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Works and what drives our behavior than we have ever had in the history of humanity. That breakthrough was delivered thanks to our brain scans. I did not believe that i was going to afford that for my brain scanning machine. I looked for a different tool in a different needs. To understand how they are quantifying. And understanding characteristics of somebody. I have typically applied this business quite honestly. My most profound interest has always been in politics and starting in 2004 both the for the New York Times for cnn i began to diagnose the candidates who are occupying or running for the white house. That has been something that has been done persistently since. And with the election of donald trump in 2016 in all of that conservation of that raised in certain quarters i decided that time was there to investigate president s greatness in office perhaps less successful ten years in office. The book that i will take you to. The first part is indeed benchmarked to how president ial scholars had tended to evaluate and rank the president s from one to 44. The middle section i take on all of the president ial debates going back to nixon and kennedy looking for the correlations between those candidates on the debate stage and whether or not they will gain and lose traction. Im looking if theres a correlation between the style of governance. Will they tend to be dictators will they be more a democratically inclined. I made it by Freedom House which i did not know of. Gone through systematically yearbyyear country by country and understood what was a level of democracy in that country. By tracking which leisures were in office. It is a painful procedure. Looking for their governing sows and how it ranked in that. That is my background. Take you through some meat readings and comments. Our president is exactly is not exactly modest. Im a star out this evening with donald trump. I think you can be a little bit surprised by the first thing that i get a tell you. This is the donald. A lot of you are probably can i think that the emotion that most distinguishes donald trump is anger. Im not saying hes not angry but the emotion that most distinguish him is instead sadness. This is quite interesting because after all just last week if youre not happy you can leave the country. Donald trump is actually the most happiest president we have ever had. I will keep explaining the tool as we go. Facial coding starting with none other than Charles Darwin who was the first scientist to take motion seriously darwin comes to realize that in your face you best reflect and communicate your emotions. This is not phonology. If you have a lower brow that means you are criminal type. Im not lking for a permanent mark. Im not looking for your school size or Something Like that. Instead im following a professor named d paul ekman. In paul working with the colleagues in the school of medicine in San Francisco a verve course of 15 years systematically figured out which muscle movements he believed to correspond to seven core emotions. When were talking about sad because there are certain things you look for. The easiest one that you can all look at. Rodeo clowns are painted. They drew. So donald trump does show droops at times. But even more persistently what donald trump also shows is the chin will jot upward. It is a look of sadness it is frankly a look of disgust in anger. The other two emotions that are was prevalent. Just solely devoted to sadness. It is when you get a wince in the cheek. And you get this a wince of Charlie Chaplin who was very prone to this expression so donald trump is a man full of grievances quite honestly. And thats really where a lot of the sadness comes from its interesting. Sadness normally it will slow you down. Ive done work for sports teams. My advice to them. You dont really want athletes who are tremendously sad it leads me to the question why is donald trump sad. Heres what i head for you on this. Be a killer, big await beyond a hard driving father wt else might explain the sadness. Like nixon yes. Trump have a brother die young but they werent that close. Could it simply be that extreme narcissism means that the very stable genius as he describes himself as doomed to fail endlessly let down because he cannot secure universal acclaim. So i found one auditor call from one person in new york who went back and interviewed practically everyone from chumps childhood and what they talked about was an endless need to distract himself. It was either through a claim through deals or through. From the deepseated psychological wounds which as best is best as i can tell. Goes back to very domineering father. He just could not quite ever went into his camp. And has been list attempts were thwarted he tried all sorts of things to get his fathers attention. Often acting out. Trying to impress him with his accomplishments. Whatever the case may be. That was a constant game that was being played. What we can see here though is that he was in various stages of feminist. Anger is hard to say its something that distinguishes a truck. It actually shows in nine different ways. There are some people who will show a considerable amount of anger almost to the point of being monolithically angry. Im not saying that he is intensely angry. I am saying what distinguishes him is an unusually large volume of sadness. These would be the other 44 or 43 president s. That is the first slide. Speaking of sadness and you may not be able to read this a manager to help you as we go here. If we move on to sadness this is the emotion that most correlates to failure in office. It wasnt just sports it often tends to be true in politics longevity in office. Its not like a sports arena. It certainly the networks the pundits and everybody else who is paying attention. So sadness is interesting for several reasons. One is, we have a number one and a number 44th president. Both on this list. Heres what i need to complicate the story a little bit. Weve a fairly strong correlation here. You also had to look at what is being second most prevalent dominant emotion for somebody. And this is what distinguishes the donald from honest abe. The second strongest emotion for Abraham Lincoln is happiness. Socially into different forms is the strongest correlation to success in the white house. What happiness allows you to do essentially as we know now from psychology is that happier people tend to get to superior solutions more quickly. They are more open to brain storming. So prior to my book there is one other book that matters to me and it was to psychologist and interviewed interviewed a great number of historians they went into him and said if they knew the president or president s while. They ask him to raise the big factor. These are personality traits. Openness to experience. Openness to new ideas. Lincoln did very well on openness. Donald trump does terribly on openness. So the other emotion beside sadness is happiness. There was a lot of things that did not go while in his life are were not going while in the country. Lincoln also brought some levity to it. Some self depreciating humor. Those who advocate for it. And then you can decide if you want to continue to advocate for it so strongly. That is not the sort of humor that we get from donald trump. There is something that is at the opposite end of the strict spectrum. You close down your rattle. Your difficulties because you suffer from neuroticism. As i mentioned in the book napoleon while hes rude treating from russia mud is the fifth element element. Its the mud. With the exception every other president on this list for sadness has neuroticism is either their primary or secondary there are two other people here who are probably the president s that trump has the most definitive four. Andrew jackson is second here. And and you Andrew Jacksons other emotion is anger. The largest correlation success. You are approaching and tackling. Youre taking on issues. Jackson did have that quality of anger. The other person here is nixon. There is no portrait of nixon and the white house. This is the person he actually went to and met after a nonprofit fundraiser in houston many years ago. Obviously when nixon was still alive seeking advice about running for the presidency. After i saw a documentary all those many years ago he sat down and but hold nixon for the entire evening. Every likelihood that trump was going to make this endeavor. I did want to move to a happier note for a moment. The joy in particular the highest level of happiness where you get the twinkle in the eye. The single strongest reliable indicator of happiness. Weve only two president s. One of them is actually trumps predecessor. I thought i would read a little bit of a summary about taft to help you along. This is on william taft. They could nevertheless be pegged as a big softy. When they became public foes he burst into tears telling a reporter roosevelt was my closest friend. Taft took losing the white house in stride. Having been pushed to take at the job in the first place by both his dad and wife. When wasnt he focused on the lot. His passionately elsewhere he was the first president to play golf and the man that created the addition of the seventh Inning Stretch in a baseball game. He probably loves that two until he got stuck in one and it took six months of pull them out. Taft was not big he was huge. He weighed 332 pounds as president. Only the cow that he kept on the white house grounds was bigger than he was. I joke around town was that they were a real gentleman. He gave his seat to three ladies. When they offered him that cant chair of constitutional law here piled that a soft is so far up law would be even better. As i suggested. With happiness you tend to be more open to compromises more interested in the softer style interacting with others. Lets leave behind the first part of the book. This head to do with president ial greatness. Obviously we can get into a number of factors later on when we are talking about that during the q a. The second part of the book has to do with president ial debates. My argument was that we need to level set regarding what the voting public nose. A woman approached them on the campaign trail and said to him gushingly. Every stinking american will be voting for you. Yes maam but i need a majority. If you have seen anything from jay leno to other comedians who do the person in the street routines. Im not trying to make fun of anyone. There is a fairly large plaza the of information. When people model how the campaign is can ago. I admit that i smile perhaps even smirk a little bit in response because i dont really think that that is reality in terms of where the voters are coming from. I wanted to start off with just reading you a few statistics that reinforce my point regarding this. Im not trying to shoot fish in a barrel. There are some fairly amazing statistics here. 75 percent of americans cant name all three branches of government. 75 percent. 60 of americans dont know which countries we fought in world war ii. 50 of American College graduates dont know how long the terms of u. S. Representatives are. Now were talking college students. 20 of americans. Believed the right to own a pet is enshrined in the First Amendment the constitution. In the last 110 percent of American College graduates once again think that judge judy is a member of the u. S. Supreme court. I mention that when you are imagining that this is this wellinformed series of arguments that are presented. I dont think so. I think it is certainly the gaffes, the jokes and a lot of other things. And president ial debates it is the taller person who tends to win. About two thirds of the time. It is even more reliable than what you might think is that the happiest candidate wins since weve spoken in terms of the american dream. Its not that. It is in fact not only being taller is a particular form of happiness that is shown on the stage that gives away a lot more about whats going on. So before i get there. I wanted to move to the first and most seminal of all of the debates because it is that debate that has been disk mistaken at times. Just before i set it up to go to nixon and kennedy had brought us three firsttime events. The first president ial debate was never held. The first televised debate. In the first president ial debate remembered for a blunder by one of the candidates. In august he have badly injured his knee and spent two weeks in the hospital. He showed up for the first debate with a temperature of 102 20 pounds underweight. Sporting a 5 00 shadow. Nixon and then compounded his sickly status by refusing to wear any makeup after john kennedy had refused makeup. What nixon did not know was that his younger opponent then have makeup suit secretly applied anyway. Now were talking about the first debate and in leading into that i want to get to one other first regarding the first president ial debate. As the first blunder by a pundit so in his lifetime he wrote his making of the president president serious. And here is what he said about the first president ial debate. The journalist author of the latest Campaign Series the link making of the president yes white got one part correct. This one was glowering and occasionally haggard looking. Its a bit of a modifier. Out of place. To say that kennedy was calm and nervous and appearance compared to nixon was tense almost frightened is the boat. Its to miss the boat. That blunder has to do with the fact that actually it was kennedy not nixon who was the more frightened candidate. Of the debate. After all. Nixon had been the Vice President for Vice President for the past eight years. He had traveled widely over seas. Indeed during the first debate. Whenever there was a question involving foreign affairs. Kennedy started to show fear. Look at those sports jackets. Look at those wrinkles and sleeves that he has. The lack of looking crisp and ready to go. Nixon was quite before lauren for the evening. Although callet kennedy had Kelly Kennedy had a problem with fear you also offset it with a good deal of happiness lets talk about fear a little bit because it for those that dont recognize fear its an important emotion quite obviously. Is the eyebrows pinched together. That could also show sadness it can also show a bit of anger and concentration. But when you see them pinched together. That is a very reliable call for fear when the corner of the mouth pulls laterally. Is not superwide. And you combined with the arching and wrinkles pulled together eyebrows it is one of numerous incidences in the debate when nixon was less afraid than kennedy. I have a very famous relative clint help. He was the secret Service Agent who jumped on the back of the limousine. Its why he knew of the entourage is extremely well and he said yes kennedy was tremendously elated after the debate. And he was tremendously nervous going into the debate. You go back to the footage when they were told to stand up and get out of their seats and moved to the podiums. Actually kennedy was the more disordered to gantlet of the two candidates. We are so used to him having his press conferences on this occasion his nerves meant that he actually could not figure out where he was going. More ready to plunge in on that occasion. There are only 14 debates that really mattered in the end. They moved them by at least 3 . I started out trying to get to this issue. From when the campaign started to the end of the campaign. And take the two or three debates into account. I could not get to any emotional algorithms that way. They were certain campaigns when one candidate made at blunder. And then in the making of eve and each other out. If you look at those 14 debates and really make a difference now im in a to go back to talking about happiness the single smartest thing that a candidate can do in a debate as to show a smile but its an ironic smile. They are showing the smile and making a depreciating may be savagely ironic comment its a very nice way to dismiss them. Bill clinton used to do this. They were kind of pitiful and pathetic it was a way of emasculating his opponents which in those days were all men that he was facing. Skepticism is that way of taking it to someone. You are stabbing it gently into your opponent. And to other forms of happiness satisfaction and pleasure also work nicely for projecting exuberance and so force on the stage. Voters like winners. And that happiness combined it tends to work the one on a motion among the emotions that proved to be effective on stage im not really convinced by the only had 14 debates to work from. But its fear. One kennedy survived fear to win the election and the other one is primarily reagan and 84. It was a bit on the ropes during that debate. And reagan skated through. And got reelected. If you move to the negative emotions or the emotions that do not help you and debate the strongest correlation actually is joy. What mondale did in 84 as he tried to overcompensate for his fear by showing just the most amazing collection of joyful smiles. He smiled when reagan came back with his zinger about about rogers and being a democrat and a disorganized party. He showed joy with talking about those comments. And try to be as lovable to voters as reagan. With how the debates turned out. It has not been effective for them. A slightly more modulated version of happiness better equates to the dignity of the office. It seems to have performed better typically than joy. It was good for being a president. In the debate stage does not dupe to the. Coming on too strong or too ruthless. It doesnt work out so well. I really sit in april. I do have an afterword in the book regarding the Democratic Candidates we can talk about that certainly in the queue and a. I want to take you through this. A lot of candidates to make candidates quite honestly so those who were in the first, second and the very far up position. I took them out. If they pulled 129 or ten. Just to make things simpler for us. And talk about the things that might have the chance of getting to the white house. What im showing you is which candidates were dominant. That stood out from the pack. Periodparagraph emotions for the emotions that i can talk about. So amy is on this list three times over. It was probably not amys best evening. Came very close to walter mondale. She showed intense happiness more than any other candidate on stage. Ive artie told of artie told you that joy does not tend to do while overall and well overall in president ial debates. Thanks to reagan in 1984 in particular doesnt get you into trouble but i noticed along with the intense joy amy was also quite fearful. More fearful than any of the other major candidates. In fact one fifth of all of her promoting was fear during the debate. As a considerable amount. Even if the voters dont hold that against you. One of the things that fear does is it tends to inhibit you. You are not moving you are freezing. And the in the giveandtake of the debate. It might be one of the reasons why they have an allowance for that it probably reduces ones effectiveness in the debate. The other place that she shows up is actually discussed which is a very characteristic of motion. Discussed which donald trump also shows is an emotion that something smells bad or taste bad. Its quite a strong emotion. It is actually something in professional sports that i tell teams to draft for. It tends to be true of athletes who cant stand mediocrity discussed has its downside. It kinda makes sense. What happens with discussed is you are wrinkling your upper lip. Youre kind of saying im out of here. You are seen discussed expressions. Its hard to feel good about yourself or the other person if thats the reaction that youre getting that is the other emotion that amy dominates here the next i want to go to. Because the bar extends so far out. Ill whopping 54 percent of his a motoring during emoting during the debate was anger. Right behind him as Elizabeth Warren is Elizabeth Warren at 53 percent. But there is a difference between them. I also look for the intensity of the anger. Anger is the most prevalent of the emotions nine different ways it shows. Some ways can be confusion or contradict concentration. Its what kennedy showed. If you move to more intense versions of anger. One of the most reliable once is that ones is that the lips pressed together so hard that it goes to the middle of the lower lip. That is a tale tell sign that youve taken the bone away from the dog and its about to go after you. This is a more intense version of anger one that trumps shows certainly. Think back to the Charlottesville Press conference. Think of bernie in almost any situation in life. Let me make one thing clear. One thing he makes clear is that hes quite angry. Anger at 54 is pretty whopping link large. I mention that for 20 years. Looking at consumer reactions. When i tell my clients anything over 30 is probably is problematic. 50 is a lot a few other things. Beto orourke did not have a good debate but he came back with mild happiness. He was the happy camper and the good boy scout and so forth. She is not a bigtime big time politician she showed a lot of surprise now shes also been in the military and i would have to say that one of the things that is important about surprise is the eyes go wide. Youre taking in information. Its not necessarily a bad emotion. It doesnt help in the debate. She was very alert into what was going on in the states. Skepticism that emotion and that i told you is most effective in a debate was harnessed by two people who tied for it. One is the surprise of the whole campaign so far he has come in as a relative moderate. Its hard to know where he stands. He wheeled it skepticism. The other person that did that isnt someone that is not done so well. Kristin gill a brand and the other emotion and that she shows the besides that is contempt. If happiness is im hugging you contempt is a sub eccentrically i am dismissing you. If youve ever read again. The best seller. And the most reliable indicator that it will fail is contempt. I dont trust and i dont respect the other party. Its hard to imagine that what doesnt work so well in our Market Research doesnt work so well in marriage works terribly will binding you to the voters that are watching you on a tv screen. It tends to come from candidates with bob dole versus clinton knowing he was going down to defeat. There was a very four loan version of his debate. I did not think that i would succeed before the election. When he ran against ford in 1976 he used sadness in two ways. The sadness although you can slow down. It makes you give off a sense that you feel hopeless. Can also be tremendous for suggesting empathy. That you connect and you care. Now the example involved their cell. It was meant to suggest that there were others who were caught up in the whole issue of busing and the attitudes racist or otherwise. That were going on. That is the card she played which is an unusual emotion in the debate. I really have a go all the way back to carter to find some. This will be i went back certainly before the time. I could not resist going back a full century which means i went back to hitler, i went back to stalin, i went back to mussolini and i was looking for what was the emotional correlation between being a bully and being a good person. A good leader. Someone who is compassionate and cares about your fellow citizens. More so than i am. It is very difficult when youre looking at human nature to get the strong correlations. They are very complicated. One my favorite quotes of all time was the danish philosopher who said a. 5 correlation unless you have a direct personal interaction with who you are interacting with his consider the bull sander. Over the rainbow. Youve reached perfection. I have a. 39 nearly 40 correlation that im in a tell you. We are talking about ted williams batting average. Kinda territory here. Ive very strong correlation. And it proves to be that if we if you are a bully you will index high onto emotions. Anger because you want to hit in discussed because you are revolted by somebody or something and you are backing away. And someone who is happy not necessarily on the debate stage. But good people leaders do hug. They embrace enthusiastically. The index high on joy and pleasure the two morris intense versions of happiness. What im showing you here. Is donald trump and the leader since he took office that he is disparaged or praised during his time in office. Im a shy person by person who we are talking about and im in a read you a little bit about what their track record is an what trump has said about them. This is where donald trump sits. Because he has a lot of sadness is not up with the most harsh leaders but because he is one of the saddest presideneve head. He is almost as far away from exuberance as you can get. Certainly on this chart. He does not sit in the democratic space because what i did with free to pass as i took all of the leaders from all the free countries and their average landed about right here and they fell away from exuberance. And they started to be more harsh. And that i then i moved to the dictators. The dictators were still less exuberant and decidedly more harsh. As you take that projector he as you move like this again trump is not he is a very long way from being a democratically aligned leader. Lets take some of the other people. This is the very subdued chinese leader. Trump has praised as a great leader. If we go to the next one this is the egyptian leader that came out to here. This is where he sets this as someone who has been killed off in prison. And now we have moved up to that person. If we go to the person who is the european union. Theyll be or bond from hungry many people consider to be the prototype or protege. The leaders in europe. He is very low on harshness but he is again way over to the left side in terms of lacking exuberance the strangest one here. Its by far the strangest outcome. He is also extremely harsh. He seems to enjoy being harsh. This is the one who killed one person and his regime by actually using artillery guns the antiaircraft guns to kill the person off. Were talking about someone who as far as im concerned is a very peculiar at best. Mentally ill at worst. He is in short the only exception these are the leaders that trump has put down as being weak not strong. You have Justin Trudeau give Andrea Andrea merkel. There is a very clear pattern here if you are what fits my democratic mode. And you reflect emotions you are not where trump is. And youre not where the people are that trump likes. They are always awake from the democratic orientation. Ive one last slide before we get to the q a. The top ten i looked at. Three different criteria. One was the strength of their economy. One was the strength of their military and the last one was the size of their population. What arguably are the three most significant countries in the world. You obviously have a trump sitting over here. You have the chinese leader here. But you also had number five over here putin who is he refuses to dismiss or put down. He is the least democratically inclined in terms of a lack of exuberance. I know this fits because i was speaking once in estonia. The first question from the audience was you are really happy. Are you line. I said can you unpack that for me. Give all your advertisements in america. Everyone is laughing and smiling all the time in the ads. And americans are the worlds leading arbitrators. I like what i do for a living. Emma rather im a rather happy person but im not taking it. If youre happy person you are full. Very far on the spectrum from democracy. He does have that. Andrea merkel a democrat shes out here. Into my eyes. Especially looking at it like this. Like brazil does. Their current leaders is in the space. Real stalins of democracy like andrea merkel. We are gonna need those allies. I think indonesia actually as long as this person stays there could be a natural ally of the u. S. And frankly of democracy. Those are my comments. Ive no idea how long i took. We shall go for a while for the q and a and let you all go when youd like to go home. I dont need that. Otherwise youre off the camera. Cspan is covering it. What i would like to say is that i think trump has two problems. His mother gave him no love and his father he could never do enough for his father. From what i could tell. The factor. There was no sign of particular wants in the household. He always said in my grandfather wanted to be a president he ended up as a federal judge but he have a cold mother and a cold father and he came from an enormous family and he grew up partly in the rural area. There was one interesting story when i read that article. Trump would go with the father. He learned not to stand squarely in front of the door just in case a shock came out from the person who did not want to be collected from. If you go through that experience over and over and that has been the mentality i think that might have an influence. There were not a lot of bullets flying around in my childhood. In terms of the debates im curious as to how you think all of these characteristics are going to shake out with females doing them in the past its been almost exclusively men. Except Hillary Clinton. Our people going to look at them differently if someone is disdainful or fearful the book i did before this was called famous faces. I looked at 173 celebrities in different walks of life including politicians and i made a comment there which sadly i think still pertains. A great number of female friends who proofread the book for me. Men probably will still be weight a lot on whether they are tough, strong not a wimp. It is a delicate balance because they need to look tough enough that according to some people that they can hang in there. But they seem to tough. I think they have to get penalized by some voters. By not seeming feminine for instance. That was Hillary Clinton and janis joplin. It was very interesting. I do think they have a tight rope to walk in some ways. Why the use of sadness was so clever. One is you cant and shouldnt onstage attack a person who is expressing sadness you will seem like a bully because they are in that mode. You get out of that and then sadness would be an emotion that would seem female to some peoples minds at least. And having played the sadness card i think it was quite a clever one. Immediately after. I do think the candidates are helped a lot in this case by the fact that there are other female candidates on the stage. Its not just one. In 2008 i was on the campaign trail. I was in New Hampshire. Just after the tears in the eyes in New Hampshire. And Hillary Clinton came out of that and did show some tears into take the videotape from that occasion. She then took the stage and showed a version im never seen before. The contempt was gone the anger had melted away. She was softer and more inviting. She stayed for all of the questions. I took to clyde. In was at time magazine. This version could come back and when the New Hampshire primary even though she was down ten percentage points. About four days later i was tempted to send him an email i was really blown away with a different version for that evening. I think she passed that crucible. There is more candidates. And what seemed to enable hillary to come back but disable from people that were too soft for a woman candidate it will be interesting to see. Im waiting for the next one in just a few days. Kamala harris picked that up and ran with it. Im too young to see the nixon debate. That would make two of us. He have a lot more charisma. They were debating the missile gap. And we know right now that we were way ahead and we have a lot more time. Could we use the debate to say yeah i want to be strong. On this area but hey, lets reach out to the other side and see if we can do some kind of arms control maybe i can be my point ahead stronger. Can we do something lets control the and the future. Maybe we can do some sort of arms control. But for everybody. I think what youre getting to is what i called the golden blend. Enough anger to become purposeful and strong. And you mix it in it with happiness. So you are showing that you are open to compromise in negotiation. But with some backbones. And thats what i call the golden blend. That tends to work well. They tend to index pretty well in the debate. That something that voters could and should look for in the candidate. But not tipping over into one or the other necessarily. There had been a lot of comparisons in the past. Between donald trump and Boris Johnson give a sense yet. Of how closely they went plot on your chart here. There is a lot more happiness but they are both chaotic. We will see. And we went to oxford with thersea may and they looked at my chart and said are you sure. I never saw any joy expressions. That exuberance involved both joy and pleasure. Pleasure it tends to be a big kind of put on smile that you get for the cameras as a politician. You dont really feel the joy. You show the joy. It actually doesnt work while with awesome authenticity. He is to drive around in brussels and his red car he likes to bop around. That is the difference i think. You have talked about Kamala Harris in Bernie Sanders give us a profile of biden and worn based on what youve seen. Bided his he tends to be happy. There is an upside too happy theres also a downside to happiness. You think everything is going well. So you think you are comfortable and so forth. They got them into trouble more than one time. He seemed to have gotten a very slow start in this campaign. He didnt seem terribly ready for the first debate. Front runners dont always farewell. In 2008 i was in iowa just before the caucuses and i ended up at a restaurant one evening was someone whos husband they had been way out ahead with republican voters. We talked for a while and she said i put my wallet out on the table. How much you want to bet. Im happy to go to any amount. Giulianis not to get there. Im not saying that joe biden wont get there but he tends to show exuberance stop doing stupid things obama told him once. The more muted version of anger. So there is a lot of purpose there. You want to take down barriers to progress. And she sees barriers to what she fused views as the greater barriers. Sanders has only been around once. They have a problem because they run a second time the republican time yet to run two or three times before they believe in you. To my mind the anger is also very intense and he has been around for a while. And his other problem is his intense anger echoes trumps intense anger. I think thats gonna be a negative. I think warren has a lot of anger but its down a notch. I think its just a purpose but if she can manage to work in a little bit more skepticism along with ironic smiles they might help her. It might not be true that sanders blows up. She has that side of the field open up for her. Just imagine down the road that happens. She saw us to get to the majority. And to do that shes can have to get those people who are more inclined to happiness. She will have to find some other emotions to play. I think vers much like being a single issue candidate. They tend to penalize that. Ive heard people say its gray and immigration but whats the other issues. They are working at that third cart. You may be big on the environment. As the white house. Show me you are a wellrounded candidate. I think the candidates have to have some other emotions that they have to show. It is the aspect for all of this. Then we will come back to you. The same question but cory booker. Cory booker is really interesting. He has a big smile and really big eyes like all the time. You are really alert to something and overdue overjoyed about what you just came across. The positive version is i got a new car for christmas. The negative version is i got a new car accident on the way home from work. With a lot of surprise. It leaves me wondering as a viewer is there a possible car accident that follows getting the new car. So far im not sure hes going to get there. With cory booker who is attacked on one side. He is literally a sandwich seamless between those two people. Either side as he becomes in the debate hall next week. Is still fascinating the antics. I wonder if the network really has a fair draw. And being facetious. Its a very interesting positioning on the stage. I heard him on the radio. And then when i see him visually i know what youre talking about. Can i go back to 1933. I have a blockbuster question for you. My mouth is not going down. If we look at tramp of the well. Ive spent five years in germany. Im a german speaker. As i have lived in germany i had watched germany change. Ive watched people change for obvious reasons material, spiritual and otherwise. One thing ive noticed about german politicians as they had one face he have kind of a Ronald Reagan type of vibe. And he was always that way whenever the media showed these german politicians they were very uptight but acting this is the way to use the media interest in response to the modern politician in america it seems that they are much more natural. We have the ingenuity. And we like to go places in free form in a lot of ways. During world war ii the one u. S. Journal that they were afraid of. And then they have no idea what they were going to do the next day. Thats what he would do every day. He might go any direction practically. Since world war ii for any german politician post post hitler anger is off limits. You can go to anger in since anger and happiness are you are your two prevalent emotions. They only got one other place to go to. Coal did feel a little bit more anger. I have to be careful because in the tv era exuberance is grown. So i went over back to hillary. If i just took the harshness access alone. If i took that alone. They have the various eras of the last century when we have stalin, hitler, mussolini so on and so forth. It was a very harsh era. As i track the recent eras we are climbing back up to harshness. We are particularly climbing back up to harshness since the great recession. I said why dont we come to america. I wont come back to america until trump is gone. Why did sony german say that. What he has this you have this man in office. He resembles hitler so much. He was so needy and unhappy. There is a neediness in common. Trump is of german heritage is the one politician who had decided anger is not offlimits in terms of going back to. What do we do as voters to be aware of this. If we look at this. These are the traits. How do we train ourselves to recognize it. And then maybe may maybe avoid it in the leaders in the future. I think you have to go back to happiness because happiness is im open and willing to embrace. Im willing to compromise we have no ability to move forward. Happiness would be a better index of a possibility potentially of doing that. It was a tree i mentioned earlier that can go well with the success in the white house. On a debate stage of the for their ability to wield skepticism. As opposed to going to savage anger or discussed her contempt. Obviously we are wishing mightily for the truthful leader. Its a little tricky because honestly he was not terribly truthful. Im not sure you can go there furthermore it does not help the net. There is no line muscle in the face. They did not make it that simple. The other thing i would look for quite honestly is, harris in debate. We look for people who are imodium. When you a mode it shows that you are motivated it shows that you are care. That anger as a driving emotion combined with a lot of motivation. Ian is gonna get us all in trouble. It can come with other emotions that are gentler certainly happiness could be in some case. I did not talk much about it. When i watched him. Hes done quite well in this campaign. When i watched him in the first debate. Its about evening for him. After all it have just been issues he in fact did not come to the spin room with the debate. If i could just go away. Afterwards. But when i watched him it was not that he was just short it was the relatively speaking he does not emote a lot on stage. One of the most famous moments of course is a question of the caucus in the possibility of how he responded in a very logical rational manner. Im not saying that he is to caucus but i would say he would have to leave a good amount of emotional space between the example and however he takes himself forward on the campaign trail. You had been a wonderful audience. Good questions. [applause]. Today and book tv at 10 00 a. M. Eastern live coverage from the mississippi book festival. Featuring author talks on american history. The civil war and the south. With historian jack lindell hall. Race and civil rights with professor dave tolle. And then on sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern afterwards with journalists natalie wexler. Author of the knowledge gap. One reason they go on the test. They dont have the background knowledge to understand those passages. They make inferences in their life all the time. That is not the problem so much as they lack the background knowledge and vocabulary to understand the past. And that has big been a big problem that he has overlooked. This past week marked the 50th in a virtue anniversary of the woodstock music festival. Who reflected on the creation and execution of the concert that took place on the farm in upstate new york. Its wonderful for us to be here in a state where we feel the spirit of woodstock still lives

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