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Eventually people said screw it. Dont you nobody read the book . No. , i mean, i gave it to some engineers who work contractors stuff to make sure i wasnt screwing up engineering because there was that was technical but nobody read it for sense tuffty reasons. Ever able to piedged anybody connected with Howard Hughes to talk to . No but Howard Hughes has a lot of materials so writers of one of his big biography gave me access to that and that was treasuretrove of stuff so something from hew side was in there. And i guess i didnt answer earlier. How much howard was involved remains a mystery too. That was in his like living at the top of the desert inn stage. Like soiling himself and watching movies all day like leo with a blind drawn. So i think he was he give his approval but he was on a daytoday basis was not very involved but he had a group of key lieutenants they called mormon mafia very important or leaders of his groups. He trusted he trusted mormon specifically, you know. The cia at that tile was heavily leadership a lot of mormon working leadership and patriotic and very loyal. And hughes is all of his main people who were involved in this project were all mormon, and the guy paul who ran the front he was basically face of the mining project he was scially an actor like his job was to go out to be like im the mining guy and ill come to your conference and when story broke in the media they were actually at a conference, and as story was told to me you know given some speeches and get a break in the conference and hes up next and whatever he finds out that story is broken and hes like, im out of here. Like never gave a speech. Just like, theres no point in me doing this anymore. You know, and howard died within i think a year of when did he die 66 very shortly afterwards he died. And he that was last big thing that inned in his lifetime but nobody could confirm they ever seen him he was on phone call sometime and couple of meetings and hotels where there was a guy to leave the room and come back like he was had next door but nobody saw him. Again whats thing a with mormon they so many to have a better way of protecting secrets is that is it . They were considered to be very loyal. Very trustworthy and loyal. I dont know maybe sort of like when they [laughter] i think that you know in that period very involved with the cia. Mormon . Not any directors at that point. But there are a lot of cia officers who were mormon. Probably like the you know what i said the crew is like they were like christians from the south. I think maybe something about being developed is extra layer of your patriot and devote so probably less likely certainly mormons dont drink. So youre more likely to steal secrets at the bar so maybe that has something to do with it. But i dont know. [laughter] did you get a chance to talk to russians that might have been involved in i did go to russia, and i tried to the answer is no. L but i went there, and luckily i was able to do Something Else when i was there. But it was one of the widows was supposed to meet with me, and one of the admirals supposed to meet with me and they canceled when i got there. Widow i was actually had taken a train to her town and she called my translator and canceled when we got there she said i dont trust americans. I said well you could have told me that when i got on the train she was like ill do it for a thousand dollars. No here we bo. Bottle of vodka. I was like come on. Like i came all way here, an you could have told me you dont trust me before i got here. [laughter] but that woman her husband was the xo and she was instrumental in getting it she fought this story for decades you know against the leak try aring to get leadership to acknowledge honor, pay they will what they deserved so she was prate bitter all around and talked to enough people and again could have told me before i got up there. But i understood. Even New York Times wrote i bet thats not unthere were so many accidents on ship and subs there wasnt that responsibility like we had to you know, be upfront with the families we see this a little bit now sometimes look over at operation might tack a while but we feel like we feel like we food to tell people and soviet union that wasnt the case like this is bigger than you. So she was very brave. She was rob is her name tip wish i had been able to meet her. I sent my trancelator book i havent heard anything. All right. Thanks. Sign some books . Sure. [applause] thank you. Oh, my oh, okay. Youre watching booktv on cspan2 with top nonfiction bock and authors every weekend, booktv television for serious readers. He delivered i think were, i think i know the stump speech youre referring to a speech he delivered about originalism and why it is superior to whats called a living constitution approach to jurisprudence and i heard him deliver that speech in madison, wisconsin, in 2001 and its one he deliveredded very often it was his stump speech and i was looking forward to finding written version of that. Because i loved that speech i thought it was great. It included a wonderful passage where he this this compared the living constitution approach to a Television Commercial from the 1980s where a prego commercial somebody is making pasta just heating up store bought pasta sauce and husband says, to his wife what youre using this store bought sauce youre not doug it home made, what about the organize know and wife says it is in there. What about the pepper, its in there. The the garlic, its in there. And my dad would say weve got that kind of a constitution now. You want you want a right to an abortion its in there. You want a right to die, its it in there. And anything that is god and true and beautiful its in there. No matter what the text says. And i thought that was being a pop culture junkie myself having watched that commercial with my father i loved that passage so i was looking forward to finding and he never actually apparently wrote that speech down. So we have a version of it, a very different version of it in the collection one he delivered in australia i think in the early 90s. But that particular version which he delivered very often he never wrote down instead he worked from a very series of notes that he called the outline and the outline was really just a just a set of prompts that he would riff off of and if you didnt snow the speech you would look at this outline and think what could this possibly mean there 50 words with on it some of them are spelled and then he would photocopy outline and write notes on it for any given o occasion. So people he should thank at the speech or new ideas that popped into his had head unfortunately theres no reference to the prego Television Commercial on the outline. But so we were we remember surprised thats how he did it but he knew what he wantedded to say so clearly it was easy for him to just riff off that basic outline. Watch this and other programs online, at booktv. Org. Its my pleasure and honor to invite to podium mee mee Vice President of programs for the the naples world affair counsel and the chair of this conferences planning committee. Thank you mee mee for all of your hard work. [applause] good afternoon. Everybody well fed i hope. Well, joining us at lunch today is Phillip Carter senior fellow and director of military, with veterans and Society Program at the center for a new americans security. His Research Focused on issues that face veterans and military personnel four structure and readiness issues and Civil Military relations. His most recent article what america owes its veterans is published many this Current Issue of Foreign Affairs magazine. Serving in iraq from 2005 to 2006 as advisor to the state departments reconstruction team, mr. Carter then returned home to an increasing involvement in veterans and national affairs. As a civilian worked in private

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