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Live each wednesday on cspan2 at 7 00 eastern when parliament is in session. Members are finishing up other business. Now live to the floor of the british house of commons. July 2018. Too early to make a detailed economic assessment, the welsh economy by 100 Million Pounds a year. I am pleased to hear of those benefits. You have a word along the government bend for the lotus of those benefits and having removed the toll crossing, they never levity in the first place. Thank you for your faith in individual gateways in 2017 with a 13 year concession. Thank you, mister speaker. Very well done. Secretary of state on number 4 school of Technical Training i will be meeting with members of the ministry of defense shortly to explore options on enforcing that with military presence in wales. Schools will close before april 2024. What does the secretary of state take given to ensure that the people there will have a chance to either move or even better remain in wales with something viable remaining . Those who work there, a very strong champion in the secretary of state for wales in ensuring we just wish the Welsh Government slightly more cooperation. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. Mcdonagh. Number one, mister speaker. I know the whole house wants to join me in paying tribute to Andrew Harper who was killed on duty. A serious injury sustained by stuart and pc Garrett Phillips earlier are a pastor remind us of the Dangers Police officers face every day. I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, i have further meetings later today. Can i associate myself with the brave acts mentioned about the officers. The former Prime Ministers deal was unacceptable to this house. To leave without a deal is unthinkable. Yet the Prime Minister proceed with a game of brinkmanship based on the future of my constituents and our country. There is an option to resolve this once and for all. If the Prime Minister really believes in no deal let him put it to the people and ask the people if that is the price they want to pay. Mister speaker, as the honorable lady knows very well this government will take this country out of the European Union on october 31st. Only one thing stands in our way, the surrender bill being proposed by the leader of the opposition and can i invite her to confirm, if that surrender bill is past he will about the people of this country to have their view on what he is proposing to happen to hand over in their name with an election on october 15th, mister speaker. Robert helprin. My right honorable friend confirm leaving the European Union on 31 october no longer subjected to eu costing constituents and households 55 pounds extra every year, confirm we will take back control of households around 1. 5 billion a year. I think my honorable friend, an excellent suggestion, we reduce 5 on to mystic fuel, the lowest allowed under eu law but we will leave the European Union on october 31st it will be opened was to change this for the benefit of the people. Jeremy corbin. Thank you, mister speaker. I pay my deepest respects to Andrew Harper who died in the line of duty, a reminder of the risk he faces and Police Officers face all the time trying to protect communities, to his family, his colleagues and friends. Also want to send condolences to people affected by Hurricane Dorian which had the bahamas this weekend. Im hoping as im sure the government is doing all they can to make sure all help is sent that is necessary. Yesterday it was revealed the Prime Ministers negotiating strategy is to run down the clock and the attorney general told the Prime Minister his believe the European Union would drop the backs off was a complete fantasy. Are these reports accurate or to paralyze the what is the chance, mister speaker . What is the focus . What do we want . When do we want it . We dont know. That is his policy. Can he confirm he will allow the people of this country to decide what he is giving up in their name with a general election october 1, 52q . My first question to the Prime Minister and no answer given. I asked what proposals have been put to the European Union. Any colleagues asked and the Prime Minister seems incapable of answering. Any rational human being would assume therefore there is no answer to that question. The prime nigel, graham and phoebe calling for an election. Mister speaker, i know he is worried about free trade deals with america but theres only one correlated chicken i can see in this house and that is on the bench. Will he confirm he will let the people decide what hes doing somebody else okay are in order to try to persuade people everything is fine. He is hiding the fact. The government refused to publish Impact Assessment how i know deal brexit would affect poverty levels in this country. They received a request from the glascow based poverty alliance, the dwb replied the Public Interest would not be served by that disclosure. Will the Prime Minister publish that analysis . If he wont, what has he got to hide . Unlike the right honorable member who would squander 1 billion pounds a month of taxpayer money to stay pointlessly in the eu this government is getting on with running a sound economy so the poorest people in our country see increases in their wages for the first time in a decade. Im proud to say those on the living wage, taking 4500 pounds more home every year than they were in 2010 because of the conservative government. Jeremy corbin. You dont have to go far from the portals of this house to see real destitution, people sleeping on the streets, Child Poverty is up since 2010, in word poverty is up. He wont give us any information on the assessment of increased poverty that could come from his government proposal. We are 60 days from leaving the eu with no deal. The Prime Minister had two days in office before summer recess. Yesterday he lost one vote, his first vote in parliament and wants to dissolve parliament. He is absolutely desperate to avoid scrutiny. And in his third day in office after 5 questions from me we havent had enough for any of them. I can see why he is desperate to avoid scrutiny. He has no plan to get a new deal, no authority and no majority. Mister speaker. Order. If we have to go longer because people sitting on the branch are yelling to try to disrupt, so be it, we will go on longer. Some people used to believe in Good Behavior. I believe in Good Behavior on both sides of the house. It had better happen. Very simple, very clear. Jeremy corbin. If the Prime Minister does to the country what he has done to his party in the past 24 hours i think a lot of people have a great deal to fear from his incompetence and his refusal to publish known facts known to him about the effects of a no deal brexit. I dont see how with a straight face the honorable gentlemen could accuse anybody being unwilling to stand up to scrutiny when he will not agree to submit his surrender bill to the people. And he makes a contrast between this government and his own proposal. It could not be clearer. He thinks friends of this country found in paris and berlin and the white house and he thinks they are in the kremlin and tehran. [shouting] he is we are putting 20,000 on the street, upgrading 20 new hospitals. We are growing the economy by contrast with a 300 billion pound pack on every company in the country. He wants a tax on homes and is calling incessantly for a general strike. The shadow education secretary, the shadow education secretary says the Economic Policy is or bust. I say it is both. I say it is both, mister speaker. What this country needs is sensible progressive conservative government. To take this country out of the eu on october 31st is what we are going to deliver. [shouting] there will be more starting with the closed question, doctor julia lewis. A well behaved question on National Security adviser. Prime minister. As my right honorable friend is aware the decision to put the two roles together was taken by my predecessor who i have high admiration for the gentleman. Doctor julian lewis. I hope my right honorable friend isnt going to follow every policy by his predecessor. This is one he shouldnt. The defense committee. [laughter] to take evidence from the National Security adviser on the previous failure to anticipate the iranian reaction to the british seizure of a tanker in the gulf. It is hardly likely the cabinet secretary will come before the defense committee. Wouldnt it make sense as soon as possible to have a fulltime occupant of the post of National Security adviser for the select committee and nsc itself can do our jobs properly . Prime minister. Mister speaker i think the role was well performed in recent times and i say to my right honorable friend i will make sure invitations to appear before this committee are considered in the usual way, all the satisfaction he desires. Ian blackburn. Thank you, mister speaker. Last night, parliament once again defeated the shambolic tory government. Today, mister speaker, we have seized back control from a Prime Minister who is behaving like a dictator more than a democrat. The Prime Minister must be stopped. Mps must unite across this house take know deal off the table tonight. Mister speaker, we wont defeat the government again. The primacy tell us, when we succeed will he respect the democratic vote of this house . The democratic will of the people we represent . And finally act to remove the threat of catastrophic know deal brexit . Mister speaker, i asked the right honorable gentlemen if he will distract respect the Democrat Bill of the United Kingdom as the house voted to do time and time and time again and that is implement the results of the referendum. Ian blackburn. I know he is a new voice. May i suggest we ask the questions, he is supposed to answer them. Mister speaker, we have a majority. The people of scotland want to remain in the European Union, we are not going to be dragged out against our will by the Prime Minister. Mister speaker, the Prime Minister must be paying attention to the polls which show a majority in scotland once again. With the tories in retreat, to bring it toward him. It is clear for all of us to see the Prime Minister is playing a game of bluff and bluff bluster. He doesnt care about stopping no deal brexit. Strategy as his lead advisor, this is a sham. It is a Parliament Standing up for the people. The people did not vote for a no deal brexit. The Prime Minister is robbing the people of parliament and no running number 10. Once again i ask the Prime Minister, are you a dictator or are you a democrat kick you will the Prime Minister accept the legislation so no deal can be avoided . So that the people can truly decide . I am a democrat. I respect the will of the people and the referendum. I also want to have an election and willing to have an election if the right honorable gentlemen opposite terrible bill goes through. Why the separatists in scotland drone on and on about breaking up by smashing the oldest and most successful political union, the reason they go on about it is to detract from their appalling domestic record. They have the highest taxes anywhere in europe. They have educational standards falling for which they are responsible. And their signature policy, a useful one, is to return after brexit, return scotland to the European Union for the full panoply of eu law and surrendering scottish fish just when they had been taken back. Thank you, mister speaker. Can i welcome the Prime Minister to his place. My constituents sent me here to speak to them and what they care about is better hospital re, more police on our streets. The Prime Minister agree that these are things we should be discussing in this place and will he commit to building a spending announcement to deliver great Public Services to my constituents . I think the honorable lady very much, even more when my friend the chancellor announces his Spending Review very shortly. There will be investment in nhs in more Police Officers to keep our streets safe and the honorable ladys streets safe and more money for every school in this country, mister speaker. Conservatives are delivering on the priorities of the british people. I am not a do mister but on a positive note i think the primacy for his vote for scottish independence. These last few weeks, Prime Minister according to Research Published by the observatory no deal brexit would cost 1100 jobs in my constituency and 60 jobs across scotland. Canada Prime Minister explained to me and my constituents the prospect for families should do, for brexit they never voted for. We are preparing for no deal brexit if we must. I dont think it will be anything like as bad as they said. And the way to avoid know deal brexit will allow this government to a deal on october 17th. The choice for this country is who is doing that deal. This government or that labour party by jeremy corbin. People must observe the rules. Order. Simply and politely informing the Prime Minister of the longestablished procedure with which everybody including the Prime Minister must apply. That is the position, no doubt, no arguments, end of the matter. Mister speaker, can i welcome the new Prime Minister to the dispatch office and tell him this year we celebrate ten years past the autism act, still the only visibility specific in the uk. The Parliamentary Group members from all sides of this house will publish next week the ten year annual review with recommendations for government across the board. Will my right honorable friends undertake to look at these recommendations carefully and instructed chancellor to put more resources and money into helping people with autism and their families receive the help and services they need. I think my right honorable friend for everything she has done over many years and also to reassure her that shortly the chancellor and exchequer will be outlining more money, primary schools and secondary schools and investments in schools for special Educational Needs and disabilities and that is delivering on the priorities of the british people. People who voted to leave the eu leave voters saying to me they didnt vote for no deal, didnt vote for do or die on 31 october. They voted for good things for more money, more jobs, and they will get less money, less jobs, less control. They want the final say. When he goes to extend article 50 after the passage of this bill we are seeing this afternoon, will he insure there is proper referendum so i managed deal will remain a not, coffee no deal. I can tell the honorable gentlemen if he wants to put that matter to the people the best thing he can do is persuade his right honorable friend to summon up s wretched surrender bill he should submitted to the judgment of the people in the form of a general election and if you wants the will of the people of swansea what he should do is vote with this government and not with the surrender bill tonight. David cork. The Prime Minister said the corrugation of parliament has nothing to do with brexit. Is that still his position . As my right honorable friend said there is demand for corrugation in the form of a queens speech from the right honorable lady there. This parliament has lasted longer than any in the last 400 years and on brexit there will be ample opportunity for the brexit deal after october 17th in this house if this government is allowed to get on and deliver a deal. Thank you, mister speaker. The chancellor today announced another 2 billion pounds on top of 3 billion pounds allocated to help companies after a no deal brexit. Industry, the public, and parliament have a right to know which industries will benefit and what the total costs will be to the taxpayer. Canada Prime Minister tell us . I can tell the honorable gentlemen there is work going on in the constituency she represents, supply chains are ready for a no deal scenario but we dont want a no deal scenario and as a way to avoid it is not to vote for the absurd surrender bill before the house and let the government get on and negotiate a deal. That is what we want to do. It is hugely important. As part of the trade war with the eu, could cost hundreds of thousands of jobs across scotland and the United Kingdom. What recitation has the Prime Minister taken and will the government do Everything Possible to avoid this being applied . I congratulate my honorable friend on everything he does to represent that vital industry which indeed owns billions of pounds of revenue for this country and tariffs were absurd, the point we made repeatedly to our friends in the United States but scotch wiki is one of those many products that will have its chances boosted in export markets where currency grows. Mister speaker, last weekend across the country there were protests against propagation of parliament. Does this unelected Prime Minister who has no majority in this house believe his attacks on our democracy, forcing a disastrous no deal brexit, on the people of this country . If she wants to speak for the people of lincoln who voted to leave, yes they did, the least she could do is make sure we come out of the eu on october 31st with a deal and if she is prepared to frustrate that ambition through the surrender deal being proposed will she have a word with her friends on the front bench . I urge him she speak of democracy, urge him to submit his bill to the will of the people in the form of a general election . Will she say that . Aaron bradley. Thank you, mister speaker. Many know the value of Community Hospitals in our constituencies more so than the hospital in my constituency. It has been a consultation on healthcare and it is an understandable concern. Can i ask the Prime Minister to keep the hospital open in league with services for the benefit of all the people. Can i think my right honorable friend for everything she has done for the people of Northern Ireland and for raising this issue in her constituency with me. She will understand the decisions must be met by clinicians but i think a solution could be found that benefits everyone in my right honorable friends constituency. In a desperate attempt to win yesterdays vote the prime estimate emotional appeals to conservative mps but he was serious in seeking a deal but his answers in the house make it clear there are no real negotiations in public or in private. With those he claims to be negotiating in the European Union said nothing has been put on the table. Does the Prime Minister understand across this country people find it difficult to trust a word he says . Can i tell the honorable gentlemen, the people of this country want to see us come together, come out of the eu october 31st with a deal. We are making great progress in brussels and dublin and even paris but those talks are being undermined i am afraid by the absurd bill before the house today. I urge him to rejected and if you must pass a can he have a word with his right honorable friend and put it to the people in the form of a general election . Thank you, mister speaker. In light of the Prime Ministers answer to my right honorable friend, could the Prime Minister explain why it proved impossible to find any official minister prepared to state that the reasons for corrugation was paved the way for the queens speech in the course of current Legal Proceedings in which the government is involved. Will priming us to reconsider the answer he has just given to the house . I hesitate to advise my right honorable and learned friends about Legal Proceedings. What happened in scotland this morning, you will discover that case was thrown out. Mister speaker. As a result of largely inactive while he was mayor of london, these numbers plummeted, 1000 fewer offices in the command unit alone, Police Officers in my borough. He is promising to get this back to where we were with 20,000 and those 20,000 will be on the street. He is now clear 7000 of those officers will not be. In order to help the house build some trust in any of the promises he makes can he tell us if that is true . Absolutely bizarre a labor member of parliament for london should ignore the role of the present mayor of london. I left him 600 Million Pounds by the way and he squandered it on press officers and that we get rid of this, more Police Officers on the street, the better. That is in my view the best possible argument for sean bailey, the mayor of london. In the remaining minutes of the session i appeal to colleagues to take account of who visited with a Distinct Group of lebanese parliamentarians. At the invitation of the Parliamentary Group chaired by the right honorable gentlemen of south holland, we would like to send them a good example. Im not sure how impressed they will be. Gary streeter. I can comply with that. Can i welcome 14 billion pounds with the announcement for our schools, we had the largest increase in the country to correct historic underspending. Do you believe this cash boost will help hardworking people to prepare the next generation to reach their full potential . Wont it be wonderful to get through brexit and Start Talking about education, health and social care . Exactly right, mister speaker. Exactly why to have investments in education and get brexit done, mister speaker, on october 31st, and anymore delay and confusion under the labour party. The Prime Minister yesterday booted out 21 mps from his own party, no deal brexit. These included respected members of his house including churchills grandson and the father of the house on the orders of his chief of staff. Given the Prime Minister himself voted against the former Prime Minister are we losing the with that start show and demonstrate to the but public a view of life, one role for him and one role for everyone else. I am not going to take any lessons from the labour party. Order order i need to control the proceedings and appreciate your insistence in that regard. This must cease and we will hear the reply. Im not going to take lectures from anybody in the labour party how they run their money. Mps daily pounded out by antisemitic courts. If the right honorable gentlemen is interested in democracy then i hope he is listening to what i am saying and imagine the democratic way, the bill before the house today would hand over this countrys right to decide how long to remain in the eu or handed over to the eu itself. That is what that bill involves. If you think thats a good idea let him submit it to the judgment of the british people in an election. Richard harrington. Im sure you will note tomorrow is the ninth annual jobs fair. Im taking interest in those vacancies this year. I am sure other members of both sides of the house might be interested as well. I would like to thank victoria lynch for organizing it. We have 1000 vacancies in 60 countries. I would like the Prime Minister tomorrow around here for what he would be very welcome. I thank my honorable friend who has been a champion, as a conservative value, he has also done a great deal. I campaigned for him to see how popular he is. There are 20,000 Job Vacancies in the police, to take of that role. And there are many many more. As he knows, across this country unemployment is at a record lowend employment is at record highs because of sound economic policies this government follows. Thank you, mister speaker. The director general of the cbi wrote to all mps and northwest urging the we are doing everything we can about the businesses in our region. A no deal brexit would be disastrous in our quest for particularly small businesses. We all know what the Prime Minister has said in the past about business but now he is in a position of responsibility. Will he stop this relentless posturing on no deal and work to protect our vital businesses . Prime minister. A bit rich from a member of a party whose shadow chancellor says this is the enemy. She should listen. [shouting] she should listen to the people of her constituency who voted to leave the eu and implement their wishes and that is what this government is going to do. Mister speaker, much has been made about provision for eu nationals in the United Kingdom post brexit. Much less comfort is offered for those 1. 5 million United Kingdom nationals and the rest of the European Union. Is the Prime Minister in a position to confirm on a european basis that all pensions will be paid in full and affordable benefits will be paid in full, healthcare will be covered in full and freedom of movement will be protected, there are framed people who need an answer. I thank my right honorable friend and i can assure him that matter is at the top of our concerns of all our eu friends and partners and we made it clear that the very generous offer this country has rightly made to the 3. 4 million eu citizens of this country must be reciprocated symmetrically and installed by our friends in the way he discussed. He and morgan. The Prime Minister said the city of portsmouth is too fool for drug addiction despite this disgraceful and accurate statement about my home city, how would he expect arm much loved nhs to do with the this is when medicine installed shortages according to his own Health Secretary by hurling us towards a no deal brexit. Minister . I must gentlemen, Health Outcomes are up. When i made those remarks many years ago it was when his constituency had the sad misfortune to have a labor government in power. That is no longer the case. Like me i know my right honorable friend has deep concerns about the loan charge which is driving people to despair and reportedly some to suicide. With 8000 people fighting in my position saying we cannot go on like this can my right honorable friend advise the house of urgent action his government will be taking to address this . This is an issue my own constituents have raised with me and my honorable friends had this issue on all sides of the house. I met people who have taken out loan charges on the expectation they could reduce their tax exposure. It is a difficult issue and what i have undertaken to do is have a thorough review of the matter. Of course i will make sure my honorable friend has every opportunity to have further discussions with the treasury how to address the situation. If i decide to wear a turban or you wear a cloth or he decides to worry skipper or a skullcap or she decides to where i job or burqa does that mean it is unseasonable for right members of this house to make derogatory and divisive remarks about our appearance . Those of us who from a young age had to endure and face up to being called names like towel head or talent than are coming from bongo bongo lands, we appreciate the hurt and pain felt by vulnerable muslim women as they are described like bank robbers. Rather than hide behind sham as whitewash investigations, when will the Prime Minister finally apologized for his derogatory and racist remarks . [applause] racist remarks which have led to a spike in hate crimes and given the increasing prevalence of such incidents when will the primus to finally order inquiry into islamohphobia, something he and his chancellor promised on National Television . [applause] the Prime Minister. Mister speaker. Order order order the response from the Prime Minister will be heard. Prime minister. Thank you, mister speaker. I want to say to the honorable gentlemen if he took the trouble to read the article in question he would see that it was a strong liberal defense as he began the question by saying, of everybodys right to wear whatever they want in this country and i speak to somebody with muslim ancestors, such as himself and also i am proud to say under this government we have the most diverse, the most diverse in the history of this country and we truly reflect modern britain and was we have yet to hear from everywhere in the labour party is any hint of apology for the violence of antisemitism and i would like to hear back from the honorable member on this. Thank you, mister speaker. The great lady who you and i both revere, advises, ministers decide, tie up the Prime Minister to answer the question in relation to his own chief advisor, dominic cummings. Order order order the reply must be heard. As a matter of course to allow clapping by decision of the house so be it but it should not become a regular practice. In other words a regular practice. We heard the question. Lets hear the answer from the Prime Minister. I am used to applause from labor audiences particularly since, unlike the gentleman, we are devoted to delivering on the mandate of those constituencies and we are going to take the uk out of the eu on october 30th. As for the excellent question, no doubt we are deciding on a policy to take this country forward, not backwards that he would do. Thank you. The Prime Ministers response to the honorable member was appalling. An apology is what was required rather than justification that there is ever any acceptable context for the remarks he made in that column. He is the Prime Minister of our country. His words carry weight and he has to be more careful with what he says. My constituent kristin is afraid because her mom, a european citizen, has been struggling after 45 years in this country. Our friends, colleagues and neighbors deserve better than his failures and carelessness with language. In the case of his constituent, kristin, if she has been here 45 years, i am sure she has, she should be automatically eligible, so clearly, mister speaker it is a difficult case but the answer is to bring it to the home secretary and im sure she can sort it out. Order. Here on cspan2 we leave the british house of commons as members move on to other business. You have been watching Prime Ministers question time which is live wednesdays at 7 00 am eastern when parliament is in session. A reminder that you can see this we session again sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan. For more information go to cspan. Org and click on series to view every program we have aired from the british house of commons since october 1989 and we invite your comments about primuss questions via twitter using the hashtag pmqs. In 1979 a Small Network with an unusual name rolled out a big idea, but viewers make up their own minds. Cspan opened the door to washington policymaking for all to see bringing you unfiltered content from congress and beyond. A lot has changed but that big idea is more relevant than ever, on television and online, cspan is your unfiltered view of government so you can make up your own mind, brought to you as a Public Service by your cable or satellite provider. The American Bar Association hosted its annual meeting in san francisco. In this portion a panel of general councils from microsoft, oracle, lift, and 23 and me discussed tech industry, innovation, privacy and social responsibility. This is an hour and 35 minutes

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