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The most talented and hardworking people in our society we believe they should be awarded. The going away from the 1 . With the forthcoming meeting. Will he bear in mind they will advise him to be them to be the same. Mister speaker my honorable friend is right to point to the importance of all parts of the United Kingdom working together to deliver and an orderly and smooth brexit. Can i welcome the ministers announcement can he wished reassure the house that it will be the approach will be an outward facing secretary. These are masters with the independent chair. I was struck by his determination. To listen to the views of the family its the have been affected by this tragedy. Are there questions of the Prime Minister. Ruth cadbury. Thank you. This morning i have meetings with the colleagues in addition to my duties in this house. I should have further meetings later today. On monday children told me that their concerns about your condition affecting the Childrens Health. This morning the High Court Ruled that the government is unlawful. What does the Prime Minister is deal is worse. Listen for the first time in the high court or 40,000 unnecessary deaths and the impacts on Childrens Health of the unsustainable equality. The issue that they had raised by the air quality is an important one. We had been taking action to improve air quality. Can i just say to the Honorable Navy that the weight she has described the courts decision this morning i dont think properly reflects the decision the courts have given. If i could explain to the house because we do welcome the fact that the courts have dismissed the complaints we are taking appropriate action and they had agreed to that. They have asked us to go further in areas with less severe air quality problems but we took a pragmatic approach. We will now formalize that. Actually they found in the government phase. They want to see more police on the streets. The Prime Minister in joining me. With the crimes committed. By 10 million pounds. My honorable friend he will like to speak up for his constituents in relation to this. To ensure that we are out there. With more money is going to them. Order. School the questions and the answers must be heard. I make no apologies and repeating that the discussions here should bear some resemblance to what the house is saying in relation to culture we have recently have a report on harassment lets try to behave properly in these sessions. Listening to the answers and listening to the questions. Both sides of the house have got to try to wake up to the reality and the huge number of people outside this place. Outside this place disapprove of this sort of behavior on both sides stopping it. They provide extra money. It means that the West Midlands police will receive an increase of 9. 5 million pounds. The labor commissioner to decide how he spends that money. I know that the forces can be more productive. Im sure hes going to make his case very strongly to the labor committee. Thank you mister speaker. Yesterday the secretary assured the country that brexit well not cleanse britain. From the dystopian fiction. He could set the bar just a little bit higher. Council, as a gentleman knows where very clear that when we leave the European Union were to take that control of our borders and our money and i have to say the only one around in the European Union is a labor party. They cant agree with themselves about their party is. Mister speaker. One of the former brexit ministers warned of the prime the Prime Minister that britain will be walking into thin air if they dont decide what they actually want for leaving the European Union. The fears about that deregulation. Were based on nothing that they state that there could be opportunities for britain in deregulated areas such as environments and employment law. He talked about what we actually want to achieve our time what we want to achieve. This is a country that can negotiate freetrade deals around the rest of the world. We want to ensure that we have a good trade agreement with the European Union. And thats what we decided to negotiate. In my speech in munich last week. But what we also want to ensure this country takes opportunities that will be open to us outside of the European Union to boost our economy to ensure that we are developing the economy of the future and the jobs of the future. We are putting the people first. We are briefing that the working time directed would be scrapped. The cbi is very clear that theyre not looking for a bonfire regulation quite the opposite. The only party that wants the scrap work regulation. In the speech a year ago. Now a year on she has downgraded that to carefree as possible. They want access it to protect jobs. Why is a government abandoning that thought. The government has not abandoned this negotiation. We will be ensuring that we get that good comprehensive trade agreement with the new Economic Partnership with the European Union. But he also mentions workers rights. Ive been clear as i can let it will not only protect workers rights but enhance workers rights who was it with the contract. Which government is it that we have Matthew Taylor to report on the new economy. A conservative government not neighbor. Conservative place. I dont know if youve have a chance to read the telegraph today. But 62 of her back benches once a bonfire of regulations. They want to destroy workers rights in this country. When the government and the European Union analysis is published. They said it does not consider our desired outcome of the Prime Minister take this opportunity now to tell the house in the country what is the governments desired outcome. Im very happy to. Its called Economic Partnership. So given what the Prime Minister rules out. Can she explain how she expects them to avoid a hard border with Northern Ireland. Ive i have already pointed out that the government published papers last summer which shows how we can deliver exactly that. No hard border between Northern Island carolyn. They recently made a speech about brexit and he found time to mention tariffs stag parties and a plate of boils. Not one mention of Northern Ireland in his speech. Mister speaker we are halfway through they have the rest of the week to get through. We are halfway through the six speeches we were told what set out would set out the government negotiating position. So far all we had had is empty rhetoric. Businesses need to know. Even the back benches no its not clear from todays exchanges this government is not on the road to brexit mister speaker its on the road to nowhere. I think i have mentioned before that his job is to ask a question i am perfectly happy to respond to the point that he made. He said we have not set out in details. May i suggest to him that he needs to think very carefully about that Security Partnership that we want with the European Union. I set out in my speech in munich last week exactly what we want that Security Partnership to cover because we believe in ensuring that we are maintaining the security and safety of people here in the uk but also the people in europe and we are unconditionally committed to the safety and security of europe. Can i congratulate the right honorable a gentleman. He asks me to sign a blank check. Thank you mister speaker i can situate said she was killed in an accident. The driver have an undiagnosed medical condition. What view does the Prime Minister take of the Current System and rules to ensure that those head those additions are fit to drive. Its absolutely crucial of course we want to ensure that people who are driving are actually fit to drive and i know but the whole of this house will be with the family and friends. The current drivers licenses some isnt signed for road safety. They must inform them if they have a medical condition which may affect their driving into discuss any concerns that they head with their own medical profession. We do take this very seriously and we are committed to ensuring that those were granted a drivers license are those who are fit to drive. At least 194 people have been killed in the last 14 months. Can they tell the host what discussion our government has had on enforcing those un resolutions. They had raise an important issue. We are appalled by the escalation and deeply concerned by reports of them coming through. With the ongoing deliberate targeting. This is in blatant violation of internationals human rights law. We do call on the regime to cease this campaign of violence and they should respect in a National Humanitarian law. There is concern that Something Like 700 people need medical evacuation. We will be continuing work with the un and the geneva lead process. They have our full support. To find a political solution. Thank you Prime Minister for the answer. They are putting pregnant women and people who had lost limbs about 100 children are being killed since sunday. They had issued desperate pleas calling for political intervention. No works will do justice to the children killed their mother, their fathers and their loved ones. The Prime Minister will join me in calling me with the Un Security Council to address this horrific genocide the United Nations has called on governments around the world to call out the action is being taken into be ready to stand up against that action. And thats exactly what this government is doing. We will be ensuring in talking to our colleagues within the United Nations. Is not just about the syrian government. We call on all of them including russia to ensure that this violence stops and those people who are in need of help i given that hell. Thank you mister speaker. The only British Company on new passports the other two being french. Will my friends committed to doing all she can to support manufacturers, innovators and making the new blue passports truly british. Im sure hes aware that this will be an open competition that i cant comment on individual bids. Im sure he will make his voice heard. It would be a choice for our passports and i think its absolutely right. After we leave the union we return we will be able to decide what colors we want. Thank you mister speaker. My constituents took the terrible tragedy when her children were murdered by their father and a it awful attack on the family home. This woman has dedicated herself to the victims of Domestic Violence. And from the various Public Service concerns. Can as the Prime Minister what is the bill thats going to be published and will it be complete as she promised. Our courts are with claire following this terrible tragedy and we do recognize the need to ensure that we are providing support for the victims of Domestic Violence. There were many aspects to this issue. Before she brings forward the legislation we will actually be ensuring issuing a consultation. We want to ensure that we listen to all of those who have been affected. The government is committed to working to support the victims of Domestic Violence but also working to ensure that we and crimes against women and girls. I recently visited many in the agency. And help to provide support. The dedication of these volunteers and i simply hope that we should be able to enable local residents. When the Prime Minister take this opportunity with the government is doing to help those with dementia and the care of those im very happy to join my friend in congratulating the many caretakers who are looking after people with dementia. We are working with partners across the system to ensure more people than ever before receive a diagnose into raise awareness. And provide in provide the care and support that they need im also pleased to say that there are now 2. 3 million dementia friends across the country im also going to make to make sure that members of the cabinet are given training. Les and i attended a meeting of hundreds of residents who are deeply concerned they increased 18 since 2011. We have lost over 500 officers. With the Prime Minister commit to giving back the money in which she apologized to the constituents. They put their hands back in their pockets. First of all can i say to the honorable lady it was good to see her back in her place in this house. What we are doing. And of course it has been up to the commissioner. The honorable will join me. The people because the European Union have settled in each of these. To build a life here based on the treaty rights. Naturally rates. Naturally they want certainty. What reassurances can the Prime Minister get. Stopping for that. It will soon be in place. Continuing to play an Important Role in our economy and our culture. Can i do say the honorable friends. Im happy to join does. We are being a delegation of french members of parliament. He has raised a very important point about those who are living here in the United Kingdom. And they made a huge contribution to our country. Thats why we want what we want them and their families to stay. Today they will be able to stay. He refers to the process by applying. It will have a time where it will have two years to apply. It will be used in that would ensure that this is a simple and easy process for people as we can provide. While over a Million People in this country are living with the consequences of acquired brain injury. In the great news is that thanks to the governments new Trauma Centers 600 extra lives are being saved every single year. That is brilliant. The problem is many of these people are having their lives saved but theyre not getting the rehabilitation support that could get them to live independent lives. Half of the units had no rehabilitation consultant at all. So will the Prime Minister please get together all of the ministers who have a responsibility in this area at the treasury. To make sure that every Single Person who has an acquired brain injury in this country gets a full rehabilitation that they need. They had raise a very important point. There are two ways in which those Rehabilitation Services will be commissioned. At the national level. But more also sets out a series of guidance for those commissioners to support the brain injured dash make injury. His raise a very important point. To take up the issues and the specific questions that he has raised. How welcome the Police Ministers were yesterday at the urgent question. Are they gonna find a way through the regulation. Would they not only ensure that the ministers word goes for aunt the popular word. But also join the majority of the European Union. The United States and British Public authority who raised questions yesterday to give british citizens that possible access to the potential benefit. On a proper arrogant base process. All of the medical investigations that need to be done. The sympathy of the members across the house. Undergoing train. That they had applied the most rigorous founders before those drugs were used. [indiscernible] scottish leader is right here. And the defense secretary. Order. I was struggling to hear. Im not suggesting that the presence of the member of parliament was bought. Is straightforwardly out of order. She is free to do so. Twice in the last four weeks. It has had cause to write to the labour party. Does my friend agree with me. They are there to protect all groups equally. It is there to be in a sure exactly what they said. To cancel the treatments. The Honorable Navy navy would not be shutting down. Examine the behavior and stop it. The feel of the Nuclear Industry association points out that if medical isotopes was there. Because of their short past life. While they explained to the house how she plans to protect prevent delays. Due to her hard pursuit of brexit. She is gone on two counts. What we are pursuing as is a brexit that would able to have them with Economic Partnership. Across the borders with the European Union. The availability of medical isotopes will not be impacted. The import or export of these isotopes is not subject to those. Our ability to import that. Can i take the Prime Minister for taking a personal interest across the house. In the interest to get justice. These people went to their gp in good fight. Is it any good news that the Prime Minister has. I want to say to my honorable friend. I would very pleased to meet him in indeed meet my friend to discuss this particular issue. And i recognize that there are many individuals whose lives have been affected by this. Very powerful stories of these individuals. I know this has been concerned and the concerns by Campaign Groups not just about that. But the issues i think of highlighted that there is an issue with regulating the Healthcare System and we are continuing to address it. We need to do better. We do need to see a faster more understanding response to patients when they raise concern in my own logical friend can be a little patient. We will be making a statement this afternoon setting out his plans to the house for review on these issues. Its over eight months since the terrible fire. Thousands of people are still living in blocks including cityscape. It was allowed to go up because the forward government guidance. Theres still on average one fire every month. Its clear that the governments responsibility. Why is she running the risk of a second tower. When she can take this down. Over the years under both labor and conservative government while Building Business regulations. The arrangements in enforcement. What we did immediately following that. It was to ensure that all of those it worked with the authorities to inspect. There arent just issues about that. To people. The right honorable senator. The review of the regulations. The evidence that is there. The snp needs to close their funds. From there parliament. To ensure that we get what we need. This is of course an important point. We have the uk government are committed to delivering the commission as a part of that. We are developing powers to the status government. For the number one priority and must be the public as a travel. We will work with the Scottish Government to make sure that there is a smooth transfer of the british transport. Whether or not the british transport is merged with the scotland government calm yourselves. Youre supposed to be setting an example to some of your colleagues. Youre proud to be a statements. Statesman. There we are. Can i just say it is a matter for the status government and what they choose to do. But i would urge the Scottish Government to ensure that theyre putting the safety and security of the people who travel and make that decision. All of the reports for the last two months will they look me in the eye and tell me that theres no more justice there. He is personally right to ask me questions about which i am responsible. And i have the right to comment on issues which we are taking up with the Scottish Government. I say to the honorable gentlemen. I will be the judge of what is in order and the honorable gentlemen will upset the ruling. The Prime Minister was in order and that is again the end of it. Someone has to decide and ive done so. What we are doing in relation to the job center services. With the level of services. We will undo the number of support across to make sure that they need it. The skills and experience of the legal work across the country and to ensure that we not just protect but that we serve these people. Will the Prime Minister told the International Agency that despite the abuses that have come to light recently that this government is committed to helping the most poorest people around the world and it really doesnt need to get its act in order. The government maintains its commitment to helping the most Vulnerable People around the world. We do want to work with organizations that meet the high standards that we expect in the behavior and they were quite frankly horrific. Im pleased to say that not only does my right honorable the charitable partners here and abroad about the policies. It will hold an urgent safeguarding summit. With the regulators and experts to look at that possibility. And to take that into the. We continue our support by the same high standards that we would expect it was just the corrections. 2. 5 of them. To that highly skilled. He has worked hard and could committed to society. I say to the honorable later lady. They look for the circumstances of individuals. There are roles in immigration rules that are in place. [indiscernible] with the polish constitutional cause. It would make it illegal to research that. That the families have the supplies Prime Minister i understand that this issue has already raised this issue with the polls. With what we should be doing is that making sure that no one forgets. The horrific inhumanity to man that was shown through the actions that were taken in the holocaust. I think the trust does a very important work. It will be a long memorial to people to ensure we never see such a horrific crime being committed again. It is the son feel of someone who paints his car. That is what is happening to hundreds of people so why isnt she allow them to do that. Put an end to this. A lot of work has been done and he would have noted that the host secretary has served the question. Richard graham three months ago i raised the case of the constituent distressed by the relationship. This week the driver expanded its agency. For the sexual relationship between those. It would now be considered. It will likely be struck. Can i think the Prime Minister for her response. The department of education to consider those driving instructions. Prime minister can i say the honorable friends. What was that honorable case. I hope will be a benefit to others who couldve been put into others. I will certainly ask the department of education to look at the point that they had race. 11. 1million counts. In the second highest in england. This is an correlation of that. They may not ever had that. I pointed out earlier in response to the other questions what we are doing is ensuring that we havent gotten over the settlement. Particularly the difficult issues that they have to deal with. At a local level. We do want to see that to ensure that they want the best possible start in life. The decisions taken at the local level are all a responsibility of this government. It does not help treat them. And thank you for all of the colleagues. My right honorable friend agree with me some of that loyalty in the distribution of this. I know he has been campaigning long and hard on this particular issue. The positive training should be used. In any training that involves that. Would breach the honorable welfare act. The National Farmers union has said that losing this to the Single Market could be absolutely disastrous. I our position remains exactly what we thought. And the European Union. When we make sure that we have that. Order. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] here on cspan two we believe that british house of commons as members move on to other business. A quick reminder that you can see this weeks session again sunday night at nine eastern. You can click on series to view every thing that we have. And we invite your comments about Prime Ministers questions. The history series starts on monday and 9 00 p. M. Eastern with a look at the significant of the Supreme Court decision. Heard in 1819. Associate law professor of the university of virginia. Securing a nation and watch landmark cases. Listen with the free cspan radio app. Eight is available for 895 plus shipping and handling

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