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Welcome senator bernie sanders. [applause] low. Thank you all for coming out. And today i want to talk about some of the very important issues facing our country, but before i get to some of them, i wanted to take a moment to address the events in iraq and the escalating crisis in the middle east. Yesterday, President Trump ordered the assassination of a top iranian general, custom soleimani in iraq along with an iraqi militia. This is a dangerous escalation that brings us closer to another disastrous war in the middle east. Which could cost countless lives and trillions more dollars. And lead to even more deaths, more conflict, more displacement in that already highly volatile region of the world. When i voted against the war in iraq in 2002, i feared that it would result in greater the stabilization in that country and in the entire region. At that time i warned about the deadly socalled unintended consequences of a unilateral invasion today, 17 years later that fear has unfortunately turned out to be a truth. The United States has lost some 4500 brave men and women fighting in iraq. Tens of thousands have been wounded. Hundreds of thousands of iraqis have been killed. And trillions of dollars have been spent on that war. The result . Today, today we have massive unrest in that country. We have corruption in the country. We have terrible poverty in the country. And now iraqis want american troops out. All of that suffering, all of that death, all of that huge expenditures of money for what . It gives me no pleasure to tell you that at this moment we face a similar crossroads brought with danger. Once again, we must worry about unintended consequences and the impact of unilateral decision making. And let me repeat a warning i gave in 2002 during the debate over the war in iraq. This is what i said back then. War must be the last recourse in our international relations. And as a karen nation, we must do everything we can to prevent the horrible suffering that a war will cause. As a former chair of the Us Senate Committee on veterans affairs, i have seen close up the pain, the death and despair caused by, ive gone to many funerals in my own state. Ive talked to too many mothers who have lost their kids in war. I have talked to too many soldiers, men and women who have come home with ptsd, who have come home without arms and without legs. And i know that it is rarely the children of the billionaire class who face the agony of reckless foreign policy. It is the children of working families. Let us not forget when trump took office, we had a Nuclear Agreement with iran, negotiated by the obama administration. Along with our closest allies , countries from all over the world came together to negotiate that agreement which put a lid on Irans Nuclear program. The wise course would have been to stick with that Nuclear Agreement, enforce its provisions and use that diplomatic channel with iran to address a wide range of concerns including their support of terrorism. Unfortunately, trump ignored the advice of his own Security Officials, ignored the advice of his own Security Officials and listened to rightwing extremists, some of whom were exactly the same people who got us into the war in iraq in the first place. As we all remember, trump promised to end endless wars. Tragically, his actions now put us on the path to another war. Potentially one that could be even worse than before. The truth as we all know is that the world today is a very dangerous place. We are seeing a movement all across the planet towards authoritarianism, we are seeing a growing arms race and we are seeing Nuclear Weapons in the hands of unstable and hostile regimes. I believe that in the midst of all of that, the role of the United States, difficult though it may be must be to work with the International Community to end conflicts, to end the threat of war, not to promote war as President Trump is doing. This is how the true power of the United States is shown. And that is how i will use American Power as president. [applause] as i think we have seen for several years now, trump makes decisions impulsively without explanation and in this case as in the past, without any congressional consultation. I believe strongly that a key step in ending our endless wars is for the congress to reassert its Constitutional Authority over matters of war. [applause] our Founding Fathers had it right. And they gave the responsibility of war to congress and that is exactly where it must be placed. I find it incredible that at the same time as trump is greatly expanding military spending, and i am proud to tell you that i have voted against all of trumps military budgets. [applause] at the same time he is spending tens of billions more on the military , he is cutting back on the diplomatic capabilities of the state department to negotiate agreements around the world and that to my mind is a very dangerous course of action. I have consistently opposed this dangerous path to war with iran, but we need to do more than just stop the potential of a war. We need to firmly commit to ending the us military presence in the middle east in an orderly manner, not through a sweep. Must understand and understand these wars have cost us so much in blood and treasure. We must end our involvement in the saudi lead intervention which is one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes on earth. And we must bring our troops home from afghanistan. [applause] instead of provoking more volatility in the region, but United States must use its power, its wealth and its influence to bring the regional powers to the table to resolve conflicts. And let me conclude by simply saying this area at a time when we have over 500,000 americans who are homeless today including 30,000 veterans. At a time when some 87 million of our people are either uninsured or underinsured and 30,000 die each year because they dont get to adopt it when they should, at the time when we face the urgent need to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure, to build the housing that we desperately need and to address the existential crisis of Climate Change, we as a nation must get our priority right. [applause] we must invest in the needs of the American People, not spend trillions more on endless wars, thank you. Obviously the situation in iraq and iran are of great concern, but i wanted to touch on some other issues as well. And i wanted to tell you that what our campaign is about and what our administration will be about is not just defeating donald trump who in my view is the most dangerous president in modern history of our country. [applause] but what our administration will be about is more than that. Our administration understands, will understand that there are enormous crisis facing this country that we must address. We must address the corruption of our political system in which billionaires today are able to buy elections. [applause] now, i made the oldfashioned, but i believe that democracy means one person, one vote. Not big money interests controlling the way our government works. [applause] and what our administration will be about is addressing a moral issue and an economic issue that we just dont talk enough about. That is the growing level of income and wealth inequality that exists in america. We need an economy and a government that works for all of us, not just a handful of wealthy campaign contributors. [applause] and we dont talk about it, but there is something profoundly wrong when as a nation we have three people who own more wealth than the bottom half of American Society. Something profoundly wrong when the top one percent owns more wealth than the bottom 92 percent. Something profoundly wrong when here in iowa or in my state of vermont weve got people working two or three jobs to take care of their families get 49 percent of all new income goes to the top onepercent. Something profoundly wrong when over the last 30 years, the top one percent have seen a 21 trillion dollar increase in their wealth while the bottom of American Society has seen a decline in their wealth. Something profoundly wrong when over the last 45 years, 45 years when we have seen an explosion in technology, when we have seen worker productivity substantially increased, despite all of that, the average worker today makes almost exactly in real dollars what he or she made 45 years ago. That is unacceptable. We together are going to create an economy that works for working families, not just billionaires. [applause] what that means, this is not radical stuff. Its stuff that is pretty common sense and is what the American People want. I have talked to too many people in iowa who are trying to get by on nine, 10, 11 an hour. You know what . You cant get by on 10 or 11 an hour. That is why we will raise the National Federal minimum wage to at least 15 an hour. [applause] that is why we will make sure that women receive equal pay for equal work, not . 80 on the dollar. And that is why we will make it easier for workers to join unions, not on them. And when we look at the future of our country, we must thoroughly reexamine what is happening with education in america and in general, how we treat our children. We are the wealthiest country in the history of the world. Yet we have the highest rates of childhood poverty of almost any major country on earth. Unacceptable. Today, all over this country , all over this country mom goes out to work, dad goes out to work. We have workingclass families not finding decent quality affordable childcare. We are going to end that. I believe, you believe in universal high quality affordable childcare for every family in america. This is the worlds wealthiest country. We must have the greatest Public Education system in the world. We must have a system which pays our teachers the salaries that are commensurate with the enormously important work they do, at least 60,000 a year. I want our young people in college today to say with pride i am so excited that i am going to become a teacher because it is one of the most important jobs that we can do. We must invest significantly in low income and title i schools. Where going to have triple fundingfor title i schools and by the way , in this great country, we must make it clear that any person who has the ability and the desire should be able to get a Higher Education regardless of the income of that family. [applause] if the United States congress against my vote could bail out 11 years ago the trucks on wall street whose illegal behavior nearly destroyed our economy, if two years ago trump and his friends could give trillion dollars in tax breaks to the wealthiest people in this country and the largest private corporations , we can make sure that our public colleges and universities are tuition free and we cancel all student debt in this country. And we knew that, we pay for that through a must tax on wall street speculation. We bailed out wall street, its time for wall street to help working families of this country. [applause] and as president , i will finally lead the way to do what president s in this country have talked about for well over 100 years going back to Teddy Roosevelt. And that is that healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. Is not a new concept. It is a concept that exists virtually all over the industrialized world. It exists 50 miles away from where i live in burlington vermont where we border on canada. And what that means is that we must have the courage, finally to do what Teddy Roosevelt talked about. To do what fdr talked about in the 30s and 40s, when truman talked about. When jfk talked about. Lyndon johnson talked about and actually did something about red when obama talked about. We have got to make it clear that the function of irrational Health Care System is to provide quality care to all, not billions impoverished for the Drug Companies and insurance companies. [applause] that is why i strongly support and im proud to have written the medicare for all singlepayer bill in the congress. What does that mean. Youre going to hear a lot of misinformation about medicare for all. Ill tell you the truth because the Healthcare Industry and the Drug Companies and trump, republicans and some of the democratic establishment will be tell you something and what you mean by area its not radical idea, its an idea that exists but weve encountered it a little better in countries around the world. Number one, we start with expanding and its important everybody knowsthis. We are now spending twice as much per person on health care as the people of any other country. Got that . Were spending over 11,000. You, you and your kids. Double what other countries are spending. What are the results, a fall in expenditure. We got a 7 Million People who are uninsured or underinsured and let me underline that wordunderinsured. Weve got 30,000 people who die every year because they dont get to a doctor when they should because they dont have proper insurance and theres an amazing fact and i talked to people in iowa about this. Healthcare is so expensive in this country, we have 500,000 people who go bankrupt every year because of the weight related illnesses. Think about that for a moment. Think about somebody who is struggling with cancer. Struggling with alzheimers or some other terrible, all that they have to do to figure out how they get well, how they treat those bonuses and then on top of all that, if youre a workingclass person, and youre running up a Big Health Care bill, there is a strong likelihood that either your family will go bankrupt or your credit score will be shot because you cant pay your medical bills on time. Bankrupt because the money has cancer is unacceptable and that is something we will end in this country. [applause] so what is the program briefly . What is the four year transition program. When itstarts off , by ending premiums in america. And i want you all to think about it because im criticized, how are you going to pay for medicare for all. Its a fair question. But the equally important often is how do you pay for healthcare today mark how do we pay for healthcare so we are going to eliminate and i want to open this for discussion in a moment. But that care for all elements all premiums for workers and their employers, not a radical idea. Its all over the world. We eliminate copayments so you can go to the Doctors Office even if you dont have that hundred dollars or 50 that you need. We eliminate an insane concept that we have come to accept. It is called a deductible. Think about the insanity of what a deductible is. When you have insurance, the assumption is whether its too expensive or not thats one thing when you get insurance, its gone i have insurance, im going to go to the doctor. Not quite area because if you have a 5000 deductible, whatever it may be, you got to pay the first 5000 or 10,000 out of your own pocket. Well, what happens if you dont have that 5000 or 10,000 which is certainly the case for many millions of americans . You dont get to utilize your insurance. We eliminate the absurd concept of deductibles. Gone out of medicare for all. We also eliminate all outofpocket expenses and ill tell you what else we do. Because medicare, medicare today is a strong program. Im sure people here over 65 are in the program. But we have got to improve medicare. What we do is expand medicare to include dental care because the last that i heard, dental care and oral health is a healthcare issue. We expand medicare toinclude hearing aids. And eyeglasses and ill tell you what else we do. We expand medicare to cover Home Healthcare so that people are not forced out of their homes. And we do all that over a fouryear period. So the first year we expand medicare to cover what i just said we lower the eligibility age from 65 down to 55. Next year down to 45, next year down to 35, next year everybody is in medicare. And medicare for all. What i want to do as i need yourhelp , help me out on this issue. I do this at virtually every meeting that we hold you i criticized, how you pay for healthcare is a real and legitimate issue. And its an issue we need to discuss. And i criticized as i mentioned a moment ago how am i going to pay for medicare for all mark im going to pay tell you that the moment i want to talk about how we pay for healthcare today. How do we pay for healthcare . We pay for it through premiums. If youre in, if you have employerbased healthcare you pay for it through premiums or selfemployed. How much are people, anybody here what to volunteer as to how much theyre paying in premiums . Man, stand up here. Give us your name if you could. Turnaround, facial friends area. I paid 600 just for my husband and i. A month, plus we have a 6000 deductible. And then we have a 20 percent copay so virtually last year we paid 17,000 in medical and im still making payments. Today on some of those bills and still paying these high premiums. That is, thank you very much and i know its not easy for people to stand up in front of the tv cameras. I ignore them all the time i ignore them, they ignore me, we have a great relationship. But that is, im going to get back to you in a moment. Im not going to forget you read sitting right here in front here is the point, im assuming youre not a billionaire, is that correct assumption question mark thats how perceptive i am. So i make a great president , i picked thesethings up. But heres the point. This is im assuming a workingclass middleclass person. Average iowa one. 17,000 a year, thats a big chunk of your income im assuming you please help me out here. What are we talking about in premiums . Deductibles, who wants to volunteer . Be shy. Premiums or deductibles, aci hand over there. Why are the women braver than the men here. Okay. Stand up if you could please. I have employers insurance and my premium is actually not that bad. Its about 180 a month but the employer pays significantly more every month though its about 500 for their contribution and im sure my kids and i do not spend equal to what our employers, my employer pays on our behalf every year. Just for preventive care. Thats a lot of money. You have any deductibles in your insurance . Itsvery small. So you have a Good Employer was very generous. I have a Good Employer but if i didnt have a Good Employer, the medicine that i was wrong for multiple sclerosis for many years costs 2800 a month. My employer helped me with most of that. I was an exception, i know. Youre a lucky person it would have been 30,000 ayear just for that medicine. How could you have paid . I would be in a wheelchair. You very much. More on premiums and deductibles, who wants to talk a little bit about their own Family Experience poor people that they know . I see hand over there. The reason that i do this by the way is that i know that people are shy and dont want to get up and get their story. But what were talking about here, your story is what millions of people and the more we talk about it, the more people say women, this is really an absurd way to pay for healthcare. A Union Carpenter and we put 8. 17 every hour i work towards my insurance. 1100 a month, 200 deductible. But. Despite having presumably a union and a decent benefit, youre still payinghow much a month . We allocate 8. 17 an hour, that could be on my check. Instead of getting that in your paycheck its going to healthcare. Let me guess every time theres a Union Negotiation that issue of healthcare comes up. Every time. Thank you, very important issue. Anybody else want to talk about, i see hand up back here. Were keeping misty on her toes area. My family was small farmers. And i think when my parents retired, they were paying between 20 and 25,000 year. Health insurance on their own. And the problem was for the last 15 years, every time the bill showed up, they didnt even want to open the bill. Because they knew it was going to be a doubledigit percentage increase and they were just praying that they could make it to medicare age before they had the major illness got them thrown off their insurance. I mean, and they kept being pushed into a pool that was higher and higher. And then the Insurance Company would come to them and say well, we can get you in a better pool if youll raise your deductible about three or 4000. That was our experience. Reminds me, in my state and in your state we had a lot of familybased agriculture. And farmers are not doing well. Being 15 and 20,000 a year for healthcare. Its something many of them just cannot afford area or on premiums area yes, right here. I dont do this intentionally to get you to run here. Im going to speak for the people on medicare. My wife and i. My wife and i are both on medicare. They take 143 a month of each of our checks for health insurance. And then a supplemental insurance through their healthcare an additional 243 each. So its not perfect. Its far from perfect and we will end your need to buy supplemental insurance because were going to cover what youre paying for right now. [applause] what about deductibles, what kind of deductibles to people have . What kind of deductibles, yelling out. Okay. [inaudible] so i guess what im trying to say is if i can do that. Thats what youre for. Thats what youre talking about. My va. Generally right here, deductibles. I was in for 68 to 73 vietnam. They wont let me in. We can talk about after the program. Thats wrong obviously. All right, maam. Healthcare. Last year im selfemployed, last year i was in the marketplace and i paid hundred 80 a month and i have an 85 dollar deductible. Fears the point, thank you all very much for volunteering thatinformation. Years what we propose. What exists again all over the world in one form or another. I would be lying to you and you wouldnt believe me if i told you healthcare is free, not free, its got to be paid for. The question ishow you pay for it. Were going to pay for it in a fair and progressive way. This woman is paying and thats not fair and thats not progressive but this is how we pay for it. We pay for it with a four percent income tax exempting the first 29,000 of income. The average family in america , a person in the middle of the American Economy makes 60,000 a year. That means that family exempting the first 29,000, theyre paying four percent of the 1000 which is a little over 1200 a year. A little bit better than what youre paying rightnow. Thats how we do that for comprehensive healthcare. Go to any doctor you want, any hospital. Thats how we pay for that. Also, why do we do that . How are we able to come up with that . We pay for it in other ways as well but one of the things we understand is that the pharmaceutical industry is not only greedy, incredibly greedy but they are corrupt. They engage in collusion and in price fixing. So they collude to drive prices up. Some of you may know a number of months ago i made a trip from detroit to windsor ontario to buy insulin for people who had diabetes. Anybody have diabetes . I see a few hands up here. What we did in canada is by the same exact product sold in the United States, who knows what thedifferential was in canada, anyone know . It was one 10th the price. One 10th the price that people in the United States are paying for the same product. 15 miles apart. How so . How does that happen and its not just insulin of course. By the way in terms of insulin what i learned on that trip how crazy and dysfunctional our Healthcare System is. 7 and a half Million People use insulin in america. About a quarter of them are rationing their insulin. You believe that . Which means some may die and some are getting sick. Same story that woman told us a moment ago if she didnt have insurance,what would happen to her if she didnt get the medicine she needed . One out of five people when they get a prescription from their doctor when theyre sick cannot afford to fill that prescription. Meanwhile youll all be delighted to know that last year the six major Drug Companies made 69 billion dollars in profit. So one of the ways were going to lower healthcare costs in america is going to take on the agreed and corruption of the pharmaceutical industry, the people of our country, will not be paying more than the people of other countries for the medicine that they need. [applause] now, how else do we save money . How can we come up such a costeffective way to provide comprehensive health care . One of the reasons that our Healthcare System is so expensive is that there are thousands of separate and different healthcare plans in america. You have a 5000 deductible. Youve got the 10,000. Youre in this network, youre in this network. Yourplan covers this Prescription Drug , you can go here, you can go there. These thousands of programs, think about what a nightmare it is. Youre a Doctors Office, you administer all these different programs cost us many, many hundreds of billions of dollars a year. To care for all is a simple program. Youve got a car, you go to any doctor you want, any hospital you want. You walk in there, they put you in this computer. Thats it theydont take out your wallet, dont take out your credit card. You walk out without a bill. It is a simple system, nonbureaucratic and one of the things people ate about the system is the incredible bureaucracy and the fights that have to take place every day with the Insurance Company to determine whether or not youre going to get coverage for what you thought you paid. Is that true . Its a simple system, and how you save money. You get the healthcare you need, you dont have to argue with anyone. We dont have to pay people to argue with you. Last point and i want to get off of healthcare and touchon another point and we will open it up to your thoughts. Anybody who tells you as donald trump does that Climate Change is a hoax is not only lying to you but is really unbelievably endangering the lives and wellbeing of their own children and future generations. Just astounding to me that people are prepared to ignore what the scientists are telling us and endangering the wellbeing of their own kids and grandchildren and future generations. What the scientists are now telling us is not just what they have told us for years. Climate change is of course real, it is causing serious damage in our country and around the world. What they are now telling us is that the crisis is much worse than they had originallybelieved. As a result of manmade activities and the warming of the planet cause of carbon emissions, were seeing the polar ice cap melting at a far faster rate than they had anticipated. The oceans are warming and a faster rate, the result is rising sea levels which means if we dont get our act together, cities in the United States, dont mean to frighten you but cities in the United States like miami, like charleston south carolina, maybe new york city will be partially or completely underwater by the end of the century. And when we talk about increased crowd for first, it means the growing season will be shorter, Crop Production will go down and the quality of the food being produced will be less nutritional. Were talking about more extreme weather disturbances, massive torrential rain falls , flooding cities like venice italy, houston, texas. When we talk about drought, we are talking about what exists in australia. Anybody seen australia right now . This is not the end. This is if we dont get our act together what is going to be taking place allover the world. I was in last year, i was in paradise california. Name of that town mean anything to mark that was where they had that terrible wildfire that killed 86 people. It was unbelievable to see the damage. What were seeing in the oceans is the killing off of millions of fish which means that people around the world will get their protein from fish are not going to have access to them. But the United Nations tells us is that we are looking at climate refugees. People will be forced to leave their homes around the world by the perhaps hundreds of millions because they cant find tricking water or land to grow their crops and hundreds of millions of people migrate, you have the potential for Real International conflict. I am proud to tell you, ive been criticized for this but youve got to do what you got to do and i have introduced the most sweeping comprehensive Climate Change proposal ever introduced by any candidate running for federal office. [applause] and people say it is too expensive. I want you to think aboutwhat is the alternative . We are fighting to save the planet and if you think the damage being done in australia today is cheap, youre wrong. Theyre going to have to spend billions to rebuild what happened. Think about what happened in paradise where Hurricane Sandy cost 60 billion when it hit the east coast. So one way or the other where goingto be paying for it. Id rather pay for it and do everything we can to present the crisis thats imminent and its not just that we have to take on the fossil fuel industry. But if tomorrow the United States did everything great, we transformed our Energy System away from fossil fuel to sustainable energy, that would not be enough because this is a globalproblem. So what im here to tell you is unlike trump i will not ignore the problem. I will not tell the people of this country and the world and it is a hoax. What i will tell you them that its an existential threat to the entire planet and i will do my best leading the most powerful nation on earth to tell the people of russia and china and pakistan and brazil in countries all over the world that maybe, just maybe instead of spending 1. 8 trillion dollars a year on weapons of destruction designed to kill each other, maybe we should pool our resources and fight against our common enemy which is Climate Change. [applause] [cheering] okay, i have gone on probably too long and theres a whole lot of issues, many issues area youll forgive me. I want to start off with discussing the situation with iran. So theres a lot of issues i didnt discuss but if theres something on your mind we can have time to take questions area where are the microphones left and mark is that the only microphone we got mark we raising all this money and we had one microphone area all right. A gentleman right over there, yes, sir. Stand up if you could please. I have a proposal for your medicaid or health program. Maybe you should have a law that will outlaw the Drug Companies from advertising all these drugs on tv and newspapers and magazines. But you are right. What that does is the pharmaceutical industry claims the their money is spent on research and development to chide to come up with drugs for cancer and alzheimers but they have spend more on advertising and promotion and giving their ceos millions of dollars a year in compensation. Your point is well taken and i agree with you. Okay other comments . First of all i want to thank you for coming to paradise. Thats where im from and you know its kind of like the economy. Its a recession when your neighbor loses their job and its a depression when you lose yours. Its inconvenient when somebody else is place burns down and people are killed. When its your place its an emergency and i appreciate, i appreciate you for standing up for the world because without addressing Climate Change we are doomed no matter what we do politically other than that and i want to thank you for that. I have to run because i have to take my sister to physical therapy and by the way it costs about 100,000 to get to knees replaced in this country today. Thats pretty bad. Okay, thank you. [applause] i see a woman over there. Hi bernie. I appreciated your explanation of the Health Care Plan and how we were going to pay for it. One thing i have a question about as i misunderstood was will the tax be a flat tax . Someone that makes two and 50,000 a year are they going to pay the 4 . In this case yes but we, as my friends on wall street from the billionaire class no we have a wealth tax and in general a progressive income tax. Thank you for raising this issue. In the midst of massive income and wealth inequality that people on top will pay more but not for health care. They will pay 4 of their income. Maam, right here. I woke up this morning very angry and then i heard about what trump did and i cant call him president because he is not a president and im tired of hearing about young black people getting shot. I dont know what to do. Im lost. Well one thing we cannot do is allow trump or anybody else to put us in a state of despair because sometimes they want to do that read i mean believe me everybody feels like it. Read the papers my god any talk about Climate Change and the potential war. For the sake of our kids and future generations, i have four kids and seven grandchildren, we cannot allow ourselves to go into a state of depression or despair. Its what this campaign is about and i will give it good news. The other site is on despair. Dont mean to be boasting that we have in the state and all over the country hundreds of thousands of people who are working hard to try to change this country through strong grassroots movement. Been all over the country and i want you to know there are beautiful people, young people who are prepared to fight her justice and i want you to know that but in terms of the raise the issue people of people being shot, africanamericans being shot disproportionately criminal justice is an issue. In terms of criminal justice very briefly we have got to ask ourselves how do we have more people in jail, we have over 2 Million People in jail today disproportionately africanamerican latino and native american. What i believe, i believe that we should invest in our young people in jobs and education so when kids are in school they have the tools that they need, not to drop out and hang out on the Street Corner but to become productive members of society. We invest in that rather than jails and incarceration. The other thing we do is end cash bail. You know what im talking about ending cash bail . Therefore in a thousand people and i want you to hear this. You want criminal justice . This is criminal injustice. You afford a thousand people in jail today right now who havent been convicted of anything. Do you know about that . How do people end up in jail if they havent been good . Help me out here. They can pay their bail. They are arrested for good reason and maybe you are innocent and maybe you innocent and maybe you or not but if i put you in jail and youve cant afford the bail you stay in jail and if you are innocent do you know what youre going to do . You were going to reach a plea bargain which means pleading guilty when you werent maybe guilty in the first place. We are going to end cash bail. Maybe you agree with me and maybe you dont but we will end if i have anything to say about the socalled war on drugs. [applause] and what that means is we are going to legalize marijuana in every state in this country and we will expunge the records of those who have been arrested for possession of marijuana. [applause] we are going to end prisons and Detention Centers because people should not the corporations should not be making more money by having more people in jail. Thats a disincentive. We want fewer people in jail. I dont want corporations creating laws to arrest more people so they make more money so you are punching out a very important issue and this one that i normally speak to what i didnt today because of the iraq situation. Let me get to some people in the back. I see a gentleman over there. Hi mr. Sanders. My name is avery cosell and i was curious when you become president what you going to do about gun control . It seems like nowadays we hear about all the shootings in schools and elsewhere and all of these teens that get their hands on guns. Its happening a lot. Again its an issue i was talked about as well but i cut it short so thanks for asking. What avery is saying all over this country we are horrified. We are known and. We are frightened by the level of gun violence and Mass Shootings that have taken place. And just a while back a woman in New Hampshire said to me bernie and by the way its not just killings. Its the fear that exists. Think about it. When i was a kid going to school come you go to school to learn and occasionally you learn something. Not all of us are great students. You go to school to socialize. Kids are going into school today frightened. A mother in New Hampshire said bernie what am i supposed to tell my 11yearold daughter who asked for christmas for a bulletproof back back . Think about the problems that kid is taking into school. My grandchildren undergo the same drills that your kids and grandchildren do. Think about what that does and the fear that the wits end of them. You asked the question and they give you just a brief answer. Number one and most importantly our gun policies will be determined by the American People not the nra. [applause] what we have today is a broad consensus and im not here to tell you that everybody agrees but with these terrible shootings what you see is gun owners and nongunowners people from rural states like mine where we have many thousands of people that own guns in urban areas like los angeles or chicago. You are seeing a broad consensus in some of the consensus it says we will expand and have universal background checks. If you have a history of violence, sorry you should not own a gun. Number two we do away with the gun show loophole which today allows you to legally purchase a gun without doing a background check. [applause] three, we in the socalled strong man position which allows you to walk into a gun store today legally buy guns without a background check and sell those guns to gangs are criminal members. Fourthly this is a new consensus which has been forged in recent years something ive waited for decades and that is white and the sale and distribution of assault weapons in this country. [applause] those are weapons not used for hunting. Those are to side as we saw in the terrible tragedy in las vegas a couple of years ago mowing down people as quickly as you properly possibly can. These are weapons of war and not for civilian use. I see a woman over there. Stay on one side and go to the other side. I love your ideas bernie by what you going to do about the partisanship thats prevents any good democrat from getting anywhere in congress now . We are going to run a different type of presidency in the same sense we are running a different type of campaign. I dont want to get you nervous but we are going to do it very differently than they have in the past. Let me give an example. You can see the example in our own campaign. Not so many years ago we were talking about in the last 10 years when people ran for president of the United States thats what democrats did and what republicans did you go out to rich people when you go out to their homes and you sit down with 20 or 30 billionaires and you leave with a few hundred thousand dollars and you thank them very much and you make sure they make sure that they have access to you and you do what they want you to do. As a result of this disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision you now have leaners that can put money into super pacs to help elect the candidates that represent the wealthy and the powerful. To answer your question our campaign is a manifestation of what we are going to do in the white house. We are doing it differently. We have revolutionized how you run president ial campaigns and how you fund them. I do not have a super pac in which billionaires make contributions. I dont want to super pac because our campaign in the administration is there to represent working families not the wealthy. [applause] [applause] i dont go to rich peoples homes to raise money. Dont do that. What we do is ask working families to contribute on the internet and the result has been that we have received more than 5 million contributions in this campaign, more than any candidate in the history of american politics. [applause] that wasnt your question but being a good politician i gave you the answer before you aspira to give you the answer to tell you how you can be successful and do it differently. We are raising money but we are doing it in a different way. You asked me the question how do you deal with divisiveness which is certainly very real. The answer is we bring the American People together around an agenda that is in fact widely supported by most people. Define what the media will tell you sometimes on major issue after major issue. There is in fact widespread agreement. Gentleman asked me about guns. Most americans republicans democrats conservative progressive, not all but most would say yeah thats right. The nra says no and most americans say yes. Four years ago when i was here in iowa had talked about the need to raise the minimum wage to a living wage of 15 an hour and the concept has spread to many states around america. Most americans democrats and a lot of republicans support that idea. Talk about making Public Policies universities tuition free. Republicans cant afford to send their kids to college either. Republicans are being drama student debt. Republicans dont have any health care or paying outrageous costs for health care and Prescription Drugs. More and more republicans understand that trump is wrong and Climate Change is real. Youve had conservative republicans working on the issue of criminal justice and immigration reform. To answer your question two things. Number one we bring the American People together to create an economy that works for all of us and they mention some of what we do. Number two, i will be an active president. I am prepared to go to states and explain issues like raising the minimum wage to a minimum wage to go to kentucky and two other states to explain to the people what we are trying to do and when people begin to stand up and fight for policies that represent working families no politician is going to stand in their way. That is kind of you are not 100 convinced but its not just sitting down and arguing with mitch mcconnell. It is getting people to stand up and fight back and when you have that politicians are many things they arent stupid and when they begin to see that people want to raise the living wage and they want medicare for all that is what they will do. That is what our approach is. [applause] the gentleman right next to you. This will be your last question. Im running to be a state representative for this district and i have a question for you about trade. I worked up the road at walmart and i know a lot of the products that come into our store come from china and as a lot of us know the reason they can make it so cheap is because they used exploited labor in Foreign Countries so my question for you is this. You would be in favor of the trade agreement doorbell that would heavily tax or outright products that were made using exploitative labor in our country . It depends on what you mean by the word exploited. Right now people in china or vietnam or even in mexico are paid less than a couple of bucks an hour so to answer your question you are look at somebody who voted against nafta against permanent normal trade relations with china and trade agreements that have cost us millions of jobs. I will create a trade policy that is fair that works for workers in this country and workers abroad not just for ceos of walmart and large corporations. I apologize. I think we have got to get going here. Let me just conclude by simply saying this. I believe we stand an excellent chance to win here in iowa and its not just because we are putting television and radio ads on. [applause] the one with the microphone is among other things is their state director here in iowa and where were you born . I always forget the town your born in. Grenell. She was born in grenell so she knows the state in the reason we are going to win and we need your help on this is misty promises me and you can see that face. Shes an honest person. We we are going to knock on 500,000 doors in the month of january. We are going to be talking to people all over the state and we are going to be urging them to come out on caucus night which is february 3. We we are running not only in iowa but all across this country the strongest Grassroots Campaign anybody has ever run and that is why with your help i believe we are going to win here in iowa. We are going to win the democratic nomination and together we are going to defeat the most dangerous president in american history. Thank you all very much. [applause] [inaudible conversations] theres only one way out and did that one of the three divisions is cut off so henderson fumbles back to the base in these wheaton the next day in the Confederate Army is devastated. Johnson became president exactly gear before the next president ial election which meant he had to start running for Office Almost immediately. The area in which he knew he was the weakest and his advisers knew he is the weakest beers in which the republican opponent would score the most points against him was in foreign policy. Tonight we honor the man from our community that ever wound up living in public housing. [applause] by the way youve got a lot of friends here tonight. Some of the White House Press corps will be served their favorite meal grape soup. Normally what would happen if they would be a team of helicopters helping each other supporting each other to make sure they were safe but because there was no one else there and it had to be done he made the decision immediately that he would rescue these men so they went down into these landing zone areas and be covered on the ground for four minutes waiting for the Recognizance Team to arrive there which is in a battle condition and eternity. A very long time to be sitting vulnerable to the enemy but he waited. The Recognizance Team arrived injured but safe. They boarded the helicopter and odonnell began to fly the helicopter up about the tree landed radio, i have them in and coming out. Sub tree joins us for a discussion on the future of work mr. Wang your day job in seattle at is the ceo of coding dojo. Explained what coding dojo does. Guest thank you for having me on the program. The way you essentially provide Tech Training to anyone with no Software Development that round or data science background and training for three months andr get them ready for the digital economy. Af

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