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Guest indy. I have about those issues with me. I think we last visited when i was visioning finishing the reauthorization of the fcc, which is not been done since 1990. Of course, the mobile now bill, the precision agricultural bill and some of those components that are foundational items and in our internet ecosystem getting those provisions finished was important and then bringing that knowledge and expertise to the senate where we are dealing with privacy and Data Security issues not only in commerce but also Judiciary Committee. One thing i have found interesting about being in the senate is how you take one issue and work closely or across the platform on it. Im also on the Armed Services committee and the Veterans Committee and at veterans we are working to get everybody records in the cloud. We are doing the same thing at Armed Services so we can have someone enlist for the rest of their life and their records are all cloud based and then as they need medical care or if they want to track what exposures they may have had such as hazardous things of that nature they, the veteran, will on those records and this will end that laborious process that is so frustrating to so many of our nations veterans where they are having to go to places they were stationed or posted places they were deployed and try to rebuild their records but it takes a lot of time and a lot of great wasted energy goes there. At Armed Services, im working on future threats and technology in 5g and Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles and supercomputing, hypersonic our Technology Sector really underpins the innovation that is taking place around 21st century warfare. Host joining us, senator, to delve into those issues you just mentioned is Steven Overly of political. Guest editor, i want to ask you first about the big news in washington this week which was the announcement must regards that they would pursue impeachment proceedings against President Trump and im curious what you make of that decision and you have concerns that might stanch momentum around tech policy issues or other priorities you have in the senate . Guest i would love to see them focusing on the issues that Americans Care about and certainly that tennessee care about. One thing we learned from the 2018 election cycle is that voters, especially women, want to see things done. They dont like bickering. They dont like the back and forth. They want to see things done that affect them. I call them the security moms. Women that are focused, pardini, keeping their children safe. They want job security, income security and to make certain that their elderly parents and relatives are well cared for as they retire. They want to make sure that this nation is secure. Securing that southern border. I think this may be an overreach by our friends in the house and all know that we should have expected they would try another impeachment process and indeed, yesterday when i was on the floor of the house speaking i talked about 2016 and vanity fair magazine in december 2016 had an article that talks about the democrats push to impeach President Trump but he was not even sworn in yet. Before he was sworn in and was still president elect trump the senate immigrants that started writing a bill that they felt like would be the way to get him in it would be looking for areas where there would be conflicts in his business interests and complex with his service as president in our nation. This is something theyve been trying since before he was sworn in. They try to get Impeachment Vote and house in 2017 and it failed and he tried in 2018 and it failed and they thought the Mueller Report was going to be exactly what they needed and it wasnt, that effort failed. They tried earlier in 2019 to get Impeachment Vote. They fail. Here they come with this. I think they were probably a little bit surprised when they read the transcript of that phone call. Senator, he talk about getting things done so i want to talk about the tech passport figure leading in the senate. You had meetings with Civil Society advocates and what are you learning in those meetings . Guest we finally arrived at a position where people are saying, you know what, when he privacy and Data Security guard rails in law and there was time to get something on the book and that is very encouraging to me. As you well know, i filed the browser act three years ago in the house and have worked to get a privacy standard. I believe we need one set of rules for the entire internet ecosystem with one regulator and i think individuals should have the right opt in to their specific consent. If they want to share their private or Sensitive Data and then opt out, if they do not want a platform sharing their nonSensitive Data but i dont think platforms should be able to put them off the platform and if they say im exercising my right to privacy what im learning is there are many in industry that shared that view that this light touch foundational privacy standard, as simple as i have just laid it out, that is something that is a good thing to have that basic federal standard and then if you want to increase its through the Financial Services sector you got something to build on that would give the opportunity to clean up [inaudible] and if want to increase it through hepa, which needs to be modernized so that it can accommodate a Digital Imaging with some of those newer arrivals like telehealth into the market place there again you have a is a privacy skin entered. That is what we are hearing but on Data Security what we have found is that people would like to see a federal standard that exercises preemption so that when there is a data breach that people are notified within a prompt and given period of time and having the scc with the ability to level penalties and then having enforcement capabilities. When it comes to censorship and prioritization weve heard from some of the smaller or newer Start Companies how the Big Tech Companies really are pushing them out of the marketplace and an example of this would be with yelp where they are have a Rating System being pushed aside in google was referencing their own Rating System. Weve also heard from companies that do not advertise on google or one of the search engines. Then when you do a search on a Google Search for their company they are way down at the bottom and you have people that are advertising google that are referenced and at the top. People would like that to be more organic and more specific to the search the people are running or entering into that search engine. We are also going to look at antitrust competition and look forward, i think, that is something we will get into early next year and last week we had a session on data portability to actually look at who owns your data and if that you have the right to move that data transport that data from one platform to another platform. Senator, i dont mean to be type but there seems to be political backlash against big tech. Guest what has happened as the Tech Companies have grown and really become basically a monopoly within a given field that you are seeing a push for more transparency in their operations more transparency into how they develop their algorithms and this is how they go about exercising their preferences. One thing also, weve heard a good bit about is look, if these Tech Companies say we are the new modernday town square and we are the public forum then why is there not a cop on the beat that is making certain that they are rooting out terrorists activity or some of the videos that you will see or hear about online. People expect that tight account ability from the platforms. Likewise, some of the social media platforms that are beginning to distribute news and have a newsfeed with individuals wanting to see them have a news director. So they are passing on news that has been curated and not passing on rumors or innuendo. Senator, i wanted to ask about a couple topics including antitrust which you mentioned smaller firms being squeezed out of the online market. Missing state attorneys general as well as the Justice Department and ftc marched antitrust probe what you make of those efforts . Guest what you are saying with these 50 states attorney general launching a probe into google and also eight states into facebook this is, in my opinion, the way i see it, frustration by the consumers and the citizens in those states. A Small Businesses that feel as if they are being booted off these platforms and cannot draw people to their website or their facebook is not being pushed forward or they are limited in boosting a post and this is why you have the states going after them and also why you are seeing the states go after facebook in this regard. It does not surprise me and i think that they feel as if they have the right to move forward and indeed they do, but they are bolstered because both the ftc and doj have been looking at the social media platforms in facebook just paid a 5 million fine. Host senator, do share some of these frustrations . Guest of course, i do. Yes, everyone does. I am one of those individuals that was sponsored by twitter. When i was in my Senate Campaign they took down a video that i had put up and were not let us boost it and the reason they felt like it was inappropriate speech or inflammatory rhetoric and i was talking about prolife and i was talking about leaving the select committee over in the house and theres nothing inflammatory about protecting life. Host from a conservative point of view you feel youve been censored . Guest indeed i was. Yes. Senator, in that regard have you seen evidence is that a systemic issue across the social Media Companies . Guest we have so much evidence from individuals from Smaller Companies about being pushed aside or disadvantaged by large social Media Outlets and if there is a public forum and if there is an information source we want to make certain that its a fair and level playing field. I know you participated earlier this year in white house summit on social media bias and that the president spoke about looking at regulatory and mistreated solutions to that issue. What if you seen from our house on this . Guest the white house has been good on this issue. I appreciate the fact that they are moving slowly about that very intentionally. They are working with us and the tech task force is what is allowing both of us of the Judiciary Committee to do a good educational deep dive on this to meet with some of these privacy officers and leadership of some of these tech platforms in here firsthand from them of what works and what does not work. Hearing from stakeholders and hearing from advocacy groups is how we will make certain that we do this right the first time. What we do know is the American Consumer does not want gdp are. They have in europe and in the eu with that heavyhanded approach you have seen some companies actually come out of the marketplace because of the cost of compliance and because of the intrusion into the Compliance Systems we also know that usbased companies that are looking at california are very hesitant when they are looking at the California Law that would go on the books next year but they are very hesitant to do any expansion or they are yet to make a decision if they are going to stay in that marketplace. We do not want to disadvantage innovation and we do not want to disadvantage the u. S. Consumer. Host senator blackburn, did you have a chance to meet . Zuckerberg and did the task force guest you know, i talked with him before and i did not meet with them when he was here last week. I am delighted that we are beginning to see some of these tech leaders, to the hill. I will spend some time in the near future out in Silicon Valley doing a series of meetings and have a little bit better insight into the backbone of some of these platforms and the way their algorithms are developed. Meeting hopefully with engineers and developers and also the application of those algorithms on their site. Host also, his Election Security part of the task forc forces . Guest no, were not looking at Election Security. That has not been something that was in the directive we were given when we started the task force but i think Election Security after the 2016 election something we looked at we had hearings on it at commerce and touched on it in Armed Services and what we do know is this. For decades our enemies have tried to thwart or to wiggle their way into influencing u. S. Policy and this is not something new. I remember being a kid and hearing about what the russians wanted to do to us. And the way they try to terrorist down from within and some of the ways they felt like they could exercise that. With the advent of the internet it makes sense that those that do not wish us well will gravitate to that platform and try to use that to their advantage. Indeed, they did try but what we do know is in 2015 they were not into any voting system, in any county or precinct in this country. They do not change one single vote but we do know that they have continued their campaign to influence or try to influence elections and try to influence policy and look at the information that came out about vaccines and it was traced back to some of these russian websites. We should be working as a team with a government with some of these Internet Service providers and when we have these bad actors and bots that are in these systems and have launched these websites and facebook pages and get them taken down. Senator, i want to ask your opinion on the federal Mitigation Commission should have more oversight into political speech online and ensure the platforms are politically neutral . Guest as we have talked about privacy but individuals have said lets have one regulator and that regulator has traditionally been the federal trade commission and people feel we should have one regulator. When it comes to put the speech we do not want to abridge anyones First Amendment right and the right to free speech i might not agree with what someone said but i will speak up and protect the rights and its important for them to have their say. Host when it comes to Something Like a [inaudible] where are you . Guest when it comes to [inaudible] that is something that we know has let me say it like this that is something that is putting up harmful harmful speech and that is something where an isp would be well served to review that and review the information that they put out. Senator, what changes if any would you like to see two section 230 of the Communications Decency act which shields the Internet Companies from content that their users post and liability for that content. Guest right. Section 230 has been there to actually serve as a safe harbor as you very well know. What we want to do is protect those provisions for new entrants and we do not want to do away with it and make it impossible for new entrants to come into compliance or have it be something that keeps them from entering the marketplace. I think that at this point we would be well served to have a review and a discussion of 230 and maybe a hearing on 230 and what is the update should be around it as the internet has matured. To think Large Companies like facebook or google deserve those 230 protections . Guest this is something that should be part of a broader discussion. Having a hearing and doing closer work on 230 and what an update should be is time for us to do that. Is part of that discussion do you think yourself and other lawmakers should look at 230 like violent activism or child exultation or some issues with unsavory or even illegal content that weve seen online . Guest right. When we had a hearing last week on extremism and we continued to look at how you deal with extremism and how you deal with violent content that is they the trafficking that is taking place and thats an area as you may remember. Several years ago, i led the push to get back page off the Google Search and this is one of the things that needs to happen to protect women and children and to thwart the sex trade and to prohibit them from using the online to market these women and children. Also, several years ago we worked with the Online Gaming industry and made certain that they began to do ratings so that you would have content that was ageappropriate and we have looked at this in our task force and will continue to do so and when you look at the apps snap or tender or some of these that young people get into, pardon me, and then pedophiles have begun to use those apps. They are tracking Children Online and certainly having gotten ratings and awareness so that parents realize what is going on and making certain that children are protected and that their information is not being made public and it is not going to someone who would do them harm. Host senator blackburn, he started this interview starting talking about foundational issues that youve worked on in one of those is access to spectrum and looks like the sec is getting closer and closer to a c ban auction. Guest yes, and one of the things we do know is spectrum is weve got a shortage of spectrum and as we are looking at the utilizations whether it is in the commercial the government or military sectors what we do know is that we will need more mid ban spectrum and 5g is getting ready for deployment and 5g is going to be vital for our u. S. Military and indeed the First Military post that will be completely 5g compliant will be arnold air in tennessee and this is where some of the Autonomous Vehicles are being tested that will be used with the u. S. Military so we are excited about that. All of this Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicles the internet of everything in the evolution of looking at the military different divisions in the military deploying in units that may have someone from the army or someone from the marine and someone in the navy all in one unit we know interoperability will be important so reconvene spectrum so we filled out a network for the commercial side and military side that will be interoperable will be finally important as we said that mid ban is something that will be a highly sought that we can build out of these networks. Also closing the Digital Divide and beginning to use five and 6g wireless to close that Digital Divide in the clarity of signals and the strength of that signal and the length that that signal can run over that spectrum will help us as we try to close that Digital Divide in rural areas it will also help us with the deployment of Healthcare Technology and rural and underserved areas. We have hospitals in rural areas that has closed and this will help us healthcare to those individuals. Host a little bit of a tangential issue but trade is also involved in 5g development. Guest i indeed have supported and voted for blocking 28 from further deployment in this country and i would like to see rip and replace on that technology that is existing in this country and what we do know is that they do in fed malware on their spyware. We know that they do that and we also know that huawei is trying to build their spite Network Using this. We also know that in china you do not know where the commercial sector in the military sector began and and. They are one and the same and we do know huawei is a state owned company. We also know that huawei with both their telling medications transmission equipment and their Consumer Telecommunications equipment are making enormous place all around the globe and trying to embed their equipment and people will say it so affordable. Of course it will be affordable. This is their spy network. It is what the u. S. Military and our Dramatic Mission have been precise in saying we cannot transmit to you over Sensitive Data in over a huawei network. Host final question. Senator, we spoke earlier about privacy. A Bipartisan Group of your colleagues have been working on privacy legislation and the release of that has been delayed a couple of times. I wanted to know are you disappointed that we do nothing the federal privacy bill released yet . What is the timeline for federal process legislation look for your perspective . Guest you know im a little disappointed peter peter, i thought about this for years. It was seven years ago that i was leaving the Privacy Working Group in the house and then the browser act has been there for three years and ive refiled it in the sentence we do have a basic standard privacy bill. I think it would be important for us to move forward and put a simple basic privacy standard on the books and then people want to add to it you got the opportunity to do that but the American Consumer deserves to have a basic privacy standard and they need to know that they right to privacy will be protected in the virtual space just as it is in the physical space. Host senator marsha blackburn, member of the dj committee, member of the Commerce Committee has been our guest on the committee caters along with Steven Overly of politico. Thank you both. Thank you. For 40 years since then has been providing america until the coverage of congress, the white house, the swing court and Public Policy events from washington dc and around the country. You can make up your own mind. Greeted by cable in 1979, cspan is brought to you by your local or satellite provider. Cspan, your unfiltered view of government. Weeknight this week your featuring book tv programs and tonight we look at the Opioid Crisis and start with the book, sentinel inc. By journalist ben westhoff. Watch book tv tonight starting at the 8 30 p. M. Eastern on cspan2. Earlier today President Trump former National Security advis advisor, john bolton, spoke about u. S. North korea relations and the role in the asiapacific region. You can see this event tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. You can follow all the programs online at cspan. Org and listen with a brief cspan radio app. We are joined on washington journal on the phone by Catherine Mcmanus who reports for roll call and covers congress for roll call. The committees board particularly the Intelligence Committee moving forward and what idea can you give us about the timelinen for their investigation . How quickly do they want to move through the skin. Guest at least one subpoena has already been issued and issued amittee subpoena last week forec

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