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To every Single Person here, please do not take your eye off the ball, the importance of our legislative seats, whether you are talking about Voting Rights or a womans right to Reproductive Health care, the right to form a union and collectively bargain, it starts at the state level. [applause] for those of you who as we move into 2018 and look at how you can make a difference, if there arent enough people running for the statehouse or the state senate, sign up and run, you need you. And it is also, the importance of state service and what we do that makes me so glad amelia won her award, thank you, thank you, thank you. And i also just want to congratulate and say a special word about my friend joe foster. Somewhere almost 15 years ago i was knocking on doors in New Hampshire the night before the 2002 election and my phone rang and it was joe on the other end of the phone and joe was wishing me well and hoping for my success. A call he didnt need to make at a busy time for all of us. I lost that election but joe continued to encourage me to run as so many of you did. And i had the pleasure of serving with joe. There has never been a more dedicated Public Servant to doing what is right and finding the right way to do it and when it was my privilege and honor to serve as your governor and decide who i wanted to nominate to be attorney general there was no question in my mind to it should be. There is nobody with more integrity, no one who understands the needs and cause of justice better than joe foster. We are grateful to everything he has done for our state. [applause] i want to thank our special guest tonight, tim ryan, delaney and meng. We are glad you are here. Most of all i want to thank everybody here, New Hampshire democrats. With the odds against us you have shown up, spoken out and thought for our values and i am incredibly, incredibly grateful and you fought for the wonderful joyce craig who i am so pleased to see tonight. As we head into thanksgiving we have so much to be grateful for this year as New Hampshire democrats have enjoyed success in our statehouse and senate, won eight special election victories switching four seats from red to blue. That is just the start. There is nothing with joyces success, the special elections we have won, nothing more inspiring than watching the next generation step forward and take charge and particularly to elect Young Leaders in every corner of the state. [applause] as your senator i am focusing on the work you sent me to washington to do to fight for a future where everyone who works hard has the opportunity to get ahead and stay ahead, the middle class is growing and thriving, each generation is better off than the last and we are unleashing innovative Economic Growth and im committed to working with anyone who is focused on solving problems for our people, our businesses, our economy. Unfortunately too many republicans in washington are focused on an agenda that rewards corporate special interests and the wealthy while leaving middleclass families and Small Businesses behind. Just take a look at the republican tax plan. New hampshire democrats inc. It is right to raise taxes on millions of hardworking a women while corporate special interests get a permanent tax break . You believe that we should risk of 25 billion yearly cut to medicare all to give the wealthiest few a tax break and do you think a tax bill should be used to sabotage our Healthcare System . Me neither. But that is exactly what the republicans want to do. It is no wonder Donald Trumps top Economic Advisor admitted it is big corporate ceos who are, his words, the most excited about this plan and my republican colleague, senator ron johnson has voiced his opposition saying under this proposal, here is the quote, there will be a real incentive to keep manufacturing overseas. Need your help to fight against these proposals, to make your voice is heard loud and clear in the fight against trumpcare. We have to keep up our momentum, harness the energy and success we have seen this year and carry it into 2018 and beyond. Next year we will have the opportunity to keep our congressional delegation blue. And turn the statehouse, the house and senate to the Governors Office blue. [applause] that is why we must continue to stay organized, to congressman delaneys point to engage with our fellow citizens, stand up for the values that make us strong. Im confident in the dedication and ability of everyone here to make a difference, i witnessed it firsthand, we have proven we have what it takes to remain strong and determined to protect our people, our state and economy and build a better future. Carol quoted Winston Churchill in her remarks, robert frost said that a little differently. The only way out is through. Our job as citizens and our job as democrats is to love and protect our state and community and each other. That is what americans have always done. In america. [applause] in america, the way we love each other is we fight for justice for each other. [applause] we understand the value of inclusion because we were founded by people who said every single one of us matters and counts which many of you heard me say our founders didnt count everybody at first but they had the confidence every generation of americans would work to bring more people in to the heart and soul of our communities and democracy and economy because they understood when you do that you unleash talent and energy that is important for the cause of individual freedom and dignity but you unleash talent and energy that helps us all compete and grow and thrive. That more than anything is what this moment in time is about. There are rough patches throughout american history, go back and look at any of the periods things were the most right including right after the country won the revolutionary war. We continue in the face of incredibly difficult challenges and sometimes intensely partisan differences to find our way forward and find our way through. That is what makes us as resilient as we are and the resilient americans we are. We fight for each other, we love each other and as we do that we continue to form a more Perfect Union with liberty and justice for all, thank you all, thank you very much. [applause] lets give it up for senator maggie hassan. You go over the list, you go over the list, spend hours, everyone here just so you dont miss anybody and get a text from the former Senate President who is in the house. [applause] perfection still eludes me, billy. I want to thank our sponsors, First Nations sponsors, doctor Jeffrey Clark and senator clark. The District Council number 35 [applause] bridge communications. These guys pay the big bucks to make a profit so we can have a lower price. Professional firefighters of New Hampshire. American federation of teachers, uaw. Congressman john and april delaney, congressman tim ryan, congress is a woman grace man, the human rights campaign, larry drake and joan jacobs, granite champions, shaking and gordon association, paul mantra, representative chandler, National Air Traffic controllers association, congresswoman custer, our primary victory sponsor, senator jeanne shaheen, senator maggie hassan, congresswoman porter. 481195, the aflcio, the honorable catherine wells wheeler, i vw 90, doctor elliott lasky, representative cindy best for, mary gard, mclean fiddleton, representative rosenwall, the professional association, the honorable judy riordan and the association of letter carriers, give them a big round of applause. [applause] a little roosevelt was a fearless fighter for justice. Her entire life was spent working to make the world a better place for all. For more than a quarter of a century, the New Hampshire Democratic Party has been honoring an outstanding woman who worked hard and achieved in providing an opportunity for success in life regardless of circumstances. This years recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt award embodies eleanors spirit. During her decade in service and community in the house and senate her record is exemplary and is always fighting on the side of righteousness. Eight years ago in a closeddoor caucus she implored her colleagues to support marriage equality, she knew what it was like to be treated less, she has worked with the goal of nobody ever feeling less then. I am honored to present the Eleanor Roosevelt award to senator betty lasky. [applause] [applause] [applause] thank you all. I couldnt be more surprised or honored. In this season of thanksgiving i just wanted to tell you all how grateful i am and have been for the last almost 30 years to have served all of you and the people of New Hampshire and the people of our great country. I thank you so much and i will treasure this always, thank you. [applause] New Hampshire democrat, please welcome to the stage congressman tim ryan. All right. A few ohio guys here. I wish i had brought our 13yearold daughter here tonight to hear these amazing Democratic Women we have speaking. [applause] but i did bring my beautiful wife. Everyone say hello to andrea ryan. And agee, i know jeannie is not here, thank you for your amazing leadership on the senate side. It has been an incredible battle for the past few weeks and months and you guys have been there. You guys are the best. I just want to say in ohio we have a heroin epidemic of evil proportions, New Hampshire, there is not a day we go by the carol or annie are not grabbing people around the house saying we have to stay organized and keep doing this so thank you for your amazing leadership on this. [applause] grace and john, thank you for your leadership, enjoy your work tonight, you are right on the money so thank you for contributing your message tonight and our old buddy paul hose is here, my man from way back. [applause] i just want to say way back. Has it been that long . I just want to Say Something real quick. You get into politics to make a difference and when you see people presented with the opportunity after being in a place like the United States congress, when you can make the easy decision and cling to your job and your staff and your title, when push came to shove and there was an opportunity to give every single american access to health care, it was representatives from places like New Hampshire like carol and paul who literally put their jobs on the line to make that happen, thank you for doing that. [applause] those are the heroes. Ray buckley, my old buddy from way back, i mean old. That wasnt a slip of the tongue. My buddy don who is here, when i went to law school when it was franklin pierce, when i got up here i worked in congress for a couple years, caught the political bug. I was in my first year of law school, anyone in their first year of law school knows you were looking for distractions from anything but law school so i wandered down and conquered Democratic Party headquarters and i met someone running for the state senate and we had a great campaign, almost pulled it off. My old buddy yves is here who ran a while back. And his wife ellen and kimberly are here, they took me and when i didnt have any family in New Hampshire so god bless you guys, thank you for that. [applause] for most of my career in congress i was sick, not married. It is late, i want to make sure you know. And that is a certain lifestyle as you all know and about 41 2 years ago i got married and met my wife andrea, fell in love and we got married. I went from being single to being married. Change in lifestyle. I married a woman who had two children. I went from being single to being married with two kids, definite change. When we first got married she got rid of her place and i got rid of my place and we went to get some neutral territory and what is the first thing you do after you get married and have two kids . You got a new house, you got to go out and get a dog, right . I went from being single to being married with two kids and we are on our way out to get a dog so we take the kids out, go to the shelter to pick up some rescue pups and what happens when you go out to get a puppy with two kids . You get two puppies. I go from being single to be married, two kids, two dogs and 31 2 years ago we had brady, so single, married, three kids, two dogs, just one wife, just one wife. Something happened a few years back. I was in the family room and noticed something i hadnt noticed for a while. Silence. The house was completely silent. I looked around and everybody was upstairs in bed. Probably in the same bed but that is a whole other story. What does a guy with northeast ohio do when he is alone and used to watching neck at night and all the kids shows . You get the Remote Control and you say i cant believe i got the Remote Control and start flipping through the stations. What does a guy from Youngstown Ohio do when flipping to the stations, find some sports so i find a sports station that has a documentary from the old basketball coach Jimmy Balaban oh, remember him . He is giving the speech. This is great but i got the tv, jimmy is one of my favorite coaches, i am half italian, he is my guy. He starts giving this speech, he says god must of loved ordinary people because he made so many of us. But he said every day, ordinary people do extraordinary things. Every day in so many ways ordinary people do extraordinary things. As i am listening to that as someone involved in the work we are involved in i thought to myself when we are at our best as a party, that is what it means to be a democrat. Everything we do is about giving ordinary people an opportunity to do something extraordinary. [applause] all the speakers tonight touched on this in one fashion or another, whether you are in youngstown, ohio or somewhere in New Hampshire or somewhere in the deep south or you are black or white, gay or straight, you should have an opportunity to do something extraordinary if you are willing to put the work in to be able to do it and that is what this game is about, this is about us being able to give ordinary people an opportunity to do something extraordinary. The problem we have now is that the systems in which we are trying to allow our kids and fellow workers and entrepreneurs and innovators use we are stuck in these broken systems that wont allow people to do something extraordinary, make it so difficult. Look at the broken Health Care System, we spent 21 2 times more money than anybody else in the world and get worse outcomes. Our Education System is not working the way it is supposed to be. We ranks 30 and lyons, 19 in math, international studies, look at our food system, we have half the country that has either diabetes or prediabetes, look at the agricultural system that is causing algae blooms in the great lakes, and dead zones at the mouth of the Mississippi River and over the next 70 years of we dont do anything we are going to have a 6 increase in the temperature of the planet. These systems are broken. And heres the problem. My wife after dad is back home and we celebrated our community and anniversary a few weeks back, september 19, 1977, in the mahoney valley in youngstown which isnt much different from manchester, some of the workingclass communities. We have an anniversary called black monday and that is when the United States closed one of its local factories, 5000 workers one day, gone. No notice you get 90 days, then we close it down. Just showed up and there were locks on the gates. My fatherinlaw worked there. I remember when i saw this the New York Post did a story, i sent the text of the story, your football buddies and family in different sizes so we have a text chain on our side of the family. I sent this to my wifes side of the family and i will never forget what her mom sent back. She said i will never forget that night. Never forget it. Bobby came home dirty faced, lunch bucket in hand and had no idea what we were going to do, we had just borrowed 4000 from his parents for a down payment on the house and got a loan out for the house and now everyone around him lost their job, no idea what they were going to do and what is frustrating is this broken Economic System that we have, that was 40 years ago, that was 40 years and we have still failed to fix an Economic System that has thrown millions of americans under the bus. [applause] and that is what this is about here tonight, the organizing and Everything Else because this old system, these old systems that are broken, the Republican Party is doubling down on the old systems. In every way. The tax system for senator talked about, the congressional delegation talked about, they are doubling down on that. Like john said you are going to lock this in. Just the way it is right now, double down. You know why . Because there are a lot of people that have a lot of money that like it just the way it is. To pass this tax bill, they are going to go to the chinese banks, the Chinese Government and they are going to borrow 2. 3 trillion and bring that money back to the United States and not going to invest it back in our people, to rebuild the country, we are going to give it away to the wealthiest people in the country. That is insanity. That is insanity. Especially when you look at the fact [applause] especially when you look at the fact that over the last 30 years as we did tax reform the last time, 96 of income growth, 96 went to the top 10 . The top 1 own 90 of the wealth of the country. We are going to give that group a tax cut and borrow the money from china to give it to them, they are doubling down on the old system. We see what is happening with climate and they put a Global Warming denier as head of the epa. We know we are unhealthy as a country. A young boy, young child, a young baby in youngstown, ohio had less of a chance of survival then a baby born in iran. And we have the Republican Party saying we are going to throw 20 more Million People off of healthcare, we are going to disinvest and try to undermine the very program that provides health care for our citizens. This is not right. This is why we are here. This is why we have come together. This is the job before us. The Democratic Party has got to be the party that builds the new system. We have to be the party that builds the new system. [applause] there has been a concentration of wealth and as congressman delaney said, a concentration of opportunity depending on your zip code. We have continued to prioritize capital over labor and it must stop. The challenges are great. So the challenges are great. Let me tell you a quick story, those in manchester a couple weeks ago i love joyce craig. She is absolutely phenomenal. There was an old basketball coach named john wooden. I know the cell pictures are on a roll. You had to get kyra irving here, you had to steal a cleveland cavalier to make it happen but that is okay. If you want to send tom brady to the browns we would take him, be happy to take him. The browns may even make tom brady lose. I want to tell you that. Like a disease in the Cleveland Browns organization. I just threw myself off. There was this great basketball coach named john wooden. John wooden back in the day arguably one of the best ncaa basketball coaches of all time. He was coaching a young kid named cinder, a tall kid from new york city who could think a basketball and so they nominated him. Just dunk the basketball, kept winning and dunking and it was so good that the ncaa had to come in and say no one is allowed to dunk anymore. So he was out of his mind which he had no clue what he was going to do and john wooden came up, what am i going to do, going to the pros and they ban the dunk. John wooden said to him lou, this ban on the dunk is going to be your greatest opportunity. Cinder thought he was insane. The greatest opportunity. He went on in order to survive, learned the skyhook and went on to the nba and became Kareem Abduljabbar and they won many championships to the los angeles lakers. You dont mean that. I was a celtics fan growing up, dont like the lakers. The man took the challenge and turned it into an opportunity. The lesson for us as we look at these staggers challenges. We got to turn them in the opportunities and the opportunities are there. They are there, we need to address climate change, we are looking at Industries Like wind and solar growing at 25 , this country needs to double down on wind and solar and renewable energy. We have the Health Care System broken, this is an opportunity for us to say there is a link between Global Warming, food, healthcare and the Education System. If we start showing our food right, if we start using regenerative agriculture we will pull carbon out of the air and put it back into the ground where it belongs. By the way, we can get rid of our food deserts, make sure people have healthy food and start bending the cost curve on healthcare in the United States by seeing that this stuff is connected. We need to build systems. Think how revolutionary this can be. We need to Start Building systems, and the system around the people, to perpetually feed into the system. Is where we have now, and we may be a lot worse, working is working is working and just cant get ahead. Just cant get ahead no matter how hard they work. That is not right. You should be able, in the United States, if you put an honest days work in, and honest days week worth of work, you should be able to have a good and happy and successful life in this country and that is what hangs in the balance. Let me wrap up by saying we have done this before. And just gave awards away that recognize the power of the roosevelts, the power of the new deal, think about the changes in the economy and think about changes in the economy when we move into the industrial age. There were all kinds of changes and the government wasnt keeping up and people came to gather, in the Union Movement in the United States of america. [applause] those manufacturing jobs werent good jobs. They were tough. The labor and industry in downtown youngstown. If you are ever in youngstown come on by. Better chance of ohio people coming then New Hampshire. And lost limbs and didnt make any money, the company screwed them over at every turn. We came together and then we wont live that way anymore. There were fights, people died. There were battles. I dont mind the old im irish, im irish, if this is a private fighter, can anyone get into it . We got a few other irish people. We had to fight for it, no one will give this to us, no one is going to give it to us. Like my old football coach, you got to take it, got to go get it. We didnt have a 40 hour work week, we went and got it. We didnt have an 8 hour workday, pensions, social security, medicare, medicaid, we got it, we didnt have civil rights, we went and got it. We went and got it. [applause] building america 2. 0 is going to take a strong Democratic Party, the other team isnt going to do it. We are only a country of 330 Million People competing in a globe of 7 billion, competing with 1. 3 billion people in china, and we need every american citizen on the field, with team usa jersey going out to kick some butt. [applause] i never went played a lot of sports in my day, long time ago. Played a lot of sports in my day. Never once was i on a Successful Team that didnt absolutely love each other. Just knitted together by love and respect, appreciation for what everyone on the team had to do whether it was in the weight room or the training room, doing sprints, what position you play even if you didnt get in the game, you practiced hard to make us better, you contribute it. That is what we need to get back to. The attitude that everybody matters, union, nonunion, professional worker. Whatever you do, you matter in this country. You may carry economy work. If you are a Healthcare Worker or hospice worker or waitress, you matter in this country. And you belong in the Democratic Party. We are going to go out and make sure you belong in this party. [applause] we got to love each other, got to respect each other, i will leave you with what Bobby Kennedy used to end a lot of his Campaign Speeches with in that brief, energetic and passionate campaign. I do not promise you ease. I do not promise you comfort. I do promise you weariness, hardship and sacrifice, and with these i promise you victory. Thank you so much. [applause] thank you, everybody. Dont forget to take your pumpkins. New hampshire democrats, as the chairman said, take your pumpkins, only one way out of this parking lot, please drive safely. Thank you and have a great night. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] got the preview last week. Thank you, thanks, thank you. Dave laying this summer we were in canada. Me and my wife, angela. All income, all sources. 90 of us, is struck it. Really think about it. How long have you been here. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] with a busy week ahead for congress, live coverage includes the Senate Banking committee considering Jerome Powell to be the Federal Reserve chair and live at 10 00 eastern on cspan and the Senate Budget Committee Reviews its tax reform bill at 2 30 on cspan3, the Senate Health Committee Considers nomination of Donald Trumps picked to replace tom Prices Health and Human Services secretary, live coverage and 9 30 eastern on cspan3, the house takes up a bill requiring members of congress and staff to take antiharassment and antidiscrimination training, live coverage of congress on the cspan Networks Online at cspan. Org or the free cspan radio apps. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer and majority whip texas republican john cornyn spoke about the gop tax bill in the leadership of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau following the resignation of richard cordray. Remarks on the

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