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He would often drill this into me. And say just remember leave the woodpile a little higher than you found it. That showed this metaphor because a mill town and a logging town and somebody who had asked to hold. [laughter] but leaving the woodpile a little higher resonated today in these times that we are in because the man in the woodhouse one white house wants nothing more than to burn the woodpile down. So people ask why did i endorse corey so early flex i dont know how many answer. Maybe he was an amazing mayor. Of a tough city in the midst of one of the worst recessions as country has ever seen and came out of it being successful. [applause] maybe its how he has shown such incredible leadership in the United States senate particularly sitting down with folks on the other side with historic criminal justice refor reform. [applause] maybe its about the grit and resilience he demonstrated after decades of service of new jersey politics. Did you know he succeeded a mayor that was an incumbent 29 years and was as corrupt as they come. That doesnt qualify for him as president i dont know what does. [applause] you know, one of the biggest reasons i decided to endorse senator booker was because this election is one hell of a lot more than just beating donald trump. This election is about who we are and who we aspire to be as americans. I cannot think of anybody else i wouldnt trust that sacred duty to to lead us beyond this dark chapter of our history than our friend, my brother, senator cory booker. [cheers and applause] thank you very much. Thank you very much. This is kind of awesome. First of all thank you for opening your home for me and all of us. That is extraordinary that you create a space for the community to come together. Please give them a round of applause. [applause] and sue, you are a jersey girl and i think they wanted to hear and that you have heard from one of our organizers here. And from when i was a younger person to see how you draw fears to you in life not only talk about how shes working and endorsing but still how they have failed when they come forward to tell their truth. And for her to take her pain to stand up and understand in a nation you need to listen to each other and address please give her one more round of applause. [applause] where did david disappear to cracks . It is like silent bob for crying out loud. There he is. As a state senators come forward i want to thank them. Those that were extraordinary but those that we have a serious man crush going on. Shes over at the house with the kids . So maybe when i get back there later tonight. [laughter] not just an endorser but john has traveled with me to new jersey or iowa when you endorse a man you dont play around im sorry about this but i just want to say this is what we will do so lets have added and open questions for anybody who wants to have a conversation and for those 15 people at home. [laughter] they can find mom. And then have cspan here. I am running because i believe in us and at this point in our nations history cannot define ourselves. This election the Democratic Party we must talk about what we are for and who we are for. We are running against making the campaign all about him. I get frustrated that the number one pole in history right now is to be donald trump i think we should have bigger aspirations than that. [applause] not only from the valleys but from the mountain tops. We all come from common ancestors we all know its about value. And free of demagoguery and mongers every generation has had that. We are not defined by that but how they come together to overcome those things. Every generation, mccarthyism and the entire Political Party using that same rhetoric. So they were against the irish and the italian. We overcame them. There is no monument in our country. We overcame them by talking about who we are. With bigger dogs and bigger fire hoses . Know. We overcome that this is not a referendum but who we are and to each other but because of a common sacrifice and the common cause of race and religion. Know. Not because of those that divide us but the ties that bind us because people understood. We are a nation of patriotism as well as country but you cant love your country unless you love your fellow countrymen and women. Know. It is not a sentiment love is action and sacrifice if your family doesnt have Great Health Care that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. [applause] i am telling you. I will tell you right now. I will tell you really quick. Fifty years ago this summer my parents moved into my favorite new state this is my second favorite newsday. [laughter] when they showed up they would see a black family with these Great Schools so they found a group of activists they were mostly white folks were patriots who got together on the weekends and said we will welcome the stranger. We are not a country of pay or defined and they set up a sting operation with a conspiracy of laws. And said go look at a house and then will send a white couple right behind you. So the house that i grew up in my parents were told it was sold they acted like they love the house. If this grout could shout there was mold in the bathroom. [laughter] papers were drawn up the offer was accepted and on the day of the closing the white couple did not show up but my dad did with a volunteer lawyer. [laughter] [applause] so this should be the end right now but its not. He got so angry he punch my dads layer in the face. Let me tell you i grew up in this beautiful home every time my dad tells the story. [laughter] and then say i had to tackle to get you in this house. [laughter] but after i went off to stanford, oxford, yale you have more degrees than the month of july. [laughter] that he moved to the inner city of newark fighting for people with housing rights as people fought for my housing i gave back. That is not my story it is americas story. We stand up for each other. We believe in each other. There is no common religion we are not a theocracy. We believe in each other. But if we Work Together but indivisible under god to be do incredible things. And every generation did that. Not only jim crow but we put human beings on the moon. I believe our generation we cannot forget to see each other and stand up for each other we have not fully established that healthcare is a right. [applause] and in my dads day and age they believed you should not be in poverty. But now youre below the poverty line. With 12 minimum wage because right now you are below the poverty line. If you could work a fulltime job at a minimum wage you should be able to afford a two bedroom apartment. This is why the issues i am running on stands for common sense. We dont lock you up if you have a Mental Illness this is the common sense that we call ourselves to say we have a crisis in america this is why a lot of my policy start with that idea like raising the minimum wage and the earned income tax credit literally 150 million americans could get a tax break to understand in america we have to see the struggles of each other. Everybody here knows somebody who could be home right now youre taking care of like a special needs child, working around the clock. They dont fall under the ironed income tax credit but if im president they will get a credit for that hardware. [applause] to be born as a birthright and to prioritize giving tax breaks to those who create more money more than what every child has with an interestbearing savings account. And then by the time youre 18 you could have upwards 50000 to start a business or buy a home or go to college to do those kinds of things. Racial wealth and to give everybody a foundation. There is too many towns in america that tax credit is targeted towards them as well. I could go on and i hope we get into policy but there is this idea that we have to invest in each other again and stand up for the common good because the competitors are doing it. Look around the globe and you will see between zero and 4 percent in germany is the Median Income or canada. 7 percent of Median Income to go to college here in america its near 60 percent. If you want to see the most valuable Natural Resource is not oil or gas or coal it is our children. [applause] we used to be the best educators on the planet but then we stopped investing in us. Other countries are doing it. Its only common sense because other countries understand you have to prioritize children other countries have universal prenatal care. We have on the highest infant and Maternal Mortality because they dont get the healthcare we deserve. We also dont have universal preschool. We have to think about what happened to us ill give you an obvious example you can relate to. Over the last decade we have watched china build 18000 miles of highspeed rail going between boston and washington dc and one half hour slower than in the sixties. [laughter] and you are still debating commuter rail. We use to understand the fight in this country was through a common purpose if you want to go far you have to go together so im telling you right now i want everybody here to think to see that policy plan we are learning a lot of things we all have different ideas that this is a campaign not just the head but the heart and the goal of our country. [applause] thats why i have to do some truth telling i have to be honest. You want somebody who will fight fire with fire. I ran a Fire Department thats not a good strategy. Looking at a town hall i got down on the stage hundreds of people there than a guy sees me a former tight end football player. He puts his arm around me and says dude i want you to punch donald trump in the face. I said thats a felony. [laughter] and i challenge him to stick around. I will show you how we beat folks like donald trump he wants you to fight on his terms and turf using his tactics but thats not how we will win this election. Martin luther king said something once that was so profound it is not the vitriolic words and actions instead that silence and action of the good people. We are the good people. The majority of this country dont lose faith in us. This is a referendum on us. This is a time we just cant focus on one guy because this isnt the only senator in the low income community. We need a lot more than just beating donald trump or go you know this 3000 jurisdictions with the children have twice the lead levels. People on my block work fulltime jobs in the new use food stamps to feed their family. These are issues all before donald trump. Seven people shot in my neighborhood just in the last two weeks. These problems are not bigger than us. But is not just the demagogues in washington. But we are tearing ourselves apart as a country right now. Literally if you look at the russians and their tactics and strategies and to undermine the and this is a larger and to unite people to have a new american majority. And then with Climate Change and the Immigration Crisis we cannot be solved with one faction against the other. And then we need to go into a bigger majority in the country this is the story want to end with on that note but what motivates me to run for president every single day i can come out and talk about who we are of the past and the promise of the future. So i decided to do what a lot of senators decide to do. [laughter] i decided to write a book. Its a lot of pressure. [laughter] so i decided to go back as an activist and fight for housing rights. And the head of that group was a woman named lee porter at 92 years old she still the head of the fair housing council. [applause] and now doesnt represent just black people but samesex couples and to provide justice in the country because to her, justice has no color or race or orientation. One nation, one love. And she confirmed the facts of the story. [laughter] and i asked her if she needs to talk to a lawyer who organized everything. And as a retired new jersey state judge. And then they suddenly get all the questions but then he said something that shook me that reaffirmed my lifes purpose. This is about purpose not position. I was so inspired i said why would you help black people move in to your neighborhood if you just said you are struggling you started a business why added time of years of whitefly in real estate prices going down . I remember the moment i made the decision 1965. I dont know what that moment was he said i was sitting at home at the end of a long week watching tv on my couch. But he is watching tv. We used to be the nation of three channels you may not remember this. [laughter] at 11 00 oclock what would happen . They would play the National Anthem and it would be over. The kids were shocked they said what did you do . [laughter] so he is sitting there watching tv most of america was watching tv movie called judgment at nuremberg. So whatever was happening it was because of something that was happening they moved away to show a bridge in alabama. And trying to go to montgomery by Alabama State troopers and then this man was horrified about what happened next this is why they call it buddy one blood he sunday and then they shot teargas on these marchers and then to savagely beat the marchers one of them is my hero and my colleague john lewis. [applause] you can applaud him. Congressman lewis is one the most regal men i have ever met in my entire life. And you had your head cracked open. And taken back because he was unconscious from bleeding profusely. So one guy on a couch a thousand miles away and he said was he shaved he should do something quick snow. Did he do everything to undermine his determination . No. He said i am a patriot and patriotism is about love and it is not complacent. I will not sit on the sidelines of history. I cannot afford a plane ticket to alabama i cannot close my business for one day but i will do the best that i can with what i have and where i am. I did the calculation i could afford one hour a week of pro bono work to see who need some help i found a woman who needed help. We started to Work Together so now organizing other lawyers and then the outreach through 68 and 69 then one kid his family is trying to move up from the south looking for a place to live the names were terry and carolyn booker. They were your parents. I wouldnt be a candidate for president of the United States of america if not for these connections that exist between all of us. The testimony of the achievement of the possible when we recognize our power and our purpose and our connection. This election it has to be large again it cannot be small. It cannot be reduced it is not about one office that needs to be elevated. It needs to be about who we are. And i will tell you right now. If we were willing to show that kind of courageous empathy to have a revival to invest with each other and stand with each other, then we as a nation will not wallow in the valley. And if i have my way and you have your way we will rise to the mountain tops. Thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you. So lets talk about it. I will go with laura and then ill come back. I feel like we are running out of time what is your Top Executive priority on day number one the question was how is a guy that is handsome . [laughter] she asked will i make Climate Change one of my Top Priorities . I said to her thats a great question but first of all i want to caution everybody those are running of ten or 20 years in Public Service we were running out of time 20 years ago. So one of the first questions you should say what have you been doing about this issue . When i was chief executive that betrayed the cause of this country and this crisis and did not join the kyoto accord but i didnt sit there and say thats a shame for guys that i may have one of the largest city in my state i reach out to work with another large city we lower the Carbon Footprint of this country we came together with her own climate accord so its not to make climate a separate issue i said climate is how we deal with every issue. So we have this program for ex offenders we will put them to work with the city to garden. We have jobs programs in the city. And then clean energy jobs. Solar panel installation. Loring the Carbon Footprint. If i am your president Climate Change is the center of every single policy. That means Agriculture Policy or the big farm bill will have the incentive in their to pull the carbon out of the air and the procurement process because we know Big Companies change their requirements like walmart said no more antibiotics and chicken if everybody changes their policy this is great. [laughter] but we are some of the biggest of the military supply chain we are the biggest of those that there are but literally we could change the regulation we have so much leveraging power. [applause] i will give you one more thing. Two out of four candidates say i will be joined the paris accord we need to do more. Could out of the campaign if it up pledging to do that. Every one of those dollars should be leverage so other countries can join on the plan and the trade policy when im your president thats why will operate. Because nato is about the common defense natos policies have to be the greatest immediate threat we have two Climate Change. This is not a separate issue. With everything that we do this is by greenpeace the two best candidates are me and greenpeace are me and greenpeace. First of all you one of said be able to join a single. The first people to feel the burn were those in millburn. Thats the only bad joke ill tell. But i have two separate questions both equally important my 14 yearold would ask that she cant vote for the next president what is your plan that shes not gun down before she graduates high school . And then the second question is the Current Senate majority leader we dont need to use names blocking judicial appointments at all levels even from previous administrations for seeing through unqualified judges at all levels including the sub cream court what we do about the judiciary quick. Great questions. So first she wanted me to treat her like baltimore to. [laughter] talk about blocking judges currently and also how do we reclaim balance in the judiciary and the others that i had heard from too many mothers on my own block what you do about gun violence in the country . Stuff i only said the easy things then this would not be a real conversation. I worry the Democratic Party doesnt understand the work we have before us. President ial candidates they say only i can solve these problems im not running to be a savior. We are each others salvation. The reality is when you see whats happening with the courts right now they have been plotting the slowly all the way since roe v wade when a woman can make her own decisions with her body. So we have to understand the salvation we believe that texas is a blue state we are not doing the organizing george is a blue state and with voter fraud and other tactics with those democratic majorities in the senate and this is what im running im not running to be but to be the leader of our nation but the leader of the Democratic Party. And to be investing at frankly my parents generation tip oneill seem to be there for the entire generation. Though Small Business people. We have to get back to doing the work to reaching out to the people. [applause] so the second question is tough for me i want to say thank you to the moms one of the reasons why governments are formed is for common defense with the war of 1812. Was at the same more . [laughter] they were not. Nono one of those George Washington was flying a plane. [laughter] the other one was a drone war. [laughter] world war i, world war ii, vietnam, korea those that died more in the gun violence in our country we are seeing more carnage in our country so talk about terms and then with the innocence dying. And then to change federal laws. And the workers conditions were horrific and then they threw themselves out windows and we change laws. And now people are gunned down in a church in south carolina. They are gone down in a synagogue in pittsburgh. We do nothing in a nightclub in florida we do nothing. Several People Killed in my neighborhood a kid that i watch grow up with an Assault Rifle and we do nothing. I am sick and tired of people only offering thoughts and prayers. Without that work people are dead. [applause] if i am president this is personal. And then trying to stop them from bleeding to death from gunshot wounds i have shrines in my community too many funerals of the mayor of parents of the unimaginable reality of having to bury your child. If i am your president i will bring a fight to this issue that the corporate gun lobby and the nra has never imagined. [cheers and applause] i am a democrat so i have to go over to the right to. [laughter] ten years ago at George Washington university today i heard you speak and say the same thing which makes you one of the rarest politicians. [laughter] with an ethical conscience. But that aside, what distinguishes you from the other field of candidates quick. Besides on the only black bald guy running . [laughter] weve had a president with creative where but not one without hair. [laughter] so what distinguishes me in the field . I will answer right up front but nobody has my resume of experience in the largest city in the middle of a recession and we had historic transformation now with 50 years population decline and then in the senate in 2013 but tens of thousands of jobs being created and Small Business entrepreneurs we did incredible things including schools. [applause] and then and then the United States senate where they do that over with a two by four but no way. Just fix it i will try to attack those issues with the fact we are 5 percent of the population by 25 percent that just started around the reagan era but now with the prison population 800 percent. Not only one out of every four incarcerated people but one out of three incarcerated women and putting children in cages for your solitary confinement all psychologists say that is tantamount to torture to shackle pregnant women. Had you have a criminal Justice System that they arrested their way out of addiction and Mental Illness . When we started to build that coalition. And then on the senate side. [applause] im happy to tell you we banned shackling and solitary confinement on the federal level. And then to go further than that i hope people here we come with your heart. , your spirit. This is about values as well. I am writing in this election but fight against donald trump. And with those kavanaugh hearings. I dont want to fight but at the end of the day the leader has to be somebody that can heal and bring people together. And then to talk about everywhere we go and then with more vandalism coming from the white house. As a member of the Teamsters Union so what do you plan to do if we put it billions of dollars to bail out wall street how can we be a country that has thousands and thousands of hardworking people showing up every day how do we retire in poverty . So right now to solve this crisis if i am president i will not leave Union Members of that fear and insecurity they have right now. Now we will go to an aclu voter. The largest immigration detention system in the world with no oversight costing 8 million taxpayer dollars every single day with asylumseekers and green card holders. She asked about the detention facility in the country that a significant number are private institutions that profit off the incarceration of others and some of those there to seek asylum so just two weeks ago to radically eliminate the significant number because we dont need them. Ive been to the private detention facilities and they are abject day violation of those fundamental values so this has been telling us all my such as separate children from families and that is alive. And also affirms our values. With that economic reality i can show you the data in god we trust of those pilot programs that show if we do Immigration Enforcement you can save dramatic amounts of taxpayer dollars and have 100 percent compliance so to undermine our values and take away Law Enforcement to target people who are no threat. But i will say this is a final thing. When we have a president using fear to go after people who are all over the country right now with children that are americans to permanently damage those children and its worse than that. Local Police Departments right now Police Officers are grieving because you could get cooperation i was in a battle with a 14 yearold to be afraid to report an assault because they were afraid that parents would have to show up and they are undocumented. This makes us less safe for our communities its hurting the economy i will change this you can be sure. [applause] okay. This is the last question alice right here she is smaller so this is a fullblown question but you cannot let me not answer her question she runs my campaign here. Give her a round of applause. Thank you new hampshire. [cheers and applause] to questions. Your plan to institute a carbon tax and to decrease submission standards like paper factories and stuff like that . I think they can do better. I dont think they can do better i know they can. I actually remember this. I remember when they werent paying attention to anything other than atari. [laughter] seatbelts. People sought one bought seatbelts and now we see insanity from pet companies they cannot protect us there so many things that they cannot do but they have to so reverse what donald trump did that are violating laws and polluting the communities and with the department of justice in the senate because i believe all the community should be able to sue about the air quality if people are causing the problem. Now that issue on pricing on carbon that whole field is not the consensus without somehow pricing carbon. But this is simple to me if you are putting pollution into the air with a carbon problem you are externalizing of america humanity and internalizing the problem. [applause] so unless you find a way that free market says it should entail the full cost than theres no way we can ever solve the problem. Then you will see us come forward with the plan but yes i do support that. [applause] if you achieve uniting america would you want to unite the whole world . [laughter] [applause] youve got more clout than ive got. Left at five so happy you are not 35 years old because you would run for president. But that stands for the number of people running. [laughter] she said could you succeed in uniting our nation would you unite the world . This is an important question because there is a lot of conflicts going around the world. There is this thing called America First but hes saying america alone and is isolating us from leadership and really creating a bigger problem. The rest of the world is in it with the challenges of their lives so many people were in that deal and to get a nuclear weapon. So i want you to know something. Even if im the most powerful office in the land im looking at you to have the courage to stand up to stand up to those you are more powerful than you know and smarter than you believe a more capable than you imagine you have the potential to unite our world as well. [applause] the great thing about Human History to change the world from Nelson Mandela to Martin Luther king with histories of great women who transformed the nation ella baker. One of my heroes. But my question for you is will you help me . Somebody check the constitution how well does my Vice President have to be . [laughter] [applause] i am very serious about this. I am so honored to be able to run for president of the United States if you are interested in helping or supporting go talk about how you can get involved but i want to be awfully clear right now talk about purpose, not position i have a bigger purpose here than just one campaign. Because like you i have a lot of worries about our country right now. If it doesnt hurt your heart you dont love her enough. So my sense of urgency is much bigger than my ambition. These are despairing times and one who lost her son to gun violence and she taught me that despair does not have the last word not telling you what you want to hear i put the warning label on my presidency because clearly what we are doing hasnt been enough. So i will tell you to get involved more or make a difference or lead with kindness to leave the fabric of our country. So i will leave you with the challenge of whoever you support go to cory booker. Com. But really i hope you leave here if more sense of conviction than what you came. This is how i want to put it to you. And my older brother working in college i went down to visit him he took me to the Civil Rights Museum and wanted me to show me where the lorraine motel. He brought me there to inspire me. And i see what they chose to write on the stone and knew the effect and they gave me the chills. There was scripture it had nothing to do with religion. Nothing to do with religion. Threw him into a pit. We know america, i dont have to explain it to you, we are in a pitch right now when Public School teachers have to reach into their own pocket even though they have mounds and mounds of debt to pay for things for their children who show up to School Without the material things to learn. We know we are in a pit right now where people who have children with special needs dont have the resources to provide for them. We know we are in a pit right now where there are Senior Citizens who worked their entire career and find themselves in poverty when we retire when i read that block of stone i knew what the challenge was and i want to leave it with you. It says here come the dreamers. Let us slay him and see whats become of the dream. My challenge to you is what will become of the dream that our ancestors fought for and strugglein thestruggle for and t will become of the dream dream t inspired generations before us to take on the bigotry and defeated with love to defeat it with common cause in oil and grease wil what will become of e dream people die at the beaches in normandy. Will it become diluted, diminished, will it become divided against itself or will we answer the challenge and say i dream america a new. We will rise up against and get to the mountaintop again and i promise you if we stand up with a conviction we will reclaim the dream if we as a nation will not have our best days behind us but we will be a nation where justice rolls out like water and like a mighty stream we will not die as a pit. Thank you everybody. [applause] i will stick around unless you want to declare this a full party and everybody jump in. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] look up, everybody. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you for standing up for our environment and urgency and i wish you the best in using your law degree in the way that our traditions of the country are for Alexander Hamilton all the way up to some of the great lawyers right now about our working for justice. Take care. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] give me just one. If cory booker. Thank you for what you are doing to inspire and educate our children but this guy tells me you are a Great Teachers of thank you for also inspiring him. You are trying to prepare him to lead the future and im just trying to get him to shave his head. [laughter] hold the phone. Im going to drop you real qui quick. It was wonderful. We are going to put her in the middle. That was really inspiring. Thank you. You have a great family. Where is your mom or dad . Three incredible women are creating news. [inaudible conversations] i am blown away. You are one of the luckiest guys on the planet. They were the hit of this event and your daughter got more applause than i did for crying out loud. Im wishing you all the best. Byebye now. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] good luck with everything. The [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] at my brother is 24yearsold. Never knew he existed. The thank you so much. [inaudible conversations] hanging out with your wife and i im so grateful that she is here and hope you get the chance, you are encouraging me with your spirit and kindness. The [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] how many candidates . Seven or eight. And the eye of the boldest candidates . [laughter] s. I hope i can earn your support over time. You are such an activist. Thank you so much. [inaudible conversations] can i go online you absolutely can. I want you to meet my mom. What in incredibly powerful woman you have raised. How many kids do you have . I want you in the middle. The [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] they could join you today so cheers. Im doing well. Where are you . First of all, a screenshot. There we go. I hope to meet you sometime soon. What kind of feedback did she give you about how i did today . I am hoping that review is good. Let me know. Can i hang up with you so i can take a sophie on the camera . Hello, cspan audience recently as you know theres been a great deal of interest about Digital Assets including crypto currency such as that claim and libra. There are many regulatory and supervisory question regarding Virtual Assets and Virtual Currencies but i will focus narrowly on the concerns the tr

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