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And pleasure being field direct for our campaign in South Carolina that will lead the Political Revolution that will change the nation for the better. [cheers and applause] when we come to events like this and see enthusiastic supporters i cant help t but fl hopeful for our nations future because 2017 weve had some dark days in this country, weve had some days that felt hope and day that is we have felt there but because of people like you, but people who demand campaign, because of people like our candidate Bernie Sanders on january 20th, 2021 this nation is going to change for the better, for the better. [cheers and applause] we take the revolution in South Carolina that burn goes all the way to the oval office. [cheers and applause] but im here today rock hill to tell you that why we come to rallies and they are great, what we need so more than anything in this time of year energy and your dedication, we need you to sign up and volunteer for this revolution, we need you to go out and register voters and bring in people who have never been engaged in political process before because thats how a revolution starts here, thats how we income inequality and Climate Change and store the nations promise. [cheers and applause] when you hear our candidate say not me, us, its all of you who hes talking about. Its all of you who leads the revolution, it is all of you who have to answer the call to bring about change here in our nation and our time and in this place. So let us continue on this path towards revolution, let us continue on this path to bring about changes and let us continue on this path to put Bernie Sanders in the oval office in 2020, am i right . [cheers and applause] i do appreciate your time,i appreciate you getting out and joining our efforts here in South Carolina wherever you live and beyond. I do have the honor of introduce to go you dr. Lestera. Mchorn the president of institution and president of clayton college, hes going to come and share a few words here right now to all of you so we do welcome out and we very much appreciate all of you, thank you very much. [cheers and applause] thank you and welcome to Clinton College, im lester the 13th president of Clinton College. [cheers and applause] and we are thrilled to welcome to our historic campus, United States senator Bernie Sanders. [cheers and applause] we are always honored to have our elected officials who are here and we honor all of them, i know our Council Woman in jackson are in the house and we thank god for other who is are here who are here and happy to welcome our friend andy glover for the first time. [cheers and applause] i told him privately and i will say publicly how grateful i am for his powerful testimony on behalf of the long overdue National Conversation on reparations, what an articulate voice he offers. [cheers and applause] and what a special honor it is for Clinton College to host our second candidate for the highest office in the land, you are on hallowed grounds, historically black colleges in the nation, we are known as beacon for leaders, once a Junior College clinton is fouryear arts liberal arts college that stood in this community for 125 years. [cheers and applause] give it up for clinton. [cheers and applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. [cheers and applause] we provide path to success for young people by allowing them critical access to the affordable and culturally relevant Higher Education that our communities need. We have been built on the four pillars of scholarship, social change, spiritualty and servant leadership, we are seeking to become only the tenth federally designated work college in the United States. [cheers and applause] we believe that given the opportunity our students can thrive, become productive contributors tome Global Economy and be the innovative ethical leaders at and moral of change we believe excellent without excuse because our society has too many people in leadership who offer more excuses than solutions. [cheers and applause] clinton students, most of whom are first generation and from lowwealth communities come withn little preparation but thy leave here ready to face the world armed with the confidence and compassion to make the real difference which is a why we are happyom to host a person like Bernie Sanders who aspired to the presidency, many of our leaders have talked moral and would rather build walls and cage children than build bridges and educate our children. [cheers and applause] throughout this nations history uhbcus have helped america see better, learn better, think better and do better. Yes, we can do better, we admit that the bar for president ial leadership has been set pretty flow the last couple of years and we know that making America Great again doesnt mean the same for all of our citizens. [cheers and applause] but we know that we can do better and we can be better, in fact, we should expect the best andou as i remind our students l the time, we must practice the rhyme good, better, best, dont let it rest until your better is best, welcome to rock hill, welcome to Clinton College where our better is becoming best. [cheers and applause] it is my privilege now to present to you Democratic Party chair, my friend. Thank you, mr. President , everybody prepare to repeal and replace the current occupants of the white house . [cheers and applause] is everyone here feeling the burn . [cheers and applause] i want to assure you and welcome you, dont let anyone that Bernie Sanders isnt a democrat because i know he is a democrat. [cheers and applause] and dont let anyone tell you that Bernie Sanders has really radical outlandish ideas because they are the same ideas that democrats have been putting forward since fdr, harry truman, john fy kennedy, lyndon b. Johnson, jimmy carter, barack obama. I know the senators are within cehearing distance and once agan let me ask you are you feeling the bern and ready to get a new occupant in the white house . [cheers and applause] well, welcome to your county, this is the road where reclaim america in 2020 and thanks so much for coming out, thank you. Rock hill please welcome activist fannie. Hello. [laughter] [cheers and applause] it is beautiful, its wonderful being here with you here in rock hill to be here in Clinton College and celebrate this incredible moment, an opportunity we have, this campaign with my friend and my friend Bernie Sanders is about justice, love and compassion, this is what we want to bring people together, we want to bring people together, not tear them apart, we want to make sure that we make a better america for our children, to make a better world for our children, thats why we are here, thats why the senators run and has been so extraordinary, thank you for coming out tonight, tonight, today, this afternoon, thank you for coming out tonight and come on, lets keep pushing. Lets keep pushing. [cheers and applause] Bernie Sanders. The democratic nominee for president. [cheers and applause] rock hill, rock hill, rock hill, rock hill, rock hill. Rock hill, its such a pleasure and honor to be back here in Clinton College, i was fortunate enough to be keynote speaker at this college, fortunate enough to be keynote speaker at the college and such a pleasure to be here on a campus that is rooted in a tradition, this college is about 125 years old, it wassu founded by folks who hd a dream, who understood that education was a pathway to freedom and we all are excited about being here. [cheers and applause] i want to hold up here for rock hill, i know all of you understand the history of this community, this book right here no fear for freedom and i want to thank the good dr. Kimberly and mr. Mccall who is in the audience, i want to thank the community so much for standing up and doing what is right and in the same way that the friendship did the right thing, we have an obligation to continue to build on doing the right thing, no fear for freedom. [cheers and applause] no fear for freedom and that really is what the campaign of senator Bernie Sanders is all about,s no fear for freedom. [cheers and applause] the freedom to live a good life, the freedom to have health care, the freedom to not be with debt, the freedom to have peace of mind, the freedom to have opportunity, the freedom to have a good life. And we can do this in the wealthiest country on the face of the earth, sisters and brothers, we can do this. So i want you if you will, rock hill to raise one hand forne yourself and one hand for somebody else, i need you to participate with me, sisters and brothers, one hand for yourself and one hand for somebody else and with these hands we will have medicare for all. [cheers and applause] with these hands we will have college for all. [cheers and applause] with these hands women will be able to control their bodies. [cheers and applause] with these hands we will get our, ladies, with this hands we will take care of mother earth, with these hands we will take care of our elderly, with these hands wesu will assure fair, humane Immigration Reform, with these hands we will overhaul a racist criminal justice system. [cheers and applause] and with these hands we will dream big dreams, and with these hands we will elect senator Bernie Sanders the next president of the United States of america. [cheers and applause] hello. [cheers and applause] rock hill, thank you. Bernie, bernie, bernie thank you. Bernie, bernie thank you, please, it does sound like rock hill, South Carolina is ready for a Political Revolution and i thank you all. [cheers and applause] now, i love campaigning but the only problem that i have is that i always have got to follow nina turner and thats hard, and then you have danny glover there as well. So i i want to thank nina, dann, for allowing us to use this great college. Thank you very much. What this campaign is about is a very profound concept, we just talked about it earlier today, meeting with local folks and somebody raised the issue of what we are entitled to there it was. Humane are entitled to as beings in the wealthiest country on the history of the world. What are we entitled to . Now i believe that what we must strive for is a government not based on racism, not based on sexism [cheers and applause] not based on homophobia. [cheers and applause] not based on xenophobia. [cheers and applause] and not based on religious bigotry. [cheers and applause] in fact, u, in fact, what our campaign is about is exactly the opposite of what trump is trying to do, he is trying to divide us up, our campaign brings us together. [cheers and applause] brings us together, black, white, latino, native american, asian american, it brings us together in the struggle for economic justice, for social justice, for Racial Justice and for environmental justice. [cheers and applause] it brings us together in the belief that the American People are entitled to an economy and a government which works for all of us, not just the 1 . [cheers and applause] [applause] now this campaign is asking you to think big not small. It is asking you to imagine the kind of country we can and must become. [cheers and applause] and it is also asking you to take a hard look at the country we are today and how we can do better. Now, i know i get criticized by a lot of people, all right, thats right, when you talk truth to power, you sometimes get criticized to this afternoon we are going to talk truth to power. [cheers and applause] and we will ask ourselves a few questions, we will askti ourselves whether it is moral and whether it is right that in America Today 3 people own more wealth than the bottom half of america. Whether it is appropriate that the top 1 owns more wealth than the bottom 92 . Whether it is good economics when 49 of all new income goes to the top 1 . Now, we raised those questions because most candidates, most members of congress and the media does not talk about that, so what we are about is creating an economy in a country that works for all and what does that mean . Lets start off by taking a look at jobs in the economy, right now in this great state, youve got tens andnd tens of thousands of workers earning a starvation wage. Four years ago when i came here to South Carolina, i proposed something that everybody said was radical and extreme, i said that if you work 40 hours a week in the United States of america you should not be living in poverty that we have got to raise theit minimum wage to a living wage. [cheers and applause] and that living wage is at least 15 bucks an hour. [cheers and applause] now, four years ago i was told that i was somewhat crazy forar proposing an idea that wod more than double the federal minimum wage, you know whats happened, since well, the crazy idea has been adopted by 7 states in america. [cheers and applause] and unless i am very mistaken and i am not, the u. S. House of representatives is going to vote for a 15 and pass, 15dollar minimum wage in the next several weeks. [cheers and applause] and i need you to tell your republican senators here when that bill comes from the house to the senate that people cannot live on 8 bucks an hour or 9 bucks an hour, they need to vote for a 15dollar an hour minimum wage. [cheers and applause] and when we talk about raising wages, we are going to end the absurdity of women in america making 80 cents on the dollar compared to men equal pay for equal work. [cheers and applause] and and when we talk about womens rights, when we talk about womens rights, let me be as clear as i can be, i believe that women have the constitutional right in this country to control their own bodies. [cheers and applause]. [cheering and applause] four years ago when he came to South Carolina i made another radical idea, i said maybe in the United States we should do what every other major country on earth does and guarantee healthcare as a right for all people. [cheering and applause] i am sick and tired of talking to doctors who tell me that patients walk into their offices too late because they have no Health Insurance or because they are underinsured with high deductibles and highnt copaymen. The function of a rational Healthcare System is to provide quality care for all in a costeffective way, not to make billions in profits for the Insurance Companies. [cheering and applause] that is why together that is why together we will pass a medicare for all singlepayer program. [cheering and applause] and when we talk about a dysfunctional Health Care System it means that we are going to take on the pharmaceutical industry. [cheering and applause] the top ten Drug Companies last year made 69 billion in profits and millions of americans cannot afford the medicine they need because we are forced to pay the higher prices in the world for Prescription Drugs. [crowd boos] we have news for the Drug Companies. They are going to stop ripping off the america people and cut drug costs in half. In half. [cheering and applause] we live in a competitive mobile economy and all of you know that to make it into the middle class by and large people need a good quality Higher Education like the education people are getting here it Clinton College. [cheering and applause] and yet, despite that reality we got hundreds of thousands of bright, young people who cannot afford to go to college or get the training they need to go out and get a good paying job. The truth is 50 or 60 years ago if you had a High School Degree the odds are you could go out and make it into the middle class but the world has changed. Technology has changed. The economy has changed. Today, people need that Higher Education. That is why i believe that we have got to make public colleges and universities tuition free. [cheering and applause] not a radical idea. In existing countries all over the world and in addition to that we have got to very substantially reduce the burden of student debt on our people. [cheering and applause] tomorrow in washington i will make a big announcement on this and dont want to hold off limit thmorrow but basically this is what we will be saying. We will be saying its a little bit crazy for people to do what they have to do which is to get a quality education and find themselves in the absurd position of having to pay that debt off for decades. Some of those people can afford to get married or afford to cap kids or afford to buy their own home. We are going to change that. [cheering and applause] some of you may remember that ten years ago against my vote, as it happens,te the congress voted to bailout the crooks on wall street. Do you remember that . They provided 700 billion in federal loans and in addition trillions of dollars in zero or very low interest loans. I think the time is now for wall street to repay that obligation to the American People. [cheering and applause] if we could bail out wall stre street, we sure as hell can reduce the debt in this country. [cheering and applause] President Trump believes that Climate Change is a hoax. [crowd boos] President Trump does not believe in science. It is time we had somebody in the white house who understands that Climate Change iswh not a hoax but that it is an x essential that to this country and to the planet. [cheering and applause] and it is time long overdue that we told the fossil fuel industry that they cannot continue to their Carbon Emissions to destroy this planet for shortterm profits. [cheering and applause] that is why together we are going to transform our Energy System away from fossil fuel to Energy Efficiency and sustainable energys. [cheering and applause] and in the process we are going to create millions of good paying jobs. [cheering and applause] you have a lot of sunshine here in South Carolina and it is time that the state and the rest of this country use that sunshine to create energy. [cheering and applause] and we talk about disparities in this country between the very rich and everybody else. We are alsowe talking about racl disparities. [cheering and applause] that it means we end the observer that he of whiteth families now owning ten times more wealth than the average black family. It means we end [applause] it means that we end the disparity in healthcare where the infant mortality rate in the black beauty is 2. 5 times higher than in the white community. [cheering and applause] it means that we and the disparities in education where black School Districts are substantially underfunded. [cheering and applause] it means we and the disparity in Financial Services with allblack businesses cant get the loans they need. [cheering and applause] and it means that once and for all we will perform a broken and racist terminal justice system. [cheering and applause] today i want you all to hear this but today in america we have more people in jail, about 2 Million People, or people in jail and any other country on earth including chinaa, four times our size. We are spending about 80 billion at the local, state and federal level locking up fellow americans. I happen to believe that it pekes more sense to use a somehow that 80 billion to invest in our young people in jobs for these kids and an education [cheering and applause] rather than building more jails and having more incarceration. It costs more money to send somebody to jail than to send them to the university of South Carolina. Lets get our priorities right and educate not incarcerat. [cheering and applause] and when we talk about education we are also talking about a very significant increase in funding for hbcus. [cheering and applause] when we talk about criminal justice i was here four years ago talking about criminal justice and i said you know whas right to end the socalled war on drugs. [cheering and applause] well, four years ago that seemed like a radical idea but not the radical today. State after state after state is either decriminalizing or legalizing the possession of marijuana. [cheering and applause] and some communities are even going further and expunging the records of those arrested for the possession of marijuana. [cheering and applause] when i talk about criminal Justice Reform we are talking about also ending cassville in this country and right now quite unbelievable hundreds of thousands of fellow americans are in jailev today and their crime is that they are poor and they cant afford bail. That is absurd. We will end that practice. [cheering and applause] we are going to end private prisons and Detention Centers in this country. [cheering and applause] when we talk about reform we should be aware that as we speak millions of people in this country are living in terrible fear and those of the undocumented people. In my view, instead of having a president who demonizes people because they came from a abroad people who are undocumented we need to Work Together for comprehensive Immigration Reform and a path toward citizenship. [cheering and applause] we need we need to provide legal status for the 1. 8 Million People eligible for the daca program and we need a humane border policy, not a policy that tears babies from the arms of their mothers. [cheering and applause] now my friends, you all no, we are living in an unprecedented moment in American History and the results of this election will very clearly determine the future of america. On one choice that we have is moving this country further and further to oligarchy where a handful of billionaires exert unbelievable power over the economic and political lifeha of this country. That is what direction we can go. [crowd boos] or the other direction that we can go is to create a vibrant democracy where we are not suppressing a vote. [cheering and applause] where we are not making it harder for people of color or poor people or young people to vote but making it easier for people to vote. [cheering and applause] and where we can create an economy that is based on justice that works for all of us. Those are the choices we face. Now, when i announced for president what i said it was not an easy decision, i should tell you, when you run for president nowadaysysy you got o get attacked by everybody in the family get attacked but, you know, we decided to run for two reasons. Number one, i happen to believe that i am the strongest candidate to defeat the worst president in the history of this country. [cheering and applause] every poll that has ever been done in the last year has us running a in recent weeks those numbers are pretty significant. I believe we can defeat trump in battleground states like michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, recent polls had us ahead of them even in florida and north carolina. [cheering and applause] and you know what i think you mac with your energy and your enthusiasm i think weve got a shot here in South Carolina. [cheering and applause] the first reason that my wife and i decided that we should do this is because we have a moral imperative to defeat the worst president in the modern history of america but there is a second reason. [cheering and applause] there is a second reason which goes beyond defeating trump and it is an imperative to create a government and an economy that is basedon on justice. A government that is based on o honesty, not lies. But let me tell you something that i believe no other candidate will tell you and theres a lot of good candidates running. I should tell you that many of the people running our personal friends of mine and decent and good people and. They know whati know that whoever ends up winning this Democratic Library all of us will rally around that person. [cheering and applause] what i have said for i hopefull. [cheering and applause] but if it is not i will do everything i can to supportt tht candidate and defeat trump but the second reason the first reason that im in thisha is to make sure the trump is defeated but the second reason is equally important so obviously i am here in South Carolina to ask for your support and to win the democratic primary here and ask me asking for your support to win the democratic nomination and i am asking for support if nominated to defeat trump. I am asking something more of you i am asking something more of you and i think that distinguishes our campaign from other campaigns. The message of this campaign as you may have seen is us not me, us not to me. What that means is i think two things. It means we are all has americans in this together. My job is to worry about you and your family and your job is to worry about me and my family. That is what being an american. S about [cheering and applause] but the second thing that us not to me means is something very profound which will not see much on tv or in the media and that is that for 45, 50 years the American People have seen politicians giving great speeches and honest speeches and Party Platforms that have been good and strong and strong legislation being passed but today the average American Worker is earning in real inflation accounted for dollars exactly what he or she earns 45 years ago. After all the speeches and all the Great Technology that we have seen and after all the work for productivity which means the average worker is reducing much more than he or she did 20 years ago the person in the middle of our economy, average person, is no better off than real dollars. Second of all, in the last 30 years listen to this, according to Federal Reserve data the top 1 have seen a 21 trilliondollar increase in their wealth. [crowd boos] the bottom 50 of our people have seen a 900 billiondollar decline in their wealth. Why does that happen . How does that happen . What we got to be a deal with is where the real power in this country rests. Its not that candidates are insincere when they come before and they want to do this and do that and they do but somehow it never happens and it never happens because we have yet to deal with the power of wall street. [cheering and applause] the sixth largest banks in america have assets equivalent to 54 of their gdp in america and they control the flow of trillions of dollars and determine whetherer the factoris stay in the u. S. Or gold to china. They determine whether workers earn a living wage or a starvation weight. We are not going to have progress in this country until we have the courage to deal with wall street but it is not just wall street but the American People understand healthcare is a right and they know that the system today is dysfunctional when we spend twice as much a person on healthcare as do the people of any other country. We want medicare for all but in order to get that we will have to take on the Insurance Companies and all their monies and all their power. [cheering and applause] the American People are disgusted at the high cost of Prescription Drugs. Everybody knowse we have to lor the cost of medicine but in order to do that you cant just give a speech but you got to have the guts to tel the pharmaceutical industry you are going to stop your greed and we will substantially lower Prescription Drug costs. [cheering and applause] is not that enough to give great the crisis in Climate Change but we all know that is real but what we got to do is have the courage to take on the billionaires who own the fossil fuel industry. What i am asking you for is your help, not just to win the nomination and defeat trump, but i am asking for your help in something beyond that. That is to understand that real change in this country does not and never has happened unless millions of people at the Grassroots Level stand up and fight back and demand justice. [cheering and applause] that is the history of the Labor Movement and that is the history of the Civil Rights Movement and that is the history of the Womens Movement and that is the history of the gay rightsem movement. [cheering and applause]up power never gives up their power voluntarily. Wall street is not going to say i guessed we should do the right thing lower Interest Rates because consumers need it or fossil fuel industry will not take and say oh, yeah, Climate Change is real and we got to go to Energy Efficiency and sustainable energy. Thats not the way it happens or ever happens. Change happens when people have the courage to stand up to the powers that be. [cheering and applause] today i am asking your help not just to win this thing but to understand that the only way we bring about real change is when we Work Together and when tens of millions of people demand justice. We have the opportunity in the selection, not only to defeat the worst president in the modern history of this country but to transform our nation and to become the kind of people we know we can become. Thank you all very much. [cheering and applause] [cheering and applause] [background noises] [background noises] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations]co [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] thank you all very much we love you [background noises] [inaudible conversations] looking at congress this afternoon but the house and the senate are in session today. House gaveling at 2 00 p. M. Eastern speeches and they will start allegedly to business at 3 00 p. M. Work is expected on 2020 spending bills and the requested votes will take place at exit 30 00 p. M. The u. S. Senate starts this week at 3 00 p. M. More debate expected on defense programs and policy vote to officially proceed to the measure set for 5 30 p. M. Watch the senate live right here on cspan2 and see the house on her companion at work, these. The complete guide to congress is not available and has lots of details about the house and senate for the current session of congress. Contact and bio information about every senator and representative plus information about congressional committees, state governors in the cabinet. The 2019th congressional directory is a handy, spiralbound guide. Order your copy from the cspan online store for 1895. Tonight on the communicators. We continue our visit to ces on the hill to hear about simpsons program solve for tomorrow which challenges kids to use them to improve communities. [inaudible] we created a doorlock that will be on the outside of the doors and if you put [inaudible]

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