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About one hour. Statements. The Prime Minister. [cheers and applause] thank you mister speaker. So with your permission i shall make a statement there will be ample opportunity who wishes to speak can do so but the statement will be heard. Prime minister. With your permission i shall make a statement on the Supreme Court regarding paralyzing parliament. Three weeks ago your people could not lead the European Union without proposition so that they would honor the results they have done all they could and to overturn. And now at the risk of being lost forever to the eu and now most people and most supporters regardless they think the referendum must be respected. They want brexit done. I want brexit done. And with the new deal it is possible. Just days ago i was told they would never take the Withdrawal Agreement and now i find out its in negotiations. They would never consider alternatives and then to keep them effectively in the eu. When i discussed those alternatives for negotiations i was said there were arrangements that we are not discussing for an arrangement of consent. I was told there was no chance of a deal. And this is despite the best efforts of the negotiations. The truth is the majority are not opposed parliament does not want brexit to happen at all. And many of those who surrendered a few weeks ago said that very tension with the deal every day they say the Parliament Vote against any deal at all. And they should see very clearl clearly. For the people at home. Order. I can scarcely hear the Prime Minister himself and i wish to hear his statement as other colleagues do. Clearly what is going on they know they do not want to honor their responsibilities. So the people at home they will keep sabotaging the negotiation negotiations. Mister speaker the truth is that the members this is what they want to do they want to cancel the brexit referendum and parliament will promise this time it really really will respect that vote. And i think the public will remain and everybody will forget the last few years. Mister speaker. They are under a delusion even greater prominent of a fallacy. That will not happen. The public does not want another referendum. What they want is that we honor the promise they want us to respect the first referendum to put brexit behind us and focus and that is why this government pretends will have a progra program. I could not stand that either. But instead of letting the voters they ran to the courts instead even though that i follow the exact same. The Supreme Court was asked in this process to intervene for the First Time Ever and had no respect as the judiciary. Order. Whatever the strength and the intensity we must hear why it is being said in the chamber and i wish to hear the Prime Minister. And what is essentially at this time of Great National control. And those that give delay and running to the courts to block the way including legislation and then to understand what is happening. They know nothing can disguise the truth. And those that are refusing on the priorities of the people is not just to move forward it is worse than that mister speaker and i am willing for those that are demanding and they are running away and they see ever more elaborate movement which has been absolutely determined to say we know that with the 17. 4 Million People who voted for the European Union the leader of the opposition into his party the leader has that referendum whatever the cost. Mister speaker we have seen the bill hundreds of millions of times. Another year or more is wasted arguing about the referendum from three years ago. All that matters to them now is that obsessive desire to move those results while we want to go forward with infrastructure and education and technology they put on the handbrake. So mister speaker, we will not betray the people. [cheers and applause] we will not abandon our priorities of the public we will not challenge the opposition parties to uphold democracy. So to disagree with the government they have a very simple remedy. Did they not . From a general election and then to discover the party in the most strident terms i heard them not once but twice to refuse to allow people. For two years they have demanded and twice they have voted against it the leader of the opposition changes his mind so often i would if he would support the election today or if the attorney general would have overruled him again. Because they say they would judge my manifesto for what it is. So to demand the election. [laughter] will he negotiate a new brexit deal . Will he actually vote no . He could put a vote of noconfidence in order to escape. I wonder does he even know what it means to be Prime Minister . He says i should go to brussels on the 17th of october but he doesnt want to go himself. And if he did they would not let him and quite frankly they would recoil at the idea of negotiating on the peoples behalf representing this country with the likes of Vladimir Putin let alone the eu. Or the fact he wants a conservative government it is a curious state of affairs indeed with that loyal opposition for what they face so the party does not have confidence in the government but they will have a chance to prove it. Listen. They have until the house rises to table a motion. And we can have a vote tomorrow. But will they have the courage or will they refused to accept responsibility with more delay . Why wouldnt they . What are they scared of . Order. Order. I appeal to the house to have some regard. To our proceedings of use by people watching. Order. Order. Let the remainder of the statement be heard i want to hear the rest of the statement and then the questioning on it. Mister speaker thank you. I say it is to get brexit done. So that we respect the referendum and move on and deal with the peoples priorities lets get brexit done so we can start to reunite this country of the referendum rather than adding another one it is asking this parliament finally to take responsibility we promised to call that referendum i think the people of this country have had enough. This parliament so get brexit done to bring back the confidence and finally a day of reckoning with the voters. [applause] thank you mister speaker. I think the Prime Minister for the advance copy of his statement. Unfortunately it was like his illegal shutting down of parliament. Of no effect and should be flushed. In the words of the Supreme Court. This was ten minutes of bluster from the Prime Minister who thinks he is above the law. But in truth mister speaker he is not fit for the office. Mister speaker, i am glad to see so many back here doing what they were elected to do holding the government to account for its failings. Whether the attempts to shut down democracy or with brexit negotiations it is chaotic and un adequate preparations and corruption and failure on claimant one Climate Change and the failure to step in, this government mister speaker listening to the people of britain and they know it. Order. The Prime Minister should not be shouted down the same as the opposition. And those who are bellowing from their position, stop it. You will exhaust your vocal cords and you will get nowhere. It will not work. In these proceedings will continue for as long as necessary until the chair is satisfied the scrutiny has taken place it is that simple jeffrey corbin. Thank you. Yesterday Supreme Court verdict represents an extraordinary and precarious moment in this countrys history. The highest court in this land said the Prime Minister broke the law when he tried to shut down our democratic accountability at a crucial moment in our public life. The judges concluded there was no reason let alone a good reason for the Prime Minister to have shut down parliament. After yesterdays ruling mister speaker, the Prime Minister should have done the honorable thing. In kind but yet mister speaker. But now forced back to his house the same that he tried to avoid. With no shred of remorse or humility and no substance whatsoever. So lets see if he will answer some questions. Does the Prime Minister agree with the attorney general that the government is wrong or the leader of the house of the Supreme Court committed a constitutional coup . This is a vital question whether the government respects the judiciary or not. The attorney general was also categorical the government would comply. Can the Prime Minister confirmed that . Mister speaker mister speaker, i want to pay tribute to all those across the house who not only have fought so hard to stop a disastrous no deal but continue to take the case through the courts. The government has failed to silence our democracy. Mister speaker, mister speaker, speaker, during the period of unlawful the government was re forced to release the no deal analysis and plans no wonder the Prime Minister is so eager to avoid scrutiny and so eager to hide the dangers of his brexit plan. The release of those documents leads to many questions the government must now answer now that parliament is back in operation. I would like to start by asking the Prime Minister, why, i would like to start by asking the Prime Minister why with these documents in august why are they out of date . If they were later produced in september they were the same documents and it is clear the real truth and to try to hide the fact that their policy puts misery on the people of this country. So lets take a look at the analysis. Of britains thoughts with months of dysfunction people going short of fresh food. This is your paper you wrote it. You tried to hide it. I beg your pardon mister speake speaker. [laughter] but of peoples medical supplies and Energy Prices for every household in the whole country. Border for the people and most damning of all mister speaker is that low income groups will be disproportionately affected. Well there we have it mister speaker. A simple truth that the government continues that we know will hit the country the hardest. They simply do not care. And mister speaker the document that we have is only six pages long its only right the house should expect all transparency from the government. They said they are doing all they can. But the truth is the Prime Minister has hardly any evidence of negotiation and only yesterday did the European Union chief negotiator say there was no reason today for optimism. Can i ask the Prime Minister why . The house still has yet to hear any details of any deal the government seeks to negotiate to distribute those papers for change to the backstop. Bill the Prime Minister publish these papers and allow them to be in this house of parliament . And for them to have any credibility they need to show they have an actual plan. Mister speaker the Prime Minister also has questions to answer about his conduct in public office. And in particular, allegations he flare one failed to declare interest of allocation of public money to a close friend while mayor of london. It was announced today that the department is looking at those funds in light of the sunday times report. Did the Prime Minister initiate that review . Will the Prime Minister fully cooperate with the review and that of the Greater London assembly . Will he returned himself to the cabinet secretary investigation . Mister speaker no Prime Minister is not above the law. Mister speaker, no one. Not on a ran. Not on Climate Change, what good is that. And he will be heard. And these exchanges will take place in an orderly manner no doubt about that quite simply for the good of this country he should go. He said he wants a federal election if he wants an election then lets have an election. Mister speaker so on the first point this is where we disagree from the Supreme Court and on the second point love the failing im sure he understands of course to obey the law and we will come out and those are advanced that they are competent to where to have a deal or not so that those negotiations are difficult so i will say to him it has not been made easier. And i am very proud by the way of everything that i did as mayor of london he would be better off spending less and more on Police Officers this is a man who took the schilling. And this is bad the way that that conference was interrupted. And that was designed with that policy. With a four day working week and now we hear he wants to abolish all immigration thats a crucial package missing and that is slightly pitiful in a way. There is a package calling for the election speaker those that are being held captive. Why were they allowing them to have an election . And to be more terrified. He is being held captive and with that zombie and for the entire country to be held captive and then i say no. [applause] mister speaker to my right honorable friend the Prime Minister order. I have members of the house calm yourselves. The rest of us are entitled to hear him. So my right honorable friend of the opposition and i also say i understand now the government has changed the root origin of Yellow Hammer by view of the opposition to dispatch his own. So i ask him so i received my constituency as others did recently from the labour party calling for a general election now. So answer these questions can he give me any reason why we are not having an election at this particular point . Because for any moment it could be his own party just as much. Thank you to my right honorable friend i am not sure the public would trust them that they put the yellow into the Yellow Hammer. Mister speaker. But to talk about the Supreme Court verdict. Book for about onn took questions from reporters. Good morning good morning wow. I never thought i would see the day i would be so excited to be here because i may begin in this is politics eggs. You have accomplished something historical already. Theres always one. [laughter] w

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