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Social activism and when you turn on the tv most of the channels are beating you with their propaganda and leftwing agenda and so forth. That is not freedom of the pre press, it is actually occurring outside of those, its on the internet for bloggers, newspeople all over the world. The difference between the modern media today and the Patriot Media that helps this country, the Patriot Media, the men with the printing press, 30 some newspapers, i was there. They were trying to fundamentally form government. They wanted to represent the government. Today the press is trying to fundamentally transform us in the Civil Society and the individual. That is opposed of what the press is supposed to be. When is the last time there was a leak to the New York Times that was helpful to the president of the united states, and never happens. When was the last time there was a next hos was negative two nany pelosi. It never happens, they beat this president and beat this president and the people that support him every day, they did it before he was elected, during the election, since the election, doing it today, that is not a free press, that is propaganda. [applause] and to answer your question, what this book does, its not a surface level book, i look at the history and the constitution and i really dug into this issue of the press, wheres that come from wise important toy look at that. Then i look at the evidence, is overwhelming what goes on in our newsrooms today, theres no diversity, its all one way and then i looked at how the American People think of the press, 80 of republicans dont and 80 of democrats do. And then i look at the social activism. Like chuck announcing on meet the press where he says we are not going to do Climate Change anymore, who the hell is this guy . Is he smart, no, does he have a particular background, no, is he a hack . Yes. There physicists, phds, primatology, meteorology, thousands of them that are written extensively about this so another band from going on meet the press because were Climate Change deniers. Does anybody here deny there is Climate Change . What we deny is any damn thing we can do about it. [applause] so i think people are looking for answers and people are looking for arguments and what is exciting about this book to me in your reaction, what i am trying to generate here, i was part of the reagan revolution, the tea party revolution, the article five conventional state revolution. [applause] what we are trained to do is defend the constitution and those that want to remove the duly elected president of the united states. What this book does is expand who they are because the political and forever going to get her country back where the freedom of the press pack we have to deal with these people and thats what this book is about. I was thinking when i read your book, President Trump had been given the opportunity and its title, fake news. Thats a good title i wish id thought of it. I was listening to your show a few month ago and became apparent, i think you had an opportunity named quietly and maybe more than once to sit with her president and talk with her president , im not asking you to betray any conversations but having met with them and having spoken with them, should we have all the confidence in them that you think we should . I do not meet with them that often, theres an occasional conversation and i will tell you, this is a very smart man, enormously charismatic, he knows where he wants to take the country, hes not anything like is portrayed in the media, he is deep and when you look at him compared to biden its like a joke. [laughter] so i would tell you this, and a republican primary i support crews and from the general election is supported President Trump. And im glad i did. Because a lot of his positions. [applause [applause] a lot of his positions are so solid and i dont know the any of those other republicans that couldve withstood what he is withstanding and i think we are extremely, extremely fortunate that he is there, he stands between us and them and he and his family [applause] they are taking more crab that any family should have to take, it is outrageous what the left gets away with, what pelosi and her husband get away with, with the chairman of these committees get away with, i have told my family i will do whatever i have to do to defend this republic and this constitution against the mob that is trying to forcibly remove a duly elected president of the united states. [applause] on the mob, thats a good point, bill barr the new attorney general, do you think, you were chief of staff when he was attorney general, do you think that the attorney general will be successful in getting to the bottom of all the one on the scenes and the intelligence agencies and the fbi . Do you think will find the truth of what actually happened . I cannot be more proud of bill barr. [applause] he did not have to take this job, he had been attorney general before and ignore mostly successful, he couldve gone off to the villages like robert mueller. [laughter] but he did not. He is coolheaded and cool as a cucumber. He knows what he is doing, they will hold him in contempt, is this a joke. I hold them in contempt by wa be way commack an. [applause] he is the man of the law he commits in the bush ministration, but he sees we have a house of representatives, he sees that we have a rogue Committee Chairman and they have one objective which is trying to destroy the president , yup six committees, using government paid for staff, tax dollars, that in turn the house of representatives into an Opposition Research organization for the d c, thats why they will his taxes and bank records, ive never seen anything like this in my life. And they challenge him and says we will go to court, he is going to sue them and go to court and they say thats obstruction of justice. [laughter] this is like the dumbest house of representatives ever. [cheering] markel bend new book is unfreedom of the press, you can watch a full conversation by visiting our website at booktv. Org and use the search box at the top of the page. Good evening everybody i am Bradley Graham and on the coowner of politics and prose along with my wife in behalf of

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