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Mr. Mcconnell first this morning, id like to join colleagues on both sides of the colleagues on both sides of the im like to join my colleagues on both sides of the capitol and expressing her grief and sadness at the passing of our house colleague chairman elijah cummings. For more than two decades in the house of representatives cummings became a living a leged in his native baltimore. By all accounts he was a powerful and passionate voice on the National Stage and a strong advocate for his neighbors. He counted and admires from across the political spectrum. Today the capital will lower its flag to mark the significant loss and remember a life well lived. The senate unites. Our prayers are with those of the house for elijahs wife, for his children and for all the colleagues, friends and staff who will miss him greatly. Madam president on an entirely different matter i was encouraged to see the a display of bipartisan concern in the house of representatives for sustaining americas Global Leadership and specifically over the damaging impact of hastily withdrawing that leadership from syria. Back in january, i lead a forwardlooking debate here in the senate on these very issues. I sponsored annd amendment which earned the support of a bipartisan supermajority of 70n senators. We opposed a premature exit from syria or afghanistan and emphasized the need for sustained American Leadership in the fight against terrorism. I was disappointed by the number of leading democrats including mike counterpart the democratic leader and most of the colleagues running for president voted against this bipartisan consensus h but overall a huge majority of the senate spoke out strongly. Many of us are keen to engage further in these important issues, further in light of recent events. Senate debates are policy and contemplates what action to take i believe its important to make a strong forwardlooking strategic statement. For that reason my preference would be for something Even Stronger than the resolution the house passed yesterday which has some serious weaknesses. It is so narrowly drafted that it fails to address the plight of imperiled sunniarab and minority Christian Communities in syria. It is backward looking and it is curiously silent on the issue of whether to actually sustained a military, a u. S. Military presence in syria. Perhaps despair democrats from having to go on your on this key question. My first preference is for something stronger than the house resolution. I look forward to continue to engage with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle as we chart the right course and i expect many of us will have much more to say on the subject very soon. Now on one side of the matter than discussing this week how washington democrats have sought for three years to effectively nullified the trump presidency. They have tried to cancel out the voters decision in 2016 and dodge the consequences of secretary clintons defeat. Whether through the 3yearold impeachmentt parade that House Democrats have been leading or the delays in the destruction visited on the president s nomination here in the senate. Well to their democratic colleagues will get another effort to fire up the time machine. They want to move forward legislation that would undo Regulatory Reform Success Story the Trump Administration and reopen the Obama Administrations disastrous war on coal. Specifically they want to try to provide the socalled claim poweran plants, dangerous misguided policy that the trumpp administration has rightly done away with. They will be voting on the resolution later today. Madam president the basic facts havent changed since the jobkilling policy was put forward. The relic of the Obama Administration further buries the producers of affordable American Energy under a mountain of stifling red tape. It would have created local state and federal standards unrealistic compliance deadlines and set up washington bureaucracy effectively routing, rooting for American Energy and failed. Its no wonder one analysis at least 125,000 jobs were on the chopping blockde at president obama and if president obama gotten his way. Workers in my state know better than anyone the chair cost to this misguided war on coal or kentucky workers know what happens when plants create jobs in generate affordable electricity at the same time. They are simply shut down. Thats why ive been proud to lead the fight in the regulatory while i wrote every governor in the country in 2015 raising my concerns about the Obama Administrations dangerous Clean Power Plan scheme because even today three years into an administration that is not at war with American Energy kentucky miners continue continued to feel the effects op the policies of the previous administration. Know the full effect of the clean powerl plan would stretch far beyond coal country. The ripples of this harmful proposal would have been felt across the country by americans paying their power bills. One independent report predicted consumers in 40 states including kentucky would have seen doubledigit percentage increases in their electricity costs. By obamas official Zone Administration the proposal would have hit lowincome and hardest communities the let me say can madam president low income populations would be hit hardest by the doubledigit electricity bill increases in four of every five states. Thats quite a rap sheet for federal policy. In a nation where Carbon Emissions have already been trending downward these proposals would have sold off or economic edge to overseas competitors whose emissions are steadily climbing. It would have taken a leg out from under american job creators while some of the worlds leading polluters continue to roar right past us. He would shift their competitors to places like china and india. Heres how experts estimate the effect of all the economic damage on the climate. 1 100th of one degree difference by 2050. Here is the impact estimated to have happened if it moves forward. One 100th of one degree difference by 2050. Think how deeply it has to be in the grip of leftwing ideology for that to sound like a good deal for American Families. Todays effort to revive his bad policies being pushed by the same Senate Democrats who overwhelmingly could not bring themselves to vote against something as absurd as the Green New Deal back in march. Unfortunately we know there has been considerable appetite among democrats to inflict huge economic harm on American Workers and American Families just so we can better complied this new green religion. But heres the good news for my constituents in kentucky and hardworking americans across the nation. Senate republicansub are on the coast and we wont let far left factions take over the common good of our country. American people have elected administration that trusts workers and job creators not washington bureaucracy. We have spent years, years cleaning up the mess of old regulations that the obama era left behind and we will continue to stop democrats from reenacting that damaging history. I would urge all of myy colleagues to join with us today in opposing these efforts to nullify presidency and take us backwards. Lets vote to keep this illnc

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