there to be proud of when you label yourself a republican . They dont do anything for anyone else but themselves, cut taxes, close factories, bring down the unions and they havent done anything as far as oslegislation to improve the lives of people like the handicap in 1992 act was passed by democrats to change the life of handicap people throughout the world. And whatever the republicans are in they dont care about anybody but them very wealthy. The democrats are the party of the people and always will be. Im hoping the Democratic Party goes down in flames. Janet, i think she meant republican at the end. I was confused by that. Everything anything will change janets mind. Back to the book, he put this into perspective in those key states including ohio 35 counties in ohio along the nations premier president ial bellwether. Absolutely. Those voters were voters that voted for change. Its as simple as that. What i find is really interesting among the obama trump vote is that they like president obama personally. They like the way his aspirational speeches and his family and how he conducted himself but they didnt like his policies. All you have to do is look at all those counties that what happened in 2010 and 2014 midterms is the flip with donald trump. They dont really like him that mu. He is not someone they would invite to dinner because they believe his personality on twitter is his personality on real life but they do like his policies and they do like how it impacts their communities. A lot of copeople thought the selection was about anger and individualism. It wasnt. It was about localism and communities and place and rootedness. The democrats would be wise to understand that nuance because that kind of nuance would help them do better and maybe win some of the voters back. Roger, you get the last word from early Virginia Republican line we have about a minute left. Quick question or comment. What is systemic fashion mean to you. Fascism . Systemic fashion, the attack on nation, does it bother the voters that donald trump is an outsourcer and he is the problem with this nation, if he hasnt brought any jobs back. Where is the make America Great bring the business back trump, show us. Salena zito, that was interesting. Im not sure i really. Understand or understood the context of what he was saying. I think the economic thnumbers show different results in terms of jobs being created. What surprised you the most in researching this book . How aspirational people are no matter who, i did just in his trump voters because i wanted there to be a broader understanding of the communities i was in but that people love their country and they want their country to do well and they are driven by politics in the way that you see in my profession are on social media. That sort of hopefulness keeps me incredibly grounded. The great revolt inside the populist coalition reshaping american politics, coauthor salena zito, shes joining us from pittsburgh. Thank you very much for being with us. Thank you for having me. At this years boston book festival civil rights Attorney Ben Crump offered his thoughts on racial bias in the justice system. Heres a portion of his talk. I was certainly in the state of florida since we were the first state to pass the stand your ground law which im on record i think as the most racist jim crow law we have ever seen in america and its sad because black people and brown people in america regrettably and unfortunately we have gotten used to the Police Killing us and not being held accountable. But this stand your ground law made it where any tom dyck or harry could kill us and still not be held accountable. Not just not held accountable, you member the statistical black people on death row the quickest way to get to death row in america is to be a person of color and kill a white person. But yet when a white person kills a person of color, often times they are not even arrested. All they have to say is stand your ground so that would certainly be the first law to get rid of stand your ground not amended, get rid of it. There was nothing wrong with the castle doctrine. Stand your ground was a solution looking for a problem. The nra suggested it had bought the legislature and said, now you have the license to use the instruments we are selling you and dont worry about any accountability, just use them. I just think thats the wrong message to send young people we set all our problems with violence and guns versus conflict resolution and douglas e. Its a terrible message. To wash the rest of his talk and find more of her book festival coverage visit our website at booktv. Org and click on the fairs and festivals tab near the top of the page. For 40 years cspan has been providing america unfiltered coverage of congress, the white house, the supreme court, and Public Policy events from washington dc and around the country. So you can make up your own mind created by cable in 1979. Cspan is brought to you by your local cable or satellite provider, cspan, your unfiltered view of government

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